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SANIT Exam18 ICSE Sem I & II ENGLISH LITERATURE Question Bank - Class X a) db) °) da) a) db) ° dq) a) b) ° d a) 3 TREASURE TROVE STORIES COLLECTION eee The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen INCLUDED IN THIS SECTION Y Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) for SEM I Exam of ICSE 10th Y Solutions Where did this story take place? Ona cold New Year's eve night Ina small town at night ‘Ona cold New Year's day During a warm summers day . Why did the young girl sell matches? To save up money to buy new slippers To earn money to help support her poor family To earn enough money to buy a Christmas tree To buy a roast goose for Christmas . What is the theme of, "The Little Match Girl"? Class differentiation, Empathy Ways to earn money as a child Selling matchsticks Child abuse What did the visions represent to the little match girl each time she little a match? Each match represented the cold weather 25 Hvamna ic ) a b) ° a) a) b) °) d 8, a) b) VE GCTHINGLISH LETIATUR Question Dank « "he matches represented the fear she had golng home without ny Mop, °y f hor family for Fach mateh is a vision of her hopes and dreams Koch mateh representa her family members What does the falling star represent? The upcoming snow storm Her soul going to heaven ‘The lights on the tall Christmas tree she envisioned Lis close to sunrise "She was evidently trying to warm herself,” they said. But no on, beautiful visions she had seen and in what a blaze of glory she y joy © knew whay had entereg with her dear old grandmother into the heavenl. and gladness of 4 new year," What vision did the little match girl see when she it the first match? Delicious food ona table A beautiful Christmas tree An iron stove Her kind and loving grandma * How do you know that the little girl is poor? She saw a delicious roast goose in a window through the candle light Athome it was cold too, above her the roof, through which the wind whistled, the largest cracks were stopped up with straw and Tags Her little hands were numbed with cold She carried a quantity of matches in an old apron Who was the one person who loved her but was now no more? Her sister ©) Her Grandmother Her mother d) Her dog What does it mean, "with her grandmother she had entered om the joys of new year"? 26 J PxamiB ICSE Sem I & Il ENGLISH LITERATURE Question Bank - Class x a) twas morning and the litte gil was no longer cold b) The little girl died and entered heave: ©) Her grandmother found her an d) The little in with her grandmother \d took her home Birl felt asteep and someone gave her a blanket to stay warm 10. Whatis the central idea of, a) Wishing on a falling star made b) The poor litte giel never gave ©) Having food "The Little Match Girt"? the little girls dreams come true up hope and warmth is what saved the little girl mM poor families don't have the same luxuries as children from affluent families, 11. The “scratch!” Sound the first Match makes is an. example of a) Auditory imagery ©) Irony b) Simile 4) Metonymy 12. What does the girl do to keep the vision of her grandmother present? a) She tries to grab her grandmother ») She closes her eyes and hopes for the best ©) She chases after her grandmother 4) She lights all the matches 13, Why did the young girl buy matches? a) To buy a roast goose 4) Toeam money to support her poor family ¢) For buying a shelter to Protect against the cold d) None of the above 14, What did the visions represent to the little match girl each time she lit a match? a) Each match represented the cold weather b) The matches represented the fear she had going home without any money ©) Bach match is a vision of her hopes and dreams 27 Exam18 ICSE Sem I & II ENGLISH LITERATURE Question Bank - Class x 4d) Each match represents her family members 15. What does the falling star represent? a) The upcoming snow storm b) Her soul going to heaven ©) Itis close to sunrise d) The lights on the tall Christmas tree she envisioned 16. What is the name of "The Little Match Girl"? a) Hans b) Mary ©) She is unnamed 4) None of the above 17, What does it mean, "with her grandmother she had entered on the joysota new year"? a) It was morning and the little girl was no longer cold b) Her grandmother found her and took her back home ©) The litte girl died and entered heaven with her grandmother 4) Grandmother gave the girl a blanket to stay warm 18. What is the crux of the story, "The Little Match Girl"? 2) Wishing on a falling star made the little it's dreams come true b) The little poor girl never gave up hope ©) Poor children don't have the same luxuries as rich children @ Having food and warmth is what saved the litle gist 19. When the girl lights her first match, what a) A little candle b) A bonfire does she compare the flame to? ©) Astar 4) A large candle 20. What do the passers-by think about the matches in the girl's hand? a) She found them on the street b) She used them to keep herself warm 28 Berie- Coes % J & WENGLISH LITERATURE Questic gioeell d) Shewasz 2) Costes b) Phoebe Cary 22. What does 2 shooting star mean to the little girl? neone is: a) Th awaits has just been born 23. What does the little girl decide to do in order to get warm? 2) Find some dothes ©) Sneakintoa house b) Retum home G) Lita match stick 24. What does the girl see in real life that reminds her of her grandmother? a) Abhappy family ©) Ashooting star b) Herslippers 4) Anold lady 25. When the little girl lights her first matchstick, what does she compare the flame to? 2) Abonfire © Astar b) Alargecandle 4) Alittle candle 26. Who do the little girl's slipper belong to? a) Her mother ©) Her father b) Her grandmother 4) Her sister 27. What is the final vision that the girl imagines? 2) Her grandmother ©) The Christmas tree b) The roast goose 4) Hermother 29 ATURE Question Bank= lass X LITERA Exami8 ICSE Sem I 11 ENGLISH ‘Year's Eve? ared to celebrate New 28. What food was PreP: c) Roast goose a) Christmas turkey d) Roast chicken b) Pie jrl imagines? nos «a cteion that the gitl imagin 29, What is the third vision ©) AChiisinas ee and ang, a) One large candle @) Her grandmother b) A roast goose f matches in girls’ hand? 30. What do the passers-by think about the 8 a) She found them on street b) She was playing with them ©) She was trying to sell them d) She used them to keep herself warm 31. What does the little boy steal from the girl? a) Herhat c) Her money b) Her slipper d) Her matches 32. Why did the little girl light the whole bundle of matches? a) She was very cold b) She wanted to experience the Christmas dinner all over again ©) She wanted to keep her Grandmother near d) She wanted to see what vision would happen next 33. What is the first vision that the girl imagines? a) Her grandmother ©) A roast turkey b) Her mother d) A large brass stove 34. Why is the little girl scared to go home? a) She does not want to disappoint her mother b) She does not want to confront the little boy again ©) Its dark outside d) Her father would scold her 30 it vHUe™ & i 2) TaHSOKN BxamiS ICSE Sem I & Il ENGLISH LITERATURE Question Bank «Class x 35. What is the second vison that the gir! imagines? a) Her mother ¢) Her grandmother b) Actoast goose dinner scene 4) A Christmas Tree 36. On which holiday does this story take place? a) Christmas ©) Easter b) New Year's Eve 4) Thanksgiving Day 37. In what century is The Little Match Girlset? a) 18 century ©) 19% century b) 17 century 4) 20% century 38. What is the protagonist's name? a) Cynthis ©) Lorel >) Lilith 4) ‘She is not named 39, What country is the story likely set in? a) Denmark © Theus b) England a) Canada 40. What genre does the story best fit? a) Fairy tale ©) Novel b) Murder mystery 4) Young fiction 41. Who narrates The Little Match GicR a) Thelittle girl ©) Anunnamed narrator b) God 4) Hans Christian Andersen 42. On what day of the year is The Little Match Girlset? a) December 31 ©) December 24 b) Jamniary 1 4) None of these 43. What color is the little girl's hair? : ish Bl a) Black b) Brownish Blac 31 estion Bank - Class x ERATURE Qu ENanvl8 ICSE Seon I de H ENGLISH LITERATU! d) Brown ©) Golden o d irl’'s feet become? ry oe color does the girl's fe ©) Yellow and purple a) Black 1) Brown D) Red and blue : 45. What medical condition is the girl suffering from? a) Cruelty c) Hypothermia d) Suicidal d) Cardiac arrest 46. What smelt pervades the air around the girl? a) Roast beef c) Roast goose >) Roast lamb d) Roast chicken 47. What were the characteristics which would reflect in Hans Christian An, _ n stories? 2) Sadness ©) Dealing with death }) Dealing with loss 4) Allof the above AS. The tale “The Little Match Girl” is rich in which literary device? @) Irony ©) Symbols b) Imagery 4) All of the above 49. How did the little a) Barehanded b) Barefooted Birl wandered on the street in the cold winter night? ©) Bareheaded 4) Both barefooted & barcheaded 50. At the end, where did the litt a) Herhome b) Heaven le girl go? ©) Another city 4) Unknown place 32 HYG 3, Rh ss ames TTA, FH Sonn: aw Exam18 ICSE Sem I é& ENGLISH LITERATURE Question Bank ~ Class x 4 TREASURE TROVE STORIES COLLECTION The Blue Bead by Norah Burke INCLUDED IN THIS SECTION Y Multiple-Choice: ‘Questions (MCQs) for SEM TExam of ICSE 10th Y Solutions 1. The story "The Blue Bead!" ig full of a) visual imageries ©) suspense b) similes 4) personifications 2. How old is Sibia? a) 9 92 b) 13 a) 1 3. Which state does the traveling merchant belong to? a) Kerala ©) Kashmir b) Andhra Pradesh 4) Punjab 4. What were the contents of the lacked chest? a) Silver and gold ©) Diamonds and opals b) Turquoises and opals 4) Platinum and turquoises 5. Sibia's last meal consisted of? a) Chapatti, green chilli and rancid butter b) Chapatti, butter and Dal ©) Chapatti, butter and jam 4) Chapatti, green chilli and Dal 33 E Question Bank - Exami$ ICSE Sem I & IT ENGLISH LITERATURE Cs Class x 6. What are the huts made of? a) Mud b) Grass c) Straw &) None of the above . ? ; Which part of the body can a crocodile be attacked? 2) Head and tail 6) Eyes and underarms d) Eyes and tail b) Body 8. How ong was the crocodile? a) Thrice the length of a tall man ©) Twice the length of, child b) Twice the length of woman 4) Twice the length Of tall man 9. Sibia was dressed in? a) Dawn-coloured rag ©) Green-coloured rag b) Earth-coloured rag 4) Blue-coloured rag 10. The maker's sign at the edge of the cotton cloth had a symbol a) Lion's head c) Tiger's head b) Leopard's head ) Eagle's head 11. What were the tasks Sibia performed? a) Washed clothes c) Cut grass for fodder b) Cleaned the House d) Collected Flowers 12. The meaning of the word Perforated a) Cut through ©) Bend b) Pierced 4) Shaped 15. Why did Sibia, her mother and the other woman go to the cliffs above the river a) To collect sticks ©) To fetch water b) To cut paper grass 4) To gather fruits 14. The crocodile had swallowed a —_—_ = ima “0900 & 2% A Exam18 ICSE Sem I é I ENGLISH LITERATURE. Question Bank . Class x a) silver anklet ©) silver chain b) silver bracelet 4) gold Ddracelet 15. What type of a sto: ry is "The Blue Bead” a) Reflective ©) Philosophical b) Imaginative 4) Descriptive 16. The colour of the Underbelly of the crocodile ig a) Pink ) Grey b)Yellowy white 4) Not mentioned 1. Specify the meaning of the Word juggemaut, a) large ©) inferior b) amassive inexorable force 4) none of the above 18. The word Pastoral means? a) Pasteurisation ¢) Hunting b)Rural 4) Cultivating 19. The crocodile fed on? a) Cats ©) Only fish b) Kingfisher 4) Deer, monkeys, ducks ete 20. ‘The words ‘milling people’ means? a) Going to mills ©) People moving in large b) Talking ‘numbers 4) Bargaining 21, The word 'sleepers' refer to? att a le ¢) slippers ®) sleeping poop 4) berths on trains b) heavy pieces of wood Hi tence: 22. Complete the following sent LEP sg Nothing could pierce the a) thick skin b) armoured hide 35 Exami8 ICSE Sem & 11 ENGLISH LITERATURE Question Bank Class x ©) the underarms d) eyes 23. The blue bead is 9 : a) sand worn glass ) aturquoise stone b) agem d) none of the above "2 24, Who was the author of short story “The Blue Bead”? a) TS Arthur ©) Norah Burke b) Ruskin Bond d) RK Narayan 25, On which dramatic note does this story “The Blue Bead” end? a) Suspense ©) Thrill b) Irony d) Metaphor 26. “The Blue Bead” is a typical short story. a) adventurous ) narrative d) fictitious b) analytical 27. Whose life does Sibia save from the crocodile? a) Achild ©) Gujarman b) Old Women d) Gujar woman 28. The Gujars were basically __ a) Pabaris b) Tribals ©) Nomads 4) Junglis 29. Which of the following activity, she had not been involved since her childhood? a) Husking com ©) Drying of dungs b) Gathering sticks d) Herding animals 30. How much money does Sibia had in her purse? a) Oneanna b) Apice 36 ~S-emine LILIES TOI, Examl6 ICSE Sem I & Il ENGLISH LITERATURE Question Bank - Class x Api 4) None 31. Which colour sweets were seen by Sibia a the bazaar? a) Red ©) Magenta b) Green 4) Green & magenta 52. From where did Sibia and her mother along with some other women get the Paper grass? a) Desert 9 The cliffabove the river >) Valley 4) Jungle 38. Where did they sell the bundle of stored Paper grass? a) To the agent ©) To the paper factory b) Inthe bazaar 4) To the Kashmiri merchant 34 Some of the women were wearing the necklace made out of a) Gold © Stone b) Silver 4) Scarlet Seed 35. What would the nomadic graziers sell? a) Sweets Milk >) Butter 4) Both milk and butter 36. Gujar women wore trousers and large silver rings made out of a) Gold ©) Scarlet seeds b) Silver 4) Rupees 37. A cattle killing tiger was making nuisance for ®) ca ©) Junglis women b) Gujars 4) None of the above 38. Who grabbed the woman's leg between his sharp, uneven teeth? : ©) Aleopard oe f the above b) Acrocodile 4) None of 39, i ji ? Which weapon did Sibia use to attack the crocodile to save the gujar women’ 37 eee meee ott sxamts 1652 Sent ENGLISH LITERATURE O88 Aan co) ahayfork ‘ ul d) asharp blade axe unc, with her piece of rag? «og made bY sibia W" two things c) Shirt & pants 40, What were the Turban & cap 5) srs ten a) b) Skirt & sari , in clay- . 41, Water for animals were brought by Gujar women Im lay-made pitchers termed as? <) Bottle a) Gurrahs ) b)-Matka’s d) None of the above o suggest that the crocodile was a 42, Which word or phrase is not used t dangerous animal? a) Anantediluvian saurian ° ; d) Juvenile beast b) Prehistoric juggernaut Ferocious and formidable 43, Why Sibia came pack after helping the wounded women to reach the encampment? a) Toseewhether the crocodile died or not b) To finds the pitchers ©) Tohelp her mother lifting the paper grass 4) To find her grass sickle and fork 44, Which were the instruments that Sibia carried with her? a) Asharp knife b) _ Asmall scissor <) Asickle d) Asickle and homemade hayfork 45, What type of ornaments did Sibia wish to wear? a) Earrings aoe wn b) Necklace d) Rings 38 Se LINN Exam18 ICSE Sem I & II ENGLISH LITERATURE Question Bank- Class x 46. Gujars were of which era? a) — Stone Age hunters b) Modem cultivators ©) Wanderers of the pastoral age 4) None of the above 47. How did Sibia reach near the Gujar women to help her? a) She swam to reach there b) She runs towards her ©) She crawled slowly 9) She jumped from boulder to boulder 48. What has Sibia stored in the cavelets above the high water mark? a) Ablue bead ©) Scarlet seeds b) Anecklace 4) Bowls of moulded clay 49. Why there would be a lot of noise when Gujar women were crossing the river? a) They would laugh and bicker about something ») They would jump from stone to stone ©) They quarrelled loudly 4) Allofthe above 50. From where did Norah Burke drew. inspiration for her ‘writing? a) Through reading novels b) Travelling through India forest c) Travelling to European countries 4) Fictious writing 39

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