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Melee Defensive Ranged Power Adrenaline Fire Absorption Soothe Windrun Fortify Decaying Touch
Stance Stance Shield

Melee Precision Ranged Precision Fast Track Elemental Visions Slow Current Wind Of Change Bless Lower Resistances
Stance Stance

Bolster Attenuate Misty Step Flare Rain Bitter Cold Boulder Bash Malediction

Cure Wounds Treat Poisoning Walk In Shadows Boil Water Absorption Air Absorption Earth Absorption Curse Of Cuts
Shield Shield Shields

Helping Hand Doctor Winged Feet Burning Touch Deluge Shocking Touch Nature’s Fury Vampiric Touch

Command First Aid Lacerate Self-Immolation Freezing Touch Thunder Jump Avatar Of Poisons Mute

Crushing Fist Freezing Trap Precise Incision Avatar Of Fire Rime Avatar of Storms Fallow Summon Undead
Encourage Ricochet Trip Firefly Avatar Of Frost Lightning Bolt Creeping Ooze Resurrect

Divine Light Splintered Arrow Venomous Strike Heat Metal Regeneration Teleport Summon Spider


Spiked Shell Farseer Squander Wildfire Cleansing Water Netherswap Balance Attenuate

Elemental Absorb The Cloak and Dagger Explode Stasis Invisibility Petrifying Touch Impalement
Tortoise Elements

Rage Survivor’s Karma Borrowed Time Purifying Fire Cold Snap Enervate Blessed Earth Banishment

Fossilize Infect Wind-Up Toy Fireball Water Of Life Tornado Erosion Oath of

Battering Ram Vampiric Arrow Fade Summon Fire Mass Slow Chain Lightning Thorn Cascade Drain Willpower
Crippling Blow Conjure Acid Daggers Drawn Sphere Of Ice Wall Headvice Tectonic Spray Despair
Arrow Negation

Eroding Strike Summon Wolf Eye Gouge Cauterize Ice Shards Summon Air Summon Earth Summon Armored
Elemental Elemental Undead

Whirlwind Barrage Summon Ice Rapture


Awesome Splintered Arrow



Shackles Of Pain Insect Plague Premeditate Rebirth Mass Healing Greater Invisibility Deadly Spores Invulnerability

Torment Natural Order Shadow Step Infectious Flame Plague Audacity Ruin Horrific Scream
Vitality Link Rain Of Arrows Cruelty Soulfire Winterblast Vengeance Stone Curse Soulsap

Crush Fusillade Execute Meteor Shower Hailstorm Storm Summon Toxic Finger Of Death

Flurry Horrid Wilting Maze

Icon Name About Special Saving Range, AP Notes Requirements
Throw Radius cost,
Adrenaline Enter an intensified 100% chance to Self 0, 8 Dexterity
state of action to immediately gain 5
borrow Action Points an extra 50% of
from your next turn. your Turn Action
Points, but lose 75%
of your total Action
Points next turn
Fast Track Become hastened for a 100% chance to set Self 1, Hastened boosts the target’s 9 Dexterity
short while. Hastened status for 12 (8) maximum AP by 3, starting 2 Scoundrel
3 turns AP by 3 and recovery AP by
2. Hastened also improves
movement speed.
Cooldown for 8 turns at 15
Misty Step Quickly teleport 5.0m 1, Cooldown for 1 turn at 13 2 Scoundrel
through the shadows to 4 (1) Dexterity.
a point nearby.
Walk In Become one with the 100% chance to set Self 2, When you are invisible, 10 Dexterity
Shadows shadows. Invisible status for 2 7 (3) enemies cannot see you or 2 Scoundrel
turns target you directly.
Attacks made while invisible
cannot miss.
Invisibility breaks when
casting, attacking, taking
damage, or when detected.
Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
Winged Feet Make yourself immune 100% chance to set Self 2, Cooldown for 6 turns at 15 9 Dexterity
to surfaces, as if you Winged Feet status 10 (6) Dexterity. 2 Scoundrel
were floating above for 5 turns
Lacerate Tear open a jagged 100% chance to set Grit 4.0m 3, Requires a Dagger. 8 Dexterity
gash on your target, Bleeding status for 5 (3) Bleeding deals physical
causing slashing 3 turns damage over time.
damage and inflicting 100% chance to set Damage dealt depends on
Bleeding. Chain Finisher for 0 your weapon’s damage
turns rating.
Chain Bonus: Blood Thief
x1: Heal self 8% of maximum
x2: Heal self 20% of
maximum vitality.
x3: +70% weapon damage as
Slashing to target.
x4: 140% chance to inflict
Decaying Touch.
x5: Damage to 140%. Heal
now lasts 3 turns.
Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
Precise Incision Pierce deftly into your 100% chance to set Grit 4.0m 3, Requires a Dagger. 8 Dexterity
target, dealing slashing Weakened status 5 (3) Weak lowers target’s
damage and causing for 2 turns damage by -50% and
weakness. Gains 100% chance to set strength by -2.
additional effects when Chain Finisher for 0 Damage dealt depends on
used with an active turns your weapon’s damage
Chain. rating.
Chain Bonus: Reaching Strike
x1: +35% weapon damage in
5 meter line.
x2: Damage to 70%.
x3: Line to 180 degree cone.
50% chance to apply Weak.
x4: Damage to 100%. Weak
chance to 70%.
x5: Damage to 200%.
Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
Trip Knock your target to 100% chance to set Grit 3.0m 3, Cooldown for 2 turns at 15 8 Dexterity
the ground with a Knocked Down 6 (2) Dexterity.
quick, sweeping kick. status for 2 turns
Deals crushing damage.
Venomous Coat your weapon with 100% chance to set Poison 4.0m 4, Requires a Dagger. 9 Dexterity
Strike a vile poison and strike Poisoned status for Resistance 2 Poisoned deals poison
your target, poisoning it 4 turns damage over time.
and dealing poison 100% chance to set Damage dealt depends on
damage. Gains Chain Finisher for 0 your weapon’s damage
additional effects when turns rating.
used with an active Chain Bonus: Toxic Finale
Chain. x1: Instantly apply Untreated
Poison I
x2: +45% weapon damage as
Poison to target.
x3: Damage to 100%. Applies
Untreated Poison II.
x4: 150% chance to inflict
Disease for 2 turns.
x5: Damage to 200%. Target
is Sickened for 3 turns.
Squander Muster your remaining 10.0m 0, Cooldown for 1 turn at 13 9 Dexterity
strength to fling a 4 (1) Dexterity.
heavy stack of coins at Spends all remaining AP.
your target, causing Requires a Dagger.
crushing damage. Your Damage dealt depends on
remaining AP is spent in your weapon’s damage
the process. rating.
Cooldown for 1 turn at 13
Cloak and Leap far above the 15.0m 1, Cooldown for 5 turns at 15 4 Scoundrel
Dagger battlefield, fading into 9 (5) Dexterity.
the air as your ascend.
Reappear as you land at
the targeted point.
Borrowed Time Bend time and slow 100% chance to set Willpower 6.0m 2, Enemies struck by Borrowed 10 Dexterity
those around you, Borrowed Time for Radius 8 (4) time have their Turn Action 3 Scoundrel
gaining the difference 2 turns Points Recovery decreased
yourself. by -1 and the caster gains +1
Turn Action Point Recovery
and +1 Maximum Action
Points for every affected
enemy, up to five enemies.
Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Wind-Up Toy Summon your level 3.0m 2, Press the button to go 4 Scoundrel
bomb in 3.0m radius for 10 (8) BOOM.
30s Duration 5 turns.
You can only have one
summon at a time.
Cooldown for 8 turns at 15
Fade Your physicality blends 100% chance to set Self 3, Piercing Resistance +30% 10 Dexterity
and fades into Fade for 2 turns 8 (4) Slashing Resistance +30% 3 Scoundrel
shadows, reducing all Crushing Resistance +30%
physical damage dealt Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
to you. Dexterity.
Daggers Drawn Erupt with a barrage of 3.0m 4, Requires a Dagger. 5 Scoundrel
stabs and cuts and deal 9 (5) Damage dealt depends on
damage each strike. your weapon’s damage
Cooldown for 5 turns at 15
Eye Gouge With one deft strike 100% chance to set Grit 4.0m 4, Requires a Dagger. 9 Dexterity
you blind your Blinded status for 3 7 (4) Blinded characters cannot
opponent. Does turns target others unless they’re
piercing damage and standing right next to them.
causes Blindness. Blindness reduces a
Hyperacute character’s
chance to detect hidden
Damage dealt depends on
your weapon’s damage
Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Premeditate Every outcome, every Self 1, May only be cast in combat. 5 Scoundrel
possible permutation 6 (2) Instantly gain 2 stacks of
and contingency are Chain.
known to you as you Does not count toward and is
prepare for you final not limited by your Chain
strike. gained this turn.
Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Shadow Step Step through the 100% chance to 15.0m 3, Requires a Dagger. 5 Scoundrel
shadows and attack a Backstab 8 (4) Damage dealt depends on
target from behind, 100% chance to set your weapon’s damage
dealing piercing Invisible status for 1 rating.
weapon damage. Then turn Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
go back to where you Dexterity.
came from.
Cruelty Your thoughts fill with 100% chance to set Self 4, Effects are applied on every 13 Dexterity
malice and terrible Cruelty for 3 turns 7 (3) instance of Piercing damage 5 Scoundrel
intent, your foes dealt.
weaknesses are 50% chance to cause
revealed; now, you Bleeding for 2 turns.
exploit them. Every Armor reduced by 4 for 2
instance of piercing turns.
damage you deal Armor reduction may stack
reduces the armor of up to -60 Armor.
your targets and causes Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
Bleeding. Dexterity.
Execute Deliver a series of 5 3.0m 5, Chain Bonus: Fatality 13 Dexterity
vicious attacks to your 11 (7) x5: When Execute has 5 Scoundrel
target, each dealing finished, if it dealt more
piercing damage. Gains damage than half the
additional effects when target’s remaining vitality,
used with an active the target is instantly slain.
Chain. Boss-creatures can never be
instantly slain.
Damage dealt depends on
your weapon’s damage
Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Ranged Power Improve damage while Self 0, Requires a Ranged Weapon.
Stance wielding a bow or 2 Damage +10%.
crossbow. (Toggle Lasts until cancelled or
Stance) replaced by another stance.
Ranged Improve your chance to Self 0, Requires a Ranged Weapon.
Precision hit and critically strike 2 Chance to Hit: +20%
Stance with bow and crossbow Critical Chance: +5%
at the cost of Movement: -20%
movement speed. Lasts until cancelled or
(Toggle Stance) replaced by another stance.
Anticipate Heighten your senses 100% chance to set Self 0, May only be cast in combat. 8 Dexterity
and enter a state of Anticipate for 1 3 (1) Spends all remaining AP.
intense focus, turn +40% damage until your next
preparing you for turn.
retaliation. Your Retaliate against the first
remaining AP is spent in enemy, within your reach,
the process. who damages you.
Cooldown for 1 turn at 15
Treat Poisoning A Ranger is well 100% to set 3.0m 2, Poison Resistance: +35% 9 Dexterity
familiarized with the Treating Poison for 6 (2) Immune to Poisoned. 2 Ranger
treatment of poison; 2 turns Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
you cure the target of Dexterity.
any poisons and stifle
any further damage
from poison for the
Doctor Cures Weak, Blind, 100% chance to set 10.0m 3, Cooldown for 2 turns at 15 9 Dexterity
Mute, Decaying Touch, Doctor for 2 turns 4 (2) Dexterity. 2 Ranger
and Disease. Grants 1
Grit for 2 turns.
First Aid Cures bleeding, 100% chance to set 10.0m 3, Heals 20% of maximum 8 Dexterity
crippled, burning, and Percentage Healing 4 (2) vitality +1% per Dexterity
diseased. Heals target for 1 turn above recommended.
for a percentage of 100% chance to set Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
their maximum vitality. First Aid for 2 turns Dexterity.
Grants +1 Grit for 2
Freezing Trap Set a devious, icy trap 100% to set Frozen Grit Self- 4, Cooldown for 4 turns at 15 10 Dexterity
at your feet that status for 2 turns Range, 8 (4) Dexterity. 3 Ranger
remains for up to 3 3.0m
rounds. Enemies who Radius
come within 2 meters
of the trap trigger it,
dealing water damage
and Freezing all, except
the caster, within 3
Ricochet Fire a normal arrow 18.0m 4, Requires a Ranged Weapon.
that deals damage and 4 (2) Damage dealt depends on
then forks off to the your weapon’s damage
next target up to 4 rating.
times within 8.0m. Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
Splintered Fire an arrow that 15.0m 7, Requires a Ranged Weapon. 2 Ranger
Arrow splinters on impact, 10 (8) Damage dealt depends on
dividing damage over your weapon’s damage
enemy targets in a rating.
8.0m radius. Cooldown for 8 turns at 15
Farseer Grant a target 100% chance to set 12.0m 2, Chance to Hit: +50% 10 Dexterity
improved sight and Farseer for 4 turns 6 (4) Sight: +5.0m 3 Ranger
accuracy. Removes Immune to Blind.
Blind and grants A higher Sight score
immunity to Blind for improves your chance to hit
the duration. with ranged weapons over
longer distances.
Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Absorb the Harmonize with the 100% chance to set 12.0m 3, Fire resistance: +25% 10 Dexterity
Elements elements around you, Elemental 7 (5) Water resistance: +25% 3 Ranger
becoming more Absorption for 5 Air resistance: +25%
resistant to elemental turns Earth resistance: +25%
damage but vulnerable Armor Rating: -20
to physical attacks. Cooldown for 5 turns at 15
Survivor’s Increases the Luck and 100% chance to set 6.0m 4, Lucky Charm: +2 10 Dexterity
Karma Critical Chance of all Karma for 5 turns Radius 7 (5) Critical Chance: +10% 3 Ranger
allies affected. Cooldown for 5 turns at 15
Infect Plant an infectious 100% chance to set Grit 15.0m 4, Primary target’s Grit 11 Dexterity
disease on a nearby Sickened for 2 turns Range, 6 (4) additionally reduced by 1 for 4 Ranger
target that continues to 100% chance to set 5.0m 2 turns.
spread until a target Infected status for 4 Spread Disease lowers target’s
saves. The primary turns Radius constitution by -3 and Grit
target’s Grit is reduced ability by -2.
from the initial Infectious disease has a
infection. chance of infecting everyone
that comes near the target.
Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Vampiric Arrow Fire a heavily imbued 100% chance to 18.0m 4, Requires a Ranged Weapon. 11 Dexterity
arrow that deals Rot heal an amount of 6 (4) Additionally heals 5% of 4 Ranger
damage and siphons vitality maximum vitality +3% per
the life of its victim to Dexterity recommended.
you, healing a small Damage dealt depends on
amount instantly. your weapon’s damage
Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Conjure Acid Conjure a magical 100% chance to set Grit 18.0m 5, Requires a Ranged Weapon. 9 Dexterity
Arrow arrow dripping with Weakened status Poison Range, 4 (1) Poisoned deals poison
potent acid and fire it for 3 turns Resistance 1.0m damage over time. Poisoned
at your target. The 100% chance to set Radius targets lose 15% Poison
arrow poisons, weakens Poisoned status for Resistance every turn, up to -
and deals damage to all 3 turns 45%.
within the radius. Can target terrain to create
ooze surface.
Damage dealt depends on
weapon’s damage rating.
Cooldown for 1 turn at 15
Summon Wolf Summon a loyal wolf 10.0m 5, Duration 5 turns. 3 Ranger
companion at a target 7 (4) The wolf is immune to
point within 10.0m to Freezing, cannot be Chilled
defend you. and takes no damage from
Water attacks. It does,
however, take extra damage
from Fire attacks. Its
ferocious bite attack has a
20% chance to set Bleeding
status for 2 turns. It has a
special Throat Bite skill. Has
Attack of Opportunity.
You can only have one
summon at a time.
Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Barrage Fire multiple arrows in 18.0m 6, Requires a Ranged weapon. 3 Ranger
a straight line, each 5 (3) Damage dealt depends on
dealing damage. your weapon’s damage
Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
Insect Plague Conjure clouds of 150% chance to set Grit 15.0m 6, Can only be removed by a 13 Dexterity
poisonous, biting gnats Insect Plague for 5 Range, 9 (5) successful saving throw while 5 Ranger
to swarm your target turns 10.0m Burning.
and other enemies Radius Insect Plague Poisons,
within 10.0m of the Silences, and deals piercing
first, making damage to afflicted targets
spellcasting difficult. each round. Successful Grit
The swarm will only saving throws avoid being
disperse if their target Silenced for that round.
is Burning. Burning targets have a 50%
increased chance to save
against Insect Plague, and
will remove the effect
entirely on a successful Grit
saving throw.
Cooldown for 5 turns at 15
Natural Order A series of rampant, 120% chance to set Grit 15.0m 6, Successful save prevents 13 Dexterity
invasive growths infest Natural Order for 3 Range 12 (8) effects, but does not remove 5 Ranger
the target, causing turns Natural Order.
damage and Bleeding 120% chance to set Damage dealt depends on
each turn until they Bleeding status for your weapon’s damage
rend free, dealing triple 2 turns rating.
damage and taking Cooldown for 8 turns at 15
presence upon the Dexterity.
Rain Of Arrows Loose a shower of 18.0m 6, Damage dealt depends on 5 Ranger
piercing arrows to rain Range, 6 (4) your weapon’s damage
down upon your 6.0m rating.
enemies. Deals damage Radius Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
to each target within Dexterity.
the radius.
Fusillade Fire 16 arrows in a 45 18.0m 7, An individual target can only 5 Ranger
degree arc. Each arrow 8 (6) be damaged by up to 8
deals damage. arrows.
Damage dealt depends on
your weapon’s damage
Melee Improves defense at Self 0, Requires a Melee Weapon.
Defensive the cost of damage. 2 Damage: -10%
Stance (Toggle Stance) Armor Rating: +20
Lasts until cancelled or
replaced by another stance.
Cooldown for 6 turns at 15
Melee Improves accuracy at Self 0, Requires a Melee Weapon.
Precision the cost of movement 2 Chance to Hit: +20%
Stance speed. (Toggle Stance) Movement Speed: -10%
Lasts until cancelled or
replaced by another stance.
Bolster Steel your nerves and 100%to set Bolster Self 0, Requires a Melee Weapon. 8 Strength
prepare for worst, for 1 turn 3 (1) May only be cast in combat.
increasing your armor +20 Armor until your next
and instantly removing turn.
the next Knockdown, Removes the next disabling
Stun, Freeze, Petrify, effect that ails you.
Fear or Charm that ails Spends all remaining Action
you. Your remaining AP Points.
is spent in the process. Cooldown for 1 turn at 15
Cure Wounds With Divine energy, you 100% chance to set 3.0m 1, Additionally heals 4% of 10 Strength
bind the wounds of a Percentage Healing 7 (3) maximum vitality +2% per 3 Soldier
nearby target, for 1 turn Strength above
immediately restoring 100% chance to recommended.
lost vitality. heal an amount of Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
vitality Strength.
Helping Hand Help a Knocked Down 10.0m 2, Cooldown for 1 turn at 15 2 Soldier
ally back up, or pat out 3 (1) Strength.
a burning one.
Command Force all enemies near 100% chance to set Willpower 10.0m 2, Cooldown for 1 turn at 15 9 Strength
the targeted point to Taunted status for 2 Range, 5 (1) Strength. 2 Soldier
attack you, despite any turns 2.0m
better judgment. Radius
Crushing Fist An enormous fist 100% chance to set Grit 10.0m 2, Knockdown makes target 10 Strength
smasher your enemy Knocked Down 8 (4) unable to move or act. 3 Soldier
and knocks it down; status for 2 turns Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
dealing damage. Strength.
Encourage With steeled nerve and 100% chance to set 15.0m 3, Encouraged boosts target’s 9 Strength
hardened expression encouraged for 3 7 (3) Strength, Dexterity, 2 Soldier
you direct your allies in turns Intelligence and Constitution
combat, encouraging stats by 1.
them to greater combat Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
efficacy. Strength.
Divine Light A bright, radiant light 100% chance to set Grit 7.0m 3, Decreases Grit and 8 Strength
emanates from your Warm for 3 turns Length, 7 (3) Willpower by -2.
hands and clings to 100% chance to set 60° Warm targets are more
those affected, making Divine Light for 3 cone susceptible to fire damage
them more susceptible turns angle but are resistant to water.
to affliction. Warm targets that are
warmed again become
burned. Warm increases the
chance to be Burned by 30%.
Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
Spiked Shell The Soldier’s shield is as Self 0, Reflect 50% of melee
much a weapon as a 4 (2) damage taken to attackers as
sword; return damage piercing.
to those that would Lasts until cancelled or
strike you in melee replaced by another stance.
combat. (Toggle Stance) Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
Elemental The trained Soldier with Self 0, Requires a Shield.
Tortoise a shield fears no 4 (2) Fire resistance: +40%
element; gain massive Water resistance: +40%
elemental defense at Air resistance: +40%
the cost of movement Earth resistance: +40%
speed. (Toggle Stance) Movement Speed: -40%
Lasts until cancelled or
replaced by another stance.
Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
Rage Seethe with reckless 100% chance to set Self 3, Damage: +50% 11 Strength
anger, entering a state Enraged status for 3 5 (3) Critical Chance: +2% 4 Soldier
of uninterruptable rage. turns Immune to Charm
Immune to Fear
Chance to Hit: -25%
Armor: -20
Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
Fossilize Your body tightens as 100% chance to set Self 3, Vitality set to 10% of 11 Strength
flesh quickly petrifies, Fossilize for 2 turns 8 (4) maximum. 4 Soldier
bringing you to the All Resistances: +100%
brink of death but All Maximum Resistances set
granting an almost to 90% unless already higher.
impenetrable defense. Immune to Bleeding
Lasts until duration expires
or maximum damage is
Can prevent up to 20% +3%
per Strength above
recommended damage.
Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Battering Ram Rush forward in a 100% chance to set Grit 15.0m 4, Requires a Melee Weapon. 8 Strength
straight line to a point Knocked Down 7 (3) Knockdown makes target
far away, hitting all status for 1 turn unable to move or act.
enemies in your path Damage dealt depends on
with damage. your weapon’s damage
Crippling Blow Cripple a target. Deals 100% chance to set Grit 4.0m 4, Requires a Melee Weapon. 10 Strength
weapon damage. Crippled status for 3 (1) Crippled status has a 3 Soldier
3 turns negative impact on target’s
movement and Action Point
Cooldown for 1 turn at 15
Eroding Strike Imbue your strike with 100% chance to set 4.0m 4, Requires a Melee Weapon. 13 Strength
a cruel affliction, flaking Erosion for 1 turn 6 (2) Grit -2. 5 Soldier
away your target’s Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
hardiness. Deals Rot Strength.
weapon damage.
Whirlwind Perform a whirlwind 4.0m 4, Requires a Melee Weapon.
attack, hitting enemies 6 (4) Damage dealt depends on
around you for damage. your weapon’s damage
rating. When dual wielding,
the combined damage is
Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Awesome You are a paragon of 100% chance to set Willpower 10.0m 5, Cleanses Fear and Charm 11 Strength
Presence war, your presence Awesome Presence 8 (4) from allies. 4 Soldier
awe-inspiring. The for 3 turns Effect increases for each
target is emboldened if 100% chance to set corpse within 5.0m, up to 3.
allied, or Feared if Feared Status for 3 If cast on an enemy,
hostile. Effect is greater turns Willpower is reduced by 1, 2
with corpses nearby. or 4.
If cast on an ally, one corpse
cleanses Curse and grants
Encourage; two cleanse
Weak and Slow, and grant
Fortified; three cleanse
Enervate, Borrowed Time,
and Balance, and grant Bless,
Haste, and Rage.
Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Atonement A burst of radiance 100% chance to set 15.0m 5, Damages enemies within 11 Strength
cascades from the Atonement for 1 7 (3) 3.0m of your target. 3 Soldier
target, healing and turn Additionally heals 15% of
removing Fear while 100% chance to maximum vitality +3% per
also damaging all heal an amount of Strength above
nearby enemies. vitality recommended.
Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
Shackles Of Bind the life of your 6.0m 4, Shackled targets suffer 100% 13 Strength
Pain enemies to yourself; all 6 (4) of damage taken by the 5 Soldier
targets affected take caster
equivalent damage Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
whenever you do. Strength.
Torment Split open a grisly 130% chance to set Grit 4.0m 4, Requires a Melee Weapon. 13 Strength
wound upon your Torment for 4 turns 3 (1) Cooldown for 1 turn at 15 5 Soldier
target, dealing damage, 130% chance to set Strength.
causing Bleeding and Bleeding status for
additional damage 4 turns
whenever the victim
tries to move.
Vitality Link Merge your force of 100% chance to set 10.0m 5, Damage redirected: 35% + 13 Strength
vitality with that of a Vitality Link for 4 8 (4) 3% per Strength above 5 Soldier
target ally; whenever turns recommended, up to 60%.
your target is damaged, Redirected damage that
it instantly recovers a would kill you instead sets
portion of the vitality vitality to 1% and ends
lost as you suffer it Vitality Link.
Crush Brutally concave your 100% chance to set 4.0m, 5, Requires a Melee Weapon 13 Strength
target, dealing damage Crush for 3 turns 5 (3) Each point of strength past 5 Soldier
and severely reducing 10 reduces target’s armor
their physical defenses, and physical resistances.
depending on your Armor -4
strength. Physical Resistances: -4%
Damage dealt depends on
your weapon’s damage
Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
Flurry Lash out at a target 4.0m 5, Requires a Melee Weapon 5 Soldier
with a barrage of four 5 (3) Damage dealt depends on
strikes, each dealing your weapon’s damage
damage. rating. When dual wielding,
the combined damage is
Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
Fire Absorption Enchant self or ally with 17.0m 3, Absorbs up to 30% of your 9 Intelligence
Shield a fire shield. A fire 6 (3) maximum vitality. 2 Pyrokinetic
shield absorbs fire Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
damage until it breaks. Intelligence.
Elemental Searing light clarifies a 100% chance to set 14.0m 3, Boosts Perception by 2 8 Intelligence
Visions target’s vision, granting Elemental Visions 7 (3) Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
a temporary perception for 10 turns Intelligence.
bonus and curing Blind.
Flare Send 2 smoldering orbs 100% chance to set Grit 17.0m 3, Can target terrain to create 9 Intelligence
of flame arcing toward Burning status for 3 4 (1) fire surface, burn ooze or oil, 2 Pyrokinetic
your target, dealing fire turns evaporate water, or melt ice.
damage. Can explode some clouds.
Cooldown for 1 turn at 13
Boil Boil the water that 100% chance to set 12.0m 3, Water under the target 10 Intelligence
surrounds your target, Boil for 1 turn 4 (1) becomes Steam. 3 Pyrokinetic
causing fire damage. 100% chance to set Removes Wet from the
150% extra damage is Warm status for 2 target.
dealt if the target is turns Cooldown for 1 turn at 13
Wet or standing in Intelligence.
water, or 300% if both.
Burning Touch With a quick snap of 100% to set Burning Grit 5.0m 3, Burning targets take fire 8 Intelligence
the fingers a searing status for 3 turns 4 (1) damage over time and are
heat emanates from more susceptible to fire
your hand, settling damage, but are resistant to
flame upon the touched water.
target, dealing fire Cooldown for 1 turns at 15
damage and burning. Intelligence.
Self- Create a fire surface 100% chance to set 4.0m 3, Fire Resistance: +25% 9 Intelligence
Immolation around you, with you in Immolated for 3 Radius 4 (1) Cooldown for 1turn at 13 2 Pyrokinetic
the middle. Grants turns Intelligence.
everyone around you
25% fire resistance for
3 turns and removes
Frozen and Stunned.
Avatar Of Fire Make a target immune 100% chance to set 7.0m 4, Fire Resistance: +25% 9 Intelligence
to Burning. Its melee Avatar of Fire for 3 5 (1) Immune to Burning 2 Pyrokinetic
attackers may catch on turns
Firefly Create a fire surface. 100% chance to set Grit 15.0m 4, Draw your own fire surface 8 Intelligence
Burning status for 2 Length, 5 (1) in a line. Line starts at your
turns 1.0m position. Click on the terrain
Surface to create a line until you
Radius have reached the line’s
maximum length.
Cooldown for 1 turn at 15
Heat Metal Concentrate on the 100% chance to set 12.0m 4, Armor: -20 9 Intelligence
armor of your target, Heat Metal for 1 Range 5 (1) Armored targets suffer
causing rapid vibrations turn increased damage.
and heating it to an 100% chance to set Targets can take up to 300%
extreme temperature, Warm status for 2 increased damage.
fire damage is dealt turns Warm targets are more
from the heat, susceptible to fire damage
increasing against those but are resistant to water.
who are heavily Warm targets that are
armored. warmed again become
burned. Warm increases the
chance to be Burned by 30%.
Cooldown for 1 turns at 15
Wildfire Haste a target. 100% chance to set Grit 14.0m 2, Hastened boosts the target’s 11 Intelligence
Hastened status for 8 (4) maximum AP by 3, starting 4 Pyrokinetic
3 turns AP by 3 and recovery AP by
100% chance to set 2. Hastened also improves
Burning status for 3 movement speed.
turns Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Explode Deals fire damage to 6.0m 2, Cooldown for 2 turns at 15 11 Intelligence
yourself and to those 4 (2) Intelligence. 4 Pyrokinetic
within 6.0m around
Purifying Fire A soothing flame 100% Purifying Fire 17.0m 3, Cooldown for 4 turns at 15 10 Intelligence
courses through the for 1 turn 7 (4) Intelligence. 3 Pyrokinetic
target, removing
Burning, Frozen, Stun,
Charm, Petrified, Rime,
Curse of Cuts, Enervate,
Healing, and Absorption
Fireball Fling a small bead of 100% chance to set Grit 17.0m 3, Burning targets take fire 13 Intelligence
red flame to target Burning status for 1 Range, 7 (3) damage over time and are 5 Pyrokinetic
point; it erupts violently turn 6.0m more susceptible to fire
on impact, dealing fire Radius damage, but are resistant to
damage and setting fire water. Can target terrain to
to anything within the create fire surface, burn ooze
blast radius. or oil, evaporate water, or
melt ice. Can explode some
Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
Summon Fire Conjure a living flame 17.0m 4, Fire Elementals can cast a 3- 3 Pyrokinetic
Elemental at target point to fight 7 (4) projectile blaze spell. Their
your enemies. normal attack is pure fire
that can warm up the target.
Duration 5 turns.
You can only have one
summon at a time.
Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Sphere of Navigate a sparking orb 70% chance to set Grit 15.0m 5, Draw your own line of effect. 10 Intelligence
Negation through the air, Blinded status for 2 Length, 7 (4) Line starts at your position.
removing dangerous turns 1.0m Click on the terrain to create
surfaces and clouds Effect a line until you have reached
while Blinding those it Radius the line’s maximum length.
touches. Blinded characters cannot
target others unless they’re
standing right next to them.
Blindness reduces a
Hyperacute character’s
chance to detect hidden
Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Cauterize Sear away scar and 100% chance to set 5.0m 5, Additionally heals 10% of 11 Intelligence
burn together tissue, Cauterize for 1 turn 6 (2) maximum vitality +3% per 3 Pyrokinetic
dealing fire damage 100% chance to set Intelligence above
before greatly healing Warm status for 2 recommended.
the target and turns Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
removing Bleeding and Intelligence.
Decaying Touch. If
targeting enemies, no
healing occurs unless
they are a Zombie or
afflicted with Decaying
Rebirth Accept death’s cold Self 1, May only be cast in combat. 5 Pyrokinetic
embrace, only to be 16 You die upon casting.
reborn in blazing glory (12) Resurrected to 100% vitality
shortly after. on your next turn.
Ignore Touch of the Grave.
Cast Rage of Phoenix upon
Rage of the Phoenix causes
fire damage and Knockdown
for 2 turns to enemies within
9m. Also creates burning
ground and grants the caster
Rage for 3 turns, +3
Constitution, +100% fire
resistance and +25%
maximum fire resistance for
3 turns.
Cooldown for 12 turns at 15
Infectious Conjure an intelligent 70% chance to set Grit 17.0m 5, Disease lowers target’s 13 Intelligence
Flame flame that attempts to Diseased status for Grit 7 (3) constitution by -3 and Grit 5 Pyrokinetic
attach itself to your 2 turns ability by -2.
target and up to two 100% chance to set Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
other enemies nearby. Burning status for 2 Intelligence.
Initially deals fire turns
damage and causes 100% chance to set
Disease. Those who are Infectious Flame for
afflicted with Infectious 3 turns
Flame explode each
turn, again damaging
and Diseasing enemies
within 4.0m
Soulfire Instantly engulf a target 100% chance to set Grit 17.0m 6, Soulburn has no Saving 13 Intelligence
in roaring, unrelenting Soulburn for 2 turns 7 (5) Throw. 5 Pyrokinetic
flame fueled by the 130% chance to set Armor: -20
target itself. The victim Burning status for 3 All Resistances: -25%
suffers fire damage, is turns Willpower: -1
Burned and, if it is not Grit: -1
currently Soulsapped, Burning targets take fire
can become damage over time and are
Soulburned. more susceptible to fire
damage, but are resistant to
Cooldown for 5 turns at 15
Meteor Shower 30 fireballs come 80% chance to set Grit 17.0m 7, May only be cast in combat. 13 Intelligence
crashing from the sky. Burning status for 2 Range, 14 An individual target can only 5 Pyrokinetic
Each does fire damage turns 3.0m (10) be damaged up to 15
to entities within a Radius meteors.
3.0m range from Burning targets take fire
impact. damage over time and are
more susceptible to fire
damage, but are resistant to
water. Can target terrain to
create fire surface, burn ooze
or oil, evaporate water, or
melt ice. Can explode some
Cooldown for 10 turns at 15
Soothe Radiate healing energy, 100% chance to 3.0m 2, Additionally heals 3% of 9 Intelligence
slowly mending the heal an amount of 4 (1) maximum vitality +1% per
wounds of all around vitality Intelligence above
you. 100% chance to set recommended.
Percentage Healing Cooldown for 1 turn at 15
for 1 turn Intelligence.
Slow Current Slow a target. 100% chance to set Willpower 17.0m 2, Slowed characters move 9 Intelligence
Slowed status for 3 6 (2) more slowly and receive less 3 Hydrosophist
turns AP.
Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
Water Enchant self or ally with 17.0m 3, Absorbs up to 30% of your 8 Intelligence
Absorption a water shield. A water 6 (3) maximum vitality.
Shield shield absorbs water Duration 3 turns.
damage until it breaks. Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
Rain Conjure and coalesce 100% chance to set 20.0m 3, Creates water puddles on 8 Intelligence
clouds above the area, Wet status for 1 Radius 4 (2) terrain, douses fires, and
ushering forth a brief turn makes characters wet. Wet
torrential rain. targets are more susceptible
to water and air damage, but
are resistant to fire. Wet
increases the chance to be
Shocked or Stunned by 10%,
and the chance to be Frozen
by 20%.
Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
Deluge Release a crushing 100% chance to set 17.0m 3, Wet targets are more 10 Intelligence
torrent of water over Wet status for 2 Range, 4 (1) susceptible to water and air 3 Hydrosophist
the target area, dealing turns 2.0 damage, but are resistant to
water damage five Radius fire. Wet increases the
times and causing Wet chance to be Shocked or
to any within the Stunned by 10%, and the
radius. chance to be Frozen by 20%.
Cooldown for 1 turn at 15
Freezing Touch Freeze a nearby target, 100% chance to set 5.0m 3, Chilled targets move more 8 Intelligence
dealing water damage. Chilled status for 2 5 (1) slowly and are more
turns susceptible to water damage,
but are resistant to fire.
Chilled targets that are
chilled again become frozen.
Chilled increases the chance
to be Frozen by 30%.
Cooldown for 1 turn at 15
Rime The area beneath your 100% chance to set Grit 17.0m 3, Characters moving over a 10 Intelligence
target is continuously Rime for 3 turns Range, 6 (3) frozen surface may slip and 3 Hydrosophist
frozen as it moves, 2.0m become Knocked Down.
making movement Radius Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
difficult if it is not Intelligence.
accustomed to treading
on ice. If cast on an ally,
the target cannot slip
while affected.
Avatar of Frost Make a target immune 100% chance to set 7.0m 4, Water Resistance: +25% 8 Intelligence
to being Frozen. Melee Avatar of Frost for 3 6 (2) Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
attackers may get turns Intelligence.
Regeneration Cause target’s wounds 100% chance to set 14.0m 4, Additionally heals 3% of 9 Intelligence
to bind themselves Regeneration for 3 5 (1) maximum vitality +2% per 2 Hydrosophist
shut, healing it each turns Intelligence above
turn over the duration. recommended.
Duration 2 turns.
Cooldown for 1 turn at 15
Cleansing A comforting energy 100% chance to set 17.0m 2, Cooldown for 4 turns at 15 10 Intelligence
Water washes over the target, Cleansing Water for 7 (4) Intelligence. 3 Hydrosophist
curing Blind, Mute, 1 turn
Disease, Infectious
Disease, Bleeding,
Crippled, Decaying
Touch, Attenuate,
Borrowed Time, Curse
of Cuts, and Balance.
Stasis Instantly place a target 200% chance to set Grit 14.0m 2, Vitality cost: 30% 11 Intelligence
into protective stasis, Stasis Fortification 8 (4) Constitution: +4 4 Hydrosophist
greatly increasing their for 4 turns Armor: +20
hardiness but 200% chance to set Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
preventing healing and Unhealable status Intelligence.
freezing it solid. for 3 turns
200% chance to set
Frozen status for 2
Cold Snap Your target crystallizes 100% chance to set 12.0m 3, Ice is created beneath the 11 Intelligence
and cracks, suffering Cold Snap for 1 turn 6 (2) target. 4 Hydrosophist
water damage. 100% Removes Wet, Chilled, and
extra damage is dealt if Frozen from the target.
the target is Wet or Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
Chilled, while 200% Intelligence.
extra is suffered if
Water of Life You and allies around 100% chance to set 5.0m 4, Constitution boosted by 2. 11 Intelligence
you magically gain Vitality Boosted for Radius 8 (5) Cooldown for 5 turns at 15 4 Hydrosophist
Constitution. 4 turns Intelligence.
Mass Slow A low, rumbling 100% chance to set Willpower 14.0m 4, Slowed character move more 13 Intelligence
distortion emanates Slowed status for 3 Radius 14 slowly and receive less AP. 5 Hydrosophist
from you, slowing your turns (10) Cooldown for 10 turns at 15
enemies as they are Intelligence.
passed over.
Ice Wall Raise icy crystals to 100% chance to set Grit 17.0m 5, Draw a line where you want 10 Intelligence
block an area, enemies Frozen status for 2 Range, 10 (7) the wall to appear. 3 Hydrosophist
caught inside the turns 4.0m Duration 2 turns.
crystals may be frozen Length Cooldown for 7 turns at 15
and take water Intelligence
Ice Shards Shoot 3 frozen shards 100% chance to set Grit 17.0m 5, Frozen makes a target 10 Intelligence
of ice that each freeze Frozen status for 2 7 (3) unable to move or act and 3 Hydrosophist
and deal water damage. turns more susceptible to water
damage, but it gains armor
and fire resistance.
Can target terrain to create
ice surface or freeze water.
Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
Summon Ice Conjure an imposing Ice 17.0m 5, Ice elementals can cast a 3 Hydrosophist
Elemental Elemental at targeted 7 (4) piercing ice blast spell. Their
location. normal attack does water
damage and can chill the
Duration 5 turns.
You can only have one
summon at a time.
Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Mass Healing Engulf target area in 100% chance to set 17.0m 5, Additionally heals 3% of 13 Intelligence
cooling, healing energy; Healing for 7 turns Range, 11 (7) maximum vitality +2% per 5 Hydrosophist
all targets affected, 6.0m Intelligence above
including enemies, will Radius recommended.
heal each turn for the Cooldown for 7 turns at 15
duration. Intelligence.
Plague Disease all enemies 120% chance to set Grit 18.0m 5, Disease lower target’s 13 Intelligence
within an area. Diseased status for Range, 8 (3) constitution by -3 and Grit 5 Hydrosophist
3 turns 6.0m ability by -2.
Radius Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
Winterblast Call forth a spirit of 100% chance to set Grit 9.0m 7, Hits targets twice. 13 Intelligence
frost to freeze and deal Frozen status for 2 Range, 10 (6) Frozen makes a target 5 Hydrosophist
water damage to all turns 60° unable to move or act and
targets in a 60 degree, cone more susceptible to water
9.0m long cone; twice. angle damage, but it gains armor
and fire resistance.
Cooldown for 6 turns at 15
Hailstorm Call an icy doom down 60% chance to set 17.0m 8, An individual target can only 13 Intelligence
upon your enemies; 20 Chilled status for 2 Range, 14 be damaged by up to 8 5 Hydrosophist
ice shards fall from the turns 3.0m (10) shards.
sky and crash at Radius Chilled targets move more
random points in the slowly and are more
targeted area, each susceptible to water damage,
doing water damage but are resistant to fire.
and chilling enemies Chilled targets that are
within 17.0m range chilled again become frozen.
from the impact point. Chilled increases the chance
to be Frozen by 30%.
Horrid Wilting Rapidly evaporate the 100% chance to set Willpower 14.0m 8, Each successful save reduces 13 Intelligence
moisture from enemy Horrid Wilting for 2 Grit Range, 9 (5) the effect. 5 Hydrosophist
creatures within the turns 5.0m No turn-based saving throw.
area, their flesh and Radius +100% damage as Water if
muscle crumbling away either save is failed.
for bone. Deals Rot -30% Water and Tenebrium
damage. Affected resistance if both saves are
targets suffer additional failed; -15% if only one is
effects if saving throws failed.
are failed. Cooldown for 5 turns at 15
Windrun Channel the air around 100% chance to set Self 2, Base Movement Speed: +1.0 10 Intelligence
you and focus yourself Windrun for 1 turn 7 (3) Movement Speed: +100% 3 Aerotheurge
to quicken your step, Damage: -75%
cleansing slow and
gaining immense
movement speed in
exchange for damage
Wind Of Cures Petrified, Slowed 17.0m 2, Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
Change and Stunned. 6 (2) Intelligence.

Bitter Cold Exhale a ghostly wind 100% chance to set 17.0m 2, Chilled targets move more 9 Intelligence
to chill a target to its Chilled status for 2 6 (2) slowly and are more 2 Aerotheurge
core. turns susceptible to water damage,
but are resistant to fire.
Chilled targets that are
chilled again become frozen.
Chilled increases the chance
to be Frozen by 30%.
Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
Air Absorption Enchant self or ally with 17.0m 3, Absorbs up to 30% of your 9 Intelligence
Shield an air shield. An air 6 (3) maximum vitality. 2 Aerotheurge
shield absorbs air Duration 3 turns.
damage until it breaks.
Shocking Touch Channel crackling 90% chance to set 5.0m 3, Shocked targets have a lower 8 Intelligence
electricity to a touched Shocked status for 6 (2) chance to hit and are more
target, shocking and 2 turns susceptible to air damage,
dealing air damage. but are resistant to earth.
Shocked and stunned targets
have a 15% chance to be
shocked, and if are shocked
again become stunned.
Can target some surfaces
and clouds to electrify them.
Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
Thunder Jump Jump from one target 80% chance to set 17.0m 3, Shocked targets have a lower 10 Intelligence
to the next, hitting a Shocked for 2 turns 5 (1) chance to hit and are more 3 Aerotheurge
maximum of 4 targets; susceptible to air damage,
shocking and dealing air but are resistant to earth.
damage. The caster Shocked and stunned targets
remains behind the have a 15% chance to be
final target struck. shocked, and if are shocked
again become stunned.
Caster will be moved behind
last target.
Cooldown for 1 turn at 15
Avatar of Make a target immune 100% chance to set 7.0m 4, Air Resistance: +25% 9 Intelligence
Storms to being Electrified and Avatar of Storms 6 (2) Cooldown for 2 turns at 15 2 Aerotheurge
Stunned. Melee for 3 turns Intelligence.
attackers may get
Lightning Bolt Fire and arc of 75% chance to set 17.0m 4, Shocked targets have a lower 10 Intelligence
electricity that Shocks Shocked status for 5 (1) chance to hit and are more 3 Aerotheurge
and deals air damage 2 turns susceptible to air damage,
and has a 100% chance but are resistant to earth.
to pierce through to Shocked and stunned targets
additional targets in the have a 15% chance to be
chosen line. shocked, and if are shocked
again become stunned.
Can target some surfaces
and clouds to electrify them.
Cooldown for 1 turn at 15
Teleportation Throw and item or 15.0m 5, Target can be moved up to 9 Intelligence
character up high and 10 (6) 17.0m away from its 2 Aerotheurge
drop it to the ground, position.
dealing crushing Select item of character first,
damage. then select its destination.
Cooldown for 6 turns at 15
Netherswap Make two character 17.0m 2, The second target can be 11 Intelligence
switch places. 5 (1) within 15.0m from the first. 4 Aerotheurge
Select two characters of
equal size. One of the
characters can be you.
Invisibility Touch a target, causing 100% chance to set 5.0m 3, When you are invisible, 10 Intelligence
their form to flicker for Invisible status for 3 8 (7) enemies cannot see you or
an instant before turns target you directly.
vanishing entirely. Attacks made while invisible
cannot miss.
Invisibility breaks when
casting, attacking, taking
damage, or when detected.
Cooldown for 7 turns at 15
Enervate Drain energy from all 130% chance to set Willpower 17.0m 4, Target Willpower: -1 11 Intelligence
within the target area, Enervate status for Range, 10 (6) Intelligence: -2 4 Aerotheurge
draining the Willpower 3 turns 6.0m Gain 1 Willpower and
and Intelligence of Radius Intelligence for each target
afflicted targets while successfully afflicted, up to 3.
gaining it for yourself. Cooldown for 6 turns at 15
Tornado Snakes through the 80% chance to set Willpower 17.0m 4, Cooldown for 6 turns at 15 12 Intelligence
battlefield to the Chilled status for 1 Range, 10 (6) Intelligence. 4 Aerotheurge
chosen destination. turns 2.0m
Chills, slows, and deals 80% chance to set Effect
crushing damage to Slowed for 2 turns Radius
enemies it contacts.
Leaves a trail of water
behind as it travels.
Chain Lightning Channel 3 shocking 75% chance to set 17.0m 4, Shocked targets have a lower 13 Intelligence
bursts of lightning to Shocked status for 7 (3) chance to hit and are more 5 Aerotheurge
arc across up to 5 2 turns susceptible to air damage,
targets in a 8.0m radius, but are resistant to earth.
dealing air damage to Shocked and stunned targets
each. have a 15% chance to be
shocked, and if are shocked
again become stunned.
Can target some surfaces
and clouds to electrify them.
Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
Headvice Create a powerful surge 100% chance to set Grit 17.0m 5, Attacks against blinded 10 Intelligence
of pressure within the Blinded status for 3 8 (4) characters cannot miss. 3 Aerotheurge
target’s head. Deals air turns Blinded characters cannot
damage and causes target others unless they’re
blindness. standing right next to them.
Blindness reduces a
Hyperacute character’s
chance to detect hidden
Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Summon Air Summon your level air 17.0m 5, Air elementals can cast a 10 Intelligence
Elemental elemental in a 17.0m 7 (4) forking lightning bolt spell 3 Aerotheurge
radius for 30s. and a feather drop
teleportation spell. Their
normal attack deals air
damage and has a chance of
stunning the target.
Duration 5 turns.
You can only have one
summon at a time.
Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Greater Imbue a target with 100% chance to set 14.0m 4, Greater invisibility has an 13 Intelligence
Invisibility Greater Invisibility. Invisible status for 3 8 (6) effect just as its predecessor, 5 Aerotheurge
turns but if you are visible as your
100% chance to set turn begins—or at any time
Greater Invisibility during your turn—and
for 3 turns Greater Invisibility’s duration
is not yet finished, the
invisibility is instantly
When you are invisible,
enemies cannot see you or
target you directly.
Attacks made while invisible
cannot miss.
Invisibility breaks when
casting, attacking, taking
damage, or when detected.
Cooldown for 6 turns at 15
Audacity Your vision burns red- 100% chance to set Self 4, AP cost reduction: -1 13 Intelligence
suddenly, you deserve Audacity for 3 turns 7 (3) AP costs cannot be reduced 5 Aerotheurge
everything; filled with below 1.
bold audacity, you gain Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
efficiency with all Intelligence.
Vengeance The very air around you 100% chance to set 10.0 5, Enemies within range are 13 Intelligence
crackles with power, Vengeance for 4 Radius 14(10) struck each round on your 5 Aerotheurge
bending to you whim as turns turn.
it lashes out against Cooldown for 10 turns at 15
your enemies, dealing Intelligence.
air damage and Burning
each round.
Storm Create a lightning storm 100% chance to set Willpower 17.0m 7, Storm duration: 2 turns. 13 Intelligence
that randomly picks 8 Stunned status for 1 Range, 14(10) Can electrify water surfaces. 5 Aerotheurge
to 10 targets and deals turns 10.0m Stunned makes target unable
air damage. Radius to move or act.
Cooldown for 10 turns at 15
Fortify Give yourself or 100% chance to set 14.0m 3, Armor Rating: +20 9 Intelligence
another target magical Fortified status for 8 (4) Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
armor. 5 turns Intelligence.

Bless Bless a target. Removes 3,

Curse and Fear.

Boulder Bash A boulder comes 17.0m 3, Cooldown for 1 turn at 13 9 Intelligence

crashing from the sky, Range, 4 (1) Intelligence. 2 Geomancer
dealing earth damage 1.0m
to anything within a Radius
1.0m range from
Earth Enchant self or ally with 17.0m 3, Absorbs up to 30% of your 9 Intelligence
Absorption an earth shield. An Range 6 (3) maximum vitality. 2 Geomancer
Shield earth shield absorbs Duration 3 turns.
earth damage until it
Nature’s Fury Launch a piercing, 100% chance to set Poison 14.0m 3, Cooldown for 1 turn at 13 9 Intelligence
poisonous lance in the Poisoned status for Resistance 4 (1) Intelligence.
chosen line, poisoning 2 turns
and dealing poison
damage to all enemies
in the chosen line.
Avatar Of Make a target immune 4,
Poison to being Poisoned.
Melee attackers may
get poisoned.
Fallow Drain the energy of 100% chance to set 14.0m 4, Zombie allies can be healed 10 Intelligence
your target to seal its Fallow for 1 turn 6 (2) by drained AP. 3 Geomancer
wounds. Drains up to 4 100% chance to An ally’s AP is only drained
AP from an ally, if it is heal an amount of enough to be fully healed.
available; each point of vitality Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
AP drained restores 4% Intelligence.
of the target’s
maximum vitality +2%
per Intelligence above
recommended. If cast
on an enemy, all stored
AP is drained and no
additional healing
Creeping Ooze Coat the target surface 100% chance to set 17.0m 4, Ooze Poisons characters and 8 Intelligence
with viscous, poisonous Creeping Ooze for 1 Range, 6(2) will explode when ignited.
Ooze that extends turn 2.0m Poisoned deals poison
under neighboring Radius damage over time. Poisoned
characters within 2.5m. targets lose 15% Poison
This expansion Resistance every turn, up to -
continues from target- 45%.
to-target. Cooldown for 2 turns at 13
Summon Spider Summon a spider of 12.0m 5, The spider’s fangs deal
your level in a 12.0m Range 6 (2) piercing damage and have a
radius for 30s. 10% chance to Poison its
target. It is very resistant to
poison attacks itself. The
spider has a special attack
that can weaken its victim. It
is immune to Blinding
Duration 5 turns.
You can only have one
summon at a time.
Cooldown for 2 turns at 13
Balance Conjure a poisonous 100% chance to set Grit 17.0m 3, Heals allies within 3.0m of 11 Intelligence
parasite within your Balance for 3 turns Range, 6 (2) the target. 4 Geomancer
target, who deals 100% chance to set 3.0m Additionally heals 3% of
poison damage, Poisoned status for Radius maximum vitality +1% per
poisons, and heals your 3 turns Intelligence above
nearby allies each turn. recommended.
Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
Petrifying Turn a nearby target 100% chance to set Willpower 5.0m 3, Petrified makes a target 12 Intelligence
Touch and enemies within Petrified status for Range, 6 (2) unable to move or act and 4 Geomancer
1.0m of it to stone, 2 turns 1.0m more susceptible to earth
dealing earth damage. Radius damage, but it becomes
Creates an oil surface resistant to air.
beneath the primary Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
target. Intelligence.
Blessed Earth Bless allies around you. 100% chance to set 14.0m 4, Blessed Damage increases 10 Intelligence
Blessed for 5 turns Radius 8 (5) damage by 15%. 3 Geomancer
100% chance to set Blessed improves chance to
Blessed Damage for hit by 30%.
5 turns Cooldown for 5 turns at 15
Erosion Water bubbles and 100% chance to set 10.0m 4, Grit: -2 13 Intelligence
seeps forth from the Erosion for 3 turns 9 (5) No saving Throw. 5 Geomancer
flesh and bone, Cooldown for 5 turns at 15
splintering away what Intelligence.
was once whole.
Thorn Cascade Conjure a cascade of 6 35% to set Poison 17.0m 4, Poisoned deals poison 10 Intelligence
poisonous, earthen Poisoned status for Resistance 5 (1) damage over time. Poisoned 3 Geomancer
thorns to lunge forward 3 turns targets lose 15% Poison
and strike your target, Resistance every turn, up to -
dealing earth damage 45%.
and Poisoning. Cooldown for 1 turn at 15
Tectonic Spray Conjure a subterranean 80% chance to set Willpower 7.0m 5, Petrified makes a target 13 Intelligence
beast to spew oil and Petrified status for Range, 11 (7) unable to move or act and 5 Geomancer
rock onto the 1 turn 52° more susceptible to earth
battlefield, dealing Cone damage, but it becomes
earth damage to all Angle resistant to air.
targets in the affected Cooldown for 7 turns at 15
cone. Creates an oil Intelligence.
surface. Has a chance
to petrify.
Summon Earth Summon an imposing 6, Earth elementals can cast a 4 Geomancer
Elemental Earth Elemental to fight 10 (6) double boulder bash. They
alongside you. deal earth damage and can
cripple their targets.
Duration 5 turns.
You can only have one
summon at a time.
Cooldown for 6 turns at 15
Deadly Spores Launch five poisonous 100% to set Poison 17.0m 4, Poisoned deals poison 13 Intelligence
spores that each deal Poisoned status for Resistance Range, 5 (2) damage over time. Can 5 Geomancer
poison damage to 3 turns 3.0m target terrain to create ooze
anything 3.0m from Radius surface.
impact. Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
Ruin Your opponent’s 100% to set Willpower 12.0m 5, Each successful save reduces 13 Intelligence
defenses crumble, Poisoned status for Grit Range, 9 (5) the effect. 5 Geomancer
reducing their non- 3 turns Poison 3.0m No turn-based saving throw.
physical resistances to a 120% to set Ruin Resistance Radius 80% of each non-physical
fraction of their former for 3 turns resistance above zero is
strength. Ruined removed if both saving
targets cannot be throws are failed; 50% if one
affected by another is successful, and only 25% if
Ruin. both are successful.
Cooldown for 5 turns at 15
Stone Curse A vicious curse that 130% to set Stone Willpower 17.0m 5, Movement: -10% 13 Intelligence
slowly turns a target to Curse for 3 turns 8 (4) AP Recovery: -2 5 Geomancer
stone from within, Slow effect doubles each
dealing earth damage turn.
and increasingly Petrifies for 2 turns and deals
hindering the afflicted double damage on successful
each turn before save or expiration.
eventual petrification. Cooldown for 4 turns at 15
Summon Toxic Conjure forth a 17.0m 5, The Ooze has a massive 5 Geomancer
Horror bubbling, poisonous 7 (5) amount of hit points, heals
ooze at target point to from poison, deals earth
do your bidding. damage, and can cast Poison
Ball once.
Its melee strikes have a 20%
chance of slowing down its
Duration 5 turns.
You can only have one
summon at a time.
Cooldown for 5 turns at 15
Maze Cast your target in an 100% to set Mazed 10.0m 7, No saving Throw. 13 Intelligence
extraplanar space for 5 turns 12 (8) Each round the target 5 Geomancer
consisting solely of one attempts to escape.
sprawling, complex Chance of escaping is up to
maze- removed from 50%, dependent on
Rivellon entirely. Intelligence.
Boss-creatures have double
chance to escape.
May only be cast in combat.
Cooldown for 8 turns at 15
Earthquake Rock the earth with 300% chance to set Grit 15.0m 9, Knockdown makes target 13 Intelligence
powerful tremors, Knocked Down 16(12) unable to move or act.
knocking down status for 1 turn Cooldown for 12 turns at 15
characters and spewing Intelligence.
oil out onto the
battlefield at random
locations. Deals earth
Decaying Touch Afflict the target with a 100% chance to set Willpower 7.0m 2, Decay makes healing spells 9 Intelligence
terrible decay; healing Decaying Touch 8 (4) and potions damage the 2 Witchcraft
magic only serves to status for 2 turns target for 1.5 times the
quicken the amount instead of healing.
decomposition. Percentile healing only deals
50% of its amount as
damage, and only 12.5%
against bosses.
Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
Lower Decreases all elemental 100% chance to set Grit 8.0m 2, Fire Resistance: -20% 9 Intelligence
Resistances resistances of enemies Lowered 6 (2) Water Resistance: -20% 2 Witchcraft
around you. Resistances for 2 Air Resistance: -20%
turns Earth Resistance: -20%
Poison Resistance: -20%
Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
Malediction Malediction weakens 100% to set Cursed Willpower 17.0m 2, Cursed lower a target’s 9 Intelligence
and curses an enemy. status for 3 turns Grit 5 (1) chance to hit by -30%. 2 Witchcraft
100% to set Weak lowers a target’s
Weakened status damage by -50% and
for 3 turns strength by -2.
Cooldown for 1 turn at 15
Curse of Cuts The unfortunate target 100% to set Curse Willpower 17.0m 3, Cursed lower a target’s 9 Intelligence
of this cruel hex finds of Cuts for 3 turns 3 (1) chance to hit by -30%. 2 Witchcraft
itself intermittently 100% to set Cursed Cooldown for 1 turn at 10
cursed and slashed by status for 1 turns Intelligence.
unseen forces, suffering
slashing damage every
Vampiric Touch Heal yourself with the 200% chance to 5.0m 3, Additionally heals 3% of 8 Intelligence
life force of someone heal an amount of 5 (1) maximum vitality +1% per
else. Damages the for vitality Intelligence above
piercing damage. recommended.
Cooldown for 1 turn at 15
Mute Rob your target of the 100% chance to set Willpower 18.0m 3, Mute prevents a character 9 Intelligence
ability to produce Muted status for 3 9 (5) from using any skills or 2 Witchcraft
sound, leaving them turns scrolls.
unable to perform Cooldown for 5 turns at 15
special skills. Intelligence.
Summon Summon an undead 12.0m 4, The soldier’s weak leather
Undead Barber of Seville at 6 (2) armor is worn and his axe is
Warrior target point to terrorize dull, but like all skeletons, he
your enemies’ hairlines. is immune to bleeding
attacks, he cannot be
poisoned and piercing
weapons only do 75%
damage. Has very low saving
throws against physical and
mental statuses. Has a
specials attack that can inflict
Duration 4 turns.
You can only have one
summon at a time.
Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
Resurrect Resurrect a dead ally to 17.0m 6, Can place resurrected ally at 2 Witchcraft
50% of its vitality at a 8 (5) up to 10.0m from their
location within 10.0m. position.
Cooldown for 5 turns at 15
Attenuate Conjure forth a ghostly 110% chance to set Grit 17.0m 2, Vitality cost: 20% 11 Intelligence
malady to haunt your Attenuation for 5 7 (3) Each passing turn adds new 4 Witchcraft
target, reducing turns effects:
Constitution by -1 and Turn 2: -20 Armor
dealing Rot damage Turn 3: -1 Grit
each turn. As time Turn 4: -1 Willpower, -2
continues to pass, the Intelligence
affliction gains in Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
severity. Intelligence.
Impalement Jagged spines of onyx 100% chance to set Grit 17.0m 2, Cooldown for 1 turn at 13 10 Intelligence
erupt from the earth Bleeding status for 4 (1) Intelligence. 3 Witchcraft
around you and your 3 turns
target, embedding
themselves into both.
Both are dealt piercing
damage while only the
target suffers Bleeding.
Banishment In banishing a 17.0m 2, Cooldown for 7 turns at 15 11 Intelligence
summoned creature, it 10 (7) Intelligence. 4 Witchcraft
is torn apart from
within, suffering
immense damage.
Oath Of Bestow a damage boost 100% chance to set 17.0m 3, Damage of target increases 10 Intelligence
Desecration upon an ally. Oath of Desecration 9 (5) by 40%. 3 Witchcraft
for 3 turns Cooldown for 5 turns at 15
Drain Tarnish a target’s 100% chance to set Willpower 17.0m 4, Successful saving throws still 12 Intelligence
Willpower presence of mind, Drain Willpower for 7 (3) incur -2 Willpower. 4 Witchcraft
reducing its Willpower 2 turns No turn-based saving throw.
by -4. Those who resist Decreased Willpower makes
the effect are still enemies more susceptible to
compromised to a some statuses.
lesser extent. Cooldown for 3 turns at 15
Despair Fill the target with an 100% chance to set Willpower 17.0m 4, Cooldown for 2 turns at 15 10 Intelligence
immense sense of Muted status for 3 Willpower 6 (2) Intelligence. 3 Witchcraft
hopelessness and turns Grit
despair, making it 100% to set
Mute, Slow, and Weak. Weakened status
for 3 turns
100% chance to set
Slowed status for 3
Summon Summon an armored 14.0m 5, The knight’s weapon has a 4 Witchcraft
Armored skeletal knight to 8 (5) 20% chance to knock down
Undead overpower your foes. its target and has a chance to
Decapitator crit. Most of his plate armor
is rusty, yet intact, and
arrows and daggers only do
half damage. Like all
skeletons, he is immune to
bleeding attacks, and he
cannot be poisoned. Has
medium saving throws
against physical and mental
statuses. Can taunt enemies.
Has the Attack Of
Opportunity ability.
Duration 5 turns.
You can only have one
summon at a time.
Cooldown for 5 turns at 15
Rapture Your target becomes 100% chance to set Willpower 17.0m 6, Charmed status temporarily 10 Intelligence
instantly enthralled by Charmed status for 6 (2) turns a target’s allegiance 3 Witchcraft
you, carrying out any 2 turns around. Charmed targets
desire unquestioningly. become enraged when the
Charm dissipates.
Cooldown for 2 turns at 15
Invulnerability Channel your inner 100% chance to set Self 2, All Resistances: +150% 13 Intelligence
divinity or exploit Invulnerable for 2 12 (8) All Maximum Resistances set 5 Witchcraft
source to achieve near- turns to 100% unless already
immortality; for the higher.
duration you cannot be Immune to Bleeding.
harmed by Cooldown for 8 turns at 15
conventional means. Intelligence.
Horrific Scream Your visage shifts and 125% chance to set Willpower 14.0m 6, Shaken characters have -2 11 Intelligence
elongates into Feared status for 2 9 (7) Initiative, -1 AP recovery, and
impossible features as turns -15% chance to hit.
you loose a terrifying, 100% chance to set Frightened characters can
otherworldly bellow; Shaken for 2 turns only panic during their turn,
striking fear into your and will either do nothing or
enemies. flee.
Cooldown for 7 turns at 15
Soulsap Extend a wicked finger 100% chance to set Willpower 17.0m 8, Each successful save reduces 13 Intelligence
at the unfortunate Soulsap for 2 turns Grit 14(10) the effect.
target; their very No turn-based saving throw.
essence seeps from Failing both saving throws
their body and escapes imposes -2 to all attributes, -
into the air, leaving 5 to Grit and Willpower, and
little more than a husk -50% to all resistances.
for the duration. Targets that succeed one
Soulsapped targets saving throw still suffer -1 to
cannot be affected by all attributes, -2 to Grit and
another Soulsap. Willpower, and -30% to all
Those who succeed both
suffer -1 to Grit and
Willpower, and -15% to all
Cooldown for 10 turns at 15
Finger of Death A burst of dull, sickly 100% chance to set Grit 17.0m 8, Depending on the target’s 13 Intelligence
green energy streaks Finger of Death for 10 (6) Constitution score, Finger of 5 Witchcraft
through the air at your 1 turn Death has a chance to inflict
target; its form 100% chance to set Disease, Decaying Touch, or
degenerates instantly, Soulsap for 2 turns instantly kill the target.
suffering Rot damage Boss-creatures can never be
and debilitating, if not instantly slain.
slaying, the unfortunate Cooldown for 6 turns at 15
foe. Intelligence.

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