Gerunds & Infinitives

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Verb patterns ‘Aims To review and extend verb patterns Time 15 minutes Materials | handout for each student '* Give each student a copy of the handout and ask them to complete task A. You may like to elicit the first answer from the class and write it on the board as an example. 1 agreed to pick up 5 pretended tobe 2 feel like cooking 6 Tancy playing 3 spend an hour doing 7 meant to break 4 promise not to tell 88 suggest putting on / suggest you put on ‘+ Task 8 focuses on verbs that change meaning depending on whether they are followed by an infinitive or an -ng form, ‘The task reviews the verbs from the Student's Book lesson {and also includes the verbs mean and regret. When checking ansivers, ensure that the different usages are clear, Le. ‘mean + infinitive = intend, mean + ing form = involve, regret + infinitive = fm sony that | have to say, regret + -ing form = wish hadn't done something. 1 taking 4 reading 7 toby 2 meeting 5 topay 8 getting up 3 toput 6 accepting 9 toinform ‘+ Task C presents some other verb patterns notin the Student’ Book lesson. Read the questions, checking comprehension {and drawing attention to the verb pattems. ‘+ Divide the class into groups of four and tell them to talk to leach other to discover the answers to the questions. time allows, encourage students to give extra details about each situation, A Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the wordt) in brackets and an infinitive or -ing form. Use between two and four words. 1. My mum said she would pick up my friends and me after the party. (AGREED) My mum_____ my friends and me after the party. 2. rmnot in the mood to cook dinner this evening. (FEEL LIKE) Idont__________ dinner this evening. 3 Itusually takes me an hour to do my homework. (SPEND) usually __________my homework. 4 Lwon't tell anyone your secret. You can trust me. (PROMISE) 1_____ anyone your secret. You can trust me. 5. She lied and said she was eighteen, so she could get into the nightclub. (PRETENDED) She________ eighteen, so that she could get into the nightclub. 6 Do you want to play squash with me tomorrow? (FANCY) Do you squash with me tomorrow? 7 Do you think your son broke the window on purpose? (MEANT) Do you think your son the window? 8 You should put on a coat if you're going outside. (SUGGEST 1a coat ityourte going outside. B Choose the correct verb form. 1 Ifyou still have a headache, you should try to take / taking some tablets and see if that helps. 2 Iremember to meet / meeting your father for the first time. | thought he was strict and quite scar 3 Yuck! That tastes disgusting! Did you mean to put / putting so much salt in this dish? 4 Sorry | interrupted you. You can go on to read / reading your book now. 5 Can borrow £5? | won't forget to pay / paying you back tomorrow. 6 really regret to accept / accepting the job. |hate my boss and the hours are so long. Sorry I'm late. | stopped to buy / buying you some flowers on my way her Working on a dairy farm means to get up / getting up really early in the morning. 9 Iregret to inform / informing you that the 6.15 train to Oxford has been cancelled. C In groups, find out the answers to these questions. How many people in your group ... don't mind doing the washing-up? hhave threatened to hit someone? hhave denied doing something they did? aim to get a place at university after finishing school? would miss eating food from your country if they lived abroad? can afford to go shopping next weekend? have offered to help someone recently? often put off doing their homework? PHOTOCOPIABLE ACTIVITIES -ING OR INFINITIVE? eas TELL US Use after: Lesson 36 about 20 minutes ne photocopy for every three students, cut into three Instruction: 1. Divide the class into groups of three. 2 Revise verbs with -ing or the infinitive from Lesson 36. 3. Give out a set of cut-up sentences to each group and ask them to place them face down in the middle of the table. 4 Students should take turns to pick a card from the pile. They should then follow the instructions on the card. If their sentence is correct, they can keep the card. If itis incorrect, they should place the card at the bottom of the pile 5 Go round the class helping students if there are any disagreements about correct sentences. 6 The winners the student in each group with the most cards. 7 Get whole-class feedback. Elcit an example sentence for each card and check that students are using the correct -ing form or infinitive. Tell us how you would advise someone who has an exam tomorrow. Start: | advise you . Tell us about something that took you a long time to learn. Start: It took me a Jong time tolear.... Tell us about something you enjoy doing at the weekends, Start: At the weekends | enjoy... Tell us about the last party you went to. Start: The last party | went to was to celebrate Tell us about a habit that you can't stand, Start: | con't stand people .. Tell us about a chore in the house that you don’t mind doing. Start: I don't mind... Tell us about a chore in the house that you can’t stand doing. Start: J can’t stand. Tell us about a promise that your parents broke, Start: They promised . Tell us about something that you failed to do last week, Start: | failed... Tell us about something that you practise regularly and how often you do it. Start: | practise... Tell us about something you hope to do in the future. Start: hope... Tell us about what you plan todoat the weekend. Start: plan... Tell us about something you have managed to do, even though it was difficult. Start: | managed... Tell us about some good advice your grandparents have given you. Start: My grandmother! grondfather advised me Tell us something that you have never admitted to. Start: Before now, | have never admitted 5 |Grammar 2 verb patterns with -ing or infinitive Believe it or not Target language: verb patterns with -ing or infinitive Activity type: paired guessing game When Use this activity after Lesson 5.2. Time taken: 25 minutes : Photocopy and cut up one worksheet for each studentin the class. Preparat Procedure Divide the class into two groups. Give one group the Student A worksheet and the other group the Student 8 worksheet. Ask students to complete the sentences with an appropriate -ing or infinitive verb. The statements should be true for them if there is a ¥ after the statement. IFthe statement is followed by aX, students should complete the statement with fictional, untrue information about them. Remind them to use the Reference (on page 75 if they are not sure which form to use. Students write individual answers but they can confer with a student in their group over verb forms and to share ideas. Monitor and check sentences. Put a student from group A with a student from group B. They should not look at each other's worksheets. Each student takes it in turn to read out his/her statements while the other student guesses whether he/she thinks itis the truth or a lie. Students should keep a note of how many they each got right. When the pairs have finished, get feedback from one or two students in the class about any surprising information and who knows who better. Answers, ‘Student A worksheet: statements a, b, d,f,j require the -ing form statements c, e, g, h,k, l require the infinitive form statement ican take either the -ing or infinitive form, Student B worksheet: statements c, de, k require the -ing form statements b, hy i,j require the infinitive form statements f, g | can take either the -ing and infinitive form Believe it or not Student A Complete the sentences with a verb in the correct form (-ing or infinitive). Where the sentence ends in /, write a true sentence about you. Where the sentence ends in X, write a false sentence about you. Name: 4 When was a child | couldn't stand v 2 Kove atthe weekends. 3° Myfriends usually help me x 4 Recently, | have stopped v 5 Next year want x 6 Lenjoy during the holidays. x 7 Mypparents dida't allow me. when Iwas young. 8 [never remember x 9 Next yearrllstart x 10 I don’t mind athome./ 11 verecently decided soon. ¥ 42 Lastweekl agreed x Student B Complete the sentences with a verb in the correct form (-ing or infinitive). Where the sentence ends in /, write a true sentence about you. Where the sentence ends in x, write a false sentence about you. 1 Lexpect inthe near future. x 2 Myteacher at school advised me Lx 3 Ihate athome. ¥ 4 |remember when Iwas very tte, 7 5 Atthe moment 'm looking forward to “ 6 started a few years ago. x 7 Iwould lke to continue ext year. 7 8 Myparents sometimes allowed me. when | was young. x 9 Lastyear! refused x 10 recently advised my friend x a Like. ‘on Sunday mornings. 12, Next year 'llstop. v VERB PATTERN CROSSINGS Pre-activity (10 minutes) To practise gerund and infntive verb] + Ask one scene to sit with cheir back to the board, Pat up (or draw) @ simple picware of any action or activity on the board, eg. cycling, playing the guicar, watching TY, etc. Beside it, write the word / phrase students t0 focus on, e.g. cling. class that they must elicit che action from the student 2 wichout saying the actual word(s) + During che acrivey listen for / inpue useful phrases and write examples fon the bos=é. e.g, Youdo thisealy nthe morning / when. Ie lesure servity, lose ave doing ths, te + When che saicens has guessed and performed the correct action, Le er nee choose ancsher student and repeat ss above. This activity can be done dassbook Unt o4 Gpportecamidhscacmnuetinetimie nr ‘Activity verbs (gerund and infinitive . forms) eras E Magazine pictures of diferent Procedure (15 minutes) actives Preactvtys one copy of | 4. Divide the cis inc pairs Give each paira copy of che worksheet. the worksheet per pelt 2. Check that she seudents understand the terms across and down. Explain ssst read the clues and find che missing verbs. The first leccer ‘verb is given in each clue. All answers are either 13. The scudents write che answers co the clues in the appropriate spaces in the crossword. (You can set the activity as a race with the first pair to finish beir.z che winners.) Answers Across: sed 4 going 7 fying 8 eat 11 act 12drive 14 swimming 15 be 419 visit 20 cooking Down: 2iecrn 3ploying 4 going 5 g0 Ghire 7 fshing 9 taste 10 rent otk I6hove V7 watch 18 wale 4 When the snidencs have completed che crossword, check the answers with the whole class. Focus on the clues and discuss why the infinitive cor gerund :3 used in each case Extension activities select any five vetbs from the crossword and write a short luding all che chosen verbs. write gapped sencences using che crossword clues as a ialenge a partner or another group to complete che ‘missing ve=® in the gerund or inBnitive. VERB PATTERN CROSSINGS Across 1 He's just bought a new car so he wantstos_____the old one. 4 What about g ____out for ameai? 7 He hates f - planes make him nervous. 8 I'mreally hungry. Let's, enw. 11. She wants me to join the Drama Club, butt can't a, ! 12. I can ride a bike but I can't a car. 14 Lenjoys. Igo to the pool every Saturday. fa ns 15. “Tobe or not to b. that is the question’ (Shakespeare) 4 is 19. Vdhate tov New York. it a very violent city 20 I'm not keen on c. for other people. They always complain about my recipes. Down 2. Living ina foreign country is a great waytol_____ a language. 3. i not interested in p. football or tennis 4 Helovesg _____skiing in winter. 5 Where shallwe gS? How about the cinema? 6 think we should h__acar this ‘weekend and drive to the beach, 7 How about going f with Dad? If he catches 2 salmon he'll be so happy. 9 That smells delicious. Can! t___ We rc ie he 10 3 16 7 18 | can't afford to buy a new house so I"! r___one until have enough money. Why not a, Jane to help you? She'll probably know the answer. Ike to h. a beer when! come hore from work, We could stay in and w. WV | don't really want to go out. Why don't we just w and see what Ann has to say. UNIT 13 \ rms 13.1 verb trap Vocabulary Tov. -ing b+ gL Ter IN ae . Hd, st s, Intermediate fire decid ah . ; Grid game Comments Ths fu sng game f aa z ms ' . th : feof sn Open ; mers take full esponsibility for peer cor Groups of three or four Language output ot 18-20 minutes " i . Procedures Grid (one per group). he verbs fol i coloured pencils (one per ; eee : student} ‘ r ; 2 On nd 7 " 3 vt ’ the garnet any \ W the advan » each 7 ie be ance wath th f Jged comet by the fest of é mite t t ng it ath n" Note: Tom abl > get hexagon must b yuOUs w et by i Note: Because ofthis rule, player ning ther from occupying new hexagon D The game proceeds unl alt beer n \ cupnes. Whoever has the la 08 " Note on class size Even i your ass smal, do not ket stud srs This wal cancel out the dtritege tc / \ x / x fi ie . \ ayey piojye ued ) < HOAe yuipe { ydwaye adeuew pisy)! \ ip iP / \ _/ -\ Sf \/ & —— yi \ \ / \ N \ / \ / \ / / \ Japisuod daay } waas ( djoya,ue> ssw) / / f / | / purw ydsoy { pua} ( yor8a1 uaqeasyy { apap ) \ a v / / \ asnjar / user] ) f Ay soquiowal asiwoid { asnoeid 4 ri y \s aulgeu doys auodjsod puezs 3,ue2 preys / Aofua ——- ‘Tecomplete sentences from proms, then ‘compare the sentences in small groups le es Verb + ing or infinitive ‘Waiting and Speaking Lesson link Use after Unit 6, 5B pa 8.49 i ‘One copy ofthe worksheet per student All about me Pre-activity (10 minutes) ‘+ Write the following sentence prompts on the board: I like ... I would like ... , Lasked her ... . Flicit the question forms for the sentence prompts, e.g. What do you like doing? What would you like to do? What did you ask her to do? etc. * Ask students, in pairs, to ask each other the questions and come up with five possible endings for each of the sentence prompts, e.g. I like swimming in the sea. I would like to see that film. I asked her to lend me her phone, etc. Go around listening, checking that students use the correct form of the second verb. Procedure (20 minutes) ‘© Explain that students are going to complete sentences with true information about themselves. + Give each student a copy of the worksheet. Ask students to complete the sentences. Go around helping as necessary. + Now divide students into new groups of three to four. Tell students not to show each other their worksheets but to compare what they have written for each by asking each other questions, e.g. What do you want to do one day? What have you never tried? etc. Go around listening, helping and correcting as necessary. ‘+ Have a class feedback session. Ask students to tell you anything interesting they found out about each other. Extension (15 minutes) + Complete the sentences as a class, changing the I to Weand trying to find something that everyone agrees on. Ask a student to write the sentences on a large sheet of paper as the class completes them and put it up on the wall as a class profile. All about me Complete the sentences with true information for you. One day, I want Thave never tried often forget love Soon, I really must I wish people would stop After class, | would like ‘When | was a child, | enjoyed Thate | would never refuse Ican'tstand Our teacher often tells The last time | made a promise was when | promised Thope Once, | helped Now discuss your answers in small groups, e.g. One day, I want to give up smoking. What about you? What do you want to do? i Active and passive infinitives Type of ac Pairwork; guessing; production Grammar point Active and passive infinitives Active infinitive in the present, e.g. 10 love: He promised to love her forever. infinitive in the past, c.g. 10 hate love. Iris better to have loved and lost shan never loved at al. passive infinitive in the present, e.g, 10 be loved: She tants to be loved for herself not for her money - passive infinitive in the past, e.g. 0 have beer loved: The most important thing in life i t0 have loved and to have been loved. Other structures Present simple Topic areas Wishes and hopes Challenging vocabulary ‘Students generate their own vocabulary. Be prepared to provide support Materials and preparation + Make enough copies of the quEsTIONNarmr for each student in the class to have one. How to use the game + Check that your students are familiar with the grammar in the Grammar point. + Divide studemts into pairs. + Give one QuESIIONNATRE to each student + Ask them to sit back to back. + Ask each student in the pair to imagine they are the other. + Get them to fill in the are the other person, and active infinitives.) {UESHIONNATRE, imagining they They should use both passive + When they have finished, get them to turn round and. discuss each sentence with their parmer. How many were right? + The object of the game is to get as many correct guesses as possible. + ‘The pair who ger the most correct guesses are the Monitoring and feedback At the end of the game you can go round the class asking. individual students to read out the sentences they have written down, correcting mistakes and giving feedback. QUESTIONNAIRE Imagine you are your partner. Answer the questions. In my life at the moment: | want to I don't want to ........ I expect to... I don't expect to ..... My biggest ambition is to My biggest fear is to .... An impossible dream of mine is to ..... When | look back on my life: | would like to .... | wouldn't like to The most important thing in life is to The least important thing is to ... | Half-minute topics SF ACTIVITY PROCEDURE Gromer pating 1 Aske stdesto workin groups off ti ann 2. Giveone ane it ome cones and dew ech To playa board game by talking about given topics. GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Talking about likes and dislikes. Verb pattems: t0 of ing Would lke to/love t+ infinitive to talk about ambitions, hopes and preferences Adverbs and adverbial phrases of frequency VOCABULARY Routine and leisure activities PREPARATION Make one copy of the worksheet for every four to six students in the class. Provide dice and counters for each group, Eich group will also need a watch with a second hand TIME 30:0 40 minutes HOW TO PLAY THE GAME group. 3_efore the students start playing the game, explain how to play using the instructions below. I you wish, you can photocopy these instructions and distribute a copy to each group, or display a copy on zn overhead projector. 4) The sudentsare ready to ply the game, While they are playing, go round to exch group and check they are playing correctly. 1. Putte game board in he mide of the table and place a watch with a second hand next t0 i 2. All the players pur their counters on the square marked START and throw the dice, The frst phyer to throw a six stats the game, 3. Player A throws the dice and moves their counter along the board acconding to the number on the dice 4 Player Athen reads the topic on the square the counter has landed! on and talks about it for 30 seconds. Players shoul >be timed from the point at which they stat talking, cus allowing them alte thinking time before they tart talking 5) Ifa player lands on a square with the instruction to ask somebody else, they should read the topic aloud to the ‘elevant person who then talks about it for 30 seconds. 6 Ifa player has nothing to say on the topic they have landed (on, they ate allowed to pass and miss a tum, but they can ‘only do this once inthe game. 7 The game continues in a clockwise direction until the Fst player reaches the square marked FINISH. op fous 324M Aga T 04 NoNOStad aueng er quiya Of wig & poop ‘agpnoaey anok 04 Gujussy, en nok sjenui Mjomeenoy, anoge yulya faua veym ‘owoy 42 ney 04 941 éuyop oey anoraanor VA oeaore nok eaol NONOSUId 09 94N p.nok suo ynoulios your favourite day of the week ASK YOUR rencmen (02% perfect % what he/she \X, cvenina watching on \ Theta om (thinks about ‘television getting up early aoou 04 941] PNOK ‘auoawios at $8 ts ge ASK ANYBODY INTHE GROUP to describe their something you'd like to grammes youlike television watching on proy activities you find relaxing kaart enjoy, Bs you guessi Apairwork activity ‘$complete sentences by guessing real information about their partner. Copy one sheet per pair and cut into A and B, TANGUAGE Gerunds and infinitives: (U think) you would tike to lear to ski. ‘* Demonstrate the activity by writing on the board: When ‘you go away on holiday, you lve... licit that you need to ‘continue with a gerund. Then tll $S to gues what you love doing on holiday. Elicit answers and then tell the class what you really love doing it SS in pairs, ideally face to face, and give out the sheets. ‘They must not look at what their partner writes. Tell them to complete the sentences, trying to guess how their partner would complete each sentence. Monitor and check that they are using gerunds and infinitive correctly. ‘Now SS take turns to read their completed sentences to their partner, who tells them if they have guessed correctly cor not. Encourage them to react by contradicting what their partner has said, and then giving the real answer if the guess is wrong, e.g, No, I don't. Thate sunbathing! But 1 love walking / reading, etc. ‘© Get feedback from several pairs and find out who, in the pair, had more correct guesses. Extra challenge if you want to to repeat the activity but swapping ore practice, get SS es Aand B. A © Complete for your partner with a verb (phrase) in the gerund or infinitive. I think... When you go on holiday you love When you were young your parents didn't use to let you AAjob in the house you don't mind doing is You would like to learn You're not very good at _ When you're on your own you enjoy When you leave the house in the morning you never forget When you were younger you wanted _ This evening you'd like When you're with your friends you spend a lat of time (On Sunday mornings you relly ike You're really good at In cass you enjoy . ‘When you were a child your parents used to make you This weekend you're planning —_ You want to give up In the future you hope Something that makes you feel good is On Saturdays you hate You are leaming English to © TIA ifhis / her sentence about you is true or not. Then read A your first sentence. 16 | Guess the sentence: gerund or infini ry) 2 | c A paitwork activity to practise gerunds and infinitives. Copy ‘one sheet per pair (or each student) LANGUAGE Your father’ trying to sleep. We decided to go home. «Before you give out the copies, elicitteach the meaning of {fold, and show SS how they should fold their sheets (or fold them beforchand yourself). ‘© Give out the copies and make sure that SS fold them correctly. Then tell them they have five minutes to complete each sentence in what they think is the most logical way (SS could do this in pairs or individually) 1 Check answers. Correct wrong uses of gerunds and infinitives, but accept all suggestions that make sense. + Now get $ to unfold the sheet and match the continuations a-l with the first parts ofthe sentences. Then they check how many are exactly the same as what they wrote in the middle column. «Get feedback to see which pair got the most identical sentences. © Now get SS to fold the sheet again and look only at the continuations a-1 Read out the first one and see who can remember how the sentence beyan, e.g. T to turn of the lights '$ When you leave the house, don't forget to turn off the lights, ‘© 8Scontinue in pairs ‘© Check with the whole class. 1j 2i Se 4a 5k 6d 7d Bg 9¢ woh M1 2t FOLD HERE 1 Be quiet! Your father's trying ... so we decided ... 3 I don’t forget people's faces, but I'm not very good at ... 2 Ie was getting late, a to turn off the lights. b telling people what to do. © to pay for anything. 4 When you leave the house, don't forget .. a paying the bill, 5. Even with only ten players, e remembering the team still managed ... their names. 6 He left the restaurant f to find a job. without .. 7 He's very bossy and g to havea party. he likes ... 8 For my birthday hh going to school. I'm planning ... 9 She's really mean. She never offers ... 10 When I was a child, Ihated ... to go home. j tosteep. TI On Sunday mornings Ireally enjoy ... x to win the match. 12. Nowadays, it’s difficult for young people ... getting up late. Grammar 2 What type of person? Procedure Divide the class into two groups, A and B, and give a copy of Student & to group A and Student B to group 8. Tell the students to work with a partner to complete the questions by putting the verb in the correct form. Nowr reorganise the class so that one Student Ais with one Student B, Tell them to ask and answer each others’ questions. Encourage them to ask follow-up questions in order to get extra information. Now tell the students to think of adjectives to describe their partners personality based on their answers to the questions. Insist that students use the answers they have already been given to thelr worksheet questions. Write an example on the board e.g., My partner is ambitious because she wants to be rich one day. Get feedback from the whole class or reorganise the class again so that each student tells another student about their original partner. What type of person? Student A Read the following questions and write the correct form of the verb, + Do you ever avoid (do) the housework? 2 Doyou hope (have) a lot of children in the Future? 3. Doyou normally offer (help) old people or people who are having difficulties when you meet them in the street or on the bus? 4 Have you ever considered Alive) in another country? 5 Canyou imagine (be) a famous artist, singer or musician one day? 6 Do you often promise (0) things and then not do them? 7 Doyouenjoy __(organise) your papers, notes and other personal items? 8 Doyou want (trave) to lots of foreign countries? Now ask your partner the questions. Ask follow-up questions. What is she/he like? What type of person? Student B Read the following questions and write the correct form of the verb. 1 Doyou expect. (cry) when you watch a sad or romantic film? 2 Have you ever considered _ (change) the thing you are studying or your job? 3 Canyouafford (Go) out every night? 4 Doyouwant____ (be) rich one day? 5 Doyou avoid (do) energetic activities and sports? 6 Which people do you miss (ee) when you are away from home? 7 Doyou always enjoy (be) with lots of people, at parties for example? 8 What type of person do you think you seem (be) to others when they first meet you? Now ask your partner the questions. Ask foltow-up questions. What is she/he like? 5 What we do at weekends @@@ Time: 25-30 minutes Preparation: Copy the handouts (A and B) on pages 47-48 — one set for each pair. ‘Main functions Talking about likes and dislikes Discussing weekend activi Ranking activities in order of preference Main grammar points ‘The gerund ~ as used to talk about activities: watching television/cooking/doing the washing-up, etc. The use of the gerund following like/hate/ dislike/don’t like: I hate doing things in the Kitchen/t like spending time with friends, etc. Key vocabulary/Topic Weekend activities ~ nice and not so nice ~ using the gerund The following words might be difficult at this level: ages, anywhere, late-night, atest, nothing, physical, practising, relaxing, tidying, washing up Method: 1. Introduce the topic by writing What we do At the weekend on the board and inviting the group to give you all the possible activities they can, Make sure they use the gerund and make a list, Ask a few students for their favourite and their least favourite activity. 2. Divide class into pairs ~ A and B. (Try to put students with somebody they do not usually work with.) Give each student the appropriate handout. Explain that they all have a list of four activities to rank under 1 like (1-4 in order with the best first) and four activities to rank under I hate (1-4 in order with the worst fist). Answer any vocabulary questions and give students about 2 minutes to do this. 3. Now students work with their partner, Tell ‘them that they have eight activities each but these activities are different - so they have sixteen activities in all that they will now discuss and rank in order of preference (1-16 with 1 as the best). 4 Suggest they start with the eight best activities and work down. Then start with the eight worst activities and work up from the bottom of the list. Stress that they must discuss and do their best to agree. Aliow about 10 minutes for this. 5. Stop the activity and put each student A with another student B (and of course vice versa). They compare their rankings and see they are very different, Allow about § minutes for this. 6 Fora whole-class feedback, you could ask ‘one person to read their ranking which you write on the board and then invite comments. Follow up A story entitled My perfect weekend or pethaps more interestingly An awful weekend/My ‘weekend from hell! Student A What do you like doing at the weekend? Look at the four activities below and put them in order: write 1 beside the activity you like doing most, then 2, then 3, etc. I like ... going out to the cinema to see the latest film. spending time with friends. getting up as late as possible. doing some kind of sport. Now think of what you don’t like! Put these in order too. This time 1 is the activity you hate the most. tidying my room. doing the washing up. going to the supermarket to buy food doing homework. Tell your partner about what you like and what you don’t like. Listen to your partner tell you about what he/she likes and doesn’t like You will hear that you have different lists. Now put your lists together to make one big list of all 16 activities in order 1-16. Remember 1 is the activity you both like best and 16 the one you both like least. Top sixteen weekend activities 9 10 n 12 13 1 15 16 Talk to another pair. Do they have the same order as you? eNournioly = Student B What do you like doing at the weekend? Look at the four activities below and put them in order: write 1 beside the activity you like doing most, then 2, then 3, etc. watching the late-night film on TV. — relaxing and doing nothing. — going round the shops. — spending ages talking on the phone. __ Now think of what you don’t like! Put these in order too. This time 1 is the activity you hate the most. I hate ... cooking and doing things in the kitchen. _ practising my musical instrument or doing physical exercise, _ learning things for tests next week. —_——_ not having anywhere to go and just staying at home. Tell your partner about what you like and what you don’t like. Listen to your partner tell you about what he/she likes and doesn’t like You will hear that you have different lists. Now put your lists together to make one big list of all 16 activities in order 1-16. Remember 1 is the activity you both like best and 16 the one you both like least. Top sixteen weekend activities 9 10 W 12 13 14 15 8 16 Talk to another pair. Do they have the same order as you? Nilo Jur fa feo |r |= Ei] Verb + -ing or + to Type of activity ‘Small group; matching; accuracy Grammar point Verb + -ing or + to ~ we follow some verbs, eg. decide, with an infinitive: We decided to go to Thailand. wwe follow some verbs, e.g. hep with an ng form: He hept tating all shrongh the fl. Other structures None Topic areas Various Challenging vocabulary Verbs: admit, refuse, anid argue, pospone, offer, rsh, dae, off fl imagine, miss Materials and preparation + Copy and cut up all the REGRSATNGS and PADINS CARDS for each group of 3-4 students. You can make a copy of the uncut sheets to act as an ANSWER KEY for each group. How to use the game + Check that your students are familiar with the grammar in the Grammar point and with the words listed in Challenging vocabulary. Pre-teach any other words from the game you think will be unfumiliar to your class. + Divide the class into groups of 3-4 students + Give each group a set of BEGINNINGS CARDS, a set of ENDINGS CARDS and an ANSWER KEY, + Ask the students to deal out the BEGINNINGS CARDS land put the ENDINGS CARDS face down in a pile in the centre. They should leave the ANSWER KEY face down on the table, ‘They may look at their BEGINNINGS CARDS. ‘The first player turns up an ENDINGS CARD from the pile. If she can make a sentence using one of the BEGINNINGS CARDS from her hand, e.g. ‘He refused to take the money." or ‘Fl like to take the money’, she can lay both cards down on the table to make a sentence. Ifnot, she must put the ENDINGS CARD at the bottom of the pile and miss a go. ‘Then itis the next player's turn. ‘The object of the game is to get rid of all your EGINNINGS CARDS. Monitoring and feedback At the end of the game the students can check their answers, with the ANSWER KEY. Variations are possible of course ~ the important thing to ensue is that the correct infinitive or -ing form has been used after each verb. Check any variations from the ANSWOR KEY and correct those that are grammatically incorrect, providing feedback. 31 Verb + -ing or + to } Rules 1. You will have a set of BEGINNINGS CARDS, a set of ENDINGS CARDS and an ANSWER KEY. 2 Deal out the sHciNNINes CARDS. 3. Put the ENDINGS CARDS face down in a pile in the centre 4 Leave the ANSWER KEY face down on the table to use later 5. You may look at your BEGINNINGS CARDS. 6 Player 1 begins. Turn up an ENDINGS CARD from the pile. Try to make a sentence using one of the [BEGINNINGS CARDS from your hand, and the ENDINGS CARD you have turned up, e.g. ‘He refised to take the money’ or ‘Td like to take the money.” Ir you can do this, you can lay both cards down on the table to make @ sentence. 7 Ifnot, you must put the ENDINGS CARD back at the bottom of the pile and miss « go. 8 Then it is the next player's turn. 9 The winner is the first player to get rid of all their ENDINGS CARDS. 10 Ac the end of the game you can check your answers with the ANSWER KRY, Variations are possible the important thing is that the correct form of the verb hhas been used, BEGINNINGS CARDS _ ENDINGS CARDS BEGINNINGS CARDS 1@ 3) | A FY “A Te He agreed to cook the dinner I've finished : 4 He promised to hold a meeting holding the meeting We postponed going to London next week next week to make a Would you dare £ 5 s s & a « 2 g 3 E Would you risk having the party We expect We've put off seeing her to see her tobe very rich 11sometimes imagine being very rich He pretended Ly Who's it for? Interment ve ea How long? 20 nines How many? ‘ay ds ze. Ll What's it for? Expres aprons, spoikig, stig a Language needed? Péter + vei; Fd rf + iv, adjectives; camara; spate cis... 0, sto. the voeobulyon theca, Preparation ‘The game is best played in groups of four although larger and smaller groups are possible. Each group will need o cutup so ofthe Idraher be hammer than a sew cords In class 1 Divide the class ino groups of four ond demonstrate the game with one group, 2 The cards are shuffled and placed face down in the middle cf the table. Members of the group take ucns fo turn over the top card. This card will present them with a choice of |wo objects or activities; for example, dog and cat, or, running and dancing, The student withthe card must state a preference for one ofthe objects or activities, using I'd rather plus any verb of their choice. They must also give reasons for their choice. Alternatively, they could use I'd prefer plus infinitive. Sentences must be begun within c time limit of ten seconds. IF students manage to do this successfully, hey get a point. The game continues Unt either ail he cards have been used er you have called « halt. The winner isthe student with the most points, For example, o scent who turns over the card with cot and dog on itcan respond in the following ways: Fd rather be a cat than a dog, because cats are more independent. I'd prefer to have a dog than g cat because cats aren‘! so loyal as dogs. Vd rather stroke a cat than a dog, because cats have the softest fur. Advice if you ore not sure whether your students will be able to recognise and pronounce all the coctivities and objects on the cards, you can go through the cards with them firs. However, you will lose the element of suprise which is part of the fun ofthe game, What’s my hobby? @ Match the pictures to the hobbies. A blogging 4B painting © snowboarding D going to the gym E playing ina band F horse-riding G keeping fish HH mountain-biking __ @ Read about three people. Which hobbies would they each enjoy? Discuss with a partner. 1 2 3 1 don't mind being on my own or staying at home, and I like computers and indoor activities Which ate quiet and relaxing, ike doing things outdoors Tean't stand staying at home, and I love animals, but I am I prefer being outside and also quite artistic. I also enjoy doing sports, but I don't really doing things on my own, like animals. © Winch two hobbies from Activity 1 would you enjoy most? Write them here, but don't show them to anyone else. @ complete the sentences about yourself, using the expressions in the box. being on my own staying at home buying things spending time with friends animals going out visiting new places using computers doing things outdoors keeping fit 1 tove 2 Lenjoy 3 Idon't mind 4 don't like 5 Ihate @ Read your sentences to other students and guess which two hobbies they chose. @ what new hobby would you like to try? Why? Tell the class. EIS) Gerunds and infinitives 0 a Ask B to tell you the following things. Ask for more information. Tellmeabout... ® something you'd like to do in the summer. © something you need to do this week. © something you are afraid of doing. © something you enjoy doing on Saturdays, © something you hate watching on TV, © something you forgot to do this week. © something you're hoping to do in the future, b Respond to what B says. Try to use a gerund or infinitive in your answer, EAS) Gerunds and infinitives 0 a Ask A totell you the following things, Ask for more information. Tell meabout... © something you're thinking of doing next weekend. © something you need todo tomorrow, © something you are very bad at doing. © something you love doing when you’re on holiday. © ajob you don’t mind doing in the house. © something you must remember to do this week. © a foreign language you'd like to learn to speak well. b Respond to what A says, Try to use a gerund or infinitive in your answer. o Gerunds and infinitives 0 Ask B to tell you the following things. Ask for more information. Tellme about... something you'd like to do in the summer. something you need to do this week. something you are afraid of doing. something you enjoy doing on Saturdays. something you hate watching on TV. something you forgot to do this week. something you're hoping to do in the future. o Respond to what B says. Try to usea gerund or infinitive inyour answer. Gerunds and infinitives 0 Ask A to tell you the following things. Ask for more information. Tell meabout... something you're thinking of doing next weekend. something you need to do tomorrow. something you are very badat doing. something you love doing when you're on holiday. ajob you don’t mind doing in the house. something you must remember to do this week. a foreign language you'd like to learn to speak wel. Respond to what A says. Try to usea gerund or infinitive inyour answer. GRAMMAR gerunds and infinitives © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the gerund, the infinitive with to, or the infinitive without to. 10 rr 12 13 14 7 18, 19 20 Emily's parents aren't strict enough with her. They let her iif whatever she likes. (do) do Tm really busy right now. Would you mind Il me back in about five minutes? (call) My boss told me she wanted Il to me in her office. (speak) We decided Il her a birthday present because we weren't sure what she wanted. (not buy) Have you ever thought of Il back to live in Edinburgh or are you happy in London? (go) My neighbour offered IIB my children while I went to do some shopping. (look after) Have you finished Il the computer yet? I nced it. (use) IEE for people who are late makes me really angry. (wait) My parents would like me Ilill medicine as.a career. (consider) think Ben should study architecture. He’s very good at IIIBH. (draw) Do you think you'd like II with children or would you find it too stressful? (work) If they can save enough money, they're hoping Ill to Miami for their honeymoon. (go) - Have you ever thought about Ill yoga or Pilates? They're very good if you have problems with your back. (do) Iwas really surprised MIMI that he'd failed the exam. | thought he was going to pass. (hear) Are you going to go on Ill English here next year? (study) Twant you Il very seriously about what you're going to do after you leave university. (think) I don’t really feel like INR tonight. Let’s go out for dinner. (cook) oo Don't pretend Iii the present if you don’t. We can always change it for something else as I still have the receipt. (like) WEBB late at night always makes me Ila bit uncomfortable. | just can’t go to bed ona full stomach. (eat / feel) ‘Angela asked her brother I her lift into town. (give) © Cover the column on the right and look at the sentences. Read the sentences aloud with the verbs in the correct form. HE Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use either the gerund, the infinitive with to or the infinitive without to. VERB Example: He said he wanted [222% to me at once. (speak) to speak back later? (call) 'm really busy at the moment. Would you mind ise He's not very sociable. He doesn’t enjoy ‘282% to parties. (go) n Her parents aren't very strict. She's allowed 22% out as late as she wants. (stay) | don’t speak French but | managed 8! what she wanted. (understand) The bank robber made the customers {2828 on the floor: (lie) We decided [28 her a present. (not buy) Have you ever thought of 828% back to university? (go) My father used 22:52 me a story when | went to bed. (tell) Tom's neighbour offered # | think it’s better ESE 11 Jan’s boss lets her E288i the office phone. (use) 12. Have you finished M288 the paper? (read) 13 3 the children while he was out. (look after) Sr mre un film in its original version. (see) for people really makes me angry. (wait) 14. He should study architecture. He's very good at Hi25%. (draw) 15 | find it quite difficult [23% my feelings. (express) 16 Would you like 17 She loves [MEI puzzles and crosswords. (do) El with children? (work) 18 They're hoping M88 her sister in Scotland next year. (visit) 19. I'm going to learn chess. (play) he had failed the exam. (hear) 20 | was surprised fo Cover the VERB column. ‘Test yourself. © Complete the dialogue with the verbs in the gerund or cle the correct form, ‘NY So how's it going with Luke? EMILY Well, not bad. He's given up so that’s good. JENNY What about his friends? emity ‘They're OK. I don't mind *to spend / spending time with them. They're quite nice really. JENNY But? EwmLy The thing is, although he says I'm easy *to talk / talking to, we don’t seem ‘to be able / being able to communicate very well, JENNY For example? ruty Well, it’s difficult °to explain / explaining. But for example, when I suggested “to go / going away together, he was very enthusiastic, but when my family invited us “spending / to spend a week in France with them, he said ‘no’ but he didn’t say why. I need knowing / to know where this relationship is going. JENNY Well, you need °to ask / asking him, Don't expect him !to read / reading your mind. Men aren’t very good at "to guess / guessing what other people are thinking, EMILY Well, tried !?to do / doing that last Saturday oh, there's my phone. Oh, it’s him. Hi, Luke... \oking)/ to smoke , infinitive with to. ALEX So, have you decided !__to ask _ (ask) her, Luke? LwKE Well, I was planning ? (do) it yesterday, but then I didn't, What if she says ‘no’? (get) engaged is such a big step. She might think it’s t00 soon. I'm worried about ¢ (lose) her. ALEX You can’t afford ® (wait) for ever. You love her, don’t you? KE Er, yes, of course. And I lov (be) with her, I can't stop” (think) about her. ALEX Then do it. Phone her now. Invite her out for meal, somewhere really romantic, LoKE You're right. I'l phone her now, ...Hi, Emily. I just called ® (ask) you if you're doing anything on Friday night. Would you like ® (go) out for a meal?.,.At Café du Marché...OK. Great. I'll pick you up at 8.00...No, I wor't forget (book) a table... © Complete with to go or go. 1 Ireally should go __ now. It’s getting late. 2 Thave_ to the bank before it closes. 3 When I was child I used to the beach every summer. 4 Shall | to the supermarket, or will you? 5 My dad won't let me to the Halloween party tonight. 6 Will you beable to the party next weekend? 7 My parents always made me to bed early. Gerunds and Infinitives Game Learning objective: To recognize verbs that require a gerund or an infinitive. Game objective: To play all of the cards in a student's hand before other students play their cards, Organization: Played in small groups of 3-5 students. Preparation: 1. Copy a board and the gerund and infinitive cards for each group. 2. Provide a die for each group and a place marker for each student. Optional: Copy the rules sheet for each group or put the rules on the board. Description of the game: Each small group of students mixes the gerund and infinitive cards together and distributes them equally to each student in the group. Extra cards are set aside. Each student places his/her place marker on the Start star space. In turn, each student rolls a single die and moves in any direction, looking for a square he/she can complete using a card in his/her hand. The first parts of the sentences are in the squares on the board. The second parts are on the cards. The sentence must be correct grammatically, as well as being logical with regard to meaning. For example, if a student lands on My mother enjoys, he/she may complete the sentence with going shopping or visiting family, but none of the infinitive cards are acceptable. Some combinations may be challenged. For example, it is questionable that the student’s mother enjoys cleaning the house! If a student lands on a space where he/she is unable to play a card, he/she forfeits his/her turn. The first student to play all of his/her cards wins. Rules: 1, Start on the star. Roll the die and move in any direction. 2. Complete the sentence by reading aloud the words in the box and choosing one card from your hand. The card must match the box with correct grammar and meaning. 3. If the other students agree that the card matches, place the card in the box marked Place used cards here. 4, If you cannot make a sentence with your cards, or your sentence is not correct, you must keep your card and the next student may roll the die. 5. The first student to play all of his/her cards wins. Variations: * Add an element of competition. If a student catches another student making a mistake, the student who gave the wrong answer must pick up all the discarded cards. ‘* There is one board with the answers in the middle of the board and one without. * You may put your own sentences in the blank board provided in order to practise using gerunds and infinitives that you are studying in your class. Note: This may mean you have to change some of the gerund and infinitive cards to ensure the sentences are logical in meaning. “SuIM spied Jayysiy 40 je Aejd 03 yuapnys ysuly YL “9 “alp ayy jos Aew uapnys }xau ay} pue pser INO daay ysnW NOA ‘3381409 JOU SI aUajUAS JNOA JO ‘spsed nok yy aduajzuas e ayYeW YOUU? 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