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a/ Điền vào chỗ trống

Bài 1:Mai and Lan met each other ten years ago when they were both sixteen years old.
They met each other in an evening English class when they had a comprehension lesson.
Lan didn’t understand a word, so she asked Mai to help her and then they became close
friends. They were together nearly everyday. They left school 2 years later.
Then Lan went to the university but Mai didn’t. She married to a rich businessman and
had two children. Lan continued to study for 4 years because she wanted to be a teacher.
She had a lot of new friends but Mai is still one of her close friends. Now Lan is married
and has a baby. She lives near Mai, so they meet very week. They often go for a walk in
the park and talk about past things.
* Questions:
1. How old were Mai and Lan when they met each other?
2. Where did they meet each other?
3. Did Mai go to the university?
4. Why did Lan continue to study for 4 years?
5. Are Lan and Mai close friends?
6 . Do you have any close friends?
Bài 2: Tet or Lunar New Year holiday is the most important celebration for Vietnamese
people. Tet is a festival which happens in late January or early February. Before Tet,
people usually clean and decorate their homes. They go to market to buy candy, jams or
dried water melon seeds. They also get new clothes which are worn at Tet. They often
buy beach blossoms and marigolds which are traditional flowers on Tet holiday. Tet is a
time for family members gather and have some special meals with special food such as
sticky rice cakes. People often visit relatives and close friends on the second day of the

*Check True (T) or False (F) (1m)

1............ Tet is the most important celebration in Vietnam.

2............ Tet happens in early January.

3............ People don't clean and decorate their homes.

4........ People often visit relatives and close friends on the first day of New Year.

*Answer the questions: (1m)

5. What is the other name of Tet?

6. When does Tet occur?


a/ In order (not) to/ so as (not) to

1. Rachel wanted to watch the news. She turned on the TV.


2. Nancy is carrying extra courses every semester. She wants to graduate early.


3. Ed took some change from his pocket. He wanted to buy a newspaper.


4. I unplugged the phone. I didn’t want to be interrupted while I was working.


5. He studies hard. He doesn’t want to fail in the exam.


b/ Would/Do you mind + V-ing?

Would you mind if + S + quá khứ ?

Do you mind if + S + hiện tại đơn?

1/ Can I turn on the TV?

 Would you mind…..

2/ Can you help me turn on the light?

 Would you mind if….

3/ May I ask you a question?

=>Do you mind if…..

4/  Will you send her this box for me?

=>Do you mind…..

c/ Compound words

1/ Viet Nam is a country which exports coffee.

 Viet Nam is a coffee – exporting

2/ It is a contesst in which participants have to cook rice.

 ……

3/ It is a contest in which participants have to make a fire.

 …..

4/ This is a machine which is used to wash clothes.

 …..

d/ Passive forms

e/ reported speech

f/ reported speech (yes – no)

g/ Will/ Shall

Bài 1:

Ba: What time (0) will Aunt Mai be here?                   (will / shall)

Mrs. Nga:  She(l)_________ be here in two hours.                   (will / shall)

Ba: (2)________ Uncle Sau be with her?                   (will / 'll )

Mrs. Nga: No, he (3)___________ . He has to stay in Ho Chi Minh City.         (will /

Ba: (4)_____ I come to the airport with you?             (will / shall)

Mrs.  Nga: OK. It (5)_________ be a nice trip for us both.        (will / won’t)

Ba: Great. I (6)______ be ready in two minutes.         (won’t / ’ll)

Bài 2:

a) Nga: Are you hot. Grandma?

    Mrs. Tuyet: Yes. I open the window, please, Nga?

b) Mrs. Tuyet: My book is on the floor. ________________ to me, please?

c) Mrs. Tuyet: ________________________________ , please?

d) Nga: Do you want to listen to the radio?

    Mrs. Tuyet: No, thanks. I always watch the news at 7 pm. _____ , Nga?

e) Mrs. Tuyet: I’m thirsty. _________________________ for me?

    Nga: Of course.

f) Nga: Are you comfortable?

   Mrs. Tuyet: No, I’m not. ______________________ , please?


Easy / understand / difficult / hard / important + to + nguyên mẫu

Progressive tenses with “always”

S+ are/is/am + always + V-ing

Vd: Nam is always watching TV

1/ Liem/go out

 ……

2/ Bao/ forget / homework

 …..

3/ Miss Lien/ Mr Thanh / miss / bus


1/ Write a thank – you note

Dear Hoa,

Thank you very much for the flowers you sent me while I was in the hospital.
They were beautiful and they really helped to cheer me up. I came out of the hospital on
Monday morning.

Now I am very bored. Will you come over to my place on the weekend? I’d love to see

I will phone you on Friday afternoon.

Your friend,


2/ Write a postcard

Dear Sally,

We are having a wonderful time in the USA. The people are friendly and the weather has

been warm and sunny.

In San Francisco, I visited my friend. Sandra Smith and her family. It vas lovely/ nice to
see them.

I bought lots of souvenirs for the children. Thanh is always complaining about

the heaviness of my suitcase.

See you soon.



3/ Write a letter about a trip

Dear Hoa,

How are you? I hope you are studying hard for your exams next week.

My class has just returned from a trip to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. The Canyon is
part of Grand Canyon National Park and it was fermed by the Colorado River over
millions of years. We spent a week there and I didn't want to leave.

Although it was summer, it was quite cool at night because the area is more than 2,000
meters above sea level.

On our first day, a park ranger led us on a guided hike along the edge of the Canyon. He
talked about the history of the area. He also talked about the original inhabitants who
lived there during the Stone Age.

What do you plan to do during the summer vacation? Write to me after your exams.

Your friend,



 DireDirect speech   Reported speech
today that day
tonight   that night
tomorrow  the next day / the following day
yesterday the day before / the previous day
ago before
now    then
next / on Tuesday the next / following Tuesday
last Tuesday the previous Tuesday / the Tuesday before
the day after
in two days’ time / two days later
this  that
these those
this / that  the
here   there

Direct speech Reported speech

will / shall      would / should
am / is / are going to was / were going to
present simple  past simple
present continuous past continuous
past continuous past perfect continuous
present perfect past perfect
past simple   past perfect
must  had to
can   could   

1. Reported statements: 
S + say(s) / said + (that) + S + V
*** says / say to + O => tells / tell + O
         said to + O => told + O

Ex:  He said to me: “I haven’t finished my work.”

       He told me he hadn’t  finished his work.  

2.    Reported questions:

A.    Yes / No questions:
asked (+ O)
S+ wanted to know  +  if / whether + S + V.

Pamela will drive the bus.

The bus ____________________

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