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HP Debt Occupation Item A Item B
1 1 Tailor Needle Thread
1 2 Magic school dropout Unidentified spell Oversized hat
1 3 Fishermouse Worms Human-sized hook
1 4 Town drunk Clothe covering Broken bottle
1. Make a debtor Mouse 2 1 Royal cape-holder Brush Bar soap
Maustrap is a pre-Mausritter campaign 2 2 Clergymouse Nice, but modest clothes Holy text
game mode. You and 2-5 friends will each take 4 You have made some questionable life choices and have 2 3 Knight’s page dagger Polish and cloth
common mice, who are in debt, on a grueling and found yourself deep in debt. The debt collector is coming
grinding adventure; deep into the hearts of at the end of the week and if you do not have the proper
2 4 Hitmouse Small crossbow Mask
dungeons. Treasure hunting, seeking for the right pips ready, jail is the only thing in your future. Will you be 3 1 Leafbearer Umbrella-like leaf Waterproof jacket
amount of pips to set you free from your financial brave and do what it takes to find the treasure that will set 3 2 Courier Dagger Nice shoes
burden. you free? 3 3 Gravedigger Digging implement Gloomy lantern
3 4 Mouse-mocker Sleigh bell Ruined jester costume
In this funnel you will test your characters to their 1.1 Attributes 4 1 Forlorn veteran Heavy armor A cat’s whisker
limits and most likely, to their demise. If, and that is a 4 2 Farmer’s hawkbait Mirror Whistle
huge if, your character mice survive, these lucky You will create 4 playable mice characters. These mice will
mouse adventurers will become the starting mice 4 3 Poisontaster Writ of exile Sugar spoon
be level 0 characters. Your mice have the three
of your campaign. 4 4 Spider wrangler 15cm pole Length of spider silk
attributes from the Mausritter core rules.
So, tread lightly, heck, rather throw caution to •

STR: physical toughness.
DEX: nimbleness and quickness.
3. Debtor
the wind and go find some treasure and pay off your
debt. The rules help keep the story you tell • WIL: mental fortitude. d44 Debt owed to
consistent, interesting and challenging. 11 Tavern keep
For each of these attributes, in order, roll 3d4. Unlike the 12 Rag Scrags, Drag Mags & Fender Moss; 3 rats tied at the tail
This one-page rules set provides complete rules for core rules for Mausritter, in Maustrap you keep the
players and GMs, as well as 4, level 0, 13 Deadratz, must’ve been desperate
sum total of the dice (between 3-12).
character sheets. 14 Cheese merchant
1.2 HP, pips and occupation 21 Whisper Wilder; faerie ambassador
However, it does make the assumption that you have 22 Scaggs; one-eared, one-eyed, one-mood mouse
a basic idea of how to play Mausritter. GMs are Roll 1d4 for your HP. This is your Hit Protection and 23 Old pelt hunter; he doesn’t come often, but when he does he wants his money
highly encouraged to have a familiarity with determines how much damage your mice can skirt 24 Tom, a human boy
Mausritter and its mechanics. before getting truly wrecked. 31 Archpriest Chestnut; running the church requires funds
Roll 1d4 to determine your starting debt in pips. Take your
32 Connelly the Magpie
roll result and multiply it by 100 (1d4 x 100 pips). 33 Grandma. She says don’t worry about it
34 Suetonius the Wise; star-faced mole from Badger Burrow
Cross reference the results of your HP and pips debt on 41 Corn, the beetle rancher
the Occupation table (occupations listed on the table 42 Melchior, the Cat Lord
Maustrap is an unofficial game mode for come courtesy of the Mausritter Discord,
Mausritter gaming system. 43 Whisper; patrician of the criminal underworld
specifically: @isaac, @lestrigone, @rossburton,
44 Their Royal Highness, Protector of the Realm, Defender of Mice, High Lord of the Maus
@Clayton and @Alienware). This is what your mouse
Mausritter Sword-and-Whiskers Role Playing Game character currently does for a living. Kingdom
is created by Isaac Williams. Mausritter is
copyright Losing Games. 1.3 Starting equipment 4. Advancement
Your mouse starts with: If any mice survive the funnel, these mouse adventures
Maustrap is an independent production by will become the official player characters of your
ManaRampMatt and is not affiliated with Losing • A debt
campaign. These mice will move from level 0 to level
Games. It is published under the Mausritter Third • Occupation Item A 1. When your mouse levels up, use the
Party License. • Occupation Item B following procedure.

1.4 Details • Roll for attribute increase: for each attribute

stat, roll 3d6 and drop the lowest. If the result
To determine all your mice’s details, roll on the table is over the current stat number, increase it by
present in the Mausritter core rules, but you should one.
probably wait, just to see if they stay alive. Hit Protection remains the same. You are now a level 1
mouse. Don’t forget your debt…

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