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The Digestive System

C h l o e ’ s S t o r y

“Mom, I think I need to have it of a heart attack or a stroke

done. My diabetes is getting anyway? I have an appointment
worse, and I just am at my with the bariatric surgeon
wit’s end. I’ve tried dieting, Wednesday. I’m going to find
changing the type of food out more about how it works
I eat, exercise. Nothing is and what the risks are.”
working.” Chloe labored to Chloe has struggled with
breathe, heaving a sigh as she her weight ever since she
struggled to get up from her was a child. After the birth
chair. of her children, she gained a
“Chloe, stomach stapling significant amount of weight,
is dangerous! I just saw a and no dieting or exercise
television show about these seems to help. She is morbidly
two men who died from obese, more than 100 pounds
complications. You’re only over her ideal weight. Her
28 years old and you have the body is showing the effects of
kids to think about. What are the weight gain; she suffers
they going to do if something from both diabetes and high
happens to you?” her mom asked. blood pressure, and is at high risk for stroke and heart attack. As
As she walked toward the refrigerator, Chloe replied, “I know you learn about the digestive system, we will follow Chloe’s story
there are risks, Mom, but I am desperate. I mean, what if I die and her struggle to regain her health.
• 23.1 The GI tract is a
continuous multilayered tube
extending from the mouth to
the anus.
• 23.2 The mouth lubricates
and begins digestion of food,
and maneuvers it to the pharynx
for swallowing.
• 23.3 Swallowing consists
of voluntary oral, involuntary
pharyngeal, and involuntary
INTRODUCTION esophageal stages.

T • 23.4 The stomach

mechanically breaks down
the bolus and mixes it with
gastric secretions.
Foods must be broken
• 23.5 The pancreas secretes
down into molecules that
pancreatic juice, the liver
are small enough to enter secretes bile, and the gallbladder
body cells. stores and concentrates bile.
• 23.6 In the small intestine,
chyme mixes with digestive
juices from the small intestine,
pancreas, and liver.
• 23.7 In the large intestine, the
final secretion and absorption of
nutrients occur as chyme moves
toward the rectum.
• 23.8 Digestive activities
occur in three overlapping
phases: cephalic, gastric,
and intestinal.
• 23.9 Food molecules supply
energy for life processes and
serve as building blocks for
complex molecules.
• 23.10 Metabolism includes
the catabolism and anabolism
of molecules.
778 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

23.1 The GI tract is a continuous multilayered tube extending from the mouth to the anus.
Overview of the Digestive System gallbladder, and pancreas. Teeth aid in the physical breakdown of
food, and the tongue assists in chewing and swallowing. The other
Two groups of organs compose the digestive system (Figure 23.1): accessory digestive organs, however, never come into direct con-
the gastrointestinal tract and the accessory digestive organs. The tact with food. The secretions that they produce flow into the GI
gastrointestinal (GI) tractt is a continuous tube that extends from tract through ducts and aid in the chemical breakdown of food.
the mouth to the anus through the thoracic and abdominopelvic Overall, the digestive system performs six basic processes:
cavities. Organs of the gastrointestinal tract include the mouth,
most of the pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and • Ingestion. This process involves taking foods and liquids into
large intestine. The length of the GI tract in a cadaver is about 7–9 the mouth (eating).
meters (23–29.5 ft). In a living person, it is much shorter, about 5–7 • Secretion. Each day, cells within the walls of the GI tract and
meters, or 16.5–23 ft, because the muscles along the walls of GI accessory digestive organs secrete a total of about 7 liters of
tract organs are in a state of sustained contraction. The accessory water, acid, buffers, and enzymes into the lumen (interior space)
digestive organs include the teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, of the tract.

Figure 23.1 Organs of the digestive system.

Functions of the Digestive System

1. Ingests food (takes food into the mouth).
2. Secretes water, acid, buffers, and enzymes into the lumen of
the GI tract.
3. Mixes and propels food through the GI tract.
4. Digests food (breaks it down mechanically and chemically).
5. Absorbs digested products from the GI tract into the blood and
6. Eliminates feces from the GI tract.

ans of the gastrointestinal tract are the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Accessory digestive organs
include the teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.
• Mixing and propulsion. Alternating contractions and relax- • Absorption. The entrance of ingested and secreted fluids, ions,
ations of smooth muscle in the walls of the GI tract mix food and the products of digestion into the epithelial cells lining the
and secretions and propel them toward the anus. This capabil- lumen of the GI tract is called absorption. The absorbed sub-
ity of the GI tract to mix and move material along its length is stances pass into blood or lymph and circulate to cells through-
called motility. out the body.
• Digestion. Mechanical and chemical processes break down • Defecation. Wastes, indigestible substances, bacteria, cells
ingested food into small molecules. In mechanical digestion, sloughed from the lining of the GI tract, and digested materials
the teeth cut and grind food before it is swallowed, and then that were not absorbed in their journey through the digestive
smooth muscles of the stomach and small intestine churn the tract leave the body through the anus in a process called defeca-
food. As a result, food molecules become dissolved and thor- tion. The eliminated material is termed feces.
oughly mixed with digestive enzymes. In chemical digestion
the large carbohydrate, lipid, protein, and nucleic acid mole-
cules in food are broken down into smaller molecules. Diges-
tive enzymes produced by the salivary glands, tongue, stom-
Layers of the GI Tract
ach, pancreas, and small intestine catalyze these catabolic The wall of the GI tract from the lower esophagus to the anal canal
reactions. A few substances in food can be absorbed without has the same basic, four-layered arrangement of tissues. The four
chemical digestion. These include vitamins, ions, cholesterol, layers of the tract, from deep to superficial, are the mucosa, sub-
and water. mucosa, muscularis, and serosa (Figure 23.2).

Figure 23.2 Layers of the gastrointestinal tract. Variations of this basic plan may be seen in the esophagus (Figure 23.9
stomach (Figure 23.12), small intestine (Figure 23.18), and large intestine (Figure 23.23).

Duct of glan
outside trac
(such as

Lymphatic nodules


Lamina propria
Muscularis mucosae


Circular mu

four layers of the GI tract, from deep to superficial, are the mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, and serosa.
780 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

Mucosa tem cells that protect against entry of pathogens through the
GI tract.
The mucosa, or inner lining of the GI tract, is a mucous mem-
brane. It is composed of a layer of epithelium in direct contact 3. A thin layer of smooth muscle fibers called the muscularis
with the contents of the GI tract lumen that absorbs the digested mucosae creates folds in the mucous membrane of the stom-
components, a layer of areolar connective tissue called the lamina ach and small intestine; the folds increase the surface area for
propria, and a thin layer of smooth muscle (muscularis mucosae). digestion and absorption. Movements of the muscularis mu-
cosae ensure that all absorptive cells are fully exposed to the
1. The epithelium in the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, and anal contents of the GI tract.
canal is mainly nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
that serves a protective function. Simple columnar epithelium, Submucosa
which functions in secretion and absorption, lines the stomach
and intestines. Located among the absorptive epithelial cells The submucosa consists of areolar connective tissue that binds
are exocrine cells that secrete mucus and fluid into the lumen the mucosa to the muscularis. It contains many blood and lym-
of the tract, and several types of endocrine cells that secrete phatic vessels that receive absorbed food molecules. The submu-
hormones. cosa may contain glands and lymphatic tissue. Also located in the
submucosa is an extensive network of neurons known as the sub-
2. The lamina propria (lamina = thin, flat plate; propria = one’s mucosal plexus (to be described shortly).
own) is areolar connective tissue containing many blood and
lymphatic vessels, which are the routes by which nutrients ab-
sorbed into the GI tract reach the other tissues of the body.
This layer supports the epithelium and binds it to the muscu- The muscularis of the mouth, pharynx, and superior and middle
laris mucosae (discussed next). The lamina propria also con- parts of the esophagus contains skeletal muscle that produces
tains prominent lymphatic nodules containing immune sys- voluntary swallowing. Skeletal muscle also forms the external

Figure 23.3 Relationship of the peritoneal folds to one another and to organs of the digestive system. The size of the peritoneal cavity in
(a) is exaggerated for emphasis.

Midsagittal plane Liver
Transverse c

Sigmoid colon
Urinary bladder


Pubic symphysis


(a) Midsagittal section showing the peritoneal folds

anal sphincter, which permits voluntary control of defecation. secretes a slippery, watery fluid that allows the tract to glide easily
Throughout the rest of the tract, the muscularis consists of smooth against other organs. Inferior to the diaphragm, the serosa is also
muscle that is generally found in two sheets: an inner sheet of cir- called the visceral peritoneum because it forms a portion of the
cular fibers and an outer sheet of longitudinal fibers. Involuntary peritoneum, which we examine next.
contractions of the smooth muscle help break down food, mix it
with digestive secretions, and propel it along the tract. Between
the layers of the muscularis is a second plexus of neurons—the Peritoneum
myenteric plexus (to be described shortly).
The peritoneum (per´-i-to¯-NENEĒ -um; peri- = around) is the larg-
est serous membrane of the body; it consists of a layer of simple
Serosa squamous epithelium with an underlying supporting layer of con-
Those portions of the GI tract that are suspended in the abdomi- nective tissue. The peritoneum is divided into the parietal perito-
nopelvic cavity have a superficial layer called the serosa. As its neum, which lines the wall of the abdominopelvic cavity, and the
name implies, the serosa is a serous membrane composed of areo- visceral peritoneum, which covers some of the organs in the cav-
lar connective tissue and simple squamous epithelium. The serosa ity and is their serosa (Figure 23.3a). The slim space containing

Gallbladder OMENTUM
Liver Liver Stomach
(reflected upw
Stomach Duodenum
Transverse colon colon
OMENTUM Ascending
Urinary bladder colon

(b) Anterior view (c) Lesser omentum, anterior view

(liver and gallbladder lifted)

(reflected upward) Diaphragm
Transverse Right lobe of liver
Jejunum (pulled laterally)
Left lobe of liver
Descending colon GREATER OMENTUM
Ileum (pulled laterally)
Sigmoid colon

Urinary bladder

(d) Anterior view (greater omentum (e) Anterior view

lifted and small intestine reflected
to right side)

peritoneum is the largest serous membrane in the body.

782 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

lubricating serous fluid that is between the parietal and visceral Enteric Nervous System
portions of the peritoneum is called the peritoneal cavity.
Some organs lie on the posterior abdominal wall and are cov- We first introduced you to the enteric nervous system (ENS), the
ered by peritoneum only on their anterior surfaces; they are not in “brain of the gut,” in Chapter 12. It consists of about 100 million
the peritoneal cavity. Such organs, including the kidneys and pan- neurons that extend from the esophagus to the anus. Enteric neu-
creas, are said to be retroperitoneal (retro- = behind). rons are arranged into two networks: the myenteric plexus and sub-
The peritoneum contains large folds that weave between the mucosal plexus (see Figure 23.2). The myenteric plexus (myo- =
viscera. The folds bind the organs to one another and to the walls muscle) is located between the longitudinal and circular smooth
of the abdominal cavity. They also contain blood vessels, lym- muscle layers of the muscularis. The submucosal plexus is found
phatic vessels, and nerves that supply the abdominal organs. There within the submucosa. Enteric plexuses consist of sensory neu-
are five major peritoneal folds: rons, interneurons, and motor neurons (Figure 23.4). Some enteric
sensory neurons are chemoreceptors, receptors that are activated
• The greater omentum (o¯ -MEN-tum = fat skin), the largest by the presence of certain chemicals in food located in the lumen
peritoneal fold, drapes over the transverse colon and coils of the of a GI tract organ. Other sensory neurons are stretch receptors
small intestine like a “fatty apron” (Figure 23.3a,d). The greater that are activated when food distends (stretches) the wall of a GI
omentum is a double sheet that folds back on itself, giving it a tract organ. Enteric sensory neurons transmit input from the epi-
total of four layers. From attachments along the stomach and thelium of the mucosa to interneurons in the ENS, ANS, or central
duodenum, the greater omentum drapes down over the small in- nervous systems (CNS), informing them about the contents and
testine, then turns upward and attaches to the transverse colon. degree of distension of the GI tract. These interneurons process
The greater omentum normally contains a considerable amount incoming sensory information and subsequently activate or inhibit
of adipose tissue. Its adipose tissue content can greatly expand outgoing enteric motor neurons. Motor neurons of the myenteric
with weight gain, giving rise to the characteristic “beer belly” plexus control GI tract motility (movement). Motor neurons of the
seen in some overweight individuals. The many lymph nodes submucosal plexus control secretions of GI tract organs.
of the greater omentum contribute macrophages and antibody-
producing plasma cells that help combat and contain infections
of the GI tract. Autonomic Nervous System
• The falciform ligament (FAL-si-form; falc- = sickle-shaped) Although the enteric nervous system can function independently,
attaches the liver to the anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm it is subject to regulation by the autonomic nervous system. Para
(Figure 23.3b). The liver is the only digestive organ that is at- sympathetic nerves arise from the vagus (X) nerves and the sacral
tached to the anterior abdominal wall.
• The lesser omentum arises as an anterior fold in the serosa of Figure 23.4 Organization of the enteric nervous system.
the stomach and duodenum, and it suspends the stomach and
duodenum from the liver (Figure 23.3a,c). To ANS and
CNS neurons
• A fan-shaped fold of the peritoneum, called the mesentery
(MEZ-en-ter´-ē; mes- = middle), binds the small intestine to the Myenteric plexus
posterior abdominal wall (Figure 23.3a,d). It extends from the
posterior abdominal wall to wrap around the small intestine and
then returns to its origin, forming a double-layered structure. Interneuron
• Two separate folds of peritoneum, the mesocolon (mez´-o¯-KO
lon), bind the large intestine to the posterior abdominal wall
(Figure 23.3a).Together, the mesentery and mesocolon hold Submucosal plexus
the intestines loosely in place, allowing movement as muscu-
lar contractions mix and move the luminal contents along the
GI tract.
Motor neuron Motor neuron Sensory neuron

Longitudinal and circular

Neural Innervation of the GI Tract smooth muscle layers
of the muscularis
Mucosal epithelium

The gastrointestinal tract is regulated by an intrinsic set of nerves

known as the enteric nervous system and by an extrinsic set of enteric nervous system consists of neurons arranged into the
nerves that are part of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). myenteric and submucosal plexuses.
spinal cord. Sympathetic nerves that supply the GI tract arise from Checkpoint
the lumbar spinal cord. Both parasympathetic nerves and sympa-
1. Give the name and function of each of the four layers of the gastrointestinal
thetic nerves form neural connections with the ENS. Sympathetic
and parasympathetic neurons may synapse with the myenteric
2. Where along the GI tract is the muscularis composed of skeletal muscle? Is
plexus and the submucosal plexus or bypass enteric neurons and
control of this skeletal muscle voluntary or involuntary?
synapse directly with smooth muscle and glands within the GI
3. What are the attachment sites of the mesentery, mesocolon, falciform
tract wall. In general, stimulation of the GI tract by sympathetic
ligament, lesser omentum, and greater omentum?
nerves decreases GI secretion and motility by inhibiting the ac-
4. What are the functions of the myenteric and submucosal plexuses?
tivity of enteric neurons, while innervation by parasympathetic
nerves increases GI secretion and motility by increasing the activ-
ity of enteric neurons. Emotions such as anger, fear, and anxiety
may slow digestion as the central nervous system utilizes sympa-
thetic nerves to inhibit GI tract glands and smooth muscle.

23.2 The mouth lubricates and begins digestion of food, and maneuvers it to the pharynx
for swallowing.
The mouth, also referred to as the oral cavity, is formed by the the lateral walls of the mouth. The buccinators and connective
cheeks, hard and soft palates, and tongue (Figure 23.5). The tissue lie between the skin and mucous membranes of the cheeks.
cheeks, muscular structures covered externally by skin and in- The anterior portions of the cheeks end at the lips.
ternally by nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium, form

Figure 23.5 Structures of the mouth (oral cavity).

Superior lip (pulled upward)

Superior labial frenulum


Palatoglossal arch
Hard palate
Palatopharyngeal arch
Soft palate

Palatine tonsil

Molars Lingual frenulum

Opening of duct of
Premolars submandibular gland

Cuspid Gingivae
Vestibule Inferior labial frenulum
Inferior lip (pulled down)

Anterior view

mouth is formed by the cheeks, hard and soft palates, and tongue.
784 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

The lips, or labia (= fleshy borders), are fleshy folds sur- tissues in the tongue (Figure 11.6). The extrinsic muscles move
rounding the opening of the mouth. They contain the orbicularis the tongue from side to side and in and out to maneuver food for
oris and are covered externally by skin and internally by a mucous chewing, shape the food into a rounded mass, and force the food
membrane. The inner surface of each lip is attached to its corre- to the back of the mouth for swallowing. They also form the
sponding gum by a midline fold of mucous membrane called the floor of the mouth and hold the tongue in position. The intrin-
labial frenulum (LA A¯ -be¯-al FREN-u¯-lum; frenulum = small bri-
LA sic muscles originate inside and insert into connective tissues
dle). During chewing, contraction of the buccinators in the cheeks within the tongue. They alter the shape and size of the tongue
and orbicularis oris in the lips helps keep food between the upper for speech and swallowing. The lingual frenulum (lingua = the
and lower teeth. tongue), a fold of mucous membrane in the midline of the un-
The vestibule (= entrance to a canal) of the mouth is a space dersurface of the tongue, is attached to the floor of the mouth
bounded externally by the cheeks and lips and internally by the and limits the movement of the tongue posteriorly (Figures 23.5
gums and teeth. The oral cavity proper is a space that extends and 23.6).
from the gums and teeth to the fauces (FAW-se¯s; fauc = throat), The dorsum (upper surface) and lateral surfaces of the tongue
the opening between the mouth and the oropharynx (throat). are covered with papillae (pa-PIL-e¯ = nipple-shaped projections),
The palate forms the roof of the mouth and separates the oral projections of the lamina propria covered with stratified squamous
and nasal cavities. This important structure makes it possible to epithelium (see Figure 16.4). Many papillae contain taste buds,
chew and breathe at the same time. The anterior hard palate is the receptors for gustation (taste). Some papillae lack taste buds,
formed by the maxillae and palatine bones and is covered by a but they contain receptors for touch and increase friction between
mucous membrane. The posterior soft palate is an arch-shaped the tongue and food, making it easier for the tongue to move food
muscular partition between the oropharynx and nasopharynx that in the mouth. The different types of taste buds are described in
is lined with mucous membrane. detail in Chapter 16.
Hanging from the free border of the soft palate is a conical Lingual glands in the lamina propria of the tongue secrete
muscular process called the uvula (U ¯ -vu¯-la = little grape). During
(U both mucus and a watery serous fluid that contains the enzyme
swallowing, the soft palate and uvula are drawn superiorly, closing lingual lipase, which begins the digestion of triglycerides.
off the nasopharynx and preventing swallowed foods and liquids
from entering the nasal cavity. Lateral to the base of the uvula are
two muscular folds that run down the lateral sides of the soft pal-
ate: Anteriorly, the palatoglossal arch extends to the base of the Salivary Glands
tongue; posteriorly, the palatopharyngeal arch (PAL-a-to¯-fa-rin´- A salivary gland is a gland that releases a secretion called saliva
je¯-al) extends to the side of the pharynx. The palatine tonsils are into the oral cavity. Ordinarily, just enough saliva is secreted to
situated between the arches, and the lingual tonsils are situated at keep the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx moist and
the base of the tongue. At the posterior border of the soft palate, the to cleanse the mouth and teeth. When food enters the mouth, how-
mouth opens into the oropharynx through the fauces (Figure 23.5). ever, secretion of saliva increases, and it lubricates, dissolves, and
begins the chemical breakdown of the food.
Three pairs of major salivary glands release saliva into ducts
that lead to the mouth (Figure 23.6). The parotid glands (par ( r- =
Tongue near; -ot-
t = ear) are located inferior and anterior to the ears, be-
The tongue is composed of skeletal muscle covered with mucous tween the skin and the masseter. Each secretes saliva into the oral
membrane. Together with its associated muscles, it forms the floor cavity via a parotid duct that opens into the vestibule opposite
of the mouth (Figure 23.5). The tongue is divided into symmetri- the second upper molar tooth. The submandibular glands are
cal lateral halves by a median septum that extends its entire length, found beneath the base of the tongue in the posterior part of the
and it is attached inferiorly to the hyoid bone, temporal bone, and floor of the mouth. Their ducts, the submandibular ducts, enter
mandible. Each half of the tongue consists of an identical comple- the mouth proper lateral to the lingual frenulum. The sublingual
ment of extrinsic and intrinsic muscles. glands are superior to the submandibular glands. Their ducts, the
The extrinsic muscles of the tongue originate outside the sublingual ducts, open into the floor of the mouth in the oral cav-
tongue (attach to bones in the area) and insert into connective ity proper.
Figure 23.6 The three major salivary glands—parotid, sublingual, and submandibular.

Opening of parotid duct

(near second maxillary molar)

Second maxillary molar tooth

Tongue (raised in mouth)

Lingual frenulum

Submandibular duct


va lubricates and dissolves foods and begins the chemical breakdown of carbohydrates and lipids.

Composition and Functions of Saliva Salivation

Chemically, saliva is 99.5% water and 0.5% solutes. Among the The secretion of saliva, or salivation (sal-i-VĀ-shun), is con-
solutes are ions, including sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbon- trolled by the autonomic nervous system. Normally, parasympa-
ate, and phosphate. Also present are mucus to lubricate food, im- thetic stimulation promotes continuous secretion of a moderate
munoglobulin A (antibodies), the bacteriolytic enzyme lysozyme amount of saliva, which keeps the mucous membranes moist and
to inhibit the growth of oral bacteria, and salivary amylase, a di- lubricates the movements of the tongue and lips during speech.
gestive enzyme that acts on starch. The saliva is then swallowed and helps moisten the esophagus.
The water in saliva provides a medium for dissolving foods Eventually, most components of saliva are reabsorbed, which pre-
so that they can be tasted by gustatory receptors and so that diges- vents fluid loss. Sympathetic stimulation dominates during stress,
tive reactions can begin. Salivary amylase starts the breakdown of resulting in dryness of the mouth. If the body becomes dehydrated,
starch. Mucus lubricates the food so it can be moved around easily the salivary glands stop secreting saliva to conserve water; the re-
in the mouth, formed into a ball, and swallowed. Immunoglobulin sulting dryness in the mouth contributes to the sensation of thirst.
A (IgA) prevents attachment of microbes so they cannot penetrate Drinking not only restores the homeostasis of body water but also
the epithelium, and the enzyme lysozyme kills bacteria; however, moistens the mouth.
these substances are not present in large enough quantities to elim- The feel and taste of food also are potent stimulators of sali-
inate all oral bacteria. vary gland secretions. Chemicals in the food stimulate receptors in
786 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

taste buds on the tongue, and impulses are conveyed from the taste of the gingiva. Embedded in the socket are one to three roots.
buds to the brain stem. Returning parasympathetic impulses in the The neck is the constricted junction of the crown and root near
facial (VII) and glossopharyngeal (IX) nerves stimulate the secre- the gum line.
tion of saliva. Saliva continues to be secreted heavily for some time Each tooth also consists of three major internal components:
after food is swallowed; this flow of saliva washes out the mouth enamel, dentin, and a pulp cavity. Enamel forms the outer surface
and dilutes and buffers the remnants of irritating chemicals such of a tooth. It consists primarily of calcium phosphate and calcium
as that tasty (but hot!) salsa. The smell, sight, sound, or thought of carbonate. Enamel is harder than bone because of its higher con-
food may also stimulate secretion of saliva. tent of calcium salts (about 95% of dry weight). In fact, enamel
is the hardest substance in the body. It protects the tooth from the
wear and tear of chewing and from acids that can easily dissolve
Teeth Most of the tooth is made up of dentin, a substance found
Teeth are accessory digestive organs located in sockets of the deep to the enamel. Dentin consists of a calcified connective tissue
alveolar processes of the mandible and maxillae (Figure 23.7). that gives the tooth its basic shape and rigidity. It is harder than
The alveolar processes are covered by the gingivae (JIN-ji-ve¯), bone because of its higher content of calcium salts (70% of dry
or gums, which extend slightly into each socket. The sockets are weight) but not as hard as enamel. The dentin of the root is cov-
lined by the periodontal ligament (-odontt- = tooth), which con- ered by cementum, another bonelike substance, which attaches
sists of dense fibrous connective tissue that anchors the teeth to the the root to the periodontal ligament.
socket walls and acts as a shock absorber during chewing. The dentin of a tooth encloses a space. The enlarged part of
A typical tooth has three major external regions: the crown, the space, the pulp cavity, lies within the crown and is filled with
root, and neck. The crown is the visible portion above the level pulp, a connective tissue containing blood vessels, nerves, and
lymphatic vessels. Narrow extensions of the pulp cavity, called
root canals, run through the root of the tooth. Each root canal has
an opening at its base, the apical foramen, through which blood
Figure 23.7 A typical tooth and surrounding structures. vessels bring nourishment, lymphatic vessels offer protection, and
nerves provide sensation.
Sagittal Humans have two dentitions, or sets of teeth: deciduous and
permanent. The first of these—the deciduous teeth (deciduous =
falling out), also called primary teeth, milk teeth, or baby
teeth—begin to erupt at about 6 months of age. Approximately
two teeth appear each month thereafter, until all 20 are present
(Figure 23.8a). The incisors, which are closest to the midline, are
chisel-shaped and adapted for cutting into food. They are referred
to as either central or lateral incisors based on their position.
CRO ntin Next to the incisors, moving posteriorly, are the cuspids (canines),
ngival sulcus which have a pointed surface, called a cusp, to tear and shred food.
ngiva Incisors and cuspids have only one root apiece. Posterior to the
lp in pulp cavity cuspids lie the first and second molars, which have four cusps.
Maxillary (upper) molars have three roots; mandibular (lower)
mentum molars have two roots. The molars crush and grind food to prepare
ot canal
it for swallowing.
All the deciduous teeth are lost—generally between ages 6
veolar bone and 12 years—and are replaced by the permanent (secondary)
ROO teeth (Figure 23.8b). The permanent dentition contains 32 teeth
riodontal that erupt between age 6 and adulthood. The pattern resembles
ament the deciduous dentition, with the following exceptions. The de-
ical foramen ciduous molars are replaced by the first and second premolars
(bicuspids), which have two cusps and one root (upper first pre-
rve molars have two roots) and are used for crushing and grinding.
ood supply The permanent molars, which erupt into the mouth posterior to the
premolars, do not replace any deciduous teeth and erupt as the jaw
Sagittal section of a mandibular (lower) molar
grows to accommodate them—the first molars at age 6 (six-year
th are anchored in sockets of the alveolar processes of the molars), the second molars at age 12 (12-year molars), and the
mandible and maxillae. third molars (wisdom teeth) after age 17 or not at all.
Figure 23.8 Dentitions and times of eruptions (indicated in parentheses). A designated letter (deciduous teeth
or number (permanent teeth) uniquely identifies each tooth.

Central incisor (7–8 yr.)

or (8–9 yr.)

or canine
premolar or
spid (9–10 yr.)
Later econd premolar or
(12–2 cuspid (10–12 yr.)
Cuspid or can First molar
(16–24 mo.) (6–7 yr.)
First molar Second molar
(12–16 mo.) (12–13 yr.)
Second molar Third molar or
(24–32 mo.) wisdom tooth
(17–21 yr.)

Second molar Third molar or

(24–32 mo.) wisdom tooth
First molar (17–21 yr.)
(12–16 mo.) Second molar
(11–13 yr.)
Cuspid or can
(16–24 mo.) First molar
Later (6–7 yr.)
(12– econd premolar or
cuspid (11–12 yr.)
premolar or
spid (9–10 yr.)
or canine
or (7–8 yr.)
Central incisor (7–8 yr.)

(b) Permanent (secondary) dentition

re are 20 teeth in a complete deciduous set and 32 teeth in a complete permanent set.

Often the human jaw does not have enough room posterior to mass called a bolus (= lump). Food molecules begin to dissolve
the second molars to accommodate the eruption of the third mo- in the water in saliva, an important activity because enzymes can
lars. In this case, the third molars remain embedded in the alveolar only react with food molecules in a liquid medium.
bone and are said to be “impacted.” They often cause pressure and Two enzymes, salivary amylase and lingual lipase, contribute
pain and must be removed surgically. In some people, third molars to chemical digestion in the mouth. Salivary amylase initiates the
may be dwarfed in size or may not develop at all. breakdown of starch. Dietary carbohydrates are either monosac-
charide and disaccharide sugars or complex polysaccharides such
as starches. Most of the carbohydrates we eat are starches, but
Mechanical and Chemical Digestion only monosaccharides (simple sugars such as glucose, fructose,
or galactose) can be absorbed into the bloodstream. Thus, ingested
in the Mouth disaccharides and starches must be broken down into monosac-
Mechanical digestion in the mouth results from chewing, or mas- charides. Salivary amylase breaks certain chemical bonds between
tication (mas´-ti-KĀ
KAA -shun = to chew), in which food is manipu- glucose units in starches, converting long-chain polysaccharides
lated by the tongue, ground by the teeth, and mixed with saliva. to disaccharides (two simple sugars) and short-chain glucose poly-
As a result, the food is reduced to a soft, flexible, easily swallowed mers called ␣-dextrins. Even though food is usually swallowed
788 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

TABLE 23.1
Digestive Activities in the Mouth
Cheeks and lips Keep food betwen teeth. Foods uniformly chewed during mastication.
Salivary glands Secrete saliva. Lining of mouth and pharynx moistened and lubricated. Saliva softens, moistens,
and dissolves food and cleanses mouth and teeth. Salivary amylase splits starch into
smaller fragments.
Extrinsic tongue muscles Move tongue in and out. Food maneuvered for mastication, shaped into bolus, and maneuvered for swallowing.
Intrinsic tongue muscles Alter shape of tongue. Swallowing and speech.
Taste buds Serve as receptors for gustation Secretion of saliva stimulated by nerve impulses from taste buds to brain stem to
(taste) and presence of food in salivary glands.
Lingual glands Secrete lingual lipase. Triglycerides broken down.
Teeth Cut, tear, and pulverize food. Solid foods reduced to smaller particles for swallowing.

too quickly for all the starches to be reduced to disaccharides in Checkpoint

the mouth, salivary amylase in the swallowed food continues to
5. Which structures form the mouth?
act on the starches for about another hour, at which time stomach
6. What is the name of the cone-shaped process that hangs down from the roof of
acids inactivate it. Saliva also contains lingual lipase, which is se-
your mouth? What is its function?
creted by glands in the tongue. This enzyme becomes activated in
7. How are the major salivary glands distinguished on the basis of location?
the acidic environment of the stomach and thus starts to work after
8. How is the secretion of saliva regulated?
food is swallowed. It breaks down dietary triglycerides into fatty
9. Which functions do incisors, cuspids, premolars, and molars perform?
acids and diglycerides.
10. Define mastication, using the term bolus.
Table 23.1 summarizes the digestive activities in the mouth.

23.3 Swallowing consists of voluntary oral, involuntary pharyngeal, and involuntary

esophageal stages.
Pharynx in the diaphragm called the esophageal hiatus, and ends in the
superior portion of the stomach (see Figure 23.1). Sometimes, part
When food is first swallowed, it passes from the mouth into the of the stomach protrudes above the diaphragm through the esopha-
pharynx (= throat), a funnel-shaped tube that extends from the geal hiatus. This condition is termed a hiatal hernia (HER-nē-a).
internal nares to the esophagus posteriorly and to the larynx an-
teriorly (see Figure 22.2b). The pharynx is composed of skeletal
muscle and lined by mucous membrane, and is divided into three Histology of the Esophagus
parts: the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx. The na- The mucosa of the esophagus consists of nonkeratinized stratified
sopharynx functions only in respiration, but both the oropharynx squamous epithelium, lamina propria (areolar connective tissue),
and laryngopharynx have digestive as well as respiratory func- and a muscularis mucosae (smooth muscle) (Figure 23.9). The
tions. Swallowed food passes from the mouth into the oropharynx stratified squamous epithelium associated with the lips, mouth,
and laryngopharynx; muscular contractions of these areas help tongue, oropharynx, laryngopharynx, and esophagus affords con-
propel food into the esophagus and then into the stomach. siderable protection against abrasion and wear and tear from food
particles that are chewed, mixed with secretions, and swallowed.
The submucosa contains areolar connective tissue, blood ves-
sels, and mucous glands. The muscularis transitions from skeletal
Esophagus muscle in the superior portion of the esophagus to smooth muscle
The esophagus (e-SOF-a-gus = eating gullet) is a collapsible mus- in the inferior portion. At each end of the esophagus, the muscula-
cular tube, about 25 cm (10 in.) long, that lies posterior to the tra- ris becomes slightly more prominent and forms two sphincters—
chea. The esophagus begins at the inferior end of the laryngophar- the upper esophageal sphincter (e-sof´-a-JĒ JE
E-al), which consists
ynx, passes through the mediastinum and then through an opening of skeletal muscle, and the lower esophageal sphincter, which
Figure 23.9 Histology of the esophagus. consists of smooth muscle. The upper esophageal sphincter regu-
lates the movement of food from the pharynx into the esophagus;
Lumen of esophagus
the lower esophageal sphincter regulates the movement of food
from the esophagus into the stomach. The superficial layer of the
stratified squamous esophagus is known as the adventitia (ad-ven-TISH-a) rather than
epithelium the serosa because the connective tissue attaches to the surround-
Transverse Lamina propria ing structures of the mediastinum, through which it passes.
Physiology of the Esophagus
The esophagus secretes mucus and transports food into the stom-
Muscularis ach. It does not produce digestive enzymes, and it does not carry
(circular layer) on absorption.

Muscularis Deglutition
(longitudinal layer)
The movement of food from the mouth into the stomach is
achieved by the act of swallowing, or deglutition (de¯-gloo-
TISH-un) (Figure 23.10). Deglutition is facilitated by the secretion
Adventitia of saliva and mucus and involves the mouth, pharynx, and esopha-
LM 20x
gus. Swallowing occurs in three stages: (1) the voluntary stage, in
which the bolus is passed into the oropharynx; (2) the pharyngeal
Wall of the esophagus
stage, the involuntary passage of the bolus through the pharynx
esophagus secretes mucus and transports food to the stomach. into the esophagus; and (3) the esophageal stage, the involuntary
passage of the bolus through the esophagus into the stomach.

Figure 23.10 Deglutition (swallowing). During the pharyngeal stage of deglutition (b), the tongue rises against the palate, the nasopharynx
is closed off, the larynx rises, the epiglottis seals off the larynx, and the bolus is passed into the esophagus. During the esophageal stage of
deglutition (c), food moves through the esophagus into the stomach via peristalsis.

Hard palate
Soft palate




(a) Position of structures before swallowing (b) During the pharyngeal stage of swallowing

790 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

Figure 23.10 (conitinued) TABLE 23.2

Esophagus Digestive Activities in the Pharynx and Esophagus
R l d
Pharynx Pharyngeal stage of Moves bolus from oropharynx
deglutition. to laryngopharynx and
into esophagus; closes air
Esophagus Relaxation of upper Permits entry of bolus
esophageal sphincter. from laryngopharynx into
Esophageal stage Pushes bolus down esophagus.
of deglutition
Relaxation of lower Permits entry of bolus into
esophageal sphincter. stomach.
Secretion of mucus. Lubricates esophagus for
smooth passage of bolus.
(c) Anterior view of frontal sections of peristalsis in esophagus

lutition moves food from the mouth into the stomach.

Swallowing starts when the bolus is forced to the back of the bolus toward the stomach. Meanwhile, longitudinal fibers inferior
mouth and into the oropharynx by the movement of the tongue to the bolus also contract, which shortens this inferior section and
upward and backward against the palate; these actions constitute pushes its walls outward so it can receive the bolus. The contrac-
the voluntary stage of swallowing. With the passage of the bolus tions are repeated in waves that push the food toward the stom-
into the oropharynx, the involuntary pharyngeal stage of swal- ach. As the bolus approaches the end of the esophagus, the lower
lowing begins (Figure 23.10b). The bolus stimulates receptors in esophageal sphincter relaxes and the bolus moves into the stom-
the oropharynx, which send impulses to the deglutition center in ach. Along the way, mucus secreted by esophageal glands lubri-
the medulla oblongata and pons of the brain stem. The returning cates the bolus and reduces friction. The passage of solid or semi-
impulses cause the soft palate and uvula to move upward to close solid food from the mouth to the stomach takes 4 to 8 seconds;
off the nasopharynx, which prevents swallowed foods and liquids very soft foods and liquids pass through in about 1 second.
from entering the nasal cavity. In addition, the epiglottis closes off Table 23.2 summarizes the digestive activities of the pharynx
the opening to the larynx, which prevents the bolus from enter- and esophagus.
ing the rest of the respiratory tract. The bolus moves through the
oropharynx and the laryngopharynx. Once the upper esophageal
sphincter relaxes, the bolus moves into the esophagus. Checkpoint
The esophageal stage of swallowing begins once the bolus 11. To which two organ systems does the pharynx belong?
enters the esophagus. During this phase, peristalsis (per´-i-STAL- 12. In which layers of the esophagus are the glands located that secrete
sis; -stalsis = constriction), a progression of coordinated contrac- lubricating mucus?
tions and relaxations of the circular and longitudinal layers of the 13. What are the functions of the upper and lower esophageal sphincters?
muscularis, pushes the bolus onward (Figure 23.10c). In the sec- 14. What occurs during the oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal stages of swallowing?
tion of the esophagus just superior to the bolus, the circular muscle 15. Is swallowing a voluntary or involuntary action?
fibers contract, constricting the esophageal wall and squeezing the 16. Does peristalsis “push” or “pull” food along the gastrointestinal tract?

23.4 The stomach mechanically breaks down the bolus and mixes it with gastric secretions.
The stomach (Figure 23.11) is a J-shaped enlargement of the GI more quickly than the intestines can digest and absorb it, one of
tract in the abdomen directly inferior to the diaphragm (see Figure the functions of the stomach is to serve as a mixing chamber and
23.1). The stomach connects the esophagus to the duodenum, the holding reservoir. At appropriate intervals after food is ingested,
first part of the small intestine. Because a meal can be eaten much the stomach forces a small quantity of material into the first por-
Figure 23.11 External and internal anatomy of the stomach.

sp Serosa
Longitudinal layer

Circular layer
Oblique layer

Greater curvature Functions of the Stomach

1. Mixes saliva, food, and gastric juice to
form chyme.
2. Serves as a reservoir for food before
release into small intestine.
3. Secretes gastric juice, which contains
Duodenu HCl (kills bacteria and denatures
PYLORIC ANTRUM protein), pepsin (begins the digestion
of proteins), intrinsic factor (aids
(a) Anterior view of regions of stomach absorption of vitamin B12), and gastric
lipase (aids digestion of triglycerides).
4. Secretes gastrin into blood.


Rugae of mucosa


Pyloric sphincter

PYLORIC ANTRUM Greater curvature

(b) Anterior view of internal anatomy

four regions of the stomach are the cardia, fundus, body, and pylorus.
792 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

tion of the small intestine. The position and size of the stomach with the unaided eye. The pylorus communicates with the duo-
vary continually. The diaphragm pushes it inferiorly with each in- denum of the small intestine through a smooth muscle sphincter
halation and pulls it superiorly with each exhalation. Empty, it is called the pyloric sphincter. The concave medial border of the
about the size of a large sausage, but it is the most distensible part stomach is called the lesser curvature, and the convex lateral bor-
of the GI tract and can accommodate a large quantity of food. In der is called the greater curvature.
the stomach, digestion of starch continues, digestion of proteins
and triglycerides begins, the semisolid bolus is converted to a liq-
uid, and certain substances are absorbed.
Histology of the Stomach
The stomach wall is composed of the same four basic layers as the
rest of the GI tract, with certain modifications (Figure 23.12). The
Anatomy of the Stomach surface of the mucosa is a layer of simple columnar epithelial cells
The stomach has four main regions: the cardia, fundus, body, and called surface mucous cells (Figure 23.12b). The mucosa contains
pylorus (Figure 23.11). The cardia (CAR-de¯-a) surrounds the su- a lamina propria and a muscularis mucosae. Epithelial cells ex-
perior opening of the stomach. The rounded portion superior to tend down into the lamina propria, where they form columns of
and to the left of the cardia is the fundus (FUN-dus). Inferior to secretory cells called gastric glands. Several gastric glands open
the fundus is the large central portion of the stomach, called the into the bottom of narrow channels called gastric pits. Secretions
body. The region of the stomach that connects to the duodenum from several gastric glands flow into each gastric pit and then into
is the pylorus (pı¯-LOR-us; pyll- = gate; -orus = guard); it has two the lumen of the stomach.
parts, the pyloric antrum (AN-trum = cave), which connects to The gastric glands contain three types of exocrine gland cells
the body of the stomach, and the pyloric canal, which leads into that secrete their products into the stomach lumen: mucous neck
the duodenum. When the stomach is empty, the mucosa lies in cells, chief cells, and parietal cells. Both surface mucous cells and
large folds, called rugae (ROO-ge¯ = wrinkles), that can be seen mucous neck cells secrete mucus (Figure 23.12b). Parietal cells

Figure 23.12 Histology of the stomach.

Lumen of stomach


Lymphatic no SUBMUCOSA

Muscularis m
Lymphatic ves


Oblique layer of m
Circular layer of m
layer of muscle

(a) Three-dimensional view of layers of the stomach

Surface mucous cells
Surface mucous cell
(secretes mucus)
pit Simple
Mucous neck cell
(secretes mucus)
SEM about 1000x Lamina
Stomach mucosa

Parietal cell
(secretes hydrochloric
acid and intrinsic factor)


Chief cell (secretes

pepsinogen and
gastric lipase)

G cell (secretes
the hormone gastrin)

(b) Sectional view of the stomach mucosa showing gastric glands and cell types


Gastric pit

Surface mucous

Lamina propria

Chief cell

Parietal cell

LM 180x
(c) Fundic mucosa

tric juice is the combined secretions of mucous cells, parietal cells, and chief cells.
794 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

produce intrinsic factor (needed for absorption of vitamin B12) and H+/ K+ ATPases actively transport H+ into the lumen while bring-
hydrochloric acid. The chief cells secrete pepsinogen and gastric ing potassium ions (K+) into the cell (Figure 23.13). At the same
lipase. The secretions of the mucous, parietal, and chief cells form time, Cl– and K+ diffuse out into the lumen through Cl– and K+
gastric juice, which totals 2000–3000 mL (roughly 2–3 qt) per channels in the apical membrane. The enzyme carbonic anhy-
day. In addition, gastric glands include G cells, which secrete the drase, which is especially plentiful in parietal cells, catalyzes the
hormone gastrin into the bloodstream. As we will see shortly, this formation of carbonic acid (H2CO3) from water (H2O) and carbon
hormone stimulates several aspects of gastric activity. dioxide (CO2). As carbonic acid dissociates, it provides a ready
Three additional layers lie deep to the mucosa (Figure 23.12). source of H+ for the proton pumps but also generates bicarbonate
The submucosa of the stomach is composed of areolar connec- ions (HCO3–). As HCO3– builds up in the cytosol, it exits the pari-
tive tissue. The muscularis has three layers of smooth muscle: etal cell in exchange for Cl– via Cl–/HCO3– antiporters in the ba-
an outer longitudinal layer, a middle circular layer, and an inner solateral membrane (next to the lamina propria) and diffuses into
oblique layer. The serosa covering the stomach, composed of sim- nearby blood capillaries.
ple squamous epithelium and areolar connective tissue, is part of
the visceral peritoneum. At the lesser curvature of the stomach,
the visceral peritoneum extends upward to the liver as the lesser Figure 23.13 Secretion of HCl (hydrochloric acid) by
omentum. At the greater curvature of the stomach, the visceral parietal cells in the stomach.
peritoneum continues downward as the greater omentum and
drapes over the intestines.
me in
ch lum

Mechanical and Chemical Digestion

in the Stomach ATP

Several minutes after food enters the stomach, gentle rippling, H+

peristaltic movements called mixing waves pass over the stomach K +

every 15 to 25 seconds. These waves macerate food, mix it with

secretions of the gastric glands, and reduce it to a soupy liquid CA
Cl– H2O + CO2 H2CO3 H+ + HCO3–
called chyme (K KII¯ M = juice). Few mixing waves are observed in
the fundus, which primarily has a storage function. As digestion
proceeds in the stomach, more vigorous mixing waves begin at the
body of the stomach and intensify as they reach the pylorus. The
pyloric sphincter normally remains almost, but not completely, Apica
al Parietal cell
closed. Each mixing wave periodically forces a small amount memmb
br ane
of chyme (about 3 mL) into the duodenum through the pyloric
sphincter, a phenomenon known as gastric emptying. Most of the
chyme is forced back into the body of the stomach, where mix-
ing continues. The next wave pushes the chyme forward again and
forces a little more into the duodenum. These forward and back-
ward movements of the gastric contents are responsible for most
mixing in the stomach. Key:
Foods may remain in the fundus for about an hour without Proton pump CA Carbonic anhydrase
becoming mixed with gastric juice. During this time, digestion by (H+/K+ATPase)
salivary amylase continues. Soon, however, the churning action
K+ (potassium ion) HCO3–
mixes chyme with acidic gastric juice, inactivating salivary amy- channel
lase and activating lingual lipase, which starts to digest triglycer- – –
HCO3 /Cl antiporter
ides into fatty acids and diglycerides. Cl– (chloride ion)
channel Cl–
Although parietal cells secrete hydrogen ions (H+) and chlo-
ride ions (Cl–) separately into the stomach lumen, the net effect is on pumps, powered by ATP, secrete H+; Cl– diffuses into the
secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCl). Proton pumps powered by stomach lumen through Cl– channels.
Even before food enters the stomach, the sight, smell, taste, or Another enzyme of the stomach is gastric lipase, which splits
thought of food initiates reflexes that stimulate parasympathetic the short-chain triglycerides in fat molecules into fatty acids and
neurons to release acetylcholine. Acetylcholine plus gastrin se- monoglycerides. This enzyme, which has a limited role in the adult
creted by G cells stimulate parietal cells to secrete more HCl in the stomach, operates best at a pH of 5–6. More important than either
presence of histamine, released by mast cells in the nearby lamina lingual lipase or gastric lipase is pancreatic lipase, an enzyme se-
propria. In other words, histamine acts synergistically, enhancing creted by the pancreas into the small intestine.
the effects of acetylcholine and gastrin. Besides stimulating secre- Only a small amount of nutrients are absorbed in the stom-
tion of large amounts of gastric juice, gastrin increases motility ach because its epithelial cells are impermeable to most materials.
of the stomach and relaxes the pyloric sphincter. Impulses from However, mucous cells of the stomach absorb some water, ions,
parasympathetic neurons also increase stomach motility. and short-chain fatty acids, as well as certain drugs (especially as-
The strongly acidic fluid of the stomach kills many microbes pirin) and alcohol.
in food. HCl partially denatures (unfolds) proteins in food and Within 2 to 4 hours after eating a meal, the stomach has emp-
stimulates the secretion of hormones that promote the flow of bile tied its contents into the duodenum. Foods rich in carbohydrate
and pancreatic juice. Enzymatic digestion of proteins also begins spend the least time in the stomach; high-protein foods remain
in the stomach by pepsin, which is secreted by chief cells. Pepsin somewhat longer, and emptying is slowest after a fat-laden meal
breaks peptide bonds between amino acids, breaking down a pro- containing large amounts of triglycerides.
tein chain of many amino acids into smaller fragments. Pepsin is Table 23.3 summarizes the digestive activities of the stomach.
most effective in the very acidic environment of the stomach (pH
2); it becomes inactive at a higher pH.
What keeps pepsin from digesting the protein in stomach cells Checkpoint
along with the food? First, pepsin is secreted in an inactive form 17. Which stomach layer is in contact with swallowed food?
called pepsinogen; in this form, it cannot digest the proteins in the 18. Which part of the stomach primarily serves as a food reservoir?
chief cells that produce it. Pepsinogen is not converted into active 19. Which molecule is the source of the hydrogen ions that are secreted into
pepsin until it comes in contact with hydrochloric acid in gastric gastric juice?
juice. Second, the stomach epithelial cells are protected from gas- 20. Which branch of the autonomic nervous system promotes digestion?
tric juices by a 1- to 3-mm-thick layer of alkaline mucus secreted 21. What is the role of pepsin? Why is it secreted in an inactive form?
by surface mucous cells and mucous neck cells. 22. Which substances are absorbed in the stomach?

TABLE 23.3
Digestive Activities in the Stomach
Chief cells Secrete pepsinogen. Pepsin, the activated form, breaks down proteins into peptides.
Secrete gastric lipase. Splits triglycerides into fatty acids and monoglycerides.
Parietal cells Secrete hydrochloric acid. Kills microbes in foods; denatures proteins; converts pepsinogen into pepsin.
Secrete intrinsic factor. Needed for absorption of vitamin B12, which is used in red blood cell formation
Surface mucous cells and Secrete muscus. Form a protective barrier that prevents digestion of stomach wall.
mucous neck cells Absorption. Small quantity of water, ions, short-chain fatty acids, and some drugs enter the bloodstream.

G cells Secrete gastrin. Stimulate parietal cells to secrete HCl and chief cells to secrete pepsinogen; contracts lower
esophageal sphincter, increases motility of the stomach, and relaxes pyloric sphincter.
Muscularis Mixing waves. Macerate food and mix it with gastric juice, forming chyme.
Peristalsis. Forces chyme through pyloric sphincter.
Pyloric sphincter Opens to permit passage Regulates passage of chyme from stomach to duodenum; prevents backflow of chyme from
of chyme into duodenum. duodenum to stomach.
796 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

R e t u r n t o C h l o e ’s S t o r y
“Gastric bypass surgery is quite a serious undertaking, instruments. Dr. Benavides preferred this method because it caused less scar
Chloe. It’s going to require a lifetime of commitment to tissue. Chloe woke up with a sore throat and a dry, nagging cough. “Nurse, may I
monitoring your diet and regular exercise. There are risks. have some water?” she asked.
I have been fortunate not to have had any poor outcomes, “Just a little for now. Your stomach’s lumen has been reduced to about the
but your mother was right. There have been incidents of size of a tablespoon, so we have to be careful you don’t drink too much,” the nurse
postsurgical bleeds, abscesses, and pulmonary embolism replied.
associated with the surgery.” Dr. Benavides entered the room. “Chloe, how are you feeling?” he asked.
Chloe nodded and replied, “Dr. Benavides, I understand that. I also know “Okay, not too much pain, thanks,” Chloe replied.
that my insurance probably won’t cover the cost of the surgery. But I am ready to Over time, Chloe’s stomach would heal and eventually would expand to ac-
make that commitment. I want to be there for my children, and I want to have a commodate about 1 cup of food. The reduced volume of her stomach would mean
better quality of life. I am so tired and breathless all the time. My regular doctor that Chloe would feel full more quickly, hopefully reducing her hunger and calorie
said that sleep apnea is contributing to my fatigue and that the extra weight is intake. But she would have to be careful not to overeat. Ingesting too much food
causing my acid reflux, diabetes, and high blood pressure. I think it’s time for could overly stretch and then damage Chloe’s surgically reduced stomach.
drastic action.”
Chloe got her wish. After a series of screening tests to ensure she was an A. Which serous membrane in Chloe’s abdomen most likely
appropriate candidate, the procedure had been done under general anesthesia. contains the greatest amount of adipose tissue?
Using a series of surgical staples, Dr. Benavides reduced Chloe’s stomach from B. What involuntary muscular process initiated by deglutition
its original size of about 1 qt to a small pouch. He then cut the small intestine, of water may cause Chloe pain?
bypassing its upper portion, the duodenum, and reattached the shortened intes- C. Why might reduction of the size of Chloe’s stomach reduce
tines directly to the smaller stomach at the jejunum. The surgery was done using her acid reflux?
a laparoscopic technique; only a few small incisions were made to insert surgical D. How will protein digestion be affected by Chloe’s surgery?

23.5 The pancreas secretes pancreatic juice, the liver secretes bile, and the gallbladder stores
and concentrates bile.
Pancreas of the two ducts. In most people, the pancreatic duct joins the com-
mon bile duct from the liver and gallbladder and enters the duo-
From the stomach, chyme passes into the small intestine. Because denum as a common duct called the hepatopancreatic ampulla,
chemical digestion in the small intestine depends on activities of which lies about 10 cm (4 in.) inferior to the pyloric sphincter of
the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder, we first consider the activities the stomach. The passage of pancreatic juice and bile through the
of these accessory digestive organs and their contributions to di- hepatopancreatic ampulla into the small intestine is regulated by a
gestion in the small intestine. mass of smooth muscle known as the sphincter of the hepatopan-
creatic ampulla. The other major duct of the pancreas, the acces-
sory duct, leads from the pancreas and empties into the duodenum
Anatomy of the Pancreas about 2.5 cm (1 in.) superior to the hepatopancreatic ampulla.
The pancreas (pan
( - = all; -creas = flesh), a retroperitoneal gland
that is about 12–15 cm (5–6 in.) long and 2.5 cm (1 in.) thick, lies
posterior to the greater curvature of the stomach. The pancreas
Histology of the Pancreas
consists of a head, a body, and a tail and is usually connected to The pancreas is made up of small clusters of glandular epithelial
the duodenum by two ducts (Figure 23.14a). The head is the ex- cells. About 99% of the clusters, called acini (AS-i-nē), consti-
panded portion of the organ near the curve of the duodenum; to the tute the exocrine portion of the organ (see Figure 17.17b,c). The
left of the head are the central body and the tapering tail. cells within acini secrete a mixture of fluid and digestive enzymes
Pancreatic juices exit the exocrine cells into small ducts that called pancreatic juice. The remaining 1% of the clusters, called
ultimately unite to form two larger ducts, the pancreatic duct and pancreatic islets, form the endocrine portion of the pancreas.
the accessory duct. These in turn convey the secretions into the These cells secrete the hormones glucagon and insulin. The func-
duodenum of the small intestine. The pancreatic duct is the larger tions of these hormones are discussed in Chapter 17.
Figure 23.14 Relation of the pancreas to the liver, gallbladder, and duodenum. The inset (b) shows details of the common bi
duct and pancreatic duct forming the hepatopancreatic ampulla that empties into the duodenum.
Falciform ligament

Coronary ligament

Common bile duct

duct Pancreatic duct

Gallbladder duct Hepatopancreatic


of duodenum

ic duct

Accessory d

ampulla Sphincter of the hepatopancreatic

(a) Anterior view (b) Details of hepatopancreatic ampulla

Right hepatic Left hepatic

duct duct

Liver Diaphragm
Common hepatic
duct from liver
Cystic duct Cystic
from gallbladder duct
Gallbladder Tail of
Common bile duct Common
bile duct Pancreatic duct

Pancreatic duct Body of

from pancreas pancreas
Liver Duodenum Head of
Gallbladder pancreas

Pancreas Duodenum

(c) Ducts carrying bile from liver and gallbladder and (d) Anterior view
pancreatic juice from pancreas to the duodenum

creatic enzymes digest starches, proteins, triglycerides, and nucleic acids.

798 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

Pancreatic Juice mesentery (Figure 23.14a). An inferior quadrate lobe and a poste-
rior caudate lobe are continuations of the left lobe. The falciform
Each day the pancreas produces 1200–1500 mL (about 1.2–1.5 qt) ligament extends from the undersurface of the diaphragm, helping
of pancreatic juice, a clear, colorless liquid consisting mostly of to suspend the liver in the abdominal cavity. In the free border of
water, some salts, sodium bicarbonate, and several enzymes. The so- the falciform ligament is the round ligament, a remnant of the
dium bicarbonate gives pancreatic juice a slightly alkaline pH (7.1– umbilical vein of the fetus. The right and left coronary ligaments
8.2) that buffers acidic gastric juice in chyme, stops the action of are narrow extensions of the parietal peritoneum that suspend the
pepsin from the stomach, and creates the proper pH for the action liver from the diaphragm.
of digestive enzymes in the small intestine. The enzymes in pan-
creatic juice include a starch-digesting enzyme called pancreatic
amylase; several protein-digesting enzymes called trypsin (TRIP-
sin), chymotrypsin (kı̄´-mō-TRIP-sin), carboxypeptidase (kar- Histology of the Liver
bok´-se¯-PEP-ti-da¯s), and elastase (e¯-LAS-tās); the principal trigly- The lobes of the liver are made up of many lobules (Figure
ceride-digesting enzyme, called pancreatic lipase; and nucleic acid– 23.15). A lobule is typically a six-sided structure (hexagon) that
digesting enzymes called ribonuclease and deoxy-ribonuclease. contains specialized epithelial cells called hepatocytes (hepat-t
Like pepsin produced in the stomach, the protein-digesting en- = liver; -cytes = cells). The hepatocytes are arranged in irregu-
zymes of the pancreas are produced in an inactive form so that the lar, interconnected plates radiating out from a central vein. The
enzymes do not digest the cells of the pancreas. Trypsin is secreted liver has highly permeable blood capillaries called sinusoids
in an inactive form called trypsinogen (trip-SIN-ō-jen). Pancreatic through which blood passes. Present in the sinusoids are fixed
juice also contains a protein called trypsin inhibitor that combines phagocytes called reticuloendothelial cells, which destroy
with any trypsin formed accidentally in the pancreas or in pancreatic worn-out blood cells, bacteria, and other foreign matter in the
juice and blocks its enzymatic activity. When trypsinogen reaches venous blood draining from the gastrointestinal tract.
the lumen of the small intestine, it encounters an activating brush
border enzyme called enterokinase (en´-ter-ō-KĪ-nās), which splits
off part of the trypsinogen molecule to form trypsin. In turn, trypsin
activates the other protein-digesting pancreatic enzymes. Bile Duct System
Bile canaliculi (kan´-a-LIK-ū-lı̄ = small canals) are small ducts
between hepatocytes that collect bile (described shortly) produced
Liver and Gallbladder by the hepatocytes (Figure 23.15b). From bile canaliculi, bile
The liver is the heaviest gland of the body, weighing about 1.4 kg eventually empties into bile ducts at the periphery of the lobules
(about 3 lb) in an average adult. Of all of the organs of the body, (Figure 23.15b). The bile ducts merge into the larger right and
it is second only to the skin in size. The liver is inferior to the left hepatic ducts, which unite and exit the liver as the common
diaphragm and occupies most of the right side of the abdominal hepatic duct (Figure 23.14). The common hepatic duct joins the
cavity (see Figure 23.1). The gallbladder (galll- = bile) is a pear- cystic duct (cystic = bladder) from the gallbladder to form the
shaped sac that is located in a depression of the posterior surface common bile duct.
of the liver. It is 7–10 cm (3–4 in.) long and typically hangs from Bile entering the cystic duct is temporarily stored in the gall-
the anterior inferior margin of the liver (Figure 23.14a). bladder. Contraction of the smooth muscle fibers of the gallblad-
der wall ejects the contents of the gallbladder into the cystic duct.
The functions of the gallbladder are to store and concentrate the
Anatomy of the Liver bile produced by the liver (up to tenfold) until it is needed in the
The liver is divided into two principal lobes—a large right lobe small intestine. In the concentration process, water and ions are
and a smaller left lobe—by the falciform ligament, a fold of the absorbed by the gallbladder mucosa.
Figure 23.15 Histology of the liver.

Left lobe
Right lob

vena cava
c artery
c portal vein
Bile canaliculi
C t l T h ti Si id
Hepatocyte Portal triad:
Connective Bile duct
Branch of
Portal triad: hepatic portal
Bile duct vein
Branch Branch of
of hepatic hepatic artery
Branch Hepatocyte
of hepatic
portal vein Reticuloendothelial
Central vein


(a) Overview of a single liver lobule (b) Details of a portion of a liver lobule


Central vein
of liver lobule


LM 150x
(c) Portion of a liver lobule

bule contains hepatocytes arranged around a central vein.

800 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

Blood Supply of the Liver The principal bile pigment is bilirubin. The phagocytosis of
aged red blood cells liberates iron, globin, and bilirubin (derived
The liver receives blood from two sources (Figure 23.16). From the from heme) (see Figure 18.5). The iron and globin are recycled;
proper hepatic artery it obtains oxygenated blood, and from the he- the bilirubin is secreted into the bile and is eventually broken
patic portal vein it receives deoxygenated blood from the gastrointes- down in the intestine. One of bilirubin’s breakdown products—
tinal tract containing newly absorbed nutrients, drugs, and possibly stercobilin—gives feces their normal brown color.
micrbes and toxins (see Figure 20.28). Branches of both the hepatic Bile is partially an excretory product and partially a diges-
artery and the hepatic portal vein carry blood into liver sinusoids, tive secretion. Bile salts, which are sodium salts and potassium
where oxygen, most of the nutrients, and certain toxic substances salts, play a role in emulsification, the breakdown of large lipid
are taken up by the hepatocytes. Products manufactured by the he- globules into a suspension of small lipid globules. The small
patocytes and nutrients needed by other body cells are secreted back lipid globules present a very large surface area that allows pan-
into the blood, which then drains into the central vein and eventu- creatic lipase to more rapidly accomplish digestion of triglycer-
ally passes into a hepatic vein. Branches of the hepatic portal vein ides. Bile salts also aid in the absorption of lipids following their
and hepatic artery typically accompany bile ducts through the liver. digestion.
Collectively, these three structures are called a portal triad (Figure After they have served as emulsifying agents, most bile salts
23.15). Portal triads are located at the corners of the liver lobules. are reabsorbed by active transport in the final portion of the small
intestine (ileum) and enter portal blood flowing toward the liver
to be recycled into more bile. Although hepatocytes continu-
ally release bile, they increase production and secretion when
Each day, hepatocytes secrete 800–1000 mL (about 1 qt) of bile, a the portal blood contains more bile salts. Thus, as digestion and
yellow, brownish, or olive-green liquid. It has a pH of 7.6–8.6 and absorption continue in the small intestine, bile release increases.
consists mostly of water, bile acids, bile salts, cholesterol, a phos- Between meals, after most absorption has occurred, bile flows
pholipid called lecithin, bile pigments, and several ions. into the gallbladder for storage because the sphincter of the he-
patopancreatic ampulla (Figure 23.14) closes off the entrance to
the duodenum.
Figure 23.16 Hepatic blood flow: sources, path through the
liver, and return to the heart.
Functions of the Liver
Oxygenated blood from Nutrient-rich, deoxygen- In addition to secreting bile, which is needed for absorption of di-
proper hepatic artery 1 ated blood from hepatic etary fats, the liver performs many other vital functions:
portal vein
• Carbohydrate metabolism. The liver is especially important in
maintaining a normal blood glucose level. When blood glucose
2 Liver sinusoids is low, the liver breaks down glycogen to glucose and releases
glucose into the bloodstream. The liver can also convert certain
amino acids and lactic acid to glucose, and it can convert other
sugars, such as fructose and galactose, into glucose. When blood
3 Central vein glucose is high, as occurs just after eating a meal, the liver con-
verts glucose to glycogen and triglycerides for storage.
• Lipid metabolism. Hepatocytes store some triglycerides; break
4 Hepatic vein down fatty acids to generate ATP; synthesize lipoproteins, which
transport fatty acids, triglycerides, and cholesterol to and from
body cells; synthesize cholesterol; and use cholesterol to make
bile salts.
5 Inferior vena cava
• Protein metabolism. Hepatocytes remove the amino group NH2
from amino acids so that the amino acids can be used for ATP
production or converted to carbohydrates or fats. The resulting
6 Right atrium of heart
toxic ammonia is then converted into the much less toxic urea,
which is excreted in urine. Hepatocytes also synthesize most
liver receives oxygenated blood via the proper hepatic artery and plasma proteins, such as alpha and beta globulins, albumin,
nutrient-rich deoxygenated blood via the hepatic portal vein. prothrombin, and fibrinogen.
• Processing of drugs and hormones. The liver can detoxify • Phagocytosis. The reticuloendothelial cells of the liver
substances such as alcohol and excrete drugs such as penicillin, phagocytize aged red blood cells, white blood cells, and some
erythromycin, and sulfonamides into bile. It can also inactivate bacteria.
thyroid hormones and steroid hormones such as estrogens and
• Activation of vitamin D. The skin, liver, and kidneys partici-
pate in synthesizing the active form of vitamin D.
• Excretion of bilirubin. As previously noted, bilirubin, derived
from the heme of aged red blood cells, is absorbed by the liver
from the blood and secreted into bile. Most of the bilirubin in Checkpoint
bile is metabolized in the small intestine by bacteria and elimi- 23. What are the structures through which pancreatic juice might travel on its way
nated in feces. to the duodenum?
24. What are the functions of the components of pancreatic juice?
• Synthesis of bile salts. Bile salts are used in the small intestine
25. How are the protein-digesting enzymes in pancreatic juice activated?
for the emulsification and absorption of lipids.
26. Which type of fluid is found in the pancreatic duct? The common bile duct?
• Storage. In addition to glycogen, the liver is a prime storage The hepatopancreatic ampulla?
site for certain vitamins (A, B12, D, E, and K) and minerals (iron 27. What is the function of bile?
and copper), which are released from the liver when needed 28. The first few hours after a meal, how does the chemical composition of blood
elsewhere in the body. change as it flows through liver sinusoids?

23.6 In the small intestine, chyme mixes with digestive juices from the small intestine, pancreas,
and liver.
Most digestion and absorption of nutrients occur in a long tube provides a large surface area for digestion and absorption, and that
called the small intestine (Figure 23.17). Because of this, its area is further increased by circular folds, villi, and microvilli. The
structure is specially adapted for these functions. Its length alone small intestine begins at the pyloric sphincter of the stomach, coils

Figure 23.17 Anatomy of the small intestine. (a) Regions of the small intestine are the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. (b) Circular folds
increase the surface area for digestion and absorption in the small intestine.

Functions of the Small Intestine

1. Mixes chyme with digestive juices and brings food into contact
with the mucosa for absorption; propels chyme through the small
2. Completes the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids;
begins and completes the digestion of nucleic acids.
3. Absorbs about 90% of nutrients and water that pass through the
digestive system.

Circular folds

(a) Anterior view of external anatomy (b) Internal anatomy of jejunum

t digestion and absorption occur in the small intestine.

802 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

through the central and inferior part of the abdominal cavity, and of both the mucosa and the submucosa facilitate the process of di-
eventually opens into the large intestine (Figure 23.17). It averages gestion and absorption. These structural features include circular
2.5 cm (1 in.) in diameter; its length is about 3 m (10 ft) in a living folds, villi, and microvilli. Circular folds (plicae circulares) are
person and about 6.5 m (21 ft) in a cadaver due to the loss of smooth folds of the mucosa and submucosa (Figure 23.17b). These per-
muscle tone after death. manent ridges are about 10 mm (0.4 in.) long and enhance absorp-
tion by increasing surface area and causing the chyme to spiral,
rather than move in a straight line, as it passes through the small
Anatomy of the Small Intestine Also present in the small intestine are villi (= tufts of hair),
The small intestine is divided into three regions (Figure 23.17). fingerlike projections of the mucosa that are 0.5–1 mm long
The duodenum (doo´-o¯-DĒ DE E-num orr doo-OD-e-num), the shortest
E (Figure 23.18a). The large number of villi (20–40 per square mil-
region, is retroperitoneal. It starts at the pyloric sphincter of the limeter) vastly increases the surface area of the epithelium avail-
stomach and extends about 25 cm (10 in.) until it merges with the able for absorption and digestion and gives the intestinal mucosa
jejunum. Duodenum means “12”; it is so named because it is about a velvety appearance. Each villus (singular form) has a core of
as long as the width of 12 fingers. The jejunum ( je-JOO-num) lamina propria; embedded in the connective tissue of the lamina
is about 1 m (3 ft) long and extends to the ileum. Jejunum means propria are an arteriole, a venule, a blood capillary network, and
“empty,” which is how it is found at death. The final and longest a lacteal (LAK-tē-al = milky), which is a lymphatic capillary.
region of the small intestine, the ileum (IL-ē-um = twisted), mea- Nutrients absorbed by the epithelial cells covering the villus pass
sures about 2 m (6 ft) and joins the large intestine at the ileocecal through the wall of a capillary or a lacteal to enter blood or lymph,
sphincter (il´-ē-ō-SĒ-kal).
E respectively.
Besides circular folds and villi, the small intestine also has
microvilli (mi´-krō-VIL-ı̄; micro- = small), tiny projections of
the apical (free) membrane of the absorptive cells. When viewed
Histology of the Small Intestine through a light microscope, the microvilli are too small to be seen
The wall of the small intestine is composed of the same four lay- individually; instead they form a fuzzy line, called the brush
ers that make up most of the GI tract: mucosa, submucosa, mus- border, extending into the lumen of the small intestine (Figure
cularis, and serosa (Figure 23.18a).a The epithelium of the mucosa 23.19b,d). There are an estimated 200 million microvilli per square
consists of simple columnar epithelium that contains many types of millimeter of small intestine. Because the microvilli greatly in-
cells (Figure 23.18b). Absorptive cells of the epithelium digest and crease the surface area of the plasma membrane, larger amounts of
absorb nutrients in chyme. Also present are goblet cells, which se- digested nutrients can diffuse into absorptive cells. The brush bor-
crete mucus (Figure 23.18b). The small intestinal mucosa contains der also contains several brush border enzymes that have digestive
many deep crevices lined with glandular epithelium. Cells lining the functions (discussed shortly).
crevices form the intestinal glands that secrete intestinal juice (to be
discussed shortly). Besides absorptive cells and goblet cells, the in-
testinal glands also contain Paneth cells and endocrine cells. Paneth Role of Intestinal Juice and
cells secrete lysozyme, a bactericidal enzyme, and are capable of
phagocytosis. Paneth cells may have a role in regulating the micro-
Brush Border Enzymes
bial population in the intestines. S cells and CCK cells are endocrine About 1–2 liters (1–2 qt) of intestinal juice, a clear yellow fluid,
cells found in the intestinal glands that secrete hormones: S cells se- are secreted each day. Intestinal juice contains water and mucus
crete secretin and CCK cells secrete cholecystokinin. The functions and is slightly alkaline (pH 7.6). Together, pancreatic and intes-
of these hormones will be described later in the chapter. tinal juices provide a liquid medium that aids the absorption of
The lamina propria has an abundance of lymphatic nodules substances from chyme as they come in contact with the micro-
(Peyer’s patches), which help defend against pathogens in food villi. The absorptive epithelial cells synthesize several digestive
(Figure 23.19c). The submucosa of the duodenum contains duo- enzymes, called brush border enzymes, and insert them in the
denal glands (Figure 23.19a), which secrete an alkaline mucus plasma membrane of the microvilli. Among the brush border en-
that helps neutralize gastric acid in the chyme. The muscularis of zymes are enzymes that digest carbohydrates, proteins, and nu-
the small intestine consists of two layers of smooth muscle. The cleotides. Thus, some enzymatic digestion occurs at the surface
outer, thinner layer contains longitudinal fibers; the inner, thicker of the epithelial cells that line the villi, rather than in the lumen
layer contains circular fibers. exclusively, as occurs in other parts of the GI tract. Also, as epithe-
Even though the wall of the small intestine is composed of the lial cells slough off of the small intestine wall, they break apart and
same four layers that make up most of the GI tract, special features release enzymes that help digest nutrients in the lumen.
Figure 23.18 Histology of the small intestine. Lumen of small intestine

Villus Blood Lacteal


Simple columnar
Lamina propria

Opening of intestinal gla

Lymphatic nodule SUBMUCOSA
Muscularis mucosae
Lymphatic vessel
Circular layer of muscle
Myenteric plexus SEROSA
Longitudinal layer
of muscle

(a) Three-dimensional view of layers of the small intestine showing villi


Absorptive cell
(absorbs nutrients)


Lacteal Goblet cell

(secretes mucus)
Mucosa propria

Enteroendocrine cell
Intestinal (secretes the
gland hormones secretin
or cholecystokinin)
Submucosa Venule
Paneth cell
(secretes lysozyme
and is capable
of phagocytosis)

(b) Enlarged villus showing lacteal, capillaries, intestinal glands, and cell types

ular folds, villi, and microvilli increase the surface area of the small intestine for digestion and absorption.
804 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

Figure 23.19 Histology of the duodenum and ileum.

Lumen of duodenum


Intestinal glands

Muscularis mucosae

Duodenal gland Submucosa


LM 45x

(a) Wall of the duodenum

Lumen of duodenum

Brush border

Simple columnar
Goblet cell
Absorptive cell Duodenum

Lamina propria

Intestinal glands

Muscularis mucosae

Duodenal gland
in submucosa
LM 160x

(b) Three villi from the duodenum

Lumen of ileum along the tract. A segmentation starts with the contractions of cir-
Villus cular muscle fibers in a portion of the small intestine, an action
that constricts the intestine into segments. Next, muscle fibers that
encircle the middle of each segment also contract, dividing each
segment again. Finally, the fibers that first contracted relax, and
each small segment unites with an adjoining small segment so
Lymphatic that large segments are formed again. This movement is similar
nodule to alternately squeezing the middle and then the ends of a capped
Submucosa tube of toothpaste. As this sequence of events repeats, the chyme
sloshes back and forth. Segmentations occur most rapidly in the
duodenum, about 12 times per minute, and progressively slow to
about 8 times per minute in the ileum.
After most of a meal has been absorbed, which lessens disten-
LM 14x tion of the wall of the small intestine, segmentation stops and peri-
(c) Lymphatic nodules in the ileum stalsis begins. Each peristaltic wave begins in the lower portion
of the stomach and slowly pushes chyme forward down the small
intestine, with peristaltic migrations reaching the end of the ileum
Microvilli in 90 to 120 minutes. Then another wave of peristalsis begins in
the stomach. Altogether, chyme remains in the small intestine for
3–5 hours.

Chemical Digestion in the Small Intestine

In the mouth, salivary amylase converts starch (a polysaccharide) to
disaccharides and short-chain glucose polymers called ␣-dextrins.
In the stomach, pepsin converts proteins to peptides (small frag-
ments of proteins), and lingual and gastric lipases convert some
triglycerides into fatty acids, diglycerides, and monoglycerides.
Thus, chyme entering the small intestine contains partially di-
columnar gested carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. The completion of di-
epithelial cell gestion is a collective effort of pancreatic juice, bile, and intestinal
TEM 46,800x
juice in the small intestine.
(d) Several microvilli from the duodenum

rovilli in the small intestine contain brush border enzymes that

Digestion of Carbohydrates
help digest nutrients.
Even though the action of salivary amylase may continue in the
stomach for a while, the acidic pH of the stomach destroys salivary
amylase and ends its activity. Thus, only a few starches are broken
Mechanical Digestion in the down by the time chyme leaves the stomach. Those starches not
already broken down are cleaved by pancreatic amylase, an en-
Small Intestine zyme in pancreatic juice that acts in the small intestine. Although
The two types of movements of the small intestine— pancreatic amylase acts on both glycogen and starches, it has no
segmentations and peristalsis—are governed mainly by the effect on another polysaccharide called cellulose, an indigestible
myenteric plexus. Segmentations are localized, mixing con- plant fiber that is commonly referred to as “roughage” as it moves
tractions that occur in portions of intestine distended by a large through the digestive system. After amylase (either salivary or
volume of chyme. Segmentations mix chyme with the digestive pancreatic) has split starch into smaller fragments, a brush border
juices and bring the particles of food into contact with the mucosa enzyme called ␣-dextrinase acts on the resulting ␣-dextrins, clip-
for absorption; segmentations do not push the intestinal contents ping off one glucose unit at a time.
806 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

Ingested molecules of sucrose, lactose, and maltose—three that can participate in lipid digestion: lingual lipase, gastric lipase,
disaccharides—are not acted on until they reach the small intes- and pancreatic lipase. Although some lipid digestion occurs in the
tine. Three brush border enzymes digest the disaccharides into stomach through the action of lingual and gastric lipases, most oc-
monosaccharides. Sucrase breaks sucrose into a molecule of curs in the small intestine through the action of pancreatic lipase.
glucose and a molecule of fructose; lactase digests lactose into Triglycerides are broken down by pancreatic lipase into fatty acids
a molecule of glucose and a molecule of galactose; and maltase and monoglycerides.
splits maltose into two molecules of glucose. Digestion of carbo- Before a large lipid globule containing triglycerides can be di-
hydrates ends with the production of monosaccharides, which the gested in the small intestine, it must first undergo emulsification—
digestive system is able to absorb. a process in which the large lipid globule is broken down into
several small lipid globules. Recall that bile contains bile salts.
Bile salts are amphipathic, which means that each bile salt has a
Digestion of Proteins hydrophobic (nonpolar) region and a hydrophilic (polar) region.
Recall that protein digestion starts in the stomach, where proteins The hydrophobic regions of bile salts interact with the large lipid
are fragmented into peptides by the action of pepsin. Enzymes globule, while the hydrophilic regions of bile salts interact with
in pancreatic juice—trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase, the watery intestinal chyme. The amphipathic nature of bile salts
and elastase—continue to break down proteins into peptides, allows them to break apart a large lipid globule into several small
though their actions differ somewhat because each splits peptide lipid globules, each about 1 μm in diameter. The small lipid glob-
bonds between different amino acids. Trypsin, chymotrypsin, and ules formed from emulsification provide a large surface area that
elastase all cleave the peptide bond between a specific amino acid allows pancreatic lipase to function more effectively.
and its neighbor; carboxypeptidase breaks the peptide bond that
attaches the terminal amino acid to the peptide chain. Protein di-
gestion is completed by peptidases in the brush border that break
Digestion of Nucleic Acids
peptides into single amino acids, dipeptides, and tripeptides. Pancreatic juice contains two nucleases: ribonuclease, which
digests RNA, and deoxyribonuclease, which digests DNA. The
nucleotides that result from the action of the two nucleases are fur-
Digestion of Lipids ther digested by brush border enzymes called nucleosidases and
The most abundant lipids in the diet are triglycerides, which con- phosphatases into pentoses, phosphates, and nitrogenous bases.
sist of a molecule of glycerol bonded to three fatty acid molecules These products are absorbed by active transport.
(see Figure 2.16). Enzymes that split triglycerides and phospho- Table 23.4 summarizes the sources, substrates, and products
lipids are called lipases. Recall that there are three types of lipases of the digestive enzymes.

TABLE 23.4
Digestive Enzymes
Salivary amylase Salivary glands. Starches (polysaccharides). Maltose (disaccharide), maltotriose (trisaccharide),
and ␣-dextrins.
Lingual lipase Lingual glands in the Triglycerides (fats and oils) Fatty acids and diglycerides.
tongue. and other lipids.
Gastric Juice
n (activated from pepsinogen Stomach chief cells. Proteins. Peptides.
by pepsin and hydrochloric acid)
Gastric lipase Stomach chief cells. Triglycerides (fats and oils). Fatty acids and monoglycerides.
Pancreatic Juice
Pancreatic amylase Pancreatic acinar cells. Starches (polysaccharides). Maltose (disaccharide), maltotriose (trisaccharide), and ␣-dextrins.
Trypsin (activated from Pancreatic acinar cells. Proteins. Peptides.
trypsinogen by enterokinase)
Chymotrypsin (activated from Pancreatic acinar cells. Proteins. Peptides.
chymotrypsinogen by trypsin)
Elastase (activated from Pancreatic acinar cells. Proteins. Peptides.
proelastase by trypsin)
Absorption in the Small Intestine food; the other half come from the body itself in the form of pro-
teins in digestive juices and dead cells that slough off the muco-
All the chemical and mechanical phases of digestion from the mouth sal surface! Different transporters carry different types of amino
through the small intestine are directed toward changing food into acids. Some amino acids enter epithelial cells via Na+-dependent
forms that can pass through the absorptive epithelial cells lining the secondary active transport processes that are similar to the glu-
mucosa and into the underlying blood and lymphatic vessels. Passage cose transporter; other amino acids are actively transported by
of these digested nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract into the themselves. At least one symporter brings in dipeptides and tri-
blood or lymph is called absorption. About 90% of all absorption peptides together with H+; the peptides then are hydrolyzed to
of nutrients occurs in the small intestine; the other 10% occurs in the single amino acids inside the epithelial cells. Amino acids move
stomach and large intestine. Any undigested or unabsorbed material out of the epithelial cells by diffusion and enter capillaries of the
left in the small intestine passes on to the large intestine. villus (Figure 23.20a,b). Both monosaccharides and amino acids
are transported in the blood to the liver by way of the hepatic por-
Absorption of Monosaccharides tal system. If not removed by hepatocytes, they enter the general
All carbohydrates are absorbed as monosaccharides. Fructose, a
monosaccharide found in fruits, is transported by facilitated diffu-
sion; glucose and galactose are transported into epithelial cells of
the villi by secondary active transportt that is coupled to the active Absorption of Lipids
transport of Na+ (Figure 23.20a). a Monosaccharides then move out All dietary lipids are absorbed via simple diffusion. As a result of
of the epithelial cells through their basolateral surfaces by facilitated their emulsification and digestion, triglycerides are broken down
diffusion and enter the capillaries of the villi (see Figure 23.20b). into monoglycerides and fatty acids, which can be either short-
chain or long-chain fatty acids. Although short-chain fatty acids
Absorption of Amino Acids, Dipeptides, are hydrophobic, they are very small in size. Because of their size,
they can dissolve in the watery intestinal chyme, pass through the
and Tripeptides absorptive cells via simple diffusion, and follow the same route
Most proteins are absorbed as amino acids via active transport taken by monosaccharides and amino acids into a blood capillary
processes. About half of the absorbed amino acids are present in of a villus (Figure 23.20a).

TABLE 23.4 (continued)


Pancreatic Juice (continued)

Carboxypeptidase (activated Pancreatic acinar cells. Amino acid at carboxyl end Amino acids and peptides.
from procarboxypeptidase by of peptides.
Pancreatic lipase Pancreatic acinar cells. Triglycerides (fats and oils) Fatty acids and monoglycerides.
that have been emulsified
by bile salts.
Ribonuclease Pancreatic acinar cells. Ribonucleic acid. Nucleotides.
Deoxyribonuclease Pancreatic acinar cells. Deoxyribonucleic acid. Nucleotides.
Brush Border
␣-Dextrinase Small intestine. ␣-Dextrins. Glucose.
Maltase Small intestine. Maltose. Glucose.
Sucrase Small intestine. Sucrose. Glucose and fructose.
Lactase Small intestine. Lactose. Glucose and galactose.
Enterokinase Small intestine. Trypsinogen. Trypsin.
Aminopeptidase Small intestine. Amino acid at amino Amino acids and peptides.
end of peptides.
Dipeptidase Small intestine. Dipeptides. Amino acids.
Nucleosidase and phosphatases Small intestine. Nucleotides. Nitrogenous bases, pentoses, and phosphates.
808 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

Figure 23.20 Absorption of digested nutrients in the small intestine. For simplicity, all digested foods are shown in the lume
of the small intestine, even though some nutrients are digested by brush border enzymes.

Glucose and Secondary active

galactose transport with Na+ Monosacch
Facilitated diffusio

Active transport or To blood

Amino acids secondary active capillary
Amino acids
transport with Na+ of a villus
Secondary active
Tripeptides transport with H+

Short-chain Simple Diffu

fatty acids diffusion

fatty acids
Simple To lacteal
diffusion of a villus
Micelle Monoglycerides
Chylomicron Basolateral
Lumen of Microvilli Epithelial
small intestine (brush border) cells of villus
on apical surface

(a) Mechanisms for movement of nutrients through absorptive epithelial cells of the villi

eatly enlarged)





(b) Movement of absorbed nutrients into the blood and lymph

g-chain fatty acids and monoglycerides are absorbed into lacteals; other products of digestion enter blood capillaries.
Long-chain fatty acids and monoglycerides are large and hy- sodium–potassium pumps (Na+/K+ ATPases). Negatively charged
drophobic and have difficulty being suspended in the watery envi- bicarbonate, chloride, iodide, and nitrate ions can passively follow
ronment of the intestinal chyme. Besides their role in emulsifica- Na+ or be actively transported. Other electrolytes such as calcium,
tion, bile salts also help to make these long-chain fatty acids and iron, potassium, magnesium, and phosphate ions are absorbed by
monoglycerides more soluble. The bile salts in intestinal chyme active transport mechanisms.
surround the long-chain fatty acids and monoglycerides, form-
ing tiny spheres called micelles (mı̄-SELZ = small morsels) that
include 20–50 bile salt molecules (Figure 23.20a). Micelles are
Absorption of Vitamins
formed due to the amphipathic nature of bile salts: The hydropho- As you have just learned, the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K are
bic regions of bile salts interact with the long-chain fatty acids and included with ingested dietary lipids in micelles and are absorbed by
monoglycerides, and the hydrophilic regions of bile salts inter- simple diffusion. Most water-soluble vitamins, such as most B vita-
act with the watery intestinal chyme. Once formed, the micelles mins and vitamin C, also are absorbed via simple diffusion. Vitamin
move from the lumen of the small intestine to the brush border of B12, however, must be combined with intrinsic factor produced by
the absorptive cells. At that point, the long-chain fatty acids and the stomach for its absorption via active transport in the ileum.
monoglycerides diffuse out of the micelles into the absorptive
cells, leaving the micelles behind in the chyme. The micelles con-
tinually repeat this ferrying function as they move from the brush Absorption of Water
border to the interior of the lumen to pick up more long-chain fatty The total volume of fluid that enters the small intestine each day—
acids and monoglycerides. Micelles also increase the solubility of about 9.3 liters (9.8 qt)—comes from ingestion of liquids (about
other large hydrophobic molecules such as fat-soluble vitamins 2.3 liters) and from various gastrointestinal secretions (about 7.0
(A, D, E, and K) and cholesterol and aid in their absorption. liters). Figure 23.21 depicts the amounts of fluid ingested, secreted,
Once inside the absorptive epithelial cells, long-chain fatty
acids and monoglycerides are recombined to form triglycerides
and become coated with proteins. These large spherical masses
Figure 23.21 Daily volumes of fluid ingested, secreted,
are called chylomicrons. Chylomicrons leave the epithelial cell
absorbed, and excreted from the GI tract.
via exocytosis. Because they are so large and bulky, chylomicrons
cannot enter blood capillaries—the pores in the walls of blood INGE BED
capillaries are too small. Instead, chylomicrons enter lacteals, AND SE

which have much larger pores than blood capillaries. From lac- Saliva
(1 liter)
teals, chylomicrons are transported by way of lymphatic vessels
to the thoracic duct and enter the blood at the left subclavian vein
(see Figure 23.20b). The hydrophilic protein coat that surrounds Ingestion
of liquids
each chylomicron keeps the chylomicrons suspended in blood (2.3 liters
and prevents them from sticking to each other. As blood passes Gastric ju
through capillaries in adipose tissue and the liver, chylomicrons (2 liters)
are removed and their lipids are stored for future use.
After participating in the emulsification and absorption of lip-
ids, 90–95% of the bile salts are reabsorbed by active transport in
the ileum and returned by the blood to the liver through the hepatic Bile
portal system for recycling. This cycle of bile salt secretion by he- (1 liter)
patocytes into bile, reabsorption by the ileum, and resecretion into
bile is called the enterohepatic circulation. Insufficient bile salts, Pancreat
due either to obstruction of the bile ducts or removal of the gallblad- (2 liters)
der, can result in the loss of up to 40% of dietary lipids in the feces
due to diminished lipid absorption. When lipids are not absorbed juice
properly, the fat-soluble vitamins are not adequately absorbed. (1 liter) s)

Total inge
Absorption of Electrolytes and secre
= 9.3 liter
Recall that electrolytes are compounds that separate into ions in
water and conduct electricity. Many of the electrolytes absorbed orbed
by the small intestine come from gastrointestinal secretions, and Excreted in feces = 9.2 liters
(0.1 liter)
some are part of ingested foods and liquids. Sodium ions move
into epithelial cells by diffusion and secondary active transport, water absorption in the GI tract occurs via osmosis.
then are actively transported out of intestinal epithelial cells by
810 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

TABLE 23.5
Digestive Activities in the Pancreas, Liver, Gallbladder, and Small Intestine
Pancreas Delivers pancreatic juice into the duodenum via the pancreatic duct (see Table 23.4 for pancreatic enzymes and their
Liver Produces bile (bile salts) necessary for emulsification and absorption of lipids.
Gallbladder Stores, concentrates, and delivers bile into the duodenum via the common bile duct.
Small intestine Major site of digestion and absorption of nutrients and water in the gastrointestinal tract.
Intestinal glands Secrete intestinal juice.
Duodenal glands Secrete alkaline fluid to buffer stomach acids, and mucus for protection and lubrication.
Microvilli Microscopic, membrane-covered projections of epithelial cells that contain brush border enzymes (listed in Table
23.4) and that increase the surface area for digestion and absorption.
Villi Fingerlike projections of mucosa are the sites of absorption of digested food and increase the surface area for digestion
and absorption.
Circular folds Folds of mucosa and submucosa that increase the surface area for digestion and absorption.
Segmentation Consists of alternating contractions of circular smooth muscle fibers that produce segmentation and resegmentation
of sections of the small intestine; mixes chyme with digestive juices and brings food into contact with the mucosa for
Peristalsis Waves of contraction and relaxation of circular and longitudinal smooth muscle fibers passing the length of the small
intestine; moves chyme toward ileocecal sphincter.

absorbed, and excreted by the GI tract. The small intestine absorbs Checkpoint
about 8.3 liters of the fluid; the remainder passes into the large in-
29. What are the regions of the small intestine in order from stomach to large
testine, where most of the rest of it—about 0.9 liter—is absorbed.
intestine? Which region is the longest?
Only 0.1 liter (100 mL) of water is excreted in the feces each day.
30. What purpose do the circular folds of the small intestine serve?
Most water is excreted via the urinary system.
31. What is the function of Paneth cells? Of the fluid secreted by duodenal glands?
All water absorption in the GI tract occurs via osmosis from
32. What are the functions of segmentation and peristalsis in the small intestine?
the lumen of the intestines through epithelial cells and into blood
33. Explain the functions of pancreatic amylase, brush border enzymes,
capillaries. Because water can move across the intestinal mucosa
pancreatic lipase, and deoxyribonuclease.
in both directions, the absorption of water from the small intestine
34. Why are bile salts needed for lipid digestion?
depends on the absorption of electrolytes and nutrients. The ab-
35. How are the end products of carbohydrate, protein, and lipid digestion
sorbed electrolytes, monosaccharides, and amino acids establish
a concentration gradient for water that promotes water absorption
36. Why are triglycerides circulated through the body in chylomicrons?
via osmosis.
37. By which routes do absorbed nutrients reach the liver?
Table 23.5 summarizes the digestive activities of the pancreas,
liver, gallbladder, and small intestine.

23.7 In the large intestine, the final secretion and absorption of nutrients occur as chyme
moves toward the rectum.
Anatomy of the Large Intestine
The large intestine is the terminal portion of the GI tract. The The large intestine, which is about 1.5 m (5 ft) long and 6.5 cm (2.5
overall functions of the large intestine are the completion of ab- in.) in diameter, extends from the ileum to the anus. Structurally,
sorption, the production of certain vitamins, the formation of the four major regions of the large intestine are the cecum, colon,
feces, and the expulsion of feces from the body. rectum, and anal canal (Figure 23.22a).
Figure 23.22 Anatomy of the large intestine.
Functions of the Large Intestine
1. Drives the contents of the colon into the rectum.
2. Converts proteins to amino acids, breaks down amino acids, and produces some
B vitamins and vitamin K.
3. Absorbs some water, ions, and vitamins.
4. Forms feces.
5. Discharges feces from the rectum.

Right colic m


ternal anal
Ileocecal phincter
sphincter nvoluntary)

xternal ana
CECUM oluntary)

ANUS Anus column

(a) Anterior view of large intestine showing (b) Frontal section of anal canal
major regions

regions of the large intestine are the cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal.

The opening from the ileum into the large intestine is guarded by flexure. The colon continues across the abdomen to the left side
a fold of mucous membrane called the ileocecal sphincter, which as the transverse colon. It curves beneath the inferior end of the
allows materials from the small intestine to pass into the large spleen on the left side as the left colic (splenic) flexure and passes
intestine. Hanging inferior to the ileocecal valve is the cecum, a inferiorly to the level of the iliac crest as the descending colon. The
small pouch about 6 cm (2.4 in.) long. Attached to the cecum is a sigmoid colon (sigm- = S-shaped) begins near the left iliac crest,
twisted, coiled tube, measuring about 8 cm (3 in.) in length, called projects medially to the midline, and terminates as the rectum.
the vermiform appendix (vermiform = worm-shaped; appendixx = The rectum, the last 20 cm (8 in.) of the GI tract, lies anterior
appendage). to the sacrum and coccyx. The terminal 2–3 cm (1 in.) of the rec-
The open end of the cecum merges with a long tube called the tum is called the anal canal (Figure 23.22b). The mucous mem-
colon (= food passage), which is divided into ascending, trans- brane of the anal canal is arranged in longitudinal folds called anal
verse, descending, and sigmoid portions. Both the ascending and columns. The opening of the anal canal to the exterior, called the
descending colon are retroperitoneal; the transverse and sigmoid anus, is guarded by an internal anal sphincter of smooth muscle
colon are not. True to its name, the ascending colon ascends on (involuntary) and an external anal sphincter of skeletal muscle
the right side of the abdomen, reaches the inferior surface of the (voluntary). Normally these sphincters keep the anus closed ex-
liver, and turns abruptly to the left to form the right colic (hepatic) cept during the elimination of feces.
812 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

Histology of the Large Intestine The serosa of the large intestine is part of the visceral peri-
toneum. Small pouches of visceral peritoneum filled with fat are
The wall of the large intestine contains the typical four layers attached to teniae coli and are called omental appendages.
found in the rest of the GI tract: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis,
and serosa (Figure 23.23a). The epithelium of the mucosa is sim-
ple columnar epithelium that contains mostly absorptive and gob-
let cells (Figure 23.23b,d). The absorptive cells function primarily
Mechanical Digestion in the Large Intestine
in water absorption; the goblet cells secrete mucus that lubricates The passage of chyme from the ileum into the cecum is regulated
the passage of the colonic contents. Both absorptive and goblet by the action of the ileocecal sphincter. Normally, the valve re-
cells are located in long, straight, tubular intestinal glands that ex- mains partially closed so that the passage of chyme into the cecum
tend the full thickness of the mucosa. Solitary lymphatic nodules usually occurs slowly. Immediately after a meal, a gastroileal re-
are also found in the lamina propria of the mucosa and may extend flex intensifies ileal peristalsis and forces any chyme in the ileum
through the muscularis mucosae into the submucosa. into the cecum. The hormone gastrin also relaxes the sphincter.
Compared to the small intestine, the mucosa of the large in- Whenever the cecum is distended, the degree of contraction of the
testine does not have as many structural adaptations that increase ileocecal sphincter intensifies.
surface area. There are no circular folds or villi; however, micro- Movements of the colon begin when substances pass the ileoce-
villi are present on the absorptive cells. Consequently, much more cal sphincter. As food passes through the ileocecal sphincter, it fills
absorption occurs in the small intestine than in the large intestine. the cecum and accumulates in the ascending colon. One movement
The muscularis consists of an external layer of longitudinal characteristic of the large intestine is haustral churning. In this pro-
smooth muscle and an internal layer of circular smooth muscle. cess, the haustra remain relaxed and become distended while they
Unlike other parts of the GI tract, portions of the longitudinal fill up. When the distention reaches a certain point, the walls contract
muscles are thickened, forming three conspicuous bands called and squeeze the contents into the next haustrum. Peristalsis also oc-
the teniae coli (TĒ-ne
E ¯-e¯ KKOO¯ -lı¯; teniae = flat bands) that run most curs, although at a slower rate (3–12 contractions per minute) than
of the length of the large intestine (Figure 23.22a). The teniae coli in more proximal portions of the tract. A final type of movement is
are separated by portions of the wall with circular muscle and less mass peristalsis, a strong peristaltic wave that begins at about the
or no longitudinal muscle. Tonic contractions of the bands gather middle of the transverse colon and quickly drives the contents of
the colon into a series of pouches called haustra (HAWS-tra = the colon into the rectum. Because food in the stomach initiates this
shaped like pouches; singular is haustrum), which give the colon a gastrocolic reflex in the colon, mass peristalsis usually takes place
puckered appearance. three or four times a day, during or immediately after a meal.

Figure 23.23 Histology of the large intestine. Lumen of large intestine


Muscularis mucosae SUBMUCOSA

Lymphatic vessel
Circular layer of muscle SEROSA
Myenteric plexus
Longitudinal layer of muscle

(a) Three-dimensional view of layers of the large intestine


Openings of




(b) Sectional view of intestinal glands and cell types

Lumen of
large Opening of intestinal gland
Lamina Lumen of
propria large intestine

Intestinal Absorptive
gland cell
Lymphatic Goblet cell

Lamina propria

LM 315x LM 300x

(c) Portion of the wall of the large intestine (d) Details of mucosa of large intestine

stinal glands containing absorptive cells and goblet cells extend the full thickness of the mucosa.
814 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

Chemical Digestion in the Large Intestine moid colon until the next wave of mass peristalsis stimulates the
stretch receptors, again creating the urge to defecate. In infants,
The final stage of digestion occurs in the colon through the activ- the defecation reflex causes automatic emptying of the rectum be-
ity of bacteria that inhabit the lumen. Mucus is secreted by the cause voluntary control of the external anal sphincter has not yet
glands of the large intestine, but no enzymes are secreted. Bacteria developed.
ferment any remaining carbohydrates in the chyme and release hy- The amount of bowel movements that a person has over a given
drogen, carbon dioxide, and methane gases. These gases contribute period of time depends on various factors such as diet, health, and
to flatus (gas) in the colon, termed flatulence when it is excessive. stress. The normal range of bowel activity varies from two or three
Bacteria also break down the remaining proteins to amino acids bowel movements per day to three or four bowel movements per
and decompose bilirubin to simpler pigments, including stercobi- week.
lin, which give feces their brown color. Bacterial products that are Table 23.6 summarizes the digestive activities in the large in-
absorbed in the colon include several vitamins needed for normal testine, and Table 23.7 summarizes the functions of all digestive
metabolism, among them some B vitamins and vitamin K. system organs.

Absorption and Feces Formation 38. What are the major regions of the large intestine?
in the Large Intestine 39. What is the function of the goblet cells in the large intestine?
40. How does mechanical digestion occur in the large intestine?
By the time chyme has remained in the large intestine 3–10 hours,
41. Which activities occur in the large intestine to change its contents into feces?
it has become solid or semisolid because of water absorption and
42. What is defecation and how does it occur?
is now called feces. Chemically, feces consist of water, inorganic
salts, sloughed-off epithelial cells from the mucosa of the gastro-
intestinal tract, bacteria, products of bacterial decomposition, un-
absorbed digested materials, and indigestible parts of food. TABLE 23.6
Although 90% of all water absorption occurs in the small in-
testine, the large intestine absorbs enough to make it an important Digestive Activities in the Large Intestine
organ in maintaining the body’s water balance. Of the 0.5–1.0 liter STRUCTURE ACTIVITY FUNCTION
of water that enters the large intestine, all but about 100–200 mL Lumen Bacterial activity. Breaks down undigested
is normally absorbed via osmosis. The large intestine also absorbs carbohydrates, proteins, and
ions, including sodium and chloride, and some vitamins. amino acids into products that
can be expelled in feces or
absorbed and detoxified by
liver; synthesizes certain B
vitamins and vitamin K.
The Defecation Reflex
Mucosa Mucus secretion. Lubricates colon and protects
Mass peristaltic movements push fecal material from the sigmoid mucosa.
colon into the rectum. The resulting distention of the rectal wall Absorption. Water absorption solidifies
stimulates stretch receptors, which initiates a defecation reflex feces and contributes to the
that empties the rectum. The defecation reflex occurs as follows: body’s water balance; solutes
In response to distention of the rectal wall, receptors send sensory absorbed include ions and some
nerve impulses to the sacral spinal cord. Motor impulses from the vitamins.
cord travel along parasympathetic nerves back to the descending Muscularis Haustral churning. Moves contents from haustrum
colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, and anus. The resulting contraction to haustrum by muscular
of the longitudinal rectal muscles shortens the rectum, thereby contractions.
increasing the pressure within it. This pressure, plus parasympa- Peristalsis. Moves contents along length
thetic stimulation, opens the internal anal sphincter. of colon by contractions of
The external anal sphincter is voluntarily controlled. If it is circular and longitudinal
voluntarily relaxed, defecation occurs and the feces are expelled muscles.
through the anus; if it is voluntarily constricted, defecation can be Mass peristalsis. Forces contents into sigmoid
postponed. Voluntary contractions of the diaphragm and abdomi- colon and rectum.
nal muscles aid defecation by increasing the pressure within the Defecation reflex. Eliminates feces by
abdomen, which pushes the walls of the sigmoid colon and rectum contractions in sigmoid colon
inward. If defecation does not occur, the feces back up into the sig- and rectum.
TABLE 23.7
Organs of the Digestive System and Their Functions
Mouth See other listings in this table for the functions of the tongue, salivary glands, and teeth, all of which are in the mouth. Additionally,
the lips and cheeks keep food between the teeth during mastication, and buccal glands lining the mouth produce saliva.
Tongue Maneuvers food for mastication, shapes food into a bolus, maneuvers food for deglutition, detects taste and touch sensations, and
initiates digestion of triglycerides.
Salivary glands Produce saliva, which softens, moistens, and dissolves foods; cleanses mouth and teeth; and initiates the digestion of starch.
Teeth Cut, tear, and pulverize food to reduce solids to smaller particles for swallowing.
Pharynx Receives a bolus from the oral cavity and passes it into the esophagus.
Esophagus Receives a bolus from the pharynx and moves it into the stomach. This requires relaxation of the upper esophageal sphincter and
secretion of mucus.
Stomach Mixing waves macerate food, mix it with secretions of gastric glands (gastric juice), and reduce food to chyme. Gastric juice
activates pepsin and kills many microbes in food. Intrinsic factor aids absorption of vitamin B12. The stomach serves as a reservoir
for food before releasing it into the small intestine.
Pancreas Pancreatic juice buffers acidic gastric juice in chyme (creating the proper pH for digestion in the small intestine), stops the action of
pepsin from the stomach, and contains enzymes that digest carbohydrates, proteins, triglycerides, and nucleic acids.
Liver Produces bile, which is needed for the emulsification and absorption of lipids in the small intestine.
Gallbladder Stores and concentrates bile and releases it into the small intestine.
Small intestine Segmentations mix chyme with digestive juices; peristalsis propels chyme toward the ileocecal sphincter; digestive secretions from
the small intestine, pancreas, and liver complete the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids; circular folds,
villi, and microvilli increase surface area for absorption; site where about 90% of nutrients and water are absorbed.
Large intestine Haustral churning, peristalsis, and mass peristalsis drive the contents of the colon into the rectum; bacteria produce some B
vitamins and vitamin K; absorption of some water, ions, and vitamins; defecation.

3 8 Digestive activities occur in three overlapping phases: cephalic, gastric, and intestinal.
Digestive activities occur in three overlapping phases: the cephalic pH of the stomach chyme. When the stomach walls are distended
phase, the gastric phase, and the intestinal phase. or pH increases because proteins have entered the stomach and
buffered some of the stomach acid, the stretch receptors and che-
moreceptors are activated, and a neural negative feedback loop is
Cephalic Phase set in motion (Figure 23.24). From the stretch receptors and che-
moreceptors, nerve impulses propagate to the submucosal plexus,
During the cephalic phase of digestion, the smell, sight, thought, where they activate parasympathetic and enteric neurons. The re-
or initial taste of food activates neural centers in the cerebral cor- sulting nerve impulses cause waves of peristalsis and stimulate the
tex, hypothalamus, and brain stem. The brain stem then activates flow of gastric juice from gastric glands. The peristaltic waves mix
the facial (VII) and glossopharyngeal (IX) nerves to stimulate the the food with gastric juice; when the waves become strong enough,
salivary glands to secrete saliva and the vagus (X) nerve to stimu- a small quantity of chyme is passed into the duodenum. As chyme
late the gastric glands to secrete gastric juice. The purpose of the passes from the stomach to the duodenum, the pH of the stomach
cephalic phase of digestion is to prepare the mouth and stomach chyme decreases (becomes more acidic) and the distention of the
for food that is about to be eaten. stomach walls lessens, suppressing secretion of gastric juice.

Gastric Phase Hormonal Regulation

Once food reaches the stomach, the gastric phase of digestion be- Gastric secretion during the gastric phase is also regulated by the
gins. Neural and hormonal mechanisms regulate the gastric phase hormone gastrin. Gastrin is released from the G cells of the gastric
of digestion to promote gastric secretion and gastric motility. glands in response to several stimuli: distention of the stomach by
chyme, partially digested proteins in chyme, high pH of chyme due
to the presence of food in the stomach, caffeine in chyme, and acetyl-
Neural Regulation choline released from parasympathetic neurons. Once it is released,
Food of any kind distends the stomach and stimulates stretch re- gastrin enters the bloodstream, makes a round-trip through the body,
ceptors in its walls. Chemoreceptors in the stomach monitor the and finally reaches its target organs in the digestive system.
816 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

Figure 23.24 Neural negative feedback regulation of the pH Gastrin stimulates gastric glands to secrete large amounts of
of gastric juice and gastric motility during the gastric phase of gastric juice. It also strengthens the contraction of the lower esoph-
digestion. ageal sphincter to prevent reflux of acid chyme into the esophagus,
increases motility of the stomach, and relaxes the pyloric sphinc-
ter, which promotes gastric emptying. Gastrin secretion is inhib-
d entering
t i th the ited when the pH of gastric juice drops below 2.0 and is stimulated
stomach disrupts
stomach when the pH rises. This negative feedback mechanism helps pro-
homeostasis by y
vide an optimal low pH for the functioning of pepsin, the killing of
microbes, and the breakdown of proteins in the stomach.

Intestinal Phase
pH of gastric juice
Distention (stretching) The intestinal phase of digestion begins once food enters the
of stomach walls small intestine. In contrast to reflexes initiated during the cephalic
and gastric phases, which stimulate stomach secretory activity and
motility, those occurring during the intestinal phase have inhibi-
tory effects that slow the exit of chyme from the stomach. This
Receptors prevents the duodenum from being overloaded with more chyme
Chemo- than it can handle. In addition, responses occurring during the in-
receptors testinal phase promote the continued digestion of foods that have
and stretch
receptors in reached the small intestine. These activities of the intestinal phase
stomach of digestion are regulated by neural and hormonal mechanisms.
detect pH increase
and distention
Neural Regulation
Input Nerve
impulses Distention of the duodenum by the presence of chyme causes the
t l ce
trol center
cent enterogastric reflex. Stretch receptors in the duodenal wall send
Return to homeostasis nerve impulses to the medulla oblongata, where they inhibit para-
bmucosal plex
plexu when response brings
pH of gastric juice and sympathetic stimulation and stimulate sympathetic stimulation of
distention of stomach the stomach. As a result, gastric motility is inhibited and there is
walls back to normal
(pre-eating status)
an increase in the contraction of the pyloric sphincter, which de-
creases gastric emptying.

Output Nerve impulses

(parasympathetic) Hormonal Regulation
Effectors The intestinal phase of digestion is mediated by two major hor-
Parietal cells HCI mones secreted by the small intestine: cholecystokinin and secre-
secrete HCI tin. Cholecystokinin (CCK) is secreted by the CCK cells of the
and smooth muscle
in stomach wall small intestinal glands in response to chyme containing amino
contracts more acids and fatty acids. CCK stimulates secretion of pancreatic juice
vigorously that is rich in digestive enzymes. It also causes contraction of the
wall of the gallbladder, which squeezes stored bile out of the gall-
bladder into the cystic duct and through the common bile duct. In
addition, CCK causes relaxation of the sphincter of the hepatopan-
Increase in acidity of creatic ampulla, which allows pancreatic juice and bile to flow into
stomach chyme; mixing
of stomach contents; the duodenum. CCK also slows gastric emptying by promoting
emptying of stomach contraction of the pyloric sphincter and produces satiety (a feeling
of fullness) by acting on the hypothalamus in the brain.
d entering the stomach stimulates secretion of gastric juice and Acidic chyme entering the duodenum stimulates the release
causes vigorous waves of peristalsis. of secretin from the S cells of the small intestinal glands. Secretin
stimulates the flow of pancreatic juice that is rich in bicarbonate
TABLE 23.8
Major Hormones That Control Digestion
Gastrin Distension of stomach, partially digested proteins Stimulates secretion of gastric juice, increases gastric motility, constricts
and caffeine in stomach, and high pH of stomach lower esophageal sphincter, and relaxes pyloric sphincter.
chyme stimulate gastrin secretion by G cells
located in the mucosa of the stomach.
Cholecystokinin (CCK) Amino acids and fatty acids that enter the small Stimulates secretion of pancreatic juice rich in digestive enzymes, causes
intestine stimulate secretion of CCK by CCK cells ejection of bile from the gallbladder, causes opening of the sphincter of the
in the mucosa of the small intestine; CCK is also hepatopancreatic ampulla, and induces satiety (feeling full to satisfaction);
released in the brain. inhibits gastric emptying.
Secretin Acidic (high H+ level) chyme that enters the small Stimulates secretion of pancreatic juice and bile that are rich in
intestine stimulates secretion of secretin by S cells bicarbonate ions; inhibits secretion of gastric juice.
in the mucosa of the duodenum.

(HCO3–) ions to buffer the acidic chyme that enters the duodenum Checkpoint
from the small intestine. Besides this major effect, secretin inhib-
43. What is the result and purpose of the cephalic phase of digestion?
its secretion of gastric juice. Overall, secretin causes buffering of
44. Why does food initially cause the pH of the gastric juice to rise?
acid in chyme that reaches the duodenum and slows production of
45. Why is stomach activity inhibited during the intestinal phase of digestion?
acid in the stomach.
46. What is the enterogastric reflex?
Table 23.8 summarizes the major hormones that control
47. Explain the roles of CCK and secretin in the intestinal phase of digestion.

R e t u r n t o C h l o e ’s S t o r y
“I told you I would be okay, Mom,” Chloe said to her concerned about you potentially developing vitamin B12 and iron deficiencies. I
mother. have also had gastric bypass patients who have had calcium and magnesium
“I am so glad, Chloe. When can you go back to eat- deficiencies. So there is a very real risk of anemia and osteoporosis.”
ing solid foods? I made some wonderful fried chicken,” her “Well, I take vitamins. Won’t that help?” Chloe asked.
mom replied. “Yes, but we’ll still want to monitor your nutrition closely to help you develop
“Mom, that’s part of the reason I gained so much successful lifestyle changes and prevent any health problems. Your digestive
weight to begin with—your great cooking! Dr. Benavides tract has been permanently altered and you won’t digest and absorb nutrients
said I can’t have complex carbohydrates or proteins until I heal more. Right now like you used to. There will be some precautions to remember, and vitamin sup-
I have my milk shakes. They gave me some chocolate-flavored drink that has plements to make sure you take. But in six to eight weeks you should be back on a
sugars and amino acids in it.” pretty normal diet. Let’s talk about what kinds of food you like.”
“That can’t be enough!” her mom exclaimed.
Chloe picked up the can and scanned the label. “Let’s see here. Hmm, it E. Which pancreatic enzymes would Chloe need to break down
says there is fat in this stuff. It’s supposed to be complete nutrition, but it’s not the fats in her nutrition drink?
the same as a pizza.” F. Why might Chloe be at risk for gallstones (crystallized cho-
“Have you been feeling all right since the surgery?” her mom asked. lesterol which can block the flow of bile from the gallblad-
“For the most part. I had such a craving for chocolate the other day, though, der)?
that I couldn’t resist. I only had two pieces, but it made me sick. I threw up and G. Would absorption of nutrients be substantially altered in
had diarrhea. I won’t do that again. I don’t know if the vomiting is normal or not. the small intestine following Chloe’s gastric bypass surgery?
I’m supposed to have a consultation with the dietician to discuss my new diet Why or why not?
plan next week. I’ll have to ask her about that.” H. Why is vitamin B122 deficiency a serious concern?
Chloe arrived for her appointment with the dietition. “Hi, Chloe, I’m Clarice.
I’ll be helping you develop a plan that fits your diet preferences. I am particularly
818 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

23.9 Food molecules supply energy for life processes and serve as building blocks for complex
Nutrients are chemical substances in food that body cells use for than 15% from simple sugars; less than 30% from fats (triglycer-
growth, maintenance, and repair. The six main types of nutrients ides are the main type of dietary fat), with no more than 10% as
are water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, minerals, and vitamins. saturated fats; and about 12–15% from proteins.
Water is the nutrient needed in the largest amount—about 2–3 li- The guidelines for healthy eating are as follows:
ters per day. As the most abundant compound in the body, water
• Eat a variety of foods.
provides the medium in which most metabolic reactions occur,
and it also participates in some reactions (for example, hydrolysis • Maintain a healthy weight.
reactions). Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins provide the energy
• Choose foods low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.
needed for metabolic reactions and serve as building blocks to
make body structures. Some minerals and many vitamins are com- • Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grain products.
ponents of the enzyme systems that catalyze metabolic reactions. • Use sugars in moderation only.
Essential nutrients are specific nutrient molecules that the body
cannot make in sufficient quantity to meet its needs and thus must In 2005, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
be obtained from the diet. Some amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, introduced a new food pyramid called MyPyramid, which rep-
and minerals are essential nutrients. resents a personalizedd approach to making healthy food choices
and maintaining regular physical activity. By consulting a chart, it
is possible to determine your calorie level based on your gender,
age, and activity level. Once this is determined, you can choose the
Guidelines for Healthy Eating type and amount of food to be consumed.
Each gram of protein or carbohydrate in food provides about 4 If you carefully examine the MyPyramid in Figure 23.25,
Calories; a gram of fat (lipids) provides about 9 Calories. We do you will note that the six color bands represent the five basic food
not know with certainty what levels and types of carbohydrate, fat, groups plus oils. Foods from all bands are needed each day. Also
and protein are optimal in the diet. Different populations around note that the overall size of the bands suggests the proportion of
the world eat radically different diets that are adapted to their par- food a person should choose on a daily basis. The wider base of
ticular lifestyles. However, many experts recommend the follow- each band represents foods with little or no solid fats or added sug-
ing distribution of calories: 50–60% from carbohydrates, with less ars; these foods should be selected more often. The narrower top

Figure 23.25 MyPyramid.




Pyramid is a new personalized approach to making healthy food choices and maintaining physical activity.
of each band represents foods with more added sugars and solid Calcium and phosphorus form part of the matrix of bone.
fats, which should be selected less frequently. The person climb- Because minerals do not form long-chain compounds, they are
ing the steps is a reminder of the need for daily physical activity. otherwise poor building materials. A major role of minerals is to
As an example of how the My Pyramid works, let’s assume help regulate enzymatic reactions. Calcium, iron, magnesium, and
that the calorie level of an 18-year-old moderately active female is manganese are part of some coenzymes. Magnesium also serves
2000 Calories and that of an 18-year-old moderately active male as a catalyst for the conversion of ADP to ATP. Minerals such as
is 2800 Calories. According to this model, the following foods sodium and phosphorus work in buffer systems, which help con-
should be chosen in the following amounts: trol the pH of body fluids. Sodium also helps regulate the osmosis
of water and, along with other ions, is involved in the generation of
CALORIE LEVEL 2000 2800 nerve impulses.
Fruits (includes all fresh, frozen, canned, and 2 cups 2.5 cups
dried fruits and fruit juices)
Vegetables (includes all fresh, frozen, canned,
and dried vegetables and vegetable juices)
2.5 cups 3.5 cups Vitamins
Grains (includes all foods made from wheat, 6 oz 10 oz Organic nutrients required in small amounts to maintain growth
rice, oats, cornmeal, and barley such as bread, and normal metabolism are called vitamins. Unlike carbohy-
cereals, oatmeal, rice, pasta, crackers, tortillas, drates, lipids, or proteins, vitamins do not provide energy or serve
and grits) as the body’s building materials. Most vitamins with known func-
Meats and beans (includes lean meat, poultry, 5.5 oz 7 oz tions are coenzymes.
fish, eggs, peanut butter, beans, nuts, and Most vitamins cannot be synthesized by the body and must be
seeds) ingested in food. Other vitamins, such as vitamin K, are produced
Milk group (includes milk products and foods 3 cups 3 cups by bacteria in the GI tract and then absorbed. The body can as-
made from milk that retain their calcium semble some vitamins if the raw materials, called provitamins,
content such as cheeses and yogurt) are provided. For example, vitamin A is produced by the body
Oils (choose mostly fats that contain 6 tsp 8 tsp from the provitamin beta-carotene, a chemical present in yellow
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated vegetables such as carrots and in dark green vegetables such as
fatty acids such as fish, nuts, seeds, and spinach. No single food contains all the required vitamins—one of
vegetable oils) the best reasons to eat a varied diet.
Vitamins are divided into two main groups: fat-soluble and
In addition, you should choose and prepare foods with little water-soluble. The fat-soluble vitamins, vitamins A, D, E, and
salt. In fact, sodium intake should be less than 2300 mg per day. If K, are absorbed along with other dietary lipids in the small intes-
you choose to drink alcohol, it should be consumed in moderation tine and packaged into chylomicrons. They cannot be absorbed in
(no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day adequate quantity unless they are ingested with other lipids. Fat-
for men). A drink is defined as 12 oz of regular beer, 5 oz of wine, soluble vitamins may be stored in cells, particularly hepatocytes.
or 1 1/2 oz of 80 proof distilled spirits. The water-soluble vitamins, including several B vitamins and
vitamin C, are dissolved in body fluids. Excess quantities of these
vitamins are not stored but instead are excreted in the urine.
Besides their other functions, three vitamins—C, E, and
Minerals beta carotene (a provitamin)—are termed antioxidant vitamins
Minerals are inorganic elements that constitute about 4% of the because they inactivate oxygen free radicals. Free radicals are
total body weight and are concentrated most heavily in the skel- highly reactive ions or molecules that carry an unpaired electron
eton. Minerals with known functions in the body include calcium, in their outermost electron shell (see Figure 2.3). Free radicals
phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chloride, magnesium, damage cell membranes, DNA, and other cellular structures and
iron, iodide, manganese, copper, cobalt, zinc, fluoride, selenium, contribute to the formation of artery-narrowing atherosclerotic
and chromium. Other minerals—aluminum, boron, silicon, and plaques. Some free radicals arise naturally in the body, and others
molybdenum—are present but their functions are unclear. Typical come from environmental hazards such as tobacco smoke and ra-
diets supply adequate amounts of potassium, sodium, chloride, diation. Antioxidant vitamins are thought to play a role in protect-
and magnesium. Some attention must be paid to eating foods that ing against some kinds of cancer, reducing the buildup of athero-
provide enough calcium, phosphorus, iron, and iodide. Excess sclerotic plaque, delaying some effects of aging, and decreasing
amounts of most minerals are excreted in the urine and feces. the chance of cataract formation in the lenses of the eyes.
820 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

48. Which food group does MyPyramid recommend we consume the least? Why? What do the wider bases in MyPyramid mean?
49. Briefly describe the functions of the following minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, sodium, and phosphorus.
50. What is a vitamin? What is the general function of vitamins? How do we obtain vitamins?
51. How are fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins different?
52. Which functions are served by antioxidant vitamins?

23.10 Metabolism includes the catabolism and anabolism of molecules.

they consume, releasing the chemical energy stored in organic
Metabolic Reactions molecules. This energy is transferred to molecules of ATP and
Metabolism (me-TAB-ō-lizm; metabol- l = change) refers to all the then used to power anabolic reactions. Important sets of catabolic
chemical reactions of the body. Recall from Chapter 2 that chemi- reactions occur during glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the elec-
cal reactions occur when chemical bonds between substances are tron transport chain, which are discussed shortly.
formed or broken and that enzymes serve as catalysts to speed up
chemical reactions. Some enzymes require the presence of an ion Figure 23.26 Role of ATP in linking anabolic and catabolic
such as calcium, iron, or zinc. Other enzymes work together with reactions. When complex molecules and polymers are split apart
coenzymes, which function as temporary carriers of atoms being (catabolism, at left), some of the energy is transferred to form ATP and
removed from or added to a substrate during a reaction. Many co- the rest is given off as heat. When simple molecules and monomers
enzymes are derived from vitamins. Examples include the coen- are combined to form complex molecules (anabolism, at right), ATP
zyme NAD+, derived from the B vitamin niacin, and the coenzyme provides the energy for synthesis, and again some energy is given off
FAD, derived from vitamin B2 (riboflavin). as heat.
The body’s metabolism may be thought of as an energy- Simple molecules such as
balancing act between anabolic (synthesis) and catabolic (de- Heat glucose, amino acids,
composition) reactions. Chemical reactions that combine simple released glycerol, and fatty acids
substances into more complex molecules are collectively known
as anabolism (a-NAB-ō-lizm; ana- = upward). Examples of ATP
anabolic reactions are the formation of peptide bonds between Catabolic reactions Anabolic reactions
transfer energy from transfer energy from
amino acids during protein synthesis, the building of fatty acids complex molecules ATP to complex
into phospholipids that form the plasma membrane bilayer, and to ATP molecules
the linkage of glucose monomers to form glycogen. Anabolic
reactions are endergonic; they consume more energy than they
Complex molecules such Heat
produce (Figure 23.26). as glycogen, proteins, and released
Those chemical reactions that break down complex organic triglycerides
molecules into simpler ones are collectively known as catabolism
(ka-TAB-ō-lizm; cata- = downward). Overall, catabolic (decom- coupling of energy-releasing and energy-requiring reactions is
position) reactions are exergonic; they produce more energy than achieved through ATP.
Coupling of Catabolism and Anabolism by ATP age capacity. Cells throughout the body can use glucose to form
several amino acids, which then can be incorporated into proteins.
The chemical reactions of living systems depend on the efficient Before glucose can be used by body cells, it must first pass
transfer of manageable amounts of energy from one molecule to through the plasma membrane and enter the cytosol. Glucose
another. The molecule that most often performs this task is ATP, absorption in the GI tract (and kidney tubules) is accomplished
the “energy currency” of a living cell. Like money, it is readily via secondary active transport (Na+–glucose symporters).
available to “buy” cellular activities; it is spent and earned over Glucose entry into most other body cells occurs via facilitated
and over. A typical cell has about a billion molecules of ATP, each diffusion. Insulin increases the rate of facilitated diffusion of
of which typically lasts for less than a minute before being used. glucose.
Thus, ATP is not a long-term storage form of currency, like gold in
a vault, but rather convenient cash for moment-to-moment trans-
Recall from Chapter 2 that a molecule of ATP consists of an Glucose Catabolism
adenine molecule, a ribose molecule, and three phosphate groups The catabolism of glucose to produce ATP is known as cellular
bonded to one another (see Figure 2.24). Figure 23.26 shows how respiration. Its many reactions can be summarized as follows:
ATP links anabolic and catabolic reactions. When the phosphate
group is removed from ATP in anabolic reactions, adenosine diphos- C6H12O6 ⫹ 6 O2 ⫹ 36 or 38 ADPs ⫹ 36 or 38 P _____>
phate (ADP) and a phosphate group (symbolized as P ) are formed. Glucose Oxygen
Some of the energy released is used to drive anabolic reactions such 6 CO2 ⫹ 6 H2O ⫹ 36 or 38 ATPs
as the formation of glycogen from glucose. Energy is also needed to Carbon dioxide Water
combine ADP and a phosphate group to resynthesize ATP:
Four interconnecting sets of chemical reactions contribute to cel-
ADP + P + energy n ATP lular respiration (Figure 23.27):
About 40% of the energy released in catabolism is used for 1 During glycolysis (glı¯-KOL-i-sis; glyco- = sugar; -lysis =
cellular functions; the rest is converted to heat, some of which breakdown), reactions that take place in the cytosol convert
helps maintain normal body temperature. Excess heat is lost to one six-carbon glucose molecule into two three-carbon py-
the environment. Compared with machines, which typically con- ruvic acid molecules. Glycolysis produces two molecules of
vert only 10–20% of energy into work, the 40% efficiency of the ATP and two energy-containing NADH + H+. Because gly-
body’s metabolism is impressive. Still, the body has a continuous colysis does not require oxygen, it is a way to produce ATP
need to take in and process external sources of energy so that cells anaerobically (without oxygen) and is known as anaerobic
can synthesize enough ATP to sustain life. cellular respiration. If oxygen is available, however, most
cells next convert pyruvic acid to acetyl coenzyme A.
2 The formation of acetyl coenzyme A is a transition step
Carbohydrate Metabolism that prepares pyruvic acid for entrance into the Krebs cycle.
First, pyruvic acid enters a mitochondrion and is converted
During digestion, polysaccharide and disaccharide carbohy-
to a two-carbon fragment by removing a molecule of carbon
drates are catabolized to monosaccharides—glucose, fructose, and
dioxide (CO2). Molecules of CO2 produced during glucose
galactose—which are absorbed in the small intestine. Shortly after
catabolism diffuse into the blood and are eventually exhaled.
their absorption, however, fructose and galactose are converted to
Then, the coenzyme NAD+ removes a hydrogen molecule
glucose. Thus, the story of carbohydrate metabolism is really the
(H2) from pyruvic acid, in the process becoming NADH +
story of glucose metabolism.
H+. Finally, the remaining atom, called an acetyl group, is
Because glucose is the body’s preferred source for synthesiz-
attached to coenzyme A, forming acetyl coenzyme A.
ing ATP, the fate of glucose absorbed from the diet depends on
the needs of body cells. If the cells require ATP immediately, they 3 The Krebs cycle is a series of reactions that transfers chemi-
oxidize the glucose. Glucose not needed for immediate ATP pro- cal energy from acetyl coenzyme A to two other coenzymes—
duction may be converted to glycogen for storage in hepatocytes NAD+ and FAD—thereby forming NADH + H+ and FADH2.
and skeletal muscle fibers. If these glycogen stores are full, hepa- Krebs cycle reactions also produce CO2 and one ATP for each
tocytes can transform the glucose to glycerol and fatty acids that acetyl coenzyme A that enters the Krebs cycle. To harvest the
can be used for the synthesis of triglycerides. Triglycerides then energy in NADH and FADH2, their high-energy electrons
are deposited in adipose tissue, which has virtually unlimited stor- must first go through the electron transport chain.
822 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

Figure 23.27 Cellular respiration.

1 Glucose

in cytosol +
2 NADH + 2 H

Mitochondrion 2 Pyruvic acid

ON 2
EA +
2 NADH + 2 H

2 Acetyl
coenzyme A

3 +
2 FADH 2

High-energy e

N e- 32 – 34
32 34 ATP


6 H2O

catabolism of glucose to produce ATP involves glycolysis, the formation of acetyl coenzyme A, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain.

4 Through the reactions of the electron transport chain, Glucose Anabolism

the energy in NADH/H+ and FADH2 is used to synthesize
ATP. As the coenzymes pass their high-energy electrons Although most of the glucose in the body is catabolized to gener-
through a series of “electron carriers,” ATP is synthesized. ate ATP, glucose may take part in or be formed via several anabolic
Finally, lower-energy electrons are passed to oxygen in a reactions. One is the synthesis of glycogen; another is the synthe-
reaction that produces water. Because the Krebs cycle and sis of new glucose molecules from some of the products of protein
the electron transport chain together require oxygen to pro- and lipid breakdown.
duce ATP, they are collectively known as aerobic cellular If glucose is not needed immediately for ATP production, it
respiration. combines with many other molecules of glucose to form glyco-
Figure 23.28 Reactions of glucose anabolism: synthesis of glycogen, breakdown of glycogen, and synthesis of glucose from amino
acids, lactic acid, or glycerol.


3-phosphate GLYCEROL
Pyruvic acid Fatty acids

Synthesis of glycogen (stimulated Gluconeogenesis (stimulated
by insulin) by cortisol and glucagon)
Breakdown of glycogen (stimulated Catabolism of triglycerides
by glucagon and epinephrine) (lipolysis)

body stores glucose as glycogen in skeletal muscles and the liver.

gen, a polysaccharide that is the only stored form of carbohydrate Gluconeogenesis occurs when the liver is stimulated by cortisol
in our bodies (Figure 23.28). Synthesis of glycogen is stimulated from the adrenal cortex and glucagon from the pancreas.
by insulin released from the pancreas. The body can store about
500 grams (about 1.1 lb) of glycogen, roughly 75% in skeletal
muscle fibers and the rest in hepatocytes.
If blood glucose level falls below normal, glucagon is released
Lipid Metabolism
from the pancreas and epinephrine is released from the adrenal Lipids, like carbohydrates, may be catabolized to produce ATP. If
medulla. These hormones stimulate breakdown of glycogen into the body has no immediate need to use lipids in this way, they are
its glucose subunits (Figure 23.28). Hepatocytes release this glu- stored as triglycerides in adipose tissue throughout the body and
cose into the blood, and body cells pick it up to use for ATP pro- in the liver. A few lipids are used as structural molecules or to syn-
duction. Glycogen breakdown usually occurs between meals. thesize other substances. Some examples include phospholipids,
When your liver runs low on glycogen, it is time to eat. If which are constituents of plasma membranes; lipoproteins, which
you don’t, your body starts catabolizing triglycerides (fats) and are used to transport cholesterol throughout the body; thrombo-
proteins. Actually, the body normally catabolizes some of its tri- plastin, which is needed for blood clotting; and myelin sheaths,
glycerides and proteins, but large-scale triglyceride and protein which speed up nerve impulse conduction. Two essential fatty
catabolism does not happen unless you are starving, eating very acids that the body cannot synthesize are linoleic acid and linole-
few carbohydrates, or suffering from an endocrine disorder. nic acid. Dietary sources of these lipids include vegetable oils and
Lactic acid, certain amino acids, and the glycerol part of tri- leafy vegetables.
glycerides can be converted to glucose in the liver (Figure 23.28).
The series of reactions that form glucose from these noncarbohy-
drate sources is called gluconeogenesis (gloo´-ko¯ -ne¯´-o¯ -JEN-e-
Lipid Catabolism
sis; -neo- = new). Glycerol may be converted into glyceraldehyde Muscle, liver, and adipose cells routinely catabolize fatty acids
3-phosphate, which may form pyruvic acid or be used to synthe- from triglycerides to produce ATP. First, the triglycerides are split
size glucose. About 60% of the amino acids in the body can be into glycerol and fatty acids—a process called lipolysis (li-POL-
used for gluconeogenesis. Lactic acid and amino acids such as i-sis) (Figure 23.29). The hormones epinephrine, norepinephrine,
alanine, cysteine, glycine, serine, and threonine are converted and cortisol, and the thyroid hormones, enhance lipolysis.
to pyruvic acid, which may be synthesized into glyceraldehyde The glycerol and fatty acids that result from lipolysis are ca-
3-phosphate, and then glucose. Gluconeogenesis releases glucose tabolized via different pathways. Glycerol is converted by many
into the blood, thereby keeping blood glucose level normal dur- cells of the body to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, one of the com-
ing the hours between meals when glucose is not being absorbed. pounds also formed during the catabolism of glucose. If the ATP
824 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

Figure 23.29 Metabolism of lipids. Lipolysis is the breakdown of triglycerides into glycerol and fatty acids. Glycerol may be converted to
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, which can then be converted to glucose or enter the Krebs cycle. Fatty acid fragments enter the Krebs cycle as acetyl
coenzyme A. Fatty acids also can be converted into ketone bodies.





Acetyl Breakdown of ketone
coenzyme A bodies in most body cells
Ketone bodies
Key: Formation of ketone
Lipolysis (stimulated by epinephrine, bodies in liver cells
norepinephrine, and cortisol)

Synthesis of lipids (stimulated by insulin)


cerol and fatty acids are catabolized in separate pathways.

supply in a cell is high, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate is converted tions: amino acids n acetyl CoA n fatty acids n triglycerides.
into glucose, an example of gluconeogenesis. If the ATP supply The use of glucose to form lipids takes place via two pathways:
in a cell is low, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate enters the catabolic
pathway to pyruvic acid. 1. Glucose n glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate n glycerol
Fatty acid catabolism begins as enzymes remove two carbon 2. Glucose n glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate n acetyl CoA n
atoms at a time from the fatty acid and attach them to molecules fatty acids
of coenzyme A, forming acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA). Then
the acetyl CoA enters the Krebs cycle (Figure 23.29). A 16-carbon The resulting glycerol and fatty acids can undergo anabolic reac-
fatty acid such as palmitic acid can yield as many as 129 ATPs via tions to become stored triglycerides. Alternatively, they can be
the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain. used to produce other lipids such as phospholipids, lipoproteins,
As part of normal fatty acid catabolism, the liver converts and cholesterol.
some acetyl CoA molecules into substances known as ketone
bodies (Figure 23.29). Ketone bodies then leave the liver to enter
body cells, where they are broken down into acetyl CoA, which
Lipid Transport in Blood
enters the Krebs cycle. Most lipids, such as triglycerides, are nonpolar and therefore
very hydrophobic molecules. They do not dissolve in water. To be
transported in watery blood, such molecules first must be made
Lipid Anabolism more water-soluble by combining them with proteins. The lipid
Insulin stimulates hepatocytes and adipose cells to synthesize tri- and protein combinations thus formed are lipoproteins, spherical
glycerides when more calories are consumed than are needed to particles with an outer shell of proteins, phospholipids, and cho-
satisfy ATP needs (Figure 23.29). Excess dietary carbohydrates, lesterol molecules surrounding an inner core of triglycerides and
proteins, and fats all have the same fate—they are converted into other lipids. The proteins in the outer shell help the lipoprotein
triglycerides. Certain amino acids can undergo the following reac- particles dissolve in body fluids and also have specific functions.
Lipoproteins are transport vehicles: They provide delivery and oxidized to produce ATP or used to synthesize new proteins for
pickup services so that lipids can be available when cells need them body growth and repair. Excess dietary amino acids are converted
or removed from circulation when they are not needed. Lipoproteins into glucose (gluconeogenesis) or triglycerides.
are categorized and named mainly according to their size and den- The active transport of amino acids into body cells is stimu-
sity. From largest and lightest to smallest and heaviest, the four lated by insulinlike growth factors and insulin. Almost immedi-
major types of lipoproteins are chylomicrons, very low-density li- ately after digestion, amino acids are reassembled into proteins.
poproteins, low-density lipoproteins, and high-density lipoproteins. Many proteins function as enzymes; others are involved in trans-
portation (hemoglobin) or serve as antibodies, clotting chemicals
• Chylomicrons form in absorptive epithelial cells of the small (fibrinogen), hormones (insulin), or contractile elements in mus-
intestine and transport dietary lipids to adipose tissue for stor- cle fibers (actin and myosin). Several proteins serve as structural
age. Chylomicrons enter lacteals of intestinal villi and are car- components of the body (collagen, elastin, and keratin).
ried by lymph into venous blood and then into the systemic
circulation. Their presence gives blood plasma a milky appear-
ance, but they remain in the blood for only a few minutes. Protein Catabolism
• Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs) transport triglycerides A certain amount of protein catabolism occurs in the body each
made in hepatocytes to adipose tissue for storage and muscle day, stimulated mainly by cortisol from the adrenal cortex.
cells for ATP production. After depositing some of their triglyc- Proteins from worn-out cells (such as red blood cells) are broken
erides in adipose tissue, VLDLs are converted to LDLs. down into amino acids. Some amino acids are converted into other
amino acids, peptide bonds are reformed, and new proteins are
• Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) carry about 75% of the total made as part of the recycling process. Hepatocytes convert some
cholesterol in blood and deliver it to cells throughout the body amino acids to fatty acids, ketone bodies, or glucose. Figure 23.28
for use in repair of cell membranes and synthesis of steroid shows the conversion of amino acids into glucose (gluconeogen-
hormones and bile salts. LDLs bind to LDL receptors on the esis). Figure 23.29 shows the conversion of amino acids into fatty
plasma membrane of body cells so that LDL can enter the cell acids or ketone bodies.
via receptor-mediated endocytosis. Within the cell, the LDL is Cells throughout the body oxidize a small amount of amino
broken down, and the cholesterol is released to serve the cell’s acids to generate ATP via the Krebs cycle and the electron trans-
needs. Once a cell has sufficient cholesterol for its activities, a port chain. However, before amino acids can enter the Krebs cycle,
negative feedback system inhibits the cell’s synthesis of new their amino group (–NH2) must first be removed, a process called
LDL receptors. deamination (dē-am´-i-NĀ-shun). Deamination occurs in hepa-
When present in excessive numbers, LDLs also deposit tocytes and produces ammonia (NH3). Hepatocytes then convert
cholesterol in and around smooth muscle fibers in arteries, the highly toxic ammonia to urea, a relatively harmless substance
forming fatty plaques that increase the risk of coronary artery that is excreted in the urine.
disease. For this reason, the cholesterol in LDLs, called LDL-
cholesterol, is known as “bad” cholesterol. Because some peo-
ple have too few LDL receptors, their body cells remove LDL Protein Anabolism
from the blood less efficiently; as a result, their plasma LDL Protein anabolism, the formation of peptide bonds between
level is abnormally high, and they are more likely to develop amino acids to produce new proteins, is carried out on the ri-
fatty plaques. Eating a high-fat diet increases the production of bosomes of almost every cell in the body, directed by the cells’
VLDLs, which elevates the LDL level and increases the forma- DNA and RNA. Insulinlike growth factors, thyroid hormones,
tion of fatty plaques. insulin, estrogens, and testosterone stimulate protein synthesis.
• High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) remove excess choles- Because proteins are a main component of most cell structures,
terol from body cells and the blood and transport it to the liver adequate dietary protein is especially essential during the growth
for elimination. Because HDLs prevent accumulation of cho- years, during pregnancy, and when tissue has been damaged by
lesterol in the blood, a high HDL level is associated with de- disease or injury. Once dietary intake of protein is adequate, eat-
creased risk of coronary artery disease. For this reason, HDL- ing more protein does not increase bone or muscle mass; only
cholesterol is known as “good” cholesterol. a regular program of forceful, weight-bearing muscular activity
accomplishes that goal.
Of the 20 amino acids in the human body, 10 are essential
amino acids: They must be present in the diet because they can-
not be synthesized in the body in adequate amounts. A complete
Protein Metabolism protein contains sufficient amounts of all essential amino acids.
During digestion, proteins are broken down into amino acids. Beef, fish, poultry, eggs, and milk are examples of foods that con-
Unlike carbohydrates and triglycerides, which are stored, proteins tain complete proteins. An incomplete protein does not contain
are not warehoused for future use. Instead, amino acids are either all essential amino acids. Examples of incomplete proteins are
826 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

TABLE 23.9
Summary of Metabolism
Glucose catabolism Complete oxidation of glucose (cellular respiration) is the chief source of ATP in cells and consists of glycolysis, the Krebs
cycle, and the electron transport chain. Complete oxidation of 1 molecule of glucose yields a maximum of 36 or 38 molecules
of ATP.
Glycolysis Conversion of glucose into pyruvic acid results in the production of some ATP. Reactions do not require oxygen (anaerobic
cellular respiration).
Krebs cycle Cycle includes a series of oxidation–reduction reactions in which coenzymes (NAD+ and FAD) pick up hydrogen ions and
hydride ions from oxidized organic acids, and some ATP is produced. CO2 and H2O are by-products. Reactions are aerobic.
Electron transport Third set of reactions in glucose catabolism is another series of oxidation–reduction reactions, in which electrons are passed
chain from one carrier to the next, and most of the ATP is produced. Reactions require oxygen (aerobic cellular respiration).
Glucose anabolism Some glucose is converted into glycogen (glycogenesis) for storage if not needed immediately for ATP production. Glycogen
can be reconverted to glucose (glycogenolysis). The conversion of amino acids, glycerol, and lactic acid into glucose is called
Triglyceride catabolism Triglycerides are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids. Glycerol may be converted into glucose (gluconeogenesis) or
catabolized via glycolysis. Fatty acids are catabolized via beta oxidation into acetyl coenzyme A that can enter the Krebs
cycle for ATP production or be converted into ketone bodies (ketogenesis).
Triglyceride anabolism The synthesis of triglycerides from glucose and fatty acids is called lipogenesis. Triglycerides are stored in adipose tissue.
Protein catabolism Amino acids are oxidized via the Krebs cycle after deamination. Ammonia resulting from deamination is converted into urea
in the liver, passed into blood, and excreted in urine. Amino acids may be converted into glucose (gluconeogenesis), fatty
acids, or ketone bodies.
Protein anabolism Protein synthesis is directed by DNA and utilizes cells’ RNA and ribosomes.

leafy green vegetables, legumes (beans and peas), and grains. Checkpoint
Nonessential amino acids are those synthesized by the body.
53. What is metabolism? What is the difference between anabolism and catabolism?
They are formed by the transfer of an amino group from an amino
54. How does ATP link anabolism and catabolism?
acid to pyruvic acid or to an acid in the Krebs cycle. Once the ap-
55. Which reactions produce ATP during the complete catabolism of a molecule of
propriate essential and nonessential amino acids are present in
glucose? How many molecules of ATP are produced?
cells, protein synthesis occurs rapidly.
56. What happens during glycolysis? In the electron transport chain?
Table 23.9 summarizes the processes occurring in catabolism
57. What is gluconeogenesis, and why is it important?
and anabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.
58. What are the functions of the proteins in lipoproteins? Which lipoprotein
particles contain “good” and “bad” cholesterol, and what are the meanings
of these terms?

C h l o e ’s S t o r y : E p i l o g u e a n d D i s c u s s i o n

Concept and Resource Summary

Concept Resources
1. Food contains nutrients needed by the body for building and repair of tissues, and for sustaining meta-
bolic reactions. The digestive system is responsible for digestion of food into smaller molecules capable
of entering body cells, and for absorption of these smaller molecules through cells lining the stomach
and intestines into the blood and lymph.

Concept 23.1 The GI tract is a continuous multilayered tube extending from the mouth to the anus. See
1. The digestive tract is comprised of the gastrointestinal tract and accessory digestive organs. The gastro- • Anatomy Overview – GI Tract
intestinal (GI) tract is a continuous tube extending from the mouth to the anus. GI tract organs include Histology
the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The accessory digestive • Animation – Neural Regulation of
organs include the teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Mechanical Digestion
2. Digestion includes six basic processes: ingestion, secretion, mixing and propulsion, mechanical and Hear
chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation. Mechanical digestion breaks up and churns food, and
• Figure 23.2 – Layers
chemical digestion enzymatically breaks down large nutrients into smaller molecules.
of the Gastrointestinal
3. The basic arrangement of layers in most of the gastrointestinal tract, from deep to superficial, is the mu-
cosa with an epithelium, lamina propria, and muscularis mucosae; the submucosa; the muscularis;
and the serosa.
4. The peritoneum is the largest serous membrane of the body. The parietal peritoneum lines the abdomi-
nopelvic cavity wall, and visceral peritoneum covers some of the cavity organs. The peritoneal cavity
is a thin space with serous fluid between the parietal and visceral peritoneum.
5. Folds of the peritoneum include the greater omentum draping over the transverse colon and small intes-
tines, the falciform ligament attaching the liver to the abdominal wall and diaphragm, the lesser omen-
tum suspending the stomach and duodenum from the liver, the mesentery binding the small intestine to
the posterior abdominal wall, and the mesocolon binding the large intestine to the posterior abdominal
6. The gastrointestinal tract is regulated by an intrinsic set of nerves known as the enteric nervous system
and by an extrinsic set of nerves that are part of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Intrinsic enteric
nerves and extrinsic parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves of the ANS innervate the GI tract. The
enteric nervous system (ENS) consists of neurons arranged into two plexuses: the myenteric plexus of
the muscularis controls GI tract motility, and the submucosal plexus of the submucosa controls GI tract
7. Although the ENS can function independently, it is subject to regulation by the ANS. Parasympathetic
nerves increase GI tract secretion and motility by increasing the activity of ENS neurons. Sympathetic
nerves decrease GI tract secretion and motility by inhibiting ENS neurons.
828 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

Concept Resources
Concept 23.2 The mouth lubricates and begins digestion of food, and maneuvers it to the pharynx for See
swallowing. • Anatomy Overview – Oral Cavity
1. The mouth is formed by muscular cheeks, hard and soft palates, and tongue. The lips surround the open- • Anatomy Overview – Salivary
ing of the mouth. Muscles of the lips and cheeks help keep food between the teeth during chewing. The Glands
vestibule is the space bounded externally by the cheeks and lips and internally by the teeth and gums. • Animation – Mastication
The oral cavity proper extends from the vestibule to the fauces, the opening between the oral cavity • Animation – Carbohydrate
and throat. The hard palate is the bony anterior roof of the mouth, and the soft palate is the muscular Digestion in the Mouth
posterior roof of the mouth. The uvula hangs from the border of the soft palate and helps to close off the • Animation – Lipid Digestion in the
nasopharynx during swallowing.
• Animation – Chemical
2. The tongue forms the floor of the oral cavity. Muscles of the tongue maneuver food and assist with swal-
lowing and speech. The upper surface and sides of the tongue are covered with papillae, some of which
contain taste buds. Hear
3. Salivary glands secrete saliva into the oral cavity: the parotid glands, inferior and anterior to the ears; • Figure 23.8 –
the submandibular glands to the base of the tongue; and the sublingual glands superior to the subman- Dentitions and Times
dibular glands. Saliva moistens food, which helps form it into a ball for swallowing; dissolves foods so of Eruptions
they can be tasted; and begins chemical digestion of starch. The ANS controls salivation.
4. The three regions of a tooth are the visible crown, one to three roots embedded in sockets of the man-
dible and maxillae and surrounded by gingivae, and the constricted neck at the gum line. A mineralized
enamel, the hardest substance in the body, covers the crown and protects the tooth from wear and tear and
acids. Dentin composes most of the tooth and encloses the pulp cavity. Cementum and the periodontal
ligament anchor the tooth in the socket.
5. There are two dentitions: the 20 deciduous teeth and 32 permanent teeth.The permanent teeth include
incisors, cuspids, premolars, and molars.
6. Through mastication, food is mixed with saliva and shaped into a soft, flexible mass called a bolus. Sali-
vary amylase begins the digestion of starches into dissacharides. Lingual lipase breaks down triglycer-
ides into fatty acids and diglycerides.

Concept 23.3 Swallowing consists of voluntary oral, involuntary pharyngeal, and involuntary See
esophageal stages. • Anatomy Overview – Pharynx and
1. Food passes from the mouth into the pharynx that extends from the internal nares to the esophagus pos- Esophagus
teriorly and to the larynx anteriorly. The pharynx has both respiratory and digestive functions. • Anatomy Overview – Esophagus
2. The esophagus is a collapsible, muscular tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach. There is a Histology
sphincter at each end of the esophagus: the upper esophageal sphincter (skeletal muscle), and the • Animation – Deglutition
lower esophageal sphincter (smooth muscle). The esophagus is not involved in chemical digestion or
3. Deglutition moves a bolus from the mouth to the stomach. The voluntary stage passes the bolus from
the mouth into the oropharynx. The involuntary pharyngeal stage passes the bolus from the pharynx
to the esophagus. During the involuntary esophageal stage, coordinated sequences of contraction and
relaxation of the muscularis, called peristalsis, push food through the esophagus toward the stomach.
Concept Resources
Concept 23.4 The stomach mechanically breaks down the bolus and mixes it with gastric secretions. See
1. The stomach lies inferior to the diaphragm and connects the esophagus to the duodenum. The principal • Anatomy Overview – The Stomach
regions of the stomach are the cardia, the fundus, the body, and the pylorus. The pylorus connects to the • Anatomy Overview – Stomach
small intestine through the pyloric sphincter. Histology
2. The stomach mucosa contains gastric glands that open into gastric pits. Gastric glands secrete gastric • Animation – Stomach Peristalsis
juice composed of mucus, hydrochloric acid, pepsinogen, gastric lipase, and intrinsic factor. The stom- • Animation – Protein Digestion in
ach muscularis has three alternately arranged layers of smooth muscle. the Stomach
3. Mixing waves of peristalsis mix food with gastric juice and macerate it to a soupy chyme. • Animation – Lipid Digestion in the
4. Gastrin also increases stomach motility and relaxes the pyloric sphincter. HCl kills microbes, partially
• Animation – Chemical Digestion—
denatures proteins, and stimulates hormone secretion, promoting flow of bile and pancreatic juice.
Gastric Acid
5. Chief cells secrete pepsin, activated by acidic pH, which begins protein digestion. Gastric lipase allows
digestion of triglycerides into fatty acids and monoglycerides. Hear
6. The stomach wall is impermeable to most substances. Absorption is limited to water, certain ions, drugs, • Figure 23.12 –
and alcohol. Histology of the Stomach
• Figure 23.13 – Secretion of HCl
by Parietal Cells in the Stomach

Concept 23.5 The pancreas secretes pancreatic juice, the liver secretes bile, and the gallbladder stores See
and concentrates bile. • Anatomy Overview – Pancreas
1. The pancreas consists of a head, a body, and a tail. Exocrine acini secrete pancreatic juice into the pan- • Anatomy Overview – Liver and
creatic duct and accessory duct that empty into the duodenum. Endocrine pancreatic islets secrete the Gallbladder
hormones glucagon and insulin. • Anatomy Overview – Liver
2. Pancreatic juice is slightly alkaline to buffer the acidic gastric juice in chyme and inactivate pepsin. Histology
Pancreatic juice contains enzymes that digest starch (pancreatic amylase), proteins (trypsin, chymo- • Anatomy Overview – Pancreas
trypsin, carboxypeptidase, and elastase), triglycerides (pancreatic lipase), and nucleic acids (ribo- Histology
• Animation – Carbohydrate
nuclease and deoxyribonuclease).
3. The liver is composed of a right lobe and left lobe that is continuous with the quadrate and caudate
• Animation – Protein Digestion—
lobes. The gallbladder is a sac located in a depression on the posterior surface of the liver that stores and
Pancreatic Juice
concentrates bile. The lobes of the liver have lobules composed of hepatocytes radiating out from a cen-
• Animation – Lipid Digestion—Bile
tral vein and many sinusoids containing phagocytic reticuloendothelial cells. Salts and Pancreatic Lipase
4. Hepatocytes secrete bile into bile canaliculi, which drain into bile ducts. Bile travels in bile ducts to • Animation – Chemical
right and left hepatic ducts, then to the common hepatic duct, which joins the cystic duct of the gall- Digestion—Bile
bladder to form the common bile duct.
5. Oxygenated blood flows into the liver from the hepatic artery; nutrient-rich venous blood from digestive Hear
organs enters the liver from the hepatic portal vein. In liver sinusoids, blood is processed or detoxified • Figure 23.14 –
before entering the venous circulation. Relation of the Pancreas
6. In the small intestine, bile breaks down large lipid globules into small lipid globules in a process called to the Liver, Gallbladder,
emulsification. Between meals, bile enters the gallbladder for storage. and Duodenum
7. The liver also functions in carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism; processing of drugs and hor-
mones; excretion of bilirubin; synthesis of bile salts; storage of vitamins and minerals; phagocytosis of
old RBCs and WBCs; and activation of vitamin D.
830 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

Concept Resources
Concept 23.6 In the small intestine, chyme mixes with digestive juices from the small intestine, See
pancreas, and liver. • Anatomy Overview – Small
1. The small instestine is the major site of chemical digestion and absorption. Intestine
2. The small intestine extends from the pyloric sphincter to the ilececal sphincter. The small intestine is di- • Anatomy Overview – Small
vided into the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, which joins the large intestine at the ilocecal sphincter. Intestine Histology
3. The small intestine wall has absorptive cells that absorb nutrients, goblet cells that secrete mucus, • Animation – Segmentation
phagocytic paneth cells, S cells that secrete the secretin, CCK cells that secrete the cholecystokinin, • Animation – Carbohydrate
intestinal glands that secrete intestinal juice, and lymphatic nodules that attack pathogens in food. Digestion in the Small Intestine
• Animation – Protein Digestion in
Circular folds cause chyme to spiral and expose more of the mucosa to the nutrients. Villi and microvilli
the Small Intestine
provide a large surface area for digestion and absorption, and the microvilli form a brush border.
• Animation – Nucleic Acid
4. Intestinal juice and pancreatic juice enhance absorption of substances from chyme. Brush border en-
Digestion in the Small Intestine
zymes digest carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleotides.
• Animation – Carbohydrate
5. Segmentations mix chyme with digestive juices and bring food into contact with the mucosa. Peristalsis Absorption in the Small Intestine
moves chyme forward through the small intestine. • Animation – Protein Absorption in
6. Digestion of carbohydrates begins by salivary amylase from the mouth and pancreatic amylase in pancre- the Small Intestine
atic juice. After amylase action, the fragments are digested by the brush border enzymes, ␣-dextrinase, • Animation – Nucleic Acid
sucrase, lactase, and maltase into monosaccharides. Absorption in the Small Intestine
7. Digestion of proteins begins by pepsin from the stomach and continues in the small intestine by the ac- • Animation – Lipid Absorption in
tion of trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase, and elastase in pancreatic juice. Protein digestion is the Small Intestine
completed by brush border peptidases.
8. Some digestion of lipids occurs in the stomach by ligual lipase and gastric lipase. Once in the small intes- Hear
tine, larger lipid globules are emulsified into smaller lipid globules by the bile salts in bile. Pancreatic • Figure 23.20 –
lipase attacks the smaller lipid globules, completing the digestion of triglycerides into fatty acids and a Absorption of Digested
monoglyceride. Nutrients in the Small Intestine
9. Pancreatic juice contains ribonuclease that digests RNA and deoxyribonuclease that digests DNA.
Brush border nucleosidases and phosphatases complete nucleic acid breakdown.
10. Monosaccharides and amino acids, dipeptides, tripeptides, and short-chain fatty acids are absorbed into
the small intestine epithelium by diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, or active transport. They then
pass from the epithelium into blood capillaries.
11. Following lipid digestion, bile salts surround the fatty acids and monoglycerides, forming micelles. The
fatty acids and monoglycerides diffuse out of micelles into the small intestine epithelium, where they
recombine into chylomicrons. The chylomicrons pass from the epithlium into lacteals, where lymph
transports them to the bloodstream.
12. The small intestine also absorbs electrolytes, vitamins, and water.

Concept 23.7 In the large intestine, the final secretion and absorption of nutrients occur as chyme See
moves toward the rectum. • Anatomy Overview – The Large
1. The large intestine extends from the ileocecal sphincter to the anus. Its regions include the cecum, Intestine
colon, rectum, and anal canal. The cecum is a small pouch hanging inferior to the ileocecal valve and has • Anatomy Overview – Large
the vermiform appendix attached to it. The colon is divided into ascending, transverse, descending, Intestine Histology
and sigmoid portions. The terminal end of the rectum is the anal canal, with an exterior opening called • Animation – Mechanical Digestion
the anus. Opening and closing of the anus is controlled by the involuntary internal anal sphincter and in the Large Intestine
the voluntary external anal sphincter. Do
2. The mucosa has absorptive cells and goblet cells. The muscularis has smooth muscle bands called teniae
• Exercise – Digestive Enzyme
coli that pucker its wall into haustra.
3. Food is moved through the large intestine by haustral churning and peristalsis. Mass peristalsis drives
• Exercise – Concentrate on
colon contents into the rectum. Digestion
4. Bacteria inhabiting the lumen break down remaining carbohydrates, proteins, and bilirubin; and produce • Exercise – Paint the Digestive
vitamin K and some B vitamins. Tract
5. The large intestine absorbs water, ions, and vitamins. It contributes to the final formation of feces and its • Exercise – Digestion Reaction
elimination from the body. Race
6. When mass peristalsis pushes feces into the rectum, distention of the rectal wall initiates the defecation • Exercise – Role of Chemicals
reflex. Parasympathetic stimulation opens the internal anal sphincter. Voluntary relaxation of the exter- • Exercise – Match the Movement
nal anal sphincter allows feces to be expelled through the anus. • Exercise – Nutrient Absorption
Concept Resources
Concept 23.8 Digestive activities occur in three overlapping phases: cephalic, gastric, and intestinal. See
1. Digestive activities occur in three overlapping phases: cephalic phase, gastric phase, and intestinal • Animation – Neural Regulation of
phase. Mechanical Digestion
2. During the cephalic phase of digestion, salivary glands secrete saliva and gastric glands secrete gastric • Animation – Enterogastric Reflex
juice in order to prepare the mouth and stomach for food that is about to be eaten. • Animation – Hormonal Control of
3. The presence of food in the stomach causes the gastric phase, involving peristalsis and gastric juice se- Digestive Activities
cretion from gastric glands. The hormone gastrin stimulates gastric juice secretion. Do
4. During the intestinal phase of digestion, food is digested in the small intestine. In addition, the entero-
• Exercise – Digestive Hormone
gastric reflex slows gastric motility in order to slow the exit of chyme from the stomach, which prevents
the small intestine from being overloaded with more chyme than it can handle. Cholecystokinin and
• Concepts and Connections –
secretin stimulate the secretion of pancreatic juice into the small intestine.
Digestive Hormones

Concept 23.9 Food molecules supply energy for life processes and serve as building blocks for complex See
molecules. • Anatomy Overview – Role of
1. Body cells use nutrients in food for growth, maintenance, and repair. Nutrients include water, carbohy- Nutrients
drates, lipids, proteins, minerals, and vitamins.
2. Nutrition experts suggest dietary calories be 50–60% from carbohydrates, 30% or less from fats, and
12–15% from proteins. The MyPyramid guide represents a personalized approach to making healthy
food choices and maintaining regular physical activity.
3. Minerals important to the body include calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chloride, mag-
nesium, iron, iodide, manganese, copper, cobalt, zinc, fluoride, selenium, and chromium. Many minerals
play key roles as components of coenzymes, are components of buffers that help control body pH, and
are needed for nerve impulses.
4. Vitamins maintain growth and normal metabolism. Most function as coenzymes rather than nutrients.
Most vitamins must be obtained from the diet. Some vitamins can be assembled by the body if provita-
mins are provided in the diet. Fat-soluble vitamins must be ingested with lipids for proper absorption.
Water-soluble vitamins are dissolved in blood fluids. Antioxidant vitamins inactivate oxygen free
radicals that damage cell structures.

Concept 23.10 Metabolism includes the catabolism and anabolism of molecules. See
1. Metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions of the body. Enzymes are the catalysts for all metabolic • Animation – Introduction to
reactions. Some enzymes require coenzymes to function properly. Anabolism is the term for endergonic Metabolism
reactions that synthesize complex molecules from simpler substances. Catabolism is the term for exer- • Animation – Carbohydrate
gonic reactions that break down complex organic molecules into simple molecules. Metabolism
2. ATP links anabolic and catabolic reactions. Energy to run anabolic reactions comes from energy that is • Animation – Lipid Metabolism
released when ATP is separated into ADP and P. Energy released from catabolic reactions allows bonding • Animation – Protein Metabolism
of ADP and P to resynthesize ATP. Do
3. The glucose that results from carbohydrate digestion is oxidized by cells to provide ATP. Glucose not
• Exercise – Predict ATP Production
needed for immediate ATP production is converted to glycogen for storage. When glycogen is in excess,
• Exercise – Glucose Catabolism
the glucose can be synthesized into triglycerides.
4. Cellular respiration, the complete oxidation of glucose to CO2 and H2O, involves glycolysis, the Krebs • Exercise – Glucose Catabolism
cycle, and the electron transport chain. Substrates and Products
5. Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose into two molecules of pyruvic acid; there is a net production of • Concepts and Connections –
two molecules of ATP. Glycolysis can produce ATP anaerobically and is known as anaerobic cellular Glucose Catabolism
832 Chapter 23 • The Digestive System

Concept Resources
6. Each molecule of pyruvic acid that enters the Krebs cycle is first converted to acetyl coenzyme A. In the
Krebs cycle acetyl coenzyme A is used to produce CO2, NADH and four H+, FADH2, and ATP.
7. In the electron transport chain the energy in NADH/H+ and FADH2 is liberated and transferred to ATP.
The electron transport chain produces ATP and H2O. The Krebs cycle and electron transport chain both
require oxygen and are collectively called aerobic cellular respiration.
8. The liver can form glucose from lactic acid, amino acids, and glycerol in a process called glyconeogen-
esis when stimulated by cortisol from the adrenal cortex and glucagon from the pancreas.
9. In lipolysis, triglycerides are split into glycerol and fatty acids, which then can be further catabolized by
different pathways to produce ATP. Insulin stimulates liver cells and adipose cells to synthesize triglycer-
ides when more calories are consumed than required by the body’s ATP demands.
10. Lipoproteins transport lipids in the bloodstream. Types of lipoproteins include chylomicrons, which
carry dietary lipids to adipose tissue; very low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs), which carry triglycerides
from the liver to adipose tissue; low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), which deliver cholesterol to body
cells; and high density lipoproteins (HDLs), which remove excess cholesterol from body cells and
transport it to the liver for elimination.
11. Proteins are not stored in the body. Amino acids are either oxidized to produce ATP or used to synthesize
new proteins for growth and repair. Excess dietary amino acids are converted into glucose or triglycer-
ides. Protein synthesis is stimulated by insulinlike growth factors, thyroid hormones, insulin, estrogens,
and testosterone.
12. Essential amino acids must be present in the diet; nonessential amino acids can be synthesized in the
body. A complete protein contains all of the essential amino acids; an incomplete protein does not con-
tain all of the essential amino acids.

Other Chapter Resources

For additional information on clinical applications, medical disorders, and medical terminology, see
Chapter 12 in the Clinical Connections manual packaged with your text.
Within WileyPLUS
• Chapter Quiz • Homeostatic Imbalance: The Case of the Burning Abdomen
• Visual Anatomy • Homeostatic Imbalance: The Case of the Woman with the Bloody Stools
• Mastering Vocabulary • Web Links
• Audio Glossary
• Understanding the Concepts
1. What are the similarities between mechanical and chemical 11. What is the functional significance of the blood capillary
digestion? How do they differ? network and lacteal in the center of each villus of the small
2. What are the functions of the muscles and papillae of the intestine?
tongue? Of saliva? 12. What is the difference between digestion and absorption?
3. How does the mouth participate in chemical digestion? Which organ of the GI tract absorbs the most nutrients?
4. What is the role of the esophagus in digestion? 13. Describe the absorption of electrolytes, vitamins, and water
by the small intestine.
5. What is the importance of surface mucous cells, mucous neck
cells, chief cells, parietal cells, and G cells in the stomach? 14. Referring to Figure 23.21, which two organs of the digestive
system secrete the most fluid? Which organ of the digestive
6. What are the functions of gastrin, hydrochloric acid, gastric
system absorbs the most fluid?
lipase, and lingual lipase in the stomach?
15. Describe the role of gastrin in the gastric phase of digestion.
7. How do the functions of pancreatic acini differ from those of
the pancreatic islets? 16. What is a nutrient? What are the general functions of water,
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and minerals?
8. Once the liver has formed bile, how is bile collected and trans-
ported to the gallbladder for storage? 17. What are the major events in the catabolism of lipids to pro-
duce ATP?
9. What is the pathway of blood flow into, through, and out of
the liver?
10. In which ways are the mucosa and submucosa of the small
intestine adapted for digestion and absorption?

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