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Tutorial Questions; 9th April 2021


1. Answer ALL Questions

Some useful constants: R = 8.314 JK-1mol-1, O0C = 273 K,

1(a). Distinguish between the following terms: Isobaric, Isothermal and Adiabatic as
used in thermodynamics. (3 Marks)

Isobaric change: Thermodynamic process in which pressure remains constant

Adiabatic change: There is no change of heat between the system and the
surrounding i.e. q= 0.
Isothermal change: Change that takes place at a constant temperature (for gases
(b) Give the mathematical expression for the first Law of Thermodynamics, defining
the terms used. (2 marks)
ΔE= q – w
where, ΔE is internal energy of the system, q is the heat gained or lost by the system
and w is work done by or on the system.

(c). H is a state function, but q is not a state function. Explain.

Enthalpy, like the internal energy (and other state functions), depends only
upon the initial and final states of the system. When calculating an enthalpy,
we don't worry about the path taken to get from the initial state to the final
state; the only thing that matters is that we get there. Heat, which isn't a
state function, is path-dependent

Q = mc∆T
(d).What is the difference between work and energy? (2 marks)

Work is the energy expended during the act of moving an object against an
opposing force i.e. (W = F x d)
Energy is the capacity of a system to do work or supply heat e.g. kinetic
energy and potential energy

(e). One mole of an ideal gas at 25 ˚C and a pressure of 10.0 Pa expands to a

pressure of 1.0 Pa.
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(i). Calculate the final volume, w and q if the expansion was carried out
reversibly. (6 marks)
Isothermal; T1 = T2 = 25˚C = 298 K
P2V2 = nRT2
= 5704.8 J or 5.7048 kJ

w= q = 5.7048 kJ
= 0.025 m
ΔE = 0 for isothermal change,
). One mole of an ideal gas at 25 ˚C and a pressure of 10.0 Pa expands to a pressure of
1.0 Pa.
(ii). Calculate w and q for an irreversible expansion. (4 marks
w = P2 ΔV, from P2V2 = nRT2 implies V2 = nRT2/P2 and V1 = nRT1/P1
Therefore w = P2 (V2 – V1) = nRT (1- P2/P1)
= 1 x8.314 x 298 (1 – (1x105/1x106))
= 2229.8 J or 2.2298kJ
q= w = 2.2298 kJ.

(f). Under what conditions are the ΔE and ΔH essentially equal? (1 mark)

ΔE and Δ H are nearly equal when there are no gases involved in a chemical reaction or if
gases are involved, then ΔV = 0.

2. (a). Define Enthalpy of combustion (2 marks)

Heat/enthalpy change when one mole of a reactant completely burns in excess oxygen
under standard thermodynamic conditions.
(b). When propane gas, C3H8, in combusted in oxygen to form liquid water and gaseous
carbon dioxide, ΔE = -2224 kJmol-1 is released at 298 K. Determine ΔH for this
process at the same temperature. (4 marks)
C3H8(g) + 5 O2(g) → 3CO2(g) + 4H2O(l) ΔE = -2224kJ mol-1
Δn = 3 – (5+1) = -3

ΔH = ΔE + RT(Δn)
= (-2224 + (8.314 x 298 x – 3))/1000
= -2231.43 kJ
(c). Given the following information;
H2O(g) ΔHf298K = -242 kJmol-1
CO(g) ΔHf298K = -111 kJmol-1
Determine ΔH at 25 ˚C for the reaction H2O (g) + C(s) → H2(g) + CO(g). (4

(i). H2(g) + ½O2(g) → H2O(g) ΔHf298K = -242 kJmol-1

(ii). C(s) + ½O2(g) → CO(g) ΔHf298K = -111 kJmol-1
Reversing (i) and adding to (ii) = 242 +(-111) = 131 kJmol-1

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2. (a). What is the difference between internal energy change, (ΔE) and the
enthalpy change, (ΔH). State which one is measured at constant
pressure? (3 marks)

(b). State which of the following processes are run at constant volume and
which are run at constant pressure.

(i). The reaction between zinc metal and an aqueous solution of Cu2+ ion to
form copper metal and Zn2+ ions. (1 mark)

Constant volume

(ii). Measuring the calories in a 2-oz. serving of breakfast cereal by burning the
cereal in a bomb calorimeter. (1 mark)

Constant pressure

(c). Calculate the maximum work obtainable by an isothermal reversible expansion

of 2 moles on nitrogen from 10 litres to 20 litres at 25 ˚C. (5 marks)

Given, n= 2 moles, V2 = 20 litres , V1= 10 litres, R= 8.314 JK-1mol-1,

T= 298 K

Expressing for the maximum work in an isothermal reversible expansion

of an ideal gas is obtained from:

=3435 J or 3.435 kJ.

Note that for real gases, ΔE ≠ 0 under isothermal conditions because, even when
temperature is constant, internal energy will change due to change in volume or
pressure. The same is true for ΔH.

(d) Why is the change in enthalpy usually easier to measure than the change in
internal energy?

From the first law of thermo, we have E = q + w. We only consider pressure-

volume work; in this case, w = PV, or work = pressure x change in volume. We'd
like to relate the internal energy change to heat; in order to do so, we have to work
under conditions of constant volume (so V = 0 and w =0.) This requires rather
specialized equipment (like a bomb calorimeter) and isn't very easy to do.

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