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ifera-Research Proposal-2009.

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Owen G Glenn Building
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Private Bag 92019
Auckland, New Zealand

PhD Research Proposal

Entrepreneurial Succession: Intergenerational
Entrepreneurship in Family Business
Paul J. Woodfield, PhD Candidate
The University of Auckland Business School
12 Grafton Road
New Zealand
Ph: +6421809894
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RESEARCH AIMS AND OBJECTIVES .......................................................... 3
LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................... 4
Background ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Rationale ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Questions ................................................................................................................................................ 8
METHOD ......................................................................................................... 9
Philosophical Context Domain ............................................................................................................ 11
Methodical Content Domain................................................................................................................ 13
Methodical Clusters (Research Strategy) ........................................................................................... 13
Data Collection Techniques ............................................................................................................... 17
Data Analysis Techniques ................................................................................................................. 20
Research Contribution ......................................................................................................................... 21
ETHICAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................... 22
TIMELINE ...................................................................................................... 23
REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 24
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The aim of the proposed research is to examine how family businesses ensure that
entrepreneurial activity continues across generations. The intergenerational transfer
of the
vision and purpose of a family business and the extent this translates into
in subsequent generations will be critically examined.
Figure 1 will guide the research in terms of the overlapping constructs and the nexus
culminated in the intersection of entrepreneurship, family business, and succession.
Figure 1: Family business, entrepreneurship and succession nexus (Woodfield, 2008)
In each of the primary areas of interest (entrepreneurship, family business, and
succession), there is relatively extensive literature. The overlaps, however, are
disproportionate. The entrepreneurship/family business overlap (4) and the family
business/succession overlap (5) have been gaining ground in the literature, but the
Family Business
E/S overlap
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entrepreneurship/succession overlap (6) is not spoken for to any large extent, and
entrepreneurship/family business/succession nexus (7) is representative of
literature in the primary areas of interest, but the combination is virgin. The literature
will provide more background to these constructs and overlaps.
The review will be in three parts. First, a brief background of family business
second, some rationale to the gaps being investigated, third, questions that will be
The accepted influences of entrepreneurial businesses involve the initiative of an
individual(s) or a family that have a common goal and usually possess similar
values. In
the case of a family business the literature indicates that values are inherently similar
can be less of a stumbling block than building a team out of individuals with different
However, the influence of the founder or pioneer may determine how much they will
‘outsiders’ to be involved in the business (Kets de Vries, 1993), while Westhead and
Cowling (1998) state that family businesses can become retarded if the family’s
management is reluctant to raise external funds because it fears it will result in a loss
family control.
Although there are many positives in having a family business, there is evidence of
to the model. Lansberg (1999) identifies a common theme to be dreams not being
congruent between spouses, siblings and other family members. This can lead to
feelings that can bubble to the surface and present as resentment, bickering and
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regrets. Ownership statistics of family businesses from generation to generation also
identifies threats. The following table gives examples of reports that suggest there is
decline in family involvement from generation to generation. This poor scorecard for
businesses is a concern, and in essence disappointing given that the main threat to
business may be the family members.
Table 1: Family involvement
Source Finding
Smyrnios & Dana (2007) 70% of businesses surveyed are family businesses
with the larger proportion being first generation
(57%), subsequently halving in the second
generation (30%) and halving again to the third
generation (13%).
Ward, 1987, as cited in
Astrachan & Shanker (2003,
Approximately one-third of post-start-up family
businesses survive and reach the second
generation of ownership; 12% will still be viable into
the third generation, with 3% of all family
businesses operating at the fourth-generation level
and beyond
Kets de Vries (1993) About 3 out of 10 family businesses make it past the
first generation and only 1 in 10 make it through the
third generation.
The research will explore the body of emerging family research and extrapolate
findings in
succession research. Several articles have identified issues that arise when a
business is
transferred from a family business founder to the next generation. Brockhaus (1994)
clarified the need for further research into succession issues, particularly
succession, and the strategic planning and management of the process.
succession has been interpreted as the continuation of innovation and
behaviour from one generation to the next (Woodfield, 2007b). This can be
manifested in a
founder translating their vision through the succession process to the next
generation, with
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respect to the successors own vision for the future of the business. Brockhaus was
by Hoy & Verser (1994, p.19) who further emphasised the need for further research
into the
transfer of the “founder’s vision to other family members.” These insights were reflected
upon by Fletcher (2004, p.36) who observed that the “relationship, intercept or overlap
entrepreneurial and family domains in the context of small and/or family businesses is an
important, yet underdeveloped, area of research”.
Davis (1968) can be credited as being the first to bring into light “entrepreneurial
succession.” Davis takes the entrepreneur as an important person who not only has
ability to take risks and innovate, but sees that the newly formed organization is
successfully where the management function can be “transmitted” to others. It is no
Davis honed in on family businesses to study the problem of entrepreneurial
succession as
he viewed the extended family as “the most basic and stable unit of social organization
traditional society.” It is this combination of family business, entrepreneurship and
succession that brings us to the nexus of this study
The intersection between entrepreneurship and family business becomes interesting
viewed in the context of a succession process. One of the many challenges of any
is recreating its competitive advantage to overcome retardation or demise. One of
the key
concerns for family businesses is to retain the entrepreneurial spirit across
Entrepreneurship and vision become synonymous based on the creative and
aspects of each. According to Schwass (2005), the grooming of next generation
needs to be adopted as both a mindset and an objective that is implemented over
time. The
rationale is that families grow over time increasing the number of
stakeholders/owners and
changing market conditions require continual adaptation and renewal. The business
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needs to be developed and implemented and potentially altogether changed by
generations to provide growth and give a sense of ownership to the business
“The next generation leaders need to be seen and recognized as
entrepreneurs, in their own right, and as a really powerful engine for
business growth in the family business.” (Schwass, 2005, p.30)
Schwass (2005) broke down the family business into three archetypes. First, the
“ephemeral family business” is a single-generation business of a business that fails
early in
the second generation. An example would be a business that is centred on the
entrepreneur and lacks a transition from an “individualistic” business to a
“collective” family
business - in other words, a business that lacks sustainable, value-based vision.
there is the “preserving family business” which lasts several generations but suffers
retarded, or indeed no growth. There are many examples of this phenomenon in
farms and
vineyards. Third, and most relevant to this research, is the “entrepreneurial family
business”. Unlike the aforementioned family businesses, the entrepreneurial family
business has more complexity due to an underlying vision that family members
benefit from
keeping the business together. Schwass describes the entrepreneurial family
archetype as “[an] answer to those critics who see no future for family businesses.”
Entrepreneurship literature tends to focus on business start-up and neglects the
that the entrepreneur inevitably faces retirement and needs to transfer the business
to a
successor. There is a need in the literature for an understanding of the complex and
dynamic nature of an active “entrepreneurial family business succession” (Woodfield,
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2007a). Equally there is a need to understand the changes in the founder, the family
the business itself over time (Handler, 1994). In summary, family businesses are
unique, at
times idiosyncratic, and possess unique succession processes. While there is a body
literature on succession issues, as outlined earlier, there is a lack of integration of
business and entrepreneurial endeavour in the research literature. From Davis’
studies we
learn that family businesses have a “positive impetus to entrepreneurial activity.” Davis
does point out, however, that there can be a problem when “social function” takes
over from
“economic profit,” or, putting it differently “enterprise stability” and “perpetuity” which
lead to conflict with “new economic goals of sustained investment and expansion.” Family
business research will be strengthened by further analysis and discussion.
The proposed research will contribute at both the theoretical and empirical levels to
enhanced understanding of the linkages between family businesses and the
activity across generations. The main reason for choosing aspects of family
businesses to
observe is that a majority of independent businesses are family owned (Westhead &
Cowling, 1998). The questions in Table 2 have been raised as a result of notable
gaps in
the literature relating to family business.
Table 2: Research questions versus form of questioning
Question Form of questioning
Are business founders finding a suitable
successor(s) from within their family?
If yes, how and why?
If no, how so and why?
Have alternative exit strategies taken precedence
over maintaining a family legacy?
How? Why?
Have family members neglected to capture the
founder’s vision?
Is the founders’ vision and purpose important to next
generation successors?
If yes, how and why?
If no, why?
How do family businesses ensure entrepreneurial How?
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activity continues across generations?
How does entrepreneurship succeed from one
generation to the next?
Do the second and third generations have more
entrepreneurial vision than the founding generation?
If yes, how and why?
If no, why?
Are there potential threats to the current leaders if
incumbent generations are more entrepreneurial?
If yes, how and why?
If no, why?
How can we learn from the positive experiences of
existing family businesses that have gone through
the succession process?
These questions all possess a lean toward a family business succession inquiry.
from the final question, the focus of the questions is on vision, purpose and
entrepreneurship and the importance of each. The final question emphasises the
one may take in learning about the succession process. A review of the literature
emphasises problems, conflict and issues in family businesses, rarely reviewing the
appreciative and positive aspects of family business.
The research process, will be framed using the canonical development approach
by Hindle (2004). This approach is compared with the research process presented
Denzin and Lincoln (2005a), which is well known in qualitative research and provides
good foundation to measure the sustainability of developmental canonical research
First of all, Figure 2 illustrates Hindles’ framework for selecting qualitative methods
specifically in the entrepreneurship field. In a less diagrammatic way, Denzin and
(2005a) use ‘phases’ to define the process of qualitative research. This contrasts
Hindle’s approach whose framework is broken down into ‘domains’. Hindles’
(research question, philosophical context, and methodical content domains) provide
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framework for discussing the chosen area of research, the relevance of qualitative
research, and the chosen research methodology.
Figure 2: A canonical development framework for choosing qualitative research
methods (Source: Hindle, 2004)
Table 3 compares the two processes (or frameworks) using Denzin and Lincoln as
control process. In Figure 2 the ‘research question domain’ is central to the
framework – or
as Hindle (2004, p.590) states “has centrality and primacy and is the heart of the matter”.
When compared, Hindle’s model fits with the Denzin and Lincoln model only in that
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‘research question domain’ is identified in the first and fifth phases. This is due to the
relationship the research question has with ‘established research’ and ‘new
Table 3: Denzin and Lincolns phases versus Hindle’s domains
Phase Denzin and Lincoln Hindle
1 The researcher as a
multicultural subject
The research question
domain (the established
research canon)
2 Theoretical paradigms and
The philosophical
context domain
3 Research strategies The methodical content
domain (methodical
4 Methods of collection and
The methodical content
domain (data collection,
data analysis techniques)
5 The art, practices, and
politics of interpretation
and evaluation
The research question
domain (research new
Philosophical Context Domain
Philosophically the research will be interpretivist. A qualitative approach is well suited
family business and entrepreneurship research at a paradigmatic and
methodological level.
Hindle (2004) suggests that there has been an explosion of qualitative research in
social sciences but “demonstrably underrepresented” in entrepreneurship research. This
sentiment can also be related to family business research. Hindle’s approach is an
to the urgent need for a greater use of qualitative methods in entrepreneurship
The lack of qualitative methods in entrepreneurship research is demonstrated by a
carried out by Low and MacMillan (1988), where they stated that “there has been
disappointingly slow progress in research that addresses issues of causality, perhaps
reflecting the elusiveness of the entrepreneurial phenomenon”. Low and MacMillan
suggested that the “model research and future challenges” of entrepreneurship research
would be methodology which is “theory driven, a priori hypotheses, multiple methods and
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explanatory”. Conversely they suggested that methodology in past research has been
studies, cross sectional surveys, single method, descriptive”.
Qualitative research emphasises interpretive perspectives where the research is
as being bricoleur, that is, learning how to borrow from different disciplines. Other
given to the qualitative researcher are that they are a ‘maker of quilts’, a ‘filmmaker
person assembles images into ‘montages’ (Denzin & Lincoln, 2005b). In contrast,
quantitative research holds the positivist worldview of facts, figures and
measurements and
is objective rather than subjective in approach. It is fair to add that some objectivity
may be
presumed in qualitative research, although there is a propensity for the researcher to
more involved with the subject, providing a lack of objectivity.
Entrepreneurial succession is a dynamic process and requires an interpretive inquiry
reveal the depth in such a process. As outlined in Figure 1, there are overlapping
intersections to be explored that borrow from other disciplines including
entrepreneurship/family business, family business/succession, and
entrepreneurship/succession. A major part of the inquiry is the manner in which the
research will be conducted. As mentioned earlier, the literature and tradition
problems, conflicts and issues in family businesses being researched as opposed to
inquiries into what is going well. This has led to the chosen mode of inquiry being an
“appreciative inquiry”. Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a forward-thinking process for the
evaluation of organisations. The assumption is made that every organisation has
and areas that work well, and that positive change can be created in an organisation
through this form of inquiry (Cooperrider, Whitney, & Stavros, 2003). In the
content domain” the strategies to be used in the inquiry will be discussed.
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Methodical Content Domain
Methodical Clusters (Research Strategy)
The choice of research strategy has been centered on the form of the research
question. At
this point, the working title “Entrepreneurial Succession: Intergenerational
in Family Business” is not in the form of a question. The questions outlined earlier do,
however, recognize what is being investigated and provide enough information to
an applicable strategy. These questions beg answers to the ‘how, why’ form of
Yin (2003) provides a table of relevant situations for the various research strategies
available. There are three prominent strategies that answer ‘how and why’ questions.
are experiment, history and case study (Table 4).
Table 4: Relevant situations for different research strategies (Source: Yin, 2003, p.5)
However, only two of the strategies are options for qualitative research and require
control of behavioural events - history and case study. The other important factor is
history and case study have differing foci when it comes to contemporary events. It is
logical that history does not concentrate on contemporary events. Case studies as a
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research strategy can be in part reflective of historic events while predominantly
concentrating on contemporary events. Merriam (1998) suggests that the elements
historical research and case study often merge. Yin (1994, p.8) suggests that “each
study relies on many of the same techniques as history, but it adds two sources of evidence
not usually included in the historians repertoire: direct observation and systematic
interviewing”. In summary, the chosen strategies for researching “Entrepreneurial
Succession: Intergenerational Entrepreneurship in Family Business” are both the case
study approach and historical approach.
Case Study
Eisenhardt (1989, p.534) defined case study “as a research strategy that focuses on the
dynamics present within a single setting”. According to Eisenhardt there are three ways
case studies could be used to accomplish the researcher’s aims - case studies
description whilst testing and/or generating theory. The proposed research using
studies will provide description and potentially generate specific theory. Objectivity,
however, may be reduced with the researcher having a background in family
business and
entrepreneurship research and experience. This reflexivity will be clearly outlined to
an understanding of the researchers’ personal background, values and beliefs that
influence the research conclusions. Any attempt to build a theory from a clean slate
be tainted by this knowledge and bias. Testing theory is another option, however, it
be difficult to test a theory with the constructs being used. This is mainly because the
research that brings family business and entrepreneurship together is relatively
and lacking. When this is considered with succession and the intergenerational
transfer of a
business, there is need for further description of this scenario rather than applying a
which would demonstrate putting a square peg in a round hole.
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There are contrasting views regarding the approach for case study research. There
argument about whether multiple or single case studies are appropriate for creating
theory. On one side, Eisenhardt (1989) took the stance that “while there is no ideal
of cases, a number between 4 and 10 usually works well”. On the other hand, this is
challenged with a critique by Dyer and Wilkins (1991) who had a view that single in-
case studies can have more validity than multiple case studies. The essential
argument is
that Eisenhardt’s method focuses on “surface data rather than deeper social dynamics,”
(Dyer & Wilkins, 1991, p.615). The argument carried on with an answer by
(1991) who conceded some of Dyer and Wilkin’s critique but equally took resolve in
original stance that multiple case studies provided a good theoretical base for
In addition to the ‘number of cases’ debate, there needs to be a determination of
the phenomenon being studied is sufficiently bounded. Merriam (1998) suggests that
boundedness can be assessed by establishing how finite the data collection would
Merriam goes on to add that there would need to be a limit to the number of people
involved, whether through observation, interview or focus groups. The limitation or
boundedness of the proposed research would be confined to the chosen family
Another consideration is the industry in which the research will be situated. Family
businesses are prevalent in most industries, especially those in the horticultural
viticulture) and agricultural industries. The current research will concentrate on the
industry because of its diversity and its natural cross over into so many industries
(manufacturing, fabrication, service, distribution).
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In summary, there are some issues surrounding case study research and emphasise
importance of a good research design to validate the data, whether for building
testing theory or providing description. For research into “Entrepreneurial Succession:
Intergenerational Entrepreneurship in Family Business”, three case sites will be chosen
the wine industry. The rationale being that good depth can be accomplished with a
concentration of cases without relying on one case to provide all of the insights (see
Research Design).
In support of the case study strategy, it has been resolved that history plays an
role in supporting the contemporary focus that case studies represent. It is
necessary to
explore the history of the family and the previous relationships and intergenerational
transfers (if any), to crystallize what issues, dilemmas or crisis occurred, and make
sense of
History was defined by Collingwood (1976) to be an attempt to reconstruct rationality
through a narrative based on identified primary documentary sources. Hindle (2004)
recognized historical research as providing good illumination and understanding of
phenomena within the field of entrepreneurship. Historical research was observed
respect to both the psychological complexities and the circumstantial complexities of
range of time-construed environments (Hindle, 2004). When this is applied to the
presented, the psychological complexities will be the founder’s vision and
fervour; alongside the circumstantial complexities as a result of needing to find an
appropriate successor(s); in a time-construed environment such as a generation.
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The proposed study will consist of three site case studies from which the researcher
gathers qualitative data for interpretation and analysis. The research issues will
from the literature and will be interpreted through a sensemaking focus of inquiry
(elaborated on under ‘Data Collection Techniques’) during observation, interviews
focus groups. There will be continual interaction between the literature and field
Data Collection Techniques
Case study data can come from a variety of sources. Stake (1995) identified six
from which qualitative research data are collected for case studies. First, the nature
of the
case, particularly its activity and functioning, second, its historical background, third,
physical setting, fourth, other contexts, such as economic, political, legal, and
fifth, other cases through which the case is recognized; and sixth, those informants
whom the case can be known. In the present study the methods of extracting data
these sources will comprise of in-depth interviews, focus groups and observation.
the social unit being studied is a family business, it is considered that there is
evidence to assume the study will be sufficiently bounded, as outlined earlier.
An analogy that best encapsulates the richness of qualitative research data
collection is the
term crystallization. Richardson (1998, p.358) explained that the crystal “combines
symmetry and substance with the infinite variety of shapes, substances, transmutations,
multidimensionalities, and angles of approach. Crystals grow, change, alter, but are not
amorphous” (lacking definite form). With recognition of this perspective “sensemaking”
be employed as a perspective or focus of inquiry, as data collection proceeds. Weick
(1995a) described sensemaking as a concept as opposed to a theory and identified
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central questions of a person interested in sensemaking as being “how they [people]
construct what they [people] construct, why, and with what effects”. Sensemaking, is
“making something sensible” (Weick, 1995a, p.16). Table 5 presents some of the
characteristics that will assist with the focus of inquiry.
Table 5: Characteristics of ambiguous, Changing Situations (Source: An abbreviated
version of McCaskey (1982). The Executive Challenge: Managing change and
ambiguity. As cited in Weick (1995a, p.93))
Characteristic Description and Comments Current research
Multiple, conflicting
For those data that do exist, players
develop multiple, and sometimes
conflicting interpretations. The facts
and their significance can be read
several different ways.
between founder,
next generation, and
Different value
Without objective criteria, players rely
more on personal and/or professional
values to make sense of the situation.
The clash of different values often
politically and emotionally changes the
Differing values
between founder
and successive
Roles are vague,
responsibilities are
Players do not have a clearly defined
set of activities they are expected to
perform. On important issues, the
locus of decision making and other
responsibilities is vague or in dispute.
Family and business
roles cross over and
can be a source of
Participation in
Who the key decision makers and
influence holders are changes as
players enter and leave the decision
During the
succession process
there will be a shift
in influence.
Interviews are an important source of case study information. Yin (2003) identifies
two jobs
that need to be carried out in the interview process. First, there is a need to follow a
line of
inquiry – in this case an “appreciative inquiry”, second, ask the actual questions in an
unbiased manner serving the needs of the line of inquiry. The questions in the
will be open-ended and encourage unsolicited discussion. The strengths of data
through interviews is that it focuses directly on the case study topic and is insightful,
however, the downside is that, unless the questions are well constructed, there could
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bias, or inaccuracies due to poor recall, or simply the interviewee gives the
interviewer what
he/she wants to hear (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2001, p.271; Yin, 2003, p.86).
data will also be gathered through the interview process, particularly for finding out
founder(s) and business(es) history. The interviews are carried out with key people
in the
business such as the founder or potential successors. The interviews will make the
contribution to the study.
Focus groups
Focus groups are an efficient way of gathering information in a short amount of time
because of their synergistic nature and the fact that they capitalize on group
(Kamberelis & Dimitriadis, 2005). The questions proposed in a focus group are
important in
acquiring feedback about the business being studied and involve those in lower
positions in
the organisation. The focus groups will provide an objective non-family view of the
and will be used to correlate data provided through the interviews.
Sensemaking, (Weick, 1995b) provides distinctive interpretation, allowing
examination and
interpretation beyond empirical data, whilst identifying underlying structures and
mechanisms. Field notes will be important to capture the essence of what is being
observed. This means writing down whatever impressions occur, which is more
reactive, as
opposed to sifting through what may seem to be important. It can be difficult to know
whether what is being observed is useful or not in the future (Eisenhardt, 1989). The
strengths of data collection through observation is that it covers events in real time
captures the context of an event, however, the downside is that observation is time
consuming and events may proceed differently because it is being observed (Yin,
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p.86). There will be less emphasis on observation as a strategy, however, it will play
a role
in the study.
Documentation and archival evidence
Documentation can span a long span of time and is useful for obtaining historical
data that
may not be otherwise accessible through observation or interviews. One weakness
documentation and archival evidence is that there tends to be a bias towards that of
author and access can sometimes be a problem due to privacy reasons. However,
documentation such as annual reports will provide secondary data on the growth of
business and its fiscal standing. Archival evidence such as history books and
articles can provide a significant part of the study storyline from the perspective on
Data Analysis Techniques
Qualitative data analysis follows three steps once the data is gathered. There is data
reduction (selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, transforming) data display
(organized, compressed), and conclusion drawing/verification (noting irregularities,
patterns, explanations, possible configurations, propositions) (Miles & Huberman,
Hindle (2004, p.594) identifies data analysis techniques as “methods for analyzing data
irrespective of either the methodical cluster within which the technique is applied or the
methods used to collect the data”. With this in mind, data will follow a process of
transcription, coding, analysis and presentation of results.
The process will include collecting data (observation, interviews, etc.) which will be
(reduced) and then presented as an integrative diagram (organized), drawing out
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and concepts (patterns). The relationship between the themes will be identified and
into a thematic conceptual matrix (Miles & Huberman, 1994, p.131-132). Each data
collection method can benefit from content analysis, and either manual or computer
assisted codification (for example NVivo).
Research Contribution
The foreseeable contributions of this research are:
The overlap of the constructs is demonstrated as an indicitive estimate of how
the overlaps are in the literature (Table 6).
Table 6: Construct establishment in literature
Entrepreneurship (E)
Family business (F) 3
Succession (S) 2 4
Wine industry (W) 2 3 3
1 = Less established in literature
5 = More established in literature
(Combination EFSW = 1)
It is clear that there is a contribution to be made when researching entrepreneurship
family business and succession. The output of this research will be targeting the
Business Review; Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice; Journal of Business
Journal of Small Business Management; Academy of Management Journal. There
some industry related journals such as the International Journal of Wine Business
Research that will also be targeted.
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The practical contributions include:
• Providing a framework for sustainable family business
• Further research into the area of family businesses and the entrepreneurship and
succession overlaps
• Recommendations into succession and estate planning
• Understanding the dynamics of an entrepreneurial family business
Interviews are insightful for the data collection process. However, there is a
downside when
it comes to researcher bias and inaccuracies due to poor recall. Interviews and focus
groups have a similar process of consent, although there is a different dynamic when
process is facilitated. The consent will be formalized through a written agreement
the boundaries and extent of the permission to interview people. I would also get
for audio and/or video recording of participants.
The research into family businesses will be carried out based on four guidelines
2005). First, informed consent from subjects who must voluntarily agree to participate
based on full and open information; second, a basic moral principle is that deception
misrepresentation are no longer credible means to extract information from
third, privacy and confidentiality needs to be respected, however, privacy protection
can be
meaningless if “there is no consensus or unanimity on what is public and private”, (Punch,
1994, p.94 as cited in Christians, 2005); fourth, there needs to be an assurance that
data is
accurate without fabrications, fraudulent materials and omissions. As it stands, these
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guidelines are just as applicable to observation techniques and the collection of data
documentation and archival evidence. For example, on site observation tends to be
interpretive with no script, and relies on data captured by way of field notes and
diary notes. This is where accuracy can be an issue especially as real time events
are not
noted immediately. An example for documentation and archival evidence would be
need to adhere to copyright and issues to do with ‘what is public and what is private’.
minutiae of ethical requirements including consent forms, participant information
and schedule of questions will be addressed in the ethics proposal.
Activity Words Duration (Months)
Full proposal 7000 3 Months
Literature review 20,000 6 months
Methodology 15,000 6 months
Data gathering 12 months (overlapping
with methodology)
Data analysis 20,000 8 months
Conclusion and
15,000 4 months
Introduction 5,000 2 months
Amendments and
2 months
Total (excl. proposal) 75,000 (approx. 190 pages) 36 months (3 years)
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