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Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 1304–1310

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Fire danger index efficiency as a function of fuel moisture and

fire behavior
Fillipe Tamiozzo Pereira Torres a,⁎, Joyce Machado Nunes Romeiro a, Ana Carolina de Albuquerque Santos a,
Ricardo Rodrigues de Oliveira Neto a, Gumercindo Souza Lima a, José Cola Zanuncio b
Departmento de Engenharia Florestal, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Entomologia/BIOAGRO, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil


• Fire danger index performance was

evaluated based on fuel moisture and
fire behavior.
• Controlled burns of four plots per day
were performed over 80 days.
• The Telicyn and Nesterov index pre-
sented lower correlation with the vari-
• The EVAP/P index had an influence on
the largest number of fuel variables
and fire behavior.
• This method can be applied even in
areas without records or with only un-
reliable forest fire data.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Assessment of the performance of forest fire hazard indices is important for prevention and management strat-
Received 24 July 2017 egies, such as planning prescribed burnings, public notifications and firefighting resource allocation. The objec-
Received in revised form 8 March 2018 tive of this study was to evaluate the performance of fire hazard indices considering fire behavior variables
Accepted 10 March 2018
and susceptibility expressed by the moisture of combustible material. Controlled burns were carried out at differ-
Available online xxxx
ent times and information related to meteorological conditions, characteristics of combustible material and fire
behavior variables were recorded. All variables analyzed (fire behavior and fuel moisture content) can be ex-
plained by the prediction indices. The Brazilian EVAP/P showed the best performance, both at predicting mois-
Keywords: ture content of the fuel material and fire behavior variables, and the Canadian system showed the best
Controlled burns performance to predicting the rate of spread. The coherence of the correlations between the indices and the var-
Fine fuel moisture iables analyzed makes the methodology, which can be applied anywhere, important for decision-making in re-
Weather indices
gions with no records or with only unreliable forest fire data.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Forest fires are considered a major disturbance in forest ecosystems.

Their occurrence can lead to considerable ecological and economic im-
⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (F.T.P. Torres), pacts as well as global CO2 emissions comparable to those from fossil
(J.M.N. Romeiro), (A.C.A. Santos), fuel combustion (Bowman et al., 2009). Of the three principal factors
(R.R. de Oliveira Neto), (G.S. Lima), (J.C. Zanuncio). (weather, fuel, and topography) that likely influence where and why
0048-9697/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F.T.P. Torres et al. / Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 1304–1310 1305

fires start and spread, weather is generally considered the most dy- 2. Materials and methods
namic (Jolly et al., 2015). Weather affects indirectly the fire propagation
by influencing fuel moisture and, directly, via wind direction This study was conducted at the campus of the Federal University of
(Rothermel, 1972; Finney, 2005). Fire spreads faster with warm, dry Viçosa (UFV) in Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil (Fig. 1) in an area with 10-
and windy weather (Holsinger et al., 2016). year old hybrid Eucalyptus urophylla and Eucalyptus grandis, spaced 3
The fire danger level has been estimated using mathematical × 3 m, aspect of 302° (Northwest) and slope (10°) with uniform relief
models, based on meteorological data. Calculation methods lead to a and fuel conditions. The region and much of southeastern Brazil have
numerical index that is translated as a level of alarm which rises with Cwa climate, according to Koppen (wet summers and dry winters)
the increase in probability of fire occurrence conditions (Hamadeh (Torres and Machado, 2011).
et al., 2017). During 80 days defined at random, between July 1, 2016 and
The wide range of climates and factors controlling ignition makes it November 30, 2016, controlled burnings were performed in four plots
difficult to define a universal fire danger index (Pérez-Sánchez et al., per day in different periods: period 1 beginning at 09:00 am; period 2
2017). The selection or verification of the best fire danger index for a beginning at 11:00 am; period 3 beginning at 1:00 p.m. and period 4
given area should be based on statistical criteria. The efficiency of dan- beginning at 3:00 p.m., with the purpose of simulating a time of the
ger indices has been compared with methods using each day of the year (winter and spring) and the schedule of higher fire danger
dataset usually classified according to “fire-days” or “no-fire-days” (in (Torres et al., 2017b). After the plots were burned, new plots were
some cases additionally “multiple-fire-days” and “large-fire-days”) used in the experiment, therefore, the plots were burned only once.
(Schunk et al., 2017). Fire indices in Austria are compared to a median For the analysis, it was used the average of the four burnings of the
linear model, based on the percentage of occurrences or non- day, thus it was utilized 80 samples.
occurrences of fires (Arpaci et al., 2013), and the Skill Score method The area of each plot was 20 m2 (2 m × 10 m) centralized between
compares the efficiency of these indices in Brazil (Nunes et al., 2010; the planting lines (Fig. 2) where observation and measurement of com-
Torres et al., 2017a). Percentages of burned area, fires per day, fire clas- bustible material and meteorological variables were evaluated as well
ses, etc. (Viegas et al., 1999) and the distance from Mahalanobis as fire behavior during burning.
(Crotteau et al., 2013; Pérez-Sánchez et al., 2017) are used to compare
fire hazard indices in Europe. 2.1. Fuel
There are no updated records for fire occurrences that provide
knowledge of forest fire regimes in Brazil. Only a few forestry companies The combustible material, deposited on the ground, was character-
have maintained a reliable record of occurrences over the years (Tetto ized by height, amount, type and humidity. These data were obtained
et al., 2015). “Fire-day” or “no-fire-day” categories may not be univer- from the forest plantation floor with 2 quadrats of 2500 cm2 (50 cm
sally applicable if fire occurrences are nonexistent or have a low number × 50 cm), randomly placed in each plot, where the combustible material
of records (Schunk et al., 2017). Additionally, the association of the was collected and analyzed as: 1 - height of the material layer deposited
index values, or their classes, with occurrences or non-occurrences of on the forest floor, measured before and after (Residual fuel), by mea-
fire may not portray the actual fire behaviour, since they do not predict suring the combustible material in demarcated plots, with a ruler, at
human intervention (ignitions). The influence of man on ignition was the four corners of the template used. The variable depth of burning
seen in N95% and 98% of forest fires in Europe (San-Miguel-Ayanz was estimated by the difference between the height of the bed before
et al., 2013) and Brazil (Torres et al., 2017b), respectively, showing the and after burning; 2 - amount (kg): the total fuel material was collected
effects of human activity. A fire will not occur without the initial flame before and after each burn, 3 - type: the material was separated into four
to start the combustion reaction, even with factors favorable to categories (Brown et al., 1982): material with a diameter between 0 and
ignition and fire propagation (Torres et al., 2014). Maximum danger 0.64 cm (CI), 0.64 to 2.54 cm (CII), 2.54 to 7.62 cm (CIII) and N7.62 cm
does not necessarily determine the presence of fire and days classified (CIV). The CI class was subdivided into three subclasses: CI-V- living or-
as a minimum danger may have fire occurrences due to human ganic material (grasses), CI-M- miscellaneous- dead organic material
intervention. composed mostly of eucalyptus leaves, grasses, duff, etc., CI-L wood
Fire danger weather indices should correlate with the moisture b0.64 cm diameter; 4 - moisture, collected material was placed in an
content of the fuel, the main ignition factor and fire propagation oven at 75 °C until constant weight was achieved to determine the
(Pyne et al., 1996). The estimation of the moisture content is the weight of dried matter. The fuel moisture was obtained by the differ-
key factor for fire indices because the humidity of the fuel deter- ence between the initial weight and the dry matter of the samples
mines the probability of ignition and the propagation of the fires from the same random quadrats within the plot. In order not to interfere
(Pérez-Sánchez et al., 2017). For this reason, modeling and valida- with the burning, these samples were collected attached to the plots,
tion of fuel moisture in relation to meteorological parameters has having the same conditions of the material inside the plots. In addition
been studied (Matthews et al., 2010; Resco de Dios et al., 2015; to the moisture of each fuel class, the total fuel moisture was also deter-
Slijepcevic et al., 2015), and a review of fire danger, as well as fire mined (UCT). The material consumed by burning (available fuel or CD)
behavior modeling systems and their development, was made in was obtained by the difference between the weight before (total fuel)
Australia, Europe and USA (Fujioka et al., 2008). and after burning (residual fuel). The samples were collected, weighed
The moisture content of the combustible material is an indepen- and returned to the site so as not to interfere with the burning. The var-
dent parameter for assessing the performance of fire hazard indices iable “depth of burning” (PQ) was estimated by the difference between
and is related to meteorological elements. This parameter represents the depth of the forest floor before and after burning, by measuring with
a direct, physical and nominal scale measurement of the fire hazard a ruler at the burn site.
(meteorological and site specific). In addition, it allows a greater va-
riety of statistical analyses beyond binary classifications (“fire-day” 2.2. Fire behavior variables
or “no-fire-day”) independent of causes of human origin, that can
be unevenly distributed at spatial and fire hazard levels (Schunk The fire behavior variables, observed during the burning of each plot,
et al., 2017). were: 1- rate of spread (VP), obtained visually, determining the time re-
The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of quired for the fire line to travel distances of 1 m demarcated in each plot
different fire danger indices considering the behavioral variables and in the direction of its length (10 m); 2- height of flames (Hch) - average
susceptibility to fire expressed by the moisture of the combustible height of flames at each meter of advance of fire line, obtained with
material in southeastern Brazil. ruler. These observations allowed the obtention of the parameters: 1-
1306 F.T.P. Torres et al. / Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 1304–1310

Fig. 1. Study area and climatological normal.

fire intensity (I) with the Byram (1959) equation: I = H ∗ w ∗ VP, being: I matter, in−1, Hd = calorific value of the dry matter, in Kcal.
= fire intensity in kw.m−1.s−1, H = calorific value of the wet material kg−1, U = percentage of moisture in weight of the fuel. 2- heat per
in−1, w = weight of fuel available in kg.m−2, VP = rate of unit area (CA) defined by the equation: CA = I/VP, where: CA = heat re-
spread in m.s−1. The calorific value was determined in PARR adiabatic leased in kcal.m−2, I = fire intensity in kw.m−1.s−1, VP = rate of spread
calorimeter model 1108. The calorific value of the wet material (real cal- in m.s−1. 3- lethal scorch height (Hcl) with the equation: Hcl = [(3.94
orific value) was estimated from the equation of Countryman (1977): H ∗ I7/6) / (0.107 ∗ I + WS3)0.5 (60-T)], being: Hcl = scorch height in me-
= Hd [(100 − U/7) / 100 + U], being: H = calorific value of the wet ters, I = fire intensity in k.m−1.s−1, WS = wind speed in m.s−1, T = air
temperature in °C. The analyzed variables are presented in Table 1.

2.3. Weather

The meteorological conditions (precipitation and evaporation) dur-

ing the experimental period were monitored at the UFV Weather

Table 1
Variables used in a study.

Variables Description

UCI-M Miscellaneous moisture (%)

UCI-V Live fuel moisture (%)
UCI-L Class 1 fuel moisture (%)
UCII Class 2 fuel moisture (%)
UCT Total fuel moisture (%)
PQ Depth of burning (cm)
VP Rate of spread (m/s)
Hch Height of flames (cm)
CD Fuel available (g)
I Fire intensity (kw.m−1)
Ca Heat per unit area (kcal.m−2)
Hcl Lethal scorch height (cm)
Hd Calorific value of dry matter (−1)
H Calorific value of wet matter (−1)
Fig. 2. Experimental design.
F.T.P. Torres et al. / Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 1304–1310 1307

Table 2 not satisfy the distribution: inverse (x−1 2 3

i ), quadratic (xi ), cubic (xi ), log-
Fire danger indices used, country of origin, input parameters and references. arithm neperian (ln(xi)) and inverse of logarithm neperian ( ln (xi)−1).
Index abbrev. Index name Origin Input data Reference Subsequently, multiple regressions were adjusted for the variables
FFMC Fine fuel moisture code Canada T, RH, P, W van Wagner
obtained with the burning and the fuels used as a function of the risk in-
DMC Duff moisture code Canada T, RH, P (1987) dices. The forward Stepwise method was used to select or exclude each
DC Drought code Canada T, P variable. At each iteration the significance of the variable was defined by
ISI Initial spread index Canada T, RH, P, W analyzing the statistical significance at 5% probability of the test Fparcial of
BUI Buildup index Canada T, RH, P
the coefficient associated with the variable for the model. In cases
FWI Fire weather index Canada T, RH, P, W
Nesterov Nesterov Russia T, RH, P Torres et al. where the presence of multicollinearity occurred the variable was re-
Telicyn Telicyn Russia T, RH, P (2017a) moved from the model. With this method the following model was ad-
FMA Monte Alegre índex Brazil RH, P justed:
FMA+ Monte Alegre altered index Brazil RH, P, W
EVAP/P EVAP/P Brazil P, E yi ¼ b0i þ b11 x11 þ … þ bij xij þ εi:
T: temperature (°C), RH: relative humidity (%), P: precipitation (mm/24 h), W: wind speed
(m/s), E: Evaporation (mm). where: yi are the independent variables obtained with the fire behavior
and the fuels used, xij are the j fire risk indices to be related to the yi var-
iables, bij are the parameters to be estimated for each equation and εi is
the random error of the model where e~N(μ,θ2).
Station, which is 1 km far from the site of the burning and has the same
altitude and exposure of the site. Meteorological observations were also 3. Results
made within the forest plantation (air temperature and relative humid-
ity, wind speed and direction) during burning near the plots. Measure- Table 3 shows the minimum, maximum, mean, variance and stan-
ments were taken at the beginning and end of each burn. dard deviation values for the data collected and the calculated indices.
A great variation of the data is observed, with the humidity of finer
2.4. Fire danger indices fuels varying more than coarser fuels, and the live fuel presents greater
moisture. The variables of fire behavior also show great variation.
Twelve fire danger indices created in Canada, Russia and Brazil, with In period 1 (09:00 am), during 5 days of experiment, the flames self-
different meteorological input data were used (Table 2). The indices are extinguished before burning the whole plot, due to high fuel moisture.
calculated daily since 2007. For the analysis, it was used values of the The same happened for period 2 (11:00 am) during 4 days; period 3
days of burns. (01:00 pm) during 3 days, and period 4 (03:00 pm) during 2 days of ex-
periment (Table 4). The days and times with more humidity made it diffi-
2.5. Comparison of index efficiency cult to burn the plots, the indices in these days presented no or small risk
for the occurrence of fire. It was also observed that the days that did not
The normality of the data distributions (fuel conditions and fire be- burn are in the second half of spring and all plots burned during the winter.
havior variables) was previously analyzed with the Lilliefors test. The Therefore, fourteen plots entered the statistical analysis with zero values
normality test statistic is given by: for fire behavior, but their fuel humidity data continued to be used.
All plots presented CI and CII class samples. Only one sample had a
Dn ¼ Max j F ðxi Þ−F n ðxi Þ j CIV and six had CIII class samples. Both class samples (CIV and CIII)
were excluded from the analysis due to low representativity.
where Dn is the maximum distance between the standardized observed The evaluation of the moisture of the combustible material varied
cumulative probability distributions F(xi) and the theoretical cumula- between the indices depending on the analyzed variables. The
tive distribution Fn(xi) with significance analyzed at 5% probability. Brazilian EVAP/P showed the best performance, both at predicting
The following transformations were tested on the variables that did moisture content of the fuel material and fire behavior variables, and

Table 3
Descriptive statistics of fuel data used for burning, burning data and calculated fire risk indices.

Statistics Explanatory variables


Minimum 16.0 3.0 118.0 0.8 6.0 1.9 262.0 1.2 2.8 6.8 −159.0 4.2
Maximum 94.0 163.0 459.0 11.8 173.0 42.3 25,243.3 66.1 138.5 320.0 −2.7 143.4
Average 85.5 79.2 377.9 6.8 96.7 22.5 6061.4 13.8 43.3 134.6 −46.4 54.0
Variance 296.0 2653.9 7515.0 13.7 2403.3 163.7 51,897,572.5 262.2 1733.9 10,854.3 2009.7 2015.8
Standard deviation 17.2 51.5 86.7 3.7 49.0 12.8 7204.0 16.2 41.6 104.2 44.8 44.9

Statistics Independent variables

Fuel moisture Fire behaviour


Minimum 11.4 35.0 11.1 11.3 12.6 0.7 1.1 0.00175 9.1 13.8 1974.8 1.2
Maximum 91.2 123.9 64.3 46.3 77.1 3.2 6.0 0.03501 142.5 370.9 13,176.2 17.7
Average 34.4 80.9 23.6 23.6 34.8 1.8 3.7 0.01942 76.6 153.4 6282.8 7.0
Variance 772.9 699.6 198.1 117.4 473.8 0.8 3.3 0.00013 1866.9 14,335.5 13,499,798.3 25.7
Standard deviation 27.8 26.5 14.1 10.8 21.8 0.9 1.8 0.01161 43.2 119.7 3674.2 5.1
Number os samples 320 320 320 320 320 320a 320a 320a 320a 320a 320a 320a
In fourteen of these plots these variables received zero values because they did not burn.
1308 F.T.P. Torres et al. / Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 1304–1310

Table 4
Days and plots that have not burned, weather conditions and values of fire hazard indexes.

Date Period f/nfa UCT T RH Dwrb FFMC DMC DC ISI BUI FWI FMA FMA+ Nesterov Telicyn P-EVAP EVAP/P

10/24/2016 1 nf 93.9 21.8 86 2 83 32 391 2 53 6 4 25 262 1 −3 6

2 nf 83.6 26.8 64 2
3 nf 64.6 27 63 2
4 f 58.8 28.1 57 2
11/07/2016 1 nf 82.3 21.5 79 2 73 27 405 1 47 2 3 4 300 1 −4 4
2 nf 79.1 23.5 66 2
3 nf 70.0 23.5 69 2
4 nf 79.0 23.5 73 2
11/10/2016 1 nf 53.9 21.9 84 5 83 32 426 3 54 9 7 26 787 4 −14 15
2 nf 57.1 24.2 73 5
3 f 39.2 24 71 5
4 f 29.3 26.5 71 5
11/14/2016 1 nf 88.7 23.7 86 0 16 3 176 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 nf 71.7 25.5 80 0
3 nf 67.0 27 77 0
4 nf 81.0 27 72 0
11/29/2016 1 nf 63.92 24 79 6 90 19 118 7 28 12 0 26 0 0 −18 18
2 f 47.31 30.05 57 6
3 f 46.57 30.75 55 6
4 f 36.77 31.6 51 6
Fire/non fire.
Days without rain.

the Canadian system showed the best performance to predicting the 2017). The non-correlation of the FFMC with the fuel moisture was
Rate of spread (Table 5). not expected because it represents the moisture content of litter and
other cured fine fuels in a forest stand (van Wagner, 1987).
4. Discussion All variables analyzed - fire behavior and fuel moisture content - can
be explained by the prediction indices, with EVAP/P (UCI-M, UCI-L, UCII,
The high R2 values of the models, generated to explain the relations UCT, Hch, I, Ca and Hcl) and FWI (UCI-M, UCI-L, UCT, VP and I) indices
between the fire hazard indices and the analyzed variables, show that being the most present in equations generated. The higher efficiency
the use of combustible material moisture and fire behavior variables of the EVAP/P at predicting fuel moisture and fire behavior was probably
can be used to compare the efficiency of forest fire hazard indices in because it seems to demonstrate better the relationship between loss
any location. It facilitates decision making by increasing confidence in and moisture gain. EVAP/P did not correlate with only three parame-
the results and can be used in regions without records or with unreliable ters: UCI-V, VP and CD. The non-correlation with UCI-V is explained
forest fire data. The literature also indicates the possibility of automated by the fact that living material behaves differently in relation to atmo-
measurements of fine fuel moisture, saving time in obtaining the results spheric humidity (Alves et al., 2009). The non-correlation with VP and
(Schunk et al., 2017). CD is due to the fact that EVAP/P does not take into account wind veloc-
The days and times with burning that did not complete the course ity and combustible material, respectively.
were those of greatest fuel moisture (above 53%) due to the greater en- The components of the Canadian system also showed efficiency at
ergy requirement for the combustion process (Rothermel, 1972). predicting fuel moisture - except for CII - and fire behavior - except for
The separation of the combustible material shows the low represen- PQ, CD and CA. The non-correlation of DC (drought code) with the
tativity of the thicker classes of this material, CIV and CIII, and indicated fuel humidity and fire behavior variables is due to the slow response
homogenous samples. This aided in understanding the correlations, of this component to variations in weather conditions (Schunk et al.,
since the response of heterogeneous materials to the meteorological 2017). The efficiency of the indices in relation to fire behavior showed
changes is broader, making analyses more complex. The separation of greater correlations between the depth of burns (PQ) and Nesterov
the combustible material into classes allows us to understand the re- and FMA+. The rate of spread most correlated with ISI (initial spread
sponses between the indices analyzed, since the materials index with index) and FWI (the lower p-values) was also expected to express the
different dimensions varies according to weather conditions (Brown joint effect of the wind and the moisture of the fine combustible
and Bevins, 1986). material.
EVAP/P (UCI-M, UCI-L, UCII and UCT), P-EVAP (UCI-M, UCII and The relationships between indices of danger and fire behavior and
UCT), FWI (UCI-M, UCI-L and UCT) and DMC (UCI-V) were the only in- fuel moisture (Aguado et al., 2007; Pereira et al., 2012; Schunk et al.,
dices with significance in the models obtained for fuel moisture. EVAP/P 2017) are little studied. This justifies research comparing the efficiency
was the lowest p-value in all models, except for the living material (UCI- of fire hazard indices in different regions.
V). The single index correlated with the UCI-V was DMC (duff moisture Unfortunately, the literature is scarce in studies that use fire behav-
code) because of this, despite significant, its R2 was the lowest among all ior and humidity of combustible material to compare efficiency be-
analyzes, which can be explained by the greater complexity mecha- tween indices of danger. The few ones found are restricted to the
nisms of water loss and retention in relation to dead fuels (Brown and Canadian System both using fuel humidity (Abbott et al., 2007;
Bevins, 1986). Aguado et al., 2007) or fire behavior (Haines et al., 1983), or compare
The only indices that showed a correlation with UCII (time lag of a small number of indices (FMA e FMA+) as Pereira et al. (2012).
10 h) were P-EVAP and EVAP/P, which can be explained by the decrease Comparing the efficiency of fire hazard indices with the moisture
in relative humidity of air as the fuel diameter increases (Brown and content, Schunk et al. (2017) determined that FWI was the most effi-
Bevins, 1986). cient for southeastern Germany.
The non-correlation of the dead material (UCI-M) with DMC (duff The traditional approach that compares the indices with the days of
moisture code) and the correlation with FWI (fire intensity), although fire occurrence or non-occurrence, also showed the higher efficiency of
not expected, is similar to that reported in Germany (Schunk et al., FWI and FMA+ indices in relation to the percentage of occurrences
Table 5
Coefficients of the multiple regressions and p-value obtained with the fit of the model yi = b0i + b11x11 + … + bijxij + εi., where yi are the burning data and the fuels used and xij are the fire risk indices and coefficient of determination R2 adjusted for
each equation.

F.T.P. Torres et al. / Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 1304–1310
Y Marked (*) correlations are significant at p b 0.05000 and (p-value) below Adjusted R2

Intercept FFMC 1/(DMC) DC 1/(ISI) 1/(BUI) FWI Nesterov Telicyn FMA 1/(FMA+) 1/(P-EVAP) 1/(EVAP/P)

UCI-M 12.462* 39.400 −289.621* 86.334* 842.170* 0.94

(0.55928) (0.00160) (0.009232) (0.000001)
UCI-V3 1.027* 0.231 0.78
(0.000006) (0.146301)
UCI-L 82.106* −0.731 −88.418* 26.367 294.695* 0.87
(0.072151) (0.007089) (1.139007) (0.000192)
UCII 1.1642* 0.310* 0.87
(0.041983) (00000001)
UCT 12.305* 556.674 28.689 −208.225* 69.681* 556.028* 0.89
(0.073835) (0.168371) (0.017308) (0.049841) (0.001423)
Ln(PQ) −0.669 0.1298 −0.704 −0.366* −0.957* −0.259 0.93
(0.162176) (0.192822) (0.112240) (0.007184) (0.002289) (0.215933)
Ln(VP) −21.677* 0.190* 68.271* 12.238* −53.9017* 0.90
(0.07271) (0.000687) (0.000088) (0.000009)
Ln(Hch) 0.305* 0.3985 0.661 −0.667 −29.000* −0.587* 0.93
(0.006131) (0.096103) (0.158660) (0.103399) (0.006131) (0.000510)
1/ln(CD) −2.121 2.596* 0.720 0.468 0.91
(0.072274) (0.038579) (0.151473) (0.344538)
1/(I) −0.0127* −0.0757* 0.5026* 0.0001* 0.220* 0.95
(0.017524) (0.005780) (0.006759) (0.000656)
1/(CA) 0.0001* 0.002* 0.86
1/(Hcl) 0.52123* −13.424* −0.0010* 20.7355* 0.3885 2.5542* 0.89
(0.000558) (0.026340) (0.000004) (0.182171) (0.23523)

Only normal distributed variables representations are reported in the table.

1310 F.T.P. Torres et al. / Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 1304–1310

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