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Vanguard Personal

Financial Planning
Initial Disclosure Document

APRIL 2021
About this document
This document sets out the main features of the Vanguard VPFP will not be suitable for you if you:
Personal Financial Planning (“VPFP”) service and helps
Require holistic financial advice that includes, for
you decide whether it is right for you. It describes the aims
example, estate planning, life cover or income
of the service, your commitment as an investor, the risks
involved, the charges which you will pay and how we will
manage your investments. Require financial advice covering the combined finances
of you and a partner;
Q: Is the VPFP service right for me?
Are in serious ill-health;
A: The VPFP is designed for customers with a retirement
goal. We aim to help you achieve investment success Want advice that takes into account all available
towards your retirement goal through a combination products across the investment market;
of suitable advice, tax efficiency, ongoing investment
Have high-cost unsecured debt to service (this does
management of your portfolio and low fees. The service
not include other types of secured debt you may have,
looks at how you currently save for retirement and how that
including but not limited to, any mortgage secured
can be done in the most tax-efficient way, with the products
against a property);
we offer, to support your planned retirement age and
income expectations. We believe that you do not need any Do not have accessible emergency cash;
prior investment knowledge or experience to benefit from
the service. Hold a Stocks and Shares ISA from another provider and
contributed to it in the current tax year. If you’d like to
The VPFP service may be suitable if you: receive our advice you’d need to either:
Are aged between 18 and 74 years;
(a) Transfer this ISA to a Vanguard ISA first. Before doing
Are a UK resident for tax purposes; this you should think about whether it is in your best
interest. We can’t advise you on any transfer made prior
Have investible assets or disposable income to invest to joining the VPFP service and you should think
(we look at how best to invest what you have already carefully about whether it’s right for you, as there are
earmarked for retirement planning. Contributions you risks involved in any transfer, or
have already made to tax wrappers in this tax year will
need to be considered and deducted where they are (b) Wait until the new tax year starts.
part of your retirement savings); Are a US Person;

Have at least one existing Vanguard account opened on Have unrealised capital gains in your GA (in excess of
the Vanguard Personal Investor platform being any of your annual allowance which is currently £12,300) that
a General Account (“GA”), Individual Savings Account you do not wish to crystallise (we will sell the holdings
(“ISA”) and/or Vanguard Personal Pension with an in your GA in order to purchase the fund allocation as
aggregate value of at least £50,000; recommended in your financial plan);

Are five years or more away from retirement; Are currently contributing to two or more workplace
pension schemes;
Are investing to achieve a retirement goal through a
combination of pensions, ISAs and other accounts, and Are the beneficiary of a pension (a scheme that you
do not need access to all of your investments prior to have inherited from someone else) that you want to
retirement; form part of your retirement planning with Vanguard;

Want ongoing advice and are willing to pay for it; Wish to invest only in ESG (environmental, social and
governance) investments related to your retirement savings;
Are willing to allow us to make investment decisions on
your behalf; Want to maintain total control of your investment
decisions related to your retirement savings;
Are comfortable with digital financial advice services;
Are self-employed and have set up a private limited
Are comfortable investing exclusively in Vanguard
company. It may be more tax efficient to pay your
products and services; and
pension contributions through the business as an
Are willing to take investment risk. employer pension contribution. The VPFP service does
not support employer contributions into the Vanguard
Personal Pension.

Are employed and wish to make a pension contribution Track your progress – We will monitor your portfolio
through your employer. The VPFP also does not support and adjust the funds you are invested in to help you
employer contributions into the Vanguard Personal achieve your goal. Every time you log on you will
Pension; see a personal dashboard that tells you how you are
progressing towards your goal. Just let us know if your
Have received an employer pension contribution (or
circumstances change, so we can review your situation
a contribution from a third party) into your Vanguard
and make new recommendations if necessary.
Personal Pension in the current tax year;
Help you benefit from government tax allowances –
Have Primary Protection or Individual Protection 2014 or
Vanguard recommends a suitable asset allocation
2016 in respect of the lifetime allowance applicable to
(shares, bonds, etc.) and determines the appropriate
your pensions;
Vanguard account in which your funds should be
Have a Lifetime ISA (LISA) or a help to buy ISA; invested. The UK government provides generous tax
incentives to help people save and invest, and we will
Want to retire before age 55 or after age 75; or help you make use of them in an efficient way. Vanguard
Have a defined-benefit scheme into which you are either manages the investments for you to keep you on track.
(i) currently making additional voluntary contributions Help you to keep more of the return – Vanguard’s low
(AVCs) (invested pension pots that sit alongside fees mean more of your money stays invested.
your main scheme); or (ii) you have already made
contributions to AVCs in the current tax year; or (iii) plan Provide website, phone and email support – A
to make contributions to AVCs this tax year. dedicated team of financial planners and our client
service team can help you should you require
When you become a VPFP client if you have an ISA or
technical support on matters such as transfers and
pension with an existing provider (where you haven’t made a
account opening.
contribution, as described above) we can give you advice as
to whether it would be appropriate to consolidate those with
Q:  What is a digital investment
Vanguard. Please get in touch to discuss further.
advice service?
If at any point during the account-opening process you A: A digital investment advice service uses technology
decide that the VPFP service is not suitable for you or to process personal and financial information to make
otherwise do not wish to proceed with the service you will an investment recommendation that is suitable for an
be able to exit the process at any time. individual’s needs. The VPFP service offers a low-cost
and consistent investment approach for all clients, but
Q:  What is the VPFP Service? personalised to each client’s individual circumstances.
A: The VPFP service is a digital investment advice and
financial plan management service supported by a team Q: What kind of advice will I receive?
of financial planners and client service teams. The service A: The advice you receive will be in the form of a personal
includes ongoing management of your assets by Vanguard recommendation(s). A personal recommendation
and annual reviews to help you achieve your financial is designed to be suitable for you after taking into
retirement goal, in line with your risk profile. Should your consideration your specific:
circumstances change, we will review your plan and where
necessary make new recommendations. (a) Financial situation

Some changes, such as moving abroad, may mean that we (b) Investment objectives
are no longer able to continue managing your investments. (c) Risk tolerance
We will:
Our personal recommendation to you will include advice on
Personalise your financial plan to meet your account types, Vanguard Funds and investment strategy.
retirement goal – The service takes into account Where it includes opening additional Vanguard accounts,
your unique financial situation and how much risk is we will explain what is required from you and provide the
appropriate. From this we will deliver a personalised necessary information to help you understand the features
financial plan that is built around your retirement goal. and risks of that account before it is opened.
Formulate your financial plan – This will include The advice you will receive via the VPFP service is restricted
recommendations on your current and predicted advice. This means we will only provide investment
retirement savings. Should you wish to contribute in recommendations on a limited range of funds offered by
excess of the recommended amounts you will need to Vanguard. The VPFP service does not offer ‘all of market’, also
contact us. known as ‘independent advice’. Should you require independent
advice then this service will not be appropriate for you.

Q: What is the financial plan management from equity funds to fixed income as you near your
that is provided under the VPFP service? retirement age. The glide path that is recommended to you
will be based on your specific circumstances, including your
A: This means we will manage your investments on your
desired level of investment risk and time to retirement, and
behalf, on an ongoing basis, towards the investment goal
will be designed to deliver your investment objective.
set out in your financial plan. We will decide when to buy
and sell funds in accordance with your objectives to ensure
your portfolio holds the recommended allocation of funds in
Q: What is an index fund?
the relevant Vanguard accounts, as set out in your financial A: An index fund is a type of fund whose investment
plan. This is commonly known as “rebalancing”. Your portfolio strategy is to track the performance of a particular index of
will be reviewed regularly to assess whether any trades are securities, for instance, the FTSE All Share Index or the S&P
needed to rebalance it. We will generally look to rebalance 500. Index funds are often also referred to as “tracker” or
your portfolio if it diverges by 5% or more +/- from the “passive” funds. Index funds typically have low charges.
allocations in your glide path. You will be able to view your
accounts online and will be able to see all the trades that Q: What is a tax wrapper?
we have placed. However, you will not be able to place your A: A tax wrapper is a type of product or account that is
own trades for accounts held under VPFP. When selling funds used to hold investments in a tax-efficient manner. A tax
in your General Account we will not consider any potential wrapper acts to effectively ‘wrap’ around the investments
capital gains tax liability. At present VPFP doesn’t have any within it to give them a level of protection from taxes, and,
features that may help reduce your capital gains tax liability, as a result, helps to achieve a higher return for investors.
such as Bed and ISA or Bed and SIPP. Examples of tax wrappers include ISAs and pensions. The
VPFP service will recommend which Vanguard funds to hold
Q: How is my money invested? in each of these accounts. The GA does not have the same
A: Within 3 days from you accepting the financial plan your tax benefits as the ISA or Vanguard Personal Pension but
money will be invested in various Vanguard funds allocated may be appropriate for some individuals, for example where
on a “glide path” (see below) and which at any time will they have already used their full pension and ISA allowance
contain all, or a number, of the following diversified, low-cost for any given tax year.
index funds:
Q: How can I be sure that my
(a) Vanguard FTSE U.K. All-Share index Unit Trust Fund; recommendations have considered my
(b) Vanguard FTSE Developed Europe ex-UK Index Fund; specific circumstances?
A: Prior to investing in a recommended portfolio we will
(c) Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index Fund;
provide you with your financial plan – but only once you
(d) Vanguard U.K. Short-Term Investment Grade Bond have completed a detailed digital fact-find. Your financial plan
Index Fund; will give you details of the advice we are giving, together
(e) Vanguard U.K. Government Bond Index Fund; with an explanation of why the recommendation is suitable
for you. It will also explain how any recommended actions
(f) Vanguard Global Corporate Bond Index Fund; meet your retirement goal and consider your personal
(g) Vanguard U.K. Inflation-Linked Gilt Index Fund; circumstances, including income, current assets, liabilities
and attitude to risk. There are some circumstances where
(h) Vanguard U.S. Equity Index Fund;
we will need further information to be able to understand if
(i) Vanguard Japan Stock Index Fund; our service is right for you, such as:

(j) Vanguard U.S. Government Bond Index Fund; (a) If you have non-taxable income (such as child tax credit
(k) Vanguard Pacific ex-Japan Stock Index Fund; or maintenance from a spouse or civil partner) then we
will not include this when calculating how likely you are
(l) Vanguard European Government Bond Index Fund; and to meet your retirement goal (and therefore understate
(m) Vanguard Japan Government Bond Index Fund. your likelihood of success) or the affordability of the
This mix of funds is designed to offer broad, globally retirement savings you are making. If you have
diversified, and passively managed investment exposure at significant non-taxable income you should contact us to
low cost. discuss your circumstances before you use the
VPFP service.
Q: What is a glide path? (b) If you have changed employer during the current tax
A: A glide path is a pre-determined asset allocation that year, and have a workplace pension contribution match
reduces risk over time as you move towards retirement and arrangement that is different to your previous
beyond. This is achieved by changing the asset allocation employer’s arrangement, you should contact us to
discuss your situation before using the VPFP service.

We will rely on the information that you provide to us. (b) Details of our understanding of your financial position
As a result, the suitability of our advice will depend on gained from the fact-find;
the accuracy and completeness of the information you
(c) A summary of the recommendation, explaining how it
provide. If we have reason to believe that the information
meets your objective;
you have provided is incomplete or inaccurate we may
require additional information. Where we have insufficient (d) A detailed explanation of the recommendation and how
information to provide a suitable recommendation, we will it would help you to achieve your investment goal. This
inform you that we are unable to provide you with the VPFP will include an analysis of your attitude to risk, a suitable
service. As part of the fact-find process we will also ask investment portfolio, details of how it will be managed,
you to confirm you understand the nature and extent of the which tax wrappers to use and the order in which they
VPFP service before proceeding. should be funded;

(e) The relevant risks of the strategy;

Q: Do I need to give you details of my
existing savings and investments? (f) A detailed explanation of the cost of the service, broken
down by the advice, fund and platform components; and
A: Yes, we need to know details of your existing savings and
investments in order to ensure that we can give you suitable (g) A clear explanation of the next steps involved in acting
advice and manage any tax allowances. This includes upon the recommendation.
pensions, ISAs, deposit accounts and investments. It is important to us that all of our customers understand
If you are currently making regular payments into your the advice that the VPFP service provides. We will include
Vanguard account we will ask you to cancel this until your graphics and illustrations in our materials and financial plan,
financial plan is implemented. where we feel it is appropriate to help you to understand
the content.
Q: What if the information I provide is not
‘detailed, accurate and up-to-date’? Q: Will there be any changes in my
A: It is especially important that you provide us with eligibility for state benefits?
detailed, accurate and up-to-date information at all times. A: Our advice may in some instances recommend a lower
This is because this information will enable us to provide level of pension contributions than you are making at the
you with suitable advice that reflects of your personal moment. This can raise your “adjusted net income”, which in
circumstances and is geared towards meeting your turn can affect your own or your partner’s eligibility to certain
objectives. To ensure that we provide you with suitable income-dependent benefits, including (but not limited to)
advice on an ongoing basis, we will perform an annual child benefit, and other help with the cost of childcare. If you
review of the information you have provided. Following such or your partner are in receipt of such payments you should
reviews we will provide you with a revised financial plan check that implementing our advice will not make you
with updated recommendations, where appropriate. ineligible before proceeding.

We will not only require this information from you as part

Q: Will I have access to my money
of your initial digital fact-find. If you become aware of any
before retirement?
changes to:
A: We will ask you to tell us how much access you wish to
(a) your personal circumstances; or have to your retirement savings and make recommendations
that are appropriate to enable this level of access. The aim of
(b) any of the information you may have previously
the service is to save for retirement so you should not invest
provided to us,
money that you know you will need to access. However,
you must let us know as soon as possible, so that we can should a change in your circumstances mean you require
promptly reconsider the suitability of our recommendations access to your funds, please contact us so that we can work
in light of that new information. out the most efficient way to facilitate a withdrawal. Please
note that you will not generally be able to access your
Q: How do I know the service is suitable pension savings held in the Vanguard Personal Pension until
for me? you reach minimum pensionable age which is currently age
A: Once we have received all the relevant information that 55. It is important to note that pension and tax rules may
we require and the fact-find process has been validated change in the future.
we will analyse your information and provide you with
your financial plan and personal recommendation. This will Q: Do I need to have the full VPFP service?
include: A: The VPFP service is only available as a full package
containing ongoing financial advice and financial plan
(a) Details of your retirement objective;
management. If you prefer to make your own investment

decisions you should consider an alternative service which allocation in the portfolio as you approach retirement,
offers this option. Vanguard also offers a self-managed thus reducing its volatility and the potential for losses.
service which may meet these requirements.
Longevity risk – You may live long enough to exhaust
Q: Will you provide me with regular the funds raised by your investments. Retaining a
reports on my investments? percentage of growth assets in your portfolio following
retirement can reduce this risk.
A: Yes, we will provide you with a statement each quarter
showing the value of your investments. You can also Service risk – VPFP service is a digital web-based
view your investments at any time by logging on to your financial advice service for individuals with a financial
VPFP profile. retirement goal and its aim is to cater for this. It does
not cater for other financial planning needs which you
In addition and as part of your annual review, we will provide
may have, so you should consider speaking to a financial
an appropriate reference against which the performance of
planner for a more holistic financial planning service.
your portfolio and our VPFP service can be assessed. This
is intended to provide long-term help in understanding how Concentration risk – You may end up investing all or a
you are progressing against your retirement goal. This can significant part of your retirement savings exclusively
also be viewed at any time in your VPFP profile. in several Vanguard managed funds and products.
Q: Is my investment at risk? This approach may carry more risk than investing in a
wide range of products available from a larger number
A: Yes, all investment involves some degree of risk. The
of providers. The VPFP service is a restricted advice
VPFP service requires you to invest your capital and you
service, which means it does not offer access to the
could get back less than you invested. Accordingly, prior to
whole investment market. Any recommendations and
making a decision to invest it is important to understand the
subsequent investments that are made as part of the
risks associated with your investment. What you get back
service will relate only to Vanguard’s own products.
depends on how your investments perform, how much you
Please refer to the question “What kind of advice will I
are charged, and any other deductions. The performance of
receive?” for further information.
investment funds is not guaranteed and past performance
is not a reliable indicator of future results. The value of Product risks – These are specific risks related to the
investments, and the income from them, can fall as well as financial products that you will be investing in. All will have
rise. distinct characteristics and risks since they follow different
investment strategies. Because of this we will provide
Q: Are there any other risks associated you with a further analysis of the specific product risks
with the VPFP service? that you need to be aware of as part of your financial plan,
A: Yes. There are several risks beyond the loss of capital which will also contain your personal recommendation.
that you must consider carefully prior to your decision to These risks are also outlined in the product-specific
invest with the VPFP service. Some of the key risks can be documentation that we will provide such as the Key
summarised as follows: Features Document, Vanguard Personal Pension
Illustration and Key Investor Information Documents.
Shortfall risk – The value of your portfolio at retirement
may be insufficient to meet your retirement goal. Inflation risk – The real value of your investments may
As well as ensuring that you invest sufficient capital be adversely affected by inflation, which could reduce
to make realising your goal possible, investing over the buying power and therefore the sufficiency of your
the long term can reduce the impact of any negative money for the duration of your retirement.
performance periods, as can investment in “growth
Currency risk – Where the underlying investments
assets” (which historically have been higher-risk but also
in one or more of the Vanguard funds in which your
higher-reward) such as equities in the earlier years of
portfolio is invested are denominated in a non-sterling
your investments.
currency, a movement of exchange rates may have
Timing risk – Also known as “sequence of return” risk. either a positive or negative effect on the gain or loss
The value of your portfolio may be affected by when otherwise experienced by the investment.
you choose to retire. If you choose to withdraw your
retirement funds during a negative performance period Q: What fees will I pay?
then the value of your portfolio may be less than if you A: There are three main types of costs and charges
were to choose to withdraw funds during a positive associated with the VPFP service:
performance period. Significant losses close to your
1. Financial planning fee: 0.50% (inclusive of value-
retirement date can leave the portfolio with too little
added tax)
time to recover from those losses and can potentially
lead to poor outcomes. This risk can be reduced by This fee is what you pay in return for the provision of the
implementing a more conservative, less risky asset VPFP service, including the provision of your financial
plan and the personal recommendations contained Costs and Annual % Cost at Cost at
therein or given in relation to any transfers (as may charges of investment £50,000 £100,000
cost investment investment
be applicable), the monitoring of your investments,
VPFP fee 0.50% £250 £500
access to our financial planning team, the rebalancing
Account fee 0.15* £75 £150
and adjusting your of portfolio and your annual review
Fund charges 0.14% £70 £140
needed to keep you on track each year. It will also cover and transaction
you if we need to make changes to your financial plan costs
should your circumstances change. Total 0.79% £395 £790
2. Account fee: 0.15% (capped at £375 per year) Costs

*(maximum of £375 per annum)

This is the fee that you currently pay in relation to your
existing Vanguard account(s). You pay this in return for
Q: How frequently are fees charged?
the provision of Account services. These services include
A: The VPFP and account fees as per your existing accounts,
the fund dealing facility, recording of transactions and
will remain payable quarterly in arrears by direct debit. Fund
holdings, safeguarding of your investments and other
charges are automatically taken from the fund, which has
ancillary services. The support team provides assistance
the effect of reducing any return you may get.
with account servicing, transfers and payments through
secure messages, email and telephone. The fee is set Q: Are there any other costs and charges
at 0.15% per year based on the first £250,000 of your payable?
account balance, capped at £375 per year.
A: No, there are no other costs or charges.
3. Fund charges and transaction costs: 0.14% (in
aggregate across your VPFP portfolio).
Q: Can I know exactly how much will I be
charged prior to my decision to invest?
These are set by Vanguard and apply at the level of
A: We will provide you with estimates before you invest and
the particular fund(s) in which you invest and are
details of the actual costs incurred regularly thereafter.
also referred to as fund management costs. The
ongoing charges figure (OCF) is expressed as an Q: How often will you be providing me
annual percentage of the value of a fund, and includes
with information on all costs and charges?
Vanguard’s charge for managing the fund and its assets
A: You will receive a detailed description of relevant costs
as well as administrative expenses such as the fees
and charges within your financial plan. Where relevant you
of the independent custodian, the registrar, the fund
will also receive a pre-sale illustration for the Vanguard
auditor and other regulatory expenses. Please refer to
Personal Pension based upon the amounts to be invested.
the specific Key Investor Information Document (KIID)
An annual statement setting out the actual costs and
for details of the OCF applicable to a particular fund. In
charges of the VPFP Service for the previous year will also
addition, the funds incur transaction costs (including
be provided.
when buying and selling underlying investments) and
other incidental costs. Q: What is the minimum investment
Q: How much does it cost?
A: You need to invest at least £50,000.
A: The costs and charges that you will be required to
pay for the VPFP service are dependent on the value Q: What level of service can I expect?
of your investments. An estimate of costs and charges The service will collect and analyse your information using
will be provided to you with your financial plan prior to unique technology backed by over 40 years’ investing
implementation of the VPFP service, and a breakdown experience, with human expertise behind every decision
of actual costs incurred will be provided to you each year it makes. Once the fact-find is complete, you will receive
thereafter. When providing estimates, we will, wherever a tailored financial plan with a recommended investment
possible, use actual incurred costs as a proxy for expected portfolio and advice on the best way to use your accounts to
costs and charges. Where actual costs are not available, we maximise your tax benefits.
will make reasonable estimations of these costs. Vanguard
does not charge any fees for withdrawals or exiting Once your financial plan is in place, the VPFP service monitors
the service. your retirement savings regularly. If anything gets too far off
track, we rebalance your investments for you, to ensure you
The table below provides an overview of all applicable costs have the right asset mix. In addition, you will get updates
and charges. This information is intended to show the costs from us so you know how your investments are doing. You
and charges over a 1-year period for a £50,000 investment can also log on at any time to get a real-time update.
and a £100,000 investment.

Should you need additional guidance at any stage in the Q: Can I change my mind?
journey, our UK-based client services team is on hand to
A: Yes, you can cancel your VPFP service by informing us in
help. From discussing your financial plan through to the
writing via secure message from your personal dashboard
practical stuff like making payments, you can contact them
within 14 days from the date of your acceptance of the
on the phone and via email.
VPFP service. Cancellation rights also apply to your specific
Investors with £100,000 or more in their Vanguard accounts Vanguard accounts. However if you had one of these
can also enjoy direct access to our team of financial planners accounts before we began providing you with the VPFP
via video or telephone appointments. service, the cancellation period may have already expired and
may not apply (unless we begin providing you with the VPFP
Those with £750,000+ will be allocated a dedicated financial
service before the cancellation period for the relevant account
has expired). If we do close your VPFP profile you will no
All of our financial planners are qualified, regulated, salaried longer be able to access the documentation stored on your
and legally required to act in your best interest. personal dashboard and you should download your financial
plan and any other information you might need beforehand.
Q: What is the maximum investment
amount? Q: Can I cancel my Vanguard Personal
A: There is no maximum investment amount for the VPFP Pension?
service, although there are annual limits on the amount that A: Yes, you may cancel your Vanguard Personal Pension by
can be contributed to ISAs and pensions. Depending on informing us in writing via secure message within 30 days
your personal circumstances there may also be limits to the from the date we serve your cancellation rights. Normally
amount you can contribute to your pension and the amount this will be the date when the Vanguard Personal Pension
of tax relief you can receive. was opened. Similar rights also apply in respect of:
Q: Can I make regular or periodic (a) any transfer payment received;
(b) the first occasion of any regular savings plan payments;
You can make one-off, lump-sum payments and/or set up
monthly investments through a regular savings plan. Should (c) any personal one-off contributions; and
you wish to make a payment in excess of the value set out (d) the first occasion you decide to take benefits.
in your financial plan, you will need to contact us. We will
On cancellation of your Vanguard Personal Pension, any
assist you in updating your digital fact-find details so that the
contributions or transfers paid will be refunded to the source
payment can be accepted.
of payment. The amount refunded following cancellation
Q: Will my money and investments may be less than the amount you originally contributed and
be safe? will depend on how the contribution or transfer was made.
Cancellation amounts will be calculated as follows:
A: Vanguard funds and monies will be held as client assets
and client money or under trust, as applicable. Please refer (a) T
 he amount will be equal to the market value of the
to the Terms and Conditions for further details. transfer;

Q: Are my investments protected? (b) The first occasion of any regular savings plan payments
A: Vanguard is covered by the Financial Services - the cancellation amount will be equal to the full value
Compensation Scheme (“FSCS”). This means that you may of the contribution;
be entitled to compensation from the FSCS if we are no (c) Personal one-off contributions - the cancellation amount
longer trading or are declared to be in default and cannot will be equal to the lesser of the value of the
meet our obligations to you. This may apply separately to contribution or market value;
both your investments and any cash held in your account,
You will need to inform us via secure message if you wish
and the maximum amount of compensation available will
to cancel your Vanguard Personal Pension, transfer, or
depend upon the type of investment business, the FSCS
contribution. If you have made investments prior to cancelling
compensation limits applying at the time of any failure
your Vanguard Personal Pension we will sell your holdings
and the circumstances of your individual claim. For more
within five working days. Where investments are sold, you
information about how the FSCS might apply to your
may get back less than you originally invested because
investments, please contact us or visit the FSCS website
of any market value losses suffered between the date of
at The FSCS’s address is: 10th Floor, Beaufort
your investment in the fund and the date we receive and
House, 15 St Botolph Street, London EC3A 7QU.
implement your instructions to cancel. Product charges will
also apply until your Vanguard Personal Pension is closed and
charges that have already been deducted will not be refunded.

Q: Can I cancel my ISA?
You may cancel your Vanguard ISA by informing us in writing
via secure message within 14 days from the date we serve
your cancellation rights. Normally this will be the date when
the account was opened.

On cancellation of your account, any investments can either

be sold or transferred into your name or into the name of
another nominee. If investments are sold, you may get
back less than the amount you invested originally because
of market value losses suffered between the date of your
payment and the date we receive and implement your
instructions to cancel. Product charges will also apply until
the account is closed and charges that have already been
deducted will not be refunded.

If you cancel an ISA within the cancellation period, it is

treated as not having been opened and so you can apply to
open another one during the same tax year.

After the 14-day cancellation period expires, you may

withdraw your money at any time by selling or transferring
your investments. You will need to contact us to complete

Q: What if I have a complaint?

A: If you have a complaint, please contact us online at www. or on 0800 587 0460. A copy of our
Complaints Handling Policy is available on the website. If
you are not happy with our response, you can refer your
complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service or the
Pensions Ombudsman (as relevant):

Financial Ombudsman Service

Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange Square
London E14 9SR

Telephone: 0800 023 4567 (call charges will vary)


The Pensions Ombudsman

10 South Colonnade
Canary Wharf
London E14 4PU

Telephone: 0800 917 4487 (call charges will vary)


Vanguard Asset Management Limited (“VAM”) VAM is registered in England and Wales (no.07243412), and its registered office is at 4th
Floor, The Walbrook Building, 25 Walbrook, London EC4N 8AF. VAM is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority
(“FCA”), with Firm Reference Number: 527839. VAM’s VAT number is 100 1276 85. VAM is a member of the Vanguard Group of companies,
of which the ultimate holding company is The Vanguard Group, Inc., incorporated in Pennsylvania, USA.
© 2021 Vanguard Asset Management, Limited. 605_0421

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