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September 2021 Seminar Reflection

Cejamil S. Calderon

Hahn School of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of San Diego

HCIN 548: Health Care Informatics Seminar

Dr. Brenda Boone

12 September 2021

September 2021 Seminar Reflection

It was a humbling and pleasurable experience finally being onsite at the USD campus. I

finally had the pleasure to finally meet my peers and mentors through being virtual throughout

my year at USD. To be honest, being onsite is a unique experience and sometimes quite difficult

for me to transition to. I must focus on precise time management in terms of balancing my work

schedule and physically commuting from work to the USD campus, to sometimes back to work,

then finally going home. This is a new dynamic for me, but it feels great socializing with my

peers and faculty. It is also the first semester that HISA will be conducting meetings onsite and

online, as president of HISA I just want to do right by my peers and establish HISA as a resource

for my peers to utilized when it comes to fulfilling graduation requirements, networking

opportunities, and professional development.

My overall thoughts on the on-site seminar were positive, Dr. Boone conducted an

excellent job hosting and reviewing all the requirements for the second-year students to graduate.

Admittingly, I feel like there is a lot on my shoulder right now on trying to fulfill those

requirements, but I am excited about the challenge and trying to get everything accomplished

before May 2022. I am still conflicted on what to do for my capstone project; whether I want to

do my project on implementing a Trans magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Clinic to various VA

locations or focus on the prolonged Cerner implementation on the VA. I am hoping to get clarity

from my faculty advisor to start my capstone project. This will be an interesting and challenging

semester, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel but importantly my peers being in the same

vehicle as me to reach out the destination of graduation.

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