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Pedigo 1

Naomi Pedigo

Mrs. Briola

AP Lang

8 August 2021

Science is Leading America in the Right Direction

Throughout the past decades, science has been very helpful for Americans and the

things that make up America. Science is a very controversial subject when it comes to if it has

helped society in a positive or negative way. There are multiple factors that could support both

of those opinions. Overall, a majority of the population believes that science is leading America

in the right direction.

One of the biggest reasons why people believe that science is leading America in the

right direction is because of the technology it has created. Without this technology, peoples’

everyday lives would be changed dramatically. Mobile devices have advanced to where people

can contact someone on the other side of the world in a few clicks. Without science, this would

not be possible . Another way that science has helped technology is by allowing cars,

appliances, and everyday household things to be more reachable and easier to use. For

example, cars can now travel farther and faster. This has helped America and the population to

be able to do more things that were not possible before.

Another example of how science is leading America in the right direction is medicine

and medical discoveries. Over the years there have been many medicines that have been found

and have helped sick people get better. An example is the Covid-19 vaccine. Without this
vaccine, many peoples’ lives would be gone or harmed. Science is always evolving, so it will not

be surprising if even more discoveries are made.

Many people believe that science is leading America in the wrong direction. One point

that those people usually make is that scientists can hide something very dangerous from us,

and they believe that the thing they are hiding will end all life. If you look at it in a statistics

standpoint, science has helped America and human life way more than it has harmed it. Of

course, like everything, there is danger to science.

Overall, science has helped America and human life and will keep leading it in the right

direction. There are so many things that need resolved, and science has the potential to help.

Without science, Americans would be in a very bad place and would not have half the

knowledge it has now. Science is a very important factor in America and human life.

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