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Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines


Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
Lesson 1. History of Dance

Dance has always been with us, even before the arrival of written language

and modern history, when our earliest cultures evolved utilizing oral and

performance methods to pass the stories from one generation to the next. Many

historians believe that social, celebratory and ritual dances are one of the essential

factors of the development of early human civilizations.

From the earliest moments of known human history, dance accompanied

ancient rituals, spiritual gatherings and social events. As a conduit of trance,

spiritual force, pleasure, expression, performance and interaction, dance became

infused into our nature from the earliest moments of our existence - from the

moment when first African tribes covered themselves in war-paint to the to the

spreading of music and dance across all four corners of the world. Without a

doubt, dancing remains one of the most expressive forms of communications that

we know.

The oldest proof of existence of dancing comes from the 9000 year old cave

paintings that were found in India, which depicts various scenes of hunting,

childbirth, religious rites, burials and most importantly, communal drinking and

dancing. Since dancing itself cannot leave clearly identifiable archeological

artifacts that can be found today, scientist looked for secondary clues, written

word, stone carvings, paintings and similar artifacts. -(Dance Facts)

Dance is defined as…

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
Why do People Dance?

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
Dance is exercise, so the physical benefits of dancing will be similar to that of

other cardio activities.

Improves cardiovascular health

The heart-pumping health benefits of dance are right in line with the

Department of Health and Human Services’ physical activity guidelines Trusted

Source for adults.

Improves balance and strength

Dance is such a great form of physical fitness, it’s because it incorporates

movements on all planes of motion and from all directions.

Gentle on your body

Many forms of dancing, such as ballroom, are appropriate for people with

limited mobility or chronic health issues.

Boosts cognitive performance

If you need a reason to get moving, consider this: A lot of research shows how

dancing can maintain and even boost your ability to think as you age.

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
But how does this happen? Well, according to some studies, scientists have

found that the areas of the brain that control memory and skills, such as planning

and organizing, improve with exercise like dance.

Challenges your brain

If you’ve ever tried tap dancing, then you know exactly what we mean by

dance challenging your brain.

Tylicki points out that the brain power you need to access for dance,

specifically, requires you to focus on both the constant changing of movement and

recalling moves and patterns.

This is an excellent form of mental exercise for your mind, regardless of your


Is inclusive

One of the greatest things about dance is that anyone can participate. If you’re

able to move, even if it’s only your upper body, you can dance..

Can be a social activity

While you may prefer to bust a move when no one is watching, there’s

something incredible about dancing with others

Helps boost your mood

“Movement and dance are extremely expressive, which can allow you to

escape and let loose,” It’s this “letting loose” that helps improve Trusted Source

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
your mental and emotional health by reducing stress, decreasing the symptoms of

anxiety and depression, and boosting your self-esteem

Importance of Dance

Dance also enables students to better understand themselves and the

world in which they live. Through the arts, teachers can often teach children

to recognize the contribution of all cultures to the fabric of our society and

increase the understanding of diversity and values of all people. Dance lends

itself well to this task through learning traditional dances and creating new

ones based on children’s ideas. Dance also enhances skills of perception,

observation, and concentration which will undoubtedly help students in all of

their school subjects

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
Activity 1. PAR-Q and YOU!

In every physical activity that we plan to do, let us

always remember to check everything first, especially your

health in order to avoid serious incidents that can happen.

This set of questionnaires will guide you in doing any

physical activities. Check the boxes provided below. Answer

it will all honesty.

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
• If you answered YES to any of these questions, talk with your doctor before you

start engaging in physical activity. Tell your doctor about the PAR-Q and which

questions you answered yes.

• If you answered NO to all PAR-Q questions, you can take start participating in

physical activity.

Activity 2. Essay.

Instruction: In this activity you will be articulating the unique characteristics of

the history of dance for a minimum of 50 words and a maximum of 100 words.

Place your answer in the space provided below. A rubric is presented after the

answer sheet.











Activity 2. What am I To You!

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
Instruction: In this activity you will be giving the benefits of dance to one’s self

in achieving a physically active life and a sound well-being. Place your answer in

the box provided beside each statement.

How does dance benefit me…




Criteria 5 4 3 2 1

Content Content Content Content is Content is Content is

surmount surmount near the beyond the very basic

expiation. expiation. expected expected and lacks in

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
Treatment of Treatment of result. content. depth

details is in details is in Treatment of Details are analysis

advance and in proficient details in

detail. and of good approaches developing

quality proficiency phase and

with some very

shallow lines shallow

Organization The structure of The structure The structure The Structure is

and style the essay is of the essay of the essay structure of unorganized

highly organized is organized is somewhat the essay is and not

and shows and organized not too coherent

consistency. consistency and coherent. organized with the

There is variety is obvious. There is and topic. There

in the style There is somehow coherent. is no variety

which makes the multiplicity multiplicity There is in the

essay very in the style in style little variety structure and

impressive which makes which makes in structure subject

the essay the essay and subject. matter.

impressive good.

Grammar There are no There are There are There are Grammar

grammatical minimal some many errors lacks order

errors in the grammatical grammatical found in the and neatness.

essay error in the errors found grammar. There are

essay in the essay Editing is numerous

suggested errors. Major


is suggests.

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
Spelling There are no There are 1-3 There are 4-6 There are There are

spelling errors errors in errors in the 7-10 errors more than 10

in the theme spelling. spelling in spelling. errors in


Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

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