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Module 1

Jaffer AA Khan
WHAT Architecture?
A Product or Place making?
Professor Dr Jaffer AA Khan
Director VSPARC VIT Vellore
Principal JDS Architects Auckland New Zealand
What is Design ?
Concept Process

“Design is to design a
design to produce a
How do we Design?

“Design is organization
or design is composition,
and when we compose
we select ”
What is Composition ?

A musician composes a musical arrangement, selecting notes,

chords, passages and emphases…..

Similarly Designer/Architect selects lines, shapes, forms,textures,

values and colors.
Harmonious Unity…

Mondrian Composition
Chair by Gerrit Reitveld
Chair by Frank Gehry
Wassily Chair, Marcel Breuer
Experimental benches, Rem Koolhaus
Module 1
Jaffer AA Khan
Durian inspired Esplanade, Singapore James Stirling and Michael Wilford
Date Palm Canopy and the Louvre Abu Dhabi, Jean Nouvel
Desert rose - Mineral crystallization below the salt basin

Qatar National Museum, Jean Nouvel

The Thinker
Auguste Rodin

Port House Antwerp

Zaha Hadid
Aquatic Centre London
Zaha Hadid
Ground Zero Metro Station
Santiago Calatrava
Elytra Filament Pavilion, V&A Museum London
Achim Menges
Synchronized robots filament winding, University_of_Stuttgart
Material Synthesis, Physical and Computational Architecture, Achim
Guangzhou Opera, Zaha Hadid
The Sage, New Castle Upon Tyne, UK, Norman Foster
Bucky Fuller and his Dymaxion Car
Two mile dome over Manhattan- Bucky Fuller - 1960
The Centre Pompidou Paris 1971-77
The Nagakin Capsule Tower
Kisho Kurakawa 1970-72

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