Topic: The African Slave Trade Part Tw0 (1519-1860) : DIRECTIONS: Using Document 4, Answer The Following Questions

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DIRECTIONS: Using Document 4, answer the following questions

1) Explain two things that happened in the Portuguese “trading posts” in Africa?
The Portuguese set up trading forts/posts on the coast of Africa. Here, slaves were handed off
to the Portuguese by powerful African ethnic groups. The African slaves were quickly chained
up and placed in hot, dirty, overcrowded vessels about twice the size of a Ferris High School
classroom. In this little space were jammed close to 600 slaves.

2) Explain three reasons why close to half of all Slaves died on these ships?
The three reasons why close to half of all slaves died on these ships. This created a horrific
scene. Sewage, from the 600 slaves, would easily seep down, from row to row, until it reached
the bottom level which was often covered with urine and human feces. The 90 degree
temperatures made things a lot worse. As a result of these conditions, close to half of the 600
slaves died on these voyages.

3) Why is the Atlantic Ocean considered to be perhaps the “biggest graveyard in

the world?”
The Atlantic Ocean is considered to be perhaps the biggest graveyard in the world because it
contains the remains of millions of African slaves that have died on the ships and were thrown

4) Describe the sailors aboard these slave ships?

The sailors aboard these slave ships were only 30 sailors and they were controlling Hundreds of
slaves. They were also given sexulal rights to female Africans that boarded the ship.

5) How was this voyage a “total Hell” for the African women aboard these ships?
Because These sailors were also given “sexual rights” to female Africans. This created scenes
of total Hell. Scenes of rape were common on these voyages. The women were defensive
because they were overpowered by the sailors.

6) Explain three ways on how the sailors keep the slaves in “ order?”
The three ways on how the sailors keep the slaves in order the slaves were purposely mixed up
between various ethnic groups to hinder communication. Secondly, vicious beatings were
routinely done to try and intimidate other slaves on the ship. Lastly they would loke them up
and they couldn't get out.

7) Explain three things that happened, once the African slaves arrived in Santo
After six weeks, the slaves land in the Americas. Santo Domingo was the biggest slave port, by
far, in the Americas. Here, the slaves were “cleaned up” and sold. The names of the slaves
were changed to the person who was buying them.
8) List three ways a slave’s African identity was eliminated?
The three ways a slave’s African were identity was eliminated were. Thus, every item involving
African identity, from language, culture, to even a person’s name, had been eliminated.
9) What did these African slaves replace in the Americas?
The 20 Million African slaves that were brought over between 1519-1860 , would, in large part,
replace the tens of millions of Native-Americans that were wiped out by diseases the Europeans
brought over.

1) What is happening in Africa at the beginning of this film clip?
In the beginning of The film clip there was a black person standing and looking at his family
going back and then he got kidnapped by other Aftican Americans they hit him on the head with
a stick so he can be uncunsnes so he don’t make any noses and they have taking him to a line
were there was a lot of African American slaves. They were ready to go to the ships and when
they were walking down the steps the Portuguese were given the African American people that
helped them and they gave them weapons. They were taking on the ship and right when they
got on the Portuguese were hitting them and they shot a woman and killed her right on the spot.
Then they were taken under the ships where they were thrown on top of each other and that
was their place to sleep. They have thrown dead slaves bodies in the Atlantic Ocean the
Portuguese were had the sexulal rights for the slaves wouman. Then the women and the baby
jumped from the ship into the Atlantic Ocean when other people were getting tortured.

2) Describe three scenes you find to be the most shocking aboard this slave ship?
The three scenes that I find to be most shocking aboard this slave ship was when they just got
on the ship and the Portuguese were hitting them and shooting them. The second scene was
when they were thrown on top of each other and that is where they lived. They were sleeping in
the place where human feces and urine were and they were getting the food in their hands and
they will fight over the food because there is not enough food. The Third scans that shocked me
the most is when the Portuguese gathered a lot of rokes the rokes were tied to the people then
they opened the ship and they troun the rokes in to the water then everyone that was tied up on
the chain was falling under the water and they sank to their death.

3) Describe the baby aboard this ship? What do you think that baby symbolizes?
The description that i would say about the baby aboarding this ship is sad because he is a baby
and he had to go through this and his mother couldn't handle it. I think that the baby symbolizes
hope or a new start to his people and that everything is going to be fine.

4) What happened when the Africans reached the Americas?

When the Africans reached the Americans they were prepared for sale. They were washed and
their skin was oiled. they were sold to locals. Then their owners would change their names to
whatever they wanted to call them.

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