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In no more than three (3) sentences, cite and explain one (1) reason why the Catholic
Church actively discredits the Rizal Law’s content and prevents it from being passed.
The Catholic Church actively discredits the Rizal Law’s content and prevents it from
being passed because Rizal’s Law is against the Article 9 of the human rights declaration stating
that everyone should have "freedom of thought, belief, and religion". Rizal is known to condemn
and attack some beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church. Furthermore, the Catholic Church
argues that Rizal's writings are reflection of religion in the past and does not represent the
wrongdoings of the present church, making the works of Rizal prone to misrepresentation.
2. What are the provisions and potential benefits of studying the Rizal Law? Justify your
answer in no more than (7) sentences.
The Rizal law states that the writings and works of Rizal, particularly the Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo, should be taught in colleges and universities -- whether public or
private. The original or English translations of the texts should be read, and a student may be
exempt from this if he/she believes that the works of Rizal extremely violates his/her religious
beliefs. Studying Rizal, however can engrave a deep sense of nationalism among Filipinos,
especially the youth because we will be able to see the hardships faced by our ancestors to give
us our freedom through the works of Rizal.
3. In Rizal’s literary piece, “The Council of the Gods (El Consejo del los Dioses)”, what
were the reasons that the gods gave to justify Cervantes’ victory over Homer and Virgil?
Justify your answer in no more than three (3) sentences.
The gods believed that Cervantes is victorious over Homer and Virgil because Cervantes
both used the sword and the pen, all the while serving the gods even in a very unfortunate
situation and extreme poverty. As Apollo mentioned, Cervantes is able to offer him "tribute more
gorgeous and precious than my glittering chariot or my indomitable horses". Minerva added by
saying that Cervantes fought wars on the waters of Lepanto where he almost lost his life.
4. What drove the Filipinos to actively pursue Rizal’s literary works in their quest for
national identity? Justify your answer in no more than three (3) sentences.
The thing that drove the Filipinos to actively pursue Rizal's literary works in their quest
for national identity was to reawaken the Filipino's nationalism and to open the eyes of the
Filipino from colonial mentality. As Filipinos struggle and look to other nations in quest for
finding one's self, Rizal has given them guidance and showed them what is important. Filipinos
must unite and work together to face the common enemy and become successful, as seen in the
battle with the Spaniards.
1. In no more than three (3) sentences, answer the following questions:
a. Why did the Catholic Church actively oppose the passing of the Rizal Bill?
The Rizal Bill was strongly opposed by Catholic Church due to the anti-clerical themes
of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. Rizal is known to condemn and attack some beliefs
and practices of the Catholic Church. Furthermore, the Catholic Church argues that Rizal's
writings are reflection of religion in the past and does not represent the wrongdoings of the
present church, making the works of Rizal prone to misrepresentation.
b. What provision from the Rizal Bill allowed the government to approve it that answers
the arguments provided by the Catholic Church?
The Rizal Bill was allowed by the government and approved the Republic Act No. 1425,
known as the Rizal Law, which mandates all educational institutions in the Philippines to offer
courses about José Rizal. The full name of the law is An Act to Include in the Curricula of All
Public and Private Schools, Colleges and Universities Courses on the Life, Works and Writings
of Jose Rizal, Particularly His Novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, Authorizing the
Printing and Distribution Thereof, and for Other Purposes. This should answer the arguments
provided by the Catholic Church.
c. Did the Church’s views on the study of Jose Rizal’s life and works changed over the
years? Why or why not?
Church’s views on the study of Jose Rizal’s life and works changed over the years
because the of historical interpretation of the people who study the of Jose Rizal's life and works.
This change over the year because of many historical interpretation and opinion are being made
by those who study. This can lead to a lot of change throughout the year of study
2. In no more than three (3) sentences, answer the following questions:
a. What is the Rizal Law all about?
The Rizal Law is basically about the obligation of all schools in the Philippines to teach
the life and works of Jose Rizal. And also, this can commemoration of national hero of all the
sacrifices of our heroes in the fight for our freedom. The Rizal law teaching about the life and
works of Rizal was deemed to bring a greater sense of nationalism and idealism to the youth.
b. Why do we need to study the Rizal Law?
We need to study the Rizal Law to reawaken the Filipino's nationalism and to open the
eyes of the Filipino from colonial mentality and to make us the students proud of the history.
This would help students to have interest in history and nationalism.
c. What can you benefit from studying Jose Rizal’s life and works?
Jose Rizal's life and works would help us to better understand ourselves and also the
history of Rizal. It would also give us deeper understanding about our heredity, past behaviors,
and old habits as a Filipino. This would give us a better vision of what is it like during the
Spanish era and how Filipino’s deal with it.
3. Why did Rizal consider Cervantes “the best writer of art and virtue” in his literary
piece, “The Council of the Gods (El Consejo del los Dioses)?”, Justify your answer in no
more than three (3) sentences.
Rizal consider Cervantes “the best writer of art and virtue” because when they are
arguing who among them is best in term of art and virtue, it was Cervantes who was declared to
be the winner among them. What he worked on were centered around social reform and the rule
of reason that is why Rizal consider Cervantes as the best writer of art and virtue.
4. What drove the Filipinos to actively pursue Rizal’s literary works in their quest for
national identity? Justify your answer in no more than three (3) sentences.
The thing that drove the Filipinos to actively pursue Rizal's literary works in their quest
for national identity was to reawaken the Filipino's nationalism and to open the eyes of the
Filipino from colonial mentality. As Filipinos struggle and look to other nations in quest for
finding one's self, Rizal has given them guidance and showed them what is important. Filipinos
must unite and work together to face the common enemy and become successful, as seen in the
battle with the Spaniards.

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