Lista de Verbos y Actividades

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Miss Rodriguez/1st
Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
1. Wake up: Despertarse I wake up at 5:45 am.
2. Get up: levantarse I get up at 6 am.
3. Go to the bathroom: ir al baño I go to the bathroom at 6:15 am.
4. Brush my teeth: lavarme los dientes I brush my teeth everyday.
5. Wash my face: lavarse la cara I wash my face in the morning.
6. Take a shower: bañarse I take a shower 5 times a week.
7. Get dressed: vestirse I get dressed in my room.
8. Make breakfast: hacer el desayuno Mom makes breakfast in the morning.
9. Make lunch: hacer el almuerzo Mom makes lunch at 12 pm.
10. Make dinner: hacer la cena Mom and I make dinner at 6 pm.
11. Have breakfast: desayunar I have breakfast at 6:30.
12. Have lunch: almorzar My friends and I have lunch at school.
13. Have dinner: cenar My family and I have dinner at 7 pm.
14. Take a bus/taxi: tomar el bus/taxi I take a bus to go to school.
15. Go to school: ir al colegio I go to school 5 times a week.
16. Arrive at school: llegar al colegio I arrive at school at 7:30 am.
17. Study: estudiar I study English at school.
18. Listen to the teacher: escuchar al profesor(a) I listen to the teacher in class.
19. Pay attention: prestar atención We pay attention in class.
20. Play football/ basketball: jugar fútbol/basketball I play football on weekends.
21. Eat a sandwich: comer un sanguche I eat a sandwich at the foodstand.
22. Drink juice: tomar jugo I drink papaya juice at breakfast.
23. Leave school: salir del colegio I leave school at 2:45 pm.
24. Get home: llegar a casa I get home at 3 pm.
25. Work on the computer: trabajar en la computadora I work on the computer at home.
26. Do homework: hacer tareas I do my homework in the afternoon.
27. Watch TV: ver televisión I watch TV on weekends.
28. Chat online: chatear I chat online with my friends when I don’t have homework.
29. Call my friends: llamar a mis amigos (por teléfono) I call my friends on Fridays.
30. Talk with my friends: hablar con mis amigos I talk with my friends at school.
31. Check my email: revisar mi correo I check my email everyday.
32. Stay home: quedarse en casa I stay home when I’m tired.
33. Go out: salir (a la calle) My family and I go out on weekends.
34. Go to work: ir a trabajar Dad goes to work at 7 am.
35. Hang out with my friends/family: salir a pasear con mis amigos/familia I hang out with my
family on Sundays.
36. Go to bed: ir a dormer I go to bed at 10 pm.
37. Live: vivir I live in Tacna.
38. Buy: comprar I usually buy an empanada for my break.
39. Want: querer I want to eat chicken.
40. Come from: venir de(lugar de procedencia) I come from Lima, but I live in Tacna.

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