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1. The offer to study in the university is an upskill task.

Students are interested and yet fail to

meet the requirements of the university and therefore are left in a difficult situation.
Therefore, the university has decided to meet their needs by proposing subjects that help
them secure a place in the university. However, along the course of studying the students
find that putting effort is a chore as their foundation has been one where too much studying
was a challenge. Once again, the university proceeds to introduce projects as a means to
help them excel in their studies. However again another problem arises as the good students
do the work leaving the others in the group to take advantage of the good students.

2. In your opinion give reasons that can be done to overcome the issue of students

i) who do not put effort.

Immediately take the lead

Be the one who has an assertive voice and takes charge.

The reason for this is not because you crave power or want to boss everyone around; rather, it
is so that you can ensure everyone pulls their weight and owns up to their responsibilities in the
project. If you don’t, the team will fall into disarray. If you take the lead, you can make sure no
one will have a free riding.

ii) the consequence of the students who eventually leave the university to work

working affects students' academic performance

iii) the quality of the workforce with the young who expect the system to meet their needs
rather than work towards the need of the company

About how much value to extract from workers but about how much value to instill in them.

3. A company runs a business and does dishonest auditing. Therefore, in doing the audit, they
fail to show records that are reflective of the company. They manipulate the accounts so that
they can make maximum profit

Describe in a few sentences this unethical move towards the progress of the company

4. Instagram, twitter, facebook and linked in are extensively used in this company that has
international clients. However, business is falling as they fail to communicate effectively.

Suggest strategies as well as plans to help this company make progress.

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