5th Grade Yearly Plan-New Sky2

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Yearly Plan: 5th Grade

Sh.f.k.”Dervish Cara”
Arsimtarja:Mirjeta Leka
New Sky 2
Unit 1: All about me

Lesson Topic Page Numbers Time

1. Classroom Rules -R n/a 1-September
2.Review/Introductions-R n/a 2- September
3. Classroom commands – n/a 3-September
4.Present Simple-Yes/No 4-5 4-September
5. Present Simple-Wh 4-5 5-September
6. Practice: Present 4-5 6-September
7. Present Continuous- 6-7 7-September
Yes/No questions-R
8.Present Continuous-Wh 6-7 8-September
9. Practice: Present 6-7 9-September
10.I love playing football- 8 10-September
11. Verbs of preference-D 9 11-September
12. Favorite Sports- 10 12-September
13. Sports Survey-E 11 13- September
14. Revision-R 12-13 14- October
15. Test-R n/a 15- October

Developing Exercises Revision Total

4 4 7 15

Unit Objective (s) SWBAT use present simple to talk about themselves.
SWBAT use present continuous to discuss everyday activities
using adverbs of frequency.
SWBAT express their sport preferences using the verbs love, hate,
Essential Vocabulary Listen, live, speak, wear, get up, watch, have, go, get dressed; write
an email, walk the dog, cook dinner, make pasta, have a picnic,
watch a video, ride a bike, do your homework, play computer

games, listen to music, read a magazine, meet friends; football,
tennis, volleyball, basketball, gymnastics, roller blading, motor
racing, swimming, cycling, skateboarding, rugby; cricket, ice
hockey, baseball
Grammar Concepts Present simple, present continuous, verbs of preference, adverbs
of frequency

Unit 2: Everyday life: School, Food, Places in Town

Lesson Topic Page Numbers Time

1. Reading 14-15 16-October
Comprehension: School
2. Possessions/Possessive 15 17-October
3. Practice-E 15 18- October
4. Quiz: School Subjects, n/a 19- October
possessions, possessive
5.Have we got any 16 20-October
tomatoes? /Food-D
6. Countable/Uncountable 17 21-October
7. Practice-E 17 22-October
8.Reading 18-19 23-October
Comprehension/Places in
town –D
9. Countable/Uncountable 18-19 24-October
10.Practice-E(ICT) 18-19 25-October
11. Food Groups-D 21 26-October
12. Project: Food 21 27-November
13. Revision-R 22-23 28-November
14. Test-R n/a 29-November
15. Story: Splash-D 84-85 30-November

Developing Exercises Revision Total

8 5 2 15

Unit Objective (s) SWBAT use possessive pronouns to answer questions about their
school supplies for each class.
SWBAT distinguish between countable and uncountable nouns by
using them in a sentence with the appropriate qualifiers

(some/any). They will use the verb “have got” to talk about food.
They will use the expression “there is/there are” to talk about
places in their town and qualifiers to specify “how much” of
something they’ve got.
Essential Vocabulary Art, science, music, French, geography, maths, history, PE, English,
ICT; purse, backpack, comb, laptop, keys, diary, scarf, glasses,
folders, wallet, sweets, hairbrush, lunch box, gloves, calculator,
files; Food items (p.16) + (21); places in town (p.19)
Grammar Concepts “Whose”; Possessive pronouns; countable and uncountable nouns;
qulalifiers-some/any/much/many/a lot of

Unit 3: What did they do?

Lesson Topic Page Numbers Time

1. Professions-D 24 31-November
2. Past Simple “to be”-D 25 32-November
3. Past Simple:Yes/no 25 33-November
+Wh questions-D(ICT)
4. Past simple 25 34-November
practice/Quiz (past
simple- to be)-E
5. Space Reading + 26 35-November
6. Past Simple: Regular 27 36-November
7. Practice with Regular 27 37-November
8. Quiz: Past Simple n/a 38-November
Regular verbs-E
9. Past simple: Irregular 29 39-November
10. Past Simple Practice: 29 40-December
11. Project (Famous 31 41-December
12. Revision-R 32-33 42-December
13. Test-R n/a 43-December

Developing Exercises Revision Total

6 5 2 13

Unit Objective (s) SWBAT use the past simple to answer yes/no questions and
“who” questions famous historical people.
SWBAT use different verbs in the past simple to answer specific
questions with dates.
SWBAT to use the past simple of irregular verbs to answer

questions about themselves and what they’ve done.
Essential Vocabulary Professions; Space related vocabulary; months/ordinal numbers;
watch, travel, launch, last, orbit, return, stay; yesterday, at the
weekend, last night, last Saturday, last week, last weekend, last
month, last year, after school
Grammar Concepts Past simple with yes/no, who questions, verb “to be”; regular and
irregular verbs

Unit 4: The Longest Legs (Adjectives + Animals)

Lesson Topic Page Numbers Time

1. High Numbers-D 34 44-December
2. Reading 34-35 45-December
3. Adjectives Practice 35 46-December
4.Reading Comprehension 36 47-December
5. Comparatives-D 37 48-December
6. Superlatives-D 37 49-December
7.Quiz-Adjectives, n/a 50-December
comparatives, superlatives-
8. Long adjectives-D 39 51-December
9. Comparatives and 39 52-December
Superlatives of Long
adjectives –D
10. Quiz: Long adjectives, n/a 53-January
Superlatives and
11. Practice +Irregular 39 54-January
12. Review-R 42-43 55-January
13. Test-R n/a 56-January
14. Story 2: The Secret of 86-87 57-January
Tower House –D

Developing Exercises Revision Total

8 4 2 14

Unit Objective (s) SWBAT to use adjectives to describe animals and landmarks.
SWBAT compare animals using comparative adjectives and
Essential Vocabulary High numbers 1-1,000,000; short adjectives; How questions;
animals; long adjectives; hobbies

Grammar Concepts Adjectives: Comparatives +Superlatives; short adjectives and long
adjectives; irregular adjectives

Unit 5: The Future

Lesson Topic Page Numbers Time

1. Activity verbs + 44 58-February
2. “Going to” – 45 59-February
3. “Going to”-WH 45 60-February
4. “Going to” Yes/No 45 61-February
questions +answers-D
5. Practice: “Going to”- 45 62-February
6.Quiz-“Going to”-E n/a 63-February
7. Activity Verbs (2) 46 64-February
8. Making Suggestions- 47 65-February
9. Reading 48 66-February
Comprehension + Present
10. Practice with Present 48-49 67-February
Continuous for future-
11: Project: Making Plans- n/a 68-February
12. Review-R 52-53 69-February
13. Test-R n/a 70-February

Developing Exercises Revision Total

7 4 2 13

Unit Objective (s) SWBAT use “going to” to make and answer questions about the
SWBAT make and respond to suggestions using “Let’s”.
SWBAT use the present continuous to make future arrangements.
Essential Vocabulary Clean, watch, make, tidy, empty, lay, do, listen to, eat, wash, go+
swimming, ice skating, shopping, to the beach, bowling, karting, to
the cinema, to a disco, have a barbecue
Grammar Concepts “Going to”; “Let’s +infinitive”; Questions to make suggestions eg:
What shall we…..; Present continuous for future arrangements

Unit 6: Going out: Behavior and Politeness

Lesson Topic Page Numbers Time

1. School Rules +Reading 54-55 71-March
2. Asking for permission- 55 72-March
3. Menu +Reading 56 73-March
4.Ordering food +Dialogue 57 74-March
5. Quiz: Rules and n/a 75-March
Restaurant Vocabulary-E
6. TV programmes 58-59 76-March
+Schedule interpretation-
7. Inviting people +TV 59 77-March
writing (about shows)-D
8. Project: Write a skit n/a 78-March
about inviting a friend to
do something.-E
9. Project Presentations-E n/a 79-March
10. Review-R 62-63 80-March
11. Test-R n/a 81-March
12. Story 3: Red Snake-D 88-89 82-March

Developing Exercises Revision Total

7 3 2 12

Unit Objective (s) SWBAT ask and give permission. SWBAT discuss rules using
“must” and “musn’t”. SWBAT order from a menu. SWBAT make
and respond to invitations.
Essential Vocabulary Hold, touch, show, climb, get down, switch on, switch off, feed, eat,
run, wear, arrive, drink, please, thanks, quiz show, pop star
contest, chat show, the news, cartoon, film, soap opera, sports
program, pop music show, documentary, sitcom, reality TV show
Grammar Concepts You must/mustn’t, Can I….., I’m sorry, you can’t, would you like?, I

Unit 7: Around Town

Lesson Topic Page Numbers Time

1. Transportation + 64-65 83-April
Reading Comprehension-
2.Asking about travel-D 65 84-April
3. Places in town +Reading 66-67 85-April
4. Practice: Places in 67 86-April
5. Directions-D 67 87-April
6. Practice with 65-67 88-April
Directions: Obstacle
7. Quiz: Transport, Places, n/a 89-April
8.Reading Comprehension 69 90-April
(teacher made)
9. Regular 69 91-April
10. Irregular 69 92-April
11. Adverb Practice- 69 93-April
12. Revision-R 72-73 94-May
13. Test-R n/a 95-May

Developing Exercises Revision Total

7 4 2 13

Unit Objective (s) Students will be able to ask for directions, give directions, discuss
means of transport, identify parts of the town and use adverbs
and adjectives correctly
Essential Vocabulary Travel/transportation, places in town, directions,
Grammar Concepts By + means of transport, adjectives and forming adverbs

Unit 8: Describing People and the Environment

Lesson Topic Page Numbers Time

1. Clothing +Reading 75-76 96-May
2. Verb: “Have to”: 76 97-May
3. Verb: “Have to”(ICT): 76 98-May
4. Quiz: Clothing/Have to- n/a 99-May
6. Personality adjectives 76-77 100-May
+Reading Comprehension-
7. Describing People-D 77 101-May
8. Practice: Describing 76-77 102-May
physical appearance and
9. Project: Best Friend 77 103-May
10.Purpose with “to” 79 104-May
11. Revision-R 82-83 105-June
12. Test -R n/a 106-June
13. Story 4: Wild Wind-D 90-91 107-June
14. General Revision-R ALL 108-June

Developing Exercises Revision Total

7 4 3 14

Unit Objective (s) Students will be able to use the verb Have to, to talk about their
school, to describe people
Essential Vocabulary Clothes, personality adjectives, geographical words
Grammar Concepts Verb: have to, questions with like


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