Learning Conversion Copywriting: Solution That Solves The Agitated Problem

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Learning Conversion Copywriting

with Joanna Wiebe

Persuasive frameworks help you organize messages on a page, in an ad, or in an email. They show you what
to open with, what to write next, and when to stop writing. Frameworks are like ready-made, proven outlines.

A popular framework is AIDA, which stands for attention, interest, desire, action. To use AIDA, your first
line captures your prospect’s attention. Then the remaining copy amplifies their interest in what got their
attention, builds desire for your offer, and calls them to action.

• Attention
• Interest
• Desire
• Action

The Four Ps
The four Ps are promise, picture, proof, and prompt. Open with a promise. Paint a picture of it coming to life.
Support your argument with proof. And call them to action, or prompt action.

• Promise
• Picture
• Proof
• Prompt

The PAS formula is problem, agitation, solution. Hook your readers with a problem. Bring that problem to
life (agitation) using specific, real-life examples from voice-of-the-customer data. And finish by selling the
solution that solves the agitated problem.

• Problem
• Agitation
• Solution

Learning Conversion Copywriting with Joanna Wiebe 1 of 1

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