Edu 214 Lesson Plan

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Jenna Trumble

EDU 214
Lesson Plan Title: Learning Addition

Concept / Topic To Teach:  Addition

General Goal(s): Learn how to add with me then, be able to do it themselves.
Specific Objectives: Students will learn how to add by using various methods. They will
choose which method they would like to use.
Required Materials: 
Small classroom cubes to help with visual addition
Website access
Infogrip mouse for children with special needs
Computers for children to use
Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Introduce to the class the numbers that we already know and
show them that we can add numbers to equal other numbers.
Step-By-Step Procedures: 
1. Introduce addition
2. Pull up PowerPoint
3. Teach lesson
4. Hand out worksheets
5. Hand out small classroom cubes
6. Show them a website they can play on to extend their knowledge of addition and
have them play some games
 Plan For Independent Practice: I will hand out worksheets and classroom cubes to have
the children practice their addition by themselves.
Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):  Give students a website to play addition games on to
really solidify their knowledge of addition.
Assessment Based On Objectives: Students should be able to understand addition after
this lesson with multiple ways to learn addition.
Possible Connections To Other Subjects:
There is a connection to reading left to right and there is a connection to interpreting

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