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Scour protection of circular bridge piers with collars

and slots
a b c d
A.T. Moncada-M , J. Aguirre-Pe , J.C. Bolívar & E.J. Flores
Hydraulics Laboratory, Hydraulics Research Center , School of Civil Engineering,
University of the Andes , Mérida, 5101, Venezuela E-mail:
Hydraulics Laboratory, Hydraulics Research Center , School of Civil Engineering,
University of the Andes , Mérida, 5101, Venezuela E-mail:
Hydraulics Laboratory, Hydraulics Research Center , School of Civil Engineering,
University of the Andes , Mérida, 5101, Venezuela E-mail:
Hydraulics Laboratory, Hydraulics Research Center , School of Civil Engineering,
University of the Andes , Mérida, 5101, Venezuela E-mail:
Published online: 26 Apr 2010.

To cite this article: A.T. Moncada-M , J. Aguirre-Pe , J.C. Bolívar & E.J. Flores (2009) Scour protection of circular bridge
piers with collars and slots, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 47:1, 119-126

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Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 47, No. 1 (2009), pp. 119–126
© 2009 International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research

Scour protection of circular bridge piers with collars and slots

Protection de l’affouillement autour de piles cylindriques de ponts avec
colliers et rainures
A.T. MONCADA-M, (IAHR Member), Hydraulics Laboratory, Hydraulics Research Center, School of Civil Engineering, University
of the Andes, Mérida, 5101, Venezuela. E-mail:

J. AGUIRRE-PE, (IAHR Member), Hydraulics Laboratory, Hydraulics Research Center, School of Civil Engineering, University of
the Andes, Mérida, 5101, Venezuela. E-mail:
Downloaded by [University of Newcastle (Australia)] at 00:47 06 September 2014

J.C. BOLÍVAR, Civil Engineer, Hydraulics Laboratory, Hydraulics Research Center, School of Civil Engineering, University of the
Andes, Mérida, 5101, Venezuela. E-mail:

E.J. FLORES, Civil Engineer, Hydraulics Laboratory, Hydraulics Research Center, School of Civil Engineering, University of the
Andes, Mérida, 5101, Venezuela. E-mail:

Findings on further investigations on the effects produced by a collar around a circular pier and by the piercing of a rectangular slot for controlling
the scour depth are presented. Experiments were conducted using uniform sand and a circular pier of 7.3 cm diameter. The Froude number varied
between 0.20 and 0.32. Two collars of 14.6 cm and 21.9 cm diameter were first investigated. Subsequently, a slot of 1.8 cm width and variable length
was pierced on the central pier section. It was found that when the collar was placed at the bed level, the minimum depth of scour was reached. The
scour depth is reduced when the collar diameter is increased, and the most favorable location to decrease the local scour was obtained by placing the
slot near the bed. The scour depth decreases as the slot length increases and was almost entirely eliminated when applying the collar–slot combination
for the considered flow conditions.

Les résultats de recherches additionnelles sur les effets produits par un collier placé autour d’une pile cylindrique et du perçage d’une rainure
rectangulaire pour contrôler la profondeur d’affouillement sont ici présentés. Les expériences ont été faites avec du sable uniforme et une pile
cylindrique de 7.3 cm de diamètre. Le numéro de Froude a varié de 0.20 à 0.32. Les recherches ont d’abord été réalisées avec deux colliers de 14.6 et
21.9 cm de diamètre. Ensuite, une rainure de 1.8 cm de largeur et de longueur variable a été creusée dans la partie centrale de la pile. Nous résultats
montrent que quand le collier est placé au niveau du lit, on obtient la plus petite profondeur d’affouillement. Quand le diamètre du collier augmente, la
profondeur d’affouillement se réduit. La localisation de la rainure la plus favorable pour diminuer l’affouillement local s’est revelée être près du fond.
La profondeur d’affouillement décroît quand la longueur de la rainure augmente, et la profondeur d’affouillement est presque totalement éliminée
quand on applique la combinaison collier- rainure pour les conditions de flux considérées.

Keywords: Bridge piers, collar–slot combination, local scour, pier collar, pier slot, protection device, scour

1 Introduction Previous studies have shown that the scour depth evolution may
be influenced by the approach flow Froude number expressed in
The formation of scour holes around bridge piers is one of the terms of the bed particle size.
main causes of bridge foundation collapse. Local scour at bridge Two basic procedures may reduce the scour depth. The first
piers may be defined as a local lowering of the bed elevation consists in enhancing the ability of the bed material to withstand
around a pier. This lowering is mainly caused by the horseshoe erosion. This is generally done by placing an armoring device on
vortex combined with the downflow in front of the pier, the vor- the bed, such as riprap. The riprap provides a physical obstacle
tex shedding at the back of the pier and the flow contraction. that resists the erosive power of the flow. The second procedure
Bridge failure due to the effects of local scour associated with the consists in reducing the downflow in front of the pier and the
structure of the local flow field around a pier involves a consider- horseshoe vortex scouring the bed material. This is generally
able interest in scour prediction and scour protection measures. achieved by placing a circular collar around the pier. A collar

Revision received June 18, 2008/Open for discussion until August 31, 2009.

120 A. T. Moncada-M et al. Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 47, No. 1 (2009)

avoids that sediment particles are eroded by the downflow. A slot layer deep within the sediment bed rather than at the bed surface.
may also be pierced along the pier height, either near the bed or As the riprap was deeper, the riprap exposed to destabilizing bed
near the water surface. forms was smaller, and a better protection against local scour
Herein the combined effect produced of placing a collar was achieved. They concluded that the destabilization of riprap
around a circular pier and piercing a rectangular slot to con- layers protecting bridge piers by the progression of bed forms
trol the depth of scour is examined. Experiments were conducted past the pier is the predominant failure mode under live-bed
using collars of different diameters placed at different elevations. conditions.
The slot was located near the bed and near the water surface to Chiew (1992) conducted experiments using a cylindrical pier
assess the effects of both arrangements on the scour depth. Sev- of diameter 32 mm. The bed material involved an uniform sand
eral experiments were carried out by combining the slot with a of 0.33 mm median particle size and of 2.65 t/m3 specific gravity.
collar. From a practical viewpoint, the hydraulic-oriented coun- The flow depth was 180 mm. The flow velocity varied between
termeasures should conform the structural requirements. Slot 0.67 and 0.81 m/s. Chiew studied the effects produced by a collar
clogging with floating debris could reduce the slot efficiency. placed around the pier, a slot in the pier, and a combination of both
Furthermore, wide collars placed at separate piers may reduce on scour. His experiments showed that these three methods were
the net bridge opening, especially in case of navigational use of effective in reducing the scour depth. By placing a one-fourth
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rivers. diameter wide slot near the water surface or at bed level, it was
possible to reduce the clear water scour depth by as much as 20%.
His study also indicated that a one-half diameter wide slot placed
2 Review of literature near the water surface may reduce the clear water scour depth up
to 30% and that a slot placed near the bed combined with a collar
Although many experimental studies were conducted to predict could eliminate scour completely. The present study uses collars
pier scour, there is little information regarding the best way to and slots for flow conditions different from those considered by
protect piers against scour. Maza and Sánchez (1966) proposed a Chiew (1992).
method to protect piers against scour formation. This method was Kumar et al. (1999) assessed the effect of pier slots and collars
based on the theory of critical conditions for sediment entrain- on the reduction of local scour at bridge piers. The experimen-
ment and hydraulic bed resistance. Replacing bed particles with tal work reported by Kumar (1996) was carried out in a 30 m
another material of larger diameter and more resistant to ero- long, 1 m wide, and 0.60 m deep flume of longitudinal slope
sion was also proposed. Breusers et al. (1977) recommended So = 7.73 × 10−4 . Experiments were conducted under differ-
the placement of boulders with a critical entrainment velocity of ent flow conditions and for slots and collars of different sizes
twice the extreme flood velocity around the pier. Posey (1974) using piers and sediment of various sizes. Kumar et al. (1999)
performed tests using transparent cylinders of different diameter studied the efficiency of slots of different lengths and different
and prismatic diamond-shaped hollow wooden piers. He con- angles of attack, including the scour reduction in terms of the
cluded that bridge piers in erodible material can be protected collar location and size at different elevations. They found that
from under-scour by means of an inverted filter extending to 1.5 larger diameter collars close to the bed are more effective than
to 2.5 pier diameters from the pier. He also reported that Terza- smaller. It was concluded that a slot can be effective in reducing
ghi’s inverted filter design consisting of one or more layers of scour, particularly if it extends into the bed, and that the slot is
progressively coarser material was effective. Terzaghi’s studies practically ineffective if the approach flow has a high obliquity
(Posey, 1974) showed that the interstices in a protective layer with respect to the slot.
must be small enough to prevent the finer material below from Zarrati et al. (2004) tested the efficiency of collars on rectan-
escaping, but large enough to allow the upward flow of water gular piers in reducing scour. Their experiments included piers
without creating too large a lift force. Posey (1974) concluded aligned and skewed at 5◦ and 10◦ to the approach flow. It was
that the particle size should be selected in relation to the pier again found that a wide collar close to the bed is effective,
shape, the percentage of pier contraction, and the approach flow and that the collar performance reduces with increasing pier
Froude number. skewness.
Lauchlan and Melville (2001) studied failure mechanisms, the Garg et al. (2005) studied the effect of a group of three collar
stability, and the riprap placement level effects at bridge piers. plates of size 1.5D with D as the pier diameter having an inter-
Their results showed that under clear water conditions, riprap is plate spacing of D/6 to D/4 with the top plate initially placed at
subject to shear, winnowing, and edge failure. Under live-bed average bed level. They found that this protection device reduces
conditions, a fourth failure mechanism was the destabilization the scour by about 80% as compared to the scour depth of an
due to sand wave passage. Further experiments were conducted unprotected pier.
to assess the capacity of riprap to protect bridge piers under a
wide range of flow conditions. Their study showed that, as the
flow velocity increases, the ability of riprap to protect a pier 3 Experiments
decreases asymptotically until the scour depth in the riprap layer
reaches that of an equivalent unprotected pier. Lauchlan and The experimental study was conducted in an 8.50 m long, 0.50 m
Melville (2001) also investigated the effect of placing a riprap wide, and 0.50 m deep horizontal channel under clear water flow
Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 47, No. 1 (2009) Scour protection of circular bridge piers with collars and slots 121

conditions using an iron pier. Uniform sand with a median particle placed around the pier. For each approach flow depth, differ-
size of 0.14 cm was used as bed material with a single cylindri- ent collar elevations were investigated (Fig. 1a). Figure 1(b)
cal pier of diameter D = 7.3 cm. The cohesionless material was shows the scour hole around the pier for a typical out of the
leveled prior to experimentation. The working section was cov- experiments.
ered with a carpet to avoid undesirable scour of bed sediment This procedure was repeated with a 3D diameter collar and
under inadequate flow depth. The approach flow depth was con- 0.2 cm thick. Twenty one experiments were thus conducted and
trolled by a downstream gate. When flow was stabilized, the the scoured bed profile was measured. This allowed to determine
carpet used to protect the channel bed was carefully removed. the maximum scour depth and the effect of collar size and of its
Discharge was measured with a sharp-crested weir to ±2% accu- location on the size and form of the scour hole.
racy. After reaching the equilibrium scour state, i.e. the scour hole Subsequently, a slot was pierced at the central pier section to
advance had stopped, the channel was drained, and the scour hole examine its effect on the scour depth. A slot of width e = 0.25D
geometry was measured. Each experiment lasted for about 6 h. was set along the pier height. The slot length Lr increased by
Gauges located in front and on the sides of the pier allowed the 2 cm by inserting plastic blocks of required height. The experi-
observation of the scour depth advance during a test. The equi- ments were conducted with a constant approach flow depth of
librium scour depth was assumed to have been reached when a Yn = 14.44 cm and a discharge of Q = 2.68 × 10−2 m3 /s.
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change inferior to 0.1 cm was observed within 2 h. Eight experi- Figure 2(a) shows the slot-pier arrangement. Seven tests involved
ments were conducted with an unprotected pier. The authors did the variation of the slot length from the water surface to the bed
not find that the local scour depth variations at a certain time were and six by varying Lr from the bed to the water surface. Figure
important in the experimental range studied. Scour depths were 2(b) shows a typical scour hole. Finally, a slot-collar combina-
only measured along the channel axis. tion was used to study its effect on the scour depth. The above
To study the effect produced by a collar on the scour depth, described slot-pier arrangement was used and the 2D diameter
a collar of diameter W = 2D and 0.2 cm thickness was first collar was located at bed level.

(a) (b)
Figure 1 (a) Local scour around the pier, (b) equilibrium local scour hole

(a) (b)
Figure 2 (a) Pier with slot near the bed, (b) equilibrium local scour hole
122 A. T. Moncada-M et al. Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 47, No. 1 (2009)

4 Results
Yn = 19.10 cm
Yn = 14.24 cm
4.1 Effect of collar Yn = 12.31 cm
Chiew (1992)

Ysm (collar ) /Ysm (ref )

Eight reference tests (pier without protection) with approach flow 0.8
depths Yn ranging between 12.1 and 19.1 cm and 1.86 × 10−2 ≤ 0.30 0.27

Q ≤ 3.78 × 10−2 m3 /s were conducted. To define the scour hole F = 0.27 0.32 0.26
0.31 0.29
profile, the scour depth Ys at a horizontal distance x from the
pier was measured. Figure 3 shows a sketch of a collar and pier 0.4 0.28

arrangement in which Ysm is the maximum scour depth at the pier 0.24 0.27
F = 0.25 0.24
front. 0.25
F = 0.22
The collar was placed at different elevations above the original 0.21 0.24

sediment bed Yd = −6, −3, 0, 3, 6 and 9 cm. A collar of 2D 0

-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
diameter was first used. A total of 29 tests were carried out with
Y d /Y n
11.84 ≤ Yn ≤ 19.54 cm and 1.52 × 10−2 ≤ Q ≤ 3.84 ×
10−2 m3 /s. Figure 4 shows the scour profiles for different collar Figure 5 Ysm(collar) /Ysm(ref) versus Yd /Yn and the Froude number F for
Downloaded by [University of Newcastle (Australia)] at 00:47 06 September 2014

locations indicating that a collar reduced the scour hole depth W = 2D

under otherwise identical conditions. Also for Yn = 14.57 cm
and Q = 2.71 × 10−2 m3 /s, the scour depth Ys upstream pier was included. The collar effect is seen to be obvious when it is placed
considerably reduced when the collar was located at or below the at the bed level. In some cases, the efficiency is greater when the
bed level. Normally, the collar was found to be effective when collar is placed below the bed.
located at bed level. To determine the collar efficiency E for a particular Froude
Figure 5 compares the maximum scour depths reached with number and flow depth, the reduction of the scour depth with
the collar Ysm(collar) and in the reference experiment Ysm(ref) under respect to the reference scour depth without the protection device
identical approach flow depth Yn , as a function of Yd /Yn , and was defined as
the approach flow Froude number F = V/(gYn )1/2 , where V is  
the approach flow velocity and g the acceleration due to gravity. Ysm(ref) − Ysm(collar)
E(%) = 100 (1)
Additional data from Chiew (1992) for these conditions are also Ysm(ref)

Figure 6 shows the relationship between the collar efficiency

and the collar location Yd for various depths Yn . For Yn =
19.10 cm, E = 65% if Yd = −3 cm, and 55.24% if Yd = 0.
For Yn = 14.24 cm and Yn = 12.31 cm, E = 79% and 96.54%,
respectively, both for Yd = 0. The collar effect improved as the
collar was placed at bed level. However, E was also found to be
significant when the collar was placed below the bed-level. The
collar efficiency was lower but significant when the collar was
placed above the bed level. Furthermore, it was found that the
smaller the flow depth Yn the larger the collar effect, i.e. the E is
inversely related to the flow depth (Figs 5 and 6).
Figure 3 Definition sketch of collar and pier arrangement

0.21 0.24
F = 0.22
90 0.25
F = 0.25 0.30 0.24
0.24 0.27
E (%)
Ys (cm)

Y n = 14.57 cm 60 0.28 0.29

0.31 0.29
Pier without collar F = 0.27
Yd = - 6 cm 0.32 0.26
-8 Yd = - 3 cm 0.30
Yd = 0 cm 30
Yd = 3 cm 0.27
Yn = 19.10 cm
Yd = 6 cm Yn = 14.24 cm
Yd = 9 cm Yn = 12.31 cm
-12 0
0 4 8 12 16 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9 12
x (cm) Y d (cm)
Figure 4 Axial scour hole profiles Ys (x) for Yn = 14.75 cm and variable Figure 6 Efficiency E(%) of the 2D collar as a function of Yd , Yn ,
location Yd and F
Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 47, No. 1 (2009) Scour protection of circular bridge piers with collars and slots 123

A collar of larger diameter W = 3D was then used to study the 120

Yn = 19. 10 cm (W = 3D)
effect of collar size on the scour depth. Twenty one experiments
0.30 Yn = 19. 10 cm (W = 2D)
were carried out for 12.29 ≤ Yn ≤ 19.74 cm and 1.45 × 10−2 ≤
Q ≤ 3.53 × 10−2 m3 /s involving 0.20 ≤ F ≤ 0.32. It was 80
found that the scour depth upstream of the pier is considerably

E (%)
larger when the pier is not protected with the collar. With a larger 0.28

diameter collar of W = 3D as compared to W = 2D, no scour F = 0.24 0.29

0.26 0.26
was observed around the pier when the collar was located at bed 40 F = 0.27
level. The relationship between Ysm(collar) and the reference exper- 0.27
iments Ysm(ref) for constant depth Yn is shown in Fig. 7. These 0.30
results allow to assert that the best location for larger diameter
collars is also at bed level. -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9 12
Y d (cm)
From Eq. (1) the efficiency reached with the 3D collar for
Yn = 19.07 cm was E = 100% for Yd = 0, and E = 72.86% for Figure 8 Efficiency E versus Yd reached with collars of different
Yd = −3 cm. Further, for Yn = 14.24 cm, E = 100% for Yd = 0, diameters for Yn = 19.1 cm
and E = 82.08% for Yd = −3 cm. Moreover, it was found that
Downloaded by [University of Newcastle (Australia)] at 00:47 06 September 2014

E = 100% for Yn = 12.31 cm and Yd = 0, and E = 93.53% 0

for Yd = −6 cm. Figure 7 allows to state that for collar locations

above the bed, the collar effect as a protection device is reduced,
and that this effect increased as the collar reached the bed level. It
is worthwhile mentioning that E is also significant if the collar is
Ys (cm)

placed below the bed level. Furthermore, E appears to fall within -4

the same range for collars with the same distance both above and
below the bed for low Froude numbers. Yn = 14.55 cm, W = 3D
-6 Yn = 14.55 cm, W = 2D
Figure 8 shows the efficiency of different diameter collars for
Yn = 19.10 cm, W = 3D
Yn = 19.1 cm and 0.23 ≤ F ≤ 0.30. It can be observed that
Yn = 19.10 cm, W = 2D
the efficiency increases as W increases. Figure 9 illustrates scour -8
profiles obtained with collars of various diameters for constant 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

flow depth and collar location. It is seen that the larger diameter x (cm)
collar is more effective capable of reducing the scour depth. This
Figure 9 Influence of collar size on scour depth for Yd = 3 cm
indicates that the larger the collar diameter, the smaller the scour
depth around the pier. Additionally, it was found that for small
flow depths, the scour depth at the pier front is reduced, and with holes develop and the variation of the scour depth as a function
both collars similar efficiency is reached. Under these conditions, of flow depth Yn and collar location Yd is observed. The similar-
the collar size exerts a small influence on the collar efficiency. ity was established by plotting Ys /Ysm versus the dimensionless
One would expect that for a low Froude number, both collars longitudinal distance x/XYsm/2 , with Ys as the scour depth at dis-
should exhibit more or less the same effect. tance x from the pier front, and XYsm/2 as the location x where
To study the similarity in scour hole profiles, axial profiles Ys /Ysm = 0.5, as proposed by Rajaratnam (1981). It was found
upstream of the pier were analyzed. In this zone the largest scour that the dimensionless profiles are quite similar if the maximum
scour depth Ysm and XYsm/2 are the respective scales for the scour
depth and the longitudinal distance. Figure 10 shows the scour
1 hole profiles around the pier without collar, and those for 2D
Yn = 19.10 cm
Yn = 14.24 cm
Yn = 12.31 cm

0.75 0.28 0
Ysm (collar ) / Y sm (ref )

F = 0.24
Y s/Ysm

F = 0.25 -0.8
0.30 0.28
0.23 Experimental profiles, W = 2 D
0.25 Experimental profiles, W = 3 D
0.24 0.26 -1.2
0.24 Eq. ( 2)
F = 0.22 0.30 Reference experiment
0.23 -1.6
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Yd / Yn x/X Y sm /2
Figure 7 Relation between Ysm(collar) /Ysm(ref) and Yd /Yn for W = 3D Figure 10 Similarity of axial scour hole profiles using a collar
124 A. T. Moncada-M et al. Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 47, No. 1 (2009)

and 3D collars. All the cross-sectional profiles are similar and these obtained for the unprotected pier. Figure 11(b) indicates that
independent of flow depth and of the collar size and location Yd . when the slot length Lr varies from the water surface to the bed,
The profiles can be described by means of Rajaratnam’s (1981) the scour hole is larger. Figure 12 shows the maximum slot scour
exponential equation depth Ysmr as a function of Lr and slot location. With the small
  2  number of data, no trend may be obtained. The resulting curve is
Ys x
= exp −0.693  (2) the best fit.
Ysm XYsm/2 Figure 12 shows that when the slot length Lr varies from the
bed to the water surface, the maximum scour depth Ysmr reduces.
resulting in a mean error of 10.67% and 10.73% for the tests
Figure 13 relates to a slot length Lr varying from the water surface
conducted with the 2D and 3D collars, respectively.
to the bed with a flow depth Yn = 14.44 cm, for e/D = 0.25,
showing Ysmr /Ysm(ref) versus Yef /D in which Yef = Yn − Lr is
4.2 Rectangular slot the effective flow depth.
The slot was located at two points of reference, namely near Figure 13 relates to the fact that the scour depth generally
the bed and near the water surface for a constant flow depth. decreases when the slot length Lr increases, i.e. if Yef is smaller,
Thirteen experiments were carried out varying the slot length indicating that the effective depth reduction of the approach
Downloaded by [University of Newcastle (Australia)] at 00:47 06 September 2014

Lr for the constant flow depth Yn = 14.44 cm and for Q = flow depth causes a scour depth reduction. Thus, the approach
2.68 × 10−2 m3 /s, i.e. F = 0.31. Figure 11 shows the scour hole flow depth exerts an important effect on the scour depth. It is
profiles. thus concluded that a slot on the pier significantly reduces the
Figure 11 indicates that, in general, the greater the slot length scour depth. It was moreover found that when Lr increases,
Lr , the smaller the scour hole. However, in some cases the test the scour depth decreases regardless of the slot location. It is
data did not corroborate this assertion, e.g. Lr = 10.44 and worthwhile mentioning that the smallest scour depth occurred
2.44 cm or Lr = 8.44 and 6.44, 4.44 and 2.44 cm in Fig. 11(a), when the slot length increased from the bed level to the water
or in Fig. 11(b) for Lr = 4.44 and 2.44 cm or for Lr = 8.44 and surface.
6.44 cm. In general, a slot considerably reduces the scour depth. The dimensionless profiles Ys /Ysmr as a function of x/XYsm/2
All the scour profiles around the pier with the slot are smaller than allow to verify the similarity of the scour profiles (Fig. 14).

0 0

-4 -4
Y s (cm)
Y s (cm)

Lr = 14.44 cm Reference
Lr = 12.44 cm Lr = 14.44 cm
Lr = 10.44 cm Lr = 12.44 cm
-8 Lr = 8.44 cm -8 Lr = 10.44 cm
Lr = 6.44 cm Lr = 8.44 cm
Lr = 4.44 cm Lr = 6.44 cm
(a) Lr = 2.44 cm (b) Lr = 4.44 cm
Lr = 2.44 cm
0 4 8 12 16
0 4 8 12 16
x (cm)
x (cm)
Figure 11 Scour hole profiles with (a) Lr increasing from bed to water surface, (b) Lr increasing vice-versa

From water surface 0.6
From the bed level

Ysmr / Ysm ( ref )

Ysm r (cm)

2 0.2

0 0.0
0 5 10 15 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
L r (cm) Y ef / D
Figure 12 Effect of slot location and length on scour hole depth Figure 13 Relationship between Ysmr /Ysm(ref) and Yef /D
Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 47, No. 1 (2009) Scour protection of circular bridge piers with collars and slots 125

0 an efficiency of 100% of the slot-collar combination, regardless

of slot length.
Ys /Ysm r

5 Conclusions
Reference experiment
-0.8 From water surface The present research showed that collars and slots may signif-
From the bed level icantly reduce scour depths at bridge piers. The experiments
Eq. (2)
performed allow to draw the following conclusions:
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 1. The scour depth may be reduced between 55% and 96% if
x/X Ysm /2 a 2D diameter collar is located at bed level, depending on
Figure 14 Dimensionless profiles of scour holes with slot Ys /Ysmr the flow conditions, with the bed level as the most efficient
versus x/XYsm/2 location. The scour depth decreased considerably for a 3D
diameter collar located at the bed level, reducing the scour
depth to zero. When the collar is placed below bed level, its
efficiency was also significant. It reduced for a collar located
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The profile shape is seen to be independent of slot size and loca-

tion. Figure 14 shows that all the test data fit Eq. (2) with a mean above bed level.
error of 9.28% when the slot length Lr increases from the water 2. A 3D diameter collar was found more effective than the 2D
surface to the bed level, and of 12.47% when it increases from collar, indicating that the larger the collar diameter, the smaller
the bed level to the water surface. Figure 14 indicates further that the scour depth.
the shape of the scour hole profiles does not change with either 3. A slot in the pier considerably reduces the scour depth. When
pier device as a protection method. the slot length increases from the water surface to the bed
Equation (1) was also used here to determine the efficiency level, the efficiency was between 48% and 85%, while when
of the slot as a protection device for controlling the scour depth. it increased from the bed level to the water surface, it was
Figure 15 shows the slot efficiency related to the slot length Lr between 60% and 88%. Therefore, the slot location is a param-
increasing both from the water surface and the bed level, for eter that has a direct effect on the scour depth, with the best
a constant flow depth Yn . If the slot length Lr increases from location near the bed.
the water surface to the bed level, E varied between 47.60% 4. The larger the slot length the smaller is the scour depth. Large
and 85.31%, while for Lr increasing from the bed to the water efficiencies were obtained by increasing the slot length from
surface, E varied between 60.00% and 88.33%. Figure 15 shows the bed to the water surface.
that the efficiency is larger if Lr increases from the bed to the 5. The axial scour hole shape remains similar regardless of flow
water surface. Both curves have a similar tendency. When Lr depth and collar location and size. These profiles depend nei-
increases, the slot efficiency increases as well. ther on the length nor on the location of the slot, i.e. the profiles
Finally, to analyze the effect of a collar–slot combination, are self-similar. It was concluded that the protection devices
seven tests were conducted for Q = 2.68 × 10−2 m3 /s and Yn = of piers do not significantly alter the scour hole shape.
14.44 cm, with a 2D collar placed at bed level. The slot length Lr 6. By combining a collar placed at bed level and a slot of variable
increased by 2 cm from the bed to the water surface between 2.44 length from the bed to the water surface, the local scour depth
and 14.44 cm. No scour at all occurred around the pier indicating was completely eliminated.
The above conclusions apply exclusively for the test conditions
100 considered in the present research. They may vary under different
test conditions.

E (%)

The authors express their gratitude to the “Consejo de Desarrollo

Científico, Humanístico y Tecnológico (CDCHT)” of Univer-
40 sidad de Los Andes for its financial support through Grant
CVI-ADG-I-07-95C. They are also grateful to the Editorial Board
20 From water surface for their valuable comments and to Dr Françoise Meyer for
From the bed level reviewing the manuscript.
0 3 6 9 12 15 Notation
L r (cm)
D = Pier diameter
Figure 15 Slot efficiency E versus slot length Lr E = Efficiency
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