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Chủ đề: Thanh niên Quân đội xung kích học tập ngoại ngữ, đáp ứng yêu

nhiệm vụ xây dựng Quân đội, xây dựng và bảo vệ Tổ quốc trong tình hình mới.
Topic: The Army Youth pioneers in learning foreign languages, meeting the
requirements for constructing the Army, building and protecting the Country in
new circumstances.

I. Introduction:
- What are "new circumstances"?
II. Main ideas:
1. The role of foreign languages in constructing the Army, building and
protecting the Country in new circumstances
- Constructing the Army:
+ Foreign languages are a requirement for Vietnamese soldiers to absorb the
knowledge, information and experience from other armies all around the world;
and to utilize such resources to contribute to the development and strengthening of
our Army.
+ Foreign languages also serve as a medium to communicate with armies all
around the globe, thus creating meaningful and strategic relations between our
Army and other armies, striving for mutual understanding and security.
- Building and protecting the Country:
+ Foreign languages are an indispensable tool for communicating and connecting
with other nations and cultures all over the world, which is conducive to the
national development in this age of globalization.
+ Also, by using foreign languages to improve the Army, the Army youth is also
contributing to the process of protecting the Country.
2. How to pioneer in learning foreign langueges so as to construct Army, build
and protect the Country in new circumstances?
- Ceaselessly acquiring new knowledge, information, and practicing skills, so as to
be fluent in a foreign language and the culture.
+ Through all kinds of sources: books, newspapers, media, teachers, friends,
+ Self-discipline is the key.
- Actively organizing and participating in activities that helps showcase foreign
language ablities, as well as exchanging knowledge and information with other
young cadets and soldiers of the VPA.
e.g. this very Army English Club Festival
III. Conclusion:
- A brief summary of the points.
- A message to the audience.

Full Speech:
Kofi Annan – the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations – once
said: "It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the
laws of gravity." Indeed, it is undeniable that globalization has become a fact of
life in recent times, and it is widely believed that languages are the key to enter this
wonderful age of global integration. This leads back to my topic today, we – the
Army youth – need to pioneer in learning foreign languages to meet the
requirements for constructing the Vietnam People's Army, building and protecting
our Country in the new circumstances – the circumstances of global exchange and
integration – of globalization.
But first, as soldiers of the VPA, we need to answer the question: "What is
the role of foreign languages to the Army and the Country?" For a start, foreign
languages are a requirement for Vietnamese soldiers to absorb the knowledge,
information and experience from other armies all around the world; and to utilize
such resources to contribute to the development and strengthening of our Army.
For example, the General Department of Engineering in the Vietnam People's
Army is in charge of researching and producing military weapons for our army,
and if it was not for the staff who are proficient in foreign languages, the
Department wouldn't be able to absorb information on weapon-making from other
countries and turn it to our advantage. Furthermore, foreign languages also serve
as a medium to communicate with armies all around the globe, thus creating
meaningful and strategic relations between our Army and other armies, striving
for mutual understanding and security. Recently, the VPA has maintained good
relations with many countries, such as the US, China, to name but a few, and it is
the contribution of foreign-language staff that helps preserve these relations. And,
by contributing to the development of the Army, learning foreign languages also
contributes directly to the protection of our country, as well as helping our
countries nurture good relationships with partners all over the world, which is a
prerequisite for development in the globalization age.
That leads us to the next question: "How can us Army Youth pioneer in
learning foreign languages to contribute to the constructing of the Army, the
building and protecting of our Country?" First, each and every young soldier and
cadet need to recognize their loyalty to the Party, the State and the People,
because, no matter how good at languages a person is, it is only with the awareness
of his duty to the country and the people that they can truly contribute to the Army
and the Country. Second, we need to ceaselessly acquire new knowledge and
information, as well as practicing skills so as to be fluent in a foreign language
and its culture. These knowledge and information come from almost any sources:
it can be books, newspapers, TV, the Internet, the teachers, and even from strange
foreigners. But no matter what the sources are, it is self-discipline and a genuine
passion for learning that truly make a young soldier proficient in a language. Last
but not least, young soldiers and cadets need to actively organize and participate
in activities that helps showcase foreign language ablities, as well as exchanging
knowledge and information with other young cadets and soldiers of the VPA. This
very Festival for the Army English Clubs is one of the brightest examples, and the
opportunities it offers are priceless.
To conclude, it is the duty of each soldier and cadet of the VPA to be the
trailblazers in learning foreign languages and use that learning to serve the Army
and the Country. As a young cadet myself who has spent years learning English, I
have long realized the importance of foreign languages as well as how I can use
them to contribute to the Army, the Party, the State and the People. Finally, I want
to send a message to each and every one of you here: as language-learners, we
need to do more than just learning languages, we need to use them in a way that
not only benefits ourselves, but also benefits our proud Army and Country as well.
Thank you for listening!

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