Passive Voice (All Tenses)

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PHOTOCOPIABLE ACTIVITIES THE PASSIVE FOOD ADVERTISEMENTS Use after: Lesson 8 about one hour Materials: one photocopy for every pair of students, coloured pencils and art materials, Instruction: 1 Brainstorm types of foods that you might see advertised, eg, ice cream, chocolate, biscuits, cakes, breakfast cereals and yoghurt. Write these ideas on the board. 2 Divide the class into pairs. Ask them to choose a foad product they would lke to advertise, 3. Give out a copy of the resource sheet to each pai 4 Give students time to read through the questions and make notes of the answers. Go round the class helping, 5. When everyone has finished, give them the art materials. Ask them to design their advertisement. 6 Then they should write the text for their advertisement, using as many passives as they can, ‘Ask some students to read their text to the class. 8 Display the advertisements on your classroom walls. 9. Finally, ask the class which of the products they would buy. Take a vote on the best advertisement. In pairs, invent a food product that you would like to sell. raw and write an advertisement for your product. In your advertisement, answer the questions using passives. has/have been made is/are selected can be found/bought are going to be/will be invented/sold is/are enjoyed 1 What type of food products it? 2. Whatis the name of your product? 3 How long has your product been made? 4 What ingredients are used to make it? 5 Where cant be bought? 6 What new products are going tobe brought out? 7 How many people sit enjoyed by? Draw your advertisement here. When you have finished, show and read your advertisement to the class. 8B) The passive ‘Aims To review and practice passive forms Time 10-15 minutes Materials | handout for each student ‘+ Asa lead-in, elicit what students know about the Segway, + Give each student a copy of the handout and ask them todo. task A. Check answers and review passive forms. was invented 6 had been bought Is operated 7 arenttallowed are turned 8 willbe sold Isdriven 9 was purchased have been used 10 was killed ‘Ask students to do task B and check answers. Is delayed Were you driven ‘Ate you being picked up will be held /is being held are caused Have you (ever) been involved Was your luggage searched hhas been given hhad been stolen wilbe taught ‘+ Divide the class into pairs and ask them to do task C. Before they begin, read the example together and encourage them to give full answers. Circulate and monitor, ensuring that passive forms are being used accurately ‘© Get some feedback from a few students on the most interesting answer their partner gave. A Complete the text with the passive form of the verbs in brackets. The Segway '|___ (invent) by Dean Kamen in 2001. The devices____ (operate) by the user shifting weight forwards and backwards on a platform. When the handlebars 3__ (turn), the device moves left or right. The Segway 4_________ (drive) by an electric motor and can travel up to 20: km/h. Since their invention, Segways 5 (use) in theme parks, warehouses, airports and even by the police. However, in spite of optimistic sales predictions, only 50,000 devices ® (buy) by 2009. At present, in many countries you 7___ (ot allow) to use Segways on public roads. If this changes in the future, undoubtedly many more *__ (sell). in 2010, the Segway company *______ (purchase) by James Heselden. Unfortunately, he*_______(kill) ater that year when he rode his Segway over a cliff. 1 How do you feel if your bus or train____________ (delay)? 2 ______ (you / drive) to school this morning? 3 __________ ou / pick up) after school today? 4 Do you know when the next Tour de France (hole)? 5 Do you think most car accidents (cause) by men? 6 —_____ ou / invoive) in a traffic accident? 7 ________ (your tuggage / search) by customs the last time ‘you travelled by plane? 8 Doyou know someone who____________ (give) a fine for speeding? 9 Ifyou found out yournew bike _________(steal), how would you feel? 10 Do you think you___(teac) to drive by your mum or dad in the future? Workin pairs. Ask and answer the questions from B. Give as much information as possible in your answers. How do you feel ifyour bus Really irritated! My train was delayed yesterday and I was told off by the teacher for being lal (1D) The passive (2) Aims To review and practise passive forms Time. 15-20 minutes Materials 1 handout for each student «Give each student a copy ofthe handout and ask them to complete task 1 has been fired 4 have been invited 2 Has been collected 5 hasn't been found 3 haven'tbeen sent 6 Have, been translated ‘* In task 8, students should decide if the sentences are active or passive and then use the appropriate future forrs. ANSWER KEY 1 won'tfinish 4 won't be released 2 will be injured 5 will bite 3 will, accept 6 will, be paid ‘+ Ask students to do task C. During feedback, elicit which tense is used in each case and why itis used. 1F 2C 3E 4A SH 6B 7G 8D ‘+ Intask D, students need to complete the questions by putting the verbs into the correct form of the passive. 1 has been fired 5 will, be given 2 will be made 6 is known 3 are taught 7 were told 4 Have, been asked ‘+ Working in pairs, students do task E ‘A complete the sentences and questions by using the verbs in the box in the correct form of the present perfect passive. collect fire invite notfind notsend translate 1 John ______ from his job because he stole some money. 2 the rubbi yet? 3 The concert is tomorrow, but we the tickets yet. 4 Do you know how many guests to the wedding? 5 Unfortunately, my camera________, so need to buy a new one, the Harry Potter books __ into many languages? B complete the sentences and questions by using the active or passive future form of the verb in brackets. 1 The decorators probably _______painting the house until the weekend. (not finish) 2 Watch out kids! Somebody ___if you aren't careful! (injure) 3 Ifthey offeryou the job, _______you___ itr accept) ‘4 The film ________ until early next year. (not release) 5 Henry's dog is really dangerous. t_________you if you touch it. (bite) 6 When________we________for the work we've done? (pay) C_ Match 1-8 with A-H to make passive sentences and questions. 1 Yesterday evening, Terry was oO A used for ages. Shall we give it to the charity shop? 2. How many languages are Oo B performed at the Lyceum Theatre from next Tuesday. 3 Inwhich yearvwas Bram Stoker ["] spoken in Switzertand? 4 This encyclopaedia hasn't been [] D taught at our school. We can only learn English and French. 5 if we display the poster inthe shop E bom? iodo Fl Be Oo F stopped by the police, because he was driving too fast. €/ Shakaspeare's play othellowalbe [2] 6 torn out ofthis novel borrowed from the library! 7 Ohnot The last page hasbeen [] ar 8 Spanish isnt a D complete the questions with the correct passive form (present simple, past ofthe verbs in brackets. present perfect or future) 1. Do you know anyone who ___from a job? (fire) 2 What changes do you think. in your hometown in the next five years? (make) 3 Which languages_________at your school? (teach) 4 ___you ever___ to lie for someone? (ask) 5 When do you think you_____next___a gift? (give) 6 What your hometown for? (know) 7 When was the last time you___ to do something? (tell) E_ Workin pairs. Ask and answer the questions from D. Give as much information as possible in your answers! TEACHER'S NOTES Aim ‘To practice expressing possibility Language focus Passive forms: Modal Materials and preparation Each group will need one copy of the page and a coin or die, Each student will also need a “marker.” These can be small pieces of paper with their initials, Student organization Small groups Suggested time 10-15 minutes Procedures * Before you start, review the passive forms of modal verbs and give an example of “recycling” an everyday object. For example, a large plastic soft drink bottle could be used to keep water in the refrigerator, or if you cut the top off, the bottom part might be used as a vase, and the top part could be cut and used as a funnel to pour liquids into a bottle, etc. ‘+ Have students produce some suggestions for recycling other everyday objects such as a towel, a large cardboard box, or a pen. * The first player throws the die and moves the number of squares indicated. Ifa coin is used, the student moves two squares if it lands on heads and one square if it lands on tails. If the ‘marker lands on a blank square, the student must wait for his or her next turn, If the marker lands on a picture, the player must “recycle” the object by suggesting an alternative use for the object. Students may not repeat any suggestions if they land on the same picture as someone else. * The group then decides whether or not the suggestion is possible. The player who made the suggestion can argue in favor of it but cannot make any changes or new suggestions. *# Ifthe group accepts the suggestion, the player moves forward one square. If the suggestion is not accepted, the player moves back one square. The winner is the frst player to reach the last square. UNIT 9 Passive and causative Grown-ups! Vocabulary Passive infinitive tbs: ask Intermediate to advanced Comments Discussion practi f inns Growing-up experiences Groups of three or four LaNguage output 20 minutes Procedures Worksheets fone per 1 sheet, one f student), set of slips (one : er group) ‘ 2 " 3 e a 4 on h rh , On " ui p ' ’ the bag or er " 1 her sen w uch must " h ind whet When | was ... | was(n't) ... (not) to ... 1 asked 2 told 3 taught - advised | 5 brought up | 6 encouraged 7 expected 8 warned 9 allowed | 10 forbidden 11 supposed 12. forced (name) : (name) (name) (name) ‘Tomatch passive sentences to the ative Lesson link Use after Unit 7, 58 p56 857 ‘One copy ofthe worksheet cut up into ‘ards per group of four students Pre-activity (5 minutes) * Ask students, in pairs, to write five sentences of different tenses and their passive equivalents, e.g. They wash the dishes every day. The dishes are washed every day. Go around helping and correcting as necessary. * Combine pairs to make groups of four students. Pairs take it in turns to read out a sentence (active or passive) for the other pair to provide the active or passive equivalent. Procedure (20 minutes) ‘+ Explain that students are going to play snap by matching active and passive sentences which have the same meaning Divide the students into groups of four and give each group a jumbled set of cards placed face down in a pile on the table, with the first card placed face up on the table. + Students take it in turns to pick up a card and read it out slowly and clearly to the group. The other students listen and try to find a card that has the same meaning already on the table. If there is such a card, the first person to shout Snap! and place a hand on the card wins the pair. If there is no match, the student places the card face up on the table. ‘+ The student reading the card cannot win the pair. However, if no-one notices a matching pair, he/she puts the card on the table and then claims the pair. (Ifa student shouts Snap! when the cards do not match, he/she must give back a pair he/she has already won by putting them back in the pile, and reshuffling the pile.) Go around listening, checking that students are playing correctly. * Students play until there are no more cards. The student with the ‘most pairs wins, Extension (15 minutes) * In their groups, students play Pelmanism with the cards. Groups mix up the cards and then place them face down on the table. * Students take it in turns to turn over two cards, reading them aloud each time. If the cards match, the student keeps the pair. If not, the cards are turned over and the next student plays. Students play until there are no more cards. The student with the most pairs wins. Mary woke John by shouting John woke Mary by shouting. His father gave it to him. He gave it to his father. An accident caused the fire. The fire caused an accident. John was woken by Mary shouting Mary was woken by John shouting. It was given to him by his father. It was given to him by his son. The fire was caused by an accident. The accident was caused bya fire Ants ate almost everything. Almost everything eats ants. In one week, he’s changed all his plans with her. She's changed all his plans in one week. Big fish catch little fish. Little fish catch big fish. Almost everything was eaten by ants. Ants are eaten by almost everything. All his plans with her have been changed in one week. All his plans have been changed by her in one week. Little fish are caught by big fish. Big fish are caught by little fish. John has been left, by Mary. Mary has left John. Mary has been left John has left Mary. by John. The students have learnt a The students have been jot from the teacher. taught a lot by the teacher. The students have taught The teacher has been taught the teacher a lot. a lot by the students. Mary loves John. John is loved by Mary. John loves Mary. Mary is loved by John. Ud Active and passive infinitives Type of acti Pairwork; guessing; production Grammar point Active and passive infinitives active infinitive in the present, e.g. 10love He promised to love her force. infinitive in the past, ¢.g. 0 hace loved: Iris botter to have loved and lost than never loved at all passive infinitive in the present, e.g. 10 be loved: She tants to be loved for herself not for her money: - passive infinitive in the past, e.g. to have been loved: The most important sing in life isto have loved and to have been loved. Other structures Present simple Topic areas Wishes and hopes Challenging vocabulary Students generate their own vocabulary. Be prepared to provide support. Materials and preparation + Make enough copies of the QUESTIONNAIRE for each student in the class co have one. How to use the game + Check that your students are familiar with the grammar in the Grammar point. + Divide students into pairs. + Give one QuESTIONNATRE to each student, + Ask them to sit back to back. + Ask each student in the pair to imagine they are the other. + Get them to fill in the QUESTIONNAIRE, imagining they are the other person. (They should use both passive and active infinitives.) + When they have finished, get them to turn round and, discuss each sentence with their partner. How many were right? + The object of the game is to get as many correct guesses as possible. ‘The pair who get the most correct guesses are the Monitoring and feedback ‘Ac the end of the game you can go round the class asking individual students to read out the sentences they have written down, correcting mistakes and giving feedback. QUESTIONNAIRE {Imagine you are your partner. Answer the questions. In my life at the moment: | want to ...... I don't want to .. I expect to peeremrennreoroc I don't expect to My biggest ambition is to . My biggest fear is to ..... An impossible dream of mine is to... When I look back on my life: | would like to ..... IF wouldn't like to... eeenee The most important thing in life is to ... The least important thing is to .......... E21 Present passives Type of activity ‘Small group; matching; accuracy Grammar point Present passive — we use passives when the doct of the action is unknown ‘or not important and we want to focus on what happens or where or how something happens ~ present passives are formed using amfsiarv and the past participle: ‘Tea is grown in China. Keys are made of metal. Other structures None Topic areas Countries, materials, products Challenging vocabulary ‘Bold, paperclip, silk, pump (1), inflate, tyre, wheat, oil (n), corkserete, hammer (1), measure (¥), temperature Materials and preparation + Copy and cut up the BEGINSINGS and ENDINGS CARDS for each group of 3-4 students. You can make a copy of the uncut sheet to act as an ANSWER KEY for each group. On the board, write the verbs they will need flare made (of or in), sare found (in), islare grown (i), Islare nsed (10 oF fo) How to use the game Croce seer] *+ Check that your students are familiar with the grammar in the Grammar point and with the words listed in Challenging vocabulary. Pre-teach any other words from the game you think will be unfamiliar to your class Divide the class into groups of 3-4 students. CARDS, a set of Give cach group a set of pecENiNes ENDINGS CARDS and an ANSWER KEY. ‘They should deal out the BEGINNINGS CARDS and put the ENDINGS CARDS face down in a pile in the centre ‘They should leave the aNSwER KRY face down on, the table. ‘They may look at their BeGRNINGS CARDS, ‘The first player turns up an ENDINGS CARD from the pile. If she can make a sentence using one of the REGINNINGS CARDS from her hand and one of the passive verbs you have written on the board, ¢.g. “Kangaroos are found in Austeala.", “Coffe is grocen in South America." ‘Pons are used for voriting.’, she can lay ‘both cards down on the table to make a sentence. {If not, she must pur the ENDINGS CARD at the bottom of the pile and miss a go. ‘Then itis the next player's turn. + The object of the gume is to make the most sentences. + At the end of the game the students can check their answers with the ANSWER KEY. Variations are possible, ‘You can ask students to write down some of their sentences as they produce them or after the game is finished. At the end you can go round the class asking individual students to read out their sentences, correcting mistakes and giving feedback. If you feel it would be useful to reinforce the grammar, you can ask the students to play the game again (possibly in new groups). 25 Present passives Rules 1. You will have a set of BEGINNINGS CARDS, a set of ENDINGS CARDS and an ANSWER KEY 2. Deal out all the B:G:NNINGS CARDS to all players. 3. Put the PNDINGS CARDS face down in a pile in the centre. 4 Leave the ANSWER KEY face down on the table to use later. 5 Look at Your BEGINNINGS CARDS. 6 Player 1 begins. Turn up a card from the pile, ‘Try to make a sentence using one of the BEGINNINGS, ‘CARDS from your hand, the ENDINGS CARD you have turned up and a passive verb, e.g. ‘Kangaroos are found in Australia.’ ‘Coffe is grocen in South America.’ “Pens are used for writing.” 7 Ifyou can do this, lay both cards down on the table and say the sentence. 8 If not, you must put the ENDINGS CARD beck at the bottom of the pile and miss a go. 9 Then it is the next player’s turn. 10 The winner is the player who has made the most sentences. 11 At the end of the game you can check your answers With the ANSWER KEY, Variations are possible. BEGINNINGS AND ENDINGS CARDS EY South America} kangaroos Australia for writing North America furniture South Africa to open doors E to hold pieces of {Paper clips paper together : tigers the Caribbean North Africa acorkscrew —_! for opening bottles to bang nails to open tins into wood Ee! B i m to inflate tyres | a thermometer ne temperature Hi Present perfect and past perfect passives Type of activity Part 1: Small group; completing and guessing; production Part 2: Small group; memory; production Grammar point Present perfect and past perfect passives ~ we use perfect passives when the doer of the action is unknown or not important and we want to focus oon what happened or didn’t happen, or where ot hhow something happened ~ we form present perfect passives by using hace/has ‘con and the past participle: Thave been asked io 50 10 Spain for six months. ‘we form past perfect passives by using had been + past participle: I.wish Thad been allowed :0 hase a puppy when Treas a chil Other structures None Topic areas Everyday actions Challenging vocabulary inspired, praised, encouraged, admired, employed, appreciated, criticited, teased Materials and preparation + Make enough copies of che smvTANCES FRAN for every student in the class. How to use the game Part 1 + Check that your students are familiar with the grammar in the Grammar point. Give one SENTENCES »RAME to cach student. ‘Ask them to fill n the frame with sentences that are true for them. They must usc perfect passives, e.g. ‘I have been criticised for talking too much.” ‘The students should fill in the frame, using as many different verbs as they can. They can use the verbs provided or others of their own choice. ‘They should not show their sentences to anyone else. Then group the students into threes and fours + The object of this part of the game is for the students to guess each other’s sentences, + To do this, they could use, for instance, ‘In number X, I think Y said..": ‘In number 20, I think Sonia said “L vish I hadn't been teased about my hair” Part 2 + When all players have guessed each other's sentences, divide the students into pairs within their groups (or an individual and a pair in the case of threesomes). ‘Then regroup the students so that each pair of students is with a new pair from a different group, + The object of this part of the game is for the students to remember as many sentences as possible from their previous groups. + ‘The students should tell each other the sentences, e.g. ‘Maria wishes she hadn't been told off so much when she was a child.’ ‘Par is glad he has been told he is handsome by so many girs? hhey should then write the sentences down, + The group who can write the most sentences in 20 minutes is the winner, Monitoring and feedback Part 1 At the end of the game you can go round the class asking individual students to read out some of the sentences they have written down, correcting mistakes and giving feedback Part 2 At the end you can go round the class asking individual students to read out their sentences, correcting mistakes and giving feedback. SENTENCES FRAME In my life up till now 1 Ihave been. 2 Ihave been . 3 | have been .... 4 Ihave been .... I'm proud that | have been .... I'm proud that | have been .... I'm proud that | have been .... I'm proud that | have been .... enau 9 I'm glad | have been 10 |'m glad | have been 11 I'm glad | have been I'm glad | have been | wish | had been .... | wish | had been | wish | had been | wish | had been | wish | hadn't been ... | wish | hadn't been | wish | hadn't been | wish | hadn't been given told told off for inspired by employed as criticised for praised for appreciated for allowed to encouraged to asked to loved by i admired for told that. teased about Pop stars Aim To give students practice at using the present simple passive and past simple passive to talk about the careers of pop stars Materials One worksheet per student Time 30 minutes Preparation Copy and cut up the worksheet Procedure 1 Write on the board: a) When your first single was released? b) When was your first single released? €) When was released your frst single? Ask students to identify the correct question. (Answer: b) They need to know this to do the following activity correctly. 2 Put students into pairs. Give one student Sheet A, and the other student Sheet 8. They have to ask each other questions to complete the missing information, Go through the first one or two questions with the whole class to check they understand the task, then give them five minutes to complete the information. 3 Ask them if they have seen a TV programme like this, or if there is a similar programme in their own county. 4 Divide students into groups of four oF five and tell them that they have to imagine they are @ pop group. Hand out a copy of Sheet C to each student. Together they invent the information for their group and vite it down in the right-hand column, Allow seven to ten minutes. 5 Students now have to find a partner from a different group and take tums to interview each other about their pop groups. They will need to make complete questions from the prompts. Do the frst two questions together as examples and write them on the board: What is your group called? When and where was it formed? Allow about five minutes for the interviews 6 Ask students to write a short article about their partner's pop group for a teenage magazine. Extension ~ Speaking: Students tell a partner about a pop group from their country who they like and know something about. You can start by telling them about a group you like, as an example “Sheet A The Bardot story In 1999 auditions were held all over Australia to find twenty-five girls to appear in a TV programme. The TV programme was called _. (What ..?) The programme was designed to find girls to make an all-gir| pop group. Finally girls were chosen to form Bardot. (How many ...?) The girls were called Belinda, Sophie, Selly, Katie end Chantelle. ——__. (When ...?) it was called Poison. Their first album was called (What ...?) It was released one month later. In October they were nominated for (What ..2) In the same month they were welcomed by 600 fans at Singapore Airport at the start of an Asian tour. In December they were asked to play for ‘Their first single was released in (Who... for?) Sheet B The Bardot story In auditions were held all over Australia to find twenty-five girls to appear in a TV programme. (When ...?) The TV programme was called ‘PopStars’ The programme was designed to (What ..? Finally five gir's were chosen to form Bardot, The gris were called and___. (Whar...?) Their first single was released in April 2000. It was called (What ..?) Their first album was called Bardot. It was released ___.. (When ...?) In October they were nominated for four Australian Recording Industry Awards. In the same month they were welcomed by fans at Singapore Airport at the start of an Asian tour. (How many ...?) In December they were asked to play for Australian peacekeeping soldiers in East Timor. ‘What / group called? ‘When and where / formed? How / discovered by your record company? When / first single released? What / called? ‘When / first slbum released? What / called? ‘Where / biggest concert held? How many people / attended by? Communication activity © For further practice of past simple passive and revision of information in Unit 10, use the board game on page 42. Photocopy the page for each ‘group of four players. Each group will also need a dice and counters. ‘© Students work in teams of two. One person rolls the dice. if the team lands on a question square. ‘one player forms the question in the passive and the other has to answer it with a complete sentence. If they are correct, they stay on the square and play passes to the other team. If they answer incorrectly, they move back three squares. If there are any doubts over answers or ‘grammatical forms. you should act as referee. If a team lands on any of the other squares, they should follow the instructions. Students in each team should take it in turns to ask and answer questions. © The first team to finish is the winner. © if you feel the class will not remember much of the information from the unit, you could give the students a few minutes before beginning to took through the unit. Answers 11939 2 Spacewar 3 George Lucas 4 Chicago 5 1853 6 Mickey Mouse 7 Picasso 8 1889 9 John F. Kennedy 10 Judy Garland 11 1937 12 Athens 13 Italy 14 Van Gogh 15 1962 16 1995 17 France 16 Go back to When / Toy the start. Story / release? 15 14 When / the Who / first computer | Sunflowers / ! game / create? paint by? Who / 19 Throw the Somewhere dice again per the bale rainbow / pO 9 8 vn vent easels Bite jild? in 1963? bulla? ‘4 Go forward Where / the ik 2 squares, first skyscraper a. eres: / build? > ie 3 2 i Who / the Star | What / the first Wars films / | computer game direct by? / call? Where / the Statue of Liberty / make? 1 Where / the | first lift / use? | 1 When / Snow White and the | 8) 1 Seven Dwarfs / make? Who / Guernica / paint by? When / the first lift / use? When / The Wizard of Oz / make? sing by? i jl { = Pr F | Z 5 FINISH Miss a turn. 12} Where / the first Olympic Games / hold? ; Go back 2 squares. Which Disney cartoon character / create in 1928? } r i START Teaching notes Unit 8 Speaking Worksheet 1: Class quiz This activity stays with the focus on human rights, starting with ‘a quiz on the topic. Point out the use of the passive structure Jn quiz questions ofthis type and ask the students to structure some of their questions in the same way. You will ne One copy of the Speaking Worksheet per pair 1. Students compete in pairs or groups against the rest ofthe class, trying to answer the six quiz questions provided, ANSWER KEY 1b 2c 3b 4b Sc 6d 2 Students write quiz questions in small groups. Monitor to ensure the passive i being used correctly and prompt with ideas. Allow students to use books from other subjects that they are studying Elicit one or two sample quiz questions from students as they work 3. Students quiz each other and keep score. © EXTRA ACTIVITY © The class could be encouraged to put their best questions together to create a quiz to test another class, or the quiz could be posted online. 1 Workin pairs. Answer the quiz questions. 11 When was the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHER) signed? a 1938, b 1948 1958 2 Which is the frst article of the UNDHR? a All men are created equal, and are endowed certain Fights. b Everyone has the right to live, have liberty and have security of person. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. 3 What important prize was Martin Luther King Jr awarded? 2 The Pulitzer Prize bb The Nobel Peace Prize The Nobel Literature Prize 2 Workin groups. Write six more quiz questions, one on each topic. a | + Science «Sport + Geography + Music + English language « Social science 3. Ask and answer the new quiz questions with the other groups. 4 When is the International Labour Day celebrated? a2May bIMay © 31 May '5 Whereis pro-democracy supporter Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest? a North Korea b Tibet © Myanmar icles 6 The ... are the games for athletes with physical and Visual disabilities, held every four years. a Special Olympics World Games bb Olympic Games ¢ International Paralympic Committee Games d Paralympic Games Useful Language Who was the When was invented by? discovered / built? filmed? or Whereis... set? Where was Which (song) hasbeen (recorded) by...? Who was (awarded)...? Grammar 2 4 a = Sentence auction Target language: the pa: Activity type: grammar auction When to use: Use this activity after Lesson 2.2. Time taken: 25 minutes : Photocopy one worksheet for each pair or group of three students in the class. Preparat Procedure Put students into teams of three or four (pairs if you have a small class) and give each team one copy of the worksheet. Tell them to read the sentences and decide ifthey are grammatically corrector incorrect. If they think a sentence is correct, they should tick the Correct? column. If they think a sentence is incorrect, they should write a cross in the Correct? column, and correct the sentence. Tel the teams that they have £1,000 in total to bid on these sentences, and that they must compete against the other teams in an auction to buy the most sentences. In order to buy a sentence, a team must bid the highest amount and state whether the sentence is correct or incorrect. Ifincorrect, the team must correct it accurately. Give the teams a minute to agree on how much they would like to spend on the first sentence and then start the bidding at £10. The teams shout out bids until one team finally wins. That team must now state whether it is correct or incorrect and correct it fit is wrong. If they make a mistake, the second highest bidders have the opportunity to buy the sentence, correcting it if necessary. The winners write the amount they paid for the sentence in the Amount paid column and subtract this amount from their £1,000. This is repeated for each sentence until they have all been sold and corrected where necessary. The team who has bought the most sentences wins. Answers Sentences 1, 4, 5, 7,8, 11 and 12 are incorrect. are often interviewed 4 was invented by 5 should be supervised 7 have been stolen 8 was originally created 11 must be recharged 12 was spent Sentence auction Correct? Amount paid Famous people is often interviewed on the TV and radio. The news is normally broadcast at midday and in the evening. 3 Handwritten newspapers were circulated as early as 598C in Ancient Rome. 4 The ballpoint pen was invent by the Biro brothers in 1938. 5 Children should been supervised when they are surfing the net. 6 Some pop videos have been prohibited because of the images they contain. 7 Lots of mobile phones have been stealed this year in the UK. 8 The idea of Big Brother was originally create by George Orwell in his novel 1984. 9 Many journalists are sent to live in foreign countries to report what is, happening there. 10 Jobs are usually advertised in local and national newspapers. 11 Mobile phones must recharged every couple of days. 42 Anestimated $250 million were spend on the rental and purchase of the Titanic video in the first six days after its release. 43, Sales of CDs have been affected by people who download songs on the Internet. 44 Coca-Cola is known for its clever advertising campaigns. 5 Home videos have mostly replaced by DVDs. Resource 7A Language practised: grammar Time: about 20 minutes ‘You will need a set of cards for each group of four students. The cards need to be cut up before the lesson ‘and arranged in batches for each group: the 16 shaded cards clipped together and the 16 unshaded cards clipped together. Tell students they're going to playa game to practise the passive. ‘* Make groups of four. Hand out the cards you have made from Resource 7A. Tell students to place the shaded cards face down on one side of the desk, and the unshaded ones face down on the other side of the desk. ‘Students take turns to turn over two cards (one shaded and one unshaded). They read the’sentence Ifthe students decide the information is correct (with reference to the information on pages 52 and 53 of the Students’ Book) the students keep the cards. Ifnot, the student places them face down on the desk again, ‘Play continues until all the cards have been matched, Students then check their answers by looking in the Students’ Book, The student in each group with the most matched cards is the winner, ' waseaten | ThemostCoca | i dink i ' ‘ in Ancient ' Cola™ in the ‘ heer ' Greece world ' gat 'e - ' ‘ aregoing | The firstPizza | was prepared Salesoffizy | upinthe | | Margherita in 1889. drinks | developing | : world. ' | In 1886 eight ‘ Todaya . ; | drinks of Coca are solda ! pilliondrinks | 3° sold mo 4 ' Cola™ aa | of CocaCola™ | ad ' Most of the worlds cacao beans was drunk by the Aztecs. are produced in Africa. Thefirst. | wasopenedin | ee | are served in McDonalds™ 1940. , : McDonalds ™ nl , customers q | About2s | isusedin | Littleofthe ' | gramsof | afastfood «=| PACKAGINGIN «1 recycled. : oe | eens | “afastfood | : _Pacaging mea ne : | hasbeen { : ioe oo ee | startedin Food / snout = : (comes { Italy. eae ' diced ‘ emadehom ¢ t Fairtrade Chocolate t 1 | more people | eacaobeans. | goods. AMAZING FACTS Materials: One copy of worksheet A and worksheet B per pair of students ‘Arrange $s into A and B pairs and distribute the worksheets, Explain the activity. Student A reads the sentences out to his/ her partner, filing the gap with the correct active or passive form of the verb in brackets in the correct tense. Student B has to guess ifthe sentence is true or false. Student A notes down al of Student B's correct guesses. Ss then follow the same procedure for Student B's sentences. With weaker ‘lasses, you could give Ss a few minutes to write out the sentences fist, and check their answers before they start the activity. Monitor and correct any incorrect use of tense or form and any irregular past participle errors. When they have finished, Ss add up their partner's score. The student with the most correct guesses wins, At the end of the activity, ask Ss to tell the class which facts they found surprising. Answors: Worksheet A: | was first used 2became 3 was believed raised Shave been discovered 6 is permanently covered 7is produced 8 will have Worksheet B: | were used 2were cancelled 3 visited reduced Swereheld are painted 7 grows 8 willbe reduced TEACHER'S NOTES We lorksheet A 2 ‘ead out the sentences using the correct tense and form of the verb in brackets (active or passive). four partner will guess if they are true or false. Sa Wi SS ~< (false, it's twenty percent) 8 According to a US journal, by 2040 the Arctic Ocean + | Acupuncture — z ____ (first use) in 2700 ec by Chinese Emperor Shen Nung. (true) 1 2 Christmas (become) a national holiday in the USA in 1918. (false, all states } recognised it as a holiday by 1890) ‘ | 3 Inthe Middle Ages, it_________ (believe) the heart was the centre of intelligence. | 1 (true) { 14 tm 1892, Italy (raise) the minimum age of marriage for girls to 16. (false, it | 1 was 12) ‘ } 5 Roman coins __ (discover) in the USA. (true) { | 6 One percent of the world's surface____________ (permanently cover) by ice. (false, it's | | ten percent) t : 7 More than half of the world’s oxygen ___________ (produce) by the Amazon rainforest. ‘ (have) no ice. (true) Worksheet B ; Read out the sentences using the correct tense and form of the verb in brackets (active or passive). } Your partner will guess if they are true or false. SP | The first coins __________(use) by the Romans. (false, itis thought the first coins were used by the Lydians, around 600 sc) 2 National beauty contests ____ (cancel) in Canada in 1992. (true) 3 John F Kennedy it was Richard Nixon) visit) China in 1972, the first US President to do so. (false, 4 The ‘Black Death'____ (reduce) the population of Europe by half from 1347 to 1351. (false, it was by one third) 5 The first modern Olympics —___ (hold) in Athens in 1896. (true) 6 All gondolas in Venice ___________ (paint) red. (false, they are painted black) 7 Mount Everest ________ (grow) by five millimetres every year. (true) 8 According to National Geographic, in twenty years the Amazon rainforest. (reduce) by forty percent. (true) 6A Give me an answer Agroup activity Sts ask questions using the passive to other Sts in the group. Copy and cut up one set of cards per three or four Sts Language ] question forms in the passive [the fm subttied? + PurStsin groups of three or four and give each group a set of cards face down «Sts take curns to pick up the top card and ask the question to the other people in the group. Remind them to use What about you? When they repeat the question to the second or third student. + Demonstrate by picking up a card yourself and asking cone group. Ask extra questions for more information, toencourage the Sts t0 do the same Sts then continue. Monitor and correct any mistakes with passive forms Stop the activity when one group has asked all the questions, of when you think it has gone on long enough Non-cut alternative + Copy one sheet per pair of Sts, and cutin half vertically. Put Sts in pairs (preferably sitting face to face) and give them one half each. A asks B his / her first question, B answers, and then returns the question by saying What about you? Then B asks A his her first question How much ' What's the Would you like are you Has your caror |: | best present to be painted influenced by ee ' | you've ever by a famous advertisements || been given? artist? on TV and ' online? ! | bike ever been When you I ‘| wereachild, || At what age At what age 1 | didyouuseto | 1] doyou think do you think Do you || bepunisheda ||| people should people should like being ‘| totfordoing || beallowedto be allowed to photographed? 1 | something |} vote? drive? ‘ wrong? ' Name the best. Have you ever thing that was When was the been caught Do you prefer invented or last time you a) cheating in driving or being discovered by were invited to an exam, or b) driven? speeding? someone from your country. a wedding? Which jobs in | | Have you How do you your country || — everbeen peel onan feel about doyouthink | '| photographed See Draned being corrected are a) not paid | | bya when you enough, orb) |! | professional way ola are speaking paid too much? ||| photographer? English? How soon Has one of do you think your holidays e-books will or flights be used in all ever been schools instead cancelled? of paper books? Do you think life skills, like cooking, should be taught at school? Have you ever been attacked by an animal? Loaded Liam’s new house 1 Loaded Liam has bought a new house. He has asked a building company to turn it into the house of his dreams. i a it 1 what is being done at the moment? Make sentences in the present continuous passive, using the words in the boxes. eg, The roof is being repaired. take away dig paint cut deliver plant build repair replace cut down thereof the grass a garage the rubbish the gate furniture a swimming pool flowers atree the fence 2 complete the sentences. Use the passive: present simple, present continuous or past simple. The house WS, ought. ‘two months ago. The builders last month, do Alot of work 6on the house at the moment. give The builders ‘one hour off for lunch each day. eat Lunch between 12 and 1 o'clock, pay Loaded Liam is @ lanyer, and he .. ‘much more than the builders. consider At the moment he for a promotion, so soon his salary could be even higher. 3 complete the conversation between Loaded Liam and the boss of the building company. Use passives of the verbs in brackets: present simple, present continuous or past simple. 4 : Q fe Loaded Liam So what (1 do) ./¢.belna. dane. ‘on the house today? Builder The gardening team is very busy. That tree near the house (2 cut down) Loaded Liam | thought that (3 40) vv. yesterday! Builder Well, it (4 start) yesterday, but it’ a very long job because the trunk is s0 thick. Loaded Liam What about the bedrooms? (5 they / paint) now? Builder Yes, and the living room. The dining room (6 finish) ‘two days ago. Loaded Liam That's good. And how much more work is there to do on the swimming pool? Builder The hole (7 dig) today, but there's a lot of other work to do after that. Swimming pools always take a long time, 'm afraid. When the hole is finished, everything (8 make) waterproof. Then the ties (9 stick down) It can take weeks. Loaded Liam’s new house 2 When Loaded Liam bought a new house recently, he asked a building company to turn it into the house of his dreams. the builders have now finished. What work has been done? Make sentences in the present perfect passive, using the words in the boxes. eg. The roof has been repaired. thereef the grass the rubbish agarage flowers atree the fence repair take away cut plant build replace a swimming pool cut down dig 2 complete the conversation between Loaded Liam and his friend, Wealthy Will. es of the verbs in brackets: present simple, present perfect or past simple. x? ( 9) Wealthy Will Have the builders finished the work on your house yet? Loaded Liam Yes, all the building work (1 finish) .49.been finihed and the garden is looking great. Wealthy Will What (2 do) in the garden? Loaded Liam There are some lovely flowers there now, and the tree that was growing too close to the house (cut down) Wealthy Will And what about the swimming pool? Loaded Liam The tiles (4 stick on)... last week, s0 it’s finally ready for people to swim in it Wealthy Will (5 it/ USE) ono yet? Loaded Liam Not yet. Why don’t you come round for a swim this afternoon? Wealthy Will I'd love to. Thanks. And can | see your new garage, too? Loaded Liam Yes, but you can’t park your car in it. My Porsche (6 always / keep) in there. 3 And your house / school / town? What changes have been made recently? Write four sentences in the present perfect passive. e.g. My bedroom has been painted blue. Comparing passives T Make sentences about the pictures using the verbs in the box. eg. The sheep are going to be sold at the market. is being looked after aregoing-te-beseld wasmade are mined hasn't been finished will be served 2 complete the questions and answers about the pictures in exercise 1. Use passive forms. icture 1 Where have the sheep been put? They've. been put onto. the farmer's truck, What's happening to the sheep now? What is going to happen to them? 2 .When.was.the. first. diamond, found.on.Qrange. Mountain, The first diamond was found on Orange Mountain in 1830, twas used to make a ring, About $3.5 million of diamonds are mined each year. 3. When was Building A finished? Why isn’t anyone living in Building 8? ‘Where is Building C going to be built? twas made in 1805. Its being taken to the antique restorer. Its going to be mended. 5. What preparations are being made for dinner? Has the fire been lit yet? ‘Who has been invited to dinner? A qydist called Mike has been hurt. Yes, he is. He's being looked after by a doctor who came in an ambulance. He'll be taken to the nearest hospital. f W: Vocabulary extension Passive verbs often in the news 1 ‘The verbs in the box are often used in news stories. Organise them into groups which are similar in meaning. (Four of the groups should contain three verbs, one group should contain two verbs.) What is the difference between the verbs in each group? 2 Eircd}the correct alternative in the following news stories. a. ‘Several people were badly (1) njured/vounded and one was (2) murderedfilled when a tous crashed into a florst’s this moming. The bus driver is being (3) arrested /held at a local police station for questioning. Witnesses say that he was driving at 60 miles an hour when the accident happened.’ ‘Tight houses inthe same street were (4) burgled/stolen in the space of one hour yesterday ‘while all the residents of the steet were at a garden party. Police believe that more than £100,000 worth of valuables were (5) robbed/stolen." ‘The family of Geri Baines, who was (6) assassinated/murdered by her ex-husband a year ago, were angry today when they heard that he had only been (7) arrested/lled for eight years, following a psychiatrist's report. 4 ‘Over 80 paintings were completely (8) damaged/destroyed in « fire at the City Art Gallery last night. Another 120 paintings were quite badly (9) damaged/destroyed by smoke and will need very careful restoration.” Match the following headlines with a newspaper article below. Then complete the gaps with the correct form of a verb from exercise 1. 5 + Wigs lead police to prisoners + Hairdresser’s final cut + Pop star loses hair ‘Two people were slightly (1} and equipment was badly (2) hairdresser, Mari Clarke, 23, went ‘crazy’ witha pair of scissors in a high-street salon yesterday. Manageress Jacqui Reeves said‘ feel sorry for Mari. Ste’s been very depressed since her boyfriend was (3) va-~ for thres years fot armed robbery. Ms Clarke is being (8) rec for questioning by pol ‘Molti-milionaire pop star Frankie Vale came home from a tour of Europe lastnight o find that his house had been | o and his collection of valuable antique wigs had been (6) ‘Tapes of bis new album, which comes out next week, Were als0 (7) =n ~ pieces of plastic and tape were left all over the floor. ‘This was done by someone who is jealous of me, and I know who itis said Frank. ‘Two men who escaped from Winkfield prison last week dressed as women #eT€ (8) wvwnewrmmmnmenanne at Manchester Airport yesterday afternoon. Police were alerted when 2 nearby supermarket WaS 9) com eeenenenmenm 25 one of them was escaping, ‘he’ blonde wig came off. A shop assistant was slightly when she was pushed tothe floor by one of the escaped prisoners, fp Wie ares story using the passive verbs in exercise 1 for one ofthe flowing headlines * Flood chaos hits London * Mass murderer dies * Football fans in fight * Burglars robbed Passive dominoes Passive forms .. been described as In Britain, 28 million : el My cars. the greatest actor ever. | | letters are... delivered every day. ee : ._ being repaired at the | { sromiet was _[ = wottten by william | | The tickets will all moment. || Shakespeare, be Sold before we get Twenty-seven people | |... arrested after the When we arrived, the there were .. match. children were .. i[ being pus to bed Dogs must be. Kept ona lead while | | Three hundred people ~ in the park. have been ... killed by an John’s in hospital, but ||| ... being looked after | | Quick, et a doctor! earthquake in China. | | he's very well She's +» been shot! The meeting will be... |||... held next Tuesday. Fifteen people are ... . known to have 1 don’t believe it! ee survived the explosion. | | My car has... be. If the police catch you, oe The staff are going to you'll. en a be. --toldaboutitat —- } | Twent inside although ||| ... been told to waitin | | urasic Park was . today’s meeting. Thad the corridor. «directed by Steven [All bags must be . checked before A lot of coffe i Spielberg |] entering the building. Jef coffe produced in Braz, | | Purchases cannot exchanged without | | 1 took some photos of be a receipt. him while he was = = | When I was child, 1 sent to bed early f1 | | Marlon Brando has .. being interviewed, oan used to be was naughty. Xx Past passives Type of activity ‘Whole class; information gap; communication Grammar point Past passives ~ past passives are used when we want to focus on the object of a past action or on the action itself rather than on the doer of the action wwe form past passives by using mavieere + past participle He was last seen at the airport. ~ we form past continuous passives by using was/were being + past participle: He was being blackmailed. ‘we form past perfect passives by using had been + past participle: His passport had been taken. Other structures Active forms of the present perfect, past simple, past perfect Topic areas Everyday actions Challenging vocabulary blackmail (v), underwear, spy (a) Materials and preparation + Make enough copics of the DISAPPAARED! CARDS and |WHERE’S WALLACE? SINE for every student to have one card and one sheet, Ifyou have fewer than 11 students in your class you will have to give some of them two cards to ensure all the information gets distributed How to use the game + Check that your students are familiar with the grammar in the Grammar point and with the words listed in Challenging vocabulary. Pre-teach any other words fiom the game you think will be unfamiliar to your class. + Explain to the students that cheir neighbour, a man called Wallace, has disappeared from his London flat. TThe DISAPPEARED! CARDS you will give out contain clues as to where he has gone. They must talk to everyone clse and share their clues to find out where he has gone. + Distribute the pisappraren! caRbs and WHERE'S WALLACE? SHEETS so that each student has one of each, + Give them a little time to read their card and to fill in any information they have on their WHERE'S WALLACE? SHEET, + ‘Then ask them to move around the class telling other people what they know about Wallace, and collecting information. + They should write the answers on their WHERE'S WALLACE SHEET, After a little while, put the students in groups of 3 4 + Ask them to check their answers with each other and. to pool their information to fll in any blanks on their \WHERR’S WALLACE? SHEETS, + Check the answers with the whole class. They should, have the following: Note, Seventh, Irene, Blackmai Underwear, Everything else, One thousand pounds, Railway station, Airport, Evening, Spy. + ‘Then tell them that the initial letters of their answers will give the name of the city where Wallace has gone. ‘They will have to rearrange them first. You can give them the following blank-fil to help them if you like: ‘The object of the game is to find out where Wallace hhas gone. (The answer is BUENOS AIRES.) the group who does so first is the winner. Monitoring and feedback Go through the WHERE'S WALLACT? SHEET, asking students to give full answers, c.g. ‘note cas foun on his Bed.” DISAPPEARED! CARDS ! Wallace has disappeared! No-one knows where he has gone. There was a note in his room that said he was being blackmailed ! Wallace has disappeared! No-one knows | where he has gone. His underwear was missing from his room. Wallace has disappeared! No-one knows where he has gone. His underwear had ! been taken but everything else had been { left behind. ! Wallace has disappeared! No-one knows ! where he has gone. A note was found on his bed but it didn't say where he had gone. ! Wallace has disappeared! No-one knows ! where he has gone. Rumours were ! being spread that he was a spy. Wallace has disappeared! No-one knows where he has gone. One thousand pounds had been taken out of his bank account. } Wallace has disappeared! No-one knows. Wallace has disappeared! No-one knows where he has gone. He was last seen at the airport by a taxi driver. Wallace has disappeared! No-one knows where he has gone. A note was found on his bed by Irene, his cleaner. Wallace has disappeared! No-one knows where he has gone. He was seen at 3 pm at the railway station. where he has gone. He was last seen on the evening of the 7". Wallace has disappeared! No-one knows where he has gone. There was a note found on his bed, written on the 7", the day he disappeared. WHERE'S WALLACE? SHEET What was found on his bed? ...A. When was the note written? ...Wthe.....-....+. Who was the note found by? ..By.... What was being done to him? ....Hewas being... What had been taken from his room? ..His........ What had been left behind? How much money had been taken from his bank account? .............. Where was he seen at 3 pm? ...At-the.. Where was he last seen? ...At the... What time of day was he last seen? .....In-the.. What rumours were being spread about him? ... That. he.was.a ed Amazing facts NOTE: Use Worksheets 28a and 28 for this activity ACTIVITY Groupwork: speaking AIM ‘To play a game of noughts and crosses by choosing the correct answers to questions about natural and manufactured products around the world, GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS ‘The passive to focus on when or where something is done, ‘or what is done, rather than who does it VOCABULARY Facts about natural and manufactured products around the world PREPARATION Make one copy of Worksheets 28a and 28b for each group of, four to sx students in the class, Cut the cards out as indicated, TIME 30 minutes PR 1 ;OCEDURE Draw a noughts and crosses grid on the board and ask a student to come to the board to play a game with you. ‘When one of you has got line of noughts or crosses, explain to the students that they are going to play the same game, but that they can only put a nought or cross on the arid if they answer a question correctly Ask the students to work in groups of four or six and 10 divide their groups into two teams Give one set of cards to each team and ask them to put them in a pile face down inthe middle ofthe table. Each group draws @ noughts and crosses grid on a piece of paper and then decides which team is going to be noughts and which is going to be crosses. [Now they are ready to play the game. ‘Team A picks up 2 card from the top ofthe pile and reads ‘out the question to Team B. Team B gives the correct answer, they choose @ square on the grid and put a nought (or & cross init. Team A puts the card back to the bottom of the pile. Continue lke this with tcams taking it in turns to ask and answer questions until one team gets line of noughts or crosses. They score one point for getting a line. Play the game again unt all the questions have been answered. The team with the highest score is the winner, QUESTION QUESTION QUESTION ‘TRUE OR FALSE? TRUE OR FALSE? TRUE OR FALSE? The first animals There is an animal The oil in the Trans- which were tamed called a beefaio, which |} Alaskan pipeline, and kept for milk is across between a || || which stretches from were cows. buffalo and an tthe Arctic Ocean to ordinary cow. ‘Alaska, freezes ‘ANSWER in winter. FALSE: the first ANSWER: animals kept and ‘TRUE: the beefalo has ANSWER ‘tamed for milk were | || been bred to produce FALSE: The oil is goats and sheep. ‘more meat and help heated to at least 45 QUESTION TRUE OR FALSE? In Japan, cormorants (big sea birds) help ‘the fishermen to catch fish. ANSWER ‘TRUE: Cormorants are trained to catch fish and fly them back to the boat. Each bird | FALSE: There are 170 countries in the world and Coca-cola is sold in about 157 of them. ANSWER ‘TRUE: It was sold to an American nursery. QUESTION QUESTION ‘TRUE OR FALSE? ‘TRUE OR FALSE? ‘TRUE OR FALSE? Less sugar is eaten in Scientists have One third of the farm Europe and the USA managed to grow a land in the now than 200 {| __ plant froma seed Netherland has been years ago. which is 10,000 reclaimed from years old. the sea. ANSWER FALSE: 20 times more ‘ANSWER ANSWER sugar is eaten in ‘TRUE: The Arctic | Europe and USA now. ||) lupin seed was found in Canada, world food degrees Centigrade to is stopped from aa production. ‘stop it freezing. ‘swallowing the fish by epen a tight leather belt ——— QUESTION QUESTION QUESTION QUESTION ‘TRUE OR FALSE? ‘TRUE OR FALSE? ‘TRUE OR FALSE? ‘TRUE OR FALSE? Coca-cola is only sold}, Cacti are only found in In 1959 a single North Africa was once in the USA || American deserts. Golden Delicious apple covered with rain and Europe. ‘ree was sold in forest. ANSWER France for $51,000. ANSWER ‘TRUE ANSWER FALSE: North Africa was once covered in, ice and was situated where the South Pole QUESTION ‘TRUE OR FALSE? Rubber trees were originally found only in Malaysia. ANSWER FALSE: Rubber trees were originally found only in the Amazon forest - seedlings were sent to Malaysia in the 19th century. Me Smith Plantation Malaysia ¥ QUESTION CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER What percentage of all the fish caught in the world are caught in the Northern Hemisphere? a) Over 50%. ) Over 70%. ©) Over 95%. ANSWER: c) QUESTION CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Where is the highest number of bicycles produced? a) In Japan. b) In the USA. ) In China. ANSWER: c) QUESTION CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Where was the first nuclear power station ‘opened in 1954? a) In the USA. b) In the former USSR. ) In France. ANSWER: b) QUESTION CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Tobacco was first smoked by which people? a) The Turkish. b) Native Americans. ¢) The British. ANSWER: b) QUESTION CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER New islands are still being formed by volcanoes erupting under the sea. Where is the newest island of Lateiki? a) Near Australia. b) Near Iceland, ) Near Japan. ANSWER: a) QUESTION CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Where are most cars produced? a) In the USA. ) In Japan. ©) In Germany. ANSWER: b) QUESTION CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Wood is used for cooking and heating by what percentage of the population? a) 75%. 'b) 50%. ©) 20%. ANSWER: b) QUESTION “] CHOOSE THE | CORRECT ANSWER ‘Which food is eaten as the main food by more than half the world population? a) Rice. b) Wheat. ) Meat. ANSWER: a) ae QUESTION CHOOSE THE: CORRECT ANSWER What is aspirin made from? a) Oil. b) Seaweed. ) Tree bark, ANSWER: c) QUESTION CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Avvery long sausage was produced by a sausage-maker in Birmingham, UK. How long was it? a) 9 kms, b) 9 meters. ©) 19 meters. ANSWER: a) iy QUESTION CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER ‘The largest cake in the world was baked in New Jersey, USA in 1982. How much did it weigh? a) As much as one elephant. b) AS much as two elephants. ©) As much as seven elephants. ‘ANSWER: c) QUESTION CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Silver is the commonest precious metal. What is half the silver mined used for? a) Filling teeth. | ) Coating photographic fllm. ) Making coins. ANSWER: b) © Complete the sentences by putting the verbs into the correct passive tense Did you know...? @ Te country with the smallest film industry is leeland, where only three films are made _ every year. (make © More than 26,000 costumes in the 1963 film Cleopatra. (use) © Inthe near future more films on computers than at the cinema, (see) © The most filmed characteris Sherlock Holmes. Until now, ‘more than 200 different films about him. (make) © Spielberg’ film The Color Purple for 11 Oscars in 1985, but didn't win an. (nominate) © Macaulay Culkin $4.5 million dollars for his role in Home Alone in 1990. (pay) This was a record for a child at the time. @ ‘he director Stanley Kubrick died while his film Artificial Inteligence (make). Spielberg to finish the film. (ask) © When the actress Marilyn Monroe died of a drugs overdose in 1962, many people believed that she by the CIA. (murder) © Over 300,000 extras for the crowd senes in the film Gandhi. (use) © Atthis very moment, thousands of films all over the world, (make) © Active or passive? Circle the correct form. Films to collect on DVD: The Piano ¢ Piano '(won)/ was won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 1993. It *directed / was directed by Jane Campion, and it starred Holly Hunter and Harvey Keitel. It ‘set / is set in New Zealand in the 19th century, and is about a Scottish woman, Ada, who “sends / is sent there by her parents to marry a local man. She only takes /is taken two things with her: her daughter and her piano. Ada never “speaks / is spoken, and has a very unhappy time |_| with her new husband, who is a violent man. Ada “falls / is fallen in love with a neighbour and finally she Srescues / is rescued by him from her husband, and in her new life she °learns /is learned to speak again. The unforgettable soundtrack "wrote / was written by Michael Nyman, and millions of copies of the CD "have sold / have been sold all over the world. GRAMMAR the passive be + past participle © Circle the correct form, active or passive, The Spider-Man movies 'based /@re base@on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man, who is the alter-ego of Peter Parker, a photographer who works for a local newspaper, the Daily Bugle. When he is young, some important documents ‘steal / are stolen from Peter's home, and his parents then mysteriously ‘disappear / are disappeared, Peter “sends | is sent to live with his aunt and uncle. Here, he starts a new school anew life, and becomes interested in science. SUNY One day, he's in the school laboratory doing some experiments © andhe ‘bites / is bitten by a genetically modified spider. From that moment, he has the same abilities as a spider. During the films he “fights / is fought against criminals and “falls | is fallen in love with his schoolmate, Gwen Stacey The special effects for the latest Spider-Man movie *made | were made with a special 3D-camera. The fantastic soundtrack was partly written by the British group Coldplay and thousands of copies of the track “have bought / have been bought all over the world. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. Write the answers in the column on the right. 1 [NRE (give) a book for my birthday that I'd already read Ifyou take a credit card with you on holiday, I'm sure it II (accept) in most places. ‘This dress is silk. It has to IMM (wash) in cold water or it will shrink rane) The actress realized that she IMI (follow) by the paparazzi, so she drove home again. A MIRE the thief IH (catch) yet? BI don’t think so. The police are still looking for him. 6 MBB you ever IMI (tell) a secret that you couldn't keep? pes This bank Ill (rob) twice since it opened last year. 8 When Jack arrived at the meeting, the decision IIIB (already make) 9 Our flat Il (paint) at the moment. Everything's in a real mess! 10 Although Pete thought the interview had gone really well, he Il (not offer) the job. 11 When does this book have to Ill (return) to the library? — 12 When we got to the car park we saw to our horror that our car II (steal) Veto © Cover the column on the right in b and look at the sentences. Read the sentences aloud with the passive in the correct form. HB Write the verb in brackets in the correct form of the passive in the VERB column. VERB Example: The prize [EGE by a seven-year-old boy. (win) wos wor 1 This bill is a lot! SE@ES service (SES? (include) . (steal) _ 2 Oh nol | can't see my car. I think it SS" 3. A Does Joe know he's been sacked? B No. He fASt8i yet. (not tel) = 4 All books should EBESS to the library before the end of term. (return) __ _ 5A Why are you staying with your sister? B Because my flat BESS". (redecorate) aaa 6 A When iiisl ic EEE? (finish) _ B Next Friday, | hope. 7 He drove very carefully because he ‘52 by a police car. (follow) 8 A Why have you left Lassie outside? B Because dogs {S58 in here. (allow) 9 A Why was your plane so late? B Because all the flights SE298 and we had to wait. (delay) 10 When they arrived home, they discovered that all their windows FEBSE by vandals. (break) _ IL I don't like {E88 by men with moustaches. (kiss) __ 12. A Does this shirt have to SEBS? (iron) B No, just dry it on a hanger. 13 A How did Manchester United do yesterday? B Badly. They EGG by Charlton 5-0. (beat) ee 4A B Yes, | think so, 15 Ie’s a beautiful old house. When [S55 ic into French yet? (translate) — Cover the VERB column. Test yourself. A Ladder Was Taken Learning objective: To practise forming passive and active voice sentences. Game objective: To be the first to reach the end of the board (space 40). Organization: Played in small groups of 3-5 students. Preparatiot 1. Copy one board for each group. 2. Provide a die for each group and a place marker for each student. Description of the game: Students place their place markers on the Start arrow. In turn, each student rolls the die and moves along the board. If a student lands on a grey square (odd numbers), he/she must make an active voice sentence. If he/she lands on a white square (odd numbers), he/she must make a passive voice sentence. If a student lands on a square with the top of a snake, he/she must follow the snake to the lower square. If a student lands on a square with the bottom of a ladder, he/she may follow the ladder to the higher square if he/she makes a correct active voice sentence. If a student forms an incorrect sentence at any time and the other students “catch” him/her, he/she must start again on the Start arrow. The first student to reach square number 40 and make a correct sentence wins. Rule: 1. Begin on the Start arrow. Roll the die and move the number on the die. 2. Make a sentence from the words on the board. If you land on a grey square, make an active voice sentence. If you land on a white square, make a passive voice sentence. If you land on a snake, follow the snake down to the lower square. If you land on a ladder, you may follow the ladder up if you make a correct sentence 5. If you make a wrong sentence, move your place marker back to Start. Check the other students’ sentences. If they are wrong, send them back to Start! aw Variations: * Specify a particular tense as well as active and passive voice. For example, only past tense active and passive voice sentences. * Use the blank board to write your own words. Use the board for other types of sentences. this activity (finish) 40 the classroom windows (close) the puzzle (finish) Barb and Bob (marry) the last piece of cheese (eat) 2 race (win) quickly 38 the washing machine (fix) 18 English (speak) here 8 the play (show) in the city 34 painting (draw) in 1760 14 both computers (sell) 36 a book (write) the lights (turn on); 16 money (steal) 10 smart >

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