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Rhon Bethel R.

Assessment – November 06 2020

Test I. Enumeration.

1) Direct speech

Mark: +2 pts.

2) Reported/indirect speech

Mark: +2 pts.

3) Quotation marks (“”) are used in direct speech, at the same time these aren’t used
for reported speech.

Mark: +2

4) Instead of quotation marks (“”), reported speech uses “that” in the sentence.

Mark: +2 pts.
5) In reported speech, the verbs that come after “that” will change depending on the
reporting verb (said, told, etc.); were the reported verb be in the past tense, the
verbs after “that” will change into past tense(will=would, eat=ate, etc.), it doesn’t
change when the reporting verb is in the present tense.

Mark: +2 pts.

6) Following the same principle in item 5, words that denote time will change
dependant on the reporting verb (said, told). Were the reporting verb be in past
tense, the “time words” will change to past tense as well (tonight=that night,
today=that day, now=then); if the reporting verb was in present tense then the time
words wouldn’t change.
Mark: +2pts.

7) In reported speech, the pronouns that would be used for the same sentence but in
direct speech will be changed according to proper identification of the people
mentioned in the sentence.

Mark: +2 pts.

8) The words within quotation marks in Direct speech are taken from the direct
source, while there are modifications in words for reported speech.

Mark: +2

Test II. Sentence Construction

1) He said he lost his watch.

Mark: -2 pts.

2) She said she was very busy.

Mark: +2 pts.

3) The boy said he took his photo.

Mark: -2 pts.

4) He said he was looking for his keys.

Mark: +2 pts.

5) He said she had written three letters for her friend.

Mark: +2 pts.

Test III. Multiple choice

1) c. Direct Speech
Mark:+2 pts.

2) a. Reported Speech
Mark: +2 pts.

3) a. Reported Speech
Mark: +2 pts.

4) a. Reported Speech
Mark: +2 pts.

5) a. asked
Mark: +2 pts.

Test IV. Explanation (4 points)

There are a few reasons for the modifications of words in reported speech. In
reported speech, the speaker is different therefore pronouns are changed. We use
the word “that” to properly connect the two parts of the sentence (the reported
speech and the reporting clause). We also change the tense usually to past tense as
the reported speech was probably stated by the real source in the past.
Answer: +3 pts.

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