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Brothers and Sister Ltd. Co.

No. 200, Lockhart Road
Hong Kong

Hanoi Garment Company 

No. 300 Minh Khai Street 
Hai Ba Trung District 
Ha Noi 
Viet Nam 

Dear Sir or Madam

Thank you for your letter which alerted us to the wrong color of AC342

As a result of the investigation, we have not found any certain cause for the
error. The only reason we could give you is that last week 02 employees
from the production department were sick and we had to ask for the help of
the inexperienced in 2-3 days. 

We would like to apologize for this inconvenience. Our company launched a

new training program for a reserve force for an emergency. We hope that this
solution will help to provide better services. 

We are pleased to inform you that this Friday we will send you the
consignment of 200 flags by post to replace the flags printed in white, not
yellow without any further charge. 

Please remove away the mistaken items and there is no need to send them
back to us. 

We are grateful to have a chance to do business with you and hope to serve
you in the near future.

Yours faithfully
Head of Sales

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