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Brown Boveri


May 1974, Volume 61 Baden/Switzerland

Brown Boveri

May 1974, Volume 61 Baden/Switzerland p. 189-252

The Brown Boveri Review appears monthly Contents page

No article or illustration may be reproduced
without the express permission of the publisher G. Neidhöfer:
The Significance of a Damper
Published by BBC Brown, Boveri & Company, Limited, in Turbogenerator Rotors 192
CH-5401 Baden/Switzerland
Printed by Offset+Buchdruck AG, Zürich M. Canay and H. Klein:
Obtainable direct from the publisher Asymmetrie Short-Circuit Currents
from Generators and the Effect of the Breaking Arc 199
Damper winding being fitted to the end of a turbo- H. Glavitsch:
generator rotor On the Choice of Control Parameters
of Excitation Systems for Large Turbogenerators 207

M. Canay:
Overvoltages in the Field Circuit of Synchronous
Machines with Rectifier Excitation 217

P. Wutsdorff:
A Contribution to the Discussion Concerning
Methods of Balancing Flexible Rotors 228

E. Dörnenburg and W. Strittmatter:

Monitoring Oil-Cooled Transformers
by Gas Analysis 238

In Brief
G. Ferrari:
A Continuous Light-Section Steel Mill
for the USA 248

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

The Significance of a Damper in Turbogenerator Rotors

G. Neidhöfer

D a m p i n g C o m p o n e n t s and Systems
This contribution deals firstly with the role played by in T u r b o r o t o r s
dampers in a solid cylindrical rotor and discusses their
duties and operational requirements in turbogenerators. The very nature of the solid cylindrical rotor ensures that
The damper winding used by Brown Boveri in their turbo- there are conducting ferromagnetic layers at its outer sur-
generators is then described with attention paid to its face which permit damping currents to flow. The electri-
design and features. Following this the results of some ca! resistivity of iron is high in comparison with that of
special investigations and measurements are reported; these the conductor materials. Relatively high losses are there-
dealing mainly with the losses and temperature rises in the fore incurred in damping non-synchronous fields. This is
rotor under unbalanced load conditions. The contribution to advantage for forming high asynchronous torques
concludes with certain information regarding the unbal- under non-steady-state conditions. However, the high
anced load capacity and the corresponding protection of damping losses are a drawback for other operating con-
Brown Boveri turbogenerators. ditions such as under three-phase unbalanced load. Also,
the excitation winding would be screened only slightly
by the solid iron of the rotor teeth.
It is therefore essential to provide the turborotor with an
additional damping system. There are two basic designs
for this purpose [5, 6];

1. using the metal wedges in the field winding slots as

damper bars and interconnecting them to form a
damper cage, or
2. Atting smooth damping conductors beneath the wedges
and connecting them to form an intrinsic damper wind-
ing (Fig. 1, 2 and 5).

Fig. 1 - Turbogenerator rotor with single-layer damper winding (the
straps are required for assembly only and are removed later)
The damper cage or winding, originally designed as a
squirrel-cage armature for induction motors [1], found
application in synchronous machines at a relatively
early stage [2, 3]. It was used initially for damping rotor
hunting. However, these damping devices were soon
given the additional task of improving the Performance
of the synchronous machine, and also its properties in
general, under transient conditions as well as in certain
cases of steady-state operation. It are their stabilizing and
Screening properties that make the damper cage or wind-
ing particularly suitable for synchronous machines. In
addition to this the damper can be used in the synchro-
nous machine, in the same manner as an induction motor,
for a synchronous starting.
Although the phenomena occurring in a traditional
damper winding and their effects are clearly recognizable
in synchronous machines with laminated rotors, this is
not the case with solid rotors [4], Consequently, it is the
object of this contribution to deal more closely with the
significance and benefits of a damper in turbogenerator
rotors and, on the basis of experience gained in operation
and also in special investigations, to demonstrate the
advantages of an intrinsic damper winding.

192 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74


Fig. 2 - Double-layer damper winding being installed on a single-phase

turbogenerator rotor

In addition to these basic forms, which are virtually equiv- ing other rotor components. It permits the generator to
alent from the point of view of their electrical properties, operate under abnormal operating conditions and to cope
there are many combinations of damper cages and wind- with certain system faults without suffering damage.
ings. In addition to these arrangements there is the ex- In the case of the three-phase generator certain operating
pansion to a complete damping system where the pole conditions which deviate from normal duty result in con-
regions also have elements of good conducting materials tinuous or short-time unbalanced load, i.e. under super-
in particular slots. imposed single-phase load conditions, or with asymme-
trical current due to system faults, and also with harmon-
ics from rectifiers in the network. It then becomes the task
Tasks Performed by t h e D a m p i n g Systems of the damping system to ensure effective attenuation of
in T u r b o g e n e r a t o r Rotors the corresponding air-gap fields and that the induced
currents find predesignated and highly conducting paths.
Fundamentally the damper must improve the damping The extreme case of unbalanced load is encountered in
characteristics and operating reliability of the rotor by single-phase machines. Generators of this type with fairly
providing low-resistance axial current paths in the surface high ratings are required, for instance, for supplying rail-
layer of the rotor, thus relieving the solid iron and protect- way systems [7], In this case a particularly heavy and

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

complete damper winding (Fig. 2) ensures low-loss damp- Basic Design
ing of the anti-rotating field, provides efficient Screening The rotor damper winding comprises bare, flat copper
for the excitation winding and prevents distortion of the conductors bedded beneath the wedges into the field
armature voltage and current. winding slots and, additionally, into the pole slots and
Similar conditions apply to short-circuit turbogenerators are continued out at both ends into the overhang space.
[8]. In this case the single-phase line-to-line sudden short In the case of a single-layer arrangement all flat conduc-
circuit, which is the extreme case of short-time unbalanced tors are bent in the same direction on leaving the rotor
load, is a normal operating condition. Low negative- body, as shown in Fig. 1, such that together they enclose
sequence losses also assist in keeping the torque and the the outer insulating cover of the excitation winding over-
drop in speed within acceptable limits during the short hang. Electrical contact is provided by the retaining rings
circuit. In addition to this the complete damper winding in that the silver-plated end straps of the damper conduc-
provides subtransient symmetry for the rotor (.va" sa x q "), tors are pressed against the inner surface of the retaining
i.e. balancing the machine properties in both axes for ring by centrifugal force. In the two-layer arrangement
rapid phenomena. [9] required for more stringent operating conditions, the
end straps of the two layers are bent in opposite direc-
tions (Fig. 2) such that they cross each other in the over-
The B r o w n Boveri D a m p e r W i n d i n g hang space and, here again, are pressed firmly together
for T u r b o g e n e r a t o r s and to the retaining ring by centrifugal force.
Depending on the damping requirements the wedges in
Although the slot wedges with adequate end-to-end con- the field winding slots are either of antimagnetic steel, i.e.
nection can easily fulfil the damping requirements in the purely for absorbing the centrifugal forces in the slots,
small three-phase turbogenerators, all rotors of the larger or in special cases, they are made of special alloys which
Brown Boveri turbogenerators and special machines are have good conducting properties and are mechanically
automatically fitted with intrinsic damper windings. This strong for absorbing the centrifugal forces and in certain
arrangement is based on experience and development cases they are fitted with contact pieces.
which stretches back to the infancy of the turbogenerator.
Even in those days our designers had reached, in several
stages, an advanced design which was patented 35 years Properties
ago [9] on which present-day turborotors are based, The damper bars form continuous axial current paths
virtually without change. with good conducting properties in the rotor surface and
The basic idea of this arrangement is that predetermined as an entity, act as an intrinsic, füll damper winding. In
and clearly defined paths are provided for the damping addition to this they promote contact between the wedges
currents in the turborotor, leaving the solid iron, and, in in the rotor body; they also provide electrical bridging of
particular, the slot wedges free to perform their main the flexibility slots in the pole regions (Fig. 3) and prevcnt
mechanical duties. partial currents of the rotor iron from escaping and thus

Fig. 3 - Wedges being fitted to the d a m p e r slots

in the pole region of a turborotor and bridging
Over the flexibility slots


194 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

winding acts initially as a support for the damping sys-
tem as such. In particular, however, it ensures as in the
first case above, that the damping currents are reliably
conducted at all the discontinuity points of the rotor such
as the joints between the wedges, flexibility slots in the pole
regions, retaining ring seating and end space, thus pre-
Fig. 4 - Section through a rotor slot with water-cooled conductors of the venting vagabond damping currents with their undesira-
excitation and damper windings (damper bar to the left)
ble consequences.
The advantages and reliability of the damper winding are
confirmed by positive experience gained over a long
period of practical application, often under exceptional
operating conditions. An extreme example of this was a
imposing excessive stress on the flexibility slot rims [10,
300 MVA/255 MW steam turboset when, because of a
fault in a h.v. circuit-breaker, the turbogenerator running
The continuous damper conductors also ensure a direct
under no load and without excitation remained connected
transfer of the damping currents from the rotor body to
to the network through the transformer; the machine
the end winding regions. This means primarily a distinct
continued to run for 22 minutes under a single-phase
relief for the iron and retaining ring nose in the shrink-
line-to-Iine infeed while being subjected to a negative-
fit region and consequently, these are protected from
sequence current of 32%. Nevertheless, the reliability of
burning and thermal stresses. The major proportion of
the machine was not jeopardized and a later check of the
the damping currents is returned through closed current
rotor showed very little trace of the exceptionally high
paths outside the shrink-fit seat through silver-plated end
negative-sequence currents.
straps and the adequate inner surface of the retaining
In almost every case the damper ends require no special
bridging pieces or fixed connections. This design has the Damper Winding with Direct Cooling
advantage of unrestricted thermal expansion of the end Employing a design with an intrinsic damper winding
straps which improves the reliability of the damper wind- offers the advantage of direct cooling of the damper in
ing. special cases. In this case the damper bars are in the form
The damper conductors are a given distance away from of hollow conductors with a gaseous or liquid cooling
the rotor surface. Nevertheless their function as main con- medium flowing through the inner Channel.
ductors of a.c. damper currents is assured in all instances This arrangement is particularly suited for single-phase
where the slot wedges are made of a material with high traction generators where the high continuous negative-
resistivity and poor skin effect properties, such as non- sequence losses can be dissipated direct from the damper
magnetic steel. Where the wedges are also good conduc- [7].
tors, leading to reduced current penetration, the damper This arrangement can also be used in three-phase ma-

Fig. 5 - Hollow damper bars being fitted to a

water-cooled turborotor


Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74 195

chines for cooling the rotor surface from inside. This Rotor Stresses Under Unbalanced Load
applies to fully water-cooled turbogenerators which do A special test, similar to that described in [15], was car-
not require hydrogen as an additional cooling medium ried out on a turbogenerator rated approximately 300
and whose rotors are running in air at normal or sligbtly MVA in the test facility at Le Bourget of our associate
lower pressure [12, 13]. In addition to the actual damper
losses the water circuit in the damper winding also con-
Company CEM in France with the direct participation
of the client, Electricite de France.
tinuously dissipates a large proportion of the heat from We gratefully acknowledge here the generous Cooperation
the rotor surface created by the air friction and the ad- of Messrs. Barret, Coustere and Colot of Electricite de
ditional electrical losses. In addition to this it presents an France and also their permission to publish the test
easy way of dissipating the rotor losses generated during results.
temporary asynchronous running [14],
Part of the investigations involved temperature rise in
Figure 4 shows a section through a rotor slot with water
the rotor particularly under continuous and short-time
cooling in the excitation and damper windings. A cor-
applied negative-sequence currents. To this end the rotor
responding rotor is shown in Fig. 5 where the hollow
was fitted with a large number of thermocouples whose
copper conductors of the damper winding are being fitted.
Outputs were transmitted by means of a slipring pick-up.
The ends of these conductors are then connected electri-
By way of an example Figure 6 shows the curve of tem-
cally and also to the cooling water system.
perature rise for the end of a field winding slot at a short-
time negative-sequence current load corresponding to
I 2 2 1 as* 10 s with I 2 ks 0-69 p.u. The active function of the
S o m e Special Investigations damper conductor under the wedges of a non-magnetic
steel is easily identified. The temperature rise of the damper
The continued rise in generator rating and the complex (points 1, 2 and 3) commences immediately and initially
configuration of damping systems in solid cylindrical follows a linear curve, i.e. the conductor directly takes
rotors has made it essential to make more detailed inves- over a large proportion of the damper current. Thus it
tigation of the effects of damping currents in the rotor and absorbs electrical stresses from the rotor tooth, partic-
also the damping properties. Certain special investigations ularly in the region of the retaining ring seating, whose
concerned with the behaviour of turborotors under un- temperature rise (point 4) is actually delayed. Figure 6
balanced load conditions are reported briefly in thefollow- also shows that the temperature rises are clearly accep-
ing. table. Also, at the end of the series of tests which included

196 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

this the work was continued in the held of theoretical
machine analysis [16] with respect to the phenomena in
the rotor under unbalanced load conditions.
These investigations, the results of which are soon to be
published in a series of articles, have made it possible to
predict the negative-sequence losses in the rotor and the
negative-sequence resistance of the machine taking all
design features of the rotor into account, including the
damper, in a simple but reliable manner.

U n b a l a n c e d Load C a p a b i l i t y of T h r e e -
Phase T u r b o g e n e r a t o r s and P r o t e c t i o n

The continuous or short-time unbalanced load capability

of three-phase synchronous generators can be expressed
by the per unit value of the negative-sequence current I 2
or by the criterion I 2 2 1 [s]. Specihed values must be agreed
on by taking the operational requirements and the damp-
ing capacity of the rotor design into account. Because / 2
is a relative value and also because the actual damping
capacity depends largely on the rated linear current den-
sity, i.e. on the specific rating, the relative unbalanced
load capacity of three-phase turbogenerators normally
constant, with various combinations of negative-sequencecurrent lz [p.u.] reduces with increased unit rating. Greater demands in
and duration t [s] respect of unbalanced load capability require special design
Points 2 and 3 at the damper conductor as in Fig. 6. measures in the rotor.
There are not yet any standardized maximum values for
large generators in national or international Standards,
although these are being discussed by various committees
at present. One proposal is to amend ANSI Standard
C-50 [17] which, for instance, stipulates a continuous
negative-sequence current / 2 <0-10 p.u. for turbogen-
erators with indirect cooling; in the case of large turbogen-
erators with direct cooling this value does not exceed
short-time negative-sequence current loads of up to J2 = 0-08 p.u. and drops with increasing unit rating to / 2 =
/22 t = 11 s and continuous negative-sequence currents of 0 05 p.u. The amendment proposal for the short-time
up to h =0-18 p.u., no evidence of burning was found unbalanced load capability includes values of between 5
at any point on the rotor. and 10 s depending on unit rating. Similar values were
One interesting feature was a check on the criterion / 2 2 1 = arrived at on an international level from the results of
constant to see whether the same temperature peaks are questionnaires issued by CIGRE Technical Committee
reached for widely differing combinations of negative- No. 11.
sequence current and time. As Figure 7 shows, using a
On the basis of the proved effectiveness and advantages
damper conductor as an example, this criterion applies
of a damper winding in solid cylindrical rotors it can be
approximately at measuring point 2. However, with in-
stated that Brown Boveri turbogenerators are in every
creasing time, heat dissipation is shown by the reduction
respect capable of coping with unbalanced loads of this
in temperature rise. This effect is particularly noticeable
magnitude. This is conhrmed by the fact that these damp-
at point 3 of the same damper conductor. The above
er windings, installed consistently in all large turbogener-
mentioned criterion can therefore be used only as an ap-
ators, are the basis for the damper systems in special
proximation and must be restricted to short transients.
turbogenerators which have to withstand considerably
The comprehensive tests mentioned in the foregoing con-
higher negative-sequence current loadings.
tributed towards greater insight into the many internal
An appropriate protection system [18] is employed to
phenomena and is a valuable aid for all concerned in
prevent excessive unbalanced load in three-phase turbo-
operating this ränge of generators as well as for machine
generators in service. This can take the form of a tradi-
development in general.
tional two-stage relay which either gives warning or in-
stigates delayed shutdowns. However, a new relay based
on analogue/digital techniques, and which operates as a
Negative-Sequence Losses in Turborotors and Negative- continuous protection system, has been developed for
Sequence Resistance large generators [18]. Its characteristic corresponds to a
The negative-sequence losses generated in the rotor alone combination of continuous and short-time unbalanced
were derived from a broad-scale investigation of a large load where the integral J / 2 2 d? applies up to a predeter-
number of turbogenerators in the test facility. Suitable mined maximum trip time. The parameters of the de-
evaluation led to concise statements concerning the mag- pendent characteristic can be varied over a wide ränge
nitude and relationship of these losses. In addition to depending on the permissible / 2 and / 2 2 1 values.

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Bibliography [17] E.l. King, R.M. McCoy, P.I. Nippes, J.A. Oliver,
R. L. Winchester, J. W. Batchelor: A Standard for genera-
[1] M. v. Dolivo-Dobrowolsky: Anker für Wechselstrom- tor continuous unbalanced current capability. IEEE
motoren. German Patent No. 51083, 8th March 1889. Trans. Pwr Appar. & Syst. 92 1973 (5) 1547-1548.
[2] M. Hutin, M. Leblanc: Verfahren zur Aufrechterhal- [18] R. Wanner: Protection of large generators. Brown
tung des synchronen Ganges von Wechselstrommotoren. Boveri Rev. 58 1971 (7) 257-264.
German Patent No. 76814, 1 Ith August 1892.
[3] H. Rothert: Die Bedeutung der Käfigwicklung im
Elektro-Maschinenbau. Elektrotech. Z . - A 91 1970 (1)
[4] A. Einsele: Über die Verteilung der Ströme in den
Dämpferwicklungen von Turbogeneratoren mit Massiv-
läufern. Elektrotech. Z. 73 1952 (6) 173-176.
[5] E. Wiedemann, W. Kellenberger: Konstruktion elektri-
scher Maschinen. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
[6] H. Sequenz: Herstellung der Wicklungen elektrischer
Maschinen. Springer, Vienna/New York 1973, 195-165.
[7] E. Alwers, L. Arndt: Grosse Einphasengeneratoren
für die Bahnstromversorgung. Energie u. Technik 24 1972
(5) 161-165.
[8] M. Canay: Optimizing the design of short-circuit
generators. Brown Boveri Rev. 56 1969 (8) 386-393.
[9] J. Prevost: Dämpferwicklung für Läufer von Turbo-
generatoren. German Patent No. 701 330, 27th April
[10] E. I. King, J. W. ßatchelor: Effects of unbalanced
current on turbine-generators. IEEE Trans. Pwr Appar.
& Syst. 84 1965 (2) 121-125.
[11] H. Kugler: Schäden an Turbogeneratoren. Ma-
schinenschaden. 45 1972 (5) 179-188.
[12] R. Noser, H. Pohl: Cooling large turbogenerators
without hydrogen. IEEE Trans. Pwr Appar. & Syst. 90
1971 (5) 2101-2107.
[13] H. Pohl: Development of the two-pole turbo-alter-
nator with füll liquid cooling. Brown Boveri Rev. 60
1973 (2/3) 85-94.
[14] M. Canay: Beitrag über den Asynchronbetrieb von
Turbogeneratoren. Bull. Schweiz, elektrotech. Ver. 61
1970 (25) 1191-1199.
[15] P. Barr et, A. Coustere, J. F. Heuillard: Stresses on
turbo-alternators under unbalanced conditions. CIGRE
1970, Report 11-11.
[16] M. Canay: Equivalent circuits of synchronous ma-
chines for calculating quantities of the rotor during tran-
sient and asynchronous starting. Part 1: Turbogenerators.
Brown Boveri Rev. 56 1969 (2) 60-71.

198 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Asymmetrie Short-Circuit Currents from Generators
and the Effect of the Breaking Arc

M. Canay and H. Klein

d.c. time constant of the armature and thus forces the
Short-circuit currents produced by generators can assume phase currents to pass rapidly through zero; without this
pronounced asymmetry towards current zero. The duration effect the phase currents would not pass through zero for
of this asymmetry without zero transition depends on both some considerable time. Consequently, it will be seen that
the characteristic quantities of the machine and its operat- the contacts of the generator breaker can separate at an
ing conditions preceding the short circuit. It is shown, how- instant when none of the phase currents is passing through
ever, that this time period is not, in itself a criterion for the current zero.
breaker. In order to judge the actual conditions in a truly
representative form, the positive influence of the breaking
arc must be taken into account. Origin and D u r a t i o n of A s y m m e t r i e
S h o r t - C i r c u i t Currents

In the event of a sudden three-phase short-circuit in the

stator circuit of a synchronous machine the a.c. com-
ponent flowing in the armature winding takes a sudden
leap. At the same time a d.c. is generated which, at the
instant of the short circuit, prevents discontinuity of the
total current and decays with the d.c. time constant, T&.
Consequently the resultant short-circuit current com-
prises the d.c. components, mostly of different magni-
tudes, in the individual phases and an alternating com-
ponent. The a.c. component has the same amplitude in all
phases and has a phase displacement determined by the
spatial arrangement of the winding axes. It drops expo-
nentially with the two short-circuit time constants T& and
7Y to a steady-state value; the continuous short-circuit
Introduction current. Any of the phase currents can therefore not have
a zero transient until its d.c. component is equal to or
As is known, all phase currents must pass through zero smaller than its a.c. amplitude.
within a few cycles of the breaker opening. The fact that The critical limiting condition for these considerations
the short-circuit currents of synchronous machines can occurs at that instant of the short circuit where the direc-
have pronounced asymmetry towards current zero raises tion of the main flux coincides with the main winding axis
the question of whether a generator breaker can always of one of the phases. The short-circuit current in this
open at the desired instant, or whether its operation phase has the maximum possible d.c. component, i.e. has
should be delayed accordingly. the greatest asymmetry of all phase currents, and as a
If the short circuits concerned are outside the immediate result, is the last one to pass through current zero.
vicinity of the power Station, the permissible duration of Typical phase currents for a 1333 MVA turbogenerator
the short circuit can vary widely in respect of the require- undergoing a three-phase sudden short-circuit test follow-
ments regarding stability and selectivity. Although under ing no-load running are shown in Fig. 1. It can be seen
normal circumstances the breaker contacts could separate that from the instant of short circuit it takes about
instantaneously, a certain delay may be required, depend- 11 cycles, i.e. approximately 0-183 s, for the phase current
ing on the plant and its protection system. On the other /w to reach current zero. This time is relatively short. It
hand, the breaker is required to operate as quickly as should be noted, however, that the d.c. time constant T a
possible if the fault is close at hand, e.g. at the busbars, does not necessarily increase with the unit rating, although
connectors, in the transformer or even in the generator. this is often maintained in the literature.
This case must be examined to establish whether the In an earlier contribution [1 ] under the assumption that
absence of zero transitions can prevent the breaker from x& = xq" and x q ' = x q an upper limit for the duration
being allowed to operate too soon. Tmax between the instant of the short-circuit and the first
For this reason the significance of the individual Para- zero transient of the phase current with the maximum
meters, such as preload, regulator bias and rapid de-exci- d.c. component is given as follows:
tation are described in this contribution. Following this,
the effect of the breaker arc is dealt with in detail. This TV Ta MO
phenomenon cannot be ignored when considering the Tmax — In
7Y — Ta xtl" Wqo + Xd ido
switching process as a whole. In actual fact, after contact (1)
Separation is initiated, the arc considerably reduces the (Tmax T,l", Tq")

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74


Fig. 1 - Oscillogram of a sudden three-phase short-circuit at a 60 Hz,

1333 M V A turbogenerator following no-load running at u zu 0 30 p.u.
/r = Excitation current
Iv, Iv, Iw = Stator currents
U = Stator voltage
X = First zero transition of / w

If we assume the characteristic values h', 7a, am' and x&" Effects of Preload and Q u a d r a t u r e Axis
and also the terminal voltage before the short circuit u0
which, in most cases, corresponds to the rated voltage, as The operating ränge of a turbogenerator is shown in
given, then Tma,x depends decisively on the duty point Fig. 2. The current and voltage have been resolved into
before the short circuit. This determines the magnitude of their direct-axis and quadrature-axis components for a
the quadrature-axis component of the initial voltage uq0 given operating point. It follows from Eq. (1) that Tma,x
and the direct-axis component of the armature current ia 0 assumes high values especially where w q0 and ia 0 are
before the short circuit. simultaneously relatively small. However, as is clearly
It can also be shown that a three-phase short circuit shown in Fig. 2, this is exactly that case where the syn-
between the circuit-breaker and the machine transformer chronous generator is operating in the underexcited ränge
will nearly always yield the asymmetry of longest dur- near the given practical stability limit. As an example of
ation. this fact Fig. 3 shows an oscillogram of a sudden short-

Fig. 2 - Operating ränge of a turbogenerator

A = Operating point
/o = Armature current before short circuit
/do = Direct-axis component of /o
/<io = Quadrature-axis component of /o
P = Active power
Q = Reactive power
Uo = Terminal voltage before short circuit
£/do = Direct-axis component of Uo
Uqo = Quadrature-axis component of Uo
ä = Load angle or rotor angle
<p = Phase angle

200 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

circuit test with a rotor angle of ö 90°. As the oscillo- attempt to boost the voltage to its original value. To this
grams shown in Fig. 1 und Fig. 3 refer to the same end the regulator increases the excitation voltage to its
machine a direct comparison can be made between the upper limit, i.e. the ceiling voltage. As the exciter winding
conditions in the direct axis (sudden short circuit after acts only in the direct axis, the regulator causes an
no-load running in Fig. 1) and the quadrature axis. increase in the a.c. component of the short-circuit current
Whereas in Fig. 1 the phase current /w with the maximum in this axis. The quadrature-axis component of the a.c.
displacement already reaches current zero after about is not affected by the regulator.
0-183 s, the current /u shown in Fig. 3 has not reached From this brief description the effect of the regulator on
current zero even after 0-8 s have elapsed. This result and the instant of interruption is easy to understand. As men-
the shape of the short-circuit current were confirmed by tioned earlier, to cause a zero transient in a phase current
calculations using the measured reactances and time it is essential that the instantaneous value of the a.c.
constants. component be greater than or equal to the d.c. component.
In compiling Eq. (1) in accordance with the normal theory The increase in the periodic component of the short-
which does not provide for an exciter winding in the circuit current in the direct axis due to the regulator
quadrature axis it is assumed that xq' = and xq" = x<\". always provides more favourable interruption conditions
The phenomena originating from the difference between because the resultant periodic component of the short-
the subtransient reactances x q " and Xd", which are of circuit current increases with it. To illustrate this Fig. 4
particular significance in the case of salient-pole machines, shows the calculated envelope curves of short-circuit cur-
have been dealt with in [1 ] and [2], On the basis of many rents with maximum d.c. component for two different
sudden short-circuit tests in the quadrature axis [3] it is rotor angles of a turbogenerator, with and without Inter-
now known that the alternating component of the short- vention by the regulator. In order to simplify the calcula-
circuit currents also decays with at least two time con- tion it is assumed that the instant of short circuit coincides
stants. As Tq' < 7Y always applies, the transient quadra- with a boost in the excitation to its ceiling value (extremely
ture-axis currents disappear more rapidly than those in the rapid regulator response). The example of a machine
direct axis. However, they increase the resultant alter- running under no load (<5 = 0) shown in Fig. 4a demon-
nating current, and, consequently, tend to reduce r m ax- strates that the regulator can cause a reduction in of
Nevertheless an appreciable improvement of 7"max in about 15-4% (0-195 s to 0-165 s). With a rotor angle of
comparison to the values in Eq. (1) can be expected only ö 80° and low excitation the regulator reduces 7" ma x
if the transient short-circuit time constant T(l' of the from approx. 0-7 s to about 0-43 s as shown in Fig. 4b.
quadrature axis is approximately equal to the d.c. time The regulator is even more effective here.
constant Ta. However, if Tq' < 7k there is almost no The reduction in the time delay to the first zero transition
improvement. The a.c. component of the quadrature axis of the short-circuit current attainable with a regulator is
appears only briefly at the beginning and therefore the generally considerable where the machine is running at
assumption mentioned above is complied with. low excitation before the short circuit. The increase in the
amplitude of the periodic component of the short-circuit
current is particularly effective for operating points with
predominant quadrature-axis fields (Fig. 4b). If the duty
before the short circuit requires high excitation, such as
Effect of t h e Regulator
under rated load, no appreciable improvement is to be
expected from the regulator. However, this case is of no
A short circuit occurring in a network causes a greater or
importance because under these conditions the short-
lesser voltage drop at the terminals, depending on the
circuit currents have very rapid natural zero transients.
location of the fault. A regulator in the system will

Fig. 3 - Oscillogram of a sudden three-phase short circuit at a 60 Hz,

1333 M V A turbogenerator with a rotor angle <5 ss 90° and voltage
u r » 0-07 p.u.
/[ = Excitation current
/ u = Stator current
S Signal voltage for determining the rotor position
U = Stator voltage

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Fig. 4 - Envelope curves of a fully asymmetric
short-circuit current at a turbogenerator
a : N o load: (5 = 0
b: Operation with a large rotor angle and low
excitation: P sa 0'1 p.u., power factor
= 0-189 (leading), 6 sw 80°
i- D.C. component of short-circuit
Envelope curve without regulator,
constant excitation
= Envelope curve with regulator,
excitation voltage jumps to ceiling
value at instant of short-circuit
Machine characteristic quantities (saturated
values): 1500 MVA, 60 Hz
Xd — 1-855 p.u.
Xi = 0-425 p.u.
XA" = 0-271 p.u.
TA' = 1-63 s
Ta" = 0-032 s
Ta = 0-362 s
xq = 1-777 p.u.
Xq = 0-51 p.u.
Xq = 0-272 p.u.
7Y 0-16 s
Tq" ss 0-03 s

Consequences of Rapid D e - e x c i t a t i o n tion, even in plants with a generator breaker between the
synchronous machine and the transformer. Consequently,
If the fault, viewed from the machine, is located in front purely as a matter of interest, the effects of rapid de-
of the circuit-breaker, i.e. in the machine itself, in the excitation on the short-circuit current are discussed in the
unit-connected transformer or at the connecting buses, following.
this section of the plant must be disconnected from the Rapid de-excitation affects only the direct-axis component,
network and, at the same time, rapid de-excitation must in the same manner as the regulator. The simplest means
be instigated. Rapid de-excitation quickly reduces the of providing rapid de-excitation is to connect a resistance
internal currents, thus preventing major damage. In this in thefield circuit to considerably reduce the transient short-
case the breaker must interrupt only the system current; circuit time constant T& in comparison to its normal
the operating condition of the machine and the response value. Consequently the periodic component of the short-
of the control system are normally of no significance circuit current in the direct axis decays to zero significantly
to this. more rapidly than normal. Where operating points
Plants with a generator breaker between the synchronous with predominant direct-axis components are concerned,
machine and the transformer usually have two differential a considerable increase in Tmax is to be expected, depend-
protection systems, i.e. one for the synchronous machine ing on the existing value of T& . If the synchronous
alone and one for the complete unit. If a fault occurs in machine is running with a large rotor angle (5 before the
the synchronous machine its differential protection system short circuit the conditions for interrupting the short-
responds. The same conditions apply as described above, circuit currents are decidedly unfavourable. These are
i.e. there is no relation between rapid de-excitation and made even worse by the rapid decay in the direct-axis
stress in the breaker. The alternative is a fault at or near component of the field.
the transformer. The most effective protection concept for The physical conditions are easily understood but to
the transformer is instantaneous interruption of the short- make them quite clear the calculated results for twn
circuit currents from the generator by means of the dilferent load angles of a turbogenerator are shown io
breaker and, at the same time, to isolate the complete unit Fig. 5. In both cases, after a short time, the resultant
from the network. Here, no rapid de-excitation is carried short-circuit current comprises mainly a direct current
out. The generator breaker can normally cope with inter- decaying exponentially with the time constant T& and
ruption on the low-voltage side. It can be seen from the having a small alternating current superimposed on it.
above that it would be expedient to carry out rapid de- The zero transitions shown earlier without rapid de-
excitation only where internal short circuits occur in the excitation and with a purely direct-axis component at
generator. This does not affect the breaker stress. t «s 0-195 s (Fig. 5a) or with a predominant quadrature-
However, one can be misled to form the idea of protecting axis component at t «s 0-385 s (Fig. 5b) have a far greater
the transformer region also by means of rapid de-excita- delay.

202 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Fig. 5 - Effect of rapid de-excitation on the
envelope curve of short-circuit current with
maximum asymmetry at various rotor angles
(turbogenerators, characteristic values as Fig. 4)
a: No load: ä = 0
b: Operation with large rotor angle: P s» 0-7
p.u., power factor = 0'926 fleading),
Ö as 70°
/'_ D.C. component of short-circuit
= Envelope curve without regulator,
constant excitation
= Envelope curve of short-circuit cur-
rent with rapid de-excitation and
Art/rt & S
rt = Resistance of field winding
Art = Additional resistance in field

It has been shown that rapid de-excitation causes an operate at all in accordance with its intrinsic operating
exceptionally long delay to the first zero transition of the time and protection system, the subtransient component
short-circuit current. Consequently, no rapid de-excitation of the short-circuit current has already decayed and the
may be carried out if the circuit-breaker between the positive phase sequence reactance x, of the generator
generator and transformer is used for protecting the becomes at least equal to the transient reactance x&. As
transformer. This breaker, can, in fact, protect the trans- this is approximately 1 -4 times the negative phase sequence
former much more quickly and effectively than rapid de- reactance x2, Eq. (2) always applies in practice. Conse-
excitation. Rapid de-excitation is instigated exclusively quently there is no sudden reduction of the a.c. compo-
for short-circuits in the generator by its differential pro- nent; on the contrary, a slight and steady increase is to
tection systems. be expected.
From the above statements concerning the behaviour of
the a.c. (irJ) and d.c. (£_) components of the resulting
Realistic A s y m m e t r y and t h e Effects of t h e short-circuit current on interrupting a phase, we can dehne
Arc on t h e Breaker a new instant T max for which the condition

The critical time Tm.dx derived so far for the duration of

the phase current flowing entirely on one side applies only Oph.) = 1 1 _ (3)
for an unaffected short-circuit sequence. However, Tmax
must never be interpreted as if a breaker could not inter-
rupt the three-phase short-circuit currents before this is fulfilled. If the breaker does not respond until after this
instant. It has been shown in [1 ] that after interruption of time, all three phases will have zero transients within one
that phase current in which zero transitions are virtually cycle. Even if the contacts start to separate before expres-
always present, the d.c. distribution is altered in the other sion (3) is complied with, there is still the possibility of
two phases. This is always reduced in the phase with the zero transition of the phase currents during the permis-
larger d.c. component and in the case of maximum sible breaking time of a few cycles.
asymmetry this reduction is 25 %. In contrast to this the Until now, however, we have ignored arcing between the
a.c. component tends to increase after one phase has contacts when the breaker opens. Although the arcing
been interrupted if the expression phenomena are highly complex and have not, as yet, been
fully explained, we can consider the arc as a small elec-
Q/J—l)x1>x2 (2) trical resistance with an instantaneous value of n, (t) (see
also [4] and [5]).
applies between the positive and negative phase sequence The arc resistance in the short-circuit loop is in series with
reactances x t and x2. Before the generator breaker can the considerably smaller resistance r a of the armature

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74



Fig. 6 - Totally-enclosed generator breaker with two quenching Chambers

Type designation: D R 3 6 v 2 5 0 0 / l
Technical data:
Rated voltage 36 kV
Rated current 36 000 A
Breaking current 150 kA
Breaking capacity up to 27 kV 7000 MVA

winding of large synchronous machines and thus signifi- assume that the arc resistance remains constant. With this
cantly reduces the armature d.c. time constant to arc resistance, which is much lower than the actual value
encountered in practice, we can be sure that the result of
the calculation will be on the safe side. The features of the
breaker, such as multiple quenching Chambers, can easily
be taken into account. For more accurate investigations it
is quite possible to determine to the exact resistance J"l(0
Due to the arc in the breaker the d.c. components of the for any instantaneous value of the short-circuit current
short-circuit currents reduce very rapidly from the from the arc characteristic. It should be noted that this
instant of contact Separation. Because the a.c. compo- will have a different value in each phase and this makes the
nents are not affected by this increase in resistance, the calculation considerably more complex.
arcs soon force zero transitions of the phase currents and, The above statements are clearly illustrated by the calcu-
consequently, considerably reduce the stresses in the lated curves of short-circuit currents with and without the
breaker. effect of the breaker arc as shown in Fig. 7. Figure 7a
In order to calculate the effect described above we must shows the short-circuit currents of a 1500 MVA turbo-
first know the ratio /'T,/Va. The totally-enclosed generator generator following a preload (for machine data see
breaker shown in Fig. 6 has an arc voltage of about 1600 V Fig. 4). We have deliberately chosen the extremely un-
with a current of 100 kA (r.m.s. value of the a.c. compo- favourable operating point given by P 0-1 p.u., power
nent) flowing on one side of the zero line. At this current factor =0-189 (leading) and <5 & 80° as shown in Fig. 4b.
the arc has a mean resistance of 0-016 £2. As the arc If the breaker were intended to open after t = 0-2 s none
voltage remains virtually constant in the high-current of the phases would pass through zero. According to the
ränge the arc resistance will, in fact, increase with reduc- condition that t ^ T ' m a x one would have to wait almost
ing current. In order to keep the calculation within to t = 0-55 s before opening the breaker. Only then does
reasonable limits, we can select the smallest value for /"l the a.c. component become greater than 75% of the
in accordance with the maximum short-circuit current to d.c. component and fulfil the condition stipulated in
be expected using the steady-state arc characteristic, and Eq. (3).

204 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74


A ' 'V' Z1 \\i/Y i M / i • /V* 'YN A V T W T i V/ A

* •V
• Ä W y WM/.XI
A \ /Y\ ; fi
; / A \ / A i Av

w A /;
mV V
M A A / W l/U/w
v / \ v * v • VV wV M
A/ W W
/ /

If •' n V ••; ••

0,1 0,2 0,3
0,4 0,5


b c
p.u. p.u.
,. 1 \

\ A \ 1-—

/ ^
\ \ }. \
r~ 1
r './ \ • V

v" // V \ \ 1 \
' • \ I A * ' /\
V 1
i i \ A / \ A/
\ / tfl K/
\/ /
r t / r
\ X /
. r

\ / \/ \1
>J \j

0,18 0,20 0,22

/ \*
vy v

-r/s -tls
Fig. 7 - Short-circuit currents of a 1500 MVA turbogenerator (machine c: Curve with a j u m p in excitation voltage to the ceiling value at the
ratings as Fig. 4) following steady-state operation with P f» 0-1 p.u., instant of short circuit (regulator) and breaker responds again at
power factor = 0-189 (leading) and d k* 80° t = 0-2 s (arc resistance: 0-01 O)
a : UnafTected curve pattern at constant excitation — D.C. component of phase currents
b: Curve pattern at constant excitation where breaker trips after 0-2 s
and an arc resistance of n , = 0-0257 p.u. = 0-01 Q comes into effect

In actual fact the phase current curves are entirely diffe- operating point. The first phase is interrupted virtually
rent during the breaking process (Fig. 7b and c). From immediately after the breaker opens (t — 0-2 s) and the
t = 0-2 s the arc rapidly reduces the d.c. One phase has current in the remaining phases after not quite one cycle
a zero transition at t = 0-211 s and is interrupted (Fig. 7b). later at t = 0-212 s. This calculation is based uniformly on
At the same time there is a sudden jump in the d.c. of the a minimum and constant arc resistance of 0-01 Q (rijr&
phases which are still conducting [1], The currents in the = 12-92). It should be noted here, however, that the
other two phases therefore reach zero at t s=» 0-23 s. instant of response t = 0-2 s chosen for this example is not
Figure 7c shows the effect of the regulator for the same a lower limit. The breaker is perfectly capable of opening

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

sooner, but in that case the effect of the regulator would Bibliography
not be demonstrated so clearly. In practice this value is
determined by the requirements of the overall protection [1] M. Canay, L. Werren: Interrupting sudden asym-
concept. metric short-circuit currents without zero transition.
The examples illustrated in Fig. 7a, b and c show clearly Brown Boveri Rev. 56 1969 (10) 484-493.
that the effects of the arc in the breaker must be taken
[2] R. E. Owen, W. A. Lewis: Asymmetry characteristics
into account if it responds before r ' m a x . If the breaker
operates after T'm2ix the effect of the arc can be ignored. of progressive short circuits on large synchronous genera-
It should also be noted that in the above discussion the tors. IEEE Trans. Pwr Appar. & Syst. 90 1971 (2) 587-596.
effect of the arc which is almost invariably present at the [3] M. Canay: Ein neues Verfahren zur Bestimmung der
location of the fault, has been disregarded. This arc, Querachsengrössen von Synchronmaschinen. Elektrotech.
which burns from the inception of the fault, reduces the Z. - A 86 1965 (17) 561-568.
d.c. time constant Tu and thus further improves the
asymmetry of the short-circuit current. [4] A. Grütz, A. Hochrainer: Rechnerische Untersuchung
von Leistungsschaltern mit Hilfe einer verallgemeinerten
Lichtbogentheorie. Elektrotech. Z. - A 921971 (4) 185-191.
Conclusion [5] A. Eidinger: Interruption of high asymmetric short-
circuit currents having long delayed zeros—an acute
All significant quantities which affect the asymmetry of problem for generator breakers. IEEE Trans. Pwr
three-phase short-circuit currents have been discussed and Appar. & Syst. 91 1972 (4) 1725-1726.
their effects on the time taken to reach zero shown by
means of several examples. At the same time the known
fact is confirmed that adverse conditions are always to be
expected at operating points with a large rotor angle and
considerable underexcitation. Under certain circum-
stances an improvement can be obtained if the transient
short-circuit time constant Tq' of the quadrature axis is
approximately equal to the d.c. time constant Ta. The
effects of the regulator must not be forgotten in these
considerations. It is especially at operating points with
low excitation and, primarily with large rotor angles that
it can considerably increase the amplitude of the periodical
short-circuit current, resulting in much earlier zero
Rapid de-excitation, which is also investigated here, has
no effect on the stress in the circuit-breaker between the
generator and the transformer provided that the protec-
tion concept is properly chosen.
The significance of arcing between the contacts is dealt
with in greater detail. This may be regarded as a resistance
in the short-circuit loop in series with the much smaller
armature resistance. As soon as the arc is Struck it consid-
erably reduces the d.c. time constant of this circuit and
forces rapid zero transition of at least one of the phase
currents. The d.c. components of the phases which are not,
as yet, interrupted balance each other momentarily, i.e.
the new resultant currents also pass through zero shortly
afterwards and are interrupted. Thus, the duration of the
reported asymmetry in the unaffected short-circuit cur-
rents is no significant criterion for the response time of
the breaker. If the unaffected short-circuit currents have
no natural zero transition before the breaker trips, it is
essential to take the elfect of the arc resistance into

206 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

On the Choice of Control Parameters
of Excitation Systems for Large Turbogenerators

H. Glavitsch
First, with the growing size of the turbogenerator
Reviewing the various operating conditions of a syn- various characteristic parameters have changed. The
chronous machine in an interconnected network the resulting adverse effects on system Performance have to
objectives of excitation control are worked out. These are be compensated by the excitation system.
small steady-state errors, sufßcient steady-state and Second, high-speed excitation systems result in a
transient stability margins, good voltage regulation under different system Performance and require detailed system
various system conditions. analysis and a new control system design.
For the assessment of the Performance of the excitation Third, more stringent requirements are posed for the
system a method of steady-state stability analysis is various operating conditions which the excitation system
presented whereby the dominant eigen values of the overall has to cope with.
system are taken as measure of system damping. As a Fourth, theoretical studies within the framework of
result loci of constant damping are identified in the modern control theory suggest that an improved
capability (P-Q) diagram of the generator. Performance of the overall system is possible, provided
With this tool at hand various system conditions, effects of all necessary signals (states) and real-time control
Parameters such as loop gain, compensation networks and algorithms are available.
time constants will be investigated. In addition, Computer methods providing improved
It will be demonstrated that a high-gain excitation system means of analysis have further supported this develop-
supported by signals derived from the motion of the rotor ment.
will meet the objectives in a satisfactory manner. Under these new aspects it seems appropriate to review
the objectives of excitation control under various
operating conditions and to demonstrate the effects of
control structures and signals.
Having made this survey it will be possible to give an
indication of how the structure of the excitation control
system should look in present-day technology and what
parameters should be chosen.
The following considerations are primarily concerned
with a turbogenerator equipped with an a. c. exciter
or static excitation system.

O b j e c t i v e s of Excitation C o n t r o l under
Various Operating Conditions

Beyond the basic task of the excitation system to

provide the field current and to maintain the steady-state
operating point, there is the general requirement to
improve the natural damping behaviour and to extend
the stability limits.
If the turbogenerator were linear with the power system,
the layout of the excitation control system would be
straightforward. But with changing operating conditions
the system to be controlled varies both in a continuous
and a discontinuous fashion. The chosen control
structure together with the parameters has to serve all
possible operating conditions and the Performance
should be quite satisfactory in all cases.
The operating conditions to be considered are the
- no-load with open circuit-breaker
With the introduction of very large turbogenerators in - no-load under synchronous operation
the power system the excitation system assumes an - no-load following load shedding
increasingly important role. There are various reasons - synchronous operation under various loading and
for this development. network conditions

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

- disturbed operating conditions initiated by faults, Output, breaker position, etc. This introduces a form of
successful and unsuccessful reclosing Operations, and adaptation.
- asynchronous operation and resynchronization. The quantitative measure of Performance may be assessed
In these operating states there is a number of objectives in various ways, such as an objective function, the
of which any particular one may be of special settling time, damping decrements, phase and amplitude
importance under given conditions. Generally these margins.
objectives can be summarized as follows
- good response in voltage and reactive control Models
- satisfactory steady-state stability, i.e. sufficient damp-
ing of electromagnetic and electro-mechanical tran- The basis of the analysis and synthesis leading up to the
sients design of the control system is the mathematical model
- transient stability for all stated fault conditions of the synchronous machine together with the power
- voltage recovery after faults. system, the excitation system and the prime mover
Voltage and reactive control is of importance for system.
changes in loading conditions or under no-load before These components will be discussed briefly in the
synchronization. following.
In steady-state operation the voltage response is
secondary. There stability, i.e. the damping behaviour of Synchronous Machine
small oscillations, is in the foreground.
Transient stability, which is the ability to return to the As far as the following investigations are concerned a
normal operating point, becomes the main objective fifth order model according to Park is used. One damper
when serious faults appear. Again the voltage response is winding is considered in each axis. The terms
of secondary importance.
The employment of excitation systems, in particular d y>a difq
high-speed systems, may also be viewed from the dt ' dt
Standpoint of improving the system behaviour if this
is adversely affected by a network or generator are neglected.
Parameter. Examples are the long transmission line or The external network is represented by a two-port con-
high synchronous and transient reactances of very large nected to an infinite bus.
The generator and excitation system have to be treated Excitation System
as a combined unit and its Performance has to be
assessed. Three types of excitation system have been considered
here. One is an a.c. exciter represented by an equivalent
time constant and a constant gain.
Synthesis Procedure The other type consists also of the a.c. exciter but
employs lead-lag Alters as a compensating network.
Systematic synthesis procedures for the control of linear The third one is a high-speed rectifier excitation system
systems are known from modern control theory. The fed from the terminals of the generator. The voltage
Performance criterion is usually quadratic and the result error is also fed to a lead-lag compensating network
is a linear feedback law. before it reaches the grid control set.
Applied to the present problem this would mean that The last two types of excitation system may be supple-
the excitation system could be synthesized for a given mented by a circuit which measures power output and
operating point in view of steady-state stability only. produces signals proportional to slip and acceleration of
The requirement as to the availability of all system the generator, which are also applied to the Controlling
states has to be fulfilled. element.
Therefore, in the practical design of the excitation Block diagrams (Fig. 1) show the various arrangements.
control system, one has to adopt an iterative procedure
whereby a given control structure is checked for all
possible operating conditions. Conditions where unsatis- Prime Mover System and Speed Governor
factory behaviour is revealed are futher analysed. All The response of the prime mover system due to the
modern aids such as Computer Simulation, State space reheater time constant is at least one order of magnitude
feedback and Optimum control theory may be employed slower than that of the excitation system. This applies
to rectify the behaviour. particularly to small deviations. As far as the closing
At this point other operating conditions have to be times of valves is concerned, comparable response times
checked to ensure that Performance still complies with are achieved. Consequently, only one self-regulation
the originally stated specifications. Several iterations coefiicient of D = 2 was considered to account for the
may be necessary to arrive at a control structure and at effect of speed deviations on the prime mover torque,
a parameter adjustment that proves satisfactory for all since most studies dealt with small signals or system
possible operating conditions. conditions where the prime mover had no effect.
Special operating conditions that may not be covered by Rapid closing of valves is of interest in connection with
a Single adjustment have to be satisfied by a change of fast load control, which is not the subject here. Hence
control parameters initiated by a change in the generator the approximation introduced above can be justified.

208 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

14 rr

<D fM-



J2 14 »Imln = 0 p.U.

10 11 19

A «T 1 (1 + p 1)(1 + p 0 , 0 7 ) K u

1 + p 0,03 (1 +p 7)(1 + / > 0 , 0 1 ) 1 + p 0,01
1 Iimax—
max = 5j P-U.
/^-S "fmin = - 1 P-U
at « T = 1 p.u
10 17 ds 18

P ViH 1 dt 5
t n . -
200125.1 1 + p 0,05 1 +p5 l + p 5

Fig. l a - Arrangement and block diagram of a generator with an a.c. Fig. l b - Arrangement and block diagram of a generator with a static
exciter excitation system
1 = Three-phase generator
2 = Diode bridge
3 = A.C. exciter
4 = Thyristor bridge
5 = Permanent magnet generator A = Gain Cs)
6 = Transducers B = Gain (ds/dt)
7 = Summation point K = Gain
8 = Regulator P = Active power
9 = Grid control set TF. = Time constant of a.c. exciter
10 = Transducer ds/dt = Acceleration
11 = Lead-lag filter ii = Field current
12 = Regulator P d/dt (Operator)
13 = Limiter s Slip
14 = A.C. exciter US = Field voltage
15 = Block to model Upper and lower UL max = Ceiling voltage
16 = Block for forming signals s and ds/dt Wf min = Minimum field voltage
17 = Block for forming the acceleration HT = Terminal voltage
18 = Block for forming the slip «Tr = Reference voltage
19 = Relationship between ceiling voltage and terminal voltage A«T = Voltage error

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Fig. 2 (left) - 666 MVA generator, complex left
half plane
Pole configuration:
P = 0-5 p.u.
Q = — 0 - 3 p.u.
A . C . exciter: K = 7-5
External reactance Xe 0-6 p.u.

Fig. 3 (right) - 666 MVA generator, complex

left half plane
Pole configuration:
P = 0-5 p.u.
Q = — 0-3
A . C . exciter: K = 100, lead-lag filter
Xe = 0-6 p.U.

200126.1 200127.1

Steady-State Stability Pole configurations for two different excitation systems

are given in Fig. 2 and 3. The operating point is
Theory P = 0-5 p.u., Q = -0-3 p. u. (underexcited). The external
For the purposes of studying the small signal behaviour reactance was 0-6 p.u.
the system equations have been linearized for a given The transfer functions of the excitation system were as
operating point. The system equations comp rise all the follows
components such as generator, prime mover, excitation
system and the external network. The linearized system For Fig. 2
of differential equations, which may be of the lOth
order, is brought into the canonical form Uf _ 7-5
Am t " 1+0-4 p
= Ax + b u For Fig. 3

where x is the state vector, u the control vector, A the ut (1 + 2 - 0 / 7 ) (1 +0-1/7)

system matrix and b the control vector. A MT (1 + 10-0 p) (1 + 0-02 p) (1 + 0-4 p) '
In the present case x consists of the flux linkages ipi,ipi),
xpQ, the rotor angle <5 and the slip s, as well as states of The pole configurations in the vicinity of the imaginary
the excitation system. u is equal to m and thus b isjust axis are quite similar. The dominant pole pair in each
scalar. case is the one with an imaginary part of around
The eigen values of the system matrix A are the roots of co = 5-0 rad. The other pole pair has a frequency one
the characteristic equation and determine the damping order of magnitude lower and hence a/co is much larger.
behaviour of the system. This frequency will hardly appear in the time response.
A digital programme is available which performs all the This is shown in Fig. 4 and 5 where the time behaviour
numerical work described. for this operating point for a small disturbance is

210 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

plotted. The damping characteristic is the same as
expected by examining the pole configuration.
Since damping is the main concern in steady-state
stability the real part of the pole or the pair of poles
closest to the imaginary axis can be taken as the single
characteristic parameter for the given operating point. If o 1 2 3 4 s 5
200128.1 t
it is plotted for the complete operating region a quite
Fig. 4 - Small signal response
comprehensive picture of the turbogenerator equipped
Operating point:
with a specific excitation system and operating at a given
P = 0-5 p.u.
power system is received. Q = — 0 - 3 p.u.
An example of such a plot is given in the capability Excitation system as Fig. 2
diagram in Fig. 6 which is the P-Q plane where curves
of constant a values drawn for a = 0 -0-1, -0-2, -0-3, -0-4
and -0-5 are presented.
This diagram which illustrates the familiar stability limit
at a = 0 has the advantage that each operating point is
characterized not only by a stability margin, i.e. the
distance in MVA to the stabi'ity limit, but also by a 0 1 2 3 4 s 5
measure of the damping. 200129.1 '

Fig. 5 - Small signal response

Operating point:
P = 0-5 p.u.
With the theory offering various tools such as pole Q = — 0-3 p.u.
configuration, curves of constant damping in the P — Q Excitation system as Fig. 3
plane and the small signal response it is possible to
investigate the effect of gain, lead-lag compensation
networks, external networks, additional signals, gene- has been changed to x e = 0-3 p.u. for the capability
rator parameters, etc. diagram in Fig. 7. As expected, the operating ränge in
First, the external network is examined. The external the underexcited region is extended. As far as the
reactance which was chosen to be x e = 0-6 p.u. in Fig. 7 damping is concerned the regions having a values smaller

Fig. 6 (left) - 666 MVA generator, capability

Excitation system as Fig. 2
Xe = 0-6 p.U.

Fig. 7 (right) - 666 MVA generator, capability

Excitation system as Fig. 2
Xe — 0-3 p.u.

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Fig. 8 (left) - 666 MVA generator, capability
Excitation system as Fig. 3
Xe= 0'6 p.U.

Fig. 9 (right) - 666 MVA generator. capability

Excitation system as Fig. 3
xe = 0-3 p.u.

than -0-4 and -0-5 are considerably wider particularly pole configuration in Fig. 10 and the small signal
for overexcited operation. In the underexcited region response in Fig. 11 which may be compared with the
damping is not as good as for xe = 0-6 p.u. corresponding figures Fig. 3 and Fig. 5.
Next, the excitation system was changed. The proportion- The signals generated are approximations to slip and
al gain was raised to K = 100 and a lead-lag acceleration of the turbogenerator and the feedback
compensation network was inserted as in the section system as a whole represents an approximation to State
'theory' above. The resulting capability diagrams are space feedback which is responsible for the improvement.1
shown in Fig. 8 and 9 for external reactances xe = 0-6
p.u. and xe = 0-3 p.u.
In comparison with Fig. 6 and 7 there is little difference Transient S t a b i l i t y
as far as the stability limit and the damping in the over
and underexcited region are concerned. This result can The test case studied with regard to transient stability
also be gathered from the small signal response in Fig. 4 was a three-phase fault with successful reclosure.
and 5. In the pre-fault condition the external reactance was
At this point it should be mentioned that it is advisable assumed to be 0-3 p.u. and the generator was loaded at
to check the result of the capability diagram by samples its rating, power factor = 0-9.
of the small signal behaviour since the curves of During the fault condition which lasted 0-15 s the short
constant damping do not reveal which of the pole pairs circuit reactance was 0-2 p.u.
is dominant, see Fig. 2 and 3. Before the faulted line was reclosed the network was
So far, only the normal voltage feedback has been assumed to have a reactance of xe = 0-5 p.u. for a time
investigated. Today there are additional feedback signals period of 0-3 s.
available which may be fed into the excitation system The post-fault network was identical to the pre-fault
and show a quite improved damping behaviour. The network.
manner in which these signals are generated is already The behaviour of the rotor angle and of the field voltage
indicated in the block diagram in Fig. 1. illustrate the characteristic behaviour of the system.
These signals have proved most useful in connection
with high-speed rectifier excitation. But also with an a.c. 1
D. Oeding, P. Nemetz: Stability and voltage regulation of large turbo-
exciter having a time constant of Te = 0-4 s, a better alternators in power systems; effect of machine data and excitation
systems. IEEE Winter Power Meeting 1970, Conference Paper No. 70 CP
damping behaviour can be noticed as illustrated by the 199-PWR.

212 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

These quantities are shown in Fig. 12 for the low V o l t a g e Regulation
proportional gain excitation system. The field voltage
reaches the ceiling voltage of 5-0 p.u. and then decays All functions discussed so far are actually performed by
down to the steady-state value. The rotor angle reached voltage regulation during synchronous operation of the
a maximum of 137-2 degrees. turbogenerator. The voltage deviations are small com-
The Performance of the high gain excitation system with pared with those caused by serious faults. Maintenance
the lead-lag filter is quite similar, as shown in Fig. 13. of the voltage level is therefore not the primary objective
The ceiling voltage is reached immediately after the fault of the excitation system. It is rather the maintenance of
is initiated. The maximum rotor angle is 134-8 degrees. a given operating point.
The damping behaviour of the two systems is quite When the generator becomes disconnected from the
similar. network, substantial voltage deviations may occur,
The effect of additional signals is shown in Fig. 14, using depending on the loading of the turbogenerator before
a 2 x 750 MVA plant as an example. The duration of the switching operation.
the fault is very short (0-05 s) and no autoreclosure takes Under this condition the functioning of the excitation
place. The decay of the rotor oscillation is well damped system as a voltage regulating system as such, becomes
after the first cycle. The static excitation system receives important.
slip and acceleration as additional signals. Another condition where voltage regulation is in the

0 1 2 3 4 s 5
200135.1 "" t

Fig. 11 - Small signal response

Operating point:
P = 0-6 p.u.
Q = — 0-3 p.u.
Excitation system as Fig. 10



Fig. 10 - 666 M V A generator, eomplex left half plane

Pole configuration:
P = 0-5 p . u .
Q = —0-3 p.u. Fig. 12 - 666 M V A generator
A . C . exciter: K - 100, lead-lag filter Transient stability: three-phase fault with automatic reclosure
Xe = 0-6 p.u. Excitation system as Fig. 2
Additional signals: slip and acceleration a = Rotor angle
Gains: A = — 10, B = 0-5 b = Field voltage

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

150 p.u.

u{ 6 "Tl,2
| U
t f 1
p.u. 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0
p.u. b
3,0 3

| 2,0
50 "f
1,0 1,0
\ /
0 — — '
1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 s 5,0 0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 s 5,0
200137.1 200139.1
Fig. 13 - 666 M V A generator Fig. 15 - Voltage control after load shedding
Transient stability: three-phase fault with automatic reclosure P = 0
Excitation system as Fig. 3 Q = 0-5 p.u.
a = R o t o r angle Excitation system as Fig. 2
b = Field voltage Excitation system as Fig. 3
a = Terminal voltage
b = Field voltage

foreground is one where the turbogenerator is deter- In any case the steady-state voltage error should be
minant for the voltage level of a subsystem which, in the small. This may be achieved by integral action or by a
extreme case, may be isolated. high proportional gain. The high proportional gain has
the advantage that it offers a fast response during a
In this operating condition also stability has to be
To illustrate the effects of various adjustments of the
excitation system three test cases were chosen:
Fig. 14 - Transient stability of
a 2 X 750 M V A plant with - reactive load shedding, overexcited,
additional signals at exciter - reactive load shedding, underexcited, and
system. Fault duration 0 05 s,
no autoreclosure. - füll load rejection.
In Figure 15 the two excitation systems discussed previ-
ously are compared for reactive load shedding starting
from overexcited operation.
The maximum overvoltage is practically the same for
both systems. The return to the new steady-state value is
well damped, however, the steady-state values themsel-
ves differ considerably due to the set points which are
not the same for the two gain settings.
With a gain of K = 100 the field voltage drops to the
lower ceiling which is then determinant for the decay of
the terminal voltage. The steady-state value of the
terminal voltage is very close to 1-0 p.u., actually l-013p.u.
For the low gain system the steady-state value stays at
1-159 p.u.
The problem of having an offset in the set point value of
a low gain system is also reflected in the other test cases.
o Figure 16 illustrates load shedding starting from under-

214 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

p.u. p.u.
« I 1- , 32 1,3
» " T 1,2
fI U
0,9 0,9

1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0
p.u. b p.u. b
3,0 3,0
"f "f

// ^
V 4 2,0 \
| 2,0 S \ ^
1,0 \ J _
0 1,0 2.0 3,0 4,0 s 5,0 0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 s 5,0
200140.1 200141.1

Fig. 16 - Voltage control after load shedding Fig. 17 - Voltage control after füll load rejection
P = 0 P = 0-9 p . u .
Q = 0-435 p.u.
Q = — 0 - 3 5 p.u.
Excitation system as Fig. 2 Excitation system as Fig. 2
— Excitation system as Fig. 3 Excitation system as Fig. 3
a = Terminal voltage a = Terminal voltage
b = Field voltage b = Field voltage

excited operation. The responses are similar to the over- exhibited complement the findings of this report as far
excited case. as the effects of generator reactances and high-speed
A somewhat different behaviour pattern is exhibited in excitation are concerned.
the case of füll load rejection, as shown in Fig. 17. The Four types of generator have been investigated and it
initial voltage rise is equal for both excitation systems. has been shown that high-speed rectiüer excitation
Afterwards the speed increases and drives the terminal considerably improves the Performance of a generator
voltage up further. The high gain system is able to having a high transient reactance. This applies to steady-
reduce it to a value near the set point whereas the low state and transient stability, as well as to voltage
gain system cannot suppress the overvoltage. regulation.
These cases illustrate quite clearly the need for a high Transient stability was studied in close detail. It was
proportional gain for reasons of maintaining a preset assessed in terms of critical fault duration, maximum
steady-state voltage level and achieving a satisfactory rotor angle and maximum permissible active power
response. Output.
As to the choice of a high loop gain it may again be Voltage regulation was compared by applying steps of
emphasized that steady-state stability with a high gain reference voltage, disconnecting inductive load, rejecting
system is equivalent and that it can be further improved füll load and applying capacitive load. In all cases high-
by additional signals. speed rectifier excitation showed superior Performance
Transient stability is affected only to a small degree by overexcitation by rotating machines.
the choice of the gain. It is the ceiling voltage which is Rectifier excitation systems lend themselves very con-
most important. veniently to the application of additional signals and
For the purposes of reactive power control it seems also yield an improved damping behaviour.
advantageous to choose a high gain in order to achieve
sufficient response and accuracy.

V e r y Large T u r b o g e n e r a t o r s Due to the availability of accurate methods of analysis,

the complex of determining parameters and structures of
A survey of the Performance of turbogenerators having excitation systems can be investigated to a great detail.
different machine parameters and being equipped with The synthesis procedure is, however, iterative since
different excitation systems is given in 1 . The results several different operating conditions have to be checked

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

and the overall Performance may be considered satisfac-
tory if the excitation system is able to serve all specified
operating conditions.
As to steady-state stability the basic voltage regulator
offers good Performance. When a high loop gain is
chosen a compensating network is required. Further
improvement may be achieved by applying signals
derived from the rotor motion,i.e. slipandacceleration.
Transient stability is affected by many parameters
outside the excitation system. The important single
Parameter of the excitation system is the ceiling voltage.
Other control parameters have a certain influence on the
transient following the first swing.
For voltage regulation it is recommended to employ a
high gain in order to maintain a constant voltage level
and achieve a satisfactory dynamic response.
Many unfavorable characteristics of large turbogene-
rators may be overcome by a properly chosen excitation
In the end it has to be realized that the choice of
parameters of the excitation system is a compromise
since adaptation according to the present technology can
be implemented only to a limited extent.

216 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Overvoltages in the Field Circuit of Synchronous
Machines with Rectifier Excitation

M. Canay
this particular test, when the field current could no longer
The field current of a synchronous machine can assume flow in the negative direction because the rectifier was
negative values during transient phenomena. However, as blocking. The calculated value of this voltage is, however,
it is impossible for the field current to flow in the negative about 7300 V.
direction in machines with rectifier excitation, overvoltages The results of standstill tests were possibly even more
occur in the field circuit which are of major significance for impressive and surprising when the induced voltage in the
the excitation equipment. The origin and calculation of open field winding loop is measured in relation to the
these overvoltages are discussed, using examples to illu- stator voltage. With single-phase supply to the Stator the
strate them. direct axis of the rotor must, of course, lie in the direc-
tion of the alternating field of the armature (position d).
These tests are easy to carry out and they also permit even
the small voltages and currents to be measured accurately
so that the Saturation effect can be eliminated from the
outset; this is often erroneously regarded as the origin of
the discrepancies mentioned above. The results of such
measurements carried out on eight synchronous machines
Introduction are compiled in Table I.
It can be seen from the Table that, in general, the calcu-
Düring many transient or quasi-steady-state phenomena lated values for turbogenerators are much higher than the
the field current of a synchronous machine flows in the measured values, but on the other hand the values calcu-
negative direction. This cannot occur, however, in ma- lated for salient-pole generators are much lower than
chines with rectifier excitation because the field circuit is those measured. This phenomenon cannot simply be ex-
virtually open, i.e. it remains blocked. Consequently, plained as a Saturation effect in the case of salient-pole
under certain circumstances, a very high voltage can occur machines. There are, of course, machines where these
at the terminals of the field winding. In order to protect discrepancies are very small, depending on the design of
the complete excitation system (diodes, thyristors, etc.) the rotor. It is particularly in small machines or laboratory
the maximum possible field voltage must be known, to specimens of a few kVA that these discrepancies can be
permit special protection measures to be taken if neces- very small [2], It should also be noted here that the shape
sary, such as installing appropriately designed discharge of the field current curve for a sudden three-phase short
resistors. circuit in a small generator is entirely different from that
The theoretical investigations involved, based on the con- of a large turbogenerator where the damper winding and
ventional two-axis theory, provide results which differ the solid rotor play a vital role. Consequently, many in-
considerably from reality. As an example we quote here vestigations carried out on small machines are not rep-
the results of such an investigation [1]. During loss of resentative for larger ones. If measurements carried out
synchronism at a 37-5 MVA turbogenerator with rectifier on such machines do not, by coincidence, show any large
excitation, about 700 V occurred in thefield circuit during discrepancies it must not be immediately assumed that

Table I: Comparison between the calculated and measured values of field voltages, static impedance measurement test

Machine 1 T T T T T T S S

MVA 722 490 300 300 228 13 7-7 7-5

kV 22 24 18 18 15-5 15-5 15-5 5-5
ut p.u. 2 calculated 697 840 440 245 226 438 781 300
measured 21-3 42 31 12-2 39 130 1320 760
T : Turbogenerator S: Salient-pole machine
wi p.u. = Ui/Un Un". Air-gap excitation voltage

Brown Boveri Rev. 5 - 7 4

the conventional method of calculation is sufficiently ac- constants Ta', Ta", r a and also require that the leakage
curate. Further examples of such discrepancies in rotor reactance of the armature x a o be given. It is impossible to
quantities have already been described in detail [3 and 4], determine the field current or the field voltage from xa,
It is obvious from the above that the following questions xa', xa", Ta', Ta" and T& alone. These values may be either
are of major significance: calculated or measured. We can then derive all elements
of the equivalent circuit diagram from the equations given
1. How can the maximum field voltage be calculated in in Fig. 1 or similar [5]. This diagram thus forms the nu-
advance? cleus of mathematical Simulation of the synchronous ma-
2. When, and under what fault conditions, can it occur? chine in modern methods of calculation which are nor-
The causes of such large discrepancies are discussed brief- mally programmed.
ly in this contribution and an attempt is made to answer The assumption that the damper, field and armature cir-
these questions. cuits are mutually coupled only by the fundamental wave
of the main field, i.e. through the reactance x a d = Xd —
Xa<T, does not correspond to the true configuration of the
Causes of Discrepancies in Rotor rotor of a synchronous machine.
Quantities As an example of this the magnetic coupling between the
damper and field circuit of a turbogenerator is shown
Let us first consider an ideal synchronous machine with diagrammatically in Fig. 2. The fundamental wave of the
two rotor circuits whose inductances and resistances are main field is given by y>, and the leakagefield of the exciter
independent of frequency. Also, for the time being, we winding by rpat + ipam. Thefield winding/is magnetically
will disregard the Saturation because the discrepancies coupled with the damper winding D and the armature
mentioned above also occur in non-saturated machines. winding through the fundamental wave. As the lines of
The effect of Saturation can, of course, create additional leakage field ipGm also encompass the damper bars D, the
discrepancies if it is not considered with sufficient ac- magnetic coupling between the damper and field circuits
curacy in the calculation. exists not only through the fundamental wave y>, but also
Until now it has been common practice to base the calcula- through the stray field The true coupling between
tion of transient phenomena in a synchronous machine the damper and field circuits is therefore better than that
on the conventional equivalent circuit diagram in Fig. 1. through the fundamental wave. This means that the as-
This diagram is based on the assumption that the damper, sumption mentioned above gives a false pattern of the
field and armature circuits are magnetically coupled only magnetic coupling in the machine from the outset.
with the main field according to reactance x a d. Other Without this assumption and commencing from the di-
methods of calculation where no equivalent circuit dia- rect-axis voltage equations we derive the equivalent cir-
gram is given directly, are also based on this assumption. cuit diagrams in Fig. 3 [3 and 4]. The reactances x a d, x r e
We start with the reactances Xd, xa', xa" and the time and Xfc in Fig. 3a correspond to fields y>, y)<jm and rpat in
Fig. 2. Although the referred values of the mutual reac-
tances x a d = XdD = xat and XfD = Xad + x-rc are approxi-
mately equal because x r c Aad, they must not be regarded
as identical. The only difference between the new diagram
(Fig. 3a) and its predecessor (Fig. 1) is the reactance x r c
on the common current path joining the damper and
field circuits. As can be seen from Fig. 2, Xrc IS always
positive in the case of turbogenerators, but often negative
Fig. 1 - Conventional equivalent circuit diagram of direct axis for salient-pole machines because here the true coupling
a = Armature circuit between damper and field circuits is worse than that
D = D a m p e r circuit
/ = Field circuit
through the fundamental wave [4],
Without making any assumptions regarding the pattern
x% d xa — Xao of the magnetic coupling, the equivalent circuit diagram
xa' — x*o in Fig. 3a can be brought to the traditional form (Fig. 3b)
xtc = , Xna
xa — xa merely by changing the reference values of the rotor cir-
Xa" — Xaö , , cuits, and this introduces a new reactance x c in place of
XDC = - „ (xa — JTaa) the armature leakage reactance x a a . There is a simple
XA — xa
relationship between x c and x r c
1 Xa *ad 2
rt = —rrr T
m Ta xa xa — xa
1 xa" (xa' — ATao)2
Xc — X a < j Xad Xre

It can be seen from this that x c depends not only on the

armature winding and its stray field, but also on the
structural features of the rotor circuits. Consequently,
x e must not be defined as the leakage reactance of the
armature circuit. In the case of turbogenerators x e is
always greater than the leakage reactance x a c but in sali-
ent-pole machines it is often smaller and can reach zero or
even become negative.

218 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

•1*3 <T K, jxfc rf/s

j*Dc | j
J*ad ' \rm(\+l}.)lfs~

J*c j*fc
J*Dc I I
}(x, - Ar ) j j rfE(\+]
D'S 1J

| 1^
I 1
Fig. 3 - Correct equivalent circuit diagrams of direct axis of an idealized
synchronous machine
a: x = x*a
Fig. 2 - Magnetic coupling between field and damper circuit in turbo- b: x = Xv
generators Reference values of field winding:
(For symbols, see text.) /tB = /n fei — x)
S x& XÄ —
UfB = —— = Un 7> to
/ i b xa — x
In = Air-gap exciter current
S = Rated apparent power

Although, in contrast to Fig. 3a, the equivalent circuit ing circuit is open, or periodically acts as an open loop
diagram in Fig. 3b cannot be interpreted physically, it due to the rectifier, currents can be induced in the solid
has a signihcance because of its similarity to the conven- slot walls (Fig. 2). These eddy currents in the slot walls
tional diagram in Fig. 1. It is, in fact, possible to use an considerably reduce the resultant field so that the induced
existing Computer programme based on the conventional voltage in the field winding is considerably smaller than
diagram to calculate the rotor quantities of an ideal ma- without this effect. The influence of the slot walls is not
chine if we use the new reactance xc in place of the stray taken into consideration in either the conventional meth-
field reactance xaa. od of calculation (Fig. 1) or in the equivalent circuit dia-
All components of the equivalent circuit diagrams in grams of idealized machines in Fig. 3 (without rfE).
Fig. 3 can be determined from Xd, xa', xa" and 7V, 7Y' if We can now summarize. The causes of the unrealistic
xc (or x r c ) is known. In order to simulate the direct axis results of conventional methods of calculating the rotor
mathematically, in addition to xa, xa, xa", T& and 7Y' quantities are:
we also require a value for the new reactance x c which can
be determined either experimentally or by using Eq. (1). 1. Incorrect Simulation of the rotor circuits in Fig. 1.
In the mathematical models of real machines the effect of 2. Not taking the rotor slot walls into account with an
the solid rotor must also be taken into account. During open field winding.
the transient phenomena, currents are induced not only in If we use the equivalent circuit diagrams in Fig. 3, which
the field and damper windings but also at the surface of correctly simulate the rotor circuits and also take the
the solid rotor. The rotor surface with its eddy-current effects of the solid rotor into account, we can calculate
resistance /"de acts as a damper circuit parallel to the the induced field voltages in advance with sufficient ac-
main inductance x a a- In addition to this, if the field wind- curacy.

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Considering t h e Solid Rotor for Transient 0,0023 j0,221 j 0,087 j0,146 0,0007/s

O—1 1 — I 1 l—o
j 0,0187
The equivalent circuit diagrams of a large turbogenerator

were determined (Fig. 4) with approximated considera- d j 1,907 1 | 0,02(1 + j X)l]/T
tion of the solid rotor according to [4].
The eddy-current resistances at the rotor surface and the
slot walls depend largely on Saturation. The values
quoted for eddy-current resistances refer to nominal 0,0107 /s
linear current density.
Although these simulations have been checked by numer- A DE© DW fE
ous investigations and adequate agreement with the meas-
urements was attained in each case, they have a drawback.
There are certain restrictions to their use in Computer 0,0023 j 0,221 j 0,338 j 0,38
programmes for transient phenomena. There are certain o—C

Problems in calculating the four rotor circuits DE, DW,

fE and / with two eddy-current resistances DE and fE
which are irrationally dependent on slip. In order to ; 1.803 I 0,033 (1 + j X)/\s
allow existing Computer programmes for ideal machines
0,06 /s
to be used for transient phenomena and stability investiga-
tions, let us idealize the turbogenerator as shown in Fig. 4,
i.e. it shall be represented approximatively by only two
rotor circuits (damper and field) with resistances and in- Fig. 4 - Equivalent circuit diagrams of a 1400 M V A turbogenerator
ductances which are independent of frequency. It must A = Main reactance (air gap)
be emphasized, however, that it is impossible to represent DE = R o t o r surface
with the same degree of accuracy, either physically or DW = D a m p e r winding
fE = R o t o r slot walls
mathematically, a synchronous machine with a solid rotor / = Field circuit
by only two rotor circuits having constant resistances and d — Direct axis
q = Q u a d r a t u r e axis
inductances for all modes of operation occurring. For
this reason the idealization, which represents an objective
simplification, depends on the phenomena and quantities
to be investigated. However, if the emphasis is on correct
derivation of the amplitudes of currents and voltages, but
not on asynchronous torques, for instance, the synchron-
ous machine can be idealized on the basis of the following
two conditions:

1. The amplitude of the sudden short-circuit current shall

decay approximately with two time constants TA", TA in
the direct axis and with one time constant Tq" in the
quadrature axis. The following charateristic quantities for
this turbogenerator are given by Fig. 4:

x d = 2-13 x d ' = 0-43 xa" = 0-27 T&' = l-68s TA" = 0-032 s

= 2-02 X q " = 0-28 — r " = 0-047 s

Previously this was the only condition for idealizing a With this value of xc and the above characteristic quan-
synchronous machine and representing it according to tities it was possible to idealize the turbogenerator and
Fig. 1. The switchgear was calculated and is given in simulate it according to Fig. 3a. The components of
Table II. the two models are compiled in Table II for compar-
ison. Blondel's leakage coefficient atd between field and
2. The initial amplitude of the a.c. component of the
damper c i r c u i t s and also the reactance are much
x d c
field current under three-phase sudden short circuit with a
smaller in the new S i m u l a t i o n (Fig. 3) than in the traditional
terminal voltage u must be equal to the induced field cur-
model with arbitrary assumptions regarding the coupling
rent at s = 1.
between the magnetic fields. This indicates that the field
From this condition, which is based on a physical fact, we
winding of this turbogenerator is, in fact, much better
can calculate the necessary reactance x c for correct Simul-
screened by the damper circuit (xdc is smaller). The effects
ation according to Fig. 3. The conditional equation is:
of these discrepancies will be demonstrated more clearly in
later comparisons.
Xd — — XA' itju
= xa (2) It must be mentioned once again that the idealization car-
xä —XA — XA" UJU
ried out is not equally good for all quantities. For instance
For the generator in Fig. 4 we have = 0-508 and the asynchronous braking torque generated by the d.c.
from this field (s = I) of the stator is not determined correctly.
These details and further conditions for idealizing are not
= 0-262 investigated further here.

220 Brown Boveri Rev. 5 - 7 4

Table II: Comparison of equivalent circuit diagrams
(characteristic values x d = 2T3, Xd' = 0-43, x&" = 0-27, 7Y = 1-68 s, Ta" = 0-032 s)

Elements xa xc xdc *fc sro ro rt rm

Fig. 1 0-221 - 0-0656 0-236 0-14 0-0143 0-00068

Fig. 3b - 0-262 0-0118 0-182 0-094 0-009 0-00067 33-5r t ]/ s

Overvoltages in t h e Field W i n d i n g field winding during asynchronous running between s > 0

and 5 = 1. There is a further reason for extending the in-
By way of an example let us assume that the turbogener- vestigation up to s = 1. During transient phenomena the
ator shown in Fig. 4 is connected through a unit-con- d.c. components of the stator current can cause temporary
nected transformer to an infinite system (Fig. 5). The stationary fields, in relation to which the rotor is running
short-circuit reactances xt of the transformer xn of the at s = 1. Consequently we must first investigate asynchro-
network are known quantities. The generator has recti- nous operation with open field winding as a limiting case.
fier excitation supplied from the network. The field wind-
ing is, therefore, closed if the current is positive and open
if a negative field current occurs during a transient phe- Voltage in Open Field Winding During Asynchronous
nomenon. It is also assumed that there is no compounding Operation
by the stator current. This effect, which additionally in- Initially, a Computer programme was used to calculate the
creases the excitation in the positive direction [2] can induced voltage in the open field winding as a quasi-
only improve the Situation as far as the field voltages are steady-state phenomenon on the basis of the equivalent
concerned. circuit diagrams in Fig. 4. The following effects are taken
The field winding acts as an open loop circuit only im- into account:
mediately following the first current zero, i.e. it is not
1. Saturation of the eddy current resistances according to
interrupted by switching off the current. Consequently
the linear current densities at the rotor.
the voltages occurring must be equal to or smaller than
those voltages ut which it is at all possible to induce in an 2. Effects of narrow rotor teeth on the depth of penetra-
open field winding. There are two distinct causes for this: tion of the eddy currents.
3. Total external reactance xt + XN-
1. A sudden change in the stator voltage u, e.g. short-
circuit. The result of this calculation is shown as curve a in Fig. 6.
2. Rotor slip at stator voltage u (asynchronous running). It can be seen that the maximum voltage is induced at
approximately 2% slip and that the peak value is about
According to the two-axis theory of an idealized synchro-
12 p.u., i.e. 1530 V, considerably lower than the 5 kV
nous machine the relationship between the phasors ut and
rotor test voltage. Another interesting feature is that the
u is given by the following equation in the frequency
induced field voltage is lower at s = 1 than at s = 0-02.
domain of the modified Laplace transformation
The cause of this phenomenon is mainly the influence of
the slot walls whose Screening effect becomes much more
P (1 ffdf) 7f w 1 + p [A-D TT> (O
Uf (3) apparent at large slip values (low penetration).
1 1 + PffaD TT> (O
Ta m

where Blondel's leakage coefficient adt is known from

xa'/xa and Laible's factor /J,T> is also known from
XDC/(XDC + X d — xc); refer to Fig. 3b for and x e .x d c

For ut immediately following the sudden change in stator

voltage, this equation gives us (/ = + 0, p = oo)

Xpc (*d — * d ' ) Fig. 5 - System configuration (for symbols, see text)
Ut 7f a> u (4)
*Dc Xä + X C ( x a — Xc)

This equation is, however, no different from the expression

for the amplitude of the induced field voltage at s = 1.
If we determine the field voltage ut at s = 1 direct from
Fig. 3b and thereby neglect ri> and consider xdc only or
derive it direct from Eq. (3) inserting p = j, we have, once
again, this equation. This means that we can determine
the total of all the maximum major field voltages if we
take into consideration the voltages induced in the open

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

We can also carry out this calculation according to the U[IUn
diagram in Fig. 3 of the idealized turbogenerator. As the
field winding circuit is open, and therefore not carrying \
current, it is essential that the effect of the slot walls be 300
\ \
taken into account. This can be achieved by connecting \
an eddy-current resistance n'E (1 + j 0-6) J/s in parallel
with the external field circuit with resistance n (see Table
200 \
II) as in the case of the equivalent circuit diagram for the \ . c
direct axis shown in Fig. 4. The ratio rm/rt must remain 100
unchanged, as in Fig. 4. With this ratio and with rt from N c
Fig. 3b we can determine rm- The result of this calculation \
for the induced field voltage according to Fig. 3b and 0,5 1 0,98 0,99 1
with rtE is shown as curve b in Fig. 6. The shape of the
curve agrees well with that shown in Fig. 4, This indicates »f = utiut,

that the idealization is true and the simplified Simulation A

in Fig. 3b using ^b is sufficiently accurate for calculating /I

the currents and voltages. 10 / A

The result of the conventional calculation shown in Fig. 1 a
presents an entirely different picture and is completely
irrational and misleading (see curve c in Fig. 6). Although
at small slip values of up to about 0-25 % the curve does
not differ greatly from that in Fig. 4. At large slip values
the rotor voltage increases almost proportionally to j
and, at s = 1 reaches a value approximately 40 times u
0,5 1 0,98 0,99 t
greater than that in Fig. 4. This comparison shows clearly 200108.1
how incorrect the result can be of a calculation using the Fig. 6 - Rotor voltage in asynchronous operation
conventional Simulation of a synchronous machine. a — According to Fig. 4
b = According to Fig. 3b with nn (1 + j0-6)/]/ s
c = According to Fig. 1 (conventional)

Field Voltage Düring Transient Phenomena

Under normal circumstances the field current always re-
mains positive during many transient operating conditions
[6], For this reason we consider here two abnormal oper-
ating conditions where the field current could temporarily
assume negative values but can no longer flow because of A
the rectifier in the excitation circuit. These are: A S r - •x—

1. Loss of synchronism following loss of excitation.

2. Short-circuit at the high-voltage side of the unit-con-
nected transformer followed by voltage recovery.
The calculations are carried out with a digital programme
for transient phenomena on the basis of the equivalent
circuit diagram in Fig. 3a and a simple voltage regulator
is assumed to be present. As has already been mentioned,
difficulties are encountered in considering the slot walls
with their frequency-dependent complex eddy-current
resistances rm (1 + j 0-6) ]/s. To avoid makingthe existing
Computer programme more complex the frequency-de-
pendent eddy current resistance is replaced by a constant
resistance with a value of i

r^-vcT v D
-0,5 0 0,5
r f B ( l + j 0-6) | = 33-5 n (5)
Fig. 7 - Operating diagram (for symbols, see text)

this obviously makes the calculation less favourable. For

instance, this simplification gives a different curve for
quasi-steady-state asynchronous operation than in Fig. 6.
At s = 0-014 the calculated field voltage is approximately (see curve b in Fig. 6). The calculation thus remains de-
24 p.u. and at ^ = 0-05 reaches a maximum value of 33 p.u. liberately on the safe side.
It then drops and, at s = 1, assumes the same value of
8 p.u. as in Fig. 6.
The new maximum value of 33 p.u. is more than twice Loss of Synchronism due to Loss of Excitation
that (14 p.u.) calculated with the frequency-dependent It is assumed that excitation is lost due to a fault in the
eddy current resistance and the diagram shown in Fig. 3a excitation circuit. To avoid unnecessary increase in com-

222 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Fig. 8 - Loss of synchronism resulting from loss of excitation
(For symbols, see text.)

puter time, the calculation is carried out for füll load in Short-Circuit on the H.V. Side
the leading ränge (point E in Fig. 7): A three-phase sudden short circuit occurs on the h.v. side
of the transformer during operation (Fig. 5). After a given
p = 0-85 p.u. = 100% load, ^ = —0-31 p.u., u = 1-0p.u. time t it is interrupted by the breaker S so that the system
voltage is recovered immediately. Single-phase line-to-
The result is shown in Fig. 8. After the excitation voltage line sudden short circuits are not considered here because
is interrupted the internal generator voltage decays. The the change in field current, including the a.c. component,
rotor angle <5 increases so that the generator loses syn- is greater during three-phase sudden short circuits for the
chronism after about 3 s. At <5 = 180° the turbogenerator same conditions.
already has a slip of about s = 0-014. The induced rotor It is known that a sudden three-phase short circuit, which
voltage is approximately 24-3 p. u. = 3100 V. A check has in fact means a negative voltage surge, causes a temporary
shown that this value agrees with that for quasi-steady- increase of A in in the rotor current which then becomes
state asynchronous Operation under similar conditions even larger. When the short circuit has been cleared and
(f{E = constant and s = 0-014). the system voltage recovers suddenly, the rotor current, in
If we had taken the relationship between the eddy-current reply to this positive voltage surge, is subjected to a
resistance of the slot walls and frequency into account negative change — A in. The total current becomes
here also for transient phenomena, as in the case of quasi- smaller and can even become negative. Among other
steady-state asynchronous Operation, the maximum volt- factors the amounts and signs of these changes are, of
age would very probably be equal to or smaller than the course, largely dependent on the corresponding rotor
result of the calculation for quasi-steady-state asynchro- angle. They reach maxima when the short circuit occurs
nous operation in Fig. 6 (curve b), i.e. about 14 p.u. at d & 0 and the subsequent voltage recovery is at d «a 2 n,
The subsequent voltage peaks reduce because the field 4u, etc.
current, which is flowing only in the positive direction, Two calculations were carried out corresponding to the
causes a certain excitation in course of time and this re- rated operating point A in Fig. 7 for short-circuit dura-
duces the negative current waves. tions of t = 0-28 and t = 0-5 s. The curves with respect to

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Fig. 9 - Three-phase sudden short circuit with recovery of system voltage a : Short-circuit duration t = 0-2 s
during operation at rated load b : Short-circuit duration ( = 0-5 s

224 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Fig. 10 - Three-phase sudden short circuit with recovery of system voltage a : Operating point B in Fig. 7
b: Operating point C in Fig. 7
Table III: Field voltages1 during short circuits followed entire transient phenomenon, as can also be shown by
by recovery of system voltage. Short-circuit duration 0-5 s simple calculation.
The results of these calculations corresponding to various
Operating point (Fig. 7) A B C D operating points are compiled in Table III. The results of
conventional calculations according to Fig. 1 are also in-
Calculation cluded for comparison purposes. A comparison again
shows clearly the discrepancies between the new and tradi-
According to Fig. 3b tional methods of calculation.
(with constant Under three-phase sudden short circuits in the leading
ffE = 33-5 n) - 10-4 1-9 operating ränge, the field current can also become neg-
According to Fig. 1 ative in many machines [2]. This is, however, mainly true
(conventional) - 80 38 115 of small machines. The transient leap in the field current
under a sudden three-phase short circuit is approximately
Düring the blocking phase of the rectifier bridge, values in p.u. referred (xa/xa— 1) u cos ö. On the other hand the a.c. com-
to air-gap excitation voltage UN ponent is k (xd/xa— 1) u, i.e. not related to the load
angle 8. In large turbogenerators with damper windings,
factor k lies between 0-05 and 0-30 (0-4), depending on the
design, and in salient-pole machines it is between 0-8 and
I I . If no damper winding isfitted, and also in small turbo-
generators, k can be up to 1. In order that the total cur-
rent during a three-phase sudden short circuit can tempo-
rarily become negative, the excitation current ito must
comply approximately with the following conditions:

Xd —Xd'
ito < —- (k — coso) (6)
time of i, it and rotor angle d are shown in Fig. 9. In the Xd
first case, where t = 0-28 s, the generator remains in syn-
chronism, in the second case, where t = 0-5 s, synchro- It can be seen from this expression that the rotor current
nism is lost. Although the changes A/'n under short cir- under sudden short-circuit conditions in large turbo-
cuit and Mn during recovery of the network voltage are generators does not become negative as easily as in small
quite pronounced, the total field current remains positive turbogenerators or salient-pole machines. However, there
in both cases because the initial steady-state excitation are operating points where this condition can be fulfilled
current for rated operation is very large. for large generators with the smallest k value. If a sudden
The excitation level corresponding to operating points B short circuit should occur under such operating condi-
and C in Fig. 7 is low in the underexcited ränge. In the tions the excitation current can become negative. The
transient phenomenon under consideration here, it is extreme case occurs where the generator is running at the
easier for the total excitation current to become negative. stability limit (6 90°) almost without excitation and a
In case B (operating point B) with a short-circuit duration three-phase short-circuit occurs. The field current con-
of 0-5 s the field current would, in fact, become negative tains almost only the a.c. component of the short-circuit
(Fig. 10a). However, as the rectifier prevents it from flow- current and even the first negative half-wave is blocked by
ing, the result is a high rotor voltage of 10 p.u. Although the rectifier. As far as the rotor is concerned this means
we have taken a very unfavourable case for calculation asynchronous running at s = 1 and, at the same time, an
here, because rm (1 + j 0-6) ]/s is replaced by a constant open field winding in the stationary d.c. field of the arma-
resistance of 33-5 n, the result is, nevertheless, a lower ture. The fictitious asynchronous operation which has
value than that in asynchronous operation. been investigated above thus represents the worst pos-
In case C with the same short-circuit duration, but with sible case for the rotor overvoltages.
even lower excitation, the conditions become more fa-
vourable yet (Fig. 10b). The field current without an a.c.
component always remains positive and would only be- Conclusion
come temporarily negative due to the peaks in the a.c.
component, but no high voltage is induced. If the d.c. It has been shown that the traditional method of calculat-
component of the stator current would decay more rapidly ing the rotor voltages for large turbogenerators according
(Ta shorter), it would always remain positive. to the equivalent circuit diagram in Fig. 1 and without
If we further reduce the excitation and operate at point considering the slot wall effect in solid rotors gives un-
D in Fig. 7, the field current remains positive during the realistically high results. They do not agree with measured

226 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

values. In order to attain realistic results by advance calcu-
lation the following must be taken into account:
1. The true structure of the magnetic couplings in the
rotor circuits (Fig. 3a and b).
2. The slot wall effects in solid rotors can form a closed
loop around the magnetic field.
The maximum field voltages can be calculated if one takes
into account the voltages which can be induced in the
open field winding for fictitious asynchronous running in
the ränge 0 < s < 1. The maximum value as far as large
turbogenerators are concerned does not occur at s = 1,
but at smaller slip values of 1 to 5 % (Fig. 6). The design
of the excitation equipment must be based on this maxi-
mum value. It can easily be ascertained from the detailed
equivalent circuit diagrams taking the eddy-current resist-
ances of the solid rotor surface and the slot wall effects
into account (Fig. 4). This value is not exceeded during
transient phenomena.


[1] T. II. Mason, W. Fairnay, J.J. Arnold, M.J. Thelwell:

Asynchronous operation of turbogenerators. CIGRE
1972, Report No. 11-02.
[2] M. Goto, A. Isono, K. Okuda: Transient behaviour of
synchronous machines with shunt-connected thyristor
exciter under system faults. IEEE Trans. Pwr Appar. &
Syst. 90 1971 (5) 2218-2227.
[3] M. Canay: Causes of discrepancies on calculation of
rotor quantities and exact equivalent diagrams of the
synchronous machine. IEEE Trans. Pwr Appar. & Syst.
88 1969 (7) 1114-1120.
[4] M. Canay: Equivalent circuits of synchronous ma-
chines for calculating quantities of the rotor during the
transient processes and asynchronous starting.
Part I: Turbogenerators. Brown Boveri Rev. 56 1969 (2)
Part II: Salient-pole machines. Brown Boveri Rev. 57 1970
(3) 134-144.
[5] B. Adkins: The general theory of electrical machines.
Chapman & Hall 1962.
[6] G. Shankshaft, R. Neilson: Results of stability tests on
an underexcited 120 MW generator. Proc. Instn Elect.
Engrs 119 1972 (2) 175-188.

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

A Contribution to the Discussion Concerning
Methods of Balancing Flexible Rotors1

P. Wutsdorff

T h e o r e t i c a l Fundamentais
Following a brief resume of the theoretical fundamentals, the
known methods of balancing flexible rotors are described. The theory has been dealt with in detail in the literature
The procedure followed in an overspeed bay is discussed. A mentioned above. Here we need consider only that part
Computer Programme for balancing flexible rotors is intro- which applies to this investigation.
duced. This permits the balancing procedure, to which the The flexure of a shaft rotating at an angular velocity of m
rotor is subjected in an overspeed bay, to be simulated for with isotropic bearing conditions is described by a rotating
a given eccentricity distribution. Various balancing runs are system of x, y and z coordinates. The z axis is considered
discussed using the rotor of a 600 M W turbogenerator as as a straight line between the centres of the bearings and,
an example. if the static flexure is disregarded, it is identical with the
axis of the undeformed rotor. The spacial deflection curve

a z ) = [x (z) i y (z)] (1)

can be broken down at any point z into its components

x (z) and y (z) and it is sufficient to consider only one com-
ponent in the following. The expression for the deflection
in direction y is a function of z and the angular velocity a>,
and can be developed according to the natural functions

It is a known fact [4] that if the power is increased by the

factor X, with the operating diameter remaining constant,
y(z,0j)= £ V (CD, (Di, D) ai 01 (z). (2)
the critical bending speeds of flexible rotors are reduced
by the factor 1~2. As a result, rotors for low power ratings where Kis the enlargement function
can be unreservedly balanced in the same fashion as rigid
rotors, whereas the same rotor for a higher power rating
must be dealt with as a flexible rotor. Consequently, it is
V (tu, coi, D) = (3)
1/(1 — rji2)2 + 4 D2 rji2
common practice to refer to either rigid orflexible shafts.
with D which is the measure of damping according to
Lehr and r\\ = cu/coi.
Survey and Assumptions
It is assumed that the rotor has an infinite number of
The means of methodical balancing resulting from theo- individual natural frequencies. These are discrete and do
retical studies have been dealt with by several authors [2, not accumulate towards the finite. a\ are the development
3, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13]. Two basic methods have been devel- coefficients of the deflection and are determined according
oped from this; the one involves carrying out a rigid body to the law
balancing process before flexible balancing (k + 2 method)
and the other is known as modal balancing. Both methods di
f [i (z) e (z) 0i (z) dz + V Mi ' 0i (zj)
have been thoroughly described and their advantages are i-i
usually discussed using a unit rotor as an example. How- ai = (4)
ever, as these discussions were derived purely from theory / [X (z) 0i2 (z) dz
they quite understandably rarely take into account the
design and operational properties of the rotor such as con- where [i (z) are the local rotor masses per unit length,
front the balancing engineer in the overspeed bay. It e (z) is the function of eccentricity along the z axis, i.e. the
would therefore appear necessary to investigate these y component of the distance of the centre of gravity from
methods in a manner which is free from all scatter and the axis of rotation at any point z, and Mj the individual
accidental errors in measurement engineering. Electronic masses already present at the rotor.
data processing is the ideal tool for this purpose. This clearly determines the line of deflection for a given
Consequently, a Computer programme is described which speed and a given eccentricity curve. The natural values
permits flexible shaft rotors with a given distribution of and natural functions can be derived from the rotor
unbalance to be balanced in predetermined planes. geometry according to a suitable process.
In the case of a given eccentricity curve we will refer to a
1 'direct problem' in the following, whereas with a given y
A report by the Institute for Machine Design and Thermal Machines
of the Technical University, Berlin, Director: Prof. K. Federn. function, e.g. through measurements at individual points

228 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

on the z axis and where the object is to determine the = 1, 2 up to k — 1, are multiplied by the enlargement
eccentricity distribution, we will refer to an 'indirect factor V s» 1 and finally the coefficients ai, i = k + 1,
problem' [7]. k + 2, etc. are multiplied by V < 1.
From this we can derive all requirements for balancing.
Because of the location and number of balancing planes 2
Balancing Methods and Criteria due to the design, it is not possible to eliminate a desirable
The object of balancing a rigid rotor is to eliminate exces- number of a-, coefficients. We must therefore take alter-
sively high vibrations of rotational frequency at the nately the coefficients ak and then the coefficients which
bearings. According to the laws of mechanics for rigid are near the critical speeds 1 to k — 1 when the rotor is
bodies this requires two planes of balancing. run up to speed and which are multiplied by the enlarge-
All methods of balancing flexible rotors are aimed at ment factor V > 1 and become equal to zero or sufficiently
adding balancing weights to the rotor such that as many small.
development coefficients a\ as possible are equal to zero These two methods which are derived from theory are
or become sufficiently small. Mathematically this means based on the one hand on the assumption that the rotor
finding a resultant eccentricity distribution such that the represents a system with k degrees of freedom in accord-
function of /u(z). e (z) and 0\ are orthogonal in the ance with the number of characteristic deformation forms
integral of the numerator in (4) and consequently the (k method, [1 ]) and, on the other, that the two variables
integral itself is equal to zero [12], Multiplying the devel- for a rigid body must be added to these k degrees of
opment coefficicnt in (2) by the enlargement function V freedom (k + 2 method, [4]). As Ä:—>- oo both methods
it becomes obvious that the characteristic deflection 0k in are, of course, identical [9] (see Eq. (5) and (6).
the series (2) becomes predominant if the operating speed The expressions for the k method comply with the require-
is near the Arth natural frequency. The coefficient ak is
introduced into (2) with the enlargement factor V > 1. 2
These are those planes in which it is possible from the design aspect to
All development coefficients ai which are less than k, i.e. add balancing weights.

The equations for the k method are:

tA 0y (z,) + U2 0, (z2) + + Uk 0, (z k ) = / e(z)p (z) O, (z) dz
Ui 02 (z,) + Li2 02 (z2) + +uk02 (z k ) = / e (z) p (z) <1>2 (z) dz

Ui 0k (zi) + U2 0k (z2) + +Uk0k (z k ), = / e (z) !.i (z) 0k (z) dz,

and those of the k + 2 method are

Ui +U2 + +Uk+2 / e(z)p (z) dz

UlZi + U2 Z2 + . . . ... + C/k+2 Z k + 2 I e (z) n (z) z dz

Uy 01 (zO + U2 01 (z2) + + Uk +2 01 (z k + 2 ) = f e (z) p (z) 0, (z) dz (6)

Ux 02 (zO + U2 02 (z2) + + t/k + 2 02 (Zk + 2 ) = / e (z) p (z) 02 (z) dz

Ui 0k (z,) + U2 0k (z2) + ... + Uk +2 0k (zk +2) = / e (z) p (z) 0k (z) dz,

where Ui = Mi

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

ment for compensating the kth characteristic form with a k method of balancing can be applied. If the results are
single weight and for finding further weights to avoid inadequate the bearing vibrations in the upper speed
reactivating those /tth characteristic forms which have ränge can be eliminated by Atting additional balancing
previously been compensated. Those for the k 2 method weights in additional planes. These weights must, of
comply with the requirement for finding compensating course, have a minimum effect on the characteristic forms
weights, taking into account the k + 2 degrees of freedom which have previously been balanced.
of the rotor, to eliminate vibrations at the bearings and
compensate the characteristic forms. As is the case with
the k method those characteristic forms which have EDP Used in Investigating Flexible Rotors
already been balanced must not be disturbed.
The question now is whether one of the two methods is
fundamentally superior for balancing a finite number of
Balancing in Practice characteristic forms. In order to gain an overall view it is
(The author was given the opportunity to spend four meaningful to investigate flexible-shaft rotors according
weeks in the overspeed bay at Brown Boveri and several to the aspects of practical balancing using the formulae
days in that of Kraftwerk-Union.) and methods described above on an EDP installation. The
The most important requirement for smooth running of a Programme used was written in FORTRAN and processed
rotor is regarded as establishing restricted amplitudes of on an IBM 1130 Computer at the Technical University in
the vibrations at the bearings, as is the case in balancing Berlin.
rigid bodies. As far as the manufacturer of turbines and
turbogenerators is concerned the permissible bearing
vibrations are quoted either in internal specifications or in The P r o g r a m m e
the specifications of the machine as ordered. The fact that
the bearing vibrations alone are not determining charac- Borsig and Co. Ltd. kindly placed at our disposal a Com-
teristic values is demonstrated in [16]. Several authors puter programme which enabled us to determine the
[14] regard shaft vibrations measured immediately adja- critical speed and characteristic flexural properties of
cent to the bearings as more significant characteristic rotors of any given shape. The programme is based on the
values for smooth running. Following this consistently, transmission matrices process [5], i.e. the rotor geometry
there are two further criteria for smooth running which is entered section by section and the bearing rigidity is
are significant for turbo-machines. These are the permis- selected accordingly. With this programme the required
sible flexure and inclination at given points along the number of critical speeds and the corresponding charac-
rotor. From the aerodynamics Standpoint it is desirable teristic shapes are calculated as discrete values at the limit
that there be minimum clearance between the blading in of each section.
radial and axial directions, but from the safety aspect As can be seen from the flow diagram this programme is
there must be no contact between moving and stationary used as a subroutine at several positions. Values of the
parts. characteristic forms at any desired positions 2 are derived
The vibrations at the bearing housings are measured with by a routine. It is particularly important for deriving
absolute instruments and amplified such that only those characteristic forms of higher orders that the lengths of
components relating to the frequency of the speed of the sections be selected sufficiently small to attain a high
rotation are displayed with the aid of a Wattmeter. Oscilla- degree of accuracy. Any section longer than 3 % of the
tions of twice the frequency of rotation, generated by an total rotor length is indicated as an error to draw the
anisotropy of the rotor, can be registered by making user's attention to this fact. A schematic diagram of the
suitable use of the Wattmeter principle. rotor and its characteristic form is then drawn on the
In certain overspeed bays the rigidity of the isotropic plotter.
bearings can be varied. As a general rule, rigid bodies are As the object here is to deal with a 'direct' problem it is
balanced with 'soft' bearings and the characteristic necessary to introduce an eccentricity function e (z). The
deflection forms are compensated with 'hard' bearings. following alternatives are available for selecting the
Other balancing engineers prefer soft bearings also for eccentricity function:
flexible balancing. Balancing is carried out in two planes
perpendicular to each other, e.g. in two-pole turbo- - a constant eccentricity function for each of any desired
generators in the pole zone and in the winding zone, and number of sections which are not necessarily related to
also direct according to the amount and angular position the sections of the rotor,
displayed. - parabolic functions by preselecting corresponding
Before the characteristic deflection forms are compensated
- harmonic functions sin (n n z/L), cos (m n z/L) and
the above mentioned manufacturers carry out a rigid body
balancing procedure, i.e. the k + 2 method is applied. linear combinations; n,m — 1,2, 3, etc.
The question then arises at which speed below the first - individual weights.
characteristic deflection frequency the rotor can still be The parabolic and harmonic functions are multiplied and
regarded as a rigid body. It can happen that the measuring superimposed on the constant eccentricity sections.
apparatus excludes carrying out an initial rigid body The selected eccentricity function can be printed out on
balancing process. In the case of highly flexible rotors the the plotter.
operating ränge of older measuring equipment is clearly In addition the speeds (test speeds) at which the rotor is
above that speed which would be necessary to carry out to be investigated and also the damping according to (3)
a rigid body balancing procedure and therefore only the must also be entered.

230 Brown Boveri R e v . 5 - 7 4

Flow diagram

oo Print out and plot

line of deflection oo
and eccentricity
o o
Balancing criteria:
permissible bearing Vibration
permissible deflection
permissible inclination

Balancing at will
1. Rigid balancing in two
2. Calculate füll set of balancing
2.1 Federn-Kellenberger
2.2 Modal balancing
3. Eliminate normal modes
in sequence by
3.1 Federn-Kellenberger
3.2 Modal balancing
Memorize balancing weights

o Print out and punch

o balancing weights

Test run with calculated


J = Yes
N = No

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

First we calculate the coefficients fli. The integrals in the The programme is designed such that it is also possible to
numerator and the denominator are formed section by introduce estimated weights or sets of weights to balance
section according to Simpson's formula. We can apply the rotor in the same fashion as in the overspeed bay.
section by section integration because the sections are
chosen such that the weight per unit area is constant. For
this purpose a subroutine determines the eccentricity Results
constants at each point z along the rotor; the other forms Of the rotors investigated and the various balancing runs
of eccentricity are already available in the form of func- carried out we will use a turbogenerator rotor as an
tional routines. In order to save memory space we first example in the following.
calculate the initial characteristic form and, from this, we This is a two-pole 60 Hz generator of the 600 MW class.
derive the coefficient a t . With the enlargement function V, The design details of this rotor are described in [6], The
which is determined by the first critical speed and the first main machine data are given in Table I. The rigidity of
measured speed fed in, we can determine the first term of the third, outward bearing was set at half that of the main
the series (2) for all sections of the rotor. This procedure bearings and the permissible bearing vibrations were set
is repeated for calculating the coefficients a 2 and all further at 30 [im. These values are arbitrary. The degree of damp-
terms of the series. We can now carry over the values ing according to Lehr of D = 0 - 1 appears to be a realistic
for all sections from the values. In this fashion we value. The sketch of the rotor was made from the input
can calculate the line of deflection of the rotor at a given data; individual masses present are shown according to
speed with an adequate number of terms of the series (2); their radius of inertia. The diagram also serves as a check
see flow diagram. The calculated line of deflection can be for the input data.
shown graphically on the plotter. The calculated develop- The fourth and sixth characteristic forms are notable.
ment coefficients a x for the given distribution of unbalance They represent the resonances of the left-hand and right-
are stored in the memory. Following this the rotor is hand ends of the shaft. The critical speeds and charac-
assessed according to given balanced criteria for this teristic forms (the freely selectable variable at the left-
speed. These are the assessment criteria mentioned above. hand boundary of the characteristic forms is 1 mm) are
An appropriate expression gives information on the derived first, as shown in the flow diagram and are used
following questions: as a basis for the speeds at which the rotor is to be inves-
tigated. These are given in the top line of the lower
- are the vibrations at the journal below a given value section of Table I. The values of the enlargement function
which is regarded as permissible? are given here in conjunction with the critical speeds in
- are the deflections at certain points on the rotor below the form of a matrix in the second column. For the
the given values? selected degree of damping the maximum value of the
- are the inclines of the lines of deflection at given points enlargement function is K m a x (jjmax = 1 "01) = 5-025.
along the rotor below the given values? Speeds 1, 2 and 3 in the first line are slightly above those
The process for calculating the line of deflection and critical speeds which must be run through in order to
applying the criteria is carried out for all given measured reach operating speed and, in addition to this, the rotor
speeds. The stored coefficients ai are now applied and only must be investigated at operating (4) and overspeed (5).
the natural vibrations must be calculated anew. This form The distribution of eccentricity was chosen such that it
of calculation saves both time and memory capacity. could feasibly occur due to manufacturing processes.
The behaviour of the rotor at the selected speeds due to Those sections with the greatest eccentricity were arranged
the original unbalance is now known and the balancing in the region of the coupling, the winding overhangs, the
weights can be calculated according to the balancing sliprings and the fan. An eccentricity function
methods. The data to be fed in for this purpose includes
the planes at which the balancing weights must be applied
and the following balancing methods: rigid balancing, e(z) = ( 5 + 0-672z + 0-18£ — 4z 2 )cos z) [[im]
balancing according to the k + 2 method (referred to in
the Programme as the Federn-Kellenberger method) and
balancing according to the k method (referred to as the is superimposed on the eccentricity sections.
modal balancing method in the Programme). Here there The results of the individual balancing runs are given in
is a choice between balancing the characteristic forms Table II. The initial balancing run (C013A) is carried
consecutively (successive balancing) and simultaneous out first of all. The coefficients ai are given according to
balancing of all required characteristic forms (one shot). their numerical value after calculation according to
The subroutine compiled for this purpose calculates the equation (4). As the ordinate values of the characteristic
coefficients using the right hand sides of equations (5) forms have a length dimension, ai has no dimension.
and (6) from which the compensating unbalance values During the subsequent balancing runs the development
are drawn. These are applied to the original unbalance coefficients are related to the original balancing run and
and check runs are carried out in similar fashion to the the calculated balancing weights are referred to the value
process in the overspeed bay. This procedure is carried out of the integral Je(z)^(z)dz. The Tables show the main
as described but the coefficients ai must be recalculated. data and, below these, the lines of deflection for the
The result, 'balanced according to method...', can also selected speeds. In order to gain a quantitative compari-
be shown on the plotter to provide a comparison with the son one should note the various scales for the individual
original unbalance run. lines in [im. This form of representation is used for all
A print-out referring to the balancing criteria shows further balancing runs. The object of all balancing runs
whether the balancing process was successful. was to balance out ali characteristic deflections which are

232 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Table I

Rotor: Turbogenerator Rating: 600 MW «b: 3600 1/min

Weight: 64-31 t Length: 16-09 m PD2: 35-31 . 103 kgfm2 m Sc m: 4320 1/min

Bearing rigidity: 16/16/32 [xm/tf

Permissible bearing vibrations: 30/30/30 [Jim Permissible deflection: see Table II

Permissible inclination: see table II Damping D: 0-1

9 10

• •

Development function V at speed n («/«B) [1/min]

Characteristic values 600 1700 2800 3600 4320

«i/«B «i 0-1666 0-4722 0-7777 1-0000 1-2000

1 0-1628 586 4-9811 1-1310 1-0447 1-0266 1-0183

2 0-4625 1665 0-1486 4-9990 1-5218 1-2635 1-1697
3 0-7653 2755 0-0497 0-6023 5-0172 2-2658 1 -6486
4 1-0150 3655 0-0276 0-2741 1-3315 4-8684 3-0241
5 1-2560 4523 0-0179 0-1639 0-6091 1-5851 4-3388
6 1 -7640 6352 0-0089 0-0770 0-2397 0-4666 0-8340
7 2-0380 7337 0-0067 0-0566 0-1698 0-3145 0-5223
8 2-5760 9296
9 3-1740 11425


ß = Characteristic forms C = Eccentricity

below the overspeed value, i.e. in this case, the first four order characteristic forms, or only to a minimum, when
characteristic forms. In all cases the first four development balancing characteristic forms of lower orders can be
coefficients were brought down to an average of 0-027 % referred to as 'forward balancing'.
of the value of the original balancing run. The optimum combination of planes must be found by
The sole determining factor is whether the balancing varying the balancing planes (run C015 for dynamic
criteria are fulfilled, i.e. how large the vibrations are at balancing and C016 for the Federn-Kellenberger method).
the journals. As can be seen by considering the uncom- Here the C016 run is clearly superior because not only
pensated development coefficients au the quality of are four characteristic forms balanced, but also, the
balancing has a deciding influence on the degree to which characteristic forms of higher orders are not excited. In
the higher characteristic forms are excited. This depends run C 016 the coefficient as retains its original value and
largely on the location of the selected balancing planes. coefficients a6 and a 7 are amplified only by a factor of 5.
This is illustrated by comparing run C016 with C 020 In contrast to this, in run C 015 the coefficient a6 is am-
and C015 with C021. The fact that there is undesired plified by a factor of 15.
excitation of higher characteristic forms is not considered An arbitrary combination of planes was chosen for runs
mathematically in compiling the balancing equations (5) C 020 and C021. Run C 020 (Federn-Kellenberger) is
and (6) and is therefore common to both balancing meth- better because the fifth development coefficient as was
ods. The balancing equations consider only that the reduced to 60% of its original value. This appears to be a
characteristic forms which have already been balanced coincidence because of the arbitrary choice of balancing
are not re-excited when balancing characteristic forms of planes. However, coefficient a6 and a1 are increased
higher Orders. The problem of not exciting the higher- drastically (89 times and 76 times respectively).

Table II

Run C013A Balancing method: Original unbalance No. of char. forms required: 0

ai - 0-553 E-2 0-121 E-3 0-173 E-l 0-470 E-l 0-257 E-3 0-234 E-2

Plane/G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

No. n Bearing vibrations w Peripheral Max. Max.

deflection deflection inclination

1/min 1. 2. 3. L R inside [um] z cp°

1 600 21 21 - 3 - 26 4 131 50 3-44 E-3

2 1700 70 -46 15 8 9 146 1300 4-58 E-3
3 2800 53 94 93 56 102 369 1300 13-7 E-3
4 3600 85 23 51 158 391 174 1300 8-02 E-3
5 4320 90 -41 68 255 18 172 0 12-6 E-3
f e(z)tu (z) dz
= 106-4 kg

234 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Run C 015 Balancing method: Modal balancing No. of char. forms required: 4

äi -5-28 E-5 -4-44 E-5 -7-36 E-5 1-15E-4 1-31 -14-73 -2-09

Plane/G 2 - 0-186 3 -0-648 5 -0-161 8 -0-083

No. « Bearing vibrations [fi.m] Periphera' Max. Max.

deflection deflection inclination

1/min 1. 2. 3. L R inside [fim] z cp°

1 600 0 1 1 1 0 1
2 1700 2 - 5 4 9 4 - 5
3 2800 8 - 18 15 35 121 19
4 3600 20 - 43 35 94 25 50
5 4320 54 -112 82 261 52 -132

Run C 016 Balancing method: Federn-Kellenberger No. of char. forms required: 4

äi -6-76 E-5 - M4E-6 -7-59 E-5 - 1-87E-4 1-01 -5-40 4-83

Plane/G 2 -0-205 3 -0-726 4 0-400 5 -0-718 6 0-276 8 -0-094

No. n Bearing vibrations [jJ.m] Peripheral Max. Max.

deflection deflection inclination

1/min 1. 2. 3. L R inside [[xm] z cp°

1 600 0 0 0-5 1 1 0-5

2 1700 1 2 4 8 6 - 3
3 2800 5 - 8 13 31 20 -11
4 3600 13 -23 29 78 39 -32
5 4320 38 -69 66 211 70 -92

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Run C 020 Balancing method: Federn-Kellenberger No. of char. forms required: 4

äi -3-67 E-4 8- 38 E-4 4-66 E-5 -1-67E-3 0-59 8£,-75 75-64

Plane/G 2 0-082 3 -4-406 4 11-326 5 -14-040 6 8-471 7 -2-496

No. n Bearing vibrations [(j.m] Peripheral Max. Max.

deflection deflection inclination

1/min 2. 3. L R inside [p.m] z

1 600 0 2 0 2 4 2
2 1700 - 3 21 3 16 37 11
3 2800 - 9 62 8 52 106 34
4 3600 -14 111 13 110 188 36
5 4320 -14 170 17 232 292 170

Run C021 Balancing method: Modal balancing No. of char. forms required: 4

äi 5-73 E-5 2-94 E-4 5-45 E-5 2-90 E-4 3-69 -78-36 -51-37

Plane/G 3 -0-274 4 -2-614 5 3-71 6 -1-97

No. n Bearing vibrations [fim] Peripheral Max. Max.

deflection deflection inclination

1/min 1. 2. 3. L R inside [[xm] z cp°

1 600 1 3 1 2 - 2 1
2 1700 8 - 27 8 20 -17 26
3 2800 29 - 88 30 80 -47 86
4 3600 69 -194 76 228 -74 189
5 4320 173 -473 199 672 88 421

Brown Boveri Rev. 5 - 7 4

It is shown that, on the basis of the calculated balancing Bibliography
weights, a balancing run can be described as an Optimum
in comparison to the others if the smallest possible [1] R.E.D. Bishop, G.M.L. Gladwell: The Vibration and
weights are calculated. A further interesting feature is the balancing of an unbalanced flexible rotor J. Mech. Eng.
fact that of the coefficients in the original unbalanced Sc. 1 1959 66-77.
condition, the sixth is the smallest, but in all four runs
this coefficient is amplified more than any other. It should [2] Dimentberg: Theory of balancing flexible rotors. Russ.
be noted here that the balancing engineer in the overspeed Eng. J. 11 1964.
bay is not aware of to what degree he has balanced an [3] K. Federn: Grundlagen einer systematischen Schwin-
individual characteristic form. It would be possible for gungsentstörung wellenelastischer Rotoren. VDI Report
him to do this only by measurement at resonant speed 24 1957 9.
with very slight damping. In practice it is regarded as
sufficient to reduce the original vibrations at the bearings [4] K. Federn: Auswuchten elastischer Rotoren nach
to 5 to 10%. Eigenformen. Akustik und Schwingungstechnik, VDI-
Verlag, Düsseldorf 1971 491.
[5] H. Fuhrke: Eigenwertbestimmung mit Hilfe von ab-
Conclusion geleiteten Übertragungsmatrizen. VDI Report 30 1958
Commencing from the two balancing methods and their
application in the four balancing runs described above, [6] W. Hossli, N. Krick: More large turbosets for the
we will make an attempt to arrive at statements which are USA. Brown Boveri Rev. 55 1968 (1) 3-14.
generally applicable for avoiding the excitation of charac- [7] E. Hübner: Das Auswuchten elastischer Rotoren, ein
teristic forms of higher Orders by adding balancing Problem der Strukturanalyse. Ing. Arch. 30 1961 (5)
weights ('forward balancing'). With regard to these 325-338.
statements, however, because of the small number of
balancing runs presented, they are of restricted signifi- [8] W. Kellenberger: Balancing flexible rotors on two
cance and must be confirmed by considerably more generally flexible bearings. Brown Boveri Rev. 54 1967 (9)
comprehensive material. The aids for balancing highly 603-617.
flexible rotors which, in addition, are considerably un-
[9] W. Kellenberger: Should a flexible rotor be balanced
symmetrical, can be described as follows.
in N or (N + 2) planes? Trans. ASME J. of Eng. for Ind.
An optimum combination of planes is achieved by:
94 1972 May 71-Vibr-55, 548-560.
1. Selecting such balancing planes as are not in the ränge [10] Klarhoefer: Theoretische Grundlagen für das Aus-
of high amplitudes of the subsequent non-balanced wuchten biegeelastischer Rotoren. Techn. Ber. d. Heinr.
characteristic forms. Hertz Inst. No. 81, Berlin 1965.
2. Choosing only one balancing plane in the deflection of
a characteristic form which is to be balanced. If planes [\\] P. Matthieu: Eine mathematische Theorie für die
are closely adjacent both balancing processes will result Auswuchtung elastischer Rotoren. Z. angew. Math. u.
in large balancing weights which then cause excitation of Mech. 47 1967, Tagungsheft, T94.
the characteristic forms of higher Orders, i.e. the matrix
[12] P. Matthieu: Über die Auswuchtung elastischer
of equations (5) and (6) becomes almost equal to one.
Rotoren. VDI Report 161, Düsseldorf 1971 35.
3. The planes for balancing according to the rigid body
method should be chosen not only according to the [13] A. Meldahl: Auswuchten elastischer Rotoren. Z. an-
aspects of rigid body balancing, i.e. adjacent to the gew. Math. u. Mech. 34 1954 (8/9) 317-318.
bearings, but instead, according to the statements made
in 1. [14] VDl-Richtlinie 2059: Wellenschwingungsmessungen
zur Überwachung von Turbomaschinen. Draft, August
Under the conditions as described above the Federn- 1971.
Kellenberger method appears superior to the modal
balancing method. However, if the balancing planes are [15] 1SO/TC108 SCI (Secr. 5) 10: Second proposed draft
chosen arbitrarily, or if the conditions quoted under international Standard (or technical report) for the
points 1 and 2 above cannot be given due consideration, mechanical balancing of flexible rotors. Febr. 1973.
the modal balancing method would appear to be of [16] Thomas: Zum Stand der Arbeiten zur Erstellung
advantage because two additional planes, chosen accord- einer VDI-Richtlinie «Schwingungsmessungen an Ma-
ing to the aspects of rigid balancing, would tend to excite schinenwellen». Akustik und Schwingungstechnik, VDI-
characteristic forms of higher Orders. Verlag, Düsseldorf 1971 479.
After sufficiently comprehensive material such as can be
gained with this Computer programme has been collected,
this should be substantiated by carrying out experimental
investigations both on a shaft specially prepared for this
purpose and also on the shaft of a turbomachine produced
in industry, in order to check the practical applicability of
these recommendations.

Brown Boveri Rev. 5 - 7 4

Monitoring Oil-Cooled Transformers by Gas Analysis

E. Dörnenburg and W. Strittmatter

insulation, and other forms of discharge. We will refer in

Certain defects in transformers cause the insulation to de- the following to these often insignificant defects which
compose and this process generates gases. These can be can occur in service without being detected by the pro-
either completely dissolved in the insulating oil so that the tection equipment, as incipient faults. If they are not
Buchholz protection relay cannot respond and indicate the discovered they can slowly but steadily attack the insula-
fault, or they can rise to the Buchholz relay which then indi- tion to a point where serious damage results.
cates that something unusual is occurring inside the trans- For this reason there is a general trend, especially with
former. Brown Boveri have developed a method of diagnosis large and important transformers, to monitor the oil for
based on chemical analysis of gases dissolved in the oil and degenerate gases in Solution.
which have collected at the Buchholz relay, that shows
whether there is, in fact, a fault and what the nature of the
fault is. The principles of the diagnostic process are de- Sound and Suspect Transformers
scribed and results obtained are discussed. It would be a very simple matter to decide whether a
transformer is operating faultlessly or not if the oil in a
sound transformer contained absolutely no gases due to
decomposition. Unfortunately this is not the case. In
transformers which have been in service the oil always
contains considerable concentrations of carbon dioxide
and carbon monoxide, a certain amount of hydrogen and
small concentrations of light hydrocarbons. These gases
are due, to a certain degree, to natural ageing of the insu-
lation. Consequently there are gas concentrations which
must be regarded as normal and do not necessarily stem
from a defect. The magnitude of these normal concentra-
tions depends largely on the age and Ioading of the trans-
formers but limiting values for the concentrations for the
various decomposition gases can be determined empiri-
Experience gained to date shows that transformers may be
Introduction regarded as faultless if the gas concentrations quoted in
Table I are not exceeded after a few years of operation.
Discharges or local overheating inside the transformer
often lead to decomposition of the insulation and thus to
the generation of gases. In the case of transformers with
the traditional form of insulation comprising mineral Table 1: Concentration limits
oil and cellulose materials (paper, transformerboard, etc.)
which are to be dealt with exclusively in the following, Hydrogen 200 ppm (V/V)
this breakdown generates hydrogen, light hydrocarbons Methane 50 ppm (V/V)
and carbon oxides. This has been known for some time Ethane 15 ppm (V/V)
and the Buchholz protection system, a gas collector relay Ethylene 60 ppm (V/V)
at the transformer, is based on this fact. This well-known Acetylene 15 ppm (V/V)
protection device is, without doubt, a useful instrument Carbon monoxide I 000 ppm (V/V)
although it is clear today that it does not respond to all Carbon dioxide 11 000 ppm (V/V)
forms of breakdown at an early stage.
1 p p m (V/V) of a gas denotes that 1 0 - 6 litres (or 1 m m 3 ) of this gas is
dissolved in 1 litre of insulating oil at a pressure of 1 kgf/cm J .

The Incipient Fault

All gases generated by insulation decomposition are solu- The limiting values quoted are to be regarded as guide-
ble in the transformer oil. If the gases are generated slowly lines and it is safe to say that their orders of magnitude
they are quantitatively dissolved in the oil and therefore are correct. Figure 1 shows diagrammatically the concentra-
the gas collector relay cannot respond to this form of gas tions of these gases as measured in the oil of 72 dilferent
formation. Typical causes of this form of slow gas forma- high-power transformers which operate perfectly. The
tion are local overheating of conductors or zones in the outer rings represent the limiting values according to
iron core, weak discharges in gas pockets within the solid Table I.

238 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Jf two different gases exceed the concentration limits Brown Boveri for fault diagnosis is based on the follow-
shown, the transformer must be regarded as suspect. First ing considerations.
we must check whether there has been a previous fault The transformer is füll of insulating oil, therefore oil must
which has been repaired; this could be the origin of the be in the immediate vicinity of the location of the fault.
gases. The question of whether gas is being generated From the chemical point of view the oil is of a uniform
at present can be answered by taking oil samples over material class; a mixture of hydrocarbons. If, for any
a period of time. Constant or reducing gas concen- reason, it becomes decomposed, it breaks down into hy-
trations indicate that the fault has been eliminated; rising drogen, methane, ethylene and acetylene. It depends on
gas concentrations show that an incipient fault is present. the nature of the fault whether the gas formed comprises
If two or more gas concentrations considerably exceed the relatively large quantities of hydrogen and small quanti-
limits quoted in Table I the nature of the fault is deter- ties of methane, or relatively high proportions of acetylene
mined according to the process described in the following. and less ethane, or vice versa. This depends only on the
Based on the result of this analysis the decision can then particular decomposition process andis virtually unaffect-
be made as to whether the degree of gas generation is to ed by the type of insulating oil.
be observed by taking oil samples over a period of several The fault diagnosis is therefore based on mixture ratios,
months of duty, whether it is advisable to gain further In- i.e. on the relative concentration of pairs of gases. From
formation regarding the location of the fault by operating the gas concentrations determined in ppm (V/V) we derive
with various loads or breaker positions, or whether plans the following mixture ratios which have been selected, as
should be made immediately for eliminating the fault. experience shows them to be particularly useful:
Where incipient faults are found at and early stage these
are always more or less insignificant faults and a suitable
time can be selected for carrying out repairs to eliminate Concentration of methane (dissolved) / [CH4j \
the faults. Concentration of hydrogen (dissolved) L [H2] )

Concentration of acetylene (dissolved) / [C 2 H 2 ]

D e t e r m i n i n g t h e N a t u r e of t h e D a m a g e Concentration of ethylene (dissolved) \ [C2 H
f r o m t h e C o n c e n t r a t i o n s of Gases Dis-
solved in t h e Oil Concentration of ethane (dissolved) / [ Q H6]
Concentration of acetylene (dissolved) l [C2 H 2 ]
Analysis of the gases dissolved in the oil indicates the
nature of the fault but does not immediately enable its Concentration of acetylene (dissolved) [c2 H2]
location to be established. The method developed at Concentration of methane (dissolved) [CH 4 ]

Fig. 1 - Concentrations of decomposition prod-

ucts dissolved in the oil of 72 transformers in
perfect working order. The lengths of the radial
iines indicate the concentrations according to a
logarithmic scale. The inner circle corresponds
to concentrations of 10 Volumetrie parts of
gas (under normal conditions) per volume of
oil [1 ppm (V/V)]. T h e outer circle denotes the
concentration limits according to Table I. Con-
centrations of less than 1 p p m (V/V) have been
rounded off to 1 p p m (V/V).

Brown Boveri Rev. 5 - 7 4

Fig. 2 - Mixture ratios of gases due to decom-
position dissolved in the gases of transformers
with faults. The mixture ratios of the pairs of
gases methane and hydrogen, and acetylene and
V ethylene apply to the concentrations of the
volume of gas (under normal conditions) per
volume of oil. The following symbols indicate
the damage discovered when repairs were car-
ried o u t :
V = Local overheating
V w = Weak discharges in gas pockets
V 7 = All other forms of discharge
* V

The limits of the ranges of values according to
Table II are indicated by the heavy lines. The
values measured at hot spots are located in the
upper left sector, the points for transformers
• with internal low-current gas discharges are in

• the lower strip and those points for transformers
a i XI j with discharges of any other form are to the
• MlliSi right in the centre strip.
u u

ii iiiiiii 1

4 6 i 4 6 4 6 8 4 6 8 20 40 > 4 0
< 4 • 10 1 10"' 1 • 10"1 10 _ [C 2 H 2 ]
[C 2 H 4 ]

Table II: Ranges of characteristic values for mixture The combination of mixture ratios
ratios of gases dissolved in transformer oil
[CH4] [C2 H 2 ]
Mixture ratio in [CH4] [C2H2] [C2H6] [C2H2] [H 2 ] a n d
relation to the [Ha] [C2H4] [C2H2] [CH4]
concentrations of can be used together if
dissolved gases
(volume/volume) [CH 4 ] > 100 ppm (V/V) and, at the same time,
[C2 H 4 ] > 60 ppm (V/V) or if
Type of fault [H 2 ] > 200 ppm (V/V) and
[C2 H 2 ] > 30 ppm (V/V) and so on.
Local overheating >1 <0-7 >0-4 <0-3
Weak discharges ^ , • • [C2 H 6 ] [C2H2]
in gas pockets <0-1 * >0-4 <0-3 The additional mixture ratios —_ and are
[C 2 H 2 J [C H 4 J
All other types of <1
>0-7 <0-4 >0-3 acceptable as additional confirmation of the diagnosis if
discharge >0-1
at least one of each pair of gases in the ratio exceeds the
* Not indicative of this type of discharge, generally not applicable. concentration quoted in the Table I.
If this mixture ratio is applicable and > 1 this indicates that the dis- 3. This method of diagnosis may be used only with ex-
charge is increasing.
treme caution if the gases dissolved in the oil originate
from a fault which has no longer been present for some
considerable time; the various gases of decomposition
The following rules are criteria for the extent to which travel at various speeds towards the surface of the oil in
these mixture ratios are useful in the diagnosis: the expansion tank and escape to atmosphere. When the
generation of gases stops this distorts the mixture ratio.
1. A Single mixture ratio can be used in the diagnosis only
if the concentration of one of the two gases is twice as 4. Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are found typi-
high as the limiting value quoted in Table I. cally as a result of decomposition of the solid insulation
and are not used in the characteristic mixture ratios. In
2. Several mixture ratios can be used together in the di-
the case of gradual faults it is generally not possible to
agnosis if at least one of the first and second mixture
decide whether and to what degree the solid insulation
ratios can be used alone according to the first rule above
has been attacked.
and at least one gas of those whose concentrations are
formed by the other ratio, exceeds the limiting value in 5. In the case of transformers with a gas cushion (nitrogen
Table I. cushion) above the oil level, the limiting values quoted in

240 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Fig. 3 - Mixture ratios of gases dissolved in the
oil of transformers with faults; concentrations >40
of gas volumes, under normal conditions, per
volume of oil. The limits of the ranges of values ICH«] 40
are indicated by the heavy lines, symbols as [H 2 ] V
Fig. 2.
a : Pairs of gases methane and hydrogen, ethane 10
and acetylene 8 V
b : Pairs of gases methane and hydrogen, acety- 6
lene and methane 4
V v
4 •
0 •

uu " u

,4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 8 20 40 > 4 0
<4-10" 1 • 10"' 1-101 10 [C 2 Hs]
[C2 H2]

> 40
[CH. , 4 0 -
~[H 2
20 -

10 -



1 • 10"1

I -10
4 6 f 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 20 40 > 4 0
<4-10 1 10"' 1 • 10"1 10 [C2Hz]
200095.11 [CH 4 ]

Table II for the mixture ratios can be applied only to a Figures 2 and 3 show more clearly than any description
limited extent. If the volumes of oil and gas cushion are the mixture ratios of gases dissolved in the oil of various
known quantities, the applicable limiting values can be transformers. The faults in these transformers were located
calculated. by inspection or defined by measurement. The causes
Those ranges of values which are typical for a given type discovered were not exclusively incipient faults in the
of fault are given in Table II in relation to the mixture transformers but also cases of spontaneous damage caus-
ratios quoted in the above rules. ing gases to collect in the Buchholz relay; the values
A diagnosis is adequately confirmed if two or more of the quoted, however, refer without exception to the gas con-
mixture ratios used are within the ranges of values which centration found in the insulating oil and determined in
are typical for the same type of fault. units of gas volume per oil volume (e.g. ppm [V/V]).

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Gas S e p a r a t i o n in t h e Buchholz Relay If the gas separated in the Buchholz relay is in equilibrium
with the dissolved gas wefind close agreement between the
Gas Separated in the Buchholz Relay in Equilibrium with the measured values of the individual free gases in the Buch-
Gas in the Oil holz relay and of the gas concentration dissolved in the
oil, on condition that the dissolved gas concentrations
The special case where gas separates out in the Buchholz
are converted into percentage Saturation and the concen-
relay and is in equilibrium with the gas dissolved in the
trations of free gases in the Buchholz relay are determined
oil, occurs in two forms:
in percentage volume.
1. Supersaturation of the oil with dissolved gas because Examples of gas formations measured in several trans-
the gas absorption capacity of the oil has been exceeded formers are shown in Fig. 4a, b and c. These confirm
due to the formation of decomposition gases, i.e. as a that gas Separation in the Buchholz relay in equilibrium
result of an incipient fault. with the dissolved gas is a special case of gas formation
2. Approximate Saturation of the oil with air and favoura- which is important in practice.
ble conditions for the formation of nascent bubbles, i.e. Summarizing, it can be stated that gas Separation in the
even without incipient faults. Buchholz relay comprising dissolved air and gases due to
decomposition (in concentrations of at least several per-
cent by volume) can result in supersaturation of the oil due
Separation of Free Gas in the Buchholz Relay in Equilibri- to absorbtion of additional decomposition gases. The
um with the Gas Dissolved in the Oil as the Culmination of question of whether this form of gas generation is present
Gas Formation over a Long Period due to Incipient Faults can be answered only by measuring the dissolved gas con-
The Statement 'the insulating oil is saturated with gas' is centrations, by Converting these gas concentrations into
synonymous with the following, more accurate, defini- degrees of Saturation, and by comparing the composition
tion: Insulating oil is saturated with a given gas mixture of the gas in the Buchholz relay with these values. A gas
if the oil cannot absorb any more of this gas mixture Separation of this nature is always the final condition oc-
above the oil level at a pressure of 1 kgf/cm at constant curring as a result of a gradual fault over a long period. In
temperature. This can be stated briefly as: the gas above any case the faults, whose nature can be established easily
the oil level is in equilibrium with the gas dissolved in by comparing the concentration ratios of dissolved gases
the oil. with the figures quoted in Table II, should be rectified to
Provided there is not a flexible membrane in the expansion avoid subsequent damage due to gas bubbles rising in
tank to prevent ingress of air, the insulating oil in a insulation zones subject to high electrical stresses. It is
transformer is in constant contact with atmospheric air. essential that the oil be degassed following the repair.
Even so, under normal circumstances the oil is not saturat-
ed with air even after many years of operation, as is to
be expected. The ageing process of the oil requires a Separation of Free Gas in the Buchholz Relay in Equilib-
continuous supply of atmospheric oxygen and therefore rium with Dissolved Gas not Caused by Gases due to
the amount of atmospheric gases in the oil after a long Decomposition
period of operation is mostly only about 90% Saturation. The Buchholz relay sometimes gives alarm signals due to
Consequently, the transformer oil can absorb gases created the fact that gases dissolved in the oil separate out without
by an incipient internal fault until their contribution there being excessive concentrations of gases due to de-
towards Saturation is about 10%. Only then is the oil composition in the oil. This form of gas Separation with-
saturated with gas and further formation of gases due to out an internal fault is observed:
decomposition inside the transformer will necessarily lead
to supersaturation of the oil. - only if the insulating oil is largely saturated with air,
- mostly only if the insulating oil is aged only slightly,
As the surface of the oil in the expansion Chamber is under
- niainly in transformers whose operating temperatures
atmospheric pressure the concentration of decomposition
fluctuate over a wide ränge and whose average oil
gases in the oil can be increased appreciably only if, at the
temperatures are low and
same time, some of the dissolved gas is dissipated as free
gas in the Buchholz relay. This gas must remain in equilib- - primarily in transformers which generate a lot of noise.
rium with that dissolved in the oil if the gradual fault The phenomenon of air separating out occurs fairly ra-
continues to generate gas. Assuming that the oil is just rely, most often in winter, and generally occurs repeatedly
saturated, i.e. contains 90% Saturation of atmospheric in the same transformer. The question of whether the gas
gases and 10% gases due to decomposition, the gas col- is generated by an internal fault or is of the harmless form
lecting in the Buchholz relay comprises 90% by volume quoted above can be answered only by analysis of the
of 'air' and 10% by volume of gases due to decomposi- dissolved and free gases. Even in the case of harmless gas
tion. The 'air' is starved of oxygen if the transformer has formation the dissolved and free gases are in equilibrium
been in operation for a long time. and the concentrations of gases due to decomposition
If we extract the gases dissolved in the oil we find that the are always lower than the limits quoted in Table 1.
composition of the dissolved gas is by no means identical The Separation of this dissolved air is obviously assisted
to that of those in the Buchholz relay. However, if we by supersaturation of the oil during temperature fluctua-
determine the proportion contributed by each individual tions (the solubility of the individual gases varies with
gas dissolved in the oil towards Saturation expressed in temperature), by the low oxygen consumption of the oil
2 during ageing and, apparently, by cavitation phenomena
kgf/cm , we find that these values are numerically identi-
cal with the partial pressures of the corresponding gases in vibrating parts of the transformer which form nascent
in the Buchholz relay. bubbles.

242 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

By way of an example, Figure 4d shows the values for in equilibrium. The Buchholz relay contains gas with
dissolved gases in percentage Saturation and for separated high concentrations of gases due to decomposition and
gas in percentage volume. Many similar cases have been also large proportions of atmospheric gases. In almost
observed over the last few years. every case it can be clearly established that the atmos-
This gas Separation, which is troublesome for operation, pheric gas components were originally dissolved in the
can be overcome at least for a short time by degassing the oil; this is confirmed by the lack of oxygen in the 'air'. 1
insulating oil. This false alarm can be completely elimi- Also, the concentrations of gases due to decomposition
nated by degassing the oil and Utting a membrane seal in the dissolved in the oil are almost always lower than would
expansion Chamber. be required for equilibrium with the gas in the Buchholz
From this it must not be assumed that only a little of the
Gas Separation in the Buchholz Relay without the Gases gas due to decomposition originally formed at the location
Dissolved in the Oil Being in Equilibrium with the Free
Gases in the Relay
'On taking samples of gases from the Buchholz relay and also on tak-
In the majority of cases of alarm issued by the Buchholz ing samples of the oil from the transformer tank attention must be paid
that these samples be protected from light. Light acting on the oil causes
relay, analysis of the gas dissolved in a sample of the oil it to age and consume oxygen and would lead one to assume oxygen
and the free gases in the relay shows that the gases are not starvation in the sample.

Fig. 4 - Separation of gas in the Buchholz relay

in equilibrium with the gas dissolved in the oil
Concentrations in the Buchholz relay in partial
pressures, and those dissolved in the oil in 10"
degrees of Saturation. Limiting values converted
into degrees of Saturation according to Table I
are shown as horizontal lines.
a: Local overheating
b: Weak discharges
c: All other forms of discharge
d: Supersaturation 10'
<7 = Degree of Saturation
^ Buchholz relay
• = Oil 10"



H, ch4 c2h6 c2h4 c2h2 co co2 h2 ch4 c2h6 c2h4 c2h2 C O'2 CO.



10"- t /
/ /
/ /
: / /
/ / /
10 - / -
/ /
/ /

10"- X /

/ /
- 7* _

f /

10" /
/ /
2 /
h2 ch4 c 2 h 6 c 2 h 4 c 2 h 2 CO CO H2 C H 4 C 2 H & C2H4 C2H2 C O CO2

Brown Boveri Rev. 5 - 7 4 243

Fig. 5 - Mixture ratios of gases in the Buchholz
relay for the pairs of gases methane and hydro-
gen, and acetylene and ethylene, applicable for
concentrations in partial pressures. The symbols
indicate the nature of the fault discovered when
repairs were carried out:
k A = Local overheating
a A = Low-current discharges in gas pockets
^ = All other forms of discharge
A A The limits of the ranges of values according to
A *
A Table III are shown by heavy lines. The values
A measured at hot spots are located in the upper
O left sector, the points for transformers with
internal low-current discharges are in the lower
o > o strip and those points for transformers with
- 8
-0 any other form of discharge are to the right in

o the centre strip, as in Fig. 2.
o o

4 6 8 , 2 468 2 468 2 468 20 40 >40

<4-10 110" 2 MO'1 1 10 [Ca H 2 ]
2000881. ^[C 2 H 4 ]

of the fault has gone into Solution in the oil. On the con- relay. It is known from the exchange with the oil that it
trary, as a general rule a much higher proportion of the takes place fundamentally only in one direction: in the
gases formed in this way are dissolved in the oil than that direction of establishing equilibrium between the dissolved
which isfinally discovered at the Buchholz relay. However, and free gas. We also know that equilibrium must be
the oil volume in a transformer tank is so large in com- reached provided that sufficient time is available. Our
parison with the gas volume in the Buchholz relay that method of fault diagnosis is based on two facts for the
the dissolved concentrations of gases due to decomposi- case of gas Separation in the Buchholz relay which is not
tion found in the oil are small and the concentration of in equilibrium with the gas concentration in the oil as
free gases in the Buchholz relay are relatively high. described in this section:
A simple calculation of the quantities of dissolved and
free gases — concentration of dissolved gases X the oil 1. on the facts determined experimentally that a partial
volume in the transformer and concentrations of free quantity of oil is directly involved with the exchange
gases X the gas volume in the Buchholz — shows that the which is large in comparison with the volume of free
majority of the gaseous products due to decomposition gas in the Buchholz relay, and
are, in fact, dissolved in the oil. In other words: as the 2. on the principle that the objective of the gas exchange
gas rises to the Buchholz relay considerable gas exchange with the oil is to establish equilibrium.
takes place between the gas bubble and the column of oil From this we immediately have the following conditions
through which the bubble passes. The quantity of oil in- which form the basis for diagnosing the fault from the
volved in this exchange represents only a fraction of the gases present in the Buchholz relay: We assume that the
total oil volume in the transformer. However, the volume gas separated in the Buchholz relay is of a composition
of gas involved is large in comparison to the gas volume such as if it had been in contact with an unknown quantity
which reaches the Buchholz relay without going into Solu- of oil with which it would have continued to exchange gas
tion. This portion of the oil involved in the exchange mixes until equilibrium had been reached, and of this unknown
with the major volume of the transformer oil 2 and this, quantity of oil we further assume that its volume is large
in turn, naturally contains only small concentrations of the in comparison with the remainder of the gas which finally
gases originating from the process of decomposition. reaches the Buchholz relay.
It can thus be established that a considerable exchange has
From these assumptions simple calculations bring us to a
taken place between the original gas and the oil and only
set of formulae with which we can approximately deter-
a small proportion of the gas has reached the Buchholz
mine the original mixture ratios of the individual com-
ponents of the gas created by the fault if these gases are
found in any given mixture ratio in the Buchholz relay.
1 Attention must be paid that the oil is well mixed before taking samples. These formulae thus render information concerning how
Samples should therefore be taken as rapidly as possible following an the gas composition has changed during its journey from
alarm from the Buchholz relay. Oil samples should be taken as long as
possible after such an alarm and, if possible, the oil pumps should be set
the fault location to the Buchholz relay by means of ex-
in motion and the fans left operating. change with the oil.

244 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Fig. 6 - Mixture ratios of gases in the Buchholz
relay. Concentrations in partial pressures. The
limits of the ranges of values are indicated by >4
the heavy lines (Table III). [CHtl 4
a: Pairs of gases methane and hydrogen, and [H 2 ]
ethane and acetylene &
b: Pairs of gases methane and hydrogen, and
acetylene and methane A
Symbols as Fig. 5.
O« O A
1 • 10 0 6 v
0 CK <J
0 0 0
Ö 0
110 0

4 68 4 68 4 6 4 6 20 40 > 4 0
< 4 • 10 1 • 10"' 1 • 10"1 10 ^ [C2 H 6 ]
[C2 H 2 ]

[H 2 ] 2
1 A

0 « 0
I 10"
O 0 6
O O 00
« < « 0

2 O
2 O
110r8 . 0

1 • 10
,4 6 4 6 8 2 4 6 4 6 ! 20 40 > 4 0
< 4 • 10" 1 • 10"' I • 10'1 H> ^ [C2 H 2 ]

The following symbols are used: •TI

— = Mixture (concentration) ratio of gas component i to

p r = Partial pressure of gas r in the free gas collected at ' gas component j in the original gas produced
the Buchholz relay

Pi C,
--- = Mixture ratio of gas component / to gas component — = Mixture (concentration) ratio of the gas dissolved in
P.i j in the free gas collected at the Buchholz relay Cj the insulating oil of the complete transformer after
a sufficient time has elapsed from the alarm given by
Kr = Solubility of gas component r in the insulating oil the Buchholz relay

Brown Boveri Rev. 5 - 7 4

Fig. 7 - Gases collected in the Buchholz relay
not in equilibrium with the gases dissolved in
the oil. Concentrations of gases in the Buchholz
relay are in partial pressures, those in the oil
are in degrees of Saturation. The limit values
according to Table I are converted into degrees
v\ of Saturation and indicated by the horizontal
_/_ lines.
/ a: Local overheating
b: Weak internal gas discharges
-7~ a = Degree of Saturation
H Buchholz relay
/ • = Oil
/ /
/ / /

- A -
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ / /
/ / /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
C O C O , -I C H C H C H C H C O c o
2 4 2 6 2 4 2 2 2

Fig. 8 - Mixture ratios of gases dissolved in the

oil of transformers with faults and gases collect-
ed in the Buchholz relay for pairs of gases meth-
ane and hydrogen, and acetylene and ethylene.
The mixture ratios of the dissolved gases apply
if the concentrations have been converted into
& degrees of Saturation and the concentrations of
free gases in the relay are referred to partial
A A pressures. The symbols indicate the nature of
the damage discovered when repairs were car-
A ried out.
A V A A* A
V V Gases in the Buchholz relay
V AV V A = Local overheating
O V> Weak discharges in gas pockets
V p = All other types of discharge
!>c Gases dissolved in the oil
• • V = Local overheating
o w Weak discharges in gas pockets

o ] All other types of discharge
o o

4 68 4 6 8 4 68 4 68 20 40 > 4 0
< 4 - 10" 1 • 10"' MO"1 1 10
| [C 2 H 2 ]
[C 2 H„]

Applying these simple rules the formulae for calculating for determining the mixture ratios of the components in
the various mixture ratios are as follows: the original gas from the gas dissolved in the insulating
Pi Ki Pi The equation (1) is important because the partial pres-
(1) sures of the gases due to decomposition in the Buchholz
Pi relay are generally relatively high and easily measured
whereas the concentrations in the oil are often low and oil
for determining the mixture ratios of the components in samples should be taken only after a considerably time
the original gas from the analysis of the gas in the Buch- has elapsed from discovery of the fault, while the gas
holz relay; taken from the Buchholz relay can be sampled immediate-
ly the alarm has been given and should be analysed im-
mediately. Using equation (1) we can now convert the
Pi Ci values in Table II with the solubility Kr so that the ranges
Pi of values for the gases in the Buchholz relay can be used in

246 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Table III: Ranges of characteristic values for mixture Uniform Diagnosis Pattern for Gases
ratios of free gases in the Buchholz relay in t h e B u c h h o l z R e l a y a n d D i s s o l v e d in
the Oil
Mixture ratio of [CH 4 ] [C 2 H 2 ] [C 2 H 6 ] [C 2 H 2 ]
free gases in the [H 2 ] [C 2 H 4 ] [C 2 H 2 ] [CH 4 ] The pattern in Table III can be applied with the same
Buchholz relay numerical values for the limits of the ränge of values for
related to partial both the free gases in the Buchholz relay and the gases
pressures of the dissolved in the oil if the concentrations of the dissolved
individual gases gases are first converted. First of all the concentrations
are determined in the usual manner in units of gas volume
Type of fault per oil volume. The applicability rules as discussed in the
foregoing for fault diagnosis are then consulted.
Local overheating >0-1 <1 >0-2 <0-1 To obtain the applicable mixture ratios the values of Ci/Cj
Weak discharges <0-01 >0-2 <0-1 are calculated and from this the ratios Pi */Pj *, the mixture
All other types of <01 <0-2 >0-1 ratios for the concentrations in degrees of Saturation, are
discharge >001 determined, in that we form

* Not indicative of this type of discharge

Ki Ci Pr

for these converted concentration ratios the ranges of

values in Table III must naturally be correct if the approx-
Table IV: Ranges of characteristic values for mixture imations are reasonable. We thus arrive at the uniform
ratios of free gases in the Buchholz relay and dissolved diagnosis pattern in Table IV.
gases Figure 8 contains the converted measured values quoted
in Fig. 5 and also those measured directly (free gases in
Mixture ratio of [CH 4 ] [C 2 H 2 ] [C 2 H 6 ] [C 2 H 2 ] the Buchholz relay) and confirms that the uniform pattern
free gases in the [H 2 ] [C 2 H 4 ] [C 2 H 2 ] [CH 4 ] in the Table provides useful diagnosis, as the diagnosis
Buchholz relay agrees largely with the fault.
related to partial
pressures of the
individual gases Possible D a m a g e to the Solid Insulation
and mixture ratio D u e to Faults
of the dissolved
gases related to It is possible to estimate the degree of damage suffered by
their degree of the solid insulation from the gases collected in the Buch-
Saturation holz relay which are not in equilibrium with the gases dis-
solved in the oil. The method used is based on the princi-
ple that comparing the dissolved and free gases shows the
Type of fault
extent to which there has been exchange between the de-
Local overheating >0-1 <1 >0-2 <0-1 composition gases and the dissolved atmospheric gases.
Weak discharges <0-01 *
>0-2 <0-1 From this the quantity of carbon monoxide is calculated,
All other types of <0-1 which has arrived in the free gas in the Buchholz relay not
>1 <0-2 >0-1 as a result of this exchange and has originated from a
discharge >001 fault. It would be beyond the scope of this contribution to
* Not indicative of this type of discharge deal with this process in detail.

the evaluation pattern. The results are applicable for the

gas concentrations Pr found in the Buchholz relay are
compiled in Table III.
It must be emphasized that these ranges of values apply
regardless of whether the gas formation is in equilibrium
or not. In the latter case the limits quoted are approxi-
mately values which are adequate for practical purposes as
shown in Fig. 5 and 6. Figures 7a and b demonstrate
that the degrees of Saturation of the individual gases due
to decomposition are very small in relation to the partial
pressures in the Buchholz relay.

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

In Brief

A Continuous Light-Section
Steel Mill for the USA

G. Ferrari
Fig. I - Power supply for rolling mill
The steel mill of the New Jersey Structural Steel Company a: 34-5 k V outdoor switchgear
b: Arc furnace
(NJSSCo) is on the eastern seaboard ot the United States c: Rolling mill
and is intended to supply the local market with structural d: 440 V auxiliaries
The initial output is 100000 t/a and can be considerably
increased to satisfy market requirements. Within the
230 k V , 6 0 H z
framework of our ränge of products for mini steel plants,
the electrical equipment for the continuous mill train and
the voltage distribution equipment for the complete plant
was handed over to the client in July 1973.

Power Supply

The structure of the power supply equipment is illustrated

in Fig. 1. The total power requirement is 40 to 50 MVA.
Supply is from the 230 kV network with separate feed to
the arc furnaces and the rolling mill with auxiliary
equipment. This ensures that the voltage fluctuations of
the rolling mill do not affect the other plant.
Figure 2 shows the 34-5 k V outdoor switchgear installation.
The l.v. transformers with their distribution equipment
are located near the main consumers.

Rolling Mill

The rolling mill processes billets of 115 X 115 mm cross

section with a maximum length of 7000 mm in a single
Strand system. The general arrangement of the plant is
shown in Fig. 3.
The two groups of three stands comprising the cogging
mill (Fig. 3) are each driven by a 750 kW slipring motor.
The two stands in the medium-section mill are driven by
two coupled d.c. motors with an output of 2 X 450 kW.
The finishing mill comprises 6 stands each driven by a
370 kW d.c. motor. The end product is cut into lengths of
55 m and fed to a cooling bed. The product is round-
section steel of yg" to diameter with a maximum
delivery speed of 13 m/s.
The electrical equipment is shown in Fig. 4. Only two
types of motor are used, one each for a.c. and d.c., and
a single type of thyristor is used for the armature and

248 Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74

Fig. 2 - 34-5 k V outdoor switchgear

Fig. 3 - Arrangement of mill train

a: Cogging mill (stands 1 to 6)
b: Medium-section mill (stands 7 and 8)
c: Finishing mill (stands II to 16)

I 7
\ \ \
e 8
-m- -m- -m- -m-
750 k W 750 k W

L 0 — 0 - J 1 ® j - 0 -
1,2,3 4,5,6 - 0 -
2x450 k W 370 k W 370 k W 370 k W 370 k W 370 k W 370 k W
7,8 11 12 13 14 15 16
Fig. 4 - Power supply for main drives 200123.1

field supply of the d.c. machines. The unit-connected

supply to the main drives ensures maximum flexibility in
selecting the rolling programme and, at the same time,
minimum down time in the event of a fault.
Using a digital speed preselector unit and numerical speed
display makes it easy to operate the mill train.

Brown Boveri Rev. 5-74


B B C B r o w n , Boveri & C o m p a n y , Limited


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