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9/2/2021 2nd September Geography PRACTICE TEST CLASS 10

2nd September Geography PRACTICE


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Quiz Questions
All Questions are compulsory.

4. Q.1. The features of the Indian Monsoon are * 1 point

Mark only one oval.




Heavy in most places 1/10
9/2/2021 2nd September Geography PRACTICE TEST CLASS 10

5. Q.2. The trade winds that bring rain in the monsoon season is * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

North Westerlies

Southeast trades

North easterlies

Southwest trades

6. Q.3. The northern plains are known as * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Ganga plains

Granary of India

Great plains

All of the above

7. Q 4. The Deccan plateau is very hot from March to October * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Closenessto the equator

High rainfall received

Apparent migration of the Sun

None of the above

8. Q.5. They are dust storms with heavy rain important for jute * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Mango showers

Cherry blossom

Kal Baisakhi

Bardolicheerha 2/10
9/2/2021 2nd September Geography PRACTICE TEST CLASS 10

9. Q.6. it first traverses the delta of the Ganga and Brahmaputra and then 1 point

reaches Meghalaya *

Mark only one oval.

Western disturbances

Cherry blossom

North east trade winds

Arabian sea branch

Bay of Bengal branch

10. Q.7. Choose the correct sequence * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Varanasi,Delhi, Bengal, Patna

Patna,Delhi ,Varanasi, Bengal

Delhi ,Bengal ,Patna ,Varanasi

Bengal ,Patna, Varanasi ,Delhi

11. Q.8. region of moderate rainfall (100-200cms) * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Western Rajasthan

Madhya Pradesh

Jammu Kashmir

Ladakh 3/10
9/2/2021 2nd September Geography PRACTICE TEST CLASS 10

12. Q.9. what helps to bring the monsoon in India * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Maritime climate

Continental climate

Differential rate of heating of land and sea

Tropical depressions

13. Q.10. cold desert of India is * 1 point

Mark only one oval.





14. Q.11. the most abundant soil found in India is * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Black soil

Red soil

Alluvial soil

Desert soil

15. Q.12. It is found along the narrow strips * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Outland alluvium

Deltaic alluvium

Coastal alluvium

Inland alluvium 4/10
9/2/2021 2nd September Geography PRACTICE TEST CLASS 10

16. Q.13. it is deficient in nitrogen, phosphoric acid and humus * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Black soil

Alluvial soil

Red soil

Laterite soil

17. Q.14. Formed by the basaltic sheets * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Regur soil

Alluvial soil

Red soil

Laterite soil

18. Q.15. cashew nuts and tapioca grow well on it * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Regur soil

Alluvial soil

Red soil

Laterite soil

19. Q.16. water gushes down the distinct path or channels * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Sheet erosion

Gully erosion

Rill erosion

Stream Bank erosion 5/10
9/2/2021 2nd September Geography PRACTICE TEST CLASS 10

20. Q.17. the Restoration of soil fertility is also known as * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Soil conservation

Soil erosion


Fertility of the soil

21. Q.18. the practice of planting different crops on the same plot with 1 point

legumes *

Mark only one oval.

Multiple cropping

Contour ploughing

Terrace farming

Crop rotation

22. Q.19. cultivable land left for a period without being cultivated * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Shallow land

In fertile land

Fallow land

Badland 6/10
9/2/2021 2nd September Geography PRACTICE TEST CLASS 10

23. Q.20. a system of cultivation where cropping is carried on temporarily for 1 point

few years *

Mark only one oval.

Mixed farming

Multiple farming

Contour ploughing

Shifting farming

24. Q.21. the trees are tall with broad leaves and hardwood * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Tropical evergreen

Tropical monsoon

Tropical Forest

Tidal forest

25. Q.22. These trees are found in pure stands * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Tropical evergreen

Tropical monsoon

Tropical Forest

Tidal forest

26. Q.23. it is a large coniferous tree and durable for house construction * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Chir pine



Birchwood 7/10
9/2/2021 2nd September Geography PRACTICE TEST CLASS 10

27. Q.24. The Nilgiris, Palni are areas of these forests and are widely found * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Tropical evergreen

Tropical deciduous

Tropical desert

Mountain forests

28. Q.25. it is land use management system in which trees are grown around 1 point

cultivated crop land *

Mark only one oval.

Social forestry




29. Q.26. when particular species of trees are not found together the same 1 point

place but scattered in the forest *

Mark only one oval.

Pure stands

Impure stands

Mixed stands

None of the above 8/10
9/2/2021 2nd September Geography PRACTICE TEST CLASS 10

30. Q.27. An annual tree planting festival * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Chipko movement




31. Q.28. Used in making packing cases * 1 point

Mark only one oval.





32. Q 29. Neem,Khair,Babul are found in * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Tropical evergreen forests

Tropical deciduous forests

Tropical desert forests

None of the above

33. Q 30. Leaves help to release water into the atmosphere....this is * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Carbon footprint

Water conservation

Climate control

Climate change 9/10
9/2/2021 2nd September Geography PRACTICE TEST CLASS 10

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 Forms 10/10

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