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CỐ LÊN ANH EM okiieeee <3 Nhanh t còn đi ngủ huhu

Tuyệt wa
Đi ngủ đây
- fill the medical report honestly if you went through epidemic
area or have symptoms like cough, sore throat, sick,.. mới
nghĩ ra
fix these two problems: Poor quality public infrastructure and public goods.+ Lack of
legal infrastructure protecting property rights (there are some even in pseudo-socialist
Vietnam) and enforcing contracts.

Group 5: International Market

Good evening teacher, we are from group 5. Today, our speaking test
topic is International Market, and it contains 2 main parts. Part 1 we
will have a discussion about globalization. And part 2, we will talk
about Donald Trump situation
Let's start with the discussion in part 1

PART 1: 4-5 mins

Linh: Hey, I need help. There is an assignment about globalization
that I have to finish today. Can you give me a hand?
NA: Of course.
Trang: But first, do you know what Globalization is?
Linh: In simple terms, globalization is the spread of products,
technology, information, and jobs across national borders and
cultures. In economic terms, it describes an interdependence of
nations around the globe fostered through free trade.
NA: Oh, I have researched globalization before. It seems that
globalization has blurred the boundaries between countries. For
example, the establishment of world organizations like WTO, WB,
UNICEF and free trade agreements like AFTA, EVFTA are the
prominent manifestations of globalization.
Linh: Oh, it seems to be a really positive trend, doesn't it?
Trang: Yes, Globalization is such a big part of the modern world. It
creates chances to access new cultures, new markets, new technology
and innovation. As many countries around the world remain
constantly connected, those travel quickly. Globalization allows
companies to find lower-cost ways to produce their products and
increases global competition, which drives prices down and creates
more choices for consumers. So we can say that Globalization does
raise people's living standard all around the world.
Linh: If only I had learnt about it sooner, it's so interesting.
Trang: I agree, it IS interesting. However everything has pros and
cons, right?
NA: Yes, Besides the benefits, globalization also has negative
impacts on each country and all over the world.
- First, you can see that globalization makes specific cultural
characteristics from some countries disappear.
- Second, despite its benefits on the economy, the consequences
of globalization are far from homogeneous: income inequalities and
trades that benefit parties differently.
- Lastly, as you know, Many critics have also pointed out that
globalization has negative effects on the environment. It is also
responsible for serious environmental problems such as greenhouse
gas emissions, global warming or air pollution.
Trang: That's what I am going to say. Because of those negative
impacts, some people don’t really think Globalization is a good thing.
Linh: Can you explain it? I still think Globalization’s pros outweigh
its cons.
Trang: - As NA has just mentioned, the very first problem is the
inequality in the world. Those without capital cannot gain from the
economy; thus the gap between the rich and the poor becomes bigger
and bigger.
- Moving now to the objection to the cultural dimension of
globalization, it has been argued that globalization causes identity loss
and it has resulted in the extinction of some traditions.
- The final reason is that globalization creates new global problems.
These include: international organised crime, global terrorism and
worldwide environmental problems. Those problems not only harm
people's lives directly but also can cause some long-term
Linh: Oh, I can see that globalization could cause loss of a country’s
identity, traditions or it can negatively impact the domestic
community, but the world is never going to abandon globalization
because of its huge advantages. While it’s true that individual
countries and regions put policies and practices in place that limit
globalization, such as tariffs. Businesses and professionals willing to
confront and prepare for globalization’s challenges and risks have the
potential to benefit immensely.
NA: I hope this information can help you with your assignment.
Please tell us if you need any help.

That's the end of part 1. In the second part of the test, we will talk
about Making America great again. Let's start now.

PART 2: 1-2 phút/ người

NA: In 2016, the presidential campaign between Donald Trump and
Hillary Clinton and the election of the Republican candidate became
the main topic of the newspapers during that time. During his tenure,
with the slogan “put American first” and “make America great again”,
on 23rd January, he showed the Executive Order withdrawing the US
from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (also called TPP). Many articles
have also pointed out different reasons for his decision.
First of all, Donald Trump referred to the TPP as a “horrible deal”,
and he believed that it steals American jobs while benefiting large
corporations. Companies from developed countries that signed up to
the deal, such as Japan and the United States, would have outsourced
to developing countries that have low-cost labor and fewer labor laws,
like Vietnam. In which case, unemployment in developed countries
could have risen. Moreover, in Trump’s opinion, TPP has negative
effects on America‘s economy. More specifically, manufacturing
jobs would be at risk;//Foreign firms in more countries would be
given equal access to the U.S. //federal government contracts.
standards, rules could be challenged by foreign governments.
Trang: Besides, top of Trump's wish list at the time was to re-
negotiate or "terminate" NAFTA - the North American Free Trade
Agreement. There are several explanations for his act, but first we
need to know what NAFTA is. It is a trade agreement between
Canada, Mexico and the United States that went into effect in 1994
under President Bill Clinton.
President Donald Trump, on the campaign trail, labelled NAFTA “the
worst trade deal” ever signed by the US./. Trump blames NAFTA for
wiping out US manufacturing jobs because it allowed companies to
move factories to Mexico where labour is cheaper. The manufacturers
that remained in America lowered their wages to compete in those
industries. And the workers, without union support, had little
bargaining power which caused wage decrease.
After renegotiation with Mexico, On Jan. 29, 2020, President Donald
Trump signed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. The
White House estimated it would create 6 hundreds thousand jobs and
add 2 hundred and thirty five billion dollars to the economy. Which is
good news for America.
Linh: According to the America situation at that moment, I suggest 2
ways could actually “Make America Great Again”
- Introduce pro-family policy. For me, the smartest and best
thing Trump did during his campaign was to come out forcefully
for pro-family policy. Recall that his policy involved
deductibility of childcare expenses from income taxes and
mandatory paid maternity leave, paid for by the government.
- Focus on infrastructure: Infrastructure can provide a short-
term boost to the economy, but more importantly, infrastructure
is a key component in global competitiveness and attracting
manufacturing jobs. An infrastructure plan should focus on
high-speed internet, nuclear power, and ambitious projects like
the Hyperloop. I would add an additional point: Companies
contracted to do infrastructure work should get bonuses if they
hire long-term unemployed workers who have earned a
qualification at the end of the contract.
=> To do this may not only make America great again, but also help
America get through a very troubling and crucial time in the history
of the world.

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