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with Renallmpairment

pEvenledby rhe 6nomibn! adninnhrion ol the orhd

dBss 161. Frcn lhe evidene rovi,lrl by nunemu on.
wnh lhc suess of modernnErhodr of rfarinc rcnal rblled chnicl rials of.he rredmenrofpaden6Mrh svere
hilure, manypdridt wnh sevedy inpened or Evenr6s.n! smcaFpdsirivepulmonary rubemlosis, 'lrugs on 6e
rcnalfudionarcsuryilinsformanyyea6.Bc€useotihe sradedt! o.,ld of deir efficacyjn pdenrins lhe .mtr
N ol @nicaoids oi idmunosupprtsive dogs du;ne sene orqisiln@ b ompinion dogs (abre rl 17,31. Such
FnaltansplanQlionandrheinmunosupprsive elle6 of cficacy k probablyrclard rorheabtlt.yofdnsr ro pcven!
rcnil in .ho!e hiintained on lo!3.lcm diilysG, borh thc mulripli€rion of borh inhsnnrtu and eimenu|lr
lp* or pattd6 a@ar increaseddsk ol dcElopins adive obdcle bacilli in 3rl 9atu ol rhe body whqc sisnifimt
ubertuls( ir.hey lerc infeded wnh lhc dhe6e in rhe numb6 of such mnra.6 arc ro b. fomd lhroughourrhe
p.n. As a onsequen.o, ruberuloskha5bccnfoundro .nnre 6cheduledreatmenrperioddespileoMiond tap6e
Bur moreftequendyin parienbwirh *veft rnd inpai. in ddg $lf,adninhrarion by pariens. Ihh in run de-
md!rhaninrhcsenemr popularionll51.ft edisescofien pcndson rhedng s ba@dcidal and badeiiop.usrl (pon
prcsencvrh non.speciricsynprons suchasfwe', anog
r ard laDse, sorhd rh. ored di4nosh my bedelayed Suchonsiderarionsre.dily explainwhy honieid is lhe
rnd lnerc is sv{. illn*s. Abod halr of rhe ruberculos( m6t elTediv. drus ir failur.. ]nus.
prhenb deverot putmonarydisere rhe najortry ot the p€* scrummd risuc @neniGriom achnvedd.h {d1
rcn pulmonaryws havinglynphrdenni. Tne.hoice of bhtuted d66 of !h. dtug re over 50 rimesns mini(ll
|.fe rnd eftedive qimens of anribadenatdogs for rhen inhibnory dnqrbalion (Mlc) Mair! Mrebackiun
ft {menrdependsoranund.6randinsof rhepnncipl$on t,6odl,rir l9l and displaymarke,lb.dericidat snd bade
rhlch rhe nodem chemothliapy of pulnonary obenu aopausaladivny asainstBpidly dividins rubercl.baciUiin
sis isbasedandrhephadr.olosy ofrhc dtugs6ncemed. virrcll0 l3l.lsnizidahodifluscsmpidlyruscettmen-
rhe* m the subje.rsor rheprc*n' qiew. bnnsatuli onaftphaseandsoisopabl.of kittin8or
i.hibiting aI rubdcle bacilli i! rhc body, pbvidins d
(hcysec adjvdy nnlriplying pnor to initiari!g rrearnenr.
Pnicipt6s or chefl otherapv It aho h6 Ihe dddidonll advanragcof low con.
honiaid k therefoEthc mo$ impoed conpon.n! dt
Sine rheinepnon ofefiedire chcrorheopy lor ub6- antihbcrculosisch.molhr€py and rh. cfllca.y ol orh*
dosis at lhe beginningof rhe r95ft, rh. mon iftponanl
tdves i! rqrmenr b$n r$ocilied wirh tho d6i,
rninsoheimcns!o minimialheriskofpelicnbel.p.ti8,
:ilner duans !@hcnr rhoush rheemeqenccol do8.F.
isbnt $ai.s of.ubc.clcbacilli(lrernneft failurcr')r ot
fter chemorheEpyh6 be rcnlnalgd, 6e€u$ af rho
lg6fr hof suflivinsdrus$cnsnivc oqanLhs(rclap&s'),
mul.iDli€tion of drus re$ratu .ubcrculebacilli k
ftvenrcd by a'lminis@iing2 or morc drugsrogerhd, 50
hd the srcMh or nia.6 Biianegany onc 4!rJ js

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