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Glenn Arimas, BSED II March 12, 2021

ELT 222 | The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
Module 1 | Lesson 4
1. What makes a group of people a society? (10 points)
A group people sharing a common geological feature is a society. These people are
involved in different types of relations with each other thus enabling each member to benefits
that an individual cannot attain. Societies can exist in a society. People living in the same
region can be divided into different religious, professional, and political societies; all of which
are small groups sharing the same objectives, norms, and goals. A group can also be referred
as a society if they share and practice common values and social patterns.

2. Explain the following succinctly:

2.1. A good society is the product of a good school system and a good school system
is the product of a good society. (25 points)
The society and the school have a direct relation with each other. The school is an
institution which aligns its aims and objective parallel to the needs and demands in the
dynamic and always changing society which means educational methods should go with
however and whatever the natural setting of community may be. Say, regarding the country’s
political natters, schools inject nationalism into the students so that they can be better citizens.
A good school system will then produce a good society not only because of its graduates but
also because the school meets what the society needs.

2.2. A school is a garden, a teacher is a gardener, and a student is a tender plant. (25

The statement above is from Friedrich August Froebel, an idealist who believes that
teacher, like the gardener, looks after and water little human plants to grow perfectly and that
the process of growth and development of the plants and the child is the same; the plants grow
from within according to the seed that is within. To add, the gardener needs a garden for his
seed. The garden will be as important as the gardener because this is where the plant will
grow. Like a good garden, schools must have a friendly environment; a curriculum aligned to
the student’s capacities; frequent monitoring on its educational system; and a strong teacher-
community involvement so that the seed, the student, can grow wonderfully.

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