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Relationship Between

Standing Posture and Stability

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Background and Purpose. This study determined whether persons with
stability impairments have postural aberrations. We investigated whole-
body posture and its relationship to center-of-gravity (COG) stability.
Subjects. Data from 27 subjects with vestibular hypofunction and 26
subjects without vestibular impairment were analyzed. Method. An
optoelectronic full-body system measured kinematics. Force plates
measured ground reaction forces while subjects stood with their feet
30 cm apart and eyes open and with their feet together and eyes closed.
Results. The subjects with vestibular hypofunction demonstrated less
stability than the subjects without impairment, but there were no
postural differences. Subjects with vestibular hypofunction had more
weight on the left lower extremity during standing with feet apart. In
all subjects in both groups, during standing with feet apart, the COG
was anterior to the ankle, knee, back, and shoulder and posterior to
the hip and neck. Subjects had an anterior pelvic tilt, extended trunk
and head, right laterally flexed trunk and pelvis, and flexed knees.
With their feet together, subjects increased their anterior pelvic tilt;
trunk, head, and knee flexion; and anterior COG position. Conclusion
and Discussion. Posture and stability had a low correlation. Subjects
with bilateral vestibular hypofunction did not demonstrate a forward
head or backward trunk lean, as has been reported anecdotally.
Changing from standing with feet apart to feet together increased
whole-body movement patterns to control standing stability.
[Danis CG, Krebs DE, Gill-Body KM, Sahrmann S. Relationship
between standing posture and stability. Phys Ther. 1998;78:502-517.1

Key Words: Center of gravity, Measurement, Posture, Stability, Vestibular hypofunction.

- w h D & I
David E Kmbs
Shi* Sahrmum

Physical Therapy . Volume 78 . Number 5 . M a y 1998

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uantification of the relationship between Reports of posture analysis using joint kinematics have
standing posture and stability has received been limited. The total body mass can be assumed to be
limited attention.'-" Posture and stability concentrated at the COG without an alteration of the
require the integration of mechanical, sen- body's translational inertia proper tie^.^ In quiet stand-
sory, anci motor processing strategies that permit upright ing, the whole-body COG is in constant m ~ t i o n . ~ ~ T h e
standing;. Posture can be defined as the rotational and locations of the joint center and the COG determine the
translatilonal positions of adjoining body segments and rotatory moment of the body and its extremities. Gravity
their orientation relative to gra~ity.2.~
We define stability produces rotatory movements via external mechanical
as the ability to control center-of-gravity (COG) ampli- force imposition.%raune and Fischer7 concluded that
tude ancl velocity of displacement while remaining stand- the knee, hip, shoulder, and ear normally align perfectly
ing. Generally, smaller amplitudes and velocities of in the sagittal plane. Other authors"-" have reported
displacement of the COG yield greater stability. U n p u b that the knee, hip, and shoulder joints and the ear are
lished research2 has shown that individuals without aligned anterior to the ankle joint. Some authors".Y12J3
vestibular impairment efficiently maintain equilibrium have suggested that the COG is anterior to the ankle,
in quiet standing with minimal muscular activation, knee, and shoulder joints but posterior to the hip joint
metabol~ccost, and joint loading. Posture and stability and ear in individuals without impairment during stand-
are coupled me~hanically.~,%ody-segment alignment or ing with feet apart. Woodhull et a l v e p o r t e d that in
postural changes affect COG location, which may alter typical standing with the feet 20 to 30 cm apart, a slight
stability.!?There appears to be no standard evaluation gravitational force extends the hip and knee joints and
and treatment method used for patients with impaired posteriorly tilts the pelvis. Levine et all4 reported that
stability. For example, increasing trunk flexion would female subjects without impairment had an 11.3-degree
alter whole-body COG position, which may in turn anterior pelvic tilt during quiet standing, as measured
impair standing stability. Whether treatment for postural
alignment impairments improves standing stability, how-
ever, is unknown.

CG Danis, PT, is a recent graduate of the postprofessional physical therapy, orthopedic-sports specialty, master's degree program at MGH Institute
of Health Professions, Boston, Mass.

DE Krebs, PhD, PT, is Professor, MGH Institute of Health Professions, and Director, Massachusetts General Hospital Biomotion Laboratory, 101
Merrimac St, Boston, MA 021144719 (USA) ( all correspondence to Dr Krebs.

KM Gill-Body, PT, is Assistant Professor, MGH Institute of Health Professions.

S Sahrmann, PhD, PT, FAPTA, is Associate Professor of Physical Therapy and Neurology, Physical Therapy Program, Washington University School
of Medicine, St Louis, Mo.

This st~tdywas approved by the MGH Institutional Review Board

This study was supported in part by NIH gran& ROlAGlI255 and NlDRR H133C.60045.

Th,is article was .submittedJanua~y24, 1997, and ~uasaccepted December 17, 1997.

Physical Therapy . Volume 78 . Number 5 . May 1998 Danis et al . 503

using a VICON three-dimensional kinematic system.*' decision making because control of whole-body COG is
Five infrared-sensing television cameras detected reflec- the goal with individuals who have stability impairments.
tive targets that were affixed to anatomical landmarks.I4
The primary purpose of our study was to determine
Persons with acute bilateral vestibular hypofunction whether persons with stability impairments have postural
(BVH) or unilateral vestibular hypofunction (UVH) aberrations. Individuals with vestibular hypofunction
have been reported to display postural aberrations.'" have been reported to have stability impairment^.^,'^ We
Horak and Shupertl+eported that 4 subjects with BVH, therefore wanted to determine whether these individu-
aged 49 to 69 years, had a more forward head position als also display postural deviations. We hypothesized that
than did subjects without impairment. They theorized any subject whose neck joint (approximated at the
that individualswith acute BVH align themselves in quiet atlanto-occipital joint) was anterior to the whole-body
standing near the posterior limit of stability (by extend- COG (forward head) and whose hip joint was posterior
ing the trunk) or near the anterior limit of stability.'" to the COG would display an impairment in stability, as
Takemori et allQeported that 12 patients with unilateral reflected by a larger variance in COG amplitude and
labyrinthectomies, 3 patients with unilateral VIII nerve velocity of displacement in the anteroposterior and
section, and 22 patients with unilateral streptomycin mediolateral planes than in individuals without these

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sulfate infusion into the middle ear cavity had a shift in postural deviations.
the COG toward the involved side during quiet standing
in the acute phase. Quantitative measures of variables A second purpose of our study was to describe sagittal
that reflect posture in persons with chronic vestibular joint center alignments and their relationship to the
hypofunction have not been reported. whole-body COG in subjects with vestibular hypofunc-
tion and in subjects without impairments (controls)
Individuals with vestibular hypofunction are reported to during quiet standing. Based on the literature, we
be less stable than individuals without impairment."17 In hypothesized that subjects with vestibular hypofunction
one study,Qubjects with BVH standing with feet will have a more posteriorly tilted pelvis and extended
together and eyes closed had higher phase-plane stability trunk compared with control subjects. We also investi-
than did subjects without impairment. Phase-plane stabil- gated postural changes that occur during standing with
ity can be defined as the combined variances in whole- feet together and eyes closed, a more challenging equi-
body COG displacement and velocity in the antero- librium condition than standing with feet apart and eyes
posterior and mediolateral planes. Center-of-gravity open. Our third hypothesis was that subjects with vestib-
displacement variances alone do not discriminate ular hypofunction will demonstrate an anterior COG
between persons with BVH and persons without impair- shift when standing with feet together and eyes closed as
ments, thus establishing the importance of measuring compared with standing with feet apart and eyes open.
momentum (or velocity) control for analyzing ~tability.~ This hypothesis was based on our second hypothesis
Phase-plane stability has not been analyzed in individuals (subjects with vestibular hypofunction will have an
with UVH. The loss of unilateral vestibular function, extended trunk). If these individuals are already posi-
however, has been reported to cause an increase in body tioned near the posterior limit of stability, then it seems
sway when there are coexisting impairments in both the logical that they would have to move anteriorly. When
visual and somatosensory systems.17 joints such as the knee and trunk are extended, there is
only one direction in which it is possible to sway (eg,
There are no published reports that describe, using anteriorly). The body cannot sway posteriorly unless the
quantitative methods, whole-body COG displacement feet come off the ground. If the knee and trunk joints
changes when an individual stands with feet together are in more flexion (which shifts the COG anteriorly),
and eyes closed as compared with standing with feet then it is possible to move in more degrees of freedom
apart and eyes open. Clinicians frequently evaluate and (eg, anteriorly and posteriorly). An anterior COG shift,
treat balance impairments in subjects with visual, proprie therefore, would enable individuals to adjust their body
ceptive, and vestibular system impairments. All three sway by moving with more degrees of freedom in this
systems are critical sources of afferent information that more challenging standing position.
influence the control of stability.IHBy eliminating visual
input and narrowing the base of support, it is possible to Method
investigate stability in a more challenging situation.
Information regarding whole-body COG displacement Subiects
under various conditions would be useful in clinical The sample consisted of 27 subjects with vestibular
hypofunction and 26 volunteers who served as a control
group. Both groups of subjects were of similar age and
sex. The control subjects reported no orthopedic or
* Oxlurd Mrtrics Ltd, Oxford, England

504 . Donis et al Physical Therapy . Volume 78 . Number 5 . M a y 1998

Table 1.
Descriptive Statistics for Subiects Without Impairment (n=26) and Subiects With Vestibular Hypofunction (n=27)

Subjects Without Impairment Subjects With Vestibular Hypofunction

Sexo Age ( y ) Height ( m ) Weight ( k g ) ~ r o u p ~ Sex Age ( y ) Height (rn) Weight (kg)
M 22.2 1.80 56.82 1 M 46.7 1.78 72.73
M 25.2 1.80 72.73 3 M 48.0 1.79 147.73
M 27.7 1.78 76.36 3 M 48.5 1.72 84.09
M 29.1 1.73 65.91 3 M 50.3 1.72 95.45
M 30.1 1.71 78.18 1 M 54.1 1.55 60.91
M 31.5 1.80 88.64 2 M 56.9 1.78 99.55
M 47.5 1.80 102.27 3 M 66.4 1.66 69.09
M 56.2 1.80 97.73 3 M 66.8 1.72 72.73
M 66.3 1.80 79.55 3 M 67.8 1.75 8 1.82
M 68.8 1.68 71.36 1 M 68.4 1.74 90.91

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M 71.1 1.68 75 .OO 3 M 69.7 1.75 75 .OO
M 71.6 1.79 78.18 3 M 78.2 1.80 79.55
M 72.9 1.80 84.09 3 M 81.7 1.78 77.27
M 77.8 1.75 78.18 3 F 25.5 1.57 68.18
F 20.2 1.68 61.36 2 F 27.7 1.55 47.73
F 26.4 1.62 5 1.36 1 F 33.5 1.65 61.36
F 28.2 1.63 52.27 3 F 43.9 1.65 58.18
F 28.5 1.52 50.91 3 F 44.3 1.63 81.82
F 29.7 1.55 53.64 3 F 47.4 1.68 125.00
F 31.1 1.67 55.9 1 1 F 60.2 1.57 72.73
F 71.2 1.75 87.73 3 F 63.3 1.55 52.73
F 74.6 1.70 73.64 3 F 65.1 1.61 75.91
F 76.2 1.64 60.45 3 F 76.5 1.52 56.82
F 81.2 1.55 58.64 1 F 77.2 1.63 88.18
F 84.4 1.52 50.00 2 F 77.4 1.62 59.09
F 88.0 1.55 43.18 1 F 79.5 1.63 50.91
3 F 80.9 1.57 70.45

14=M 13=M
12=F 14=F
X 49.9 1.69 68.9 X 59.5 1.7 76.9
SD 23.9 0.10 16.3 SD 16.4 0.1 22.0
Minimum 20.2 1.52 43.2 Minimum 25.5 1.5 47.7
Maximum 88.0 1.80 225.0 Maximum 81.7 1.8 147.7

"=bilateral vestibular hypofunction with sinusoidal vertiral axis rotation at 0.05 Hz5O.l (cg,ncarly zero vestibular function), 2=bilateral vestibular hypohlnc tion
with sinnso~dalvertical axis rotation at 0.05 Hz20.1, J=unilateral vestibular hypofunction.

neurologi,calimpairnlents that affect standing stability or tional vertigo or Miinikre disease. All subjects with
posture and had no impairments based on a brief vestibular hypofiinction were capable of ambulating
physical examination by the tester (eg, gait analysis, without an assistive device during the testing procedure.
balancing on one foot, analysis of the transfer from a
sitting position to a standing position). Testers were Subjects with BVH had vestibulo-ocular reflex gains on
physicians or physical therapists. All control subjects computerized sinusoidal vertical-axis rotation (SVAR) of
were community ambulators without assistive devices. at least 2.5 standard deviations below normal and bilat-
Subjects with UVH (n= 17) and BVH (n=10) had no erally decreased caloric response^.'^^^^ During the SVAR
other ne~~romusculoskeletal impairments that could test, the subject sits in the dark on a chair connected to
affect standing stability. The mean time since establish- a motorized platform that rotates left to right at frequen-
ment of the diagnosis was 48 months, with a range of cies of 0.01 to 1 Hz.lg,Z1The subjects' open-eye-induced
2 months to 56 years. Of the 17 subjects with UVH, movements are recorded using direct current
9 subjects had right UVH and 8 subjects had left Utm. ele~tro-oculography.~~~2~ The gain is the ratio of slow-
All subjects with vestibular hypofunction had abnormal phase eye movement velocity to stimulus (chair) veloci-
vestibular function tests and clinical examinations, as ty.lg Caloric testing involves infusing the ear with warm
evaluated by an otoneurologist. They had reduced ves- and cold water with a closed-loop irrigation, inducing a
tibular function, not distorted vestibular function as burst of nystagmus lasting 1 to 3 minutes. Ice water is
would be seen in subjects with benign paroxysmal posi- infused into the external auditory canal if the warm and

Physical Thercrp~. Volume 78 . Number 5 . May 1998 Danis et a1 . 505

ments (head, trunk, pelvis, thighs, shank, feet, and
upper arms) held the infrared light-emitting diodes
(LEDs) (Fig. 1). An infrared detector within each cam-
era tracked the 60 I.EDs. Conversion from camera to
array position and orientation and then to body-segment
position (segment linear data) and orientation (joint
angular data) were implemented using methods previ-
ously described in the literat~re.~~.~"he body-segment
linear data consisted of the sagittal room-referenced
joint center positions of the ankle, knee, hip, shoulder,
back, and neck. The joint angular data consisted of the
room-referenced sagittal and coronal positions of
the trunk and pelvis (eg, pelvic anteroposterior tilt) and
the sagittal positions of the head and knee. Thus, if the
trunk or pelvis were perpendicular to the tloor and

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parallel to the vertical line of gravity, it would be in zero
or neutral flexion or extension. Our system resolution is
<1 mm for linear displacement and <1 degree for
angular d i s p l a c e m e ~ l t . ~ ~ sthis
i n gkinematic data acqui-
sition system to measure upper-body angular kinematics,
Krebs et a125 found high between-trial reliability for these
measures within subjects without vestibular impairments
(trial-to-trial Pearson 7-2.88). Each body segment bas
modeled with 6 degrees of freedom (3 rotations and 3
translations). Ten unconstrained joints, therefore, con-
nected the 11 body segments.
Figure 1.
During the ankle ioint pointing trial, the pointer array indicates medial Subject Procedures
(internal)or lateral (external] rotation of the foot. The examiner aligns the
Barefoot subjects stood in two positions: (1) eyes open,
plane of the pointer array with the ankle ioint mediolateral center and
with the second metatarsal head. The individual without vestibular feet apart but parallel and with the midheels 30 cm
hypofunction shown was not a subject in this study. apart, and (2) eyes closed, feet together (feet parallel
and <1 cm apart). The subjects stood on two Kistler
force plates,: which measured vertical ground reaction
cold stimulus does not induce a resp~nse.~%ymmetries forces (expressed as a percentage of body weight) from
in the peak slow-phase velocity of the nystagmus suggest each lower extremity to assess the amount of weight
the possibility of a unilateral lesion.21 Subjects with UVH bearing on each lower extremity in quiet standing. Body
had unilateral damage and at least one of the following: forces were normalized by expressing them as a percent-
30% unilaterally reduced caloric response, confirmatoly age of total body mass calculated from a multisegment
abnormalities on rotational testing (mildly decreased model. The subjects maintained each standing posture
low-frequency gains, asymmetrical rotation-induced nys- for 17 seconds. They stood about 10 seconds before
tagmus, or increased phase leads), or positional nystag- 7 seconds of data were collected. Subjects stood with
mus while lying with the involved ear down."Vhase is their arms folded across their chest, grasping the elbows,
the time-relationship between head and eye velocity.'" with their feet pointed forward. The tester instructed
Table 1 presents the subjects' demographic data. each subject to "Look straight ahead; stand as still as
possible." Two trials of each standing position were
Instrumentation collected, and data from the first (most naive) trial were
We collected the postural and stability data at the analyzed. One chair rise trial was also performed. These
Massachusetts General Hospital Biomotion Laboratory data were used in conjunction with the standing data for
(Boston, Mass). A 4-optoelectric camera Selspot the determination of the knee and hip joint center
II/TRACK (Telemetered Kapid Automatic Computer- 10cations.2~During this trial, the subject transferred
ized Kinematic software) full-body kinematic data acqui- from a sitting position to a standing position. The chair
sition systemt was used to collect the kinematic postural height was equal to the subject's knee height (distance
data. Plastic rigid arrays secured to 11 rigid body seg- from floor to medial tibia1 plateau). The subject's Ieet

t T h e Selspot comporlerlt of the op[orlrctronic systcm is manufactured by

Selective Electronics, Parrille, Sweden. TRACK is the copyrighted rradenlark o f a Cambridge, Mass.
computer program developed at thc Massact~l~scttsInstitute of Technology, 7 Kistler In.;tri~rnt:nts,M'inrerrhur, Switzerland

506 . Danis et al Physical Therapy . Volume 78 . Number 5 . Moy 1998


"E01 ' 1-m

6.05 2.45 0.8
0 6.00 E0 2.40 5.0

5.95 2.35
5.90 2.30 0.4 4.5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
seconds seconds seconds seconds


g 3.5
g -0.2

3.0 -0.4

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2.5 1.4 -0.6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
seconds seconds seconds seconds

u, -3.4 1.6
1.8 4.4
4.6 - 0.0

f f 4.2
0 -1.0
8 4.0 g!
8 -1.5
U -4.0 1.2 U
3.8 - 2.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3.6 - 2.50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
seconds seconds seconds seconds
8 0.0

) -0.5
-1 .o
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
seconds seconds

Figure 2.
Raw data of representative subject without impairment standing with feet apart, as used in this analysis. Linear data are shown in plots 1 to 7 as the
distance (in centimeters) from the center of the viewing volume (see Tab. 2 for vectorial sign conventions). Plot 1 is the right ankle joint position in the
sagittal plane (eg, the linear displacement of the ankle ioint in global anteroposterior coordinates). Plots 2 to 6 are the sagittal right knee, right hip,
right shoulder, neck, and back ioint positions, respectively. Plot 7 is the sagittal center-ofgravity (COG)position. Angular data, in global coordinates,
are shown in plots 8 to 13. Plot 8 shows the sagittal head angle (eg, the head pitch relative to earth horizontal). Plots 9 to 11 are the sagittal trunk,
pelvic tilt, and knee flexion angles, respectively. Plots 12 and 13 are the coronal trunk and pelvic angles, respectively. Plot 14 shows the vertical
ground reaction forces. The top line is the right ground reaction force and the bottom line i s the left ground reaction force measured under the
respective lower extremity. As the sagittal neck and shoulders (plots 4 and 5) moved farther anterior to the ankle (plot 1) (- 1.5 cm) around the third
second, the trunk (plot 9) became more flexed and the COG moved farther anterior to the ankle.

were 10 c.m apart, and the greater trochanters were 4 cm landmarks were the peaks of the iliac crests, acromial
behind the edge of the chair during chair rise. processes, ankle joint mediolateral centers and second
metatarsal heads, and mastoid process, respectively. The
Procedure for Joint Center Locations midpoint of the line connecting the two iliac crests was
Two methods were used to determine joint center the back joint that approximated L45. The neck joint
locations. In the first method, two hand-held TRACK was one neck radius medial to the pointer point loca-
pointers containing an array of LEDs were carefully tion, as defined by the pointer array Z-axis. The neck
aligned by the tester, reflecting the segment orientation joint approximated the atlanto-occipital joint.
in all 3 planes while the tip of the pointer contacted
specific anatomical landmarks (Fig. 1). The pointer data The second method used average axes of rotation
were then used to calculate the segment's origin and defined by kinematic and standing data for the knees
transfornlation matrix relative to the segment's fixed and hips. Riley et a12Vound this method to have more
array. Th~esequiet-standing data alone determined the accuracy for locating these lower-limbjoint centers than
back, shoulder, ankle, and neck joints. The anatomical the pointing trial alone. The pointer data and the

Physical Therapy . Volume 78 . Number 5 . May 1998 Danis et al . 507

equation^.^' The summation of body-segment masses
and their positions and orientations in space defined the
location of the COG. Our system has been shown to be
accurate within 1 cm for the estimation of COG.Z4

Data Collection
Three-dimensional computer graphics assisted in orga-
nizing, viewing, and analyzing the data using Superplot
software, created at the Massachusetts General Hospital
Biomotion Laboratory (Boston, Mass) in PV- WAVE^
(Fig. 2). The Superplot software displays an 11-segment
android kinematic model (Fig. 3 ) . In the 3-
dimensional global coordinate frame, we obtained the
sagittal joint center positions for the ankle, knee, hip,
shoulder, back, and neck; the sagittal and coronal posi-
tions for the trunk and pelvis; and sagittal positions for

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the head and knee. The system calculated a mean for
each 7-second standing position. Kinematic and kinetic
data were rejected for subjects who took a step, as
determined by viewing the android and force-plate data.
These data were excluded for one subject with vestibular
hypofunction who took a step during standing with feet
together. Data for another subject with vestibular hypo-
function were excluded from the analysis of vertical
ground reaction force data because of a problem with
force-plate data collection during standing with feet
together and eyes closed. One subject with vestibular
hypofunction was excluded from postural data analysis
involving the shoulder joint sagittal position secondary
to a problem with data collection with the right arm.
Figure 3.
This 1 1-segment android kinematic model demonstrates mean subiect Data Analysis
posture (anterior pelvic tilt, extended trunk and head, and flexed knees). We used the anklejoint center as the reference point for
Wholebody center-ofgravity location is indicated by +. Solid lines construction of the "virtual" computer-generated plumb-
designate the left side. Vertical ground reaction force (VGRF) i s indi-
line anteroposterior position and subtracted each sagit-
cated by the vertical lines arising from the feet; the taller VGRF line is the
left side, indicating that less weight is being borne on the right side tal joint center position from the sagittal ankle joint
lVGRF lines are discontinuous from the around" in this illustration for position (eg, ankle-knee) (Tab. 2). We also subtracted all
clarity). This android model represents the subiect without impairment sagittal joint center positions from the sagittal COG
whose data are plotted in Figure 2. The system draws the lower arm to position (eg, COGhip) (Tab. 2). A combined phase-
be aligned with the upper arm, although the subiect stands with his or
plane stability variable, a,. (root mean square variance of
her arms folded across his or her chest during the testing.
the COG anteroposterior and mediolateral displace-
ment and COG anteroposterior and mediolateral veloc-
rotations during the chair rise trial estimated the hip and ity), obtained from phase-plane analysis measured stand-
knee axes of rotation. For the hip, the pointing plane ing stability (Fig. 4 ) . V h e SAS statistical software
intersected the midpoint of a line extending between generated descriptive and correlational (Pear-
the pubic symphysis and the anterior superior iliac son product-moment correlation coefficient) statistics
spines. The pointer plane passed through the center of for the phase-plane stability variable and all postural
the knee joint using the tibia1 tubercle to define the variables listed in Table 2. The correlation between the
midline plane. Each axis was an average screw axis, phase-plane stability variable and the two postural vari-
including rotation and translation.Z4 The joint centers ables (COG to hip and COG to neck) was used to
were the intersection of the axes of rotation and thejoint determine whether any subjects whose neck joint was
midsagittal plane.Z4 anterior to the whole-body COG and whose hip joint was

Procedure for Whole-Body COG location

The mass and center of mass of each body segment were
On a subject-s~ecific basis using aVisnal Numerics Inc, .5775 Flatiron Pkwy, Suite 220, Boulder, CO 80301.
measurements (length and diameter) and regression 1 SAS Institute Inc, SAS Canrplis Dr. Gary, NC: 27513.

508 . Danis et al Physical Therapy . Volume 78 . Number 5 . May 1998

Table 2.
Means (*Standard Deviation) for Phase-Plane Stability and Posture (Sagittal and Coronal Angles and Sagittal Alignments) in Both Groups of
Subjects Standing With Feet Apart and Feet Together

Subiects With Vestibular

Total Sample dofu function Subjects Without Impairment
Variable Feet Aparl Together Feet Aparl Feet Together Feet Aparl Feet Together

Phase-plane stability
0; 0.8650.41 1.752 1.97" 0.9820.51 2.3622.64" 0.7320.20' 1 .1420.48",g
Sagittal angle
(room referen~ed)~
Pelvis 1.6224.25 4.1955.16" 2.6325.09 5.1926.36' 0.5622.89 3.1953.44'
Trunk - 1.8754.93 0.2024.68' - 1.8525.04 -0.21 54.62" - 1.8924.91 0.61 24.79"

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Head -6.1756.26 0.3658.23" -5.9326.39 0.6928.74" -6.41 26.24 0.0227.86"
Knee 5.0457.09 5.7926.92" 5.8556.00 6.71 26.24 4.2028.11 4.8657.55
Coronal angle
(room referenced)'
Pelvis -1.8022.04 -1.8622.01 -2.3252.22 -2.31 52.30 -1.2621.71 -1.41 21.59
Trunk 0 . 5 8 2 1.71 -0.522 1.73 -0.8521.92 -0.7452.08 -0.302 1.43 -0.302 1.30
Sagittal alignment
(anatomically referencedId
Ankle to COG 4.3423.30 8.3024.17" 4.2923.58 8.3724.71" 4.40t3.05 8.2353.65"
Ankle to back 3,2822.42 2.6522.26" 3.6222.45 2.5522.19" 2.9252.39 2.7422.36
Ankle to neck 4.8454.03 6.3024.37" 5.2324.22 6.1 724.18 4.4323.86 6.4354.63"
Ankle to shoulder 1.8923.01 3.1723.41" 2.3923.23 3.2953.65 1.4022.74 3.0623.22"
Ankle to hip 5.4222.86 4.71 23.01" 5.3323.31 4.3823.21" 5.5 1 22.37 5.0422.82
Ankle to knee 4.2422.14 4.2622.07 4.472 1.88 4.332 1.72 4.01 52.40 4.1852.40
COG to neck 0.4954.35 -2.0O?5.5le 0.9424.86 -2.2026.38" 0.0323.77 - 1.8024.61
COG to shoulder -2.4023.73 -5.2325.19" -1.7924.30 -5.2856.56" -3.0023.03 -5.1723.55"
COG to back - 1.0723.61 -5.6624.86" -0.6723.83 -5.8255.12" -1.4823.41 -5.4924.69"
COG to hip 1.0823.56 -3.5955.09" 1.0423.34 -4.0025.75" 1 . 1 1 %3.84 -3.1924.41"
COG to knee -0.1023.59 -4,0524.41" 0.1 823.82 -4.0425.03" -0.3923.39 -4.0523.79"
"Unitless, Pythagorean average of anteroposterior and n~ediolateralcenter-of-gravity (COG) displacements and velocities.
"n degrees (ohtained from Bdegree-of-freedom coordinate frame); positive values=flexion or anterior tilt, and negative values=extension or posterior tilt for the
prlvis. trunk, and head.
' In degrees (ohtaincd from Megree-of-freedom coordinate frame); positive values=left IateraI flexion, and negative values=right lateral flexion for the pelvis and
"Dis~rncein centimeters (obtained from Megrcr-f-freedom coordinate frame); if the number is positive, then the variahle mentioned first is posteriol- to the
variahlc ~nentionedsecond; if thr numher is negative, then the variable mentioned first is anterior to the variahlc mentioned second.
' Significantly diffcrent from standing with feet apart (pair-wise po$t hor simple contrast, B . 0 5 ) .
'Si~nificantlydifirent from suhjecw with vestibular Ilypofunction standing with feet apart (pair-wise posl hor simple contrast, E . 0 . 5 ) .
'Significantl!: diffcrcnt from subjects with vestibular hypofilnction standing with feet together (pairwise po,st hoc simple contrast, B . 0 5 ) .

posterior to the COG would display a stability stability, and (5) left and right vertical ground reaction
impairment. forces. The independent variable was group.

A repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance Pair-wise post hoc simple contrasts were used to compare
(MANOLTA)was used to determine whether postural the sagittal and coronal angles and the sagittal align-
and stability differences existed across subjects with ments shown in Table 2 between the two standing
vestibulal- hypofunction and subjects without impair- positions (feet apart and eyes open versus feet together
ment in the two standing positions (eyes open and eyes and eyes closed). Pair-wise post hoc simple contrasts
closed). 'The dependent variables used in this analysis compared specific postural differences (the sagittal and
were the following variables in the two standing posi- coronal angles and the sagittal alignments in Tab. 2)
tions: (1) sagittal angles of the pelvis, trunk, head, and across the subjects without impairment and the subjects
knee, (2) coronal angles of the trunk and pelvis, (3) sag- with vestibular hypofunction to determine whether the
ittal distances from two variables (ankle to neck, ankle to subjects with vestibular hypofunction had a more poste-
shoulder., ankle to back, ankle to hip, ankle to knee, riorly tilted pelvis and extended trunk than did the
ankle to COG, COG to neck, COG to shoulder, COG to subjects without impairment. The pair-wise contrast of
back, COG to hip, and COG to knee), (4) phase-plane the variable "ankle to COG" in the two standing posi-

Physical Therapy . Volume 78 . Number 5 . May 1998 Danis et a1 . 509

Anteroposterior Plane
2 . 0 - ' " " " " 1 ' " " " " 1 " " ' " " 1 " " " ' " 1 " ' " " " I " ' " " " I " " ' " "


- --
1.5 -
- --
- -

I 0.5 ---
4 -
- --
- -
g 0-0

- - --

-0.5 -
- 1 --

-. . . . . . . . . - -
-1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

COG Velocity (crn/a)

Downloaded from by guest on 11 July 2021

Mediolateral P l a n e


S 0.5


8 -0.5

-1 -0

-1 -5
-0.25 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10
COG Velocity (cm/s)

Figure 4.
Whole-body centerafgravity (COG)phase-plane plots with feet together and eyes closed in the anteroposterior and rnediolateral planes (top and
bottom plots, respectively) from the subiectwithout impairment depicted in Figures 2 and 3. COG velocity (in centimeters per second] is the ordinate;
COG displacement (in centimeters) is the abscissa.

tions was used to determine whether subjects with ves- vented the processing of the whole-body COG phase-
tibular hypofunction would demonstrate an anterior plane data.
COG shift when standing with feet together and eyes
closed as compared with standing with feet apart and We also used pair-wise post hoc simple contrasts to
eyes open. determine whether a difference existed in the mean
vertical ground reaction force distribution between the
A pair-wise post hoc simple contrast compared the phase- left and right lower extremities and between the subjects
plane stability variable between the two groups and with vestibular hypofunction and the subjects without
between the two standing positions. Three subjects were impairment. This contrast was performed twice using the
excluded from the contrasts analyzing the stability vari- data from subjects standing with feet apart as well as
able. One subject without impairment was excluded standing with feet together. Furthermore, a pair-wise post
from this analysis because he was a researcher in this hoc simple contrast was used to determine whether the
field and, therefore, may have demonstrated bias in the left vertical ground reaction force distribution was dif-
postural adjustments he made. One subject with vestib- ferent from the right vertical ground reaction force
ular hypofunction took a step during standing with feet distribution. This contrast comparing left and right
together and, therefore, the phase-plane data were not vertical ground reaction force distributions was analyzed
valid throughout this position. With one subject with for the subjects with vestibular hypofunction, for the
vestibular hypofunction, the head array was not visible subjects without impairment, and for all subjects in both
for the entire 7 seconds of data collection, which pre- standing positions.

5 10 . Danis et a1 Physical Therapy . Volume 78 . Number 5 . M a y 1998

Table 3.
Vertical Ground Reaction Force Data (Percentage of Body Weight) During Standing With Feet Apart and Standing With Feet Together in
Subjects Without lmpairment and Subiects With Vestibular Hypofunction

Vertical Subjects With Vestibular

Ground Total Sample Hypofunction Subjects Without Impairment
Forcesa Feet Apart Feet Together Feet Apart Feet Together Feet Apart Feet Together

Left 50.05 49.22 52.41 50.76 47.6 1 47.74

Right 49.49 49.17 47.46b 47.97 51.60 50.33
- - - ~ -

"Mean percentage of body weight for a 7-second trial.

".eft significantly different from right (pair-wise pas/ hor simple contrast, P <.05). The small discrepancy in total body weighr was due to the fact that body forces
were normalized to total body mass calculated from a multisegment model.

Downloaded from by guest on 11 July 2021

A repeated-measures MANOVA was used to determine not differ between the two groups (Tab. 2). Table 3
whether differences in posture and stability existed presents the mean vertical ground reaction forces for
between the two standing positions (feet together and the left and right lower extremities for the two groups in
eyes closed versus feet apart and eyes open). The depen- the two standing positions. A difference in the vertical
dent variables were the sagittal angles of the pelvis, ground reaction force distribution between the left and
trunk, head, and knee; the coronal angles of the pelvis right lower extremities existed between the two groups
and trunk; the sagittal alignments stated in Table 2; during standing with feet apart (P<.05) (Tab. 3). The
phase-plane stability; and the left and right vertical subjects with vestibular hypofunction had more weight
ground reaction forces. The independent variable was on the left lower extremity during standing with feet
feet position. We used alpha=.05 as the level of signifi- apart (P<.05) (Tab. 3).
cance. We chose r>.60 as the level of correlation that was
clinically meaningful. Table 2 summarizes the means for the sagittal and
coronal positions of the pelvis and trunk, the sagittal
Results positions of the head and knee, and the combined
anteroposterior and mediolateral stability variable (a,)
Correlaticm of Posture and Stability for the two standing trials (feet together and feet apart)
There was a low correlation between posture (the sagit- for the subjects with vestibular hypofunction, the sub-
tal and coronal angles and sagittal alignments shown in jects without impairment, and the total sample. During
Tab. 2) and standing stability (the phase-plane variable) standing with feet apart, the total sample stood with an
in both groups (r<.3). When standing stability was anterior pelvic tilt (1.62"), extended trunk (1.87") and
correlated with all postural variables in the 6 subjects head (6.17"), and flexed knees (5.04"). The average
with the highest phase-plane measurements (the 6 sub- subject in both groups also had a slight right laterally
jects who were least stable) during standing with feet flexed trunk and pelvis of <2 degrees. Table 2 also
together, we found one strong correlation: right trunk presents the mean distances in the sagittal plane from
lateral flexion increased as the standing stability the ankle joint to the COG, back, neck, shoulder, hip,
increased ( r = .99). and kneejoints and the mean distances from the COG to
the neck, shoulder, knee, back, and hip joints. In all
Standing Stability Differences Between the Two Groups subjects, the knee, hip, shoulder, neck, and back joints
Standing stability was less in the subjects with vestibular were anterior to the ankle joint in the sagittal plane
dysfunction (feet apart, ar=0.98; feet together, ar=2.36) during standing with feet together and with feet apart
than in the subjects without impairment (feet apart, (Tab. 2). The COG was anterior to the ankle, knee, back,
ar=0.73; feet together, a,= 1.14) (P<.05) (Tab. 2). and shoulder joints and posterior to the hip and neck
joints in all subjects (Tab. 2).
Postural Differences Between the Two Groups
The repeated-measures MANOVA showed no differ- Differences in Posture and Stability Between the Two
ences in the postural variables, the phase-plane stability Standing Positions
variable, and the vertical ground reaction forces between The repeated-measures MANOVA did not show differ-
the subjects with vestibular hypofunction and the sub- ences in the postural variables, the phase-plane stability
jects without impairment (P>.5). No pair-wise contrasts variable, and the vertical ground reaction forces between
of postural variables between the subject? with vestibular the two standing positions (feet together and eyes closed
hypofunction and the subjects without impairment were versus feet apart and eyes open) (P>.2) across all
significant (P>.05). Even in the more challenging stand- subject?. The total sample of subjects increased their
ing cond,ition (feet together, eyes closed), posture did anterior pelvic tilt, trunk and head flexion, and knee

Physical Therapy . Volume 78 . Number 5 . May 1998 Danis et al . 51 1

Table 4.
Correlations Among Postural Variables (r]" in Subjects Without lmpairment and Subjects With Vestibular Hypofunction
in the Two Standing Positions

Subjects With
Vestibular Subjects Without
Variable Total Sample Hypofunction Impairment
Standing with feet together/sagittal plane
Ankleshoulder distance/trunk angle .60 .72
Ankleknee distance/knee angle .74 .61 .83
Ankleshoulder distance/ankle-neck distance .69 .74 .65
Trunk angle/neck-COGb distance -.73
Trunk angle/ankleneck distance .65
Neck-COG distance/ankleneck distance - .67 - .67 - .69
Neck-COG distance/ankle-shoulder distance - .66
AnkleCOG distance/neckCOG distance .62 .76
Ankle-COG distance/hip-COG distance -.81 -.83 -.77

Downloaded from by guest on 11 July 2021

AnkleCOG distance/trunk angle .65
Standing with feet apart/sagittal plane
HipCOG distance/anklehip distance .61
HipCOG distance/ankleCOG distance - .65 - .79
Neck-COG distance/ankleneck distance - .69 -.70 -.68
Ankle-shoulder distance/ankleneck distance .67 .83
Trunk angle/ankleshoulder distance .62
"Clinically significant results only ( r 2 . 6 ) .
COG=center of gravity.

flexion in standing with feet apart compared with stand- of correlations among postural variables than did the
ing with feet together (pair-wise contrast, P<.05) subjects without impairment.
(Tab. 2). Coronal postures did not change between the
standing positions (Tab. 2). Table 2 specifies pair-wise Discussion
contrasts between the standing positions within the total
sample, the subjects with vestibular hypofunction, and Correlation of Posture and Stability
the subjects without impairment. Standing with feet Posture and stability were not strongly correlated in
together and eyes closed was a more challenging equi- either group of subjects. Body-segment alignment
librium condition than standing with feet apart and eyes changes alter the whole-body COG location." stable
open, as demonstrated by increases in the phase-plane individual is able to control the whole-body COG ampli-
stability in both groups (Tab. 2). In this more challeng- tude and velocity of displacement. Despite using a very
ing position, the average subject in the total sample had sophisticated kinematic analysis system, however, we
an anterior shift in the COG from the ankle joint found a very low relationship between posture and
(3.96 cm) (Tab. 2). In all subjects standing with feet stability in our subjects. The finding of one highly
together, the COG also moved further anterior to the significant correlation, which was between the phase-
knee, hip, back, and shoulder (Tab. 2). In the group plane stability variable and trunk lateral flexion in the 6
with vestibular hypofunction, standing with feet most unsteady subjects, demonstrates that further
together, the COG moved farther anterior to the neck research is warranted. Treating minute postural devia-
(Tab. 2). tions in patients who d o not have musculoskeletal dys-
function is not warranted as a means of improving
Correlations Between the Postural Variables stability. Individuals with larger postural deviations may
Table 4 displays strong correlations among the postural benefit from "postural correction" to improve stability.
variables. In all subjects, the majority of strong correla- Larger postural differences may have a higher correla-
tions existed during standing with feet together and eyes tion to stability.
closed as compared with standing with feet apart and
eyes open. One pair of postural variables (hip-COG Posture in Subjects With Vestibular Hypofunction
distance and ankle-hip distance) was strongly correlated The unsteady subjects with vestibular hypofunction did
only during standing with feet apart (Tab. 4). Six pairs of not have postural aberrations, which differs from obser-
postural variables were highly correlated only during vations by Horak and Shupertl"hat subjects with BVH
standing with feet together (Tab. 4). The subjects with may have a more forward head position compared with
vestibular hypofunction demonstrated a greater number subjects without impairment. Our data also do not

51 2 . Danis et al Physical Therapy . Volume 78 . Number 5 . May 1998

Table 5.
Comparison of the Total Sample's Sagittal Joint Center Alignment Relative to the Ankle Joint With That of Individuals Without Impairment
in Prior Studies

Sagittal Coordinatesa
Investigators Knee Hip Shoulder Neck Back

Braune and Fischer7 0 0 0

Akerblom~~,~ 0.8(23) 4.4 (10)
Woodhull et a18cc 3.8(15) 6.2 (15) 3.8 (15)
Barry-Grtrb10 4.2 22.0 (23)
Harrison et all '3' 5.5 22.4 (41)
Present studyd 4.2422.14(53) 5.4222.86(53) 1.8923.01 (52) 4.8424.03(53) 3.2822.42(53)
"Nu~nbersare antcroposterior distanccs (in centimeters) relative to the ankle. Positive nnmben indicate that the joint centers are anterior to the ankle. When
available, standard deviations are given. N is in parentheses.
"nhlejoinl center was "weight-hearing trapezium" found by radiography.

Downloaded from by guest on 11 July 2021

' Ariklr joiri~center was 1 cm anterior to posterior border of lateral malleolus.
"Arikle determined hy pointing trial with feet apart, eyes open.

support Horak and Shupert's theory that subjects with shift their weight toward their left lower extremity. Our
BVH may align themselves in quiet standing near the findings also differ from the report by Kirby and col-
posterior limit of stability.I5 In our study, both the leaguesZg that subjects without impairment shift their
subjects with vestibular hypofunction and the subjects weight toward their right lower extremity while standing
without impairment demonstrated a slightly extended with their feet together.
trunk and head during standing with feet apart and eyes
open (Tab. 2 ) . Although the average posture was not Comparison of Postural Findings With Those of
different between the two groups in our study, the Previous Studies
subjects with vestibular hypofunction had higher ranges Our data are similar to the data reported by other
for the following joint angles in both standing positions: researchers, with the exception of Braune and Fischer,'
pelvic flexion and extension, head flexion and exten- who concluded that joint centers aligned perfectly in the
sion, and pelvic and trunk lateral side bending. One sagittal plane among subjects standing with feet apart
reason fix the differences in the findings of the two (Tab. 5 ) . Our sample of postural data is the largest ever
studies may be related to the diagnoses of the subjects. reported, using the most advanced data acquisition
We included subjects with BVH and UVH; Horak and system. Many past studies used photographs to measure
Shupertl%tudied only subjects with BVH. The acuity of posture. It is difficult, however, to identify bony land-
the hypofunction could also account for the differences marks on photographs (Fig. 5 ) . According to Kendall
in results. In our study, the subjects were not in the acute and McCreary's "ideal" alignment, the plumb line refer-
phase; their posture may have compensated over time, enced from anterior to the ankle joint passes anterior to
although their stability was still impaired. Nonetheless, the knee, posterior to the hip, through the bodies of the
our study included the largest number of subjects with celvical and lumbar vertebrae, and through the shoulder
vestibular hypofunction ever reported; thus, this group joint.30 This statement was made without supporting
may be a more representative group than those in other data or published research. In our study, the plumb line
studies. drawn from the ankle joint center fell posterior to all
joint centers (Tab. 2 ) . We verified that the location of
The subjects in our study did not have acute vestibular the whole-body COG while our subjects stood with feet
hypofunction, yet they stood with more body weight apart agreed with the relevant body of literature (Tab.
shifted toward the left lower extremity during standing 6). The COG location in relationship to joint centers in
with feet apart. We did not find a difference in weight our subjects was similar to that described by Kendall and
distribution between subjects with BVH and subjects M ~ C r e a r yThey
. ~ ~ contended that when the whole-body
with UWI. Each subject with vestibular dysfunction may COG is slightly anterior to the knee and posterior to the
compensate differently, and we cannot draw firm con- hip, these joints are stable.30It can be argued, therefore,
clusions from this small sample. During standing with that minimal muscular effort is necessary to maintain
feet apart, however, the subjects with vestibular hypo- neutral alignment, secondary to ligamentous and mus-
function had an unequal weight distribution compared cular constraints," but data to support this argument
with the subjects without impairment. These findings have not been collected.
suggest that subjects without impairment do not have an
asymmetric weight distribution, in contrast to the report Our research contradicts Woodhull and colleagues' con-
of Nichols et a1Z8 that young adults without impairment clusion that the pelvis typically tilts posteriorly and the

Physical Therapy . Volume 78 . Number 5 . May 1998 Danis et al . 51 3

eyes open to standing with their feet together and eyes
closed may have allowed them to obtain more degrees of
freedom of movement in the anterior and posterior
directions. This greater freedom of movement thus
allows individuals to adjust their balance in two direc-
tions while standing in the more challenging equilib
rium condition, as compared with individuals who stand
with their knees extended, allowing only one direction
of movement (eg, flexion). For example, all subjects'
knees were more flexed during standing with feet
together, allowing flexion and extension movements of
the knee to control balance, In subjects with vestibular
hypofunction, the anterior COG shift came primarily
from anterior rotations of the pelvis, trunk, and head
(Tab. 2) and not from anterior translations of the neck,
shoulder, and knee in relationship to the ankle. In these

Downloaded from by guest on 11 July 2021

subjects, the hip and back actually shifted posteriorly
(Tab. 2), closer to the ankle joint, which is what would
be expected with a flexion moment of the upper torso.
The subjects without impairment, however, had an ante-
rior shift in the shoulder and neck in relationship to the
ankle joint during standing with feet together (Tab. 2)
that could have contributed to the anterior COG shift.

Postural Patterns Controlling Stability When Subiects

Change From Standing With Feet Apart to Standing
Fi ure 5. With Feet Together
Su iects were photographed in the sagittal and coronal planes. This
Our results support Krebs and colleagues' contention
subject without impairment stands in the sagittal view, where the grid
serves as a "virtual" plumb line. Visual identification of bony landmarks that whole-body movement patterns control posture in
and ioint angles is difficult. persons with vestibular hypofunction and in persons
without impairment during standing with feet together
and eyes closed.31In our study, changes in posture at
knees e ~ t e n dOur
. ~ results support Levine and Whittle's multiple body segments were used to control stability
finding that female subjects without impairment have an when subjects changed from standing with feet apart
anterior pelvic tilt in quiet standing.14 In our system, and eyes open to standing with feet together and eyes
neutral pelvic tilt is described as zero degrees of pelvic closed. These findings differ from Nashner and col-
flexion and extension in relationship to the floor. leagues' report that subjects without impairment used an
Although difficult to detect by looking at Figure 5, the ankle strategy when standing with eyes closed.32
subject without impairment shown in the figure is stand-
ing with 2 degrees of anterior pelvic tilt. We believe our One reason that weight shift became more symmetrical
instrumented postural data provide greater detail about in the subjects with vestibular hypofunction during
joint angles during standing than is possible by visual standing with feet together may have been their attempt
obsemation. Thus, positions described as neutral3" actu- to deal with a more challenging position (Tab. 3). By
ally consist of a few degrees of flexion or extension, narrowing the base of support, individuals may be more
which are angles that are probably imperceptible by likely to sway and to take a step. Distributing body weight
visual obsemation. Our postural data only slightly deviate more evenly in this position may allow upright stance to
from the "ideal" posture described by Kendall and be maintained without stepping. With a larger base of
McCreary." Clinicians should be cautious not to auto- support (eg, during standing with feet apart), the medial
matically link postural impairments (or observed devia- and lateral limits of stability extend from the outer edge
tions from the "ideal" posture) with functional limita- of one foot to the outer edge of the other foot. When the
tions because perfect alignment has never been base of support is narrowed, the limits of stability
reported, even for individuals without im~airment.~-l' decrease. If body weight is borne primarily on one lower
extremity, the base of support becomes even smaller.
Standing With Feet Together and Eyes Closed: A More Remaining stable during standing with feet together,
Challenging Equilibrium Condition therefore, may be easier with a more symmetrical distri-
The large anterior COG shift that occurred when sub- bution of body weight.
jects changed from standing with their feet apart and

5 1 4 . Danis et al Physical Therapy . Volume 78 . Number 5 . May 1998

Table 6.
Comparison of the Total Sample's Sagittal Joint Center Alignment in Relationship to the Whole-Body Center of Gravity (COG) Alignment With
That of Individuals Without Impairment in Prior Studies

II Investigators Whole-Body COGa in the Sagiftal Plane ~elativeto

Ankle Knee Hip Shoulder Neck Back

Hellebrondt'2,b 5.0
Akerblo'mP 2.24 20.26 (1 1) 1.6 t 0 . 2 (23) - 1.8 (10)
Fox and 5.36 2 1.46 (66) Slightly anterior In anterior portion
to joint of acromial
center (66) process (66)
WoodhulletaI8 4.9t1.3(15) 1.1+2.4(15) -1.31215 1.2?1.6(15)
Present study 4.34 53.30 (53) 0.10 2 3 . 5 9 (53) - 1.08 t 3 . 5 6 (53) 2.40 53.73 (52) -0.49 24.35 (53) 1.07 23.61 (53)
"Numbers are anteroposterior distances (in centimeters) relative to the whole-body COG. A negative number denotes that the COG is posterior to the joint

Downloaded from by guest on 11 July 2021

center. When available, standard deviations are given. N is in parentheses.
bDid not specify which part of lateral rnalleolus for ankle reference point.
'Posterior border of lateral malleolus was ankle reference point.

A B -

E -

E .....
Y -
, .
2 _.. ..
- .....
...: -_-.
....: ....
...__. a .
2 ... ... ... .,. 3.- .. ,.
.... ....,.

0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6

Time (s) Time (s)

Distance between ankle e l d shoulder
Distance between neck ancl COG ...... Diaance between ankle and shoultler

Figure 6.
The anteroposterior distances between the neck and center of gravity and the ankle and shoulder ioint centers in a typical subject with vestibular
hypofunction during 7 seconds of standing with feet together and eyes closed. There was a negative crosscorrelation between the two distances
(r=-.99). (B] The distances between the ankle and shoulder and the ankle and neck are plotted along a 7-second Xclxis in a "typical" subject with
vestibular hypofunction standing with feet apart. There was a positive crosscorrelation between the two distances (r=.99).

Head/Trunk Movement as Subjects Change From reported.33Our findings are similar to those reported by
Standing With Feet Apart to Standing With Feet Together Shupert et a134but differ from a later report by Shupert
Changes in postural alignment at the trunk and head to et alS5that individuals whose trunk flexes compensate by
stabilize the head against gravity did not exist in either extending the head to stabilize the head in relationship
group as subjects changed from standing with feet apart to gravity (head stabilization in space33). Shupert et a135
to standing with feet together. For example, the head contend that patients with vestibular loss do not coordi-
did not extend when the trunk moved into more flexion nate the head and trunk movement because such
(Tab. 2). In both groups, the pelvis, trunk, and head patients predominantly use an ankle strategy.
moved toward a flexed posture during standing with feet
together and eyes closed (Tab. 2). Thus, the head was Postural Patterns in the Two Groups
stabilized with respect to the trunk (head stabilization on Certain postural patterns occurred in both groups. As we
trunk).3:' Because visual input was impaired during expected, when the sagittal distance between the ankle
standing with eyes closed, visual feedback may be more and shoulder increased, the neck and COG distance
useful fclr head stabilization to the trunk than has been decreased (Tab. 4). These data support the conclusion

Physical Therapy . Volume 78 . Number 5 . May 1998 Danis et al . 5 15

that whole-body movement patterns occur in quiet ular hypofunction and the subjects without impairment.
standing to control posture.31 As the sagittal distance An anterior COG shift occurred as subjects moved from
between the ankle and shoulder increased, the distance standing with feet apart and eyes open to standing with
between the ankle and neck increased in both groups feet together and eyes closed. The subjects with vestibu-
during standing with feet together (Tab. 4). Further- lar hypofunction had greater phase-plane stability than
more, as the sagittal distance between the ankle and did the subjects without impairments in both standing
COG increased, the sagittal distance between the COG positions, demonstrating that they had less stability in a
and hip decreased (Tab. 4). In this example, the COG standing position compared with the subjects without
moved anteriorly, closer to the hip. Taken collectively, impairment.
these postural patterns demonstrated that the subjects
adapted a "forward posture" pattern during standing We report the postural data from the largest sample of
with feet together and eyes closed. both subjects with vestibular hypofunction and subjects
without impairment ever reported. The average individ-
Subjects with vestibular hypofunction demonstrated ual in the total sample stood in quiet standing with a
unique postural patterns as compared with the subjects slight anterior pelvic tilt (1.6z0), minimally extended
without impairment. In both standing positions, they trunk (1.87") and head (6.17"), and flexed knees

Downloaded from by guest on 11 July 2021

increased their trunk flexion as the sagittal distance (5.04"). In the more challenging standing condition
between the shoulder and ankle and the neck and ankle (feet together, eyes closed), all subjects increased their
increased ('Tab. 4). This finding suggests that whole- anterior pelvic tilt, trunk and head flexion, knee flexion,
body movement patterns are used to maintain stability in and anterior COG position. These data support the
quiet standing. In addition, as trunk flexion and the concept that segmentally coupled whole-body move-
distance between the ankle and shoulder increased, the ment patterns control posture in both groups. Changes
distance between the neck and COG decreased (Tab. 4). in postural alignment at the trunk and head (head
This finding is likely due to the COG moving anteriorly stabilization in space) to stabilize the head against gravity
with trunk flexion due to the relatively large trunk mass. were not demonstrated in either group as subjects
The subjects with vestibular hypofunction, during stand- changed from standing with feet apart and eyes open to
ing with feet apart, also had positive cross-correlations standing with feet together and eyes closed.
between the distance from ankle to shoulder and the
distance from ankle to neck and between the trunk Acknowledgments
angle and the distance from ankle to shoulder (Tab. 4). We thank Rita Popat, PT, NCS, and the Massachusetts
Because the subjects with vestibular hypofunction had General Hospital Biomotion Laboratory staff for their
greater phase-plane stability, their shoulders, neck, and computer assistance.
trunk could have been swaying more, as compared with
the subjects without impairment. In quiet standing with References
feet apart, the subjects with vestibular hypofunction 1 Lee WA. A control systerns frarnewor L for under5tanding norrnal and
abnormal poature. Am J Occup Thrr. 1989;43:291-301.
stood with more weight on the left lower extremity.
Compensation for this asymmetry may have caused 2 Riley PO. Modeling of lhe Biomechanics o f Poslz~rr. Boston. Mass:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 1987. Doctoral dissertation.
increased body sway.
3 Benda BJ, Riley PO, Krehs DE. Biornechanical rrlationship between
Our study supplied data to support the concept that cenler of gravity and center of pr-essur-e dur-ing standing. Ifi1FE; ?'run5
Rehnbil Eng, 1994;2 (1 ) :3-10.
quiet standing is not completely ~ t a t i c As. ~ shown
~~ in
Figures 2 and 6, body segments moved over a course of 4 Shurnway-Cook A, Woollacort MH. Motor Conf~ol:Theory nnd Prc~cliccil
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