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Disusun oleh: 1.FIRDA ARIANSYAH [10521013]

2.DEDEN SUCIPTO [10521009]

3.RATNA AHMA [10521014]





Jl Dulmubin No. 758 Kel. Mangga Besar Kec. Prabumulih Utara Kota Prabumulih 31113

Grammar and structure are important things in english. We must

understanding well about verb, adjective, adverb, noun, pronoun, prepossition etc.

In these report i will explain about causative verb. Definition, forms and all about

causative verb. Discuss and sharing to increase our knowledge especially in

structure and grammar. Make us can identiffy if our structure in english is wrong so

that we can improve be better.

Table of content
 Title page................................................................................... 1

 Introduction................................................................................. 2

 Table of content.......................................................................... 3

 Chapter 1

o background.................................................................................4

o problem.......................................................................................4

 chapter 2

o Definition......................................................................................5

o Functions & Form4ulas of Causative Verbs..................................6-7

o Causative Verb in Active and Passive Structure.........................8

o Some Which Include Causative Verbs........................................9-11

 Chapter 3

o Conclusion…………………………………………………………...12

o Suggestion………………………………………………………..….12

 References........................................................................................... 13




As it is known that the causative verb shows someone or something

indirectly responsible for an action. The subject does not perform the action itself, but

instead causes someone or something else to do it. (Causative verbs are used to

indicate that one person causes another person to do something for them. The true

causative verbs are: have, get and make).

Actually, this causative verb is the same as a command verb.

B.  Problem

Based on the background above, we formulate, among others, as follows:

 Definition of Causative Verb?

 Causative Verb Formula?

 How to use Causative Verb in Passive and Active Forms?




Causative verbs are verbs that are used to indicate that the subject is not directly
responsible for the action that occurs but rather something or something else that
performs the action.

Causative verbs ( have, get, make, force, let, allow, permit, help, cause, enable,

require, etc.) are used to express that the subject of the sentence causes the object

of the sentence to perform an action (active form) or causes the object of the

sentence to take action. subjected to an action (passive form). In the active form, the

action is performed by the object of the sentence.

B.Functions & Formulas of Causative Verbs.

Causative verbs are divided into 2 types, namely active and passive. In

active causative verbs, the agent who performs the action is known. On the other

hand, in passive causative verbs, the agent is usually not mentioned.

The functions and formulas in general are as follows::

Verb Function Formula Active & Passive Causative
Let Let someone do something. S+let+agent+action
verb(bare infinitive)+…
Forcing or strongly convincing S+(make-made)+agent+action
Make verb(bare infinitive)+…
someone to do something.

Giving authority to someone to do S+(have-had)+agent+action
Have something;want something done
by someone;experience. S+(have-had)+object+action verb(V-3)

Persuading someone to do S+(get-got)+agent+action
Get verb(to infinitive)+…
something . Passive:
S+(got)+object+action verb(V-3)

In the passive form, the action is generally not carried out by the subject of the

sentence, although sometimes the action can also be carried out by the subject of

the sentence. The passive form does not highlight who the perpetrator of the

action is, but rather emphasizes the occurrence of an action.

The formulas that are actually easy to understand include:

Active form:

Subject + causative verb + object + verb1 +


Subject + causative verb + object + infinitive

Passive form;

Subject + causative verb + object + verb3 +


Causative verbs are often asked questions for Snmptn, TOEFL and other tests,

because these verbs have a certain pattern and if you don't memorize or understand

the pattern you will have a very difficult time determining the correct answer.

Therefore we will try to explain the pattern and provide an easy way to learn

causative sentences.


 Causative verbs can be in any tense, depending on the context you

want to express.

 Verb1 is a basic verb (simple form verb), which is a verb that is not

affixed with e/es, or -ing, for example: clean, buy, study, etc.

 The infinitive is to + verb1, for example: to clean, to buy, to study, etc.

 Verb3 is a past participle, for example: cleaned, bought, studied, etc.

 Only 4 of the causative verbs above have the active form using pattern

1. Do you know which ones?

C. Causative Verb in Active and Passive Structure

The Example Causative Verb on the structure of Active and passive, among others,


Formula Verbs Xsample Causative Verbs

Lala had her friend take her result test.
The student had the teacher speakslowly.

She got her parents to buy her a tennis racket.

Active The boy got his cat to chase a mouse.
Causative Verbs
The woman made her daughter eat up the tomatoes.
The manager makes her staff workhard.
My father lets me choose my own future carrier.
The shepherd lets his sheep graze in the meadow.
I had my house renovated last week.
He had his book returned as soon as possible.
Causative Verbs Teddy got the money saved in the bank.
Yulia got her bedroom cleaned.

D. Some Which Include Causative Verbs

As for which includes Causative Verb, among others:

have/has                   had                       make                     allow   

ask                                        asked                   force           permit           

get                             got                       let                          help,


As for the discussion among some of the examples above, we only discuss the

familiar ones, namely:

a. Help

This verb can be used with the formula S + V + N + Bare-infinitive or S + V + N +

Bare (to)- infinitive. The passive form always requires the to-infinitive.

EXAMPLE: You can help push the car.

He helped them build the house.

He helped them to build the house.

They were helped to build their house.

b. Make

This verb can be used with the formula S + V + N + Bare-infinitive. If it is passive,

then the to-infinitive must be used.

EXAMPLE: He made the boy finish his work.

The boy was made to finish his work.

c. Let

This verb can be used with the formula S + V + N + Bare-infinitive. If it is passive,

then it is to-infinitive. The passive form cannot.

EXAMPLE: I'II Let them stay a while.

They were let (to) stay a while.

d. Have

This verb can be used with the formula S + V + N + Bare-infinitive or the –ing form or

the –en form. The passive form is not possible.

EXAMPLE: he had them come early.

He had them all singing.

He had all the prisoners punished

Examples of Causative Verb Questions

1. As i was talking to a client when my phone rang , I had_____________

a. to answer                      b. answering the call               c. asked to answer the call
d. answered to call               e. My secretary answer the call
2.  My radio is broken. i will get someone _____________ it
a. repaired                    b. to repair                           c. has repaired it
d has to repair                                        do it for someone
3. The govermet will make the businessman ___________ his loan
a. pays                     b. pay                  c. would pay                   d. to pay

to answer the question above, maybe you have to extract it first or guess if you don't

know an easy way to answer it.

1. Answering no. 1 the key word is I had means it can be pattern 1 and 3, see the

answer choice the pattern is after the limit then it must be followed by the object and

the object must be person. in question no 1, only answer e contains an object,

namely my scretary, so the correct answer is E.

2. Then for #2, the key word is I will get someone. It is clear that this is entered

into the second pattern because it uses the word get, therefore according to the

pattern after get object and then to infinitive, the answer is definitely B

3. For the answer to the 3rd key, the key words are will and businessman, it's

definitely in the 2nd pattern

because there is will, because there is will and an object, the verb to infinitive is

needed, therefore the answer is D without you having to




Causative verbs are used to indicate that one person causes another person to do
something for them.

The formulas for Causative verbs include:

Active form:

Subject + causative verb + object + verb1 +


Subject + causative verb + object + infinitive

Passive form;

Subject + causative verb + object + verb3 +


Causative verbs are divided into 2 types, namely active and passive. In active

causative verbs, the agent who performs the action is known. On the other hand, in

passive causative verbs, the agent is usually not mentioned.

Let, make, have, & get are commonly used causative verbs, some use action verbs

in the form of bare infinitive/infinitive without to and some use to infinitive.

B.  Suggestion

In understanding English, we should be inclusive with matters related to English. It

can make us dynamic and open to broaden our horizons about English itself.


Alwasilah, A.Chaedar, Kaji Ulang Bahasa Inggris,Bandung: Angkasa, 1993.

 Thomson, A. J. and A.V. Martinet. 2003.

A Practical English Grammar, OxfordUniversity Press


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