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Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Master in Mechanical Engineering

Thermal Energy

Computer Simulation of an
Internal Combustion Engine

Supervisor in UMBC: Dr. Christian von Kerczek

Advisor in FEUP: Prof. Eduardo Oliveira Fernandes
Exchange Advisor: Dr. L.D. Timmie Topoleski

António Emanuel Figueiredo Costa

2nd Term, 2008
I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Christian von Kerczek
for his dedication and devotion for this project.
I also would like to thank my parents for this life time opportunity,


Commonly used symbols, subscripts, and abbreviations 5

Abstract 8
Objectives 9
Introduction 10
Chapter 1- Internal Combustion Engine 12
1.1.The Basic ICE Mechanism 12
1.2.The Equations of State of the Working Gases 16
1.3.Thermodynamics and Mathematical Model of the Engine 17
Chapter 2 - Power Cycle 19
2.1.Introduction 19
2.2.Compression stage 20
2.2.1 Thermodynamic Model of the compression stage 20
2.2.2 Heat transfer 21
2.3.Combustion stage 24
2.3.1 Combustion modeling 24
2.3.2 Turbulence characteristics 31
2.3.3 Heat Transfer 33
2.4.Completely burned gas expansion 34
2.4.1 Thermodynamic model of the expansion stage 35
2.4.2 Heat Transfer 35
Chapter 3 – Gas exchange cycle 37
3.1.Valve action 37
3.1.1 Geometry 37
3.1.2 Isentropic flow thought an orifice 39
3.2. Exhaust stage 40
3.2.1 Thermodynamics Model of the Exhaust stage 41
3.2.2 Heat transfer 41
2.3. Intake stage 42
3.3.1 Thermodynamics Model of the Intake stage 42
3.3.2 Heat transfer 43
CycleComQC Inputs 44
Results/Discussion 47

Conclusive remarks 59
Bibliography 60
Appendixes 61
A Mathematical and thermodynamic manipulations 61
B Definitions 72
C Computer simulations 73

Commonly used symbols, subscripts, and abbreviations
1. Symbols

a Crank radius
Ac Clearance volume
Af Effective flow area
Ap Port area
Av Valve cross sectional area
Aw Exposed total cylinder area
bo Cylinder bore
co Sound speed
Cf Flow coefficient
Cp Specific heat at constant pressure
Cv Specific heat at constant volume
d Diameter
D Diameter
h Specific enthalpy
h Height
hg Heat transfer coefficient
k Turbulent kinetic energy
l Connecting rod length
Valve lift
m Mass
mr Residual mass
 Mass flow rate respective to time
 Mass flow rate respective to angle
N Crankshaft rotational speed
P Pressure

Q Heat transfer rate respective to time

Q Heat transfer rate respective to angle
r Radius
rc Compression ratio
Rc Connecting rod/stroke length

s Stroke
T Temperature
u Specific internal energy
U Internal energy
V Velocity
Cylinder volume
Vc Clearance volume
Vd Displacement volume
W Work transfer
x Mass fraction
xr Residual mass fraction
θ Crank angle
ρ Density
ωs Angular velocity

2. Subscripts

b Burned gas
cr Crevice
e Exhaust
f fuel
i Intake
L Laminar
u Unburned
v valve
w wall
o Reference value
Stagnation value

3. Notation

~ Value per second

^ Value per angle
Moment after the spark

4. Abbreviations

BC Bottom-center crank position

ICE Internal Combustion Engine
TC Top-center crank position


My end course project was performed in the exchange program between Faculdade de Engenharia
da Universidade do Porto (FEUP) and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC).

The project was proposed by Dr. Christian von Kerczek (CVK) who developed a thermodynamic
engine model for which a computer program had been written for its implementation.
The computer simulation was developed and implemented numerically by way of a “Scilab”.
However, heat transfer, Q (Q=0), was left out which results somewhat artificially in an "adiabatic
engine". Also the combustion model used was based on a somewhat simple formulation. It was
assumed that burned and unburned gases were homogeneously mixed and burning rate was a
constant. Based on CVK work, my work has added heat transfer and a two zone combustion model
that separates the action of the burned and unburned gases during the combustion. The boundary of
these zones was then determined by a turbulence flame speed model.
In both of these cases, there exist well developed empirical models, and the main objective of my
work was to understand and adjust these models and implement them within the theoretical model
and the computer program developed by CVK.
This work contains a complete description of the theoretical framework employed by CVK as well
as the modifications and implementation of heat transfer and combustion model by me.

The result of my project is a computer simulation which may be used to obtain some fairly good
estimates of engine performance. These estimates are most useful for understanding basic engine
performance as well as assessing modifications as regards valve sizing, spark advance and various
fuels. A particularly useful application is to do a compressor/turbine engine matching for turbocharging.
The report is based on and extends a prior, informal, report by CVK.


The main propose of my work:

● Complete the program with the heat transfer model and insert the correct modifications to
perform a simulation of a non adiabatic engine;
● Add a new combustion model, replacing the existing one used in the initial program. The
new combustion model would take into account the turbulence in the cylinder and would then
allow the variation of burn duration (which is fixed in the simple model used) to vary with
engine speed.

Despite this, I also had to understand the existing computer simulation implemented by CVK and
the theoretical concepts behind it.


This report presents the Thermodynamics theory describing the main physical phenomena
occurring inside a spark ignition four stroke (4S) internal combustion engine (ICE) while it is running at
steady speed (constant revolutions per minute, rpm). The mathematical form of the Thermodynamic
theory is developed and implemented numerically by way of a “Scilab” computer program. The result
is an ICE computer simulation. This computer simulation may be used to obtain some fairly good
estimates of engine performance in which the main effects of compression ratio, sparks timing, some
aspects of valve timing, valve sizing, and fuel types, over a range of engine speeds.

Of course not every detail of ICE performance can be accounted for, but depending on the physical
details incorporated and their relative importance, many of the most important performance
characteristics can be determined to a reasonable degree of accuracy. This report does not deal with
any structural or mechanical aspects of an ICE beyond those of the basic geometric features relevant
to the containment and external manifestations of the Thermodynamics processes occurring in the
engine. These thermodynamic processes are idealized to a certain degree in order to reduce the
complexity at this stage of development of the engine simulation.

The simulation is based on the standard configuration of a reciprocating piston in a cylinder closed
at one end, the cylinder 'head'. The piston is connected to a crank by way of a connecting rod that
protrudes out the opposite open end of the cylinder and connects to a crank. Figure 1 is a schematic
diagram of one cylinder of an ICE. The resulting reciprocating motion of the piston imparts a rotation to
the crank. This basic slider-crank mechanism (the piston being the slider) transmits power generated
by a working fluid, or gas, in the space enclosed by the piston, cylinder and cylinder head, to whatever
is connected to crank. The crank is also geared to a camshaft that operates the valves in the cylinder
head that periodically open and close to expel or inhale the working gases. Most ICE's have multiple
cylinders operating in unison on a common crankshaft. The processes that occur are essentially
identical for each cylinder so that the analysis need be done for only one cylinder. The ICE
performance is then simply the number of cylinders times the input/output for a single cylinder.

Figure 1 – Four stroke internal combustion engine. [5]

The ICE Thermodynamics analysis is based on the following primary assumptions. All
thermodynamics processes are assumed to be internally reversible. The working medium (fuel and air
mixtures) is assumed to be an ideal gas with constant specific heats. The equations of state for the
burned and unburned media are derived on the basis of equilibrium chemistry. The gas exchange
process is based on quasi-steady compressible flow through an orifice.
Further secondary assumptions and idealizations are discussed in the formulation of the
thermodynamics model in the next chapters.

Chapter 1- Internal Combustion Engine

1.1.The Basic ICE Mechanism

The piston cylinder-crank mechanism (the slider-crank) is shown schematically in Figure 2. This
figure indicates how the up and down motion of the piston turns the crank. The space enclosed by the
piston and the cylinder is the main concern here. This is where the latent energy of the fuel-air mixture
is released by combustion (oxidized) to produce the sensible energy, which drives the piston. The top
of the cylinder enclosure contains an intake and exhaust valve which open and close at appropriate
moments of the engine cycle to allow escape of burned gases and ingestion of fresh fuel-air mixture.

Figure 2 - A four-stroke spark ignition cycle. [5]

The basic engine performance cycles are controlled by the crank rotation. The crank rotation in
turn moves the piston up and down, thus varying the volume V of the space enclosed by the piston
and cylinder. This varying volume is the primary controlling factor of the sequence of thermodynamic
events occurring in the piston-cylinder space. Henceforth this space will be referred to simply as the

The crank rotation is measured in terms of the rotation angle θ shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Sketch of the slider crank model of piston-cylinder geometry

At θ=0 ( 2∗n∗π ) the piston is at the bottom-most point in its travel. This point is called bottom
center, BC. The cylinder volume V(θ) can be shown, by an analysis of the slider-crank mechanism to
1 1 1 2
v =V m∗  ∗1− ∗1cos  Rc −  R c−sin   (1.1)
rc 2 rc

In formula (1.1), Vm is the (maximum) volume in the cylinder at BC, Rc is the ratio of connecting

rod length to s , where s=stroke , and rc is the compression ratio , where Vc is the
(minimum) volume of the cylinder at top center (TC) or θ=π 2∗ n−1∗ . Vc is called the
clearance volume and V d =V m −V c is the “displacement” volume, the usual measure of engine
capacity or, more commonly, engine size.
The calculation of the instantaneous volume equation (1.1) is discussed in “Appendix A.1”.

Using Vm as an input variable, some other variables such as the V c, Vd , bore (bo) and stroke (s)
have to be calculated in order to proceed. It was assumed that the bore was equal to the stroke in
order to simplify some equations and to use the minimum ones possible,

V d = ∗b 2∗s (1.2)

=rc −1 (1.3)

Vc= (1.4)

4∗V c
h c= (1.5)

assuming that the shape of the clearance volume is a cylinder with diameter bo and height, h c
(Figure 4).

Figure 4 – Basic geometry of the internal combustion engine

The exposed total cylinder area Aw  is the sum of the cylinder clearance area and the
displacement area,
Aw =Ad  Ac (1.6)

v−V c
Aw = Ac (1.7)
bo /8
 2
Ac =∗bo∗hc  bo (1.8)

The operation of the valves is synchronized to the motion of the piston by way of gear or chain
drives from the crankshaft. This is not shown in Figure 2. There will be no need for a description of this
mechanism here since it will not be made use of. For the present it is only necessary to describe the
valve configuration and actual motion of the valves as a function of the crank angle θ. This will be
reserved for the chapter on the gas exchange process in order to keep the exposition simple at this
stage. The function, of θ, describing the motion of the valves is given as part of the basic engine
specifications utilized in this study. The camshaft and valve actuation mechanism must then be
designed to realize this valve motion function. For this the reader is referred to books on engine and
mechanism design given in the bibliography.

1.2.The Equations of State of the Working Gases

This gaseous mixture is assumed to be an ideal gas, albeit with different equations of state in the
unburned and burned states. The equations of state of the unburned (subscript u) and burned
(subscript b) are derived on the basis of combustion equilibrium chemistry and the coefficients of the
thermodynamic properties are given in Reference 1. These two thermodynamic laws apply to the
gaseous fuel-air mixture in the cylinder. The linearized versions of the equations are used here. For
illustrative purpose the fuel used here is CH4 with an equivalence ratio of 1 and whose properties are
very similar to gasoline. During the process of combustion the cylinder contains a mixture of the

unburned and burned fuel-air. The mixture is quantified by the burned to total mass ratio x= ,
where m=mbmu . The equations of state for for each of the gases is

PV u =mu∗Ru∗T (1.9)
u u=Cv u∗T hf u (1.10)

PV b =mb∗R b∗T (1.11)

u b=Cv b∗T hf b (1.12)

then, if the gases are homogeneously mixed,

PV =m∗ xRb 1− x Ru ∗T =mRT (1.13)

U =m∗u=m∗ x∗Cvb1− x∗Cv u ∗T  x∗hf b1−x ∗hf u (1.14)

CVK utilized the homogeneously mixed charge described by equations (1.13) and (1.14), where

dx t
is an empirically determined burning rate.
One of the main aims of this study is to implement a more realistic combustion model in which
unburned and burned gases remain separated, ie., a “two zone” model.

1.3.Thermodynamics and Mathematical Model of the Engine

The engine operates in a two-cycle (4 stroke) mode. Each cycle consists of a complete rotation,
through an angle of 2π, of the crank. The first cycle is called the power cycle in which both valves are
closed and the power of the engine is produced. This cycle consists of the compressions stroke
roughly from θ=0 to θ=π, in which the fuel-air mixture in the cylinder is compressed, followed by the
expansion stroke, roughly from θ=π to θ=2π, in which the main positive engine work is done. The
second cycle is called the gas exchange cycle in which the burned gases from the expansion stroke
are expelled (exhaust stroke, θ=2π to θ=3π) and fresh fuel-air is ingested (intake stroke, θ=3π to
These two cycles are completely described by the main two laws of thermodynamics governing the
unburned and burned fuel-air mixture in the cylinder. The two laws are the Conservation of Mass,

=m i− m e (1.15)

and the Conservation of Energy (1st Law of Thermodynamics),

dU  
=Q−W  H i − H e (1.16)

Here m is the mass of burned plus unburned fuel-air mixture in the cylinder at any instant of time t,
m i and m e are the mass flow rates into and out the cylinder, respectively  , W , H i
Q and

H e is the heat rate into or out of the cylinder, the work rate into or out of the cylinder, the enthalpy
flow rate into the cylinder, and the enthalpy flow rate out the cylinder respectively.

In the application of these equations to the analysis of the engine cycles at constant speed
(constant crank angular velocity, ω), it is the most convenient to transform time t to angle θ by the
equation ω∗dt=d  . Then the time derivatives in equations (1.15) and (1.16) are replaced by
angle derivatives and the ~ over symbols is replaced by ^ over the symbols to signify that rates are
with respect to angle instead of time. Then,

= m i −m e (1.17)

dU  
=Q−W  H i− H e (1.18)

Chapter 2 - Power Cycle

This chapter presents the thermodynamics theory describing the main physical phenomena
occurring inside an ICE.
The thermodynamic models of the four movements, or strokes, of the piston before the entire
engine firing sequence is repeated, are described in this chapter and chapter 3.


In this cycle, the valves are closed so there is no mass exchange and it is where the main power of
the engine is produced.
This cycle consists in a complete rotation which is characterized by two stages:
(a) Compression stage - roughly from θ=0 to just before the spark plug goes off,
s=0.88∗π , in which the fuel-air mixture in the cylinder is compressed. The value of
s given is typical. All engines start combustion before TC = . This called spark
(b) Combustion stage - roughly from θ s to just before exhaust valve opens,
evo=2∗− , where 0 depending on some factors, such as the flame speed and
piston speed. Combustion begins during compression and most expansion.

In the beginning of this cycle, the cylinder and the combustion chamber are full of the low pressure
fresh fuel/air mixture and residual (exhaust gas), as the piston begins to move, the intake valve closes.
With both valves closed, the combination of the cylinder and combustion chamber form a completely
closed vessel containing the fuel/air mixture. As the piston is pushed to the TC, the volume is reduced
and the fuel/air mixture is compressed during the compression stroke.
As the volume is decreased because of the piston's motion, the pressure in the gas is increased,
as described by the laws of thermodynamics.
Sometime before the piston reaches TC of the compression stroke, the electrical contact is
opened. The sudden opening of the contact produces a spark in the combustion chamber which
ignites the fuel/air mixture. Rapid combustion of the fuel releases heat, and produces exhaust gases in
the combustion chamber. Because the intake and exhaust valves are closed, the combustion of the

fuel takes place in a totally enclosed (and nearly constant volume) vessel. The combustion increases
the temperature of the exhaust gases, any residual air in the combustion chamber, and the
combustion chamber itself. From the ideal gas law, the increased temperature of the gases also
produces an increased pressure in the combustion chamber. The high pressure of the gases acting
on the face of the piston cause the piston to move to the BC which produces work.
Unlike the compression stroke, the hot gas does work on the piston during the expansion stroke.
The force on the piston is transmitted by the piston rod to the crankshaft, where the linear motion of
the piston is converted to angular motion of the crankshaft. The work done on the piston is then used
to turn the shaft, and to compress the gases in the neighboring cylinder's compression stroke.

As the volume increase during the expansion, the pressure and temperature of the gas tends to
decrease once the combustion is completed.

2.2.Compression stage

2.2.1 Thermodynamic Model of the compression stage

During this stage, the energy balance on the in-cylinder gas is,

dU  
=Q−W (2.1)

As both valves are closed there is no mass exchange so

= m i =m e =0 (2.2)

After the algebraic manipulation shown in “Appendix A.2” equation (2.1) becomes,

dT 
Q T dV  CvT  hf dx
= − xRb1−x  R u  − (2.3)
d  m∗A AV d  A d

where the quantity A= x∗ CvCv u .

At this stage, the mass of gases in the cylinder is primarily unburned. However, there is a small
amount of burned gas, called residual gases mr  which remains after the exhaust stroke. These

gases are homogeneously mixed, where x= . Thus equations (1.13) and (1.14) do apply for this
part of the cycle.

2.2.2 Heat transfer

Heat transfer plays an important role inside an ICE because it affects the engine performance,
efficiency, and emissions.
“The peak burned gas temperature in the cylinder of an internal combustion engine is of order
2500K. Maximum metal temperatures for the inside of the combustion chamber space are limited to
much lower values by a number of considerations, and cooling for the cylinder head, cylinder, and
piston must therefore be provided. These conditions lead to heat fluxes to the chamber walls that can
reach as high as 10 MW/m2 during the combustion period.”[1]
In regions of high heat transfer, it is necessary to estimate it in order to avoid thermal stresses that
would cause fatigue cracking in the engine's materials (“temperatures must be less than about 400°C
for cast iron and 300°C for aluminum alloys”[1])
The critical areas due to the heat transfer inside an ICE are the engine's piston which is exposed to
the gases at the combustion chamber and exhaust system that contains the exhaust valve which is
exposed to the exhaust gases that flow past it at high velocities (making for good heat transfer).

For a given mass of fuel within the cylinder, higher heat transfer to the combustion chamber walls
will lower the average combustion gas temperature and pressure, and reduce the work per cycle
transferred to the piston. Thus specific power and efficiency are affected by the magnitude of engine
heat transfer.
The source of the heat flux is not only the hot combustion gases, but also the engine friction that
occurs between the piston rings and the cylinder wall which will not be contained in this work. Heat
transfer due to the friction is negligible.

“The maximum heat flux through the engine components occurs at fully open throttle and at
maximum speed. Peak heat fluxes are on the order of 1 to 10 MW/m 2. The heat flux increases with
increasing engine load and speed. The heat flux is largest in the center of the cylinder head, the
exhaust valve seat and the center of the piston. About 50% of the heat flow to the engine coolant is
through the engine head and valve seats, 30% through the cylinder sleeve or walls, and the remaining
20% through the exhaust port area.”[3]

Therefore, heat transfer is a very important parameter in an engine because it is required for a
number of important reasons, including engine's performance and efficiency, material temperature
limits, lubrificant performance limits, emissions, and knock (see appendix B.1).

a) Heat transfer modeling

In the previews equations, the differential heat transfer is represented by  .

The differential heat transfer  to the cylinder walls can be calculated if the instantaneous
average cylinder heat transfer coefficient hg(θ) and engine speed N(=rpm) are known.

The average heat transfer rate at any crank angle θ to the exposed cylinder wall at an engine
speed N is determined with a Newtonian convection equation:

Q=h g  Aw T −Tw/ N (2.4)

The cylinder wall temperature Tw is the area-weighted mean of the temperatures of the exposed
cylinder wall, the head, and the piston crown. The heat transfer coefficient hg(θ) is the instantaneous
averaged heat transfer coefficient. At this stage, the exposed cylinder area Aw(θ) is the sum of the
cylinder bore area, the cylinder head area and the piston crown area, assuming a flat cylinder head.

b) Heat transfer coefficient

The instantaneous heat transfer coefficient, h g  during the power cycle depends on the gas
speed and cylinder pressure, which change significantly during the combustion process.

There are two correlations that are used to get the heat transfer coefficient, the Annand and the
Woschni correlation. However, to compute the heat transfer coefficient it was used an empirical
formula for a spark ignition engine given in Han et al.(1997),

0.75 0.75 −0.25 −0.465

h g =687∗P ∗U ∗bo ∗T (2.5)

with some slightly modifications.

The units of hg, P, U, b and T are W/m2K, kPa, m/s, m and K, respectively.

The heat transfer coefficient can also be obtained using the averaged heat transfer coefficient
correlation of C. F. Taylor ("The Internal Combustion Engine in Theory and Practice", MIT Press,

h∗b U b 3 / 4
=10.4∗m 3 /4    (2.6)
k V

where k is gas thermal conductivity and  the gas kinematic conductivity.

However, this formula can be manipulated into the form,

0.75 0.75 −0.25 −0.75

h g =C '∗P ∗U ∗bo ∗T (2.7)

Formula (2.5) differs from this only by the coefficient C' and the power of T. We have found that the
value of C'=300 along with the power of T in formula (2.6) seems to be more reasonable.

0.75 0.75 −0.25 −0.465

h g =300∗P ∗U ∗bo ∗T /1000 (2.8)

Note that the unit used for energy in the “Scilab” simulation was kJ, so, equation (2.8) was divided
by 1000 to get everything in the same units.

In equation (2.8), U is an empirical piston speed and calculated using the equation,

U =0.494∗Up0.73∗10−6∗ PdV VdP (2.9)

 2∗N∗S 
Up= (2.10)

is the actual piston speed. It is very unclear what the last term,  PdV VdP  , in equation (2.9)

means. Since the coefficient of this term is very small, we left it out.

2.3.Combustion stage

In the power cycle chemical combustion commences with spark ignition at the point θs of crank

angle just before BC on the compression stroke, s=0.88∗ .

The combustion processes that occur in an ICE are very complex and there are many types of
models which can describe it. The combustion model used by CVK was based on a single zone
homogeneously mixed burning mass with a constant burning rate. This is a model with empirical
burning rates that does fairly well, but does not capture true combustion rates.
We now introduce a somewhat more sophisticated combustion model. In the one zone model firstly
used, the rate of combustion is assumed to be proportional to crank angle. This is the main
assumption we would like to remove. It is well known that the combustion rate has its own dynamics
and does not follow crank angle. The combustion rate depends on the dynamics of the gas motion
inside the cylinder, especially the turbulence level. As engine speed increases, the turbulence level
increases and thus combustion rate increase, but it does not increase at the same rate as engine
speed. In order to capture this effect and assess its impact on engine performance we now develop a
two zone combustion model. The model used consists in a two zone analysis of the combustion
chamber which contains an unburned and burned gas region separated by a turbulent flame front. The
flame front progresses at a turbulent flame speed. The turbulence model used that determines the
flame speed is given in [2].

2.3.1 Combustion modeling

In an ICE the fuel and air are mixed together in the intake system, inducted through the intake
valve into the cylinder, where mixing with residual gas take place, and then compressed. Under
normal operating conditions, combustion is initiated towards the end of the compression stroke at the
spark plug by an electric discharge. Following inflammation, a turbulent flame develops, propagates
through this premixed fuel, air, burned gas mixture until it reaches the combustion chambers walls,
and then extinguishes.
From this description it is plausible to divide the combustion process into three distinct phases:
(1) Spark ignition
(2) Combustion development

(3) Combustion termination
The understanding of each of these phases will be developed next.

(1) Spark Ignition

Ignition is treated as an abrupt discontinuity between the compression and burn stages with the
instantaneous conversion of a specified mass fraction f of the reactants to products. This produces
the unburned and burned zone, each assumed to be homogeneous and hence characterized by its
own single state.

Using the 1st law equation for burned gas developed later in this section

dT b dV b
M b∗Cv b =Q̇b− P  Ṁ b∗Cp u∗T u −Cv b∗T bhf u−hf b  (2.11)
dt dt

integrate it over a small time interval  t (or   ) . Then by use of the mean value theorem, one
obtains (see “Appendix A.3”),

1 P̈∗V¨ b
T¨ b= C pu∗T u∣ h f ∣−  (2.12)
C vb M̈ b

where the “double dots” represent the moment right after the spark goes on, s . T¨ b is the
initial value of the temperature in the burned zone right after spark.

(2) Combustion development

After the ignition, useful combustion chamber design information can be generated with simple
geometric models of the flame. Usually, the surface which defines the leading edge of the flame can
be approximated by a portion of the surface of a sphere. Thus the mean burned gas front can also be
approximated by a sphere. However, in this study we are mainly interested in overall performance and
not in detailed combustion chamber design. Hence we will use a simplified model of the combustion
chamber and flame front.

a) Engine combustion Chamber Design

There are a large number of options for the ICE chamber design which includes cylinder head and
piston crown shape, spark plug location, size and number of valves, and intake port design. The
design of these important parts of the ICE revolves around issues such as chamber compactness,
surface/volume ratio, flame travel length, the fuel mixture motion and more important the burning
It is known, that the combustion chamber design which increases the burning velocity, favors the
engine performance. When the fuel burning process takes place faster , occupies a shorter crank
angle interval at a given engine speed, produces less heat transfer (due to lower burned gas
temperatures) and increases efficiency.
Illustrations of each of the most commons examples ICE chamber shapes which produces a “fast
burn” will be given next (Figure 5),

(a) (b) (c)


Figure 5 – Example of common internal combustion engine chambers: (a) hemispherical chamber; (b) wedge
shaped chamber; (c) bathtub chamber; (d) bowl & piston with flathead on the right. [6]

In the scilab's program it was assumed that the combustion chamber was the simplest possible, so
the piston is flat on top, the location of the spark plug is in the middle of the cylinder between the
valves and the combustion chamber has a cylindrical geometry. Using this shape and knowing that the
combustion reaction is so quick, it is possible to assume that the mean burned gas front can also be
approximated by a cylinder instead by a sphere without committing significant errors as regards
overall performance

b) Combustion chamber considerations

Assuming that the burned zone is a cylinder of height, h and radius, r at any instant of θ and
using the model which consists in a two zone analysis of the combustion chamber which contains an
unburned and burned gas region separated by a turbulent flame front (Figure 6),

Unburned zone Burned zone


Figure 6 – Sketch of the front shape of the combustion chamber

It is possible to predict how the radius, r is going to change during the flame travel, assuming a
linear distribution as it will be explained next.
The variation of the burned radius due to the change of the crank angle can be expressed by the
approximation (Figure 7),

Figure 7 - Schematic of burned radius as a function of the crank angle

where R= , and d is the angle  at which the burned gas cylinder reaches the engine
cylinder wall.  d is determined by the flame speed V f (in terms of angular rates),
r= =0 for  s
dr (2.13)
r =V f − s  and =V f for  s d
r =R and =0 for d

The flame speed V f is given by the turbulence model. See “Appendix A.4” for r mathematical
Being h=h  the height from piston, at any instant of θ, to the top of the cylinder, comes

h= 2 (2.14)
∗R 

where v is the total volume of the cylinder.

The burned and unburned volume and mass are easy to predict, now that r and h are
The burned volume is,
V b =∗h∗r 2 (2.15)

1 2
V b= 2
v∗r (2.16)
and its derivative
dV b 1 2 dv 2∗v∗r dv
= r  (2.17)
d  R2 d  R2 d 

the unburned volume comes,

V u =v−V b (2.18)

Finally, assuming that mb is proportional to V b , it is possible to say,

mb V b
= (2.19)
m v

then, the burned mass is

m b= V (2.20)
v b
its derivative
dmb 1 dV b V b dv
=m∗ −  (2.21)
d v d  v2 d 

and the unburned mass is

mu =m−mb (2.22)
and its derivative
dm u −dmb
= (2.23)
d d

c) Thermodynamic model

The energy balance on the unburned zone is

dU u dV u
=Q̇u −P. − Ṁ b∗hu (2.24)
dt dt

where = Ṁ u=−Ṁ b , Ṁ u is the mass transfer rate to the unburned zone and Ṁ b is the
mass transfer rate to the burned zone; Q̇u is the heat transfer rate from the unburned zone to the
walls; P is the pressure in the cylinder; V u the unburned volume; and U u is the total internal
energy in the unburned zone.
After the algebraic manipulation explained in “Appendix A.5” this equation becomes,

dT u dV u
M u∗Cvu =Q̇ u−P  Ṁ b∗Cv u −Cpu ∗T u (2.25)
dt dt

The energy balance for the burned zone is

dU b dV
=Q̇b− P. b  Ṁ b∗h u (2.26)
dt dt

where =M˙ b ; where Q̇b is the heat transfer rate from the burned zone to the walls; Vb
and U b are the volume and internal energy of the burned zone. The mass balances are

dM b
Ṁ b= (2.27)
−dM b
Ṁ u= (2.28)

where M b and M u are the zone masses.

After the algebraic manipulation explained in “Appendix A.6” equation (2.26) becomes,,

dT b dV b
M b∗Cv b =Q̇b− P  Ṁ b∗Cp u∗T u −Cv b∗T bhf u−hf b  (2.29)
dt dt

(3) Combustion termination

The end of the combustion occurs when the flame front reaches the walls of the cylinder,

r =R

If the end of the combustion process is progressively delayed by retarding the spark timing, or
decreasing the flame speed by decreasing the piston speed, the peak cylinder pressure occurs later in
the expansion stroke and is reduced in magnitude. These change reduce the expansion stroke work
transfer from the cylinder gases to the piston.

2.3.2 Turbulence characteristics

The flow processes in the engine cylinder are turbulent. In turbulent flows, the rates of transfer and
mixing are several times greater than the rates due to molecular diffusion. This turbulent flow is
produced by the high shear flow set up during the intake process and modified during compression. It
leads to increased rates of heat, mass transfer and flame propagation, so, is essential to the
satisfactory operation of the ICE.
This section explains the structure of the turbulent engine flame in the combustion process, as it
develops from the spark discharge and the speed at which it propagates across the combustion
The turbulence model is based on equations that describe the evolution of turbulence in a fluid
where the density is a function only of time. For details see [2].
The turbulence kinetic energy per unit mass, k is described by,

dk 1 dM c
= P−D  I −E −k  (2.30)
dt Mc dt

During the burn stage the turbulence energies of the burned and unburned gases are tracked
together using the above equation with just the P and D terms,

= P−D (2.31)

dM c
because during the combustion there is no mass transfer, so =0 and I and E are

dM c
functions of .
The term P is the turbulence energy production rate per unit mass and is modeled by,

P=F p ∣U 3∣− 2 k 1 dv (2.32)
v 3 v dt

where the first term accounts for turbulence production due to the strain in the shear flow on the walls
and the second the effects of compression.
D is the turbulence energy dissipation rate per unit mass and is modeled by,

kV t
D=F d (2.33)
v 1 /3 

The coefficients F p and F d are parameters that can be set by reference to experiments. To
get the respective values for each term, the Engine Simulation Program (ESP) which is available in
the Internet at the site “” was referenced.

Using the turbulence equation and the next two equations, it is possible to estimate Vf which is
the velocity of the flame front relative to the unburned gases,

V t2
k= (2.34)
V f =V L C f ∗V t (2.35)

where V t is the turbulence velocity in the unburned zone, V L is the specified laminar flame speed
and C f is a specified coefficient, approximately unity. The value for V L was obtained from the
After having the V f estimated, it is possible to make a realistic approximation to the real
variation of the burned radius. Knowing that,
=V f (2.36)

and dt= d  comes,
dr V f
= (2.37)
d w

Finally, the real variation of the burned radius due to the change of the crank angle when
sd can be expressed by the next equation,

r= − s  (2.38)
dr V f
= for  s d (2.39)
d w

2.3.3 Heat Transfer

The heat transfer model used in this report is the same as before.
However, since we are using the two zone combustion model, during the development of the
combustion, different quantities of heat are released from the burned and unburned zone.
Applying the Newtonian convection equation,

Q=h g  Aw T −T w / N (2.40)

The only thing that will change in this two zone combustion model are the exposed burned and
unburned areas as shown in figure 8.

Figure 8 – Areas evolution during the combustion

The exposed burned area varies in function of the burned radius,
Awb =∗r (2.41)

the exposed unburned area comes,

Awu = Aw − Awb (2.42)

Finally, the heat transfer equation for the the burned zone is,

Qwb =−hg∗A wb∗T b−T w / N (2.43)

0.75 0.75 −0.25 −0.465
h g =300∗P ∗U ∗bo ∗T b /1000 (2.44)

and the heat transfer equation for the unburned zone is,

Qwu =−hg∗Awu∗T u −T w / N (2.45)


h g =300∗P 0.75∗U 0.75∗bo−0.25∗T −0.465

u /1000 (2.46)

where the units of hg, P, U, b and T are kW/m2K, kPa, m/s, m and K, respectively. The piston speed, U
is given by equations (2.9) and (2.10).

2.4. Completely burned gas expansion

The burning stage lasts until the piston has progressed beyond TC, but ends before the piston has
descended to the point of =evo near BC. The expansion from the end of combustion to  evo
involves completely burned gas.

2.4.1 Thermodynamic equation of burned gas expansion

During this stage, the energy balance on the in-cylinder gas is,

dU  
=Q−W (2.47)

As both valves are closed there is no mass exchange so

= m i =m e =0 (2.48)

After the algebraic manipulation shown in “Appendix A.7” comes,

dT Q T dV
= −Rb (2.49)
d  m∗Cv
  CvV d 

2.4.2 Heat Transfer

At this stage, the heat release rate at any crank angle θ to the exposed cylinder wall at an engine
speed N is determined with a Newtonian convection equation,

Q=h g  Aw T −T w / N (2.50)

The heat transfer coefficient hg(θ) is the instantaneous averaged heat transfer coefficient and
Aw is the exposed cylinder area.

The instantaneous heat transfer coefficient during the expansion stage is estimated in the same
way as the heat transfer coefficient in the compression stage.

0.75 0.75 −0.25 −0.465

h g =300∗P ∗U ∗bo ∗T b /1000 (2.51)

where the units of hg, P, U, b and T are kW/m2K, kPa, m/s, m and K, respectively. The piston speed, U
is given by equations (2.9) and (2.10).

Chapter 3 – Gas exchange cycle

This cycle deals with the fundamentals of the gas exchange process, intake and exhaust and the
valves mechanism in a four stroke internal combustion engine, called the gas exchange cycle . Only a
brief explanation about the thermodynamics state and gas flow rate will be given.

This cycle is called the gas exchange cycle because it is where the burned gases from the
expansion stroke are expelled (exhaust stroke, =evo≈2  to θ=3π) and fresh fuel-air is ingested

(ingested stroke,  ivo to =4  ).

This cycle is also described by the main two laws of thermodynamics governing the unburned and
burned fuel-air mixture in the cylinder.
The gas exchange process is based on a “perfect valve timing”. In perfect valve timing the exhaust
valve closes exactly when the cylinder pressure drops below exhaust system pressure, but after TC at
=3  . Then both valves remain closed while the piston descends (expanding the cylinder
volume) until the cylinder pressure reaches the intake system pressure, which is less than the
exhaust pressure for unsupercharged engines.

3.1.Valve action

Valves allow the gas exchange to occur. Valve opening and closing control is called valve timing.
The valves action occurs for the following values of θ,
● exhaust valve opens (evo) at =evo=2 −/9 ;
● exhaust valve closes (evc) at =evc=3  ;
● intake valve opens (ivo) at =ivo determined by intake pressure;
● intake valve closes (ivc) at =evo=4  .

3.1.1 Geometry
The valves are driven by a cam that rotates at half the speed of the crankshaft.
The valve flow area depends on valve lift and the geometric details of the valve head, seat and

Curtain area=∗D∗l (3.1)
1 2 2
Port area=  D −d  (3.2)

where l=l  is the valve lift, D the port diameter and d the stem diameter.

It can be written mathematically as,

Av =min  D l  ,  D 2−d 2 (3.3)

The valve lift, l  is usually a curve that looks like figure 9,

Figure 9 - Typical exhaust valve timing diagram

Approximating this curve by the formula,

l = 1−cos  (3.4)

where l m is the maximum valve lift and usually

 D2−d 2 
l m (3.5)

3.1.2 Isentropic flow thought an orifice

From the gas dynamics, the isentropic flow through an orifice is given by,

P v  2k  P v  k1 1
2 k
  
 o∗C f ∗Av∗c o∗   −   2 (3.6)
k −1 P o Po
as long as,

Po Po k
k1  k1 
  =  (3.7)
P v P v cr 2
Po Po
≥  (3.8)
P v P v cr
2  2 k k1

 mcr =o∗C f ∗Av∗co∗  (3.9)
k 1

Po Po
≤ 
P v P v cr

the flow is “choked”. This means that the flow right at the orifice (the valve passage) is “sonic”. At this
condition only mcr (=constant) can pass through the valve passage regardless of how small we

make (see figure 10). Note that P o is the upstream pressure (stagnation pressure) and
P v is the downstream (static pressure – just “behind” valve).

Figure 10 – Isentropic flow through an orifice

For an ideal gas,

o = (3.10)
R∗T o
and c o is the speed of sound,
c o=  kRT o (3.11)

Note that the speed of sound goes up with the upstream temperature. And note that the upstream
for exhaust is the cylinder temperature and the upstream for intake is the manifold temperature which
is much less than cylinder temperature. That is why exhaust valve is smaller than intake valve.
The non-ideal effects are accounted by introducing a flow coefficient Cf, which is here assumed to
be C f ≈0.40 .

3.2. Exhaust stage

The configuration of the exhaust system plays an important role for a good engine performance.
The exhaust system typically consists of an exhaust manifold, exhaust pipe, often a catalytic
converter for emission control, and a muffler or silencer. My study concerns only with the exhaust
stroke which proceeds the power stroke cycle.

At the end of the power stroke, the piston is located at the bottom center, θ=2π . Heat that is left
over from the power stroke is now transfered to the water in the water jacket until the pressure
approaches atmospheric pressure. The exhaust valve is then opened by the cam on the rocker arm to
begin the exhaust stroke.
The purpose of the exhaust stroke is to clear the cylinder of the spent exhaust in preparation for

another ignition cycle. As the exhaust stroke begins, the cylinder and combustion chamber are full of
exhaust products at low pressure. Because the exhaust valve is open, the exhaust gas is pushed past
the valve and exits the engine.

3.2.1 Thermodynamics Model of the Exhaust stage

As it was said, this stroke is also described by the main two laws of thermodynamics. The energy
balance for the exhaust stroke is,

dU  
=Q−W − H e (3.12)
As the intake valve is closed there is no mass exchange trough it so m i= H i =0 and as the

exhaust valve is opened comes =−m e .
After the algebraic manipulation shown in “Appendix A.8” comes,

dT Q R ∗T dV m R ∗T
= − b − b b (3.13)
d   m∗C vb  V ∗C vb   d  m C vb

3.2.2 Heat transfer

At this stage, the heat release rate at any crank angle θ to the exposed cylinder wall at an engine
speed N is determined with a Newtonian convection equation,

Q=h g  Aw T −T w / N (3.14)

The heat transfer coefficient hg(θ) is the instantaneous averaged heat transfer coefficient and is the
exposed cylinder area.

The instantaneous heat transfer coefficient during the expansion stage is estimated in the same
way as the heat transfer coefficient in the compression stage.

h g =300∗P 0.75∗U 0.75∗bo−0.25∗T −0.465
b /1000 (3.15)

where the units of hg, P, U, b and T are kW/m2K, kPa, m/s, m and K, respectively. The piston
speed, U is given by equations (2.9) and (2.10).

2.3. Intake stage

The exchange cycle ends with the intake stroke as the piston is pulled towards the crankshaft (to
the bottom center position, BC) as the intake valves opens and fuel (unburned gas) and air are drawn
past it and into the combustion chamber and cylinder from the intake manifold located on top of the
combustion chamber. The exhaust valve is closed and the electrical contact switch is open. The
fuel/air mixture is at a relatively low pressure (near atmospheric). At the end of the intake stroke, the
piston is located at the bottom center position, ready to begin the power cycle.

Intake manifolds consisting of plenums (separated spaces containing air at a pressure greater than
atmospheric pressure) and pipes are usually required to deliver the inlet air charge from some
preparation device such as an air cleaner or compressor.

3.3.1 Thermodynamics Model of the Intake stage

Using the main two laws of thermodynamics, the energy balance for the intake stroke is,

dU  
=Q−W  H i (3.18)

As the exhaust valve is closed there is no mass exchange trough it so m e = H e =0 and as the

intake valve is opened comes = m i .
After the algebraic manipulation shown in “Appendix A.9” comes,

dT 
Q R ∗T dV m u
= − u  C pu∗T u−C vu∗T  (3.19)
d  m∗C
 vu V ∗C vu d  m∗C
 vu

3.3.2 Heat transfer

The heat transfer model for the intake is the same as it was explained for the exhaust process.

Note that in the intake process the heat transfer can be neglected, when comparing it to the heat
released in the exhaust and combustion stages.

As it was said, the computer simulation was implemented by way of “Scilab” computer program.
“Scilab” is a scientific software for numerical computations, and it is currently used in educational
and industrial environments around the world. This program can be found freely in the following
The ICE computer simulation developed is called CycleComQC (see appendix C.1) and the
original one developed by CVK is called CycleCom (see appendix C.2).

CycleComQC Inputs

The values of the input parameters used in this simulation can be found in the tables below.

Engine data:

Connecting rod/stroke length ratio Rc 2 /

Compression ratio rc 11 /
Maximum cylinder volume Vm 0.00055 m3
Ignition onset ths 0.88π rad
Burn duration thb 0.33π rad
Burning end thd 1.21π rad
Engine rpm rpm 6000 rpm
Cylinder wall temperature Tw 400 K

Exhaust valve data:

Exhaust valve opens thevo 2π-π/9 rad

Exhaust valve closes thevc 3π rad
Exhaust port diameter eportd 0.040 m
Exhaust valve stem diameter estem 0.015 m
Exhaust valve max lift elm 0.035 m

Intake valve data:

Intake valve opens thivo 3π rad

Intake valve closes thivc 4π rad
Intake port diameter iportd 0.040 m
Intake valve stem diameter istem 0.015 m
Intake valve max lift ilm 0.035 m

Intake-exhaust state

Intake pressure Pi 100 K

Exhaust pressure Pe 150 K
Intake temperature Ti 320 K

Unburned fuel-air equation of state, CH4:

Uf-air gas constant Ru 0.2968 kJ/kgK

Cp for uf-air Cpu 1.022 kJ/kgK
Specific heat ration for uf-air ku 1.409 /
Zero degree enthalpy of uf-air hfu -692.0 kJ/kg
Cv for uf-air Cvu 0.725 kJ/kgK

Burned fuel-air equation of state, CH4:

Bf-air gas constant Rb 0.2959 kJ/kgK

Cp for bf-air Cpb 1.096 kJ/kgK
Specific heat ration for bf-air kb 1.370 /
Zero degree enthalpy of bf-air hfb -3471.0 kJ/kg
Cv for bf-air Cvb 0.800 kJ/kgK

Turbulence coefficients:

Parameters set by reference to experiments Fd 0.03 /

Parameters set by reference to experiments Fp 0.05 /
Coefficient set by reference to experiments Cf 0.4 /
Laminar flame speed VL 0.04 m/s


The single zone with homogeneously mixed burned and unburned gases developed by CVK is
called the single zone adiabatic model. I have added heat transfer to this model and it will be called
the single zone heat transfer model so first the results obtained from the single zone heat transfer
model simulation program (see appendix C.3.) are discussed. After that, it is discussed the main
simulation program and how the power, efficiency and heat transfer vary with the engine speed and
how this have influence on the engine performance. Another point explained is the turbulence model
and how it affects the combustion stage.

As illustration an engine with a compression ratio of 11, total volume of 55 cm 3, using methane
(CH4) which properties are very similar to gasoline and setting the engine to run at 6000rpm was
obtained the following results for the heat transfer model,

Figure 11 - Temperature vs crank angle diagram for a four stroke engine running at 6000rpm

Figure 12 - P-V diagram for a four stroke engine running at 6000rpm

Figure 13 - Work vs Volume diagram for a four stroke engine running at 6000rpm

In order to compare the performance of an adiabatic engine with a non-adiabatic engine, the following
results were obtained,

For an adiabatic engine

RPM Power (kW) Efficiency (%) Work (kJ)
3000 14.81 0.49 0.59
4000 16.32 0.47 0.49
5000 16.60 0.46 0.40
6000 16.22 0.43 0.32
7000 15.57 0.41 0.27
8000 14.84 0.39 0.22

Figure 14 – Variation of the power, efficiency and work with the engine speed (rpm) for an adiabatic engine

For a non-adiabatic engine

RPM Power (kW) Efficiency (%) Work (kJ)
3000 12.40 0.40 0.50
4000 13.79 0.38 0.41
5000 14.05 0.37 0.34
6000 13.66 0.35 0.27
7000 13.00 0.32 0.22
8000 13.58 0.34 0.20

Figure 15 – Variation of the power, efficiency and work with the engine speed (rpm) for a non-adiabatic engine

As we can see, the heat loss affects the engine performance. As we were expecting, the power,
efficiency and the work drops when we have a non-adiabatic engine. In a non-adiabatic engine the
temperature and pressure is smaller than in an adiabatic engine due to the greater heat losses which
represents work that cannot be done.
Note that as the engine speed increases, the work drops off because the amount of gas burned
goes down. At high engine speed the burn gas exchange is restricted by the flow through the valves.
In particular the exhaust gases can not be completely expelled. Hence the amount of intake gases is
reduced. Also the work required for pumping of the intake and exhaust, especially exhaust is greatly

The results from the last version of the CycleComQC are the followings,

RPM Power (kW) Efficiency (%) Qt (kW) Work (kJ) Qw (kW/rad)

2000 8.90 40.0% -10.60 0.534 -0.636
3000 13.52 43.1% -14.98 0.541 -0.599
4000 17.89 47.2% -19.03 0.537 -0.571
5000 21.85 52.1% -22.79 0.524 -0.547
6000 25.24 57.4% -26.21 0.505 -0.524
7000 27.55 62.8% -28.91 0.472 -0.496
8000 27.93 67.5% -30.05 0.419 -0.451
9000 26.71 69.7% -29.75 0.356 -0.397
10000 24.38 68.8% -28.43 0.293 -0.341
11000 21.38 65.1% -26.52 0.233 -0.289
12000 18.04 59.1% -24.29 0.180 -0.243

Figure 16 – Variation of the power, efficiency,work and heat loss with the engine speed (rpm) for a non-adiabatic engine

Comparing this values for the final program with the ones obtained in heat transfer model, we
conclude that the values for the efficiency are to high. For 6000rpm, the efficiency result obtained for
this final simulation doing Q=0 is 77%. This cannot be correct because it exceeds Carnot efficiency
which is only approximately 60%. This confirms that something is wrong with the basic two zone
model we have developed. However, we will show the results obtained by this model.

Power vs RPM



Power (kJ) 15.00



3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000


Figure 17 – Power as a function of engine speed (rpm)

As expected, the power rises and falls with rpm, but the peak occurs for 8500rpm which is much
too high. Also the peak power is much too large.
When we have heat loss in an engine, occurs a reduction in its temperature and pressure which
represents work that cannot be done leading to lower values of power.

Efficiency vs RPM
Efficiency (%)

4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
3000 5000 7000 9000 11000

Figure 18 – Efficiency as a function of engine speed (rpm)

Analising the figure 18 and the efficiency values obtained for an non-adiabatic engine (figure 16),
we see that the combustion model is not correct in the simulation program. In fact, as expected the
efficiency drops for a non-adiabatic engine. However, and as it was said, for an adiabatic engine
running at 6000rpm the efficiency is 77% which is impossible to occur because even the Carnot Cycle
does not have so high efficiency.
After some experiences with the program, CVK and I conclude that something is wrong with the
pressure calculation which is leading to high values of work and efficiency.

Total heat transfer vs RPM


Total heat transfer (kW)






3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000

Figure 19 – Total heat transfer as a function of engine speed (rpm)

From figure 19 we can say that the peak of total heat transfer occur for 9000rpm. As the engine
speed is increasing the heat transfer also increase because the temperature and pressure in the
chamber are also increasing. However, after 9000rpm, the heat transfer start to decrease due to the
decrease of the temperature in the chamber because the amount of fresh gas decreases due to
restricted gas exchange process as explained before.
Note as the engine speed increases, the heat loss per cycle and the work drops off because the
amount of gas burned goes down. As it was said, at high engine speed the gas exchange process is
more and more restricted.

Figure 20 - Temperature vs crank angle diagram for a four stroke engine running at 6000rpm

Figure 21 – Average temperature vs crank angle diagram for a four stroke engine running at 6000rpm

As it was expected, the temperature peak occurs for the combustion stage, when the spark goes
off. Looking to the average temperature curve, the temperature peak occurs for 4 rad, but this is due

to the fact that in the unburned curve there is a small glitch when the unburned mass goes to zero (the
temperature increase which in a real engine is wrong). This problem is occurring due to some
restrictions that were implemented for the combustion stage.

Figure 22 – P-V diagram for a four stroke engine running at 6000rpm

The pressure increases with the movement of the piston from the BC position to the TC position.
The peak pressure occurs when the piston is in the TC position. In this position, the spark already
went off and we are in the middle of the combustion stage. The pressure starts to drop when the
piston start the descending movement to the BC position, where the exhaust valve will open. Note that
with the increase of the piston speed, the peak pressure gets smaller.
We can see that the pressure peak here is considerably higher (5200kPa) than the 4200kPa of the
single zone model with heat transfer (figure 12). The single zone model is much more realistic for
typical engines. This shows that the approximation we have made for the pressure calculation is not

Figure 23 - Work vs crank angle diagram for a four stroke engine running at 6000rpm

As we can see from figure 23, the main work produced in an engine occurs in the combustion and
expansion stage. The high temperature of the gases during the combustion also leads to high
pressure. This high pressure of the gases will act on the face of the piston causing it to move from TC
(minimum volume) to the BC (maximum volume) in which produces the main work. In the intake stage,
the work is also positive, however it can be neglected.

Figure 24 - Heat transfer coefficient vs crank angle diagram for a four stroke engine running at 6000rpm

Figure 25 – Heat transfer vs crank angle diagram for a four stroke engine running at 6000rpm

Figures 24 and 25 represent the results from the heat transfer model. As we were expecting in both
curves the peaks occur for the combustion stage in which the temperature hits the higher values. Note
that the values for the heat transfer are negative because this heat represents the heat losses in the

Figure 26 – Turbulence vs crank angle diagram for a four stroke engine running at 6000rpm

Figure 27 – Flame speed vs crank angle diagram for a four stroke engine running at 6000rpm

Figures 26 and 27 represent the results from the combustion model in which is taken into account
the turbulence in the cylinder.
The main objective of this model was to watch the variation of burn duration with the engine speed.
In real engines, the mixture burning and the flame speed are strongly influenced by engine speed.

When the engine speed increases, the flame speed also increases. However, the burning rate
throughout the combustion process increases, thought not quite, as rapidly as engine speed leading to
higher crank angle intervals.
In the CycleComQC, the objective was to implement one turbulence model that represent this
variation, however the results were not quite the ones expected. As we can see from the figures 26
and 27 the variation of the turbulence is proportional to the piston speed. From this we can conclude,
that the turbulence model used were not the most accurate. The increase in the engine speed leads to
a proportional increase in the flame speed and the combustion duration stays constant. The net effect
is not much different from CvK's essentially constant burning rate. The turbulence model used was
approximated from Lumley's model. This should be corrected in a future effort.

Concluding remarks

The fundamentals principles which govern internal combustion engine design and operations were
well developed and implemented using the “Scilab” computer program. All the objectives proposed
were achieved. For the heat transfer model the results obtained were quite good. However, the results
obtained from the last simulation where it was added the heat transfer model plus the combustion
model were not the ones expected. As mentioned previously, the model used was oversimplified, thus
leading to quantitatively erroneous results although the results were qualitatively correct.
We can conclude that treating the combustion model CVK developed is simpler than the one
developed during this project and leads to the good results. However, the CycleComQC is more
realistic because it presents a non-adiabatic engine, and the two zone model inside the combustion
chamber which takes into account the turbulence inside it. However, some of the details need to be
improved in order to give quantitatively more accurate results.
We have concluded that the main difficulty is the pressure approximation. It is felt that with a little
more time the pressure calculation can be improved by a new model that we have developed.

[1] J. B. Heywood. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals. McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1988.
[2] J. L. Lumley. Engines An Introduction. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1999.
[3] A. T. Kirkpatrick and C. R. Ferguson. Internal Combustion Engines Applied Thermosciences.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,2001.
[4] Y. A. Çengel and M. A. Boles. Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach. McGraw-Hill, Inc.,
New York, NY, 2008.

Appendix A

Mathematical and thermodynamic manipulations

A.1. Equation 1.1

Figure 23 - Sketch of the slider crank model of piston-cylinder geometry

=0 : y =l−

=: y =l

y =l∗cos − cos 

s s
l∗sin − sin  = sin = sin 
2 2l

cos = 1−sin2 


cos = 1−
s 2 2
 sin 


 s 2 2 s
y =l 1−  sin − cos 
2l 2

 2 s
V = bo  y −l  
4 2

A.2. Equation 2.3

Energy Balance for the compression stage:

dU  

dm 
= H i= H e =0

● Total internal energy (U):

U =m∗[ x∗Cv b∗T hf b1− x∗Cv u∗T hf u ]

and its derivative

dU dx dT dx dT
=m∗[ Cvb∗T hf b x∗Cv b − Cv u∗T hf u 1−x ∗Cv u ]
d d d d d
dU dx dT
= =m∗[Cvb −Cvu ∗T hf b−hf u   x∗Cv b−Cv u Cvu  ]
d d d

where  hf =hf b−hf u and  Cv=Cvb −Cvu

● Power output to the piston (W):

 W =PdV

 =P dV
assuming ideal gas behavior,
PV =mRT then,

P= where R= xRb1− x Ru

 =m xRb1−x  R u T dV
V d

● Energy balance equation:

dU  
=Q−W comes

dT  T dV dx
m∗ x∗ CvCvu  =Q−m xRb1− x Ru  −m∗ Cv∗T hf b−hf u  
d  V  d   d 

where A= x∗ CvCv u


dT 
Q T dV  CvT  hf dx
= − xRb1−x  R u  −
d  m∗A AV d  A d

A.3. Equation 2.12

Calculation of the spark ignition equation using the “Mean Value theorem of Calculus”:
Using the following general equation which it will be explained in this appendix,

dT b dV b
M b∗Cv b =Q̇b− P  Ṁ b∗Cp u∗T u −Cv b∗T bhf u−hf b 
dt dt

and applying the “Mean Value theorem of calculus” comes,

dT dV b
∫ M b∗Cv b d b d =∫ Q̇ b d −∫ P d
d ∫ Ṁ b∗Cpu∗T u−Cv b∗T bhf u−hf b  d 

where ε represents [ ,] and

∫ Q̇b d =0 ;

dV b
∫ P d
d =P  s V b  s −V b s =P s V b  s

dM b
∫ d
Cpu∗T u−Cv b∗T bhf u −hf b d  =

Cpu∗T u s −Cvb∗T b s  M b s−M b s hf u−hf b M b s−M b  s

Knowing that
M b  s =0
M̈ b=M b s 0 ,

∫ M b∗Cv b d b d =M b ∗Cv b T b s −T b s 

Replacing the integrals in equation comes,

M b ∗Cvb T b  s−T b s=−P s V b s +

Cpu∗T u  s −Cvb∗T b  s  M b  s−M b  s hf u−hf b M b s−M b  s

and knowing that

T b  s =T u , T b s =T¨ b and V b  s=V¨ b

V¨ b
Cvb  T¨ b−T u =Cpu∗T u s −Cv b∗T uhf u−hf b −P  s ∗
M¨ b

V¨ b
Cvb∗T¨ b=Cv b∗T uCp u∗T u −Cvb∗T u  hf u −hf b−P  s
M̈ b
1 P̈∗V¨ b
T¨ b= C pu∗T u∣hf u−hf b ∣− 
C vb M̈ b

A.4. Equation 2.13

Calculation of the burned radius, r assuming a “linear distribution”,

r =a b

Boundary conditions:

i. r  s =0
ii. r d =R where R=
it comes,

i. r  s =0⇒ 0=a  s b ⇒b=−a s

ii. r  d = R⇒ R=a  d b ⇒ R=a b −a  s ⇒ a=
d −s

Replacing a and b in equation comes,

r = −  ,
 d −s d − s s
r = −d 
 d − s

A.5. Equation 2.25

The energy balance on the unburned zone is described by

dU u dV u
=Q̇u −P − Ṁ b∗hu
dt dt

applying to it some thermodynamic concepts and algebraic manipulation comes:

● Unburned Internal Energy and its derivative

U u=M u∗Cvu∗T u hf u
and its derivative is
dU u dM u dT
= Cv u∗T uhf u M u∗Cv u. u
dt dt dt

● Expressing the unburned enthalpy as

h u=Cpu∗T u hf u

Replacing in the main energy balance equation comes

dT u P.dV u
M u∗Cvu =Q̇ u−  Ṁ b∗Cp u∗T uhf u  Ṁ b∗Cv u∗T uhf u 
dt dt

and finally
dT u dV u
M u∗Cvu =Q̇ u−P  Ṁ b∗Cv u −Cpu ∗T u
dt dt

A.6. Equation 2.29

The energy balance on the burned zone is described by

dU b dV b
=Q̇b− P  Ṁ b∗h u
dt dt

applying to it some thermodynamic concepts and algebraic manipulation comes:

● Burned internal energy and its derivative

U b=M b∗Cv b∗T b hf b

and its derivative is
dU b dM b dT
= Cvb∗T bhf b M b∗Cvb. b
dt dt dt

● Expressing the burned enthalpy as
h b=h u
Substituting in the main energy balance equation on the burned zone comes

dT b P.dV b
M b∗Cv b =Q̇b−  Ṁ b∗Cp u∗T u hf u −M˙ b∗Cvb∗T bhf b 
dt dt
and finally
dT b dV b
M b∗Cv b =Q̇b− P  Ṁ b∗Cp u∗T u −Cv b∗T bhf u−hf b 
dt dt

A.7. Equation 2.49

Energy Balance for completely burned gas expansion:

dU  

dm 
= H i= H e =0

● Total internal energy (U):

U = m∗[
 x∗Cv b∗T hf b1− x∗Cv u∗T hf u ]

and its derivative

dU dx dT dx dT
 Cvb∗T hf b x∗Cv b − Cv u∗T hf u 1−x ∗Cv u ]
d d d d d
dU dx dT
= =m∗[Cv
 b −Cvu ∗T hf b−hf u   x∗Cv b−Cv u Cvu  ]
d d d

where  hf =hf b−hf u and  Cv=Cvb −Cvu

● Power output to the piston (W):

 W =PdV


 =P dV
assuming ideal gas behavior,
PV =mRT then,

P= where R= xRb1− x Ru

 =m T dV
W  xRb1−x  R u
V d

● Energy balance equation:

dU  
=Q−W comes

dT  T dV dx
 x∗ CvCvu  =Q− m
 xRb 1− x Ru  −m∗
 Cv∗T hf b−hf u  
d V d d

where A= x∗ CvCv u

Finally and since x=1 ,

dT Q T dV
= −R B
d  m∗Cv
  CvV d 

A.8. Equation 3.13

Energy balance for the exhaust stage:

dU  
=Q−W − H e
m i= H i =0 and =−m e

● Total internal energy (U):
u=C vb∗T h fb
dU dm∗u du dm
= =m u
dt dt dt dt

● Power output to the piston (W):

 =P dV
 W =PdV so  W
assuming ideal gas behavior,
PV =mRT then,
P= where R= xRb1− x Ru

As long as we only have burned gas comes,

 = m∗R
 b∗T dV
V d

Energy balance equation comes,

du  W −m b∗Cpb∗T hf b  =

 −u∗m b=Q−

du  W − m b∗Cpb∗T hf b =
 −Cvb∗T hf b ∗m b=Q−

du   du  
 =Q−W −m b Cpb∗T h fb −Cv b∗T −hf b = m
 =Q−W −m b Cpb −Cvb T =
d d

du  
 =Q−W −m b∗Rb∗T
du −m∗d
 Cvb∗T hf b  dT
 = = m∗Cv
 b
d d d
dT 
Q R ∗T dV m b R b∗T
= − b −
d  m∗Cv
 b V∗Cvb d  m Cv b

A.9. Equation 3.19

Energy balance for the intake stage :

dU  
=Q−W  H i
m e = H e =0 and = m i
d 
● Total internal energy (U):
u=Cv u∗T hf u
dU dm∗u du dm
= =m u
dt dt dt dt

● Power output to the piston (W):

 =P dV
 W =PdV so  W
assuming ideal gas behavior,
PV =mRT then,
P= where R= xRb1− x Ru

As long as we only have unburned gas comes,

 = m∗R
 u∗T dV
V d

Energy balance equation comes,

du  W  m u∗Cpu∗T uhf u  =
 u∗m u=Q−

du  W  m b∗Cp u∗T u hf u  =

 −Cvu∗T hf u ∗m u=Q−

du   du  
 =Q−W m u Cp u∗T uhf u−Cv u∗T −hf u  = m
 =Q−W m u Cp u∗T u−Cv u∗T 
d d

du −m∗d
 Cvu∗T hf u  dT
 = =m∗Cv
 u
d d d
dT 
Q R ∗T dV m u
= − u  Cpu∗T u−Cv u∗T 
d  m∗Cv
 u V ∗Cvu d  m∗Cv
 u

Appendix B

B.1. Knock

“As the flame front travels across the combustion chamber the temperature and pressure of the
gases ahead are rising, due to the continual release of heat. Above a minimum value of temperature
and pressure, a mixture of fuel vapor and air with a particular concentration at a particular pressure
and temperature has a delay in time after which it will spontaneously ignite, know as autoignition. That
is, when the mixture reaches the particular temperature and pressure, a reaction begins, the end point
of which is ignition.

This reaction does not take place all at once. If the unburned mixture in front of the advancing
flame (known as the end-gas) in the combustion chamber were to reach its autoignition point
simultaneously due to the temperature and pressure rise, then the entire remaining unburned mixture
would ignite at once, not waiting for the arrival of the flame front. The combustion which previously had
been an orderly progressive burning would now become an explosion.” [2] This phenomenon is called

Appendix C
Computer simulations

C.1. CycleComQC

The “CycleComQC” can be divided in six parts:

(1) Engine data
(2) Auxiliary functions
(3) Main functions
(a) Power cycle process
i. Compression stage
ii. Ignition
iii. Combustion/Expansion stage
(b) Exhaust process
(c) Intake process
(4) Outputs
(a) Numerical results
(b) Plots

(1) Engine data

(2) Auxiliary functions

(3) Main functions
(a) Power cycle process
i. Compression stage

ii. Ignition

iii. Combustion/Expansion stage

(b) Exhaust process

(c) Intake process

(4) Outputs
(a) Numerical results

(b) Plots

C.2. CycleCom

The main program developed by CVK can be divided in six parts:

(1) Engine data
(2) Auxiliary functions
(3) Main functions
a) Power cycle process
b) Exhaust process
c) Intake process
(4) Outputs
a) Numerical results
b) Plots

(1) Engine data

(2) Auxiliary functions

(3) Main functions
(a) Power cycle process

(b) Exhaust process

(c) Intake process

(4) Outputs
(a) Numerical results

(b) Plots

C.3. Single zone heat transfer model

C.4. Computer simulation of the turbulent model


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