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What is management? What skills do you need to manage?

Management is the study of efficient and effective operation branches. It will

let a group of people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives. There are
two type of management system which are open management and close management.
Open management system is an organization cannot avoid the influence of outside.
While close management system is the organization operates as though it is in its
Management operates through various functions, often classified as planning
(decide what need to do in future), organizing (making the full use of the resources
required to enable to successful), leading (determining what should be done in a
situation and getting people to do it) and controlling (monitoring and check the
progress against plan).
The importance of management are to set up future plan, resolves any
disputes, do jobs with the up most efficiency, track project progress and revise
estimates or adjustment, and deal with problems.
Skills management is the practice of understanding, developing and deploying
people and their skills. Skills management needs to be conducted as an ongoing
process, with individuals assessing and updating their recorded skill sets regularly.
There are six managerial skills involved which are as below:
Observation : able to observe with regular visit to work environment to ensure the
procedures, interaction and work flow.
Monitor employee performance
: procedure need to be clear and frequent encouragement on goals.
Implementation of professional development programs
: evaluates weakness and provides training and development strategies.
Demonstrates working knowledge and expertise
: strong knowledge and experience with high qualification.
Good decision making
: make good decision and considers all difference factors.
Ability to conduct and evaluate research
: conducting and evaluating research

Robert Katz identified three managerial skills that are essential to successful
management: technical, human, and conceptual.
Technical skill involves process or technique knowledge and proficiency. Managers
use the process, techniques and tools of a specific area.
Human skill involves the ability to interact effectively with people. Management
interaction and cooperate with employees.
Conceptual skill involves the formulation of ideas. Managers understand abstract
relationships, develop ideas and solve problems creatively.


What is management?
Management is planning,organizing,leading, and controlling the effort of all organization
members and use organization source to achieve goals that has been set effectively.
Definition by Mary Parker Follet"(the art of getting things done through people)
What skills do you need to manage?
As a manager,there have a few skills that very importan to manage the organization
1.technical skills-Enable to apply the methods,procedures and technic in a few
domain.Technical skills are more closely related to the tasks that are performed by
workers. A manager must know what the workers who are being supervised are doing
on their jobs or assistance cannot be provided to them.
2.human skills-enable to communicate to many kind of people and society.The manager
must understand different personality types and cultures to be able to supervise these
workers. Human skills cannot be learned in a classroom, they are best learned by
working with,manager must close to the worker and know how to
communicate with them.(also known as communications skills)
3.concept skills-manager ability to see organization entirely in its.concept skills are
influence by manager experience,thinking skill,perceptions and background.
4.time management skills-time is gold.manager must be able to do the work that must
be complete in time that given.such as meeting,discussion with clien,make sure the
worker time table,listen to the complains and many more.It is up to the manager to
learn how to manage time so that work can be completed most efficiently.
5.make decisions skills-as a manager,all the decisions must refer to them and do by,if anything happen to the organization are responsible by the manager either its
good or not.manager must very careful before take decision.there also have a few
process before take a final decisions.
I think,these five skills are very importan. as a manager,they must have all these five
skills to be a successfull manager.


"Wan Ted" <>
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What is management?
One of the most popular definition is from Mary Parker Follet.The definition is "the art of
getting things done through people".Actually,the definition of marketing can be describe as
a process of planning,organizing,directing and controlling all the organization and use the
sources to achieve the objective that has been make with efficiently.The sources of
organization is human resource,finance and many more.
What skills do you need to manage?
There are many skills that a mmanager need.One of the skills is communication skills.This is
the most critical skills that a manager need because withut a good communication with a
worker,an organzation will not perform well.The manager also cannot use the sources that
they have effectively.The other skills is on how to manage conflict.If the manager cannot
solve a problem,then he or she cannot become a good manager totally.
Next is a manager should know on how to speak infront of public.This skill can make or
increase the trust from the employee and lastly is a manager should know coaching.This is
because if a manager cannot do some simple work,then the manager will not be respected by
the worker and they will thought that they are more deserve to become a manager.

1. what is management ?
     management is the study of the efficient and effective operation of a business.
management is often included as a factor of production along with machines,money,
and materials. management also consist of th person or persons who control or
direct a business or other enterprise.
2. what skills do you need to manage ?
     skill that i need to manage is executive ability. i have to be collective
administrative heads of a company, institution, business, etc, who are responsible
for conducting the affairs of the company for meeting its short-range and long-range
objectives, and for maintaining it as a profit-making organization and/or an ongoing

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009 2:25 PM

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Rohaiza binti wahab
The process of coordinating and other resources to achieve the goals of an      
Kind of resources
1.      Material: are the tangible, physical, recources an organization uses.
2.      Human: the people who staff the organization and use the other resources to
achieve the goals of the organization.
3.      Financial: the funds the organization uses to meet it’s obligations to investors
and creditors.
4.      Information:the information about internal and external business environment
conditions that the firm uses to it’s competitive advantages.
Basic management functions
The management process- planning→ organizing→ leading and motivating→
        Planning: establishing organizational goals and deciding how to accomplish
        Mission: a statement of the basic purpose that makes an organization
different from others.
        Strategic planning: the process of establishing an organizations major goals
and objective and allocating the resources to achieve them.
Establishing goals and objectives.
        Goal: an end result that the organization is expected to achieve over a one-to
ten-year period.
        Objective: a specific statement detailing what the organization intends to
accomplish over a shorter period of time.
        Properly set goals are: set at every level in the organization, consistent
(supportive) with each other, optimized(balanced) to reduce conflicts between
Establishing plans to accomplish goals and objectives:
        Plan: an outline of the actions by which the organizations intends to
accomplish it’s goals and objectives.
        Strategic plan: an organizations broadest plan,a guide for major policy setting
and decisions making.
        Tactical plan: a smaller-scale plan to implement a strategy.
        Operational plan: a plan to implement a tactical plan.
        Contingency plan: a plan of alternative cources of actions if the
organizations other plan are disrupted or become in effective.
Organizing the enterprise
        Organizing :the grouping of resources and activity to accomplish some end
result in an efficient and effective manner.
        Leading and motivating :
-leading: influence people to works toward a common goals.
-Motivating: providing reason for people to work in the best interest of
the organization.
-Directing: the combined processes of leading and motivating.
Controlling ongoing activities
        Controlling – evaluating and regulating on going activities to ensure that goals
are achieved.
        Control functions:
Setting standards→ measuring actual performance→ taking corrective→ setting

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assigment:what is management?what skill you need to manage?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 2:07 PM

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Management is the process of coordinating people and other resources to achieve the
goals for an organization. There are four main resources in management to achieve
organization goals which is material resources, human resources, financial resources and
information resources. Material resources are the tangible resources physical resources an
organization uses. Then, human resources is the people who staff the organization and use the
other resources to achieve the goals for an organization and financial resources is the funds
the organization uses to meet its obligations to investors and creditors. Lastly is information
resources, the information is about external and internal business environmental conditions
that the firm uses to its competitive.

The process of management is planning, organization, leading and motivating and

controlling. Firstly is planning, planning is establishing organizational goals and deciding
how to accomplish the goals. Secondly is organizing, the grouping of resources and activities

to accomplish same and result is an efficient and effective manner. Next are leading and
motivating. Leading is influence people to work toward a common goal and motivating is
providing reasons for people to work in the best interest of the organization. Controlling  is
the last process, which is evaluating and regulating on going activities to ensure that goals are

We can use three skill to manage. Firstly is technical skill. Technical skill is a special
skill need to accomplish a specialized. Secondly is conceptual skill, the ability to think in
abstract terms. Interpersonal skill is the ability to deal effectively with other people. Next is
analytical skill, use scientific approaches or techniques to solve problems. Then is Decision-
Making Skills, which is need to select a course of action and Digital Skills is conceptual
understanding of computers and telecommunications. Lastly is Human Relations Skills,
accomplish work through other people and ability to work with, communicate with, and
understand others.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009 2:03 PM

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Interpersonal communication is defined by communication scholars in numerous ways,

usually describing participants who are dependent upon one another and have a shared
history. Communication channels, the conceptualization of mediums that carry messages
from sender to receiver, take two distinct forms: direct and indirect.

Direct channels are obvious and easily recognized by the receiver. Both verbal and non-
verbal information is completely controlled by the sender. Verbal channels rely on words, as
in written or spoken communication. Non-verbal channels encompass facial expressions,
controlled body movements (police present hand gestures to control traffic), color (red
signals 'stop', green signals 'go'), and sound (warning sirens).

Indirect channels are usually recognized subconsciously by the receiver, and are not always
under direct control of the sender. Body language, comprising most of the indirect channel,
may inadvertently reveal one's true emotions, and thereby either unintentionally taint or
bolster the believability of any intended verbal message. Subconscious reception and
interpretation of these signals is often described with arbitrary terms like gut-feeling, hunch,
or premonition.

Context refers to the conditions that precede or surround the communication. It consists of
present or past events from which the meaning of the message is derived, though it may also,
in the case of written communications, depend upon the statements preceding and following
the quotation in question. Immediate surroundings may also color the perceived meaning of

words; normally safe discourse may easily become contextually ambiguous or offensive in a
restroom or shower hall. These influences do not constitute the message by themselves, but
rather these extraneous nuances subtly change the message's effective meaning. Ultimately,
context includes the entire world, but usually refers to salient factors such as the following:

Physical milieu: the season or weather, current physical location and environment
Situational milieu: classroom, military conflict, supermarket checkout
Cultural and linguistic backgrounds
Developmental progress (maturity) or emotional state
Complementary or contrasting roles: boss and employee; teacher and student; parent, child,
and spouse; friend or enemy; partner or competitor

Intrapersonal communication
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Intrapersonal communication is language use or thought internal to the communicator.

Intrapersonal communication is the active internal involvement of the individual in symbolic
processing of messages. The individual becomes his or her own sender and receiver,
providing feedback to him or herself in an ongoing internal process. It can be useful to
envision intrapersonal communication occurring in the mind of the individual in a model
which contains a sender, receiver, and feedback loop.

Although successful communication is generally defined as being between two or more

individuals, issues concerning the useful nature of communicating with oneself and problems
concerning communication with non-sentient entities such as computers have made some
argue that this definition is too narrow.

In Communication: The Social Matrix of Psychiatry, Jurgen Ruesch and Gregory Bateson
argue that intrapersonal communication is indeed a special case of interpersonal
communication, as "dialogue is the foundation for all discourse."

Intrapersonal communication can encompass:

 Day-dreaming
 Nocturnal dreaming, including and especially lucid dreaming
 Speaking aloud (talking to oneself), reading aloud, repeating what one hears; the
additional activities of speaking and hearing (in the third case of hearing again) what
one thinks, reads or hears may increase concentration and retention. This is
considered normal, and the extent to which it occurs varies from person to person.
The time when there should be concern is when talking to oneself occurs outside of
socially acceptable situations.[1]
 Writing (by hand, or with a wordprocessor, etc.) one's thoughts or observations: the
additional activities, on top of thinking, of writing and reading back may again
increase self-understanding ("How do I know what I mean until I see what I say?")

and concentration. It aids ordering one's thoughts; in addition it produces a record that
can be used later again. Copying text to aid memorizing also falls in this category.
 Making gestures while thinking: the additional activity, on top of thinking, of body
motions, may again increase concentration, assist in problem solving, and assist
 Sense-making (see Karl Weick) e.g. interpreting maps, texts, signs, and symbols
 Interpreting non-verbal communication (see Albert Mehrabian) e.g. gestures, eye
 Communication between body parts; e.g. "My stomach is telling me it's time for

[edit] Intrapersonal communication in dreams

A particularly interesting example is that of a recently designed technique of 'interviewing'
one's dream characters, particularly during lucid dreaming. In the lucid state, the dreamer is
aware that he or she is dreaming, and can proceed to question, in-depth, each dream
character, whom are necessarily understood to be part of the 'self' in either a psychological
sense or in the more scientific sense of each aspect of one's dream arising from one's own
brain processes.


Intrapersonal relationships refer to those that occur within the individual mind and
within your own intellect. They involve the ways we problem solve and relate to ourselves,
as well as the way we interpret events and ideas. Before your personality is conveyed in a
visual sense, it grapples with the subconscious intrapersonal issues that plague your mind.
Your subconscious mind harbors a bountiful amount of thoughts and ideas that never surface
during interpersonal relationships.

Interpersonal relationships refer to those that occur between individuals. Your

interpersonal is the visual finale and manifestation of your intrapersonal relationships. During
an intrapersonal conversation, you may contemplate murdering another individual, but you
rationalize that it would not be very logical to do so

Mohd Firdaus Bin Rusli

( 091240637 )


Intrapersonal :

Intrapersonal is the relating to the internal aspects of a person, especially emotions like sad ,

happy , angry and so on . Actually it is not activity that include the physical .

Interpersonal :

Interpersonal is the relationships between people like concerning or involving relationships

between people like our family , feelings , loves , friendships , relatives and etcetera .

The differences between intrapersonal and interpersonal is :

Intrapersonal is more relate to the internal aspects of a person like the emotions but ,

Interpersonal is about the relationships between people like friendships .


MATRIX NO:091241653

What is management? What skills do you need to manage?

Management is a skill to use in manages a company and conduct the organization.
The person who was duty on management is called manager. To be a good manager, you
should have an experience and the knowledge. Both of them are important in testing your
leadership and helping you to success in managing the company.
The management is including how to lead, how to control, and how to plan. The
manager is responsibility in there three actions. The manager is the leader to lead the whole

company step into the succeed. He is important in planning activity, therefore he can control
the whole organization.
Communication skills are important when you communicate with your subordinates.
It is testing you in how to speak and listen. To be a responsible manager, you need to give a
direction to your workers to complete the work and you need to listen from them when they
facing the problem. After listening, you need to make the comment and write the report.
As a manager you need to have the human skills. Therefore, you can have a good
relationship between you and your subordinates. This skill can learn from people by people,
so from a talk you can know the personality and also their cultures. As a result, your
subordinates will respect you more.
Manager not only is the leader, but also is the role model for all subordinates. So
the time management is also important for a manager, because he is a very busy person. He
needs to manage his own time in take part in meetings, solve the company’s problem, meet
with person who want to visit and answer the phone calls. So, the time management is very
important for a professional.
As a knowledgeable manager, you need to have some skills like computer skills and
technical skills. Computer is device as technology. Many office’s works are completing by
the computer. They use computer to give order, send document and proposal and also in
controlling the machines. Technical skills are showing the performance by the workers. This
can test and know which worker have a good technique in working. Therefore, by having a
good technique worker can improve the organization of the company.
As a conclusion, be a talented manager, you should have all this managerial skills to
manage your company. So that, you can improve you company and upgrade it into the
international level.

Management is a activity by the human organization in all

business. Management is conducted by the group of people in the
organization to achieve their goals,objectives, vission and mission of
the organization. Its comprises planning,organizing,
controlling,directing,coordinating and staffing the
organization.Directors and managers are responsible to move the
organization. They have the power to make decisions on manage the
companies. The numbers of managers are according to the size of the
management. There might be only hundreds of managers in small
firm and thousand of managers in multinational companies. The chief
executive officer wil be the head of the large firms.Man, materials,
machines and money are the sources of the management. The
managers should be clearly in distribute the sources according to the
importance of uses.

There are a lot of skills to manage an organization such as technical

skills.Technical skill involves process or technique knowledge and
proficiency. Managers use the processes, techniques and tools of a
specific area. The next skill is Human skill which involves the ability
to interact effectively with people. Managers interact and cooperate
with employees. Conceptual skill involves the formulation of ideas.
Managers understand abstract relationships, develop ideas, and solve
the problems creatively. The success of the management is under
these three main skills. The other skills includes, the manager should
respond to the job conflicts quickly to avoid mismanagement. The
managers should resolve the problems positively. The managers
should separate the people in the organization according to their
interest and not to the positions.
"Komala veeran Komz" <>
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Name           : CHONG HUI LING

 GROUP       :22C
What is management? What skills do you need to manage?

In my opinion, I think that management is a long process that involving planning the
strategies, goal, mission and last but not least in the various ways. It also involved the
organizing, staffing, directing coordinating, and reporting in order to achieve the success
in an organization. Management also includes recording and storing the facts and
information for later use or for others within the organization .Everyone of the
organization has some management function as part of their job.

To manage the organization, I think I must need several skills to achieve success. First of
all, communication skill is necessary needed because it is so important to give the
expression to our audiences. Hand in hand with strong communication skills will become
good listening skills and public relations skills. We need to talk or give speech at any
functions like meetings, seminars and etc. Besides this, we also can answer all the
questions confidently and attract people or audiences to listen to us if we have good
communication skills.

Secondly, the ability to make good decisions quickly also is an important skill to me. When
a company faces the problem, we need to find others alternative to solve it without
wasting the time. If as a leader /CEO/manager, TIME IS GOLD to us.

Observations and thinking are the important ways to make the decisions. Through the
observations, we know what are the problem that is occur, what the causes, how it occurs

and so on. Then from that problem, we quickly think the ways to solve it and make a
decision to select the best ways. By doing this, we can reduce the risking of company’s

Thirdly, the leadership also is the key to success. As a leader, we must always to be able
provide motivations or advices to our team members .By doing this, we can increase the
quality in the team member’s performance and your team will be viewed as stronger. A
stronger team is looked to for better projects. This can end up being self –perpetuating. As
a leader, we responsible set the goals for yourself and your team as well .This would help
you to keep things in check and streamline things in the workplace. Besides this, we
should know and identify the strengths and weaknesses of your team to help you to
manage things efficiently. An effective leader will develop the right skills required
to maintain a healthy and happy atmosphere at work!  A leader should give
authority to deserving people and ensure they help other teammates to
perform better.

Essay of Management

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 10:54 AM

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Q: What is management? What skills do you need to manage?

Management means somebody manage something, even if it just for themselves, their
personal finances or their time. These essence of management is to achieve a goal as
efficiently as possible. There are 4 basics management skills to have any success in a
management job. These are:

PLAN: Planning is the first and most important step in any management task. It also is the
most often overlooked or purposely skipped step. The amount of planning and detail
required will vary from task to task. There are several levels of planning (strategic planning,
tactical planning, operational planning, disaster planning, succession planning, crisis

ORGANIZE: A manager must be able to organize teams, task, and project in other to get the
team’s work done in the most efficient and effective manner. As a manager, they needs to:
(a) Determine the roles needed (b)Assign task to the roles (c)Determine the best
resources(people or equipment) for the role (d)Obtain the resources and allocate them to
the roles (e)Assign resources to the roles and delegate authority and responsibility to them.

DIRECT: Directing is the action step and manager have to planned and organized the work.
As a manager, they have to direct the team to get the work done. Start by making sure the
goal is clear to everyone on the team.

CONTROL: The manager monitor the work being done. They have to compare the actual
progress to the plan, and verity the organization is working as they designed it. They needs
to continuosly check result against goals and take action necessary to make sure that the
plans remain on track.

In other to perform the function of management and assume multiples roles, manager must
be skilled. There are 3 management skills that are essential to successful management:

TECHNICAL: Technical skill involves process or technique knowledge knowledge and

proficiency. Manager use the processes, technique, and tools of a specific area.

HUMAN: Human skill involves the ability to interact effective with people.Manager interact
and cooperate with employees.

CONCEPTUAL: Conceptual skill involves the formulation of ideas. Manager understand

abstract relationship, develop idea, and solve problem creativity.

Therefore, technical skill deals with things, human skill concern people, and conceptual skill
has to do with ideas. A manager’s level in the organization determines the relative
importance of possessing technical, human and conceptual skills. Top level manager need
conceptual skills in other to view the organization as a whole. Conceptual skill are used in
planning and dealing with idea and abstractions. Supervisor need technical skills to manage
their area of specialty. All levels of management need human skills in other to interact and
communicate with other people successfully.

Prepared By:Chong Siau Yieng(Matric No:091241982,Group:22C)




MATRIX NUMBER : 091241612

"What is management? What skills do you need to manage?

From the five lectures, I have learned a lot of things about the management. In my
opinion, I think that the management is someone who taken the place as a leader of an
organization to guide his subordinates to make success the vision and mission. In an
organization, if I am a manager, I feel that I need some skills to manage or solve the

There are three skills that need for management, technical skills, human skills and
conceptual skills. As I know, the technical skills are the ability to use his owns knowledge or

skills to manage. For the example, if I am working in the financial department, as a financial
manager, I must have the knowledge of financial and able to do the statistic and accounting.

The second skills management is human skills, mean that the person must have a well
relationship and communication with his shareholder, employees, and customers while
working in an organization. For the example, if I am a manager in a company, I need the well
relationship with my employees so that we can manage and solve the problems effectively.
Besides that, I also need the communication skills to interact with my customers, so that will
be more easies in market searching.

The third skills for management are conceptual skills. It is the skills that need to have
a well thinking when solving the problems or making a research. A manager also must have
the good skills in analyze and comparing on owns company and the other companies so that
can make the best decision. It also can help to success the company’s vision and mission.

The last skills are the time management skills. I think this is more important skills
compare to the other. Time management means a person (manager) must arranges his time
very well in his schedule. This is because a manager is a busy persons, he will attend
appointment, meeting for the organization’s projects or activities. If I am a manager, control
the time very well will give a lot of helps for me so that I will not late for any activities.

As the conclusion, as leader or manager of a company, we should have those skills to

manage in company so that we can success in ours career.

Management is the process of planning, organization, conduct and coordinating people and
other resources to achieve the goals of an organization. Management often included as a
factor of production along with materials, machines and money.
1) Good making decision skill.
- Identifying the problem or opportunity. Manager should be learn to look ahead, so
that they are prepared when decision must be made. After a problem has been
define, the manager must generate the good alternatives decision for solve the
problem. Manager should be open to fresh, innovative ideas as well as obvious
answer to select the alternative. That will be most effective and practical.
2) Conceptual skill.
- Is the ability to think in abstract term. Conceptual skill allows a manager to
understand how the various parts of an organization or idea can fit together. The
skill can useful in a wide range of situations, including the optimization of goals
described earlier.
3) Communication skill.
- A manager must inform their employee about the objective of the company and
another command clearly. The communication skill id the most important because
some employee have to understand what the company want. Furthermore, a
manager who hears about good business opportunity is engaging in the role of
monitor. After that, the manager should transmit key information to those who can

use it. Manager provides information to people inside or outside the organization,
such as the press or public.
4) Interpersonal skill.
- Ability to deal effectively with other people, both inside and outside an
organization. Ability to relate to people to understand their needs and motives and
show genuine compassion.


What is management? What skills do you need to manage?

Management is basically defined as a study of an operation of a business that is

effective and efficient. They can be often included as a factor of production along with
machines, materials and money. There are various types of management such as
financial, marketing, human resource, production, service, information technology and
strategic management.

Other than that, management can also be defined as the act, manner or practice
of managing, handling, supervision or control like management of a crisis or factory
workers. A person in-charge in management is called a manager. They usually have a
perfect skill in managing and the executive ability. They are responsible for conducting
the affairs of company to meet its objectives either the short-range one or the long-
range. Besides they must also make sure that the organization or an ongoing enterprise
will always produce profit rather than a loss.

Talking about the skills that we need to manage as a manager, there are quite a
number of skills that are involved and those skills are classified as managerial skills.
There are six skills like observation, ability to conduct and evaluate research, good
decision making, demonstrate working knowledge and expertise, implementation of
professional development program, and also monitor employee performance.

Firstly, observation, it is something that had been rarely done by a manager due
to shortness of time. But, this skill is quite important as the manager have to be the one
who knows what happened at the workers’ place. Next, ability to conduct and evaluate
research, a manager has to be someone who is able to lead the others and give some
rational orders. Thirdly, good decision making. Very good and wise in making any
decisions that involved the future of the company will be a bonus for a good manager.
For the demonstration working knowledge, it is quite the same with the point:

implementation of professional development program as both of them needs the
expertise in doing work. The manager is responsible in giving the best order that satisfy
the organization. The last one, monitor employee performance is also one of the skills
that are important. The manager must always monitor how the employee works to
improve their level of working achievement.

Other than those skills mentioned above, there are also some other skills like
communication, experience, leadership, delegation and also organizational. About
communication, the managers had to be an observant person. Experience can be
something helpful for the managers to handle his workers. Leadership is the most
important aspect here. A good manager is a manager that willing to work with his
employees. He must also have the delegation skills in order to delegate responsibilities to
his workers. A manager must always trust his own workers. Last but not least,
organizational. A manager has to have the ability to organize and manage teams, roles
and projects.

Thus, as a conclusion, a manager should always have the managerial skills in

order to manage an organization efficiently as it will leads in performing a good
management in an organization.


091240960 (22C)


Group : 22B
Matrix Number : 091241132


Management is the study of the efficient, accuracy and effective operation of a

business. There are nine main branches of management such as financial
management, marketing management, human resources management, strategic
management, production management, service management, information
technology management and business intelligence.
In business, management is the act of getting people together and work
together in order to complete, achieve and accomplish their goals and objectives. It
involved planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing and controlling an
organization or effort of achieving certain goals.

There are six skills that we have to manage. First one is doing an observation.
We can manage by doing an observation by visits to the work place often, it have to
be a priority to visit the work place. With that we can observe and ensuring the steps,
procedures and the work flows are smooth and do not have any problems. Next,
observe or monitor employee performance. They can manage by walking around
and monitor their employee by themselves in order to get know their employee
personally and ensure there are no problems and any difficulties while working. Then
we should do implementation of professional development programs. When they
know their employees well, they can evaluate them personally where the manager
can find where the strength and weakness in the work environment. So, they can
provide training and development strategies to strengthen the weaker skills in them
and give training to them. Fourth, demonstrates working knowledge and expertise.
While provide training or giving training, they can show that they are qualified and
with high credentials by showing a good leadership. Fifth, a good decision making
where they consider all the different factors before come with final decisions. Last
one is the ability to conduct and evaluate research where they can conduct with
excellence performers and evaluate research so they can predict what the future

pearl_ice ice" <>

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Good Morning.
Here the answers for the exercise that you given to us regards on management.
Q : What is management?
A : Management is an activity where we need to combine everyone together and set
steps to achieve the company's or an    organization's goals.
Q : What skills do you need to manage?
A : From my point of view, to manage some work we must need the planning skills,
organizing skills, stafing skills, the skills on how to leading or direct some
organization and the ability to control the organization.
-Planning skills here means the steps that someone should do first before get involved
in that certain works. Planning also can be defined as early preparation before we
do certain works.
Organizating means the ways on how we deviding our works into certain portion or
parts before we start that works.
Other than that, stafing also one of the skills that we need to manage certain works.
Stafing is actually a process where a leader will choose or deviding some specific tasks
to specific person.
Apart from that, a managing process also include the leading or a direct ability. For
example, to manage a company the most important skills that a manager should have is
leading skills. Leading skills is actually a skills where a person need to be a role model or
a person who will guide others to achieve the aims or goals that already set before.
Controlling skills means the ways on how a person take over a organization and always
keep an eye on it. And every works is always under that person.
Sir, this is my opinion on what skills do i need to manage. Any comments please let me
know, so that i can improve myself.

Thank You And Have A Nice Day.

ganeswary ganes moi" <>

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Management focucess on the entire organization from both a short and long term
perspective.Management is a the managerial process of forming a strategy vision,setting
objectives,crafting a strategy and then implementing and executy the strategy.There are
branches in management such as financial management,human resources
management,and marketing management.The goal of management is to get return on
such resources by geeting things done effciently.

Management skills can defined as effective management requires different skills from
leadership.there are five skliis that should have to manage there are techinal skills is the
dominant of leadreship and can be also become obsolete.this techinal is apply all the
procuders and all the techinal skills into all the field.As maneger they should have this
skiils so tahat they know such tecnical to operate they businees.Scond skills is
communication skills.Effective communication skills is all about convenying manager to
other people clearly and unambigously.Communition are very important to a manager
so that  they know his or her staf problems well.Third skills is time management
skills.Time management skills is  ability to do all the work that should we done in time
of period that we already fix it.As manager this skills is very important for them to
attend a meeting.If manager don not have this skills manager going to face many
problems and they will tke wrong desion.Lastly is conceptual skills.Conceptual skills is
ability to understand the degree of complexity in a given situation and to ruduce the
compexcity to a level or specific course of action that cab be defined.

Thenesh Kumar" <>

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Dear Sir,
Good Morning.
Here is the answers for the exercise that you given to us regards on

Question 1

Management is an activity where we need to combine everyone together and set steps
to achieve the company's or an organization's goals.

Question 2

Autocratic, Paternalistic, Democratic, Laissez-faire

An Autocratic or authoritarian manager makes all the decisions, keeping the information and
decision making among the senior management. Objectives and tasks are set and the
workforce is expected to do exactly as required. The communication involved with this
method is mainly downward, from the leader to the subordinate, critics such as Elton Mayo
have argued that this method can lead to a decrease in motivation from the employee's point
of view. The main advantage of this style is that the direction of the business will remain
constant, and the decisions will all be similar, this in turn can project an image of a confident,
well managed business. On the other hand, subordinates may become dependent upon the
leaders and supervision may be needed. A more Paternalistic form is also essentially
dictatorial, however the decisions tend to be in the best interests of the employees rather than
the business. A good example of this would be David Brent or Michael Scott running the
business in the fictional television show The Office. The leader explains most decisions to the
employees and ensures that their social and leisure needs are always met. This can help
balance out the lack of worker motivation caused by an autocratic management style.
Feedback is again generally downward, however feedback to the management will occur in
order for the employees to be kept happy. This style can be highly advantageous, and can
engender loyalty from the employees, leading to a lower labour turnover, thanks to the
emphasis on social needs. It shares similar disadvantages to an authoritarian style; employees
becoming dependent on the leader, and if the wrong decisions are made, then all employees
may become dissatisfied with the leader. The leader always leads themselves into brushing
the floor.
In a Democratic style, the manager allows the employees to take part in decision-making:
therefore everything is agreed by the majority. The communication is extensive in both
directions (from subordinates to leaders and vice-versa). This style can be particularly useful
when complex decisions need to be made that require a range of specialist skills: for example,
when a new ICT system needs to be put in place, and the upper management of the business
is computer-illiterate. From the overall business's point of view, job satisfaction and quality
of work will improve. However, the decision-making process is severely slowed down, and
the need of a consensus may avoid taking the 'best' decision for the business. It can go against
a better choice of action.In a Laissez-faire leadership style, the leader's role is peripheral and
staff manage their own areas of the business; the leader therefore evades the duties of
management and uncoordinated delegation occurs. The communication in this style is
horizontal, meaning that it is equal in both directions, however very little communication
occurs in comparison with other styles. The style brings out the best in highly professional
and creative groups of employees, however in many cases it is not deliberate and is simply a
result of poor management. This leads to a lack of staff focus and sense of direction, which in
turn leads to much dissatisfaction, and a poor company image.

Thank You And Have A Nice Day.


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"Rohaiza Wahab" <>
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Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel (SMART)
SMART is acronym for Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel a project under
the federal Government initated to alleriate the floods problem in the city of Kuala
Lumpur .  The project is implemented through a joint venture pact between MMC
Corp Berhad and Gamuda Berhad with the Department of  Irrigation and Drainage
Malaysia and the Malaysia Highway Authority as the executing government
The Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel was incepted by the project
proponent, namely MMC Corp Berhad-Gamuda Berhad Joint Venture,primarily to
mitigate the recurring floods in the city of Kuala Lumpur, the financial,business and
commercial hub of Malaysia.
The SMART project is implemented under the close supervision of the
government,namely the Drainage and Irrigation Department of Malaysia and the
Malaysia Highway Authority. Engineering support for SMART project is provided by
a local consultant, Sepakat Setia Perunding (Snd) Bhd in association with Mott Mac
Donald of United Kingdom.
SMART Management Team
 Mohd Fuad Kamal Ariffin - General Manager
 Mok Wah Seng - Maintance  & Engineering
 Chee Sai Mun – Finance & Admin
 Ahmad Razlan Amir Hamzah - Traffic & Safety
 Mohd Noor Mohd Ali - Toll Operation  & Public Relations
 Norzanawati Kasa - Human Resources
Interviewee: Ahmad Razlan Amir Hamzah
Name of company: Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel
Position: Manager Traffic&Safety
1. Improve knowledge in management
2. Learn how to manage a a big company
3. Manager responsibility
4. How to built up a company
1. Can gain knowledge about management
2. Full of high spirit of management in ourselves
3. Can know about the characteristic of manager
4. Can understand about the management specialization.
Inconclusion, manager has a big responsibility to their company.  Manager is a role-
model to their workers.  So, manager must show a good behaviour and do their work
very well.


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