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Energy Policy 30 (2002) 1251–1259

Hydropower projects: a review of most effective mitigation measures

Serge Trussarta,*, Danielle Messierb, Vincent Roquetc, Shuichi Akid,e
Environment Department, Hydro-Qu!ebec, 75 Ren!e-L!evesque Blud West, 3rd Floor, Montr!eal, Qu!e., Canada H2Z 1A4
Environment Dept., Hydro-Qu!ebec, 855 Sainte-Catherine Street East, 9th Floor, Montr!eal, Qu!e., Canada H2L 4P5
Vincent Roquet & Associate Inc., 926 Saint-Maurice Street, suite 302, Montr!eal, Qu!e., Canada H3C 1L7
Formerly from Central Research Institute for Electrical Power Industry (CRIEPI) Japan
1-2-7 Sakuragaoka Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, 240-0011 Japan


Hydropower industry practitioners design and implement a large number of environmental and social mitigation measures within
the context of hydroelectric projects. However, the effectiveness of such measures is relatively unknown. Indeed, very little has been
published on the results of such measures, especially when the results obtained have proven to be inconclusive. To address this
concern, the authors carried out a review of current mitigation practices. The detailed results of the review can be found in the
following International Energy Agency (IEA) publication: Hydropower and the Environment, Annex III—Subtask 6, April 2000. The
information gathered within the scope of the study was based upon: (a) a review of 147 recent scientific publications; and (b) a
survey of nine international hydropower producers using a detailed questionnaire. This paper summarises the results of the study.
These are based upon actual case studies and upon the experience of hydropower industry practitioners and of professionals from
the environmental and social sciences. r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Hydropower; Effectiveness; Mitigation

1. Introduction Impact avoidance measures are usually implemented

at the project planning and design stage, in order to
Hydropower raises specific environmental issues eliminate or minimise from the onset all anticipated
related to the transformation of land use and of river adverse impacts.
flows, as well as specific socio-economic issues related to Mitigation measures are those used to eliminate a
the transformation of local and regional living condi- source of impact or reduce its intensity to an optimal
tions. A wide variety of environmental and social or acceptable extent.
mitigation measures (or actions) are designed and Compensation measures seek to compensate for
implemented by power industry practitioners within impacts that cannot be mitigated and for residual
the context of hydropower projects throughout the impacts of the project after implementation of
world. Several of these require sharing of responsibilities mitigation measures.
with public authorities and local stakeholders. Four Enhancement measures are used to improve existing
categories of environmental and social mitigation environmental or social conditions, which are not
measures are generally referred to in the context of directly affected by the project. Such measures may
hydroelectric projects: be implemented outside the study area. To be
efficient, these measures must be defined in co-
operation with all stakeholders.

However, the effectiveness of such measures is

*Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Trussart), relatively unknown. Indeed, very little has been pub- (D. Messier), lished on the results of such measures, especially when
(V. Roquet), (S. Aki). the results obtained have proven to be inconclusive. To

0301-4215/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 0 1 - 4 2 1 5 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 8 7 - 3
1252 S. Trussart et al. / Energy Policy 30 (2002) 1251–1259

address this concern, the authors carried out a review of The following section draws up, for each of the six
current mitigation practices. The detailed results and main biophysical issues, the most common impacts of
references of the review can be found in the following hydropower, as well as the most effective mitigation,
International Energy Agency (IEA) publication: Hydro- compensation or enhancement measures that can be
power and the Environment, Annex III—Subtask 6, April applied to reduce these impacts.
The information gathered within the scope of the 2.1. Reservoir impoundment
study was based upon: (a) a review of 147 recent
scientific publications; and (b) a survey of 9 interna- The flooding of terrestrial, aquatic and wetland
tional hydropower producers using a detailed question- habitats following impoundment of reservoirs constitu-
naire. The results of the literature review were tes the main biophysical impact of hydropower projects.
summarised in the IEA publication mentioned above: Many reservoirs are used for different purposes,
a total of 12 tables presented various mitigation, which include hydroelectric production, irrigation,
compensation and enhancement measures that have flood control, fishing (commercial, sporting or subsis-
been implemented or proposed within the context of 130 tence), recreation, navigation, conservation of aquatic
different hydropower projects. Information resulting habitats or wetlands, etc. Adequate siting of a reservoir
from the survey of nine international hydropower must take into account significant concerns, such
producers was based upon 24 projects located in as human population density, water quality, wildlife
Canada, Finland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Norway, or wilderness reserves, national parks, valuable agricul-
Spain, Taiwan and Tanzania. The data produced by ture, valuable forestry, seismic activity, etc. The most
the survey was processed and stored in a database, impact avoidance action is to limit the extent of
which can be found in the following IEA publication: flooding.
Hydropower and the Environment, Annex III—Subtask 1, The most effective impact avoidance action of reservoir
April 2000. impoundment is:
Information extracted from both the literature review Minimise areas to be flooded per unit of energy
and the database enabled the authors to identify the produced, on the basis of technical, economic and
environmental and social mitigation measures that are environmental concerns.
considered to be the most effective by hydropower
industry practitioners and by professionals from 2.1.1. Fisheries
the environmental and social sciences. These measures Reservoirs generally constitute good habitat for fish.
were grouped under 10 specific biophysical and However, the impacts of reservoirs upon fish species will
socio-economic headings and are briefly discussed here- be perceived positively only if they involve species that
after. are valued for their commercial use, or for sporting and
subsistence fishing, and if there is no increase in fish
contamination levels.
2. Biophysical issues Successful measures for the development of fish
communities and fisheries in reservoirs:
Basically, hydropower leads to the transformation of * Creation of spawning and rearing habitats.
ecosystems by the creation of reservoirs and/or through * Stocking of adults or fries of commercial species that
important modifications to flow regimes. The nature and are well adapted to reservoirs.
magnitude of impacts are highly site specific, vary * Access roads, ramps and landing areas.
significantly from one project to another and vary * Localised tree clearing prior to impoundment for
according to the biotopes in which projects are sited. navigation corridors and fishing sites.
However, most impacts can be avoided or reasonably * Navigation maps and charts.
mitigated if the project is correctly planned and * Recovering of floating debris.
designed. The most common physical and biological * Fish farming technologies.
impacts observed following the analysis of the ques- * Fish harvesting, processing and marketing facilities.
tionnaires and the literature review are linked to the
following major issues: Users may refuse to harvest reservoirs for ideological,
cultural, religious or other reasons. In such cases, and
* Reservoir impoundment. also if water quality proves to be inadequate for aquatic
* Loss of biological diversity. resources, measures to enhance the quality of other
* Reservoir sedimentation. water bodies for valued species should be implemented
* Modifications to water quality. in co-operation with affected communities. Once miti-
* Modifications to hydrological regimes. gation and compensation measures have been imple-
* Barriers for fish migration and river navigation. mented in the reservoir, enhancement measures for
S. Trussart et al. / Energy Policy 30 (2002) 1251–1259 1253

aquatic habitats, or fishery enhancement programs, can * Banks restoration, including riparian vegetation
be put into place in neighbouring lakes and reservoir enhancement (in some pumped storage reservoirs,
tributaries. greening of large drawdown zones appears to be
Successful measures for the development of fish successful).
communities and fisheries beyond reservoir boundaries:
A large number of measures are available to mitigate
* Creation of spawning and rearing habitats. or compensate for landscape and vegetation losses and
* Diversification of aquatic habitats. to protect or restore heritage amenities. The co-
* Opening up of new stretches of river with fishways, or operation between local communities and national or
reconfiguration of falls and rapids. regional authorities are key ingredients in the success of
* Flow control devices, such as artificial riffles, dikes or such activities.
* Stocking of adults or fries. 2.2. Loss of biological diversity
* Installation of fish incubators.
For practical purposes, there is not yet one single
definition of biodiversity on which the scientific com-
2.1.2. Terrestrial habitats munity agrees and can refer to in quantitative terms.
Reservoirs are created to the detriment of terrestrial Whereas many natural habitats are successfully trans-
and wetland habitats and resources, including terrestrial formed for human purposes, the natural value of certain
animals. Some measures may be very effective locally to other areas is such that they must be used with great
create or protect specific habitats. Moreover, long-term care or left untouched. Human societies can preserve
compensation and enhancement measures will be much environments that are deemed sensitive or exceptional,
more beneficial to the conservation of terrestrial and the establishment of protected areas generally
habitats. constitutes an effective means for ensuring the long-
Successful programs to restore terrestrial habitats: term viability of such environments.
The most effective steps to avoid loss of biological
* Protection of land area equivalent or better in diversity:
ecological value to lost land.
* Conservation of valuable land adjoining the reservoir * Choosing a reservoir site that minimises loss of
for ecological purposes and erosion prevention. exceptional ecosystems.
* Creation of ecological reserves with rigorous and * Trying to limit as much as possible the size of
effective protective measures. reservoir, per unit of energy produced.
* Conservation of flooded emerging forest in some * Doing specific inventories and acquiring better
areas for brood rearing waterfowl. knowledge on the fauna, flora and specific habitats
* Enhancement of reservoir islands for conservation within the studied zone.
purposes. * Protecting an equivalent area to the flooded zone
* Partial clearing of timber zones before flooding. nearby the impacted zone.
* Selective wood cutting for herbivorous mammals. * Keeping intact a part of nearby ecosystem, assuming
* Development or enhancement of nesting areas for that unknown species will be protected.
birds, nesting platforms for raptors.
2.3. Reservoir sedimentation
In certain reservoirs, large drawdown zones are not
appropriate for habitat restoration. They may cause Sedimentation is a major concern for the life of a
erosion and sedimentation problems that in turn may be reservoir. It has a direct influence on the costs and even
the source of impacts on aquatic, riparian or terrestrial on the feasibility of a hydropower project. The most
habitats. In order to minimise such effects, depending on common reservoir sedimentation problems are caused
local conditions, some measures to promote vegetation by the transportation by rivers of very high concentra-
or control erosion can be applied following reservoir tions of suspended or entrained particles. If excessive
impoundment. reservoir sedimentation is unavoidable, then appropri-
Measures to promote vegetation or control erosion ate attention must be paid during project planning to the
following reservoir impoundment: provision of a storage volume that is compatible with
the required life of the project.
* Protection structures such as gravel embankments, Many approaches are also recommended by ICOLD.
riprap, gabions, etc. However, protection of the natural vegetation in the
* Bioengineering for shore protection and enhance- watershed is one of the best ways to minimise erosion
ment. and prevent sediment loading.
1254 S. Trussart et al. / Energy Policy 30 (2002) 1251–1259

Effective mitigation measures to prevent reservoir increase aquatic weed drift and decrease suitable
sedimentation: substrate for weed growth.
Because the reservoir constitutes the focal point for
* Proper site selection. the watershed catchment, municipal, industrial and
* Precise knowledge about long-term sediment inflow agricultural wastewaters entering the reservoir contri-
characteristics to the reservoir. bute to increase water quality problems. In such cases,
* Adequate protection of banks and natural vegetation proponents and stakeholders must properly assess and
in the catchment area. manage this issue during all of the project planning,
* Extraction of coarse material from the riverbed. design, construction and operation phases. Mechanical
* Dredging of sediment deposits. and/or chemical treatment of shallow areas to reduce
* Use of gated structures for flushing sediment with the proliferation of insects that are vectors of water-
flow conditions comparable to natural conditions. borne diseases may prove profitable but entail high costs
* Use of a conveyance system equipped with an and require delicate and continuous operations. Im-
adequate sediment excluder. provement of public health conditions in locally affected
* Use of sediment trapping devices. communities may prove to be more effective for
* Use of bypassing facilities to divert floodwaters. waterborne disease control.
During construction and operation phases, the most
2.4. Modifications to water quality effective measures to increase water quality:

Water quality problems associated with the impound- * Watershed management, including stakeholders par-
ment of reservoirs are among the most difficult to ticipation.
mitigate. Most water quality problems can be avoided * Pre-impoundment clearing when feasible.
or minimised through proper site selection and design * Shorelines erosion control.
based on reservoir morphology and hydraulic charac- * Mechanical and/or chemical treatment of shallow
teristics. The objectives pursued are to reduce the area areas to reduce proliferation of insects carrying
occupied by flooding and to reduce the water residence diseases.
time in the reservoir. * Mechanical elimination of waste and wastewater
Selective or multi-level water intakes may limit treatment.
thermal stratification, turbidity and temperature * Prevention of excessive doses of fertilisers and
changes both within and downstream of the reservoir. pesticides in the watershed area.
They may also reduce oxygen depletion and the volume
of anoxic waters. The addition of structures for 2.5. Modifications to hydrological regimes
reoxygenation to hydropower facilities has been used
with success, mostly downstream of the reservoir. The operation of a hydropower plant generally
Downstream gas supersaturation may be mitigated by involves modifications to the hydrological cycle down-
designing spillways, installing stilling basins or by stream of reservoirs. In addition, certain projects involve
adding structures to favour degassing. river diversions that modify the hydrological cycle both
Some specialists recommend pre-impoundment clear- upstream and downstream of reservoirs through:
ing of the reservoir area. However, this must be carried (a) the reduction of river flows downstream of the
out carefully because, in some cases, a massive regrowth diverted site; and (b) the proportional increase of river
can occur prior to impoundment. flows along diversion routes. However, rivers with
During planning and design phase, the most effective reduced or increased flows still follow a natural
measures to prevent water quality problems: hydrological cycle.
* Proper site selection by controlling upstream pollu- Downstream of control structures, flow regimes are
tion. different from natural discharges, both in terms of time
* Use of selective or multi-level water intakes. and of volume. Physical and biological changes are
* Reduce the water residence time in reservoirs, related to positive or negative variations in water levels.
especially in tropical or subtropical environments. The magnitude of these changes can be mitigated by
* Proper design of spillway or addition of structures to discharge management. The smaller the short-term
favour degassing. variations of water levels, the smaller the changes.
* Addition of reoxygenation devices. There is increasing pressure by regulatory agencies to
incorporate an ecological flow in the operation of water
Increased water turbidity can be mitigated by control structures.
protecting shorelines that are highly sensitive to erosion, River diversions lead to a general decrease of aquatic
or by managing flow regimes in a manner to reduce habitats. Ecological flow may be established at the
downstream erosion. Planning periodic peak flows can design stage. The discharge can be constant or variable
S. Trussart et al. / Energy Policy 30 (2002) 1251–1259 1255

depending on the purposes; in the latter case, control Most fish injuries or mortalities (adults and juveniles)
structures must be added to the dam. These during downstream movement are due to their passage
requirements should be discussed, accepted and mana- through the turbines and spillways. Improvement in
ged by a stakeholders committee. Major changes turbine design, spillway design or overflow design have
in the flow regime may entail modifications in the proven to successfully minimise fish injuries or mor-
estuary where the extent of the salt-water intrusion talities. More improvements may be obtained by
depends on the freshwater discharge. Another impact adequate management of the power plant flow regime
associated with dam construction is the decrease of or through spillway openings during downstream move-
sediment loading to river deltas. As coastal plains are ment of migratory species.
often intensively used for agriculture, fish farming and Once the design of the main components (plant,
other activities, a rigorous flow management program spillway, overflow, flow management) has been opti-
must be ensured to prevent loss of habitats and mised for fish passage, some avoidance systems may be
resources. installed (screens, strobe lights, acoustic cannons,
The most effective mitigation measures related to electric fields, etc.). The effectiveness of such devices is
modifications of hydrological regimes: variable, especially in large rivers. It may be more useful
to recuperate the fish in the head race or upstream and
* Flow management by stakeholders. transport the individuals downstream.
* Banks restoration techniques. The most effective techniques for downstream fish
* Fish habitat restoration programs. movement:
* Protection of coastal habitats.
* Improvement in turbine, spillway or overflow design.
* Management of flow regime or spillway during
2.6. Barriers for fish migration and river navigation
downstream movement of migratory fish.
* Installation of avoidance systems upstream the power
Hydropower dams create obstacles for the movement
of migratory fish species and for river navigation. * Capture and transportation of fish downstream.
Barriers for migratory fish movement may reduce access
to spawning grounds and rearing zones, leading to a
decrease in migratory fish populations and fragmenta-
3. Socio-economic issues
tion of non-migratory fish populations. However,
natural waterfalls also constitute obstacles to upstream
To a greater degree than for their physical or
fish migration and river navigation. Many dams are
built on such falls and therefore do not constitute an biological impacts, the socio-economic impacts of
hydropower projects are largely conditioned by the
additional barrier to passage. Most hydropower dams
nature of project-related mitigation measures and
constitute a threat to fish during downstream migra-
compensation packages and by the process leading up
tions, by causing mortalities or injuries.
to their design and implementation. To a large extent,
Locks are the most effective technique available to
the actual design and implementation of socio-economic
ensure navigation at a dam site. For small crafts,
mitigation measures and compensation packages may
lifts and elevators can be used with success. Navigation
determine whether a hydropower project becomes a
locks can also be used as fishways with some adjust-
ments to the equipment. Sometimes, it is necessary to means of development and empowerment or an instru-
ment of impoverishment and dependence. In most cases,
increase the upstream attraction flow. In some projects,
however, hydropower projects generate a combination
by-pass or diversion channels have been dug around
of economic and social gains and losses. The most
common socio-economic impacts observed are linked to
There are numerous examples of fishways and fish
the following four major issues:
ladders, but their effectiveness is variable according to
concerned fish species, the size of the river, the water * Involuntary displacement.
head, design, etc. Other common devices include fish * Public health risks.
elevators, and the capture and transportation of fish * Impacts on vulnerable minority groups.
upstream. * Sharing development benefits.
The most effective techniques to ensure upstream
The following section draws up, for each of the four
* Locks, lifts and elevators for watercraft. main socio-economic issues, the most common impacts
* Fishways, bypass channels, fish elevators, with of hydropower, as well as examples of effective
attraction flow or leaders to guide fish to fishway. mitigation, compensation or enhancement measures
* Capture and transportation of fish upstream. that can be applied to reduce these impacts. The
1256 S. Trussart et al. / Energy Policy 30 (2002) 1251–1259

section’s focus is on conditions in tropical or subtropical * Promote public participation in setting resettlement
developing countries, rather than on conditions in more objectives, in identifying reestablishment solutions
developed countries in temperate regions. Indeed, most and in implementing them.
future hydropower developments will be concentrated in * Move people in groups.
developing countries in the tropics. In addition, the * Rebuild communities.
socio-economic challenges associated with building * Consider ‘‘host’’ communities needs.
hydropower projects in such countries are frequently * Protect indigenous peoples.
greater than in more developed countries in temperate
Involuntary displacement is viewed increasingly as a
development issue and as such, resettlement programs
should be built around a development strategy. A
3.1. Involuntary displacement consensus is emerging to the effect that resettlement
programs should ensure a prompt and measurable
The most sensitive socio-economic issue surrounding improvement of the lives of displaced people and host
hydropower development revolves around involuntary communities by:
displacement, which consists of two closely related yet
distinct processes: (a) displacing and resettling people * Fostering the adoption of appropriate regulatory
and (b) restoring their livelihoods through the rebuilding frameworks.
or ‘‘rehabilitation’’ of their communities. There is a * Building required institutional capacities.
growing awareness about the adverse consequences of * Providing necessary income restoration and compen-
involuntary population displacement. The often-stated sation programs.
objective of rebuilding or restoring peoples’ livelihoods * Ensuring the development and implementation of
is no longer considered satisfactory because displaced long-term integrated community development pro-
communities often experience declining standards of grams.
living for many years prior to project implementation.
Where and when population displacement finally
occurs, the severity of impacts is often considerable in New development strategies put forward for resettle-
terms of the numbers of people adversely affected, the ment frequently emphasise private ownership of re-
vulnerability of such populations to resettlement, and sources in rural communities in the developing world, as
the suffering caused both during and after removal from opposed to customary systems based on limited access
the impoundment zone. Funding and managing invo- to communal resources. A greater emphasis is also put
luntary displacement is difficult for governments in the on publicising and disseminating project objectives and
developing world, particularly in low-income countries related information through community outreach pro-
confronted with land scarcity, competing needs and grams, to ensure widespread acceptance and success of
limited resources, as well as severe institutional capacity the resettlement process. Finally, the active participation
constraints. of affected communities in the decision-making process
As described in the World Bank’s Resettlement Policy, is of utmost importance.
in order to minimise or mitigate the social impacts related
to involuntary displacement, projects should be planned 3.2. Public health risks
and implemented according to the following principles:
Higher incidences of waterborne diseases as well as of
behavioural diseases linked to increased population
* Avoid or minimise involuntary displacement. densities are frequent consequences of the construction
* When involuntary displacement cannot be avoided, of a dam and the presence of a man-made reservoir,
resettlement must be carried out through systematic particularly in tropical or subtropical environments. It is
implementation of established guidelines. generally recognised nowadays although not always put
* Improve livelihoods, on the basis of sound social into application—that in order to ensure the long-term
analysis, reliable demographic assessments, technical success of a hydropower project, public health impacts
expertise in planning for development-oriented reset- must be considered and addressed from the onset of the
tlement, and effective executing organisations that project. Efforts to mitigate public health impacts
respond to local development needs, opportunities associated with large hydropower dam projects have
and constraints. until recently aimed to maintain local health conditions
* Allocate resources and share benefits, based upon at the level of quality available prior to the project. A
accurate cost assessments and commensurate finan- consensus is emerging to the effect that hydropower
cing, with resettlement timetables tied to civil works projects should contribute to the improvement of public
construction. health conditions in affected communities.
S. Trussart et al. / Energy Policy 30 (2002) 1251–1259 1257

To be able to attain such an objective, part of the institutional support needed to implement adequate
costs of health care services should be included in those mitigation measures.
proposed water impoundment schemes, which pose a
risk to public health. Recurring costs for health
education should also be included in the recurrent 3.3. Impacts on vulnerable minority groups
operational costs for such schemes. Health maintenance
costs after the completion of an impoundment scheme The World Bank describes indigenous peoples and
could be partly supported from the income of that ethnic minorities as ‘‘ysocial groups with a social and
scheme. The control of the health effects of excessive cultural identity distinct from the dominant society that
population increases around hydropower reservoirs makes them vulnerable to being disadvantaged in the
requires managing the influx of migrant workers or development processy’’. The worldview of a large
migrant settlers and minimising to the utmost the number of traditional rural, agricultural or indigenous
flooding of inhabited areas. communities is built around the moral significance of
Examples of public health measures at the initial their environment and the resources upon which they
planning and design stages: depend to live. Hydropower development projects in
indigenous or traditional resource based areas can have
* Avoiding or minimising public health risks at the very far-reaching cultural and social effects at the community
onset of the project. level. The extent of such impacts is difficult to ascertain,
* Gaining a good understanding of current health considering the number of outside influences to which
conditions and strategies in the project area. they often are subjected (encroachment on traditional
* Providing a health specialist in the project design land, extraction of local resources, migrant labour,
team, with the necessary support. schools, commercial exchanges, etc.).
* Planning the announcement of the project in order to It is very difficult to mitigate or fully compensate the
avoid early population migration to an area not social impacts of large hydropower projects on indigen-
prepared to receive them (in terms of the presence of ous or other culturally vulnerable communities for
a local public health system). whom major transformations to their physical environ-
* Establishing an efficient communication network ment run contrary to their fundamental beliefs. Mini-
with public health officials and NGOs. mising such impacts requires that such communities be
* Developing a program of early interventions to take willing partners in the development of a hydropower
into account population migrations. project, rather than perceiving it as a development
* Planning for gradual implementation of disease imposed by an outside agency with conflicting values. It
prevention programs. also requires that such communities be given sufficient
lead time to assimilate or think through the project’s
consequences and to define on a consensual basis the
Examples of public health measures during and after conditions in which they would be prepared to proceed
construction: with the proposed development. These conditions are
not always easy to fulfil for outside development
* Waterborne disease vectors control programs.
* Accessible medical clinics and dispensaries in project-
Examples of measures to minimise impacts on vulner-
affected communities and in areas where population
able minority groups:
densities are likely to increase.
* Hiring and training of the required staff and regular
support for disease control.
* Early involvement of concerned communities in
* Urban and industrial wastewater management and project planning.
air pollution control around the reservoir.
* Agreements on proposed developments between
* Case detection and epidemiological surveillance concerned communities and proponents.
* Granting of legal protections so that affected com-
* Public health education programs directed at the munities retain exclusive rights to the remainder of
populations affected by the project. their traditional lands and to new lands obtained as
Although efficient systems are not common or easy to * Training of community members for project-related
establish, several developing countries have developed jobs opportunities.
the necessary tools to implement them. If project * Restricting access of non-residents to the territory of
planners cannot count on an organised and efficient concerned communities during construction of the
national health system, they should at least design their project.
project on the basis of a proper understanding of its * Compensation funds for the development of commu-
potential effect on local health conditions and of the nity infrastructure and services.
1258 S. Trussart et al. / Energy Policy 30 (2002) 1251–1259

* Ensuring long-term financial support to maintain * Preferential hiring of local workers for construction
and promote activities that define local cultural work and ancillary services and provision of training
specificity. for local workers in order to improve their chances of
Compensation for changes to community traditions * Design and implementation of river basin manage-
and ways-of-life can be achieved to a certain extent ment plans that take into account the water needs of
through improved housing, education, social services concerned stakeholders, in the reservoir area and
and health care. However, such forms of compensation downstream.
may not always be sufficient, particularly in the case of * Long-term efforts to develop and sustain reservoir
indigenous or ethnic minority groups that are dependent fisheries and drawdown agriculture, as well as
on locally available natural resources. Even when such associated infrastructure and commercial and public
communities benefit economically from the introduction services, such as recreational navigation, sport fishing
of a hydropower project, they often perceive the project or tourism.
as an implicit rejection of their cultural values. In such * Ensuring that project-affected people actually be-
cases, ensuring the long-term financial support of come beneficiaries of new development schemes, by
activities that define local cultural specificity may also ensuring their access to new job opportunities during
be required in order to minimise impacts brought about the early years of such schemes.
by the project.

3.4. Sharing of development benefits

4. Conclusion
Because of their long-term structural impact, there is
no doubt that well sited and designed hydropower This paper has stressed the importance of using
projects have the potential to generate significant proven environmental and social management practices
national and regional economic benefits. It is difficult to mitigate or compensate the adverse impacts and to
to overstate the economic importance of hydropower optimise the development benefits of hydropower.
and irrigation dams for densely populated countries that Because very little has been published on the results of
are affected by scarce water resources for agriculture such practices, the authors carried out a review of
and industry, limited access to indigenous sources of oil, current mitigation practices in order to address this
gas or coal, and frequent shortages of electricity. In concern. The information gathered within the scope of
many cases, however, hydropower projects have resulted the study was based upon a review of recent scientific
both in winners and losers: locally affected communities publications and a survey of several international
have often born the brunt of project-related economic hydropower producers using a detailed questionnaire.
and social losses, while the regions to which they are Information extracted from both the literature review
connected have benefited from a better access to and the database enabled the authors to identify the
affordable power and to regulated downstream water environmental and social mitigation measures that are
flows and water levels. considered to be the most effective by hydropower
Although economic benefits are often substantial, industry practitioners and by professionals from the
effective enhancement measures exist to ensure that environmental and social sciences.
local and regional communities fully benefit from the Nonetheless, the review of environmental and social
hydropower project. Some measures apply specifically mitigation practices was hindered by the relative scarcity
to the construction phase of a project, others may of scientific data on the actual effectiveness and
continue throughout the operation phase. efficiency of such practices. Indeed, very few long-term
Examples of measures for sharing development benefits monitoring and follow-up studies have been carried out
of hydropower: by hydropower producers, in view of assessing the
effectiveness of environmental and social mitigation
* Developing equity-sharing partnership solutions with measures. Where and when such studies have been
local and regional institutions. carried out, it is frequently difficult to extrapolate from
* Creating a jointly managed environmental mitigation the results of site and project-specific studies to other
and enhancement fund. development contexts. It would therefore appear that
* Setting up a regional economic development commit- the hydropower industry should put more resources into
tee with local economic stakeholders. ensuring that existing and future environmental and
* Splitting construction contracts, in order to allow social mitigation measures are adequately monitored
smaller regional companies to bid. and assessed, and that the results of post-project studies
* Encouraging large contractors to use local businesses are systematically fed back into the project planning and
to supply part of the services. environmental impact assessment process.
S. Trussart et al. / Energy Policy 30 (2002) 1251–1259 1259

Acknowledgements document. The authors also acknowledge participants

attending Workshops No. 1 and 5 at the EIA Annex III
The authors wish to thank Ga.etan Hayeur, Joseph Technical Seminar held in Madrid in March 1999; their
Milewski and Rene! Nault and his team for their professional expertise was essential to assess the effec-
continuous effort in preparation of the Hydropower tiveness of mitigation measures.
and the Environment—Annex III—Subtask 6

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