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Approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/ verb, noun.

to come near or nearer to We could just see the train approaching in

something or someone the distance.
in space, time, quality, If you look out of the window on the left,
or amount: you'll see that we're now approaching the
Eiffel Tower.
I see it's approaching lunchtime, so let's
take a break.
In my opinion, no
other composers even begin to
approach (= come near
in quality to) Mozart.
The total amount raised so far is
approaching (= almost) $1,000.
He's very active for a man approaching
80 (= who is almost 80 years old).

Slow down as you approach the corner.

( giảm tốc độ của bạn khi đến gần góc)
With exams approaching, it's a
good idea to review your class notes.( khi
khí thi đến, các bạn nên xem lại những lưu

 verb (DEAL WITH)  We really ought to approach

the problem in a
more scientific manner.
to deal with something:
 He approached the task in a
very mature and systematic way.
 It's difficult to know how to
approach such a complex situation.
 The
new boss approaches staff discipline m
uch more strictly.
 My two children have very
different ways of approaching things.
I'm not sure how to approach the problem.
 verb (COMMUNICATE) Be careful how you approach her - she's
very temperamental.
  He was in a snit this morning and I
[ T  ]
didn't dare approach him.
to speak to, write to,
We've just approached
or visit someone in order to the bank for/about a loan.
do something such as make
a request or business agree

a way of doing something:

an approach to sth Their positive approach
to absence management played a large part in helping the organization retu
rn to profitability.
a cautious/hands-on/practical approach He is respected for his hands-
on approach in recruiting and a tireless work ethic.
approaches They changed their marketing approaches
to include the principles and practices of green marketing.
an act of communicating with
another person or group in order to ask for something:
The company said it has already had several approaches that "may or may
not lead to an offer".
receive an approach He had received a very attractive job approach
to become group chief executive of a major company.
a bid/takeover approach He confirmed that
the firm had received takeover approaches from rival investment banks.
the closest/nearest approach to sth
the most similar thing to something else that is mentioned:
That's the nearest approach to an apology you're going to get from Paula.

Appropriate (adj) appropriately  (adverb) appropriateness  (noun)


suitable or right for Is this film appropriate for small children?
a particular situation or occa I didn't think his comments were very
sion: appropriate at the time.
Opposite Please complete the appropriate parts of
inappropriate this form (= the parts that
are right or necessary for your particular s
ituation) and return it as soon as possible.
 verb [T] (TAKE) He lost his job when he was found to have
appropriated some of the
company's money.
 to take something
for your own use, usually
without permission:

to take something from As the empire expanded,

a culture and use it they eagerly appropriated
as part of your own: the artistic styles of neigbouring provinces.
( đế chế bành trướng, họ ráo riết chiếm
đoạt phong cách nghệ thuật của các tỉnh
mới thành lập.)
verb [T] (KEEP MONEY) The government have appropriated
millions of pounds for the project.
to keep an amount of money 
to use for
a particular purpose:

suitable or right for people of a particular age:
age-appropriate clothing
Is this movie age-appropriate for my child?
of a suitable age:
The actors all look age-appropriate for their characters.


to discover the exact size or  "Will the table fit in here?" "I don't know -

amount of something:
let's measure it."
This machine measures your heart rate.
(noun) size (chiếc máy này đo nhịp tim của bạn)
He measured the flour into the bowl.
( anh ấy đong bột mì bằng bát)
(JUDGE) There is no way of measuring
the damage done to morale.
C2 to judge the quality, effect ( không có cách nào để đo lường mức độ tổn thương
, importance, or value of của tinh thần)
a way of judging something:
Record sales are not
always a measure of a
singer's popularity.
Không phải lúc nào doanh thu bán đĩa
cũng là thước đo độ nổi tiếng của một ca

noun (METHOD) The
new tax would force companies t
 B2 [ C  usually plural  ]
o adopt energy-saving measures.
a way of achieving something, or
 These measures
a method for dealing with
are designed to reduce pollution.
a situation:
[ + to infinitive  ] Emergency
measures to help the refugees are 
badly needed.( những biện pháp
khẩn cấp để giúp đỡ những người tị
nạn là rât cần thiết)
C2 [ C  or U  ] formal There
amount: was a large measure of agreement 
between the candidates. ( ứng cử
His success was in some
measure due to his being in
the right place at the right time.
(Thành công của anh ấy ở một khía cạnh nào đó
là do anh ấy ở đúng nơi, đúng lúc.)
C2 [ C  ] One unit of alcohol is equal to half a 
an exact amount, especially of alc pint of beer or a standard measure
ohol: of spirits.
The pole was a measure used
for land in the past. ( cây sào là
thước đo dung cho đất gày xưa)
measure sb/sth against sb/sth— phrasal verb 
to judge someone or something by him, her, or it against someone or
something else:
She measured the shoe against the footprint, but it was smaller.
measure sth out
to weigh or measure a small amount of something from
a larger amount of something:
(để cân hoặc đo một lượng nhỏ của một thứ gì đó từ một lượng lớn
Measure out 250 grams of flour and sift it into a large mixing bowl.
Đong 250 gram bột mì và rây vào một bát trộn lớn.

measure up
to be good enough, or as good as someone or something else:
She could never measure up to her mother's expectations.

measure sb/sth up
to discover what size someone or something is by measuring him,
her, or it

have the measure of sb/sth (idiom)

to understand what someone or something is like and to know how
to deal with him, her, or it:
I don't think she's under any illusions about her husband - she has the
measure of him.

Laborious laboriously
needing a lot of time and effort: a laborious task
plural apparatuses
Apparatus (noun)

 noun (EQUIPMENT) he divers checked their breathing ap
[ U  or C  ]

a set of equipment or tools or
a machine that is used for
a particular purpose:

noun (ORGANIZATION) The whole apparatus
of communism was
 [ C  usually singular  ] already falling apart.
an organization or system, especi
ally a political one:

Incandescent (adj)
Incandescence (noun )[ U  ] US 
At night, Los Angeles looked like
/ˌɪn·kənˈdes·əns/ a vast carpet of incandescence.

adjective (LIGHT) an incandescent lamp

producing a bright light from
a heated filament or other part:
extremely bright: The mountain's snow-
white peak was incandescent
against the blue sky.
 adjective (QUALITY) He was incandescent with rage.
 showing extreme anger or happine ( anh ấy nóng nẩy với cơn thịnh nộ)
ss: Her beauty had an
incandescent quality to it.

extremely good, special, or skilled: an
incandescent performance/career

emblematically (adverb)
Emblematic (adj)

representing a particular person, gr A sword is
oup, or idea: emblematic of power gained by vio
(US also envision)
Envisage verb [ T  ] formal envisaged
/ɪnˈvɪz.ɪdʒ/  envisaging

C1 Train fare increases of
to imagine or expect something in 15 percent are envisaged for the
the future, especially something next year.
[ + that  ] It's
envisaged that building will start at
the end of this year.
[ + -ing verb  ] When do you
envisage finishing the project?
[ + question word  ] It's hard to
envisage how it might happen.

to form a mental picture of He wasn't what I'd expected - I'd

something or someone you have envisaged someone much taller.
never seen:

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