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Money Can’t Buy Happiness

For a very long time there has been an argument whether money can buy happiness or
not. Happiness is viewed in two different perspectives; the first aspect is cognition and the
second aspect is emotion (Smith 7). When researching on whether money can buy happiness or
not, the first usual response from most of the majority of the people will be ‘a yes’. In reality
money increases the level of happiness up to a certain level. Money can only increase the level of
happiness but cannot assure one of happiness. The assumption that we always make is that one
need to have enough money in order to be happy in life, this is just but a minor assumption.

The most treasured part of happiness is good health. Money cannot buy an individual and
his loved ones a good health (Mandziuk 16). The idea of an individual giving up their lives in
pursuit is a very bad idea. One can have all the riches in the word but lacks a good health. Health
comes first because before money and wealth. Money will enable one to acquire all the basic
needs like better food and good healthcare. To some extent money can’t afford good health, and
in the absence of good health one will be unhappy. Happiness is an internal feeling while money
is just an external force. The true and real happiness is rooted deep within an individual and
basically relies on an individual’s past experiences and beautiful blessings. Money can only
trigger happiness which is from within but cannot bring happiness independently.

Money does not guarantee one happiness but can easily deny an individual that happiness
very easily (Wang 21). There have been many incidences where the superrich individuals
commit suicide. Many of the rich people are shedding tears in their inexpensive and luxurious
cars and houses. Money comes with a lot of insecurity. An individual with a lot of money often
spends a lot of it in his security due to the fear for his life. Rich individuals and their loved ones
are at the risk of being abducted by the kidnappers, this denies the rich individuals’ peace of
mind and finally result to lack of happiness. The worst enemy of happiness is giving money an
opportunity of take control of your life (Smith 29). Money makes you to loss the touch with the
most crucial factors of life like family, friends and happiness. Love for money is insatiable, the
more money one gets the more he wants to acquire. The anxiety for the want of more money will
finally result to depression and pain which denies an individual an opportunity to be happy.
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According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs money is not classified as one of the basic
needs in humans’ life but rather it is classified as one of the tools that helps as achieve the first
two levels of the hierarchical need (Smith 44). Money working independently cannot help one
achieve all the levels of the hierarchical needs. Those people without money will think that with
enough money they would be much happy as they used to be. Money can help one reduce stress
when it comes to the case of paying off bills and even remaining with extra amount to spend and
save. One has to be happy first before the intervention of money(Wang 21). Money only takes
the happiness that an individual already have to the next level but cannot provide happiness
without an internal factor being triggered.

Money brings along many individuals that cannot be trusted (Smith 53). There are many
people that want to take advantage of the amount of money that you have accumulated. One has
to take a lot of precautions on how they relate with people so as to keep his money safe. For
instance, an individual who has been living a very humble life and wins a lottery will not be
happy but instead begin to sort for security. This money will also not last long. After the
depletion of the money the individual will remain in depression. Another problem associated
with more money is having in adequate time to enjoy the money that you have(Mandziuk 51).
Most of your time will be spent looking for more money to ensure that the level of the wealth is
maintained. You can have many luxurious cars and houses but have no enough time to enjoy
them. This leads to one being regretful of the amount he spent on the cars and houses. Regrets
leas to unhappiness.

Possessing more stuffs cannot make one feel better mentally(Wang 27). Pursuit for
happiness itself can in turn be miserable and make an individual to be unhappy. Happiness
comes from the things that we love doing, for instance participating in sporting activity and
having fun with the family members. A human heat will only become full once it finds out where
the true happiness lies. A healthy relationship with the family and friends makes one to feel
proud of self-worth and brings an everlasting happiness. Money does not necessarily Have to
play a part in ones’ relationship with their family and friends. Money is very influential tool but
we should never fall in love with money.

Money can’t buy true love (Mandziuk 37). Love comes with happiness. When we have
the individual who we love In our lives, we are more likely to be happy. It is very unfortunate
that money can’t buy that kind of relationship that we require to be happy. Many people will
want to spend more time with you because of the amount of money that you have, but these
types of relationships are temporary and cannot bring a fulfilling happiness in ones’ heart (Smith
77). Temporary happiness that comes with money will entirely depend on how one utilizes their
money. Spending money on the vulnerable people and supporting the community may impart
happiness in ones’ heart. Money which spent on the acquisition of non-useful asset in life might
leave one at the verge of regrets and lack of self-fulfillment. For money to bring the required
happiness one has to spend money in the right way and ensure that it is bringing the desired
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The more the money an individual has the more the responsibilities (Wang 33).
Responsibilities comes with a lot of pressure. The pressure brought about by the responsibilities
increase the individuals’ levels of stress and anxiety which results to one being unhappy. Money
causes depression and stress. This has been witnessed among the top richest people in the world.
There have been a lot of suicidal cases among the rich people due to depression. The rich people
also have unstable families, as most of them always divorce. Some cases always lead to mental
disorder. Time is the most precious gift that one has, money can’t buy this one precious source of
happiness. An individual should spend most of their time doing what they love rather than
spending a lot of time looking for money which won’t bring joy to their lives.

Money can’t buy happiness because, happiness is an emotional and cognitive feeling that
does not entirely depend on external factors so as to be fulfilled. Money can only facilitate an
already existing happiness but cannot bring happiness to an individual on its own. Money can’t
buy love which is the key to happiness. Money cannot buy health and time which are also the
core components of happiness. Culture also plays a role in the provision of happiness. Therefore,
in pursuit of money, people should not confuse its acquisition as being a source of happiness.
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Works Cited

Mandziuk, Justyna. "Why money cannot buy happiness. The painful truth about traditional
proverbs and their modifications." New Horizons in English Studies 2.1 (2017): 4-16.

Smith, L. Murphy, Kenneth Sutrick, and Solomon R. Antony. "Analysis of the relationship of
happiness to economic achievement and other factors in US states." International
Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 10.1 (2019): 50-65.

Wang, Haining, Zhiming Cheng, and Russell Smyth. "Consumption and happiness." The Journal
of Development Studies 55.1 (2019): 120-136.

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