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Tuesday October 15 2021 Issue 10



Extra facts
The latest local news

-------------- MARK SY

The Indus River Civilization

is the largest ancient
civilization, and most likely
the oldest. Excavation of the
sites of the Indus Valley
Civilization is an on-going
process and by 1999, 1,056
cities and settlements had
been found. It flourished in
the basins of two major
rivers: Indus River, one of
the longest in Asia; and the
Ghaggar-Hakra River, which
is identified by many
This is the Indus River, where the people who started Civilization lived next to it. It was their
scholars as the dried-up
water supply for their Irrigation System and for their drinking water.
form of what was once the
Sarasvati River. The
civilization encompassed

INDIA most of Pakistan, a

significant part of India and
parts of Afghanistan. The
History of India size of Western Europe!

The Indus Valley Civilization

-------------- PHOEBE QUIENG When the Aryans came, they invaded India and
had world’s first known
made the Dravidian’s lives very miserable. During
urban sanitation systems. All
the time of the Aryans; they made a class
Civilization started here in India where they houses were equipped with
system called “The Caste System”.
lived near the river which is the Indus River. latrines, bathing houses,
The Indus River is their main source of and sewage drains which
The Dravidians in that Caste system are the
water, using the water of the Indus River; emptied into wider public
lowest rank which are the untouchables. The
they built an Irrigation System. The people drains and deposited the
untouchables are treated very badly or harshly
may also use the water for their seafood fertile sludge on agricultural
by the upper class.
supply just by simply fishing the seafood fields. Some houses were
out, fresh from the river. even equipped with the
The Aryans were described as light-skinned, they
world’s earliest known flush
moved slowly into another river valley – the
India had some major cities before, these toilets!
valley of Ganges River. The Aryans settled on
cities were Mojendro-daro and Harappa. the Ganges Plain as grain farmers and lived
Historians have concluded that their system alongside the Indus people who lived there.
must’ve been an efficient one. They reveal
that the city was well planned. Over the next few centuries there were mixed
cultures of the Indus people and the Aryans. By
According to the book, the Indus people 600 BCE powerful and wealthy cities were built
were mostly farmers who grew crops such on the Ganges Plain. These kingdoms were
as wheat, barley and dates. The public bath unified to form Ancient India’s first empire which
in the Indus cities could indicate that the is the Mauryan empire.
Indus people probably participated in
religious bathing. The Mauryan Empire was led by Chandragupta
Maurya, who led India in one rule. His
The people who first inhabited India was leadership or ruling, achieved the Golden Years Remains of the ancient Indus
the Dravidians, they were described as dark of India. River Valley Civilization
skinned. Before the Aryans came to invade,
India was peaceful and not in chaos.
Extra facts
about India

----------- THE CASTE SYSTEM

The use of the word

’untouchables’ were banner after
India’s independence.

The Dalit, is a name for people

that used to be in the lowest
caste of India, previously
characterized as ‘untouchables’

You were not allowed to change

jobs especially if you were in
low ranked castes.

India’s Caste System

-------------- RHIANA ESPIÑA

The caste system is a strict division Third rank of the caste system is
Ancient India classified people in. This the Vaishyas. This rank contains the
grouping system was important to India farmers, traders and landowners.
back in ancient times because it helped The Vaishyas were the commoners
bring India in order in society. of India meaning they didn’t have a
too much of a big role.
The highest rank in this system were
the Brahmins. These people were The Shudras were a lower rank in
usually the priests, scholars and the caste system. They were the
teachers. The Brahmins were field laborers and craftsmen. The
responsible for teaching and Dravidians were sorted here.
maintaining spiritual knowledge.
Lastly, the untouchables. These
The second rank is the Kshatriyas. people were outside of the caste
These people are the warriors and system of India. They were
rulers of India. They govern the land of considered outcasts. They were
India. always discriminated.

The Rise and Fall

-------------- MARIA HUI
The civilization of the Indus River at Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa arose at about 2500 BCE and ended with apparent
destruction about 1500 BCE. Mohenjo-Daro was built in the 26th century BCE. It was one of the largest cities of the
ancient Indus Valley Civilization. An overview of the Indus civilization. The civilization was first identified in 1921 at
Harappa in the Punjab region and then in 1922 at Mohenjo-Daro near the Indus River in the Sindh region. The Indus
Valley Civilization may have met its demise due to invasion. By an Indo-European tribe, called the Aryans, suddenly
overwhelmed and conquered the Indus River Valley.

This is the most developed city in the Indus Valley.

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