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PHOTOCOPIABLE ACTIVITIES . USED TO AND WOULD ra LIFE CHANGES Use after: Lesson 6 about 20 minutes ne photocopy for each student, cut in half Instruction: 1. Divide the class into pairs and allocate a Student A and a Student B in each pair. 2 Give out a copy of the resource sheet to each student. Tell students not to show thelr paper to their partner. 3. Explain that they each have some information about a student called Sarah. However, the information is slightly different. They can fill n the gaps in their information by asking their partner questions using used to and would, e.g. What did Sarah's mum use to do? At school, what would the teachers do? 4 when everyone has finished, get whole-class feedback. Ask one student to read out a question and another to answer it. 5 Asa follow-up activity, ask students to write an email to friend, talking about the differences in their lives from when they were a child and now. Encourage them to use both used toand would. Student A ‘Ask and answer to complete the information. Hil, How are you? I'm fine but Im finding my new life at university very different. ‘My mum used to cook all my meals at home. Now I have to shop and cook for myself At school, the teachers would 1 Now we have to do everything independently! At home, my dad. Nov I have to use my alarm clock. @) It's not all bad though! | have lots of freedom here. For example, my parents always used to ask me what time | would get home. Now | go home when | want! My dad ® but now | can wear what | want! Im doing lots of new things, too, At home, | used to go to the same clubs - tennis and basketball every week but here I'm trying new things like boxing and yoga. Also, used to * ‘but now I'm making lots of friends. © At home, | would always do the same things but now | try to do lots of new things. hope you're well. Tell me your news! il see you soon! Toke care Sarah Student B Ask and answer to complete the information. el tal HiLiz, How are you? I'm fine but !m finding my new life at university very different. My mum used to ‘Now I have to shop and cook for myself. At school, the teachers would help us with our studies. Now we have to do everything independently! At home, my dad would wake me up every morning. Now I have to use my alarm clock. @) It's not all bad though! | have lots of freedom here. For example, my parents * - Now | go home when | want! My dad would always tell me | had too much make up but now | can wear what ! want! {Tm doing lots of new things, too. At home, | used to go every week but here Im trying new things ite boxing and yoga. Also | sed tobe shy but now Fn making lots of riends. © At home, | would but now | try to do lots of new things. hope you're well, Tell me your news! Il see you soon! Toke care Sarah DIETWATCH ‘Vocabulary of food; adverbs of frequency; would, used to Reading, speaking, writing (Extension activity) Cees ‘One copy of the worksheet (cut up) per palr Note: It may belp to give the students rough metric measurements. Lengths and weights if = 03m Im = 250m la ~ 52kg 1 = O4kg (Clothes sizes UK France Italy Oe sera 2 0 4 igi 65 5) a Pre-activity (10 minutes) + Do. food competition. Set a time limit (three to five minutes). In pairs, the students write down as many food items as they can. Conduct 2 ‘quick feedback. Give a point for each item, and an excra point for any items that no one else chough¢ of Procedure (0 minutes) 1 Write the following headings on the board: Heeltly, Unhealthy 2. Divide che class into pairs. Set a time limie of ewo minuces. The scudents make alist of foods under each heading, Feedback asa class land write their suggestions under the headings on the bose. 43 Wrice the following questions on the board in speech bubbles: ~ What do you usually have for breakfast / tach / supper? = What day never eat? = sthereamszhing you expecially like /dsibe? 4 In cher pars. che students ask each other about their eating habits. Encourage chem co answer using adverbs of frequency (awa, usualy, often, sometres,oecasionally, hardly ever, never). 5 Wrice the following questions on the board: 4 What weigie dd she use to be? What weight she now? 1 What probiems did se we to have as tenager? What happened 20 make ber change ber eating habits? 6 Give Texe A co one student in each pair and Text B to the ocher: The students read their texts individually and answer the questions on the board. Monitor and check any vocabulary as they read, especially: (Text A) be picked (= be chosen), on he up (~ increasing), trendy (= fashionable), rethink (= chink again about), dropoff (~ become less; (Texe B) take your tnind off (> forget abou), inhaler (~ medicine co help you breathe), oer (- increase a lov, reacle (= sugar syrup), jelly (cype of sweet dessert). ‘Check that the seudencs understand the abbreviations for the relative measurements (= foor/fer, in = inch/inches, st stone, lb = pound(s) and women’s clothes sizes (24, 18, 12, 10); see also Note on the left 7, Focus on the language used to describe past habits. Elicit examples of sued to and sould trom che texts. Check form and use. 8 Sei in cheir pairs, che students discuss Sandy and Karen, including the answers f0 questions a-c. They compare the two women’s eating habits then (as teenagers) and now. 9 Ask che students for the names of any new food items they have learnt from the cexts. Add chese to che lists of healthy and unhealehy food on the board Extension activity + In pairs che seudents discuss how their own eating habits have changed, i at all From when chey were teenagers to now They chen ‘write wo paragraph: | What wed eo et ar acid, 2 What Tear now DIETWATCH Text A Age 23 Height sft sin Name Sandy Jones Was 14st 101b ~ size 18 Now 10st alb ~ size 12 Total weight loss 4st 7b 5 2 kid, | used to be big and | was always the last to be picked for teams in sport. | lost all my self= confidence. As a teenager, my weight was still on the up, so | had to buy unfashionable clothes because none of the trendy stuff fitted me. | enjoyed the student lifestyle at university and | used to drink a lot, which didn’t help my weight ‘much. | met my boyfriend there and we got engaged. | was determined to fit into 2 small wedding dress, so | joined Slimming World, which helped ‘me to completely rethink my eating habits. The weight started to drop off. 1 never used to play sports, but now that I'm much fitter | love playing hockey ~ and these days 1 have no trouble being picked for the team. What | used to eat Breakfast ‘wo slices of thick white toast and butter id-morning snack crisps, a bar of chocolate tunch sausage, baked beans, bacon, noodles, muffin ‘Mid-afternoon snack chocolate Supper pizza or burger, chips, chocolate Budding Late-evening snack biseutts What I eat now Breakfast cereal with semiskimmed milk id-morning snack ‘rit Lunch ‘uit, light yoghurt Mid-afternoon snack egg, lettuce, and tomato sandwich ‘Supper pasta with tomato sauce, yoghurt, frult ate-evening snack black coffee Text B ‘Age 30 Height St Was 14st élb Name Karen Varley Now 9st 6lb ~ size 10 Total weight loss Sst Arzcisnss often i ad eating used to take my mind off the pain, After a while it was my size that gave me health problems. | would get terrible pains Jn my chest and had to use an inhaler Occasionally the pains were so bad | thought | was having a heart attack After seeing the photographs | took ona trp to Blackpool, | decided that it was time to do something about ry weight. The next week | joined Slimming World, I've never been fond of vegetables, but | would eat lots of fruit. Most weeks! would lose a few pounds, so | reached my target weight in just over a year. I've never been thin in my life, and people who haven't seen me for ages don't recognize me. 1 used to be really shy, but now my confidence has just soared. m size 24 What | used to eat Breakfast nothing ‘Mid-morning snack biscuits Lunch ‘wo slices of white bread with jam or corned beet ‘Mid-afternoon snack chocolate ‘Supper sausage, chips, baked beans, ‘chocolate cake and custard Late-evening snack tweacle sanawich What I eat now Broakfast Cereal with semiskimmed milk, tea ‘Mid-morning snack fruit Lunch turkey, chicken, of tuna on two slices ‘of wholemeal Bread, fruit, yoghurt, ‘Mid-afternoon snack nothing Supper sgriled chicken, tomatoes, broccol Eaulitower, low-fat yoghurt, jelly Late-evening snack crackers with cottage cheese, tea or Black coffee Magazine Interview Role-play evel: Intermediate ‘ar structure: Used to + ,— and ? forms This lesson gives students spoken practice of the above grammatical structure. Because the topic is mainly about the differences between men and women it can also be linked to a class on comparatives. Stage One: Put the picture of Mike on the board. Tell students that Mike has a mysterious past and they have find out what it is. They can only ask you yes/no questions using "Did he use to + infinitive?". Students might take a while to get the answer so you might have to give them some clues. (Answer: he used to be a woman). Stage Two: Students then brainstorm a list of things they think Mike used to do as a woman (that he doesn't do now), what he used to wear, what he used to look like, etc. Remind students they can make statements using ‘didn't use to’ as well. They can do this in pairs then feedback as a whole group. This activity is designed to give students some ideas for the speaking activity. Stage Three: Tell students that Mike is going to be interviewed by a reporter from HI! Magazine and elicit questions the reporter might ask him. Encourage them to use ‘used to’. For example: What did you use to look like? What did you use to wear? What did you use to do that you don't do now? Stage Four: Give students the role-play cards. Students read their role and have a few more minutes to prepare before they act out the interview. After they've done the role-play, feedback to see what they found out. Follow-up Activities: Students write an article for HI! magazine based on the interview. Role-play Cards Student A: You are Mike. A reporter from HI! magazine is going to interview you about life before and after your operation Think about the following things before you speak: «What you used to do as a woman (that you don't do now), e.g wear make- up, wax your legs, crave chocolate, buy Cosmopolitan, etc. * What you used to look like and how you used to dress. «What you prefer about being a man. Student B: You are a reporter from HI! magazine. You are going to interview Mike about life before and after his operation. Find out about the following things: * What he used to do as a woman (that he doesn't do now). * What he used to look like and how he used to dress. « What he prefers about being a man. Before you start, prepare your questions. UNIT 2 Past 2.3 Sweet memories Vocabulary Used t0 pk t Intermedia pper-intermedate Go tents : ‘ i 1 range of ver : Board game : Gea peseaalaeh) Growing-up memories be resery the mor ind used for f , Language output 20-30 minutes A Board and dice (one per wi sro8p) {one per student) Procedures 1. Prepore questions ‘ ie ata te, eh en (res shown Language output 2 outthe m 3 Piying © They tah : ingly » ayer lands tha nt is ha her that questi ‘ he group sh + reston ¢s, comment \ mpl t 4s on one of i nis oft Variations 1 you are tea 2. Hryouwant to let your stud s tok i NG, MOTHER, BROTHERS Note on class size Jertsare playing in pots cr groups of three, use coins instead va (uo Am Keyd on 960 quem nok pip Rok pip oun, eso 14g enopn eaney ‘1 a4n nod pig) te | ss088q sno ag | expeinaeyn weaup yo88iq snokag ©) pasn yen ue usd 09 in nok PIp wanjo mon, Buop ey ok pup ey Bujop 340} 01 3n nok pip AeA 2 snow use sno yeong pre ‘wmop 112) 92% ee deg spo 30k sm dn yo 10k uo 08 04 espusxaam ye 0p 03 a5n yor420 fopranok 9g ©} pasn oun juan ora ok pip aneid JO pUPLaeUNy ea (dn 08 ok pip aay, El used to Type of activity ‘Whole class: matching game; communication Grammar point Used to + infinitive = we use ted 10 with the infinitive to describe what someone did in the past but does not do now: He used to live in England but now he tives in New Zealand. wwe form the negative by using never used 1 or didn’t He never used to sok: He didn’t use to smoke. we form questions with did and use to Did he use to live in London? Other structures None (but now he does) Topic areas Jobs, habits, hobbies Challenging vocabulary politician, zrapze artist, piloc(n), sailor, journalist, vicar, spy (a), farmer, policeman, gardener Materials and preparation + Make a copy of the 90° BIRTHDAY PICTCRR and the PHOTO aLSUM for each student. Copy and cut up one sctof GRANDPA CAKDS for euch group of 10 students + Ifyou have fewer than 10 students in your class, some will have to have two GRANDMA CARDS. Ifyou have more than 10 students, play the game in two groups. How to use the game + Check that your students are familiar with the grammar in the Grammar point and with the words listed in Challenging vocabulary. Pre-teach any other words from the game you think will be unfamiliar to your class. + Give one copy of the 90™ unerHpay PICTURE and one PHOTO ALBUM to every student. + Give each student one GRANDPA CARD, + Ifyou have fewer than 10 students give some students [hwo GRANDPA CARDS, + The object of the game is to match the grandpas the 90” niRTEpAY PicTURE with the photos of their younger selves in the PHOTO ALBUM and to write their names on the 90" BIRTHDAY PICTURE. + To do this students will have to get up and move around the group, exchanging information with other players. + Each player is allowed to give one clue about their ‘own’ grandpa. Having worked out who their ‘own’ grandpa is on the 90" BIRTHDAY PICTURE and in the PHOTO ALBUM, they say something he didn’t use to dothavelbe, e.g. ‘My grandpa didn’t use o have a beard.” + The player they are talking to may then ask up to three questions, e.g. ‘Did he use 10 be a vicar?’, “Did he use to have long hair? + Ifthe second player still cannot guess after the clue and the three questions, the first player can give them direct information, e.g. “My grandpa used to bea spy” + When players have matched all the grandpas with their younger selves and written the names on the 90 BIRTHDAY PICTURE, they can sit down, + ‘They should compare their answers with the person sitting next to them. Monitoring and feedback Ask students to report back, describing what their grandpa used oF didn’t use to do. GRANDPA CARDS Your grandpa used to be a politician. Now he sleeps all day long. Your grandpa used to be a vicar. Now he's a Buddhist. Your grandpa used to be a trapeze artist. | Your grandpa used to be a spy. i Now he sits in a rocking chair all day. | Now he really has a beard! ' Your grandpa used to be a pilot. ! Your grandpa used to be a farmer. { Now he makes model aeroplanes. | Now he lives in the middle of London. | Your grandpa used to be a sailor. Your grandpa used to be a policeman. Now he lives in Switzerland. ! Now he writes crime novels. Your grandpa used to be a journalist Your grandpa used to be a gardener. Now he writes science fiction. Now he lives in a flat. I'm different now ACTIVITY Pairwork: writing, speaking AIM ‘To talk about yourself asa child and to compare the way things were with the way things are now GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Used! 10+ infinitive to talk about past habits, routines and ‘tates which are now finished VOCABULARY Personal information PREPARATION Make one copy of the worksheet for each student inthe class TIME 20 to 30 minutes PROCEDURE 1 Give one copy ofthe worksheet to each student in the chss, 2 Ask each student to choose an age between 5 and 10 and to writ it inthe space provided on their worksheet. 3 Now ask them to write answers to the questions on their worksheet from the point of view of themselves asa child ‘of the age they have chosen. They should write their answers in the spaces provided under the heading Me as child aged —_. Atthis stage you may need to remind students of the dlference between lke, look like and be like. 4 Whea they have done that, ask them to write answers to the same questions, but from the point of view of themselvesas they are now, They should write this in the spaces provided under the heading ‘Me now’ 5. Now ask the students to cross out any information which is the same in both columns. For example, ifthey have ‘weitten football in both columns next 10 What games/play’” they should cross it out. 6 Forthe next par ofthe activity, ask the students to work in pairs 7 They should take itin cums to ask and answer questions bout the way things used to be when they were child and the way things are now by referring to the rest of the information on their worksheets, For example: ‘Student A: What games did you use to play? ‘Student B: used to play with dolls at hame and T used 1 play running games inthe playground at school Student B: What hobbies did you use to have? Student A: [used 10 go horse-riding but now I'm too busy. {a student has crossed out the information, they should answer ‘The same as now. Ina class where the students come from a variety of diferent cultures, they may have to explain some of their answers to their partner, for example, games or television ‘programmes whict! are specific to their own countries. 8 When they have finished, ask each student 1 wite afew sentences about the way things used tobe for their partner asa child, and the ways in which they ae diferent now. For example: Jalio used to have long blond hair but he didn’t use to have a moustache. ME AS A CHILD AGED (any age between 5 and 10) ME NOW What games/play? What television programmes/watch? What hobbies/have? What pets/have? What music/like? What clothes/ wear? What/look like? What/be like? What food/like? What food/not like? What/be frightened of? What ambitions/have? The burglar, the gambler and the rubbish collector Aim To give students practice at talking about past habits (with would and used to} in the context of a talk show Materials ‘One rolecard per student (A, B, Cor D) Time 30 minutes Preparation Copy and cut up one worksheet er four students Procedure 1 Ask students if they watch any talk shows, for example The Jerry Springer Show (or another show that is popular in your country). Elicit why these shows are so popular. 2 Ask what kinds of subject they discuss. Write some answers on the board 3 Elicit the format of a typical talk show, for example: First the talk show host introduces the programme. Then he/she introduce: first guest and interviews him/her. Then he/she introduces and interviews the second guest, etc. 4 Tell students that they are going to take part in a talk show about addictions. They will each be given a rolecard. In groups of four, they will play three addicts or former addicts and the talk show host. They should read the information on their rolecard and prepare what to say. The information is in note form so they will have to expand the prompts. 5 Remind students of the format of the talk show. Its the role of the talk show host to introduce the programme and the guest, and to interview each guest 6 Put the students into groups of four and distribute the rolecards. Give Rolecard D to a stronger student as he/she will have to manage the talk show. 7 Allow students a few minutes to read their rolecards and to expand the prompts. Give them help as required 8 They then have seven to ten minutes to prepare the talk show in their groups. If 8 group finishes quickly, ask them to practise the show without looking at their rolecards. 9 They can now act out the talk show. For classes of up to twelve students, each group acts it out in front of the class. The other ‘groups are the audience. For classes of more than twelve students, ‘one group acts it out to another group, not the whole class. 10 At the end of each group's performance, students who have been ‘watching vote for their favourite participant. Choose one of the following criteria: * the most entertaining person * the person they respect the most * the person who has done the most to change ‘Rolecard A : : e THE BURGLAR ‘What is your name? (Choose a name for yourself) THE RUBBISH COLLECTOR ‘What is your name? (Choose a name for yourself.) Read this information and think of answers to the questions. * burglar / now work as / security adviser * gave up after / sent to prison * break into 2 or 3 houses / day * only steal small things / sell in markets What kind of things did you use to steal? Why did you use to enjoy burglary? What's your life like now? Rolecard 8 THE GAMBLER What is your name? (Choose a name for yourself.) Read this information and think of answers to the questions. * gambler / now job helping gamblers / give up gambling * family / nice house / shop / lost everything * at first / poker only once a month / addicted / then 2 or 3 times a week © one week / lost so much / sell shop / home How much did you lose? * wife left / with daughter * not gamble now / want wife / daughter / back Do you think your wife will come back to you? Read this information and think of answers to ‘the questions. * collect rubbish as / hobby / now collect, rubbish as / job * steal letters and bank statements / from famous people's rubbish bins / sell / information / newspapers How much do you eam? ‘+ married / wife left / go out every night / 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning + also smelt Why do you enjoy looking in people's rubbish bins? THE TALK SHOW HOST You are going to interview a former gambler, a former burglar and a rubbish collector. Before the talk show, prepare some questions to ask each. ‘guest. Use these notes. The gambler ‘What / do now? How often / use to gamble? How much / lose? Why / give up? Wife / come back to you? The burglar What / do now? i Why / give up burglary? How often / use to break into houses? What / use to steal? Enjoy it? Enjoy life now? The rubbish collector Why / use to collect rubbish? How much / earn? Why / collect rubbish now? Married now? Why not? Why / enjoy looking in people's rubbish bins? Find out the names of your quests and then decide how to introduce them. For example: This is... . He MQy Am I telling the truth? CY A pairwork activity $5 talk about their childhood, sometimes inventing information and sometimes telling the truth, Their partner asks questions to find out if their partner is telling the truth or inventing their answers. Copy one sheet per pairand cut into A and B. LANGUAGE used to: used to love playing ‘Monopoly Who did you use to play with? ‘# Put SS in pairs, ideally face to face, and hand out the sheets, Focus on instruction a. Give SS a few moments to ‘complete the circles with real or invented information. ‘¢ Focus on b and cand get SS to read the instructions. Then ‘demonstrate the activity. Get one student to tell you about his / her first circle. Then ask several questions, and finally say I think you're telling the truth (or I don’t think you are telling the truth), You could also choose one circle and tell SS your own answer, and get them to ask you questions. ‘# SS.continue in pairs, each speaking about one circle alternately. ‘© Get feedback from some of the pairs to find out if they ‘were good at spotting when their partner wasn't telling the truth. A © Write something in each circle. If it has (T) at the end, you must write something true. Ifit has (L), you must lie, ie. invent something. © Tell B about one of your circles. B will then ask you questions, and decide if you're telling the truth or lying. @ Now listen to B tell you about one of his / her circles. Ask questions to see if it is the truth or a lie. If it’s a lie, get B to tell you what the true answer ist © Write something in each circle. If it has (7) at the end, you must write something true. Ifit has (L), you must lie, i. invent something. © Listen to A tell you about one of his / her circles. Ask questions to see if it is the truth or a lie. Ifit’sa lie, get A to tell you what the true answer is! @ Now tell A about one of your circles, and answer his / her questions. TEACHER'S NOTES THOSE WERE THE DAYS Materials: One worksheet per student Set the scene by teling Ss a few facts about you when youwere a child, using used to and would. Distribute the ‘worksheets and ask Ss to think back to their childhood, and write twelve true sentences using used to and would under the ‘categories provided. Encourage them to write both positive and negative sentences. Go round and check their language, helping where necessary. ‘When they are ready, tell Ss 10 mingle with the objective of finding people with the same answers. To do ths, Ss will have to ask other students questions based on their own sentences. ‘When they find someone with the same answer, they write their name in the column on the right. Monitor and check that Ss are forming the questions correctly, and encourage them to ask follow-up questions. When they have finished, arrange Ss into pairs to compare ther sentences. Elcit any interesting answers from the class for feedback Write sentences about when you were a child, using used to or would. Then ask questions to find people with the same information. What you were(n’t) afraid of 6 7 Sports and games 5B How did they change our world? A pairwork activity Sts talk about some inventions and what life used to be like before they existed. Copy one sheet per pair. Language used to/ didn't use to People used to use candies for ight They didn't use to stay up late at night Put Sts in pairs and give out one sheet per pair. Focus on the first invention (the electric light) and ask Sts What did people use to do before it was invented? Try tw elicit at least one (+) and one (-) answer with used 10, eg. They used to go to bed when it was dark. They didn’t use to stay up late at night Sts continue in pairs with the other inventions. Get them to write the sentences if you think they need more written practice with used to, Stress that they should try tomake at least three sentences per invention. Get feedback, asking pairs to tell you their different sentences. Now tell Sts that they have five minutes to choose three inventions that they couldn't live without, and. three that they could happily live without. Then they compare choices and explain why. Get feedback to see which were the most / least popular inventions. Extra idea * You could cut the cards up and give each pair or group of three or four Sts set, placed face down. Sts pick up the top card and continue as above. Example answers tte fridge They used to go shopping every day. They didnt use to buy ice-cream. Google They used to use encyclopedias. They didnt use to \6ok for information online satnay They used to use maps. They didnt use tobe able to avoid traffic jams. ‘TV They used to play games or other activities. They didn't use to sit inside for along time. email They used to write lots of letters. They didn't use to communicate quickly. MP3 players They used to isten to the raco. They did't use to listen to music wherever they were. the car They used to use horses for transport. They didn't use to travel so fast on lan. mobile phones They used to use phone boxes. They didn't use to contact peoote at any time. digital cameras They used to be careful how many photographs they took. They didnt use to put photos onto a computer. low-cost flights They used to pay 2 lot of money to travel by plane. They didn't use to travel so Far. ‘cash machines They used to get money from a person inside the bank. ‘They didn't use to be able to get money anywhere in the world. | 19[ What did we use to do before A pairwork activity where SS talk about some inventions and ‘what life used to be like before they existed. Copy one sheet per pai. LANGUAGE People used to use candles to see at night. | They dis’ wse to goto bed late «# Give out one copy per pair or per student. «Focus on the first invention (the electric Hight) and ask SS What did people use to do before it was invented? Try to elicit at least two (+) and one (—) answer with used to, ex, They used 10 go to bed when it was dark. They used to use candles. They didn't use to read at night. ‘¢.$8.continue in pairs with the other inventions. Get them to write the sentences if you think they need more written practice with used to, Stress that they should try to make atleast three sentences per invention. Get feedback, asking pais to tell you their different sentences. ‘¢ Now tell $5 that they have five minutes to choose three inventions that they couldn't live without, and three that they could happily live without. Then they compare choices and explain why. ‘© Get feedback to see which were the most/least popular inventions. Alternative cut-up activity ‘You could also cu the cards up and give each pair or group of 3-4. set, placed face down. SS turn up a card and continue as above. | the electric light | the washing machine (20] Strange, but true? Ha activity with true and false facts about the Ancient Romans. Copy one sheet per student. '# 1 Give out the copies and give 8S five minutes to read the facts on their own, ‘© 2 Inpairs, $S discuss the facts and decide which they think are true and which are false. ‘© Get feedback from the pairs to see if agree, without telling them the answers. ‘© Finally, tell them which ones were false Bence rent IE Read ten facts about the Romans. Five are true and five are false, In pairs, discuss the facts and decide if they are T (true) or F (false). Ten things you probably didn’t know about ... the Romans! 1 Once a year, the Romans used to have a special vote where they wrote down the name of the politician they most disliked. The person who got the most, ‘votes’ was then exiled (sent out of the country), and wasn't allowed to come back for ten years. 2. In some Roman towns there used to be so many traffic jams that vehicles were not allowed into the town during the day, and could only enter at night. 3. In Roman times, people who were middle class used to live in flats. These flats didn’t have kitchens or bathrooms, so people used to eat in bars and use public wash-houses. 4. The Romans used to tell the time by the sun, but when it was cloudy, they used to get a slave to count the hours. 5. During the Saturnalia holidays, (the equivalent of our modern Christmas) Roman citizens used to serve dinner to their slaves, and the slaves could go out at night, something they weren't normally allowed to do, 6 When Roman women got married, the day before the wedding they used to ‘sacrifice’ all their toys on a fire asa sign that their childhood was over. 7 Although the Romans used to lie on beds when they were eating (eating sitting up was considered bad manners), they didn’t use to use beds for sleeping. They slept on special carpets on the floor. 8 The Romans used to play an early form of football using a small round stone instead of a ball. ‘Matches’ were played between men from different towns. Because the men only wore sandals on their feet, many players ended up with broken toes. 9 In Roman plays at the theatre, when an actor was going to ‘die’, he used to go behind the curtain and change places with a slave. The slave came out and was then realy killed, 10 Roman men were famous for being good soldiers, However, the men were also very interested in their appearance, and they used to wear eye make-up and perfume. set Grammar 1 would: past habits School reunion Target language: would: past habits Activity type: class mingle When to use: Use this activity after Lesson 11.1. Time: 25 minutes : Photocopy and cut up one role card for each student. Preparat Procedure Give each student a role card. As the role cards are arranged in pairs, try to distribute the role cards in the correct pairs, e.g. if you have ten students, allocate the eight cards and then a second Francis card and a second Rowan card. For twelve students, do as above, plus one Robin and one Chris. Tell students that they all used to go to Wood School as small children, They have lost touch with their old classmates and have no idea what they look like now. But now, after many years, they are going to attend a school reunion, Tell students to mingle and to talk to other students about their lives now and their memories of the other children they were at school with. Tell them to try to find their best friend at school and the other people they remember. If you have a small class with less than eight students they may not be able to find the additional people. While they are doing the activity, encourage them not only to read the information from the cards, but to improvise as well. Preteach phrases students may need, e.g. Sorry, I can’t remember your name? What do you do now? What were you like at school? 'm looking for my best friend. She would always... Have you seen her? Get feedback from the whole class. ‘Answers The best ‘and Rowan, Robin and Chris, Jacky and Jo, Georgie and Z. School reunion Rowan ‘You are now an artist. You paint pictures of rich and famous people. At school, you would draw funny pictures ofthe teachers in lessons. ‘Your best friend would sing songs all the time! (But he/she wasn’t very good.) Find your best friend at the party. You also remember a child who used to dance all the time. And he/she would pull your hair. It was relly annoying! Find out what he/she is doing now. You are now a pop star. Your new album is coming out next month. At school, you were a brilliant singer and all the children used to love the songs you sang. Your best friend used to draw funny pictures ofall the teachers. Find your best friend at the party. You also remember two children who would talk about football all the time. You didn’t like them. Find out what they are doing now. Robin Chris You are now a professional dancer. You used to dance all the time as a child. Your best friend used to read in the library al the time. Find your best friend at the party. You also remember two children who would talk about football all the time. (You didn’t like them.) Find out what they are doing now. + You are now a writer. You write murder stories. At school, you would spend a lot of time in the library, reading books. Your best friend would dance all the time (even during. the lessons!) Find your best friend at the party. 1 You also remember one child, who would tel everybody what to do all the time. It was so annoying! Find out what he/she is doing now. Jacky You are now a pilot. At school, you would play with toy aeroplanes all the time. You used to be really good at football (but you don't play now). Your best friend was the only person who was better at football than you. Find your best friend at the party. You also remember one child who would draw horrible pictures of the teachers. You did not like him/her. Find ‘out what he/she is doing now, Jo You are now a professional footballer. At school, you used to play football all the time with your best friend. You remember that your best friend would play with aeroplanes all day. Find your best friend at the party. You also remember one child who would sing songs all day. This would get really annoying, because the songs were really bad. Find out what he/she is doing now. Georgie You are now a police officer. At school, you used to help al the children. You would tell them hovr to do things because they needed your help. 1 Your best friend used to be very naughty and would {annoy the teachers every day. Find your bestfriend at the party. 1 You also remember one child who would sing all the 1 time. He/she couldn't sing at all and the songs were {really bad! Find out what he/she is doing now. You are now a professional criminal. ‘At school, you used to be very naughty. The teachers would get angry with you and shout at you every day! Your best friend would always tell the other children what to do. Find your best friend at the party. You also remember one child who used to be a brilliant dancer. Find out what he/she is doing now. 3A Did you use to ..2 / Did you (ever) ..? [roupwrkor mingle, Students ak and answer sbou thei chidhaod to review used to andthe past simple Hime 20-25 mites preparation |Copy and cut up one set of cards or each group of four /five students. (Alternatively, the cards can be used fora whole: ets ingle) Procedure ~ Tell the class that they are going talk about habits and events in their childhood. Review the difference between used to (or past simple) for habits in the past, and past simple for single events. Draw a pair of glasses on the board and elicit the two possible questions Did you use to wear glasses? and Did you wear glasses? Then draw a broken arm to elicit Did you ever break your arm when you were a child? = Check / Preteach suck your thumb, pet, build a sandcastle, bunk beds, sing in a chor, be afraid of the dar, teddy bear, sweets, fancy dress party, win a prize, and ride ona tractor. ~ Divide the students into groups of four or five, and give each group a set of cards. Students take turns to pick a card, look at the picture, and make a question with past simple or ~ where possible - used to, They ask their question to everyone in the group, and each person should give as full an answer as possible. Monitor unobtrusively and take note of any common errors and useful vocabulary items forthe feedback stage after the activity. ~ At the feedback stage, get students to report back anything Interesting or surprising that they found out. Write any ‘errors you noted earlier on the board for students to correct, and record any useful vocabulary. Did you use to ...? / Did you (ever) ...? 7 |Grammar 2 used to/would The TV Show Target language: used to/would ‘Activity type: group roleplay When to use: Use this activity after Lesson 7. Time taken: 25 minutes Photocopy and cut up one worksheet for each group of three students in Preparat the class, Procedure Put students into three groups. Give one group a copy of the Presenter role card, another group a copy of the Guest 1 role card and the third group a copy of the Guest 2 role card. If the class does not divide into three, allocate an extra student to the Guest 1 group and if, there is a second extra student place him/her in the Guest 2 group. Tell students to read their role cards and answer any questions they have. Ask students to work with another person in their group and to discuss and prepare for the TV show. ‘Monitor and help where necessary. Now, regroup the class so that a Presenter, a Guest 1 and a Guest 2 are working together. Extra students will mean one or two groups will have an extra guest. When students are sitting together and are ready, ask them to roleplay the TV show with the Presenter taking. control of the discussion. Monitor and make a note of any errors where necessary. After 15 minutes, tell students to stop. Elicit how the discussion went from one or two ‘groups. Finally, ask students to give their real opinions. Deal with any errors on the board. The TV Show Presenter You host a daily fifteen-minute TV show where different social issues are discussed. On today’s show, the topic i 1s education better now than thirty years ago? You have two guests on your show who will give their opinion. Your first guest isa retired teacher who does not think that education is better now than thirty years ago. Your second guest is a professor of social studies who thinks that it isbetter. Write some questions to ask the two guests in order to find out why they have these beliefs. Guests You are going to appear on a daily fifteen-minute TV show where different social issues are discussed. On today's show, the topic is Is education better now than thirty years ago? You are a retired teacher. You do not believe this and think that education is, worse than thirty years ago. A professor of social studies will also be appearing (on the show to argue that education is better now. Think of as many ideas to support your opinion as possible. Make some notes about why education used to be better for people and what they would do or what they used to have in schools /universities thirty years ago that they do not do or have now. Be Guest 2 You are going to appear on a daily fifteen-minute TV show where different social issues are discussed. On today’s show, the topic is: Is education better now than thirty years ago? You are a professor of social studies. You believe that education is better now than thirty years ago. A retired teacher will also be appearing on the show to argue that education is worse now. Think of as many ideas to support your opinion as possible. Make some notes about why education is better and what people do or have now that they did not used to do or have thirty years ago in schools /universities. 2C School reunion You will need: one role card and one Find someone who worksheet per student (role cards 1-8 are needed to complete the activity; role cards 9-12 are optional) + Tell students that they were al in the same class at Springfield High Schoo! fifteen years ago, when they were all seventeen or eighteen years old. Now there is going to be a school reunion, and they are going to meet their old classmates again. + Give a role card to each student, and allow time for ‘them to read and understand the information. + Give each student a copy of the Find someone who .. worksheet. Students move around the room talking to their old classmates. The aim of the activity is for them to find at least one person for each of the items on the worksheet. When they have found someone, they ‘must write down their name and then ask if they stil do the same thing now. + When they have finished, students check their answers in pairs/groups, using used to, stil, and not... any longerimore. Role card 1 ‘When you were at Springfield High School, you used to play guitar in the school band. Now you are married and work in a bank, so you don’t have any time for music. You sold your guitar ten years ago. Role card 2 When you were at Springfield High School, you used to play tennis every afternoon. You were the best player in the school, and nobody ever beat you. You still play tennis occasionally, perhaps once or twice a month. Role card 3 When you were at Springfield High School, you used to be brilliant at mathematics. You were always top of the class, and everyone else used to hate you! Now you are a top computer programimer and eam £100,000 a year. Role card 4 ‘When you were at Springfield High School, you ‘used to get into fights after school. When you left school, you started boxing, and arenow a famous boxer. You are fighting for the world title next week in Las Vegas! Role card 5 When you were at Springfield High School, you used to go out with the English teacher's son/ daughter. Your classmates used to make fun of you because of this! You are now married to him/her, and have three beautiful children. Role card 6 ‘When you were at Springfield High School, you used to be very good at singing, As soon as you left school you made a record, which sold over. a million copies. Now you are rich and famous, and have just started recording your fifth album, Role card 7 When you were at Springfield High School, you used to arrive late for class every day! Your teachers used to punish you, but it didn’t make any difference. Now you are an important lawyer, but you are still late for almost every meeting! Role card 8 ‘When you were at Springfield High School, you used to live next door to the school. Because of this you could stay in bed later than all your classmates! Your family moved away a few years ‘ago, and you now live in New York. Role card 9 When you were at Springfield High School, you used to play the piano in the school band. You are now married with two small children, so you don't have time to play in a band any more. You still play on your own when you have the time. Role card 10 ‘When you were at Springfield High School, you used to be captain of the school football team. ‘When you left school, you tried to become a professional footballer, but you broke your leg and never played again. Role card 11 When you were at Springfield High School, you used to be really good at mathematics. However, you haven't done any maths since you left school ‘and have now forgotten everything you learnt, You need a calculator for everything now! Role card 12 When you were at Springfield High School, you always used to fight with your brother, who was in the same class. Now your brother lives on the other side of the world, and you haven't seen him for years. You miss him a lot, because you have nobody to fight with! Find someone who ... Name(s) Does he/she still do this? used to play a musical instrument. used to be good at sport. used to fight a lot. used to be late all the time. used to live close to the school. used to be very good at singing used to be good at mathematics used to go out with one of the teacher's children. Changing places @ Reaz the letter you received from your friend Andy, then choose the correct sentence beneath. Hithere, Iwanted to tellyou about my new life here, |used to enjey shopping in the city contre and going to the cinema with my friends there, and it still feele strange living Somewhere so quiet: Our house here ls bigger though - with a garden to play football in! So Im healthier now - | didn't use to do ary exercise before! im adapting to the slower ifestyle, although ll always miss seeing my old friends every day. What about you? What did you use to do when you lived in the country? What was it dificult to get used to when you moved to the city? What: do you prefer about city life now? Write and tell me! Andy 1. Andy moved from a small town in the country to a big city. 2 Andy moved from a city to a small town in the country. @ which of these phrases from Andy’s letter refer to the past and which refer to the present? 1 going to the cinema with friends past 2 playing football in the garden 3 enjoying shopping in the city centre 4 living in bigger house 5 being healthier 6 not doing any exercise @ Match the phrases to make sentences which describe Andy's feelings about his new life. 1 He still isn’t used to ‘A not seeing his old friends every day 2 He will never get used to _-B_the slower lifestyle 3 He is getting used to living somewhere so quiet @ Imagine you moved from the country tothe city, Write a letter to Andy, answering his questions, Use used to, be used to and get used to. GRAMMAR usually and used to Occupation university students Pierre: photographer, Lucie: journalist Residence Paris, France Chicago, the USA Hopes and dreams be ri be healthy and happy together Eating habits ate tinned food mostly home-made food House lived with their parents. penthouse flat with their dog. Holidays camping normally stay in 4- or 5-star hotels Sport didn't play sport both cycle at the weekend. Pierre often plays golf to network Vehicle both rode bikes; Pierre: an old scooter. a Mercedes. Pierre sometimes rides his Harley Davidson Clothes second-hand often designer clothes, but not always Body type slim Pierre: putting on weight Weekends got up late, went out at night with friends normally stay in, cook, and watch TV Friends lots of friends just a few close ones © Look at the table and complete the sentences with used to, didn’t use to, or the present simple. Use usually where appropriate, although it is not always possible. I Pierre and Lucie _usually cycle at the weekend. cycle 2 Pierre __as.a photographer. work 3. They in Paris any more. not live 4 They of being rich dream 5 They home-made food when they were students. not eat 6 They ___their meals at home now. cook with their parents. live _____ in expensive hotels these days. stay Pierre golf when he was a student. not play his old scooter any more; he has a Harley Davidson. not ride designer clothes, but not all the time. wear very slim be __at the weekend and watch TV. stay in lots of friends. have Cover the sentences and look at the table, Make three sentences about Pierre and Lucie using used to and three sentences using usually. Occupation university students | Nacho: joumalist, Luciana: psychologist Residence Buenos Aires, Argentina Barcelona, Spain Hopes and dreams 0 into politics that their son is happy and successful Personality relaxed, quite lazy very worried about work; hard-working House shared a flat wth other students | apartment, with 18-year-old son Holidays hitchhiking {go to small apartment on the Costa Brava Musical tastes pop and rock; Luciana: disco jazz, classical, tango Vehicle bikes; Nacho: an old scooter ‘ars; son has motorbike. Clothes informal similar, but more expensive taste Body type slim: getting a bitioverweight Food vegetarians omnivores Friends lots of friend justa few dose fiends 1 Nacho __works asa journalist. work 2 They in Argentina any more. not live 3 They of going into politics. dream 4 They quite lazy. be 5 They about work. not worry 6 They a flat with other students. share 7 They hitchhiking any more. not go 8 Luciana listening to jazz. not like 9 They bikes any more. not ride 10 Nacho an old scooter. ride 11 They more on clothes than before. spend 12 Luciana overweight. not be 13 They meat, but they do now. eat 14 They lots of friends. have Intermediate ‘yoPic Changes ta the’ turban | : lanescape activity TYPE Find the difference, discussion SPEAKING FOCUS Description, comparison and contrast TIME 25-35 minutes KEY LANGUAGE bank, block of flats, bridge, disco, factory, market, office block, pedestrian crossing, pub, restaurant, sports centre, supermarket, theatre; present simple, there is/are, there was/were, used to, present perfect, prepositions of place PREPARATION One photocopy for each pair of students, the photocopies cut into their two sections @ tracks Unit 5 Town and country Then and now Warm up 1. Ask the class about the neighbourhood around the school, e.g. Are there any schools, ‘restaurants, porks? How mony shops, cafés are there? Use this to revise any words from the Key language and to teach any new words. 2. Ask what has changed in this neighbourhood. 3 Put students in pairs. Tel them to describe their home neighbourhoods to each other and include any changes they know about or have heard about Main activity Speaking 11 Give out the photocopies to the pairs: one person has photocopy A; the other has photocopy B, Tell them they must not ook at each other's photocopies. 2. Tellthem to talk about their pictures and find four main changes that have happened in each 3 Check their answers, With strong classes you can do this as a dictation, but include wrong information and tell them to correct it. ‘Answer key 4 In Welham: in tartiord: : + The Aseo hasbecone theatre + The pub use (0 bea pollo sation, + The restaurant used to be a bank. + The sports centie has reslaced the factory. + The footbridge has eplaced the +. They have built the block of flats on the Pate “pedestrian cmssing. + The supermarket hes dosed + They have built office block on the market Listening 1 ‘Telithe students that they are going to hear a radio interview about Wellham, and they will hear the interviow twice. Tell them to make notes on wnat people think about the changes, @)2. Play the interview twice 2. Tel them to compare ther notes with a partner before checking thei answers 4 Askhow many people spoke tothe reporter, and who they were “Answer key : y ae ‘There were three people: the ald man, the wee ‘is his daughter, and her daughter. 5 Askwhat the people sy. Answer key Shae z ‘Woman: Si eee + Wellharnis getting worse. + Wellhemis better, + The market ised to be good + The footbridge s good. “© Business is more important than people. = The new theatres fantastic, + There are too many cars. 2 Gi Welham \s getting worse. + The disco was better than the theatre, Follow up ‘Ask students for their opinions on the comments made by the speakers. Are they sensible comments? ‘© Put two pais together into groups of four. ‘* Tell students to look at al the pictures, and discuss the changes in both towns. Tel them they have ten minutes to decide which changes are good, which are bad, and why. © Goaround helping where necessary, and listening for interesting comments, © Ask the better groups to explain their ideas to the class. “pooysnogysiou moj puy pue wayp aqHDsap ing ‘saanyoid ano oY0 YD “6261 MY WeYIPM pue epo} pros|zePY Jo amyotd e sey AauIEd mMOX 1] moj puy pue uray aquosap yng “sasmpord anok xoxo yea a “pooymoqysrau ypea oy patraddey ancy emp sasiuel "EUst Ur PIONHEN pe depen meqToM Jo azmoqd © ay sounsed THOR v

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