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The Student Newspaper of Lawrence University Since 1884

VOL. CXXXIX NO. 1 Appleton, Wisconsin October 15, 2021

THIS WEEK IN PHOTOS: Eric Mayes to serve as new VP

REAL Faculty Demonstration of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
The newly-formed Racism Ends at Lawrence Christyn Abaray said that Mayes’ ing for an individual who under-
Caleb Yuan
(REAL) faculty group organized a demonstration Staff Writer experience in DEI and passion in stands Lawrence in its needs and
outside of the Warch Campus Center on Oct. 10. On Oct. 4, President Laurie
his past research and expressions, challenges regarding DEI, collabo-
as well as knowledge regarding rates with different constituencies
Carter announced Dr. Eric Mayes how to push a community towards on campus and plans to be espe-
as the new Vice President for DEI, made him stand out as the cially visible to campus, according
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion best candidate. to Davis.
(DEI). Mayes is currently serving “From the beginning of the in- “As the student [representa-
as the founding executive direc- terview... Dr. Mayes stood out,” tives]…[we] really pushed to advo-
tor of the Center for Educational Abaray said. “It just crystalized cate in the interview for someone
Equity and associate professor when he visited the campus ... who is going to be visible to cam-
within the College of Education How quickly you can see how he pus,” Davis said. “It will be some-
and Health Professions at the Uni- is seeing himself here and asking one who is going to advocate for
versity of Arkansas. questions as if he is already here.” everybody on campus.”
Beginning in November, Mayes Junior Malcolm Davis, the Mizrahi added that the search
will be in the office and overseeing chair of Lawrence’s Committee committee was also looking for
the current DEI initiatives, includ- on Diversity Affairs (CODA) and someone with a clear vision of
ing development of an Antiracism a student representative on the how their past experiences and ex-
Task Force plan, improvement on search committee, feels connected pertise could help Lawrence make
the Bias Incident Report process, to Mayes’ background as a BIPOC positive changes in the area of
continued effort on a permanent individual who understands how it DEI, Mizrahi said.
hate speech policy, a Preferred feels to be a part of the marginal- According to Abaray, the ad-
Name Policy as well as 20 other ized student body. Mayes has been ministration collaborated with
initiatives, as stated in the com- a professor and a staff member in search firm Carrington & Car-
munity email announcing his hir- higher education institutions, Da- rington Ltd., which was respon-
ing. vis said, and with these multidi- sible for searching for and reach-
The administration has been mensional experiences, he will be ing out to candidates based on a
searching for new candidates to able to connect and communicate position description drafted by
fill the vacancy of the position with every part of the campus. the search committee in early Au-
since this August, following for- Before his position at the Uni- gust. Carrington & Carrington also
mer Vice President for Diversity versity of Arkansas, Mayes served administered a screening process
and Inclusion Kimberly Barrett’s as an assistant professor of edu- before the candidates came to
retirement. cational leadership and chair of Lawrence for the final interview,
At the end of the hiring process, the school’s Diversity and Civil- Abaray said.
the search committee, which con- ity Committee at John Hopkins In September, the search com-
sisted of student, staff and faculty University’s School of Education. mittee interviewed the final can-
representatives, made its recom- Prior to that, Mayes worked at didates at their visits to campus,
mendation for Mayes to President the Children’s Defense Fund as a according to Rosa Tapia, professor
Carter, according to Michael Miz- national deputy director, leading of Spanish and a faculty represen-
rahi, Professor of Music and fac- initiatives surrounding national tative on the search committee.
ulty representative on the search education reform, service learn- The candidates spent time with
committee. ing, social justice and leadership representatives on the search
During an interview with the development. committee and toured Appleton to
committee, Mayes conveyed an With all the political move- gain a better understanding of the
understanding and urgency to ments occurring across the coun- Lawrence community, according
address the challenges about DEI try in recent years, Abaray said to Abaray.
at Lawrence, Director of Human the demand for expertise in DEI Davis also emphasized the im-
Resources Tina Harrig said. His is high in many organizations. The portance of the position being
philosophy on effective communi- administration wanted to coordi- filled at this time. Diversity orga-
cation and his ability to facilitate nate a well–thought out and yet nizations’ leaders are tired from
change were areas of strength that quick process to find the best can- leading diversity projects on cam-
the search committee believes will didate, Abaray said. pus, Davis said, and having ad-
greatly benefit our community, As part of this, the search com- ministration working on DEI ini-
Harrig said. mittee determined a set of require- tiatives is important so that there
Assistant to the President and ments for the new Vice President is a leader who can oversee these
Secretary to the Board of Trustees for DEI. The committee was look- projects.

Do you have questions about any new developments on campus? Should

the Lawrentian be covering any event?

(ABOVE) Professor of Music Ann Ellsworth and Instructor of Dance Margaret Paek perform.
Photo by Adam Fleischer.
(TOP AND MIDDLE) Hand-decorated signs were displayed outside the Warch Campus Center entry.
Let us know!
Photo by Adam Fleischer.
Send any tips to

Sports Variety Features A&E Op-Ed


Women’s soccer: Lawrence orchestras Read this before choosing

Dragons True crime profile...
Ripon downed in... shine on opening night a Halloween costume
2 NEWS October 15, 2021

Career Center hosts Career-Prep Series COVID-19

Marzuka Amal and Social Media Coach will be conducting the credibly helpful,” Bo-
Staff Writer & Content Creator at event. canegra said. “The con-
ABC, will be leading the The Handshake page nections I made, the
Lawrence’s Career “Grow your Network for the event says, “The tricks I learned were Weekly updates on the status of
Center has been hosting
its “Secrets of Career
with LinkedIn” presen- summer months are things that I never real- COVID-19 at Lawrence
tation today. She will an excellent time to ized were possible. I am
Success” series, which discuss how network- explore your interests, overly excited for the
aims to help students ing on LinkedIn can deepen your learning events happening later
identify the resources help students connect and gain experience this month and plan on
in college which can be with alumni and other beyond the classroom. taking all my friends
used to contribute to potential career re- […] They will also help with me.”
post-graduation suc- sources. The events, though CASES CASES:
cess, throughout the “The Lawrence net- Scan the QR made for everyone, will
month of October. work is one of the most code to view the be particularly helpful
The series includes LU: LU:
powerful tools that stu- Handshake page: for underrepresented
“Alumni Wisdom” from dents can tap into for and first-generation 2
Dr. Greta Dzieciaszek not only career advice, college students, ac-
’05, Talent and HR but also for comradery, cording to Netzel. It will Appleton: Appleton:
leader at CVS Health; friendship and general allow these students to
“Activating One’s Net- 10,885 332
advice,” Amanda Net- explore and learn about
work” by Ted Flem- zel, the Assistant Direc- the resources available
ming, author and Head
of Talent Development
tor of Career Services- to them, she said, keep- We are in:
Employer and Alumni ing in mind the best
at CVS; and “Summer
Research Information,”
Relations, said.
The “Guide to a you walk through the
use of those resources,
which is often learned
amongst the ones that
have already occurred.
High-Impact Summer” timeline and process from experience rather Moderate Enhanced
event will discuss op- for successfully map- than finding a guide-
Coming up soon are tions for summer learn- ping out your high-im- book encompassing the Risk Precautions
“Grow your Network ing and career opportu- pact summers!” information. The topics
with LinkedIn” on Fri-
day, Oct. 15 and “Guide
nities, including the LU First-year Giacomo include what Netzel de- Masking required indoors; inreased
Experimental Learning Bocanegra has been to scribed as the “hidden
to a High-Impact Sum- funding and intern- all the events thus far curriculum” of the col-
surveillance testing; keycard needed
mer” on Friday, Oct. ship programs. Jacklyn and plans to go to the lege, including building for building entry; high traffic areas
22. All events will be Fischer, the Assistant upcoming ones. He relationships with pro-
recorded for the ease of deep-cleaned.
Director of Career Cen- found the discussion fessors and recruiters.
the students and posted ter-Health Professions; about LinkedIn, a plat- The goal of the events is
online. Peter Blitstein, Associ- form with which he pre- to explore this hidden
Jill Manuel ’84, the
*data reported as of Oct. 13
ate Dean of the Faculty viously had no experi- curriculum and find
Director of Content/ and Associate Professor ence, especially useful. ways to tackle it.

Giving Day raised

Newsroom Strategist of History; and Netzel “The events were in-

$1.98 million
Nathan Wall games on campus helped to raise
Staff Writer awareness for Giving Day, such as
Spin the Wheel outside of Warch
The Eighth Annual Giving Day from 11 a.m.–1 p.m., the Bag Toss
was held on Wednesday, Oct. 13, from 3–5 p.m. on Main Hall Green
and raised 1.98 million dollars. and a dance party from 7–8 p.m.
Every year, Lawrence has a fun- in the Nathan Marsh Pusey room.
draising event to support finan- Sunglasses and backpacks were
cial aid, scholarships, building given out to students who par-
maintenance, the library, faculty ticipated in events to encourage
pay, Björklunden and Lawrence’s students to get involved in Giving
athletics programs, according to Day.
Director of Annual Giving Amber For students who couldn’t do-
Nelson. Giving Day has raised 10.8 nate, there were also social media
million dollars for the school over challenges, such as sharing the
the past eight years. marked post on the official Law-
All alumni from the classes of rence University Facebook page
100 times or correctly identify-
To see more stats ing LU “close-ups” on Instagram.
from Giving Day 2021, These challenges helped to un-
scan the QR code: lock more Game Changer funds.
Alumni-Development interns and
Philanthropy Engagement Center
students planned, organized, pro-
moted and staffed the Giving Day
Giving Day is a major reason
Lawrence is able to offer financial
aid to its students, according to
senior Jason Bernheimer, a man-
ager at the Philanthropy Engage-
2005–2025 who donated money ment Center, since the Giving Day
had an additional $500 donated funds go to the areas of the most
in their name by the Game Chang- need. A large part of the funding
ers to incentivize younger Law- for scholarships comes from the
rentians to donate to the school. funds raised on Giving Day.
The Game Changers are a group “Without the generous dona-
of alumni who pledge to increase tions of alumni, our tuition would
their donations each year. be much higher than it is today,”
Throughout the day, prizes and Bernheimer said.
October 15, 2021 SPORTS 3

Women’s soccer: Ripon downed in overtime

Anonymous including 9 on goal, between them, taka that took Barcelona to the top of adjustment for a crop of student-ath- leadership. As the goalkeeper sees the
Guest Writer and had the Ripon back 4on high the footballing world for more than a letes also being forced to adjust to be- entire field, it ultimately falls to Sarah
strings all evening. So how did the Vi- decade. Nowadays, we tend to see suc- ing a student-athlete in the first place, to dictate movement off the ball and
Tuesday evening saw the Law- kings manage to pick apart the visiting cessful teams play some form of a 4-3- as well as the rigors of Lawrence’s aca- verbally direct the flow of play when
rence women’s soccer team over- Redhawks with such ease? The answer 3 with an inverted midfield 3 and very demic setup. I have since been (grate- the Vikings are in possession. Anyone
come Ripon 1-0 in a home conference lies in the tactical knowledge of Head attack-minded wingers and fullbacks. fully) proven wrong. This Vikings who has been to a game has definitely
matchup thanks to a first half goal Coach Joe Sagar and the wide vari- Coach Sagar, on the other hand, has team possesses the perfect blend of heard this in action, and can see the
from first-year Natalie Linebarger. ety of talent the team possesses. Let’s opted to play the more dynamic 3-4-3 soccer IQ, skill, athleticism and work positive effect it carries on her team-
The Vikings dominated throughout, have a look at the inner workings of akin to top sides like Chelsea in 2016- rate to fluster opponents with their mates. Moving forward into the back
clearly the superior side with Ripon Lawrence’s Women’s Soccer team and 17 under Antonio Conte. I must admit, tactical uniqueness. Next, we should three, we find a host of players who
hardly having a kick. Lawrence out- how they’ve risen to become a force to when I first noticed the team’s shape have a look at key performers in each personify composure on the ball. Law-
shot their opponents 30-1, posting be reckoned with in the Midwest Con- in late August, I was skeptical. The role and highlight their contribution rence likes to possess out of the back,
18 shots on goal in the process. Goal- ference. 3-4-3, while very effective, is a highly to the team; soccer is far more than so this is key. Players like Charlotte
keeper Sarah Yochem could have left Formation risky system to play. It involves highly simply scoring goals, after all. Linebarger, Audrey Deppen, Caitlyn
the gloves at home for this one, as she Tactical styles tend to come specialized wingers, while placing Tactical Analysis Rodko and Madeline Forman keep the
wasn’t required to make a single save and go in terms of popularity within a large burden on the pair of central I’ll begin in defense, where the team ticking by helping to organize
and only ever touched the ball with soccer. In the mid 20th century, the midfielders, and can be exposed by foundation of any top team is built. play and finding their more creative
her feet. Other key performers on the Italians led the way with the uber- overloading the flanks to get after typ- The Vikings have a goalkeeper in teammates further up the pitch. Into
night were junior Jackie Blake and defensive Catenaccio, followed by the ically slower central defenders. Given Sarah Yochem who needs no intro- midfield now, and we find the engines
Cambrie Rickard, who presented the famed “total football” of Dutch genius this level of complexity, and Law- duction. The Junior from Illinois has that move the Vikings forward. In a
main attacking threat on the night. Johann Cruyff in the 1970s and ‘80s, rence’s first-year-dominant squad, I a habit of making top class saves, but 3-back system, much of the cleanup
Blake and Rickard managed 13 shots, and more recently Pep Guardiola’s tiki had guessed it may be too much of an where her value really lies is in her See page 7

Mr. Olympia predictions revisited

Sean McLaughlin ishing in second. But that order was see if he figures it out next year. placing 7th at this year’s showpiece. ing a little extra water, perhaps a tad
Staff Writer corrected on Olympia weekend, as 8th: Justin Rodriguez. He brought what ended up being es- softer than last year, which could be
he brought far more size and grainier Predicted: 9th sentially an identical package as to put down to the stress he experienced
As per the expectation, I didn’t conditioning than the American. Per- Once again, so close yet so far. I his Arnold appearance two weeks pri- in the weeks leading up to the show
get all of my predictions correct last sonally, I’m quite a fan of Shabaan’s predicted Justin to take 9th this year or; not at all unsurprising, given the due to his visa issues. At the end of
week. That being said, my title is a bit physique; he just fails to stand out and match his 2020 placing, but he quick turnaround. Still, I can’t help the day, Bonac simply doesn’t have
deceiving this time around with the in one regard or another to beat the outdid me and took 8th. This was a but feel Justin was robbed of a better the illusion of mass like Nick Walker,
exception of one or two picks, I got big name competitors. I’m looking to reliably good package from Justin placing. Iain carried more width, but Big Ramy or some of the other guys,
extremely close with all of my top-10 see him kick on next year after a good as we’ve seen all year so far, at Indy, a very unaesthetic physique in com- nor is he over aesthetic. I think this
picks. Let’s have a look at the correct showing this time around. New York, and the Arnold. He man- parison to Justin, and they were on lack of specialization hurts him, as
top 10 in Men’s Open Bodybuilding at 9th: Akim Williams. aged to outdo Akim on conditioning, par with each other in terms of con- the mass monsters and more aes-
the Mr. Olympia from this past week- Predicted: 10th but ultimately fell short of a first call- ditioning this past weekend as well. thetic guys tend to beat him to the top
end, and how they compare with my Okay so I know I didn’t get this out spot on a combination of struc- Some transparency on the part of the placings. I think this may just be the
predictions from last week. one exactly right, but I was damn ture and size, along the lines of what judges as to the criteria they look for, motivation he needs to take his phy-
10th: Mohammad Shabaan. close. Akim did exactly as I thought he I predicted. Justin always comes in but alas we’ll likely never get that. sique to the next level though, which
Predicted: N/A would: he came in soft. That change shredded, but isn’t helped by the pro- 6th: William Bonac would be brilliant. We always see the
Poetically, we begin with the in coach seemed to have the effect I portions of his shoulders to his waist. And again, I’m one off the mark. same slightly soft, bulky but not mas-
only entry in the top 10 I had pre- was worried about. I will give Akim It’s hard to pick out, but something William “The Conqueror” Bonac sive, tapered but not quite aesthetic,
dicted to finish outside of it. Shabaan credit, he came in much tightened up about the lines in his physique’s up- dropped further in the placings this Bonac; I want to see that next level
qualified for the Olympia off of points, at the night show, and I think moved per body are confusing. Regardless, year, ending just inside the top call- come to fruition.
meaning he failed to win a qualifying up a placing as a result. He was being he always packs his frame with mus- out in 6th. Bonac will be highly dis- 5th: Nick Walker.
show in the season leading up to this compared more with James Hollings- cle; maybe the key for next year is to appointed considering he was second Prediction: 4th
Olympia. I won’t lie, that did dampen head, Mohammad Shabaan and Roel- try for even more size. a mere two years ago. He will also Nearly once more, Nick Walker
my faith in him. However, I had been ly Winklaar in prejudging, and ended 7th: Iain Valliere. have to qualify this year by winning dropped one place from my predic-
impressed with his recent showings, up with more comparisons to Justin Predicted: 8th another show (or on points) as only tions on his Olympia debut. This was
and felt he had been overlooked for Rodriguez at the night show. Perhaps I’m torn now, because for the the top 5 automatically qualify for quite the showing from The Mutant,
far better placings. In fact I was justi- the most disappointing part of this third time in a row I’m off by one the next year’s Olympia. He didn’t and he didn’t look out of place at
fied in this when he comfortably beat for me is how good Akim looked in place. This does mean I managed to look poor by any means either; I hon- all amongst the best on stage. Nick
Patrick Moore, who took 14th this his last physique update post prior predict the exact order of three top estly believe the momentum of Nick somehow managed to improve his
weekend. Moore had beaten Shabaan to show day. At one day out, he was contenders, but I’m still annoyed Walker and its presence in the judges’ physique even further after the Ar-
to take the win at the California Pro peeled to the bone, but couldn’t carry nonetheless. Iain, who I am not a fan minds played a large role in this de-
this past year, with Mohammad fin- that condition onto the stage. We’ll of, matched his 2020 performance by cision. Bonac also looked to be hold- See page 10

Wilder-Fury trilogy comes to close

Sean McLaughlin them for a period of over a year. After December 1st of 2018. The first fight audience was livid with booing all temple. The Bronze Bomber would
Staff Writer many issues over reinstating his box- between Fury and Wilder had been around. Both fighters thought they fall twice more in the way of slipping
ing license due to issues with boxing a long anticipated one with the two were robbed. Fury, rightfully, claimed in the ring, looking very disoriented
Last weekend saw to the end commissions over in England, Fury fighters promoting a possible match- he outboxed Wilder through most of due to the ruptured eardrum he suf-
of one of the most exciting boxing was finally able to fight again in 2018 up all the way back in 2014. Taking the fight and Wilder claimed the two fered from one of Fury’s strikes. In
trilogies in recent memory. The hard- where he racked up two quick wins place in the Staples Center in front of knockdowns were enough to earn the 5th round, Wilder suffered his
hitting Bronze Bomber, Deontay in under 2 months and set himself a ~17,500-person crowd, the two gi- him the edge, when realistically they last knockdown and was bleeding
Wilder, faced off against the Gypsy up for his first fight against Deontay ants would take the fight to its limits, were probably what kept him from from both ear and mouth while Fury
King, Tyson Fury, likely for the last Wilder. Alabama native, Deontay using all 12 3-minute rounds, leaving losing. With Wilder retaining his looked unfazed, dancing around
time as the record between the two Wilder, has had a surging career up the fight up to the judges. Fury came belt in the controversial decision and Wilder. The Gypsy King looked pos-
fighters has fallen on the side of Fury. to his fights with Fury. Starting his in weighing 256lbs and standing at both fighters and the boxing world sessed as he dismantled Wilder for
The three-fight saga gave boxing fans boxing career at the later age of 20, 6 feet 9 inches and Wilder came in keen for a rematch, a second fight the next two rounds, even going so far
a mix of technicality, knock outs and Wilder used his gift of monstrously at a lighter 212lbs at 6 feet 7 inches. would soon be scheduled. In Febru- as to lick the bloodied neck of Wilder
showmanship, the likes of which keep powerful hands to earn himself a Wilder used his signature style of ary 2020, the anticipated second while in the clinch like a vampiric
the sport of boxing alive. The Man- bronze medal in the 2008 Olympics, swinging at people’s heads until they fight took place in Las Vegas. The two frog. The fight was stopped as the ref
chester born Tyson Fury, who has earning him the nickname the Bronze drop dead against a more unorthodox fighters began their walkout at 10-20 and Wilder’s corner stopped the fight
had one of the best career comebacks Bomber. From then, Wilder fought and elusive Tyson Fury, who used lbs heavier than their first bout. The due to Wilder’s inability to respond to
in the sport, has faced much turmoil his way through the professional his footwork and head movement to fight was immediately one sided for Fury’s onslaught. The fight was ruled
on his way to regaining heavyweight heavyweight ranks, handing out CTE avoid most of Wilder’s strikes. Wilder Fury. Fury immediately established a TKO for Fury, who earned himself
glory. After successfully winning like candy on Halloween, ending 41 managed to knock down Fury twice his range and was able to evade all of the WBC heavyweight title. Wilder
three heavyweight titles by defeating out of 42 of his wins by way of knock- with Fury coming back from the dead Wilder’s winging strikes which had would go on to make excuses for his
Vladimir Klitschko back in 2015, Fury out with 20 of those being the first on the second knockdown late in the not improved since their last fight. loss, even stating that the 40lb suit
would unfortunately fall to many de- round. After successfully defending fight, but Fury out struck Wilder in 9 Fury out struck Wilder throughout he wore in his walkout was the rea-
pressive episodes, becoming unfit his WBC title 7 times between 2015 out of the 12 rounds landing 26% of all 7 rounds of the fight earning his son he lost, but it was his choice to
and turning to substance abuse be- and 2018, Deontay Wilder would punches thrown versus Wilder’s 17%. first knockdown against Wilder in the go in his little cosplay costume right
fore ultimately having to relinquish face the resurging Tyson Fury on The fight was called a draw and the 3rd round with a heavy shot to the
his belts after being unable to defend See page 11
4 VARIETY October 15, 2021

Goosepimples Shingldune IV
By Madeleine Corum By Miri Villerius
Song of the week: “Dancing in The Woebegones couldn’t We like our fun and we never
the Moonlight” by King Harvest amplify their music. This made for fight. You can’t dance and stay What have we learned of gle and dune.
a somewhat muffled sound over- uptight. the shingle and dune, the rock It is all just rocks and sand,
This week’s piece was partial- laid with conversations permeating They played softer folk songs and the sand. We learn that there rocks and sand, all the way
ly inspired by guest writer Adam throughout the small crowd. But it that you could sway to, songs whose is no difference between the two down, all the way on. It’s simply
Grant’s op-ed in the New York Times also made us instinctively stay a little harmonies coaxed you to close your but our perspective. How we the rocks we see that count, the
“There’s a Specific Kind of Joy We’ve quieter to be able to hear them. And eyes. They played faster bluegrass treat the singular and the plural, rocks all around are too many
Been Missing” (10 July 2021). in that way the notes and the harmo- that you could twirl your friends to, the promise and the fulfillment. to count, but just enough to
On Friday night, standing nies drifted through and found their that pulled laughter and song from It’s really an illusion, one that strive for. But is there something
beneath the Woebegones, I got chills. way to me. To all of us. our throats and dancing from our we create because it’s easier. We more? Is there a rock so big
This time of year in Texas, Everybody here is out of sight, bones. They played for each individu- have limited attention and time even the sea couldn’t weather
where I’m from, my dad gets me a they don’t bark and they don’t bite. al who’d spent the past year listening and the rocks will weather into it? When will sand come out the
UTOPiAfest ticket for my birthday. I This group harmonization, to King Harvest quietly in our cars or sand just the same. We actually other end? Is it doomed to be
leave the city behind to camp out in this feeling of the same notes and bedrooms, turning us into a living, have to help the rocks weather. particular? Remember that it’s
the west Texas prairie with him and rhythms in real bodies around you at breathing thing that moved as one. This is why we afford them the a sandbox we play in, but a rock
his friends and watch live music for a the same time, is collective efferves- They played me back to Texas, where attention they need. tumbler we use.
weekend. After midnight each night, cence. It is what a lot of us have been we huddled around campfires to stay Maybe the key is to weather You may not realize it,
the speakers on the main stages turn told we would find at college, and up after it hit 50 degrees, just for a and grind the rocks faster, but but you’ve been banging rocks
off, and those of us who are awake what a lot of us have subsequently few minutes of the Goodtimes sets. to what end? Is the boundless together this whole time. Me
hike up to a hill hidden in the trees. lost. It’s something you don’t realize desert really what we desire? Is too. Thinking about it is pretty
It used to be called Tank Goodtimes. I haven’t been to UTOPiA in two you miss until you feel it again. This the boundless desert possible? typical, but make sure you focus
That is where, in the early morning years. Opportunities to see live music silent absence in the corner of the Sometimes it feels as if we’re on actually banging them at least
hours, unamplified musicians bear since then have been few and far room, watching you hum to yourself rushing toward it as fast as we some of the time. You might
their souls to a gathering of lone- between. Approaching my birthday while you make breakfast, watching can. Other times we really are even strike a blaze of glory if
ly people asking to be seen. We’ve last week, I was painfully aware of you sing to yourself in the shower. I just banging around the same you’re lucky while you hit those
heard some of the songs before, from the fact I hadn’t stopped to feel the had forgotten I went to a school with old rocks. When do we need rocks together. It’s the most pri-
the solitude of our headphones in presence of a large crowd in quite real students, just like me, until I felt sand, when do we need rocks? mal type of monkey business out
our rooms or walking in our respec- some time. My first year at Lawrence, their hearts beating beside me. Can we do without either? These there, the old game of rocks and
tive neighborhoods. Hearing them I was forced to spend time with peo- After two years of living in questions are as old as time, sand.
together, we are reminded of our per- ple in small groups or not at all. And fear, we were given permission to maybe even older than the shin-
sonal memories, but cannot ignore any gatherings you could attend, no open our mouths and to harmonize

the people around us singing along matter the size, were cloaked in that with strangers and feel safe and
to the same words that we’d come anxiety and fear we grew increasingly unashamed. We were allowed, at last,
to think of as our own. The song no weary of. to breathe.
longer belongs to just you, but to a That’s what made this outdoor
collective. set that much more powerful.
By Therese McCoy
The sky is not streaked. It is The lights move into and out from
gently variegated with the glowing the softening sunset above. Pink,
hues of sunset. Red on the bottom green, blue.
fighting to keep its place in the sky. Above the streets and steeples
Orange pressing down with vigor. and crane and dome there is still
Pink above them, suing for peace one more item of interest, probably
as evening calm sets in. A stripe of more captivating than all the rest.

Life Lyrics
green slips in to put a cold stop to the Perched amidst the blue in the top
warmth of the day. Finally, the glori- left corner of the image is a peaceful
ous royal blue which is overtaking all spider. It is blacker and more sub-
as it grows richer every minute. It is stantial than the shapes of the dome
the moment after the sun has dipped and crane. It sits perfectly still and
below the horizon but there are still yet without moving leaps into the

By Grace Reyes a solid ten minutes in which to watch

the colors shift and mutate into the
gentle shades of night.
vision and wrenches the scene more
painfully than the scraping crane.
The lively colors and the majestic
The silhouette of the chapel silhouettes and glittering lights are
dome stands just right of the center all breathtaking, but the spider ruth-
of this perfect backdrop. Lines and lessly steals whatever breath is left,
details are no longer visible, it is a wrenching the stomach and leaving
flat dark shape but not a shadow. the heart throbbing unnecessarily.
Rather, its majesty is more impos- Look away, return to the fading sky.
ing now as a black mass against a Green, blue.
feisty, polychromic sunset than it It’s disturbing, but it is some-
is as a white emblem against the how more riveting than all the rest
bright blue sky. There are two more and the picture is no longer com-
steeple silhouettes echoing to the plete without it. Galling yet beau-
right of this structure and a field of tiful in its perfect symmetry; four
black roofs falling off the edge of sprawling legs framing either side
the picture. Moving to the left of the of a bulbous body, crowning the
somber steeples is the massive tower small round head. So perfect and so
crane looming over the city. The utterly appalling. Why is it repul-
column of metal beams and cords sive? Shall it be ignored? The sun-
and hooks scraped meticulously out set was so beautiful and stirring;
of the painted sky. Orange, pink, now, the image is overmastered by
green, blue. a minute, hairy, eight-legged crea-
Below, the streets glitter. In ture nesting in the corner of my
contrast to the still and silent sky, window. Yet somehow, the warm
the headlights bustle here and there. glow of the sunset is not complete
Not in an aimless helter-skelter but without the shiver down my spine
with method. Criss-cross, stop and from a harmless arachnid. Now, one
go, everything has its place; if one sunset would have been swallowed
were to fall out of line, chaos would by another beautiful moment tomor-
reign. Yet, somehow, the system row remains imprinted in my mind
stays in play like a living net of light, as the last light dies into the ever
finely woven without a snag or tear. deepening blue.
October 15, 2021 VARIETY 5

Answers to last week’s Weekly Crossword

crossword By Kelly Foy

By Celeste Reyes

By Mara Logan
6 FEATURES October 15, 2021

Photo Feature by Astra Medeiros

white cube. appropriation.

mp at coffee. the indecisive ladies.

two boys. mercedes ice cream.

packed. egg.
October 15, 2021 FEATURES 7

True Crime Profile:

Mystery in the mountains of Panama
Tapashwi Karki Froon’s backpack was found on June 14. The pack held $83, text.
Columnist Froon’s passport, two pairs of sunglasses, a water bottle, Froon’s These findings, though limited, helped move the search
camera, two bras and both women’s phones. Investigators imme- forward; indeed, Kremers’ denim shorts were soon found on the
Cameras, whether the real deal or on your phone, can diately went through the phones to track Kremers’ and Froon’s opposite bank of the tributary, kilometers away from the location
capture just about everything. They capture a baby’s first steps, movement, but what they found only led to more questions. The of Froon’s backpack. Two months later, a pelvis and a boot were
your dog’s cute tricks, a perfectly purple sunset or even just your phones histories recounted that just a few hours into the hike, the found near where Froon’s backpack had been located. If that isn’t
bowl of poke on a Monday morning. What people typically don’t women called 112 (the emergency line in Panama), and shortly weird enough, the boot had a foot stuck inside. Shortly thereafter,
capture is a timeline of eerie moments leading up to their last thereafter called 911. The history also highlighted that Froon’s at least 33 scattered bones were found, and determined to belong
moments. This was the strange but true case for 21-year-old Kris phone was the first to die, on April 4, and was never used again. to Kremers and Froon. It is important to note that while Froon’s
Kremers and 22-year-old Lisanne Froon. Though Kremers’ phone stayed charged for longer, it was not bones still had skin attached, Kremers’ bones seemed to be
In the camera found after their disappearance, an eerie set used to make any more calls after their first attempt, and was only bleached. To make this matter even creepier, when a local forensic
of images highlight the trails of two women and their locations turned on a few more times to search for reception. The phone examined the bones, they found that there were no discernible
before they died. They traveled to Panama for a six-week vacation, was next turned on between April 5 and 11, but it is important to marks on the bones at all.
which was cut short four weeks early because of the tragic events note that during this time the PIN was never used. On April 11, the This case is still open and remains a mystery. Investigators
that ensued. Kremers and Froon arrived in Boquete on March 29, phone was turned on for just an hour before being shut off for the stated that foul play is not ruled out of this investigation; even
2014, where they planned to volunteer and stay with a local fam- final time during the trip. so, it’s difficult to narrow down the cause of death for these two
ily. On April 1, the two set off on a trail called El Pianista, which Froon’s camera tells an even more chilling story. Her camera women. From the eerie pictures to the phone usage history to
was near Boquete. The following day, Kremers and Froon missed held photos of the two women posing on April 1, which indicated the way their bones were left, there are very few clear answers.
their appointment with a local guide, which raised concern for that the women had taken a specific trail at the Continental Divide How did they decompose so quickly and why do their bones have
their safety. By April 6, parents of both women flew into Panama overlook before going into the wilderness. The images detailed a no marks? Decomposition tends to wear bones down, and if the
to start a search for their daughters. They enlisted the help of timeline of events on April 8 between the hours of 1 a.m. and 4 bones had been laying around for so long, animals and insects
police, dog units and detectives to find the missing pair, but to a.m. These photos tell an odd story; they show ninety pictures would have done damage.
no avail. taken with the flash, seemingly near a ravine or river. These pho- Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon went to Panama not real-
For months, no leads were discovered; considering that tos depict things such as a twig with plastic bags upon a rock, the izing this would be the last vacation of their lives, and these two
Kremers and Froon weren’t prepared to be out for more than a back of Kremers’ head and one of their backpacks rested against are the only ones who know what happened to them after April 1.
day, the forecast was bleak. After a long and stressful ten weeks, rocks. However, the images are very dim and provide little con-

@TheLawrentian /Lawrentian @the_lawrentian

Photo Feature by Astra Medeiros

courtyard. mercato.

Women’s soccer... ing on the half-turn to find their forwards in at- here, with Freshman Cambrie Rickard splitting Outlook
tack. The result is a lot of glamourless play, but time with Junior Jackie Blake. Two very differ- The women now stand at 2-2 in confer-
continued from page 3 a vital cog in the machine. To the wings and we ent players, Sagar tends to pick whichever he ence play, in a very open year within the Midwest
work defensively happens in front of the de-
find the pace merchants, the wingbacks. These believes will unseat the opponents’ defense most Conference. They possess all the talent neces-
fensive line so as to avoid exposing the lack of
players are responsible forcovering an incred- effectively. The former holds the ball up with- sary, as well as a quality blend of youth and ex-
numbers in front of goal. As such, players like
ible amount of ground up and down the wing all out fail, combining with the midfielders around perience and a large squad. Look for the team to
Hannah Knudsen and Emma Vasconez may go
game long, and creating serviceable chances for her to create chances for themselves as well as push hard for conference tournament qualifica-
unnoticed statistically, but hold an unwavering
central players. Upper classmen dominate the herself. The latter prefers to remain off the ball tion in the coming weeks. The team goes away to
impact over the course of the match. They are
squad in wide areas, with typical starters Brynn until the final third, picking it up in space to run Grinnell College this Saturday at 11am, be sure to
responsible for transitioning the ball from de-
Schroeder and Ellie Younger, as well as fresh- in behind the center backs. In this combination, catch the livestream on the athletic department’s
fense to attack, either by winning it themselves
man Natalie Linebarger, tasked with doing the whoever Sagar chooses to play offers a unique website.
and playing forward, or by disrupting so their
wide running. Finally, we come to the center for- threat that allows the team to catch opponents
center backs can win the ball, and then receiv-
wards. It’s a story of experience meeting youth cold with a quick change of style of play.
8 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT October 15, 2021

Album Review:

Photo Feature:
Lauren Woodzicka
Staff Writer
Phoebe Bridgers’s Punisher
describes how much she would do for
her partner, and her self-sacrificial
side is revealed. The acoustic guitar
Pumpkin Festival
creates a bleak and stark atmosphere,
may not be an album one listens to and the pain becomes more apparent.
in order to boost spirits, but it is a The theme of self-sacrifice is apparent
collection of songs that are deeply in other songs like “Savior Complex”
reflective and engaging. The mood of and “Graceland Too,” where Bridgers
the album is spooky and melancholy, gives up aspects of herself for her
which makes this the perfect album partner. These songs detail the ups
for Halloween, especially considering and downs of a toxic relationship, and
that there is literally a song entitled Bridgers is refreshingly self-aware. In
“Halloween.” Most of the songs carry “Savior Complex,” she criticizes
a hint of something haunting, whether her partner for wanting to save her
it be through stories of dead relation- instead of addressing their own prob-
ships or dead ideals. Bridgers received lems. “Graceland Too” is a banjo-led
almost universal praise for her sopho- ballad about caring for someone who
more album and was nominated for is struggling.
four Grammys this year. She has been Bridgers has been open about
celebrated for her candid and sharp multiple inspirations for her album,
lyricism, which has drawn in a pas- including the musician Elliot Smith,
sionate fanbase. whom the song “Punisher” is devoted
The album begins with an instru- to. Much of her musical style is based
mental track, “DVD Menu,” that sets off the artist, and she ruminates that
the scene for the rest of the album. “either I’m careless or I wanna get
The menacing guitar and violin caught” when it comes to referencing
instrumentals reappear later in the his style. Bridgers also was inspired
album and force the listener to con- by extraterrestrial themes, which she
Student Organization for University Planning (SOUP) hosted a pumpkin fesitval this past Saturday featuring live music from 7000 Apart.
Photo by Jamie Dong.
front the darker reality that Bridgers explores in various songs. She sings
delves into. The next track, “Garden about wanting to believe in something
Song,” is a rumination on the past. As beyond the confines of the physi-
one of the most optimistic songs by cal Earth in “Chinese Satellite” and
Bridgers, she sings that her “resent- includes imagery of stars, satellites
ment’s getting smaller.” This is a fur- and UFOs.
ther theme throughout the album, Each track on Punisher address-
especially in the next song, “Kyoto,” es deeper issues surrounding child-
as Bridgers addresses her relation- hood, trauma and relationships in a
ship with her father. She contemplates way that is candid and lyrically engag-

Movies, Movies,
the complicated paternal relationship, ing. Bridgers includes lyrics that are
and moves closer to forgiveness, but not only heartbreaking, but humor-
acknowledges the numerous complex- ous, singing lines such as “I swear I’m
ities in doing so. not angry, that’s just my face.” This is
The album also delves into

the perfect album for celebrating the
Bridgers’s romantic relationships. In spooky season, but also appreciating
“Moon Song,” one of the most devas- self-growth and change.
tating tracks from the album, Bridgers

College Ave Rewind(s):

What’s in my ears? Levi Homman him. Bond narrowly escapes and, fear- is dedicated to characters discussing
Olivia Zimberoff in a single episode or a series of epi-
Columnist ing he’s been betrayed, decides to part their motivations and connections.
Columnist sodes under a topic like a TV show or _____________________________
_____________________________ ways with Madeleine. The audience is What makes these overly plot-
YouTube channel format. It is a form No Time To Die, 2021, directed by
I can’t listen to an audiobook if then met, in classic Bond fashion, with heavy moments bearable is the
of audio that entertains, humors and Cary Joji Fukunaga — 3.5/5 Stars
my life depended on it. If a water gun a beautiful, kitschy opening credits immaculately polished cinematog-
can educate like a video can except
was pressed to my head and I had sequence, set to Billie Eilish’s dark, raphy from director of photography
there is no visual. It’s all just sound It seemed like No Time To Die
to listen to an audiobook, well then dramatic ballad written for the film. Linus Sandgren. While it can’t com-
and it’s all on our phones. would never come. The latest install-
I would certainly be splashed with These opening moments set a perfect pare to Roger Deakins’ truly stunning
My preferred audio medium is to ment in the James Bond franchise was
water. I just can’t do it. And I love to tone not only for Craig’s final outing, work on Skyfall, the film is beautiful
listen to music, but a person can only originally set to release in November
read, you know, physical books, but but also for a successfully memorable to look at.
hit shuffle so many times before you of 2019, but was delayed due to direc-
walking down the street or relaxing chapter in what has become an over- Another major strength of the
realize that you probably should not torial changes and internal disagree-
in a comfy chair and listening to a whelming amount of films in the Bond film is the reintroduction of fun, silly
listen to music for the time being. This ments, and then further delayed by
book is just not my jam. I am not here saga. spy gadgets. Bond’s signature Aston
is where podcasts come in. And I’m the COVID-19 pandemic. Nearly two
to tell you to listen to audiobooks The plot that follows is unfortu- Martin is equipped with mini-guns
not saying I have the greatest atten- years later, No Time To Die doesn’t
because I would not wish that type nately overwrought, and ultimately in the headlights. His watch can let
tion span for podcasts either, but it’s a quite measure up to the more lovingly
of torture on anyone. I am here to makes the film as a whole feel bloated out an electromagnetic pulse. These,
work in progress. So, I am only going crafted contemporary Bond films like
tell you about podcasts. You may be at times. While Spectre and its impos- along with Safin’s overly stylized for-
to tell you about one because everyone Casino Royale and Skyfall, but is
thinking, “Olivia, aren’t audiobooks ing leader Ernst Stavro Blofeld, played tress, harken back to the early days of
has different interests but a certain overall a fun action blockbuster and
and podcasts the same thing?” And to by Christoph Waltz, initially present Sean Connery’s version of Bond, but
one *insert drum roll* has to be the a notable sendoff for Daniel Craig’s
that, I would tell you “Absolutely not.” themselves as the main villains of the with a modern twist.
most genius thing ever created. portrayal of the character.
An audiobook is a recording of story, they are pushed out of frame The entire cast, especially Craig
I would like to introduce to you What sets No Time To Die apart
an author or another chosen person by Lyutsifer Safin, played by Rami and Seydoux, give great performanc-
the Sunday Scaries Podcast, hosted from past Bond films, even within the
reading an entire book to you. It hon- Malek. The script is far too concerned es that give an emotional impact to
by Will DeFries who in 2013 decided Craig era, is its overarching emotional
estly creeps me out. Why listen to a with wrapping up the emotional loose Bond’s fitting and inevitable end.
to turn his weekly panic attacks into storyline, relying heavily on the previ-
book when you have to constantly go ends from past movies, and it leaves Some are underutilized, notably Ana
a creative outlet. The Sunday scaries ous installment, Spectre. The story
back 15 seconds after you’ve sneezed little time to develop Malek’s charac- de Armas, Jeffrey Wright and Ben
is actually a term that is used when begins with Bond living abroad and
or a distraction of some kind occurs? ter, or for the truly important part of a Wishaw, but performances never feel
referring to the anxieties and uneasy away from his MI6 responsibilities
Take the stress out of being literally spy film, the action sequences. While stilted or disingenuous.
feelings you may experience over the with Madeleine Swan, played by Léa
lost in the story and read a paperback. the scenes featuring fast cars chases It’s finally here, and it’s tough
course of Sunday afternoon and eve- Seydoux, his love interest from the
Also, listening to the voice of the and intense, hand-to-hand combat are to say No Time To Die was worth the
ning, dreading the week ahead, which last film. The plot truly kicks off when
storyteller always make me sleepy, well executed, they don’t come along wait, but it certainly won’t disappoint
for many means going back to school Spectre, the global criminal organiza-
and I struggle to keep up with the as often as they should, as much of casual moviegoers, nor longtime fans
or work. I know we have all felt this tion that has long been Bond’s loom-
storyline. But a podcast, now those are the film’s nearly three-hour runtime of the series.
ing antagonistic figure, catches up to
pretty innovative. A podcast comes See page 9
October 15, 2021 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 9

The Book
Mikayla Henry don’t find it to be the best, it is still a
Columnist definitive classic.
Pet Sematary is another one of
It has been another dreary week his rather popular ones, especially
here at Lawrence University, and after the few movie adaptions that
the dawn of Midterm Week is slowly came out. I personally liked this one
inching our way. Though, on a hap- a lot more than the majority of his
pier note, Midterm Reading Period is works, though it isn’t a favorite of
almost upon us, and we will be able to mine. After a beloved cat is killed,
finally sit back and relax, and maybe Louis is shown the wonders and hor-
even get some well-deserved reading rors of the Pet Sematary behind his
Lawrence Orchestras performed their first concert on Saturday, October 9 with an in-person audience in Memorial Chapel.
time in during our long weekend. home, where he is told to bury the
Photo by Jamie Dong. Unfortunately, I have not been able to

Lawrence orchestras shine

body. Later, the cat reunites with
take another glance at any HorrorTok Louis and his family, and everything
titles this week, so instead this edition is seemingly back to normal. But after
will highlight a few classic horror and

on opening night
another tragedy strikes, Louis returns
thriller novels I have read during past to the Sematary, unaware that what-
“Spooky Seasons” that never fail to ever is buried there doesn’t come back
bring on the chills. Without further quite the same. I found this to be an
ado, let’s get to this week’s recom- interesting premise, especially since
mendations! it poses an interesting question. If
Ryan Saladin Erdmann, and lively leadership from Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5, per- Stephen King is known as the
Staff Writer we have the power to bring our loved
Director of Orchestral Studies Mark haps the most well-known classical king of horror, and has released
_____________________________ ones back to life, what are the costs?
Dupere’s baton made this an exciting symphony, marking their return, even numerous bestsellers that have
An orchestra concert at Lawrence A few of the other short, yet
opener. The ensemble then offered more anticipation than usual filled often found a way to make it to the
always draws a crowd. Supporters fill creepy novels of his include Cujo,
a moving rendition of Grainger’s the Chapel on this special night. In his big screen. A few of his popular
the Memorial Chapel’s front rows and which focuses on a rabid dog slowly
Irish Tune from County Derry. This introduction of the work, Professor titles-turned-films include: IT, Pet
expansive balcony to the brim, and murdering townsfolk. There’s Salem’s
famous piece was built around the Dupere acknowledged the challenges Sematary and The Shining. However,
for every audience member in the Lot, which is a modern-day Dracula
traditional Irish melody commonly of performing such a renowned piece, just because you may have enjoyed
Chapel, another two eagerly await the in a sense, as a small village gets over-
associated with the song “Danny Boy.” contextualized its French influences, the well-acclaimed film adaptions of
start of the show’s livestream in their taken by vampires. And Misery cen-
The orchestra realized this familiar explained the connections between IT, you may find it daunting to try
home some hundred miles away. It’s ters around a well-acclaimed author
ballad with subtlety and surprise: the famously dramatic opening theme and pick up the 1,000+ page book.
a heartwarming scene—this gathering who is kidnapped by his Number-One
delicate phrases from the violins and and its triumphant “La Marseillaise”- So, where should you start on your
celebrating Lawrence’s musicians is a Fan and tortured into writing a new
violas rested over sweeping melo- inspired rearrangement in the fourth Stephen King journey this October?
special hallmark of our community. novel. I would say any of these novels
dies from the cellos, and powerful movement and encouraged the audi- Though I have my own personal
After 18 long months, the are good for those interested in read-
dynamic contrast complimented ence to follow and enjoy the musical favorites, I still find it best to start
scene finally played out once more ing a brief horror novel that packs a
a seamless stretching of tempo. journey of the work. with Stephen’s classics, or the books
on Friday, October 8 with the first punch, or rather a scare, this holiday
Professor Dupere’s direction shined; From their very first notes, that got him in the business, so to
orchestra concert of the 2021-2022 season, and are wishing to start read-
his detailed and emotive conduct- the LSO did justice to Beethoven’s speak. They are usually shorter com-
season. It was bittersweet to see a ing some works by the most popular
ing helped generate great musicality masterwork. Intricately organized pared to some of his other works,
massive, masked crowd pile into a hall author in the horror genre.
and coordination. The piece’s breath- interactions between the winds and but chilling nevertheless. For exam-
often left empty this past year, but it That is it for this week’s recom-
taking ending, supported by Cole strings and an intense strength of ple, Carrie focuses on a bullied high
meant an all-time high excitement mendations! I hope you are able to sit
Galbraith on French horn, featured a ensemble sound characterized the school girl who develops telekinetic
for live performances was in the air. down and enjoy some of these horror
swelling cinematic peak which left no opening movement. Powerful horn powers, and eventually wreaks havoc
Fortunately, the Lawrence Orchestras classics this month. Next edition, I
dry eye in the house. The LCO’s pro- calls bled seamlessly into singing on her classmates after their latest
delivered a program full of new sur- hope to have a new HorrorTok recom-
gram ended with Bartok’s Romanian solos from oboist Marlee Matthews prank goes a step too far. It is King’s
prises, old favorites and outstanding mendation prepared for you all. But,
Folk Dances, a lively closer. Each of and bassoonists Jessica Kleebauer first published novel, and though I
music. until then, happy reading!
the seven movements represented and Nate Scott. The sweet second
The concert opened with its a different dance style, many with movement was marked by a gorgeous
brightest innovation: the Lawrence fast ornamented lines from the upper string introduction, a beautiful wood-
Chamber Orchestra (LCO). This strings and thumping accompaniment wind chorale and floating support- College Ave Rewinds... What makes them so great is that
they can range from 10 minutes to
group, a smaller string orchestra from the lower voices. The whole ing lines from the trumpets (playing continued from page 8 60 minutes, so if you do or don’t
new to Lawrence, is an extraordi- ensemble portrayed an unmistakable historical instruments) and horns. way. This includes getting up and out
nary addition to Lawrence’s ensemble have the attention span to listen to
passion and sense of fun throughout, The third movement’s suspense- of bed, walking to classes and sitting
lineup. With a program highlighting an hour-long podcast, there’s always
cementing the group’s relevance in ful march-like echoes of the open- down to be a part of a discussion
influences from folk music tradition, an option for you. Now, the minute
Lawrence’s Orchestra program. ing theme and lightning-fast string or worse, listen for two hours. Then
three varied selections from compos- you wake up and are getting ready to
After intermission, the Lawrence passages were expertly executed. A comes socializing and homework. For
ers Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber, Percy go somewhere or just simply lying in
Symphony Orchestra (LSO) took the dramatic slow-burning crescendo led most of us that means opening our
Alridge Grainger and Bela Bartok bed you can turn one on and listen
stage for their long-awaited rendi- into the show-stopping fourth move- computers and starting the week over
were an engaging start to the night. to a calming voice share his opinions
tion of Ludwig van Beethoven’s ment. Triumphant ensemble passages again, the anxiety radiating every-
Beginning with Biber’s Battalia, on topics such as “what are the best
Symphony No. 5, a continuation of complimented woodwind melodies, where.
the LCO immediately showed off their soups?” or “what should I wear in an
their cycle through all of Beethoven’s showy string lines and stoic decla- Each Sunday at some dreadfully
professionalism and musicianship. airport?” and tell hilarious, vulnerable
nine symphonies. The LSO is a true rations from the trombones, horns early hour a new episode is released.
Navigating this piece’s widely con- and always motivating stories.
musical force at Lawrence, win- and Ben DePasquale on timpani. The
trasting eight movements with ease, ning 3rd place in their division of finale rang through the hall with utter
the orchestra delivered an excellent the 2021 American Prize’s Orchestral brilliance, generating an immediate
interpretation of a work at the cross- Performance competition. Hearing standing ovation and recalling the
roads of folk and Baroque musical the group’s reunited winds, strings Lawrence Orchestras’ irreplaceable
styles. The group’s deep and vibrant and percussion warm up and tune role in sharing their music with the
sound, solos from concertmas- together onstage conjured fond mem- Lawrence community and the world.
ter Marissa Zintel and bassist Ryan ories and excitement in the hall. With
10 OPINIONS & EDITORIALS October 15, 2021

Don't cross the picket line! Support striking workers

Nathan Wall miners were killed during the Battle workplace is known as a picket line. wages and benefits while at the same overtime shifts, 7-day work weeks,
Staff Writer of Blair Mountain in West Virginia in The term refers to a time when strik- time ending the pension program cuts to health insurance and vacation
_________________________ 1921, 19 people, including 12 children, ing workers would form a physical line for all future employees. The work- pay, and reduced retirement bene-
Workers across the United States
were killed in 1914 during the Ludlow in front of their workplaces, but it can ers have overwhelmingly rejected the fits, as well as the hiring of “transi-
are fed up, and rightfully so. Workers
Massacre in Colorado, and in 1912, mean any such barrier, even if it’s not contract. While the company is sell- tional workers” who make low wages
at Nabisco and Frito Lay went on
during the Bread and Roses Strike a physical one. But what does it mean ing out future employees, it has been with the promise of future higher
strike earlier this year, and Amazon
in Lawrence, Massachusetts., children to not cross a picket line? It means raking in record profits. On Monday, wages. At the same time, Kellogg’s
workers across the country have been
were beaten by police while support- that if workers at a company or in October 11, the workers should have made $4.776 billion between June
attempting to unionize their work-
ing their striking parents. an industry are on strike, you do not returned to the negotiating table, 2020 and June 2021. Kellogg’s has
places after the company violated
For decades after the NLRA was buy from that company or industry or and if an acceptable contract is not threatened to hire non-union work-
labor laws to crush a unionization
passed, unions and workers were a support it financially in any way. If a reached by Wednesday, there will be a ers to work during the strike. The
effort in Bessemer, Ala.bama this
force to be reckoned with. However, company can’t respect their workers, strike. Most Lawrence students prob- workers are members of the Bakery,
April. Worker shortages have forced
a combination of anti-communism, we can flex our muscles and support ably won’t be buying tractors, but Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and
some companies to raise wages to
the passage of anti-worker laws such their organizing by causing the com- John Deere also sells hats, sweat- Grain Millers International Union and
attract workers, while others com-
as the Labor Management Relations pany to lose revenue. It is vital not shirts and other merchandise. If you products include Apple Jacks, Cheez-
plain about “nobody wanting to work
Act of 1947, which banned solidar- to cross a picket line because doing were planning to buy any John Deere Itz, Pringles, Pop Tarts, Froot Loops,
ity strikes and micromanaged unions so undermines workers’ movements. merch, you can support the workers Eggo, Mini Wheats, Nutri-Grain and
Supporting workers and unions
to the point where they couldn't be If you have the means to not cross a by waiting until the strike is over. Rice Krispies.
is really important. People have a
effective, state-level Right-to-work picket line, don’t. Another important strike that Note: These conditions change
right to be treated with dignity on the
laws, which undermine union dues, Here are some strikes you can might be easier for Lawrence stu- day by day, and by the time this arti-
job and make more than the bare min-
a series of Supreme Court decisions, support right now: dents to support is the Kellogg’s cle is published, conditions at John
imum to live. People died for workers’
and Ronald Reagan’s firing of striking In Iowa, members of the United strike. 1,400 unionized workers at the Deere and Kellogg’s might be differ-
rights in this country. From the 1870s
air traffic controllers has decimated Auto Workers (UAW) union who work Kellogg’s plants in Memphis, Omaha, ent. Regardless, it’s important to sup-
to the passage of the National Labor
the union movement in this country. for the John Deere manufacturing Battle Creek, and Lancaster have port workers whenever they fight for
Relations Act in 1935, many, many
When workers go on strike, the company have been fighting against gone on strike this month. The work- better pay and conditions, and never,
workers were killed and brutalized
barrier between the public and their a plan by the company to raise their ers have been protesting 16- hour ever cross a picket line.
fighting for their rights. Around 100

Are you really doing your best?

Sarah Matthews being on campus at once. Maybe we myself until I am completely over- and not even listen to our own advice. of the situation. While it’s perfectly
A&E Editor feel constantly tired simply because worked and feeling totally over- Unfortunately, we’re fake spokesper- normal to discuss the workload we
_________________________ the weather has been extra gloomy. whelmed. I push myself up to my sons, and we’re starting to sound like have at college, by no means should
Let’s not kid ourselves, it’s been
Whatever the cause, I have a real con- very breaking point, and then I stop. broken records with each “But you this turn into a competition. The col-
a long, rough week. In fact, it’s been
cern, not because we collectively seem I explain that I “did my best” on my tried your best!” we say to others. lege experience is different for every-
a long term already, and we're only
worn out, but because most of us are homework, and while that may look I think the best way to turn one, and so is the “best” everyone is
halfway through it. I’ve been feeling
“doing our best.” like a good grade to outsiders, it is around this sort of mental health capable of doing.
really drained from work, classes and
As a phrase often said to show actually a mentally exhausting hole hypocrisy is to define what “doing So, the next time you find your-
especially the weather. Just trying to
support, I’ve come to question what of doom that made me cry multiple your best” looks like to you, because, self pushing yourself over the edge,
be present in the moment is tiring
“doing my best” really means. Usually, times. So, it might look like I’m all for honestly, the meaning behind the take a step back and ask yourself why
most people say that if you tried your mental health positivity to others, but phrase will never have a universal you feel the need to cross your own
Most people I’ve talked to have
best then you essentially did the right in fact I’m doing the very opposite of understanding. Once you realize what boundaries. You are a human after all,
a similar feeling about these past few
thing. You tried, isn’t that great? Well, my best. And the worst part of this it looks like to do your best, you need and you deserve to be respected by
weeks. I’ve heard people saying they
I used to think it did until I realized whole situation is I know I’m not to actually set boundaries. Doing your others, as well as yourself. In fact, the
feel empty inside, or overworked. A
Lawrence students may have a differ- alone. best is not pushing yourself past your more you let yourself cross your own
lot of people have said that they feel
ent idea of what “best” means. I think at Lawrence it’s really limitations. You wouldn’t cross one limits, the more likely you’ll let others
like they’re simply going through the
Simply put, pushing yourself to hard to decipher what it actually of your friend’s boundaries, and you do that to you, too.
motions. This term has brought on
your absolute breaking point is not looks like to be a mentally healthy deserve to treat yourself the same Remember you are capable of
a totally different routine than what
the equivalent of doing your best. college student, and this turns into, way. doing your best, as long as that defi-
we’ve been used to in the past year.
Instead, it’s creating an unhealthy essentially, a false advertisement for The hardest part about actually nition of “best” is written; by you
Even going to one in-person class has
perception of what a typical workload properly taking care of ourselves. So doing your best here at Lawrence is and for you. Never let yourself think
me exhausted.
in college should look like. It’s turning many people, myself included, like not comparing yourself to what others that reaching your breaking point is
Maybe campus’ general lack
positive motivation and encourage- to preach the benefits of self-care to accomplish. We can’t continue to play the best thing you can do. You are
of energy is because of the toxic
ment into a toxic idea of what the new others without actually taking care the game of who is doing worse. If you more important than your workload,
“Lawrence Busy” culture, or the fact
normal looks like in college. of themselves. We’ll say everything find yourself engaging in these types always.
that we’re not used to so many people
I’ll admit, I do this, too. I push about the importance of mental health of conversations, it’s best to walk out

Mr. Olympia... Justin beat Akim for this reason, tioning, brought an improved back really have to say on that one. A dis- way. His only regret will being beaten
as did… (his weakness last year), and didn’t grace. again by that man, Big Ramy.
continued from page 3 4th: Hunter Labrada. look outsized by anyone bar Ramy 2nd: Brandon Curry. 1st: Big Ramy.
nold, coming in with an extra level
Predicted: 6th (who sits at over 300 lbs of stage Predicted: 3rd Predicted: 1st
of condition that is rarely seen af-
...Hunter Labrada in beating weight, so fair enough). It was an im- Say what you’d like about Bran- So I got the important one right.
ter the toll put on the body by going
Nick Walker. Hunter said during the pressive showing, but now he needs don, he always improves. This time Ramy wasn’t quite as on as last year,
through four shows in a year like
pre-show press conference that he to kick on for one of those top 3 spots he had his typical size in the upper especially at prejudging, but he did
Nick has. Only Hadi could say he was
and Nick would be apples and or- if he wants to be considered among body, plus noticeable mass added in enough to retain the crown. He also
more conditioned than Nick on show
anges, and he wa dead on. I guess the the truly elite or even win the O one his quads, which had always been his tightened up by the night show, and
day. The only reason he didn’t place
judges preferred apples this year, as day. weak point. Oh yeah, and his condi- as a result his combination of mas-
higher was likely down to his lack of
Hunter’s aesthetic physique beat out 3rd: Hadi Choopan. tion was on point. If it weren’t for sive size and good conditioning were
aesthetic appeal. Nick has trouble
Nick’s mass on the Olympia stage. Predicted: 2nd Hadi, he’d have been the most cut guy considered unbeatable by the judges
showing a V-taper, as his front lat
This was quite a controversial placing Hadi was robbed. Straight up, on stage. If it weren’t for Hadi’s in- (you already have my thoughts on
spread is easily his worst pose. Also,
among bodybuilding fans, actually; no whining, Hadi should have won sane package, I’d argue he had a shot that). But we cannot take away just
his midsection is naturally very
social mediawas rife with outrage the show. I was right, and he came in at winning the title. Still, he fell just how freakily gifted Ramy is. He has
blocky, which doesn’t help his case,
that Hunter had beaten Nick after more “on” than we’ve ever seen him. shy at the final hurdle. The field needs the ability to bring size unlike any
nor do the (albeit genetic) varicose
the show. But it follows the aesthetic- He was slightly downsized, which was to look out, because if Brandon con- other, and he’s now proven he has
veins in his legs. And as we’ll see in
over-mass trend that the show as a the only criticism anyone could have. tinues to improve as he is right now, the formula to come in conditioned
our next entry, if faced with a deci-
whole had, and honestly I’m on board He was the most conditioned on stage given he has probably another decade figured out. This could be the begin-
sion between mass and aesthetics, the
with it. with the most symmetrical, popping in the tank of top level bodybuilding, ning of the era of Big Ramy for many
judges tended to go with aesthetics on
Hunter matched Nick’s condi- round physique around. That’s all I there are more Sandows to come his years to come.
the day.
October 15, 2021 OPINIONS & EDITORIALS 11

Read this before choosing a Halloween costume

Frankestini Hallowini an array of children wearing cos- institution. Although the university don’t forget them. Early conversa- to reflect on your costume before you
Guest Writer tumes that screamed of insensitivity is growing in diversity, it still remains tions can make or break unconscious put it together. Ask yourself the fol-
_________________________ and ignorance. Teachers waved at a true that most students have identi- prejudices that take a lifetime of work lowing: is this racist, sexist, otherwise
I sat on the floor amongst a stack
white student wearing a factory-made ties that are part of the dominant to unlearn. prejudiced or portraying a stereotype
of photo albums, watching myself
headdress from Spirit Halloween. culture in the United States. This is why it is so important that of a group I am not a part of? Does
grow a little bit older each time I
Parents smiled and pointed cameras What makes the costume issue these conversations are happening at this take things from another culture?
turned a page. A sucker for both old
at a group of friends with holes cut at my elementary school so frighten- Lawrence this year. As the next gen- Does it trivialize sensitive issues like
photographs and the feeling of nos-
out of their clothes, carrying a bindle ing is how many opportunities the eration of teachers, parents, and other trauma, mental illness, or immigra-
talgia, this is one of my favorite things
with the word “hobo” written on it. white teachers, parents, and faculty sorts of leaders, it is essential that we tion?
to do when I visit my mother’s house.
Another white student wore a poncho had to prevent students from parad- do not watch idly as these sorts of If you deem your costume appro-
I picked up a new album and watched
and sombrero, entertaining a crowd ing around with racist, appropriative issues arise on our own campus. priate, make sure you go about put-
myself head off to kindergarten for the
with maracas. costumes. Administration made it a I am especially speaking to stu- ting it together in the proper way. Be
first time. On the next page, I found
Nobody in these photos seemed point to send home flyers to parents, dents who are part of a privileged sure to not appropriate other races,
myself smiling in an apple orchard
to possess any sort of awareness as to informing them that costumes with identity. It is not the job or respon- cultures, or identities when putting
on a school field trip. Once more, I
what was so tragically wrong. gore and violence were not allowed. sibility of minorities to educate those together your costume. For example,
turned to the following page. This
Insensitive and problematic cos- Yet never once was there any notice in a dominant group about the preju- if you are a white person dressing
time, however, I found myself caught
tumes have been an issue that spans about insensitive identity-related cos- dices they face. It is up to the domi- like Maui from Moana, be sure to
off guard by its contents.
across decades. Despite growing tumes. Teachers saw white students nant group to educate their fellows, do so without appropriating cultur-
It was Halloween in 2005. At
awareness and education about this dress up as racial stereotypes, yet as responsibility for prejudice should ally important Polynesian tattoos and
my elementary school, children would
problem, my school’s Halloween pic- didn’t pause to stop them from flaunt- be taken by those in the oppressive without changing your skin color.
dress up and then we would have a
tures from 16 years ago look like they ing their costumes off to the school position. It takes just a quick internet
parade around the school as teachers,
could have been taken today. and degrading students of said race. This means having those conver- search and some creativity to find
staff, and parents alike cheered us on
My elementary school was com- Parents didn’t pull other parents aside sations you might be nervous to have. ways to make Halloween inclusive
for our costumes.
posed of students and teachers who to have that conversation either. It looks like stopping your fellow white for all. If you’re part of a dominant
For the seven years I participat-
were most often part of a dominant While children are not at fault roommate when they try to leave for a culture, it is your responsibility to put
ed in my school’s tradition, I hadn’t
culture. Whether that was by race, for their ignorance, they are at the Halloween party in Blackface. It looks in the work to make Lawrence, and
once noticed what I did now. Scarily
religion, ability, or any other sort of age where prejudices solidify and like filing a bias incident report for beyond, a space for everyone.
enough, I’m not sure how many of
identity, there were very few people intervention is crucial. When kids are your fellow Wisconsin-born classmate
the teachers or parents failed to see
who were part of a minority group. allowed to walk out of the classroom for dressing as an ICE deportation Happy Halloween!
this either. Walking behind a tooth-
This is not too far off from door and display these stereotypes officer.
less, smiling, five year-old me was
Lawrence, a predominantly white and mockeries to their peers, they As for yourself, it is important

Wilder-Fury... stipulations granted Wilder his de-

sired rematch.
switching up his strikes from usual
heavy reliance on a hard winging rear
onslaught by the bell, but Wilder
came back and knocked down Fury
of the fight, was showing much heart
throughout the fight by enduring the
continued from page 3 On October 8th, 2021, the fi- hand. Fury looked the same but a bit in the very next round. Fury showed amount of punishment by Fury, but
before the biggest fight of his career.
nal fight between the two giants sharper, knowing his opponent came dominance in the middle rounds it was not enough to secure a victory.
A trilogy fight was pushed by Wilder’s
took place in Las Vegas. Both fight- with full intention of taking back his with his technical boxing prowess, In the 11th round, Fury sent Wilder
team, but Fury was looking toward a
ers came in at their heaviest weights belt. The fight lasted 11 rounds, with bloodying up and exhausting Wilder. to the canvas with a devastating hook
fight with English champion Anthony
in their careers. The men came out both fighters having their fair share of In the tenth round the two would ex- that knocked out the Bronze Bomber,
Joshua as his next step toward more
with ferocity, and Wilder looked knockdowns on the other. In the third change knockdowns as the fight was bringing a close to one of the most ex-
heavyweight glory, but the trilogy
much improved from his last couple round, Fury knocked down Wilder in the championship rounds. Wilder, citing trilogies in modern boxing.
would find itself up next as contract
of fights, being more technical and who was saved from the continued clearly being outboxed, but not out

Luther Abel
LUCC v. Pro-Life
and “Here’s why China’s one-child into his hypothesis. This way, he could ies and scolds. Like Yooper mosquitos stance — women can have children
Staff Writer policy was a good thing” in the pages stay relevant and earn tenure. What to a bull moose, they cannot help but and be successful. The relationship
_________________________ of the Boston Globe, I get a bit peeved. rankles most for me is how modern be pestilential. Their classmates elect between child-rearing and success
While some Calvinists might Malthusians — people who Malthusians and the aforementioned them to their seats for one of two should be a win for everyone.
look at ‘goodness’ and quibble about consider population growth as both news contributors are utterly pessi- reasons: either so that the candidate Since I can hear the “No Ovaries,
‘original sin’ and the ‘inherent flaws of inevitable and harmful — have been mistic about our chances of managing stops badgering their classmates, or No Opinion” rabble approaching, I
man,’ I think I speak for most people with us long before Malthus started climate change. Defeatism is gross, because the student wishes to affirm will point out that my lived experi-
when I say babies are good chunkers. musing about population control of and even worse when the defeated their progressiveness. I've found that ence as a pre- and post-born baby
With their doughy faces, massive cra- the commoners for the good of all. point at babies and say that it’s them a vote for X to LUCC is a vote for permits me to speak on behalf of bab-
niums that wobble and cause the body His central contention was simple who must shoulder the punishment. “Please stop bothering me.” ydom. Furthermore, to litigate abor-
to go tumbling as gravity takes hold, enough: the food supply would fall I think that we can think our way So LUCC carries on with what- tion in this piece should be unneces-
and their open-mindedness regarding behind population growth and cause out of climate catastrophe because we ever it is that they do, rarely disturb- sary, as a Pro-Life group’s existence
what can be consumed off the floor, mass starvation. In a micro context, humans are pretty darn good at get- ing the day-to-day lives of their peers. at Lawrence threatens “reproductive
babies selflessly provide enrapturing such as a far-flung village, I think the ting out of scrapes, despite our many Unfortunately, LUCC has been trying rights” not a whit. This persecution
entertainment for all. What’s more, argument makes some sense; there’s foibles. Even if the worst should hap- to keep a Pro-Life group from being is a matter of LUCC disliking what
babies elicit hopefulness amid adult- only so much food to go around, and pen and the glaciers melt, we’ll live at recognized as a permanent student I believe is an unpopular political
observed chaos and misery. the most productive villager should be the bottom of the ocean, just as the organization. Apologies for the above group’s human rights campaign and
While they may not be giving fed at the expense of the less useful. Jonas Brothers prognosticated. Have pejoratives, but LUCC simply has no seeking to punish its heterodox politi-
TEDx Talks about positivity, the baby However, with technology-assisted a little faith, people. reasonable grounds to reject or hassle cal views.
coalition’s near-limitless potential production far surpassing population This discursion into pop-based this group, which I believe they have Whether you agree with pro-lif-
spurs parents towards action for the growth, we now face rampant obesity climate science logically brings us to been doing. ers should be inconsequential at this
good of their young. What’s more, among the poor in the United States, LUCC. To give my thoughts on LUCC, LUCC preaches inclusion and the juncture; I think that they deserve the
it also serves as a reminder that not not mass starvation. Poor Economics I believe that, while certainly infan- affirmation of human rights. The right ability to organize and receive fund-
everything can be fully rectified right tells much the same story; we do not tile, it has none of the friendliness or for all persons to exist, which I believe ing. Simple as.
now and that another generation will lack for food in the developed world, goodwill of infants, instead acting as a LU Pro-Life inherently supports,
take on emergent challenges. So when but voluntarily balanced diets. fortification of petty tyranny in college should be not only uncontroversial Agree? Disagree? Think I’m an
I read articles like, “Science proves Were Mr. Malthus alive today, life. I see student government as the but laudable. I see it as a fundamen- Atwood-ian womanhater? Let me
kids are bad for Earth. Morality sug- he’d likely incorporate climate change collection drain of campus busy-bod- tally optimistic and woman-affirming know at Cheers!
gests we stop having them” at NBC,

The opinions expressed in The Lawrentian are those of the students, faculty and community members who wrote them. The
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12 COMMUNITY October 15, 2021

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“Briggs, I like walking past the fossils “Warch, because that’s where the “Big Exec, I like playing ping pong — All submissions to the
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“Conservatory, because it’s haunted.” “Warch, the cafe is nice.” “Sankofa because I live there and it’s
— Diego Leon — Terrence Free a nice safe space.”
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the Associated

Looking for First-year

“Spirituality House, it’s chill in there.” “Shattuck Hall, it’s pretty, and there’s “Library, I can get lost in there.” PSYCHOLOGY/NEUROSCIENCE SENIOR
— James Heath music.” — Harris Marks CAPSTONE. I AM LOOKING FOR PARTICIPANTS!
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Molly Ruffing, Editor-in-Chief Miri Villerius, Op-Ed Editor Alex Freeman, News Editor

“If we’re talking entire buildings, “I’m a big fan of Wriston. I mean it as “Briggs! The view of the river on the
Mudd, hands down. If we’re talking the most sincere compliment when fourth floor is unmatched.”
archetecturial features, it’s the I say that it’s like the most charming
Nipple, baby.” mixture of playground equipment
and bathroom tiling.”

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