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Good morning teacher, my name is Jorvyn fernandez Cruz.

Today I’m going to talk about “The

secret of the seven seeds”, Written by David Fishman.

Is a book that I knew, when I was in high school six years ago, it was a book that was
recommended to me by a teacher for a literary exposition.

The book "The Secret of the Seven Seeds", whose author is Professor David Fischman, has a
novelistic style. The author reveals that it is an autobiographical novel in which he discovers
the various stages of his spiritual growth.

When the protagonist, Ignacio Rodriguez, suffers a pre-infarction, he decides to make a radical
change in his life, which had been marked by stress and a priority dedication to work.
Progressively, although at first without much enthusiasm, he enters the world of oriental
meditation guided by a guru who becomes his teacher and guide.

“That’s all, thank you for your attention”.

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