Week 4 Istation Plans

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3C ISIP Advanced

Lesson Reading

Tier: 1

Skill: Consonant Alternations


Lesson 1
Time: 20–25 minutes
Student Pages: Silent-to-Sounded Word Cards
Materials: students’ spiral notebooks, envelopes or plastic bags, scissors

Lesson 2
Time: 30–40 minutes
Student Pages: Silent-to-Sounded Word Cards, Read, Cover, Remember, Spell
Materials: students’ spiral notebooks, dice or spinners

Lesson 3
Time: 30 minutes
Student Pages: Silent-to-Sounded Word Cards, Word Rummy Cards
Materials: students’ spiral notebooks, trade books and newspapers, scissors

Lesson 4
Time: 30–40 minutes
Student Pages: Silent-to-Sounded Word Cards
Materials: students’ spiral notebooks, dice or spinners

Lesson 5
Time: 30 minutes
Student Pages: WORDO

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3C ISIP Advanced
Lesson Reading

Note: Words in bold are said aloud by the teacher. 20–25



Today we will read and sort words that are similar in meaning and spelling. When
suffixes are added to words, the sounds of certain consonants within the word often
change or alternate, though their spellings may remain the same. Write the words sign
and signal across the board. Read these two words with me. In the word sign, the g is
silent. In the word signal, we hear the hard sound of g, /g/. Notice how the sound of the
consonant g changes when a-l is added to sign.

Since these words are similar in meaning, knowing how to spell one can help in spelling
the other. This spelling-meaning connection strategy is good to use when you are
trying to spell an unknown word. For example, when spelling the word sign, one might
not think the letter g is in the word. But knowing about the word signal helps to spell
the word sign. These words are related in spelling and meaning.

Let’s look at another example. Write the words muscle and muscular across the board. Have
students repeat the words after you. What do you notice about these words? Encourage
students to point out the similarities in spellings and meanings. Help them to recognize the
silent-to-sounded consonant change in the words. Which letter is silent in the first word
but makes a sound in the second? (c) Such changes tend to be predictable because they
usually occur in word families, as in the sample words we just studied. We sometimes
forget to write the c in the word muscle because it is silent, but thinking about the word
muscular can help us remember that the letter c is in the word.

Guided Practice
We will examine other words that fit this pattern. Write the words autumn and autumnal
across the board.

What do you notice about these words? (The two words sound similar and have similar
spellings.) Have students read the words aloud with you. Clarify any mispronunciations. Let’s
start with the word autumn. What does this word mean? (the season between summer and
winter) Guide students in recognizing the silent n in autumn. Another word that is similar
in meaning and spelling is the word autumnal, which means “pertaining to the season
of autumn.” What have you found out about spelling these words? Discuss the silent-to-
sounded change that occurs and the spelling-meaning connection strategy.

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3C ISIP Advanced
Lesson Reading

Independent Practice
Distribute “Silent-to-Sounded Word Cards” (Student Activity 1), and have students cut apart
and independently sort the words by pairing each base word with its derivative. Ensure that

students understand the meaning of each word. Then have them write the words in their
notebooks. Students may store their cards in envelopes or plastic bags.

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3C ISIP Advanced
Lesson Reading

Note: Words in bold are said aloud by the teacher. 30–40


Expanding Understanding

Redistribute or have students take out their Silent-to-Sounded Word Cards.

In the last lesson, you learned that when suffixes are added to words, the sound of a
consonant may change in the new word. What can you use to help with the spelling of
these types of words? Allow time for student responses. If you are unsure of how to spell
a word, you can sometimes think of a word that you do know how to spell that is similar
to the word in spelling and meaning. For example, the words you studied last time had
a consonant letter that went from silent to sounded as in sign and signal. You sorted
the words by pairing each base word with its derivative. Now, let’s practice sorting
the words again using this pattern. Write the word hasten on the board. Have students
read the word. Discuss the meaning of the word and provide a brief definition before asking
students to find another word that is similar to hasten in their Silent-to-Sounded Word Cards.
When someone finds the word haste, ask how the two words are similar. Accept reasonable
responses. Guide students to recognize the silent-to-sounded change that occurs. Then write
the word moisten on the board. Discuss the meaning and provide a brief definition before
having students share another word that is similar. Discuss the similarities. Have students
work with a partner to sort the rest of the words in this manner.

Guided Practice
Distribute “Read, Cover, Remember, Spell” (Student Activity 2), and have students open their
notebooks. Explain that they will do an activity to help them spell words with consonant
alternations. The students are to follow the steps below for each word on the worksheet:

1. Read the word.

2. Cover the word with your hand.
3. Remember what you just read.
4. Spell the covered word on your paper (without peeking).
5. Check to see whether the word was spelled correctly.
6. Write any misspelled words in your notebook.
7. Review misspelled words.

Monitor students as they work, and make anecdotal records of their strengths and areas
where improvement is needed.

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3C ISIP Advanced
Lesson Reading

Independent Practice
Now you will play a game called charades. Who can tell me what they know about
the game? Allow students to share what they know about the game. Remind them that

the game of charades is “acting” versus “telling.” Place students in groups of four. Before
we begin, let’s review what you have learned about the words we’ve been studying.
Facilitate a whole-group discussion. Explain the rules for the game, and then model with the
word muscle.

1. Each group places a deck of Silent-to-Sounded Word Cards facedown. Each group
member rolls a die or spins a spinner to determine the order in which members will
2. The first player pulls a card from the deck, silently reads the card, and acts out the
3. The rest of the group tries to guess which word is being acted out.
4. The person who guesses the word has to spell it correctly in order to add it to his or
her “winning pile.”
5. The game is over when there are no more cards to draw from the deck.
6. The player with the most cards in his or her “winning pile” is the winner.

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3C ISIP Advanced
Lesson Reading

Note: Words in bold are said aloud by the teacher. 30


Expanding Understanding

Redistribute or have students take out their Silent-to-Sounded Word Cards. Provide five
minutes for partners to take turns reading the word cards to each other. If a partner
experiences difficulty reading a word, the other partner should help. If both students need
assistance with a particular word, students should record the word in their notebooks so that
they may discuss it with you.

Guided Practice
Distribute “Word Rummy Cards” (Student Activity 3) to pairs of students. Have students cut
apart the cards.

Now you will play a card game called Word Rummy with your partner. Before you begin,
let’s review what you have learned about silent-to-sounded words. Facilitate a brief
discussion with the group. Explain the following rules:

1. Each player is dealt ten Word Rummy cards.

2. Players check their hands for already existing pairs (e.g., sign and signal).
3. Once a pair is discovered, the player must say the spelling and meaning connection in
order to be able to lay the pair down.
4. The remainder of the deck is placed in a central location as the drawing pile.
5. The player who didn’t deal goes first. Each player selects a card from the deck or the
discard pile. The player lays down any pairs as described in steps 2 and 3. The player
must then discard one card to end the turn. (Note: If a card is taken from the discard
pile, all cards appearing below the card wanted also have to be taken.)
6. The game is over when one player has no cards left. That person yells “Rummy!” Then
all the pairs are counted up. The player with more pairs of cards wins.

Monitor students as they play the game.

Independent Practice
Distribute the trade books and newspapers, and have students open their notebooks. They
will generate a group of words that follow the same pattern of the silent-to-sounded words
by going on a “word hunt” for words that fit this pattern. Provide students with a variety of
reading materials. Have students record their new words in their notebooks.

Monitor students as they work. Then, call on individual students to read their word lists.
Discuss the meanings of any unfamiliar words. license:
ref: 10/17/2021-31687410

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3C ISIP Advanced
Lesson Reading

Note: Words in bold are said aloud by the teacher. 30–40


Expanding Understanding

Have students open their notebooks.

Select ten of the silent-to-sounded words from your notebook and use them in
meaningful sentences. When your sentences are meaningful, I can see that you know
what the words mean and how to use them correctly. I have selected the word signal to
use in a meaningful sentence. Write the following sentence on the board: The traffic officer
will signal when it is time for the vehicles to stop. Have students read the sentence and share
their thoughts about what makes it meaningful. Ensure that students understand the task
before assigning partners. Monitor partners as they work. Then have partners share their
meaningful sentences with the group.

Guided and Independent Practice

Have each student gather his or her word cards and write his or her initials on the back of
each card.

Assign partners. Have partners combine their separate decks of cards into one. Explain that
they will play Concentration. Have partners follow the steps below:

1. Players mix their cards and then take their stack of word cards and spread them out
facedown in several rows.
2. Players roll a die or spin a spinner to see who goes first.
3. Player 1 turns over two cards from the stack and places them faceup.
4. If the cards are a match, that player places the two cards in his or her “winning pile”
and draws again until he or she no longer has a match. If the cards are not a match,
the cards are placed facedown in their original positions.
5. Player 2 repeats this process, and students take turns until all matches have been
6. The player with more pairs in their “winning pile” is the winner.

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3C ISIP Advanced
Lesson Reading

Note: Words in bold are said aloud by the teacher. 30



Distribute “WORDO” (Student Activity 4). Tell students that this game is similar to BINGO.
Explain that they will work independently to show how well they understand consonant
alternation words. Use the following words for the activity: signal, resign, hasten, soften,
muscle, solemn, autumn, wrestle, moisten, design, bombard, haste, muscular, sign, column,
resignation. Follow the instructions below:

1. Call out one word at a time.

2. Students write the correct spelling of the word in one of the squares on the game

3. After all of the words have been called, reveal the correct spelling for each word one
at a time.

4. Students place a marker on the game board only if the word is spelled correctly. As
words are revealed, have students circle each incorrect word and write the correct
spelling in the box.

5. A student calls, “WORDO!” when he or she covers four words spelled correctly across,
down, or diagonally on the game board.

6. Continue revealing words until all 16 words have been revealed. Students continue
calling, “WORDO!” when they have covered four words spelled correctly across, down,
or diagonally on the game board.

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3C ISIP Advanced
Spelling Student Activity 1
Name: __________________________ Date: _______________________________

Silent-to-Sounded Word Cards

muscle autumn bomb

column design hasten

moisten resign sign

soften solemn wrestle

wrest soft resignation

haste columnist autumnal

solemnity signal moist

designate bombard muscular

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3C ISIP Advanced
Spelling Student Activity 2
Name: __________________________ Date: _______________________________

Read, Cover, Remember, Spell

Read, Cover, Remember Spell












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3C ISIP Advanced
Spelling Student Activity 3
Name: __________________________ Date: _______________________________

Word Rummy Cards

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3C ISIP Advanced
Spelling Student Activity 3
Name: __________________________ Date: _______________________________

Word Rummy Cards (cont.)

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3C ISIP Advanced
Spelling Student Activity 3
Name: __________________________ Date: _______________________________

Word Rummy Cards (cont.)

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3C ISIP Advanced
Spelling Student Activity 4
Name: __________________________ Date: _______________________________


For each called-out word, write the correct spelling in one of the empty squares on this game sheet.

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