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GROUPE: 1226
CLASS OF 13/03/21
Subject pronouns
o I -> siempre en mayúscula
o You
o He
o She
o It -> cosa o animal
o We
o They
o You

Canciones con pronombres: She will be loved; I love you and She.
Words like God and Bible always go in initial capital letters.
Singular: I, you, he, she, and it.
Example: You’re my friend.
Plural: We, they, you.
Example: You’re my friends.
They también puede usarse para it, por ejemplo: They’re beautiful houses

Para la pronunciación de it, no decimos it literalmente, pero tampoco et, hay un punto
intermedio entre it y et.
As examples:

Leave Live Left Sheet Shit

Leef Laiv Left sheee Shet

I love you
En el caso de arriba, I es el sujeto de nuestra oración y you vendría siendo el sustantivo.
En inglés, el sujeto siempre (99%) va antes del verbo.
My mom told me SV (sujeto-verbo)
Me dijo mi mamá VS (verbo sujeto)
CLASS OF 20/09/21
VERB TO BE (identity, description, location)

Forma simple Contraída

I am I’m
You are You’re
He is He’s
She is She’s
It is It’s
We are We’re
You are You’re
They are They’re

We´re not (american) = We aren’t (british)
He’s not (american) = He isn’t
aren’t / isn’t
are not / is not

Am I…?
Are you…?
Is she …?
Is he …?
Is it …?
Are we …?
Are you …?
Are they …?

Clumsy -> torpe
Noisy -> ruidoso
Clueless -> “perdida/sin pistas”
I’m short
I’m very happy
I´m mexican
I’m in my house
I’m studying english
CLASS OF 22/09/21

Continente Gentilicio
Africa African
Asia Asian
Australia Australian
Europe European
North America North American
South America South American

CLASS OF 27/09/21
Referentes de las letras.

Q: Qbert and queue (british)

P: VIP, picture, Peter, GPS, p&g, pig, pizza

D: CD, ACDC, Disney, DC

BELOW: bi i el ou dabliuw – BIIEL O

Parent: pi ei ar i en ti

Pieiar ienti

Es común agrupar para deletrar

CSI ci es ai = ciesai

USA iu es ei= iuesei


PLEASE = agrupar tres para deletrear


I (YO) vs My (MÍO)

You (TÚ) vs Your (tuyo)

He (él) vs his (suyo)

She (ella) vs. Her (Suyo)

It (eso) vs Its

We (nosotros) vs Our (nuestro)

You tmb lo contamos como USTEDES

They – Their

You’re/ your suenan exactamente igual

He’s/ His suenan similar it’s like

Jeiis/ Jiis

CLASS OF 29/09/21
Guy es chico

Gal es chica

Ahora puede ser usada para cualquier género

His name is Rob Walker, he loves London, he thinks it’s a great city, he works for a magazine

Her name is Jenni S., she´s from NY (number one city in the world), she’s the new assistant in a
magazine, is her first time in UK (business trip)

CLASS OF 4/10/21
a/an for singular

a table/pen/man/woman

an orange/an apple/an engineer/ an igloo/ an iguana/ an uncle

‘some’ for plurals

Some pens/some oranges/some men /some photos/some pencils

Some is algo
An umbrela- Umbrellas para plural, two umbrellas or some umbrellas

A watch (es de pulso) – clock es el de pared

A book (dictionary) – two dictionaries

1.- Identify the final sound for the word

RULER errr

2.- Identify if the sound makes you vocal cords vibrate

3.- If it vibrates /z/, if does not /s/



What’s this? What’s that?


What are these? What are those?

CLASS OF 6/10/21

Decoran el sustantivo

Pretty, big, tall, etc.

o The White HOUSE

o Red Bull
o Pretty Woman
o Big Ben
o Green Card
o Black Label
o Yellow submarine
o Hot dog
o Sweet Caroline

El adjetivo siempre va detrás del sustantivo or después del verb to be

It´s a yellow notebook or the notebook is yellow.

This is a big coffee cup or this coffee cup is big.

1. They´re Japanese tourists

2. It´s an international school
3. That isn´t the right answer
4. We´re good friends
5. Hi Anna, nice to meet you
6. Those animals are dangerous
7. This is a big country
8. My phone is very cheap

It´s a very hot day

Is your teacher Australian?

That car isn´t very fast

It´s a bad idea

Are you a good student?

English is very easy

My brother is very strong

This is an expensive watch


o Bad (9) good

o Big (8) little
o Dangerous (1) safe
o Dirty (10) clean
o Easy (11) hard
o Empty (7) full
o Expensive (2) cheap
o Far (13)
o Fast (12)
o High (16)
o Hot (6)
o Long (3)
o Old (15)
o Rich (5)
o Strong (14)
o Wrong (4)

Overweight is pasado de peso, pero para decirlo en buena onda

Thin is like ñango

CLASS OF 11/10/21
Worried, happy, thirsty, hot, angry, hungry, tired, stressed, cold, sad, and bored.
Use To be + Emotion
Yes: I'm very hungry.
Not: I have very hungry.

o Can you explain #3, please?

o I don’t remember #3.
o What is ____?
o What is the meaning of _____?
CLASS OF 13/10/21
Frases verbales.

Verb phrase = V + complement


 Close the door

 Open the window
 Don’t call me “chaparro”
 Don’t do that
 Don’t be cruel
 Don’t + verb

LET’S (sugerencia o suavizar una orden)

 Let’s learn French (aprendamos francés)

 Let’s go to the movies
 Let’s make a party
 Let’s not work Tomorrow (no trabajemos mañana)
 Don’t work tomorrow (no trabajes mañana)
 Let’s not make so much noise (no hagamos tanto ruido)

I’m bored/ Turn on the TV (+)/ Let’s turn on the TV (-)

Please speak Spanish (+) /

Let’s go to be (-)/Go to bed (+)

Don’t read it (+)

Have a sandwich (cómete un sandwich) (+)

Be careful (+)

It’s raining. Take an umbrella (+)/ Let’s take an umbrella (-)

Park here (+)/ Let’s park here (-)


Come on. Let’s go

It’s late. Let’s turn off the TV and go to bed

I’m tired. Let’s sit down

It’s very cold in here. Let’s close the window

There a service station. Let’s stop and have a coffee.

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