Presentation in English 2

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Throughout history, it’s undeniable that the masses have a great role and power in

the prosperity of the nation. Therefore, building the "battle of people's hearts" is an urgent
topic of all times. But first, we need to understand the phrase "the battle of the people's
hearts". "The battle of the people's heart" is patriotism, solidarity, and faith in the Party
among masses. Those 3 core values create a sense of responsibility and determination of
the people in building and defending the socialist Fatherland. That is the political and
spiritual foundation for the operation of the State.
The strength of solidarity has been demonstrated throughout history. Vietnam is
only a small country in Southeast Asia, but it is the only country that has not been
assimilated after 1,000 years of being invaded by the Han Dynasty; the country
determined to maintain territorial integrity under the malicious plots of the American
invasion in the 1960s. It is an example for the power of the Battle of the People’s hearts,
an extraordinary power that surpasses all modern machines and weapons, overcomes all
fears and the most crowded armies.
In peacetime, solidarity also serves as the foundation for the development of
society. 2020 is a year in which we have witnessed terrible natural disaster and epidemic,
but the Vietnamese people have never ceased to unite. On January 23, last year, the first
case of Covid in Vietnam was detected. Immediately, the prevention measures were put in
place, people were asked to wear masks, stay at home, and suspend all non-essential
activities. Up to now, the epidemic situation is still complicated. However, it is
undeniable that the unity and trust of the people in the government's policies and solutions
is a bright spot. No one doubts the announced information, there are no protests against
wearing masks, and no one is left behind during the epidemic.
However, there are still "flies in the ointment". Those are people avoiding
declaration, illegally immigrate, etc, making the epidemic situation more difficult to
control. Broadly speaking, that is also the general situation of “the battle of the people's
hearts” under the influence of the market economy. Those are individuals who only care
about personal gain and immediate benefit, they are ready to trades off the efforts of the
whole team. Besides the epidemic, we are also facing problems such as the complicated
situation in the East Sea; and non-traditional security issues.
As a Vietnamese citizen, it is my fortune to be aware of the importance of the
battle of the people’s hearts, I feel that I and all other young people need to be responsible
for building the battle of the people’s hearts. To do that, I am not going to give you plenty
of solutions that you have heard several times or can easily find on Google. Let's each
look back at the things that we have taken for granted, that is peace, independence,
freedom. Let's feel grateful for the merits of those who went before, and feel the
preciousness of "The Battle of the People's Heart". Then we will know what to do.

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