Unofficial RPG Netbook: by Adam Coleman

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Unofficial RPG Netbook

by Adam Coleman
Layout, Design, and a WHOLE LOT of inspiration by Corey Stanish!
All Tremors characters, concepts and photos © 2003 Universal Film Corporation and Stampede Entertainment
Unisystem and Unisystem Lite © and ™ 1996-2003 CJ Carella and Eden Studios.
Burt stood at the edge of the cliff, scanning the moonlit valley below with a practiced eye and
night vision goggles. Tyler stood next to him cradling his spray nozzle like an infant. This nozzle was
connected to a strange looking backpack. Both men were wearing Tyvek painter’s suits and had gas
masks slung on their chests.

“So Burt, what did Cletus say these things were a Mixmaster of?”
“Horned Toad, Armadillo, and Fire Ant. What that means, is that they can spray jets of venom
from their tear ducts, dig almost as fast as El Blanco, sense body heat, are armor plated, are socially
organized and can run like a scared cat.”
“Great, another underground monster to deal with. Why can’t that Mixmaster ever work on
harmless things?”
“I don’t know, what I do know is that these things are trying to kill our worm for a midnight
snack, so Twitch has authorized us to go out and hunt them. Wait a second...” Burt said stopping his
scan pattern, “Mount up! They’re going after a burro herd!”
“The tourists like the burros Burt, we’d better go stop those critters otherwise some more of my
meal ticket is going to vanish.”
The two men jumped into Burt’s 4x4 and started negotiating the switchbacks down to the valley

Tyler had shed the backpack and, as usual, was doing the driving. Burt sat in the passenger seat
holding on for dear life. As the only person
still alive after having been swallowed by a
Graboid, Burt was renowned for being
unshakeable; Tyler tested this theory every
time Burt was the passenger.
“Okay, are you sure you understand
the plan?”
“Yes Burt. We drive up, I distract
them with this...” Tyler patted the backpack
between the seats, “...then you take them
out with that.” he pointed at the strange
looking longarm Burt held in his lap.
“Good, I see you were paying attention. Now according to the Intel Cletus and Dr. Mathews
were able to come up with, off that one that Nancy and Jodi ran over, they should react very poorly to
extreme cold.”
“That’s why the CO2 sprayer then.”
“That’s right, now just get us there in one piece.”
The truck skidded round the darkened curves until finally arriving at a macabre scene. Four
burros lay on the ground, chunks torn off them. There was no sign of the attackers put definite sign of
their exit route, a bloody beaten down path heading west into the scrub.
Burt and Tyler dismounted and readied their gear. Tyler shrugging on the sprayer pack, and Burt
seating a massive cylinder into the rear of his gun.
“Now what the heck is that thing called again? An earthmover?”
“No, its called a Jackhammer, now put your mask on and be quiet!” Burt hissed.

Looking very much like alien intruders the pair started moving carefully down the trail. The
beaten path led to an arroyo filled with moonlight cast shadows. Burt clicked on the tactical light
attached to the Jackhammer; swinging it back and forth, he searched for any signs of the creatures or
their passage.
“Looks clear”, he hissed, “Move out but be careful.”
“I have no problem with the ‘being careful’ part.”
Tyler took the lead; all he could hear was the rasping of his own breath inside the mask. The
ground began to change consistency from hard gravel and stone to looser sand.
“Uhm, Burt?”
“What is it now?”
“I was just thinking.”
”About what?” Burt sounded irritated.
“Don’t fire ants make ant hills?”
“Yes, why?”
“Cause I think we’re standing on theirs!”
At that moment, the ground started to buck and heave, as dozens of wriggling, armored bodies
erupted from the sand...
hey say there’s nothing new under the sun…
T …But under the ground…
The Tremor
Rhonda: There's nothing like them in the fossil
record, I'm sure...Okay, so they predate the fossil
(Not buying it herself)
That'd make them a couple of billion years
old...and we've just never seen one till now.
Earl: I'd vote for outer space. No way, those are local boys.
Val (joking): Atomic testing. Or, no, bioengineering! The government built them, a big surprise in the
next war.
--Tremors Script (Working Draft 6)

Tremors takes place on an Earth much like ours, but on an Earth where pre-Cambrian lifeforms,
bizarre secret technologies running amuck, and survivalists who actually do know what is really going
on are commonplace. With three movies (and another one in production), and now a TV Series it looks
like the big worms and those that hunt them are going to be around for a while. The history of the
Graboids, and their hate/hate relationship with the Gummer family, is supposed be dealt with in the
fourth movie.

Val: Hey, hold up...That's Edgar Deems!

Earl: You're crazy.
Val: He only ever wears that one damn jacket. That's him, I'm telling you.

--Tremors Script (Working Draft 6)

On this earth, many things which most people take for granted are simply not true. The
government has been lying (No? Really?) for years about some of its black projects involving genetic
modification. Either creatures from elsewhere have been on Earth for centuries, or they have just
arrived and no matter which, are killing innocents around the globe. There really was a second gunman
on the grassy knoll, well there was if you ask Burt, but he really does seem to be right far too often …
This is an Earth where the common person has to clean up the problems that stupidity, apathy,
and absurdity have wrought. It does not have to center on Perfection Nevada. Granted that town seems
to be a nexus of absolute weirdness, but Graboids and Shriekers have been spotted in Argentina and
Mexico as well.

Burt: I'm not saying nothing happened. I'm just saying it wasn't a ghost. Can we at least agree on
Nancy: Of course. I've been thinking that we're developing a vortex, in the valley, I mean. A
concentration of energy like at Stonehenge or the Great Pyramid.
Burt: Don't you start.
Nancy: No, it's not just me, in Sedona, they have at least five of these energy fields. Thousands of
people go there every year just for the positive vibes. Well, I think we may have a vortex too.
Look at all the strange occurrences that occur here. Much more going on than meets the eye.
Burt: That's what I've always said.
Tyler: She's not talking conspiracies Burt.
Nancy: Right. Masculine or feminine, cosmic forces.
Burt: If we can't remain rational, we are lost.
--TV Series-Ghost Dance

It just seems that Perfection is cursed due to the release of the Mix-Master compound, and the
fact that it seems to be a prime breeding and hunting ground for Graboids and their spawn. So far, Mix-
Master has created Project 4-12, the hydrophilic “ghost” bacteria, and the “plant”. Starting with Edgar
Deems, the various Genus Caedarus creatures have killed in Perfection Valley alone, at least 30 persons,
ranging from backpackers to government researchers. The one thing all these creatures have in
common is that they are not supposed to exist.
The technology and equipment in this environment is pretty similar to what exists today. Guns
go bang, trucks drive, gasoline burns. However things that would not normally be used in combat tend
to get thrown into the fray as well, such as shop vacs, Cordon Bléu pot roasts, weather balloons, lawn
tractors, un-hung doors, 55 gallon drums, and pretty much anything else that is available. Oh yeah and
there are the high-tech heat shielding suits, experimental bactericides, and other exotic stuff that the
hero’s rivals always tend to have…
Just Plain Folks: Character Creation

The Tremor ‘verse is the whole world. It can be as small as one lonely valley in Nevada, or as
large as a sea monster terrorizing shipping in the Gulf of Mexico. There is plenty of room for almost any
kind of character from a gung ho Survivalist, to a down on his luck cowboy, to a mercenary storeowner,
to an elite military commando team member (Hey, it could happen…)
The best place to start when creating a character from scratch is with the basic concept. In
addition to their actual job, what role will they play in the game? Comic relief, boorish loudmouth, voice
of reason, or something else? If you’re stuck, turn to the characters from the movies or the series for
inspiration, try mixing and matching
(“I want to play a crop duster pilot that’s as rough and ready as Tyler” or “I want to play
someone full of common sense like Miguel, only a contractor instead of a rancher.” Sometimes a
character concept can come together during character creation, or even after the game has started. If
you find yourself lacking in the inspiration department, just get the numbers down and let it work itself
out as your character plays against the rest of the Cast.
The great thing about the Tremor ’verse is that there is a rich level of background, coupled with
a lot of open-ended plot holes hooks that can be easily expanded on. For instance; how much does the
U.S. Government actually know about the Caedarus Species and what are they really planning to do
about it? Would there be a covert base established over in Nellis (Home of Area 51) to monitor
Perfection Valley? Would any of those personnel get involved with the residents of the valley?
Making Sure You Have a Full Group
Make sure that all the characters have a reason to hang together; maybe they’re all residents of
the same small town who rely on each other for mutual monster defense. Or maybe they all belong to a
government clean-up crew that has a couple of civilian “experts” attached to a group of soldiers, and
one bureaucrat in charge.

Character Types
Survivors are the type that, whether through training, natural ability, or just damn fool luck, are
able to deal with whatever the world will throw at
them. This is the type of character to create when
you want to go mano-a-vermino with a Graboid.
Experienced soldiers, covert government
operatives, crusading scientists, or whacked-out
survivalists are good examples of a Survivor...
Heather Gummer, Val, Earl, Kate, Rhonda,
and Tyler are some Survivors.
Attribute Points: 18
Quality Points: 20
Drawback Points: up to 10
Skill Points: 25
Drama Points: 10

Locals are the average residents of the world. Your typical Local will try to do the best they can
against the carnivorous begonias that are attacking their town, but they are the most successful when
part of a group.
Ranchers, oilfield workers, typical bureaucrats, average soldiers, and storekeepers are examples
of Locals.
Jodi, Miguel, Twitch, Melvin, and Cletus are representative of the Local.
Attribute Points: 12
Quality Points: 10
Drawback Points: up to 10
Skill Points: 18
Drama Points: 20

Experienced Survivors
These are the toughest of the tough, with incredible skills and abilities. If you are using all-
original characters, either have everybody use this type or keep it all between Survivors and Locals.
Otherwise, the power gap between players will be too vast. Burt Gummer is the quintessential example
of this character type.
Here’s a prescription for wacky fun: set loose a flock of Shriekers, hand an Experienced Survivor
a shotgun, and stand back.
Attribute Points: 23
Quality Points: 25
Drawback Points: up to 10
Skill Points: 40
Drama Points: 20

Qualities and Drawbacks

Most of the non-supernatural Qualities and
Drawbacks from Unisystem and Unisystem Lite
games can be used with little or no modification for
Tremors characters. Following are some of the
Qualities and Drawbacks that are unique to this

Crack Shot
3-point Quality
[Burt looks at the monster fought off with his "toys"]
Burt: Guess you broke into the wrong Goddamn rec room, didn't ya!
—Tremors Script (Working Draft 6)
The crack shot is an expert in all ranged weapons. This halves any penalties due to either range
or called shots.
4-point Quality
Jodi: Hey Dale Jr., where'd you learn to drive like this?
Tyler: You know about racing?
Jodi: A little.
Tyler: I learned from Dale Sr.
---TV Series---Feeding Frenzy
Whether it comes from breeding or perhaps accident induced brain damage, this character is just
insane. This Quality adds +1 any two Physical Attributes +1 to Will (the total as always, cannot
exceed the normal human maximum), and +2 to either the Acrobatics, Pilot (Ground), Pilot (Air),
Pilot (Water), or the Sports skill. However, the character also gains the Reckless Drawback.
Demo Man
2-point Quality
[Burt has just blown up a Graboid.]
Burt: Memo: 4 pounds of C-4 may be a bit-- [pebbles rain down onto his helmet] excessive.
—Tremors 2: Aftershocks
Demo men are experts at making nothing out of something, preferably with excessive, and even
perhaps, gratuitous explosive force. Demo Men receive +1 to Per, and +2 to Wild Card: Demolitions.
They can NOT take the Reckless Drawback.
Monster Hunter
5-Point Quality
[Upon being introduced to Burt's anti-tank rifle]
Earl: Man Burt, you put a whole new shine on the word
Burt: When you need it, and don't have sing a
different tune.
Kate: That's um.... a bit much, don't you think?
[The men stare blankly]
Kate: I guess I'm wrong.... I hope I'm right.
---Tremors 2:Aftershocks
A Monster Hunter specializes in hunting Monsters. These daring men and women have chosen to hunt
down creatures unexplained. They receive the following benefits: Nerves of Steel, +1 to Shooting & Notice
(character does not need to start with the skill as a prerequisite), and +2 to Crypto-Zoo. They also receive the
following Drawbacks: 1 point Adversary (Government), and Obsession (Hunt Down Monsters)
5-point Quality
Cletus: And to think they called me eccentric.
Tyler: Cletus, you are eccentric.
[Cletus looks sideways at Tyler]
Tyler: Just thought you'd want a second opinion....
---TV Series-Flora-Fauna
Your character is a researcher in one of many different
scientific fields, and has gotten into monster hunting as a chance to
expand their knowledge. The Scientist gains +1 to any two Mental
Attributes, +1 to their Crypto-Zoo and Science skills, and an
additional +2 to any one of the following; Crypto-Zoo, Doctor, Knowledge, Mr. Fixit, or Science. In
addition, they gain a Drawback, Obsession (Knowledge).
Soldier / ex-Soldier
3 or 4-point Quality
The Soldier is a trained member of a nations military, they receive +1 to two Physical Attributes
and +2 to the Shooting skill. In addition, all Active Duty Soldiers have a 1 point Obligation to their
Chain of Command. Ex-Soldiers do not have this Obligation
3-point Quality
[Burt looks at his bomb shelter for perhaps the last time]
Burt : Food for five years, a thousand gallons of gas, air filtration, water filtration, Geiger counter.
Bomb shelter! Underground... God damn monsters.
Tremors Script (Working Draft 6)

Survivalists are those individuals that believe that the end times are a coming, and that they have
to be ready for the complete collapse of civilization, as we know it. Whether they’re right or wrong is a
matter of opinion, however they receive the following benefits, +1 to Perception, +1 to the Doctor,
Shooting, Pilot (Ground) and Mr. Fixit skills. They also receive a 1 point Adversary (Government)

New Skills
There need to be some changes to the skill set to reflect the difference between the Buffy
universe and the Tremors ‘verse. The changes are as follows, and will be included on the custom
Tremors character sheet.
Acrobatics: no change
Art: no change
Computers: no change
Crime: no change
Crypto-Zoo: Crypto Zoology, new skill.
Doctor: no change
Driving: Pilot (Ground)
Getting Medieval: name changed to Hacking and Smacking for style purposes
Gun Fu: name changed to Shooting for style purposes
Influence: no change
Knowledge: no change
Kung Fu: name changed to Brawling for style purposes
Languages: no change, although everyone is assumed to speak English
Mr. Fix-It: no change
Notice: no change
Occultism: no change, but no spellcasting either
Pilot (Air): new skill for operating airborne vehicles
Pilot (Water): new skill for operating boats
Riding: new skill for riding horses
Science: no change
Sports: no change
Wild Card: no change
I’m Not A Tourist: The Tremors ‘verse

Welcome to the Valley

Val: Brother, we decided to leave this place just one day too late, you know?
Earl (grimly): Well, there's sure as hell nothing to stop us now. Everybody we know between here and Bixby is already
–Tremors Script (Working Draft 6)
Ah, beautiful Perfection Valley. Land of mystery, adventure, cactus, gophers, sand and pre-Cambrian lifeforms.
Founded originally in the 19th century as Rejection Nevada, the largest and, well, only community in the valley is the
small “city” of Perfection. Perfection is should be a sleepy modern day near ghost town. Unfortunately, that is not the

So, Where Is It Anyway?

Burt: Damn right. You folks gotta analyze the situation. With that road out, we're completely cut off. Got the
cliffs to the north, mountains east and west. That's why Heather and me settled here in the first place, geographic
–Tremors Script (Working Draft 6)
The City of Perfection rests in a long north-south valley that is part of the Groom Mountain Range, located in
southern central Nevada ( Just northeast of Area 51), about a hundred and seventy miles from Las Vegas and almost forty
miles from its nearest neighbor.

Geology and Ecology of The Valley

Rhonda: Yes, see, they move very easily through the Pleistocene Alluvials...
(off their blank looks)
...the dirt...the loose soil that makes up the valley floor. But they can't move through solid rock.
–Tremors Script (Working Draft 6)
Think of Perfection Valley as a large smorgasbord bowl half filled with alluvials, I mean dirt. Genus Caedarus
travels very well through the dirt and can reach most parts of the valley with the exception of Burt Gummer’s bunker and
(probably) the inside of the old mine. Just south of Old Fred’s farm, the edge of the bowl rises up (A Thrust Fault if you
really want the term) so that the Graboids can’t travel any further past that point. Because there are so few animals south
of the valley mouth (Where Earl’s truck got hung up) El Blanco is very seldom found down there. How deep under the
dirt, that the bedrock is found, varies from place to place in the valley. The shallowest part is located by the Sanchez
ranch, so El Blanco is found over there only when exceptionally hungry, angry, or if he thinks he has a decent shot at

The area around the valley is very seismically stable which helps explain why the original Graboid eggs were not
destroyed, and why the Geophone net is so effective. The soil is fairly rich, but the location of the valley is so remote and
desolate, that farmers and businessmen were never really encouraged to settle there. There must be sufficient water
available to enable ranching and at one time, silver was mined out of the northern cliff face. The valley is roughly six miles
long and six wide at its widest point, however the mouth of the valley narrows quite significantly, which is probably the
main reason the Caedarus species has not spread easily. There is a frequently dry riverbed which runs from the
northernmost part of the valley then along the western side and finally out the mouth paralleling the road. This part of
Nevada is known for sudden harsh rainstorms and flash floods so the southern portion of the river is lined with concrete
to assist in flood control. The eastern and western slopes of the valley are quite steep and nearly impassable by vehicle,
however game trails dot the mountainsides, and they are easily negotiable by horses, burros, and dirt bikes. To the north,
there are steep cliffs, but during the ‘50s, prospectors blasted a service trail up the face that is still useable, albeit only by a
driver operating a serious off-road capable vehicle.

A Quiet Little Town


The pick-up rattles toward a tiny, utterly isolated high desert hamlet -- a few dozen houses and mobile homes fighting for
shade in the vast landscape. Its most prominent feature is an aging wood-frame water tower, perhaps 25 feet high, near
the center of town. A sign PANS into view…
"PERFECTION -- Pop. 14."
–Tremors Script (Working Draft 6)
It has a permanent population (according to it’s sign) of fourteen.
Assuming that the sign is around twelve or thirteen years old, that
population would have consisted of; Nancy and Mindy Sterngood, Melvin
Plug and his parents who were always gambling in Vegas, Miguel Sanchez
the rancher, Burt and Heather Gummer, Nestor the city’s “Mayor”, Walter
Chang, the farmers -- Edgar Deem and Old Fred, and the odd job men Earl
Bassett and Valentine McKee. Dr. Jim and Meg would not have been counted because they had just moved in and were in
the process of building their house. The rotating seismology graduate students from UNLV would not have been
considered permanent population either.
Currently, even though the sign hasn’t changed, the permanent population is six; Jodi Chang, Rosalita Sanchez,
Nancy Sterngood, Burt Gummer, Tyler Reed and Agent Twitchell. Melvin Plug and Harlowe Winnemucca (Rosalita’s
ranch hand) live in Bixby, Dr. Poffenberger lives just outside the valley but very close.
Perfection has several businesses; Chang’s Market, which also contains the Post Office Branch and the only
phone in town. Desert Jack’s Graboid Tours, currently owned and operated by Tyler Reed, which allows a relatively safe
passage through valley and possibly even a chance to see El Blanco. Nancy Sterngood’s studio, where Nancy sculpts,
weaves, throws pottery, paints, and designs the Action Burt line of toys. Burt Gummer’s Survival School which also is the
leading academy on anti-Graboid Weaponry and Tactics. And finally, Rosalita Sanchez’s cattle ranch.
There is a branch office of the Department of the Interior – Bureau of Land Management here, administered by
W.D. Twitchell GS-15. This office’s sole purpose is the monitoring of the Graboid known as “El Blanco” and whatever
other strange creatures arise from the valley’s floor. The only other real industry here was a small secret bioresearch
facility underground adjacent to the old silver mine, that the Government had constructed in the fairly recent past (early
‘70s or so). To best knowledge, this facility was closed in the early ‘80s, the staff were either transferred out or retired, and
the Government still publicly denies its existence.
As the Valley is less than three hours from
Vegas, a Bixby Realtor, Melvin Plug, is trying to
market properties for weekend getaway housing.
Unfortunately, El Blanco has placed a severe flaw in
that plan. The Bureau of Land Management will not
grant building permissions in the valley for two
reasons, first the potential danger from El Blanco to
any new residents, and second, the potential danger
to El Blanco from any new residents as Graboids are
an endangered species.
cryp·to·zo·ol·o·gy (krihp'toh-zoh-ol’ah-jee) n.
The study of creatures, such as the Sasquatch, whose existence has not been substantiated.

cryp'to·zo'o·log’i·cal (-zoh'ah-loj’ih-kahl) adj.

cryp'to·zo·ol’o·gist n.


Cryptozoology is the study of animals that are either rare or unusual, presumed extinct but still occasionally believed to be sighted, or creatures of
mythology that are possibly rooted in a real animal or phenomenon. These creatures are referred to by some with the slang term of cryptid. Some
cryptozoologists align themselves with a more scientifically rigorous field like zoology, while others tend toward an anthropological slant or even forteana.
For this reason, cryptozoology is often treated as a more humorous form of pseudoscience, though it can be considered a legitimate area of study.

While many cryptozoologists strive for legitimacy and many are already respected scientists in other fields, cryptozoology has never been fully
embraced by the scientific community. A cryptozoologist may propose that an interest in such a phenomenon doesn't entail belief, but a detractor will reply
the illusions of sightings are a form of belief. Cryptozoologists tend to be the ones responsible for disproving their own objects of study. For example,
cryptozoologists have largely been responsible for collecting statistical data and studying witness accounts that have just about disproved the notion that
Bigfoot sightings have any legitimacy.

A common example among cryptozoologists for why their field is important is the coelacanth, a prehistoric fish. Believed to have been extinct for
65 million years, one was caught in a fishing net in 1938 off the coast of Africa. Cryptozoologists point this out to demonstrate that there are many
unexplored regions of the world left, and that remote exotic locations or specialized ecosystems untouched by man can contain life we didn't expect to find.
Along similar lines, the emblem of the Society for Cryptozoology is the okapi, a shy, forest-dwelling relative of the giraffe that was unknown to Western
scientists prior to 1901.

–From the free encyclopedia.

Of course, the above definitions and statements are from a world where Graboids “don’t” exist… In the Tremors
‘verse, there are more things under heaven and earth, Horatio, then are dreamt’ of in your histories (Apologies to Bill S.).
The skill that covers knowledge of these things is, of course, Crypto-Zoo.
Crypto-Zoo functions much like Occultism in the BtVS Game. It allows the character possessing it to find out
information about a possibly previously unknown species, including possible habits and food source among other things.
Crypto-Zoo does not allow the casting of spells of course, but it can be used to come up with poisons, traps, plans, etc.
that will work on a particular newly discovered life form (i.e. You can add it to Science or Mr. Fixit in an appropriate
Earth in the Tremors ‘verse is chock full of critters that are either newly created spawns of soulless science like
The Plant, or have been around for a long time and have managed to remain hidden except for possibly a mention in a
myth or legend. Now that the TV Series has released the concept of Mix Master™, pretty much any bizarre creation can
appear to terrorize the Valley and the outside world. However, the old stand-bys like the Loch Ness monster, Bigfoot, and
a White Guy that can Jump are still available to cause no end of problems.
The best way to use an old standby like the Loch Monster (or Champ, or Ogo-Pogo, or… there are a LOT of
aquatic creatures in the Cryptid encyclopedia). Is to place it somewhere where they would not be expected and the have
your cast jump to a completely wrong conclusion like maybe put a sea-monster in Lake Tahoe and have evidence planted
that leads them to believe it is actually a school of cold-water piranha or maybe an aquatic humanoid race…
On the other hand, throw Mix Master™ into it, how about a Mix Mastered Graboid that is blended with a
vulture? Well, maybe not, but you get the idea. High technology works too. Space exploration gear that crash lands in the
valley, thinks it’s actually on Venus and is trying to take humans for samples…(Where did I hear that one before?), Giant
Apes guarding blue diamonds in the heart of Africa… The weirder the better, if it sounds utterly preposterous, you can
bet at least three serious web-sites have been set up to discuss it. At the tale end of Chapter 3 are a few sample creatures
that have been extrapolated from these ground rules. If you come up with something...anything better, for the Love of
God please let me know!
You With The Government?: People and Critters

Meet Your Neighbors

The residents of Perfection Valley have encountered a variety of strange and unusual persons
and creatures over the years. Hopefully this chapter will contain enough of them to keep you busy for a
while. As the premise of the game world is circa the TV series, with two exceptions, all characters
included have survived to that time. Some extrapolations have necessarily been made for character’s
abilities and skills. This chapter is divided into several sections:
• Locals- – The current residents of Perfection Valley Nevada.
• Visitors – Former residents of the Valley, or those who frequently pass through.
• Transients – One time visitors, or members of groups encountered.
• Critters – Canon creatures.
• Extrapolated – Creatures that I hope fit the tone of the Tremors ‘verse.
Albert “Burt” Hiram Gummer Motivation Keep Perfection Safe and The Government out of his life.
Ex.Survivor Played By Michael Gross

Str 3 Dex 4 Con 3 Int 3 Per 4 Will 5

Muscle 12 Combat 14 Brains 11 Life Points 43 Lift 150 lbs.

Drama Points 20 Max Lift 300
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Monster Hunter, Survivalist, Contacts 4, Hard to Kill 3, Fast Adversarys (Various) 2, Obligation (Perfection
Reaction Time, Situational Awareness, Demo Man Residents) 2, Misfit, Obsession (Anti-Government),

Dodge 10 Hunting Rifle

Attack 10
Damage 20 Bullet


Tyler Reed Motivation

Survivor Played By Victor Browne

Str 3 Dex 6 Con 5 Int 2 Per 3 Will 4

Muscle 12 Combat 15 Brains 9 Life Points 42 Lift 150 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 300
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Attractive Appearance +1, Fast Reaction Time, Nerves of Adversary 2, Clown, Misfit, Showoff
Steel, Daredevil

Dodge 10 Head Butt

Attack 13
Damage 6 Bash

Rosalita Sanchez Motivation
Local Played By Gladys Jimenez

Str 2 Dex 4 Con 4 Int 2 Per 3 Will 3

Muscle 10 Combat 13 Brains 8 Life Points 34 Lift 100 lbs.

Drama Points 20 Max Lift 200
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Criminal, Jock, Attractive Appearance +3, Resouces 1 Minority (Hispanic),Adversary (Mob) 2, Recurring
Nightmares, Showoff

Dodge 8



Jodi Chang Motivation Make a Fortune

Local Played By Lela Lee

Str 2 Dex 2 Con 3 Int 3 Per 2 Will 3

Muscle 10 Combat 10 Brains 10 Life Points 30 Lift 100 lbs.

Drama Points 20 Max Lift 200
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Attractive Appearance +2, Acute Vision and Hearing, Fast Greedy 2, Minority (Asian), Obsession (Money)
Reaction Time, Situational Awareness

Dodge 4


Nancy Sterngood Motivation
Local Played By Marcia Strassman

Str 2 Dex 3 Con 2 Int 2 Per 3 Will 3

Muscle 10 Combat 11 Brains 10 Life Points 32 Lift 100 lbs.

Drama Points 20 Max Lift 200
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Artist, Nerves of Steel, Hard to Kill 2, Good Luck 3

Dodge 5



W.D. “Twitch” Twitchell Motivation

Local Played By Dean Norris

Str 2 Dex 2 Con 3 Int 3 Per 3 Will 2

Muscle 10 Combat 10 Brains 10 Life Points 36 Lift 100 lbs.

Drama Points 20 Max Lift 200
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Contacts (Government) 3, Cop, Hard to Kill 2 Arrogant 3, Obligation (DOI) 2, Humorless, Misfit,
Obsession (Regulations)

Dodge 4 Pistol

Attack 4
Damage 12 Bullet

Miguel Sanchez (RIP) Motivation Raise his Cattle
Local Played By Tony Genaro

Str 2 Dex 2 Con 3 Int 3 Per 3 Will 2

Muscle 10 Combat 9 Brains 9 Life Points 42 Lift 100 lbs.

Drama Points 20 Max Lift 200
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Resources 1, Fast Reaction Time, Natural Toughness, Hard Minority (Hispanic)
to Kill 4

Dodge 4



El Blanco Motivation Eat and Eat Some More

Monster Played By

Str 20 Dex 3 Con 10 Int 2 Per 7 Will 4

Muscle 46 Combat 16 Brains 10 Life Points 320 Lift 10000 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 20000
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Burrow,Acute Senses Hearing x 3, AV:10 unless mouth Unattractive Appearance -5, Blind, Obsession (Eat
open, Reduced Damage 1/2 from Kinetic Burt), Hard to Kill 5

Dodge 10 Big Bite

Attack 16
Damage 80 Slash/Stab

Walter Chang (RIP) Motivation Make a Fortune
Local Played By Victor Wong

Str 2 Dex 2 Con 2 Int 3 Per 3 Will 3

Muscle 10 Combat 9 Brains 11 Life Points 26 Lift 100 lbs.

Drama Points 20 Max Lift 200
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Resources 1 Greedy 2, Minority (Asian), Obsession (Money)

Dodge 3



Heather Gummer Motivation

Survivor Played By Reba McIntire

Str 2 Dex 5 Con 3 Int 3 Per 4 Will 3

Muscle 10 Combat 14 Brains 10 Life Points 39 Lift 100 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 200
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Monster Hunter, Crack Shot, Survivalist, Attractive Fear of Commitment, Adversary 2, Hatred of
Appearence +1, Natural Toughness, Nerves of Steel, Government Agencies, Misfit, Obsession (Anti-
Situational Awareness, Hard to Kill 3 Government), Paranoid

Dodge 10 Hunting Rifle

Attack 10
Damage 20 Bullet

Valentine “Val” McKee Motivation
Survivor Played By Kevin Bacon

Str 3 Dex 4 Con 4 Int 3 Per 3 Will 4

Muscle 12 Combat 13 Brains 10 Life Points 47 Lift 150 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 300
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Resources 3, Attractive Appearance +1, Fast Reaction Obligation (Rhonda)2, Clown, Honorable 2,
Time, Nerves of Steel, Natural Toughness, Hard to Kill 3 Reckless, Dependent 2

Dodge 7



Earl Bassett Motivation

Survivor Played By Fred Ward

Str 4 Dex 3 Con 4 Int 2 Per 4 Will 4

Muscle 14 Combat 12 Brains 9 Life Points 42 Lift 200 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 400
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Resources 3, Fast Reaction Time, Nerves of Steel, Obligation (Kate) 2, Misfit, Reckless, Talentless,
Situational Awareness Dependent 2

Dodge 6


Melvin Plug Motivation
Local Played By Robert Jayne (Bobby Jacoby)

Str 2 Dex 3 Con 2 Int 2 Per 3 Will 2

Muscle 10 Combat 10 Brains 9 Life Points 35 Lift 100 lbs.

Drama Points 20 Max Lift 200
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Attractive Appearance +1, Resources 3, Hard to Kill 3 Greedy 3, Misfit, Obsession (Beating Burt),

Dodge 4



Mindy Sterngood Motivation

Survivor Played By Ariana Richards

Str 2 Dex 4 Con 3 Int 3 Per 4 Will 4

Muscle 10 Combat 12 Brains 10 Life Points 30 Lift 100 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 200
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Attractive Appearance +3, Fast Reaction Time, Nerves of Obligation (Citizens of Perfection) 2
Steel, Situational Awareness

Dodge 6


Rhonda LeBeck-McKee Ph.D Motivation
Survivor Played By Finn Carter

Str 2 Dex 3 Con 4 Int 5 Per 5 Will 4

Muscle 10 Combat 10 Brains 12 Life Points 34 Lift 100 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 200
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Resources 3, Nerd, Nerves of Steel, Scientist Obligation (Val) 2, Obsession (Knowledge)

Dodge 5



Dr. Kate Reilly Motivation

Survivor Played By Helen Shaver

Str 3 Dex 3 Con 4 Int 3 Per 4 Will 4

Muscle 12 Combat 11 Brains 10 Life Points 38 Lift 150 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 300
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Attractive Appearance +3, Natural Toughness, Situational Obligation 1, Showoff, Obsession (Knowledge),
Awareness, Resources 3, Scientist Dependent 2

Dodge 6


John “Desert Jack” Sawyer Motivation
Local Played By Shawn Christian

Str 2 Dex 3 Con 3 Int 2 Per 3 Will 2

Muscle 10 Combat 11 Brains 9 Life Points 39 Lift 100 lbs.

Drama Points 20 Max Lift 200
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Attractive Appearance +2, Fast Reaction Time, Jock, Hard Greedy 1, Clown, Reckless, Showoff, Love 2
to Kill 3

Dodge 6



Dr. Cletus Poffenburger Motivation

Local Played By Christopher Lloyd

Str 2 Dex 2 Con 2 Int 6 Per 4 Will 3

Muscle 10 Combat 10 Brains 12 Life Points 26 Lift 100 lbs.

Drama Points 20 Max Lift 200
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Contacts 3, Good Luck 1, Nerd, Nerves of Steel, Scientist Obligation (American Public) 2, Misfit, Obsession
(Knowledge, Cleaning up after MixMaster) 2,
Paranoid, Recurring Nightmares

Dodge 4 Punch

Attack 10
Damage 4 Bash

Harlowe Winnemuca Motivation
Local Played By Brianscombe Richmond

Str 4 Dex 2 Con 3 Int 2 Per 2 Will 2

Muscle 14 Combat 10 Brains 8 Life Points 38 Lift 200 lbs.

Drama Points 20 Max Lift 400
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Natural Toughness Minority (Native American)

Dodge 4



Grady Hoover Motivation Get Rich

Local Played By Christopher Gartin

Str 2 Dex 2 Con 2 Int 2 Per 4 Will 3

Muscle 10 Combat 10 Brains 10 Life Points 35 Lift 100 lbs.

Drama Points 20 Max Lift 200
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Nerves of Steel, Resources 2, Hard to Kill 3 Greed 1, Reckless, Showoff

Dodge 5


Larry Norvel Motivation Make a cool documentary dude...
Local Played By J.D. Walsh

Str 2 Dex 2 Con 2 Int 1 Per 2 Will 4

Muscle 10 Combat 8 Brains 9 Life Points 41 Lift 100 lbs.

Drama Points 20 Max Lift 200
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Good Luck 10, Hard to Kill 5 Misfit, Obsession, Reckless

Dodge 2



Mead Motivation Do whatʼs necessary

Survivor Played By Stuart Franken

Str 4 Dex 4 Con 3 Int 3 Per 3 Will 3

Muscle 14 Combat 14 Brains 11 Life Points 38 Lift 200 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 400
Special Abilities Drawbacks
ex-Soldier, Monster Hunter, Nerves of Steel, Natural Obligation(Sigmund and Ray) 2, Arrogant 2,
Toughness, Crack Shot, Resources 2 Adversary (Government) 1, Obsession (Hunt Down

Dodge 9 Tranquilizer Gun

Attack 9
Damage Spec.

Brock Motivation Do whatʼs necessary
Survivor Played By Gary Weeks

Str 3 Dex 3 Con 3 Int 4 Per 4 Will 3

Muscle 12 Combat 12 Brains 11 Life Points 34 Lift 150 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 300
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Scientist, Monster Hunter, Nerves of Steel, Resources 2 Obligation(Sigmund and Ray) 2, Arrogant 1,
Adversary (Government) 1, Obsession (Hunt Down
Monsters, Knowledge)

Dodge 7 Tranquilizer Gun

Attack 7
Damage Spec.


Dr. Casey Mathews Motivation Knowledge

Local Played By Sarah Rafferty

Str 2 Dex 2 Con 3 Int 4 Per 3 Will 2

Muscle 10 Combat 10 Brains 11 Life Points 30 Lift 100 lbs.

Drama Points 20 Max Lift 200
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Scientist, Attractive Appearance +3, Resources 1 Obsession (Knowledge)

Dodge 4


Frank Motivation Make a Fortune
Local Played By Nicholas Turturro

Str 3 Dex 3 Con 4 Int 1 Per 2 Will 2

Muscle 12 Combat 13 Brains 7 Life Points 47 Lift 150 lbs.

Drama Points 20 Max Lift 300
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Good Luck 5, Criminal, Hard to Kill 3, Contacts 2 Bad Luck 5, Obligation (Mob) 2, Greedy 3, Misfit

Dodge 8 Pistol

Attack 7
Damage 12 Bullet


Roger Garrett Motivation Knowledge

Survivor Played By Franklin Biggs

Str 3 Dex 4 Con 4 Int 3 Per 5 Will 5

Muscle 12 Combat 13 Brains 11 Life Points 38 Lift 150 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 300
Special Abilities Drawbacks
ex-Soldier, Scientist, Attractive Appearance +2, Resources Obsession (Knowledge)

Dodge 8 Knife

Attack 7
Damage 6 Slash/Stab

Fallon Motivation Clean up the Governmentʼs messes
Local Played By Michael Harney

Str 2 Dex 2 Con 3 Int 3 Per 3 Will 3

Muscle 10 Combat 10 Brains 11 Life Points 33 Lift 100 lbs.

Drama Points 20 Max Lift 200
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Scientist, Resources 2, Hard to Kill 1 Obligation (US Government) 2, Obsession
(Knowledge, Secrecy) 2, Humorless

Dodge 4



Graboid Motivation Eat and Eat Some More

Monster Played By

Str 16 Dex 3 Con 10 Int 2 Per 5 Will 3

Muscle 38 Combat 14 Brains 9 Life Points 304 Lift 6000 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 12000
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Burrow, Acute Senses Hearing x 3, AV:10 unless mouth Unattractive Appearance -5, Blind, Obsession (Eat)
open, Reduced Damage 1/2 from Kinetic

Dodge 8 Big Bite

Attack 14
Damage 64 Slash/Stab

Shrieker Motivation Eat and Fission
Monster Played By

Str 4 Dex 3 Con 7 Int 1 Per 3 Will 3

Muscle 14 Combat 13 Brains 8 Life Points 60 Lift 200 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 400
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Thermal Imaging, AV:6, Hard to Kill 2 Blind
No Hands
Unattractive Appearance -4
Obsession (Eat)

Dodge 7 Bite

Attack 13
Damage 12 Slash/Stab


Ass Blaster (AB) Motivation Go Forth and Lay Eggs

Monster Played By

Str 4 Dex 5 Con 7 Int 1 Per 4 Will 2

Muscle 14 Combat 16 Brains 8 Life Points 63 Lift 200 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 400
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Blast and Glide, Thermal Imaging, Hard to Kill 3 Explosive Death, Food Coma, Obsession (Eat)

Dodge 11 Bite

Attack 16
Damage 12 Slash/Stab

Flora-Fauna Motivation Spread
Monster Played By

Str 0 Dex 2 Con 4 Int 0 Per 3 Will 0

Muscle 6 Combat 14 Brains 7 Life Points 26 Lift 0 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 0
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Vulnerable Fire

Dodge 8 Flamethrower

Attack 6
Damage 6 Fire


The “Ghost” Hydrophillic Bacterium Motivation

Monster Played By

Str 0 Dex 4 Con 0 Int 0 Per 2 Will 0

Muscle 6 Combat 15 Brains 6 Life Points 10 Lift 0 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 0
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Detect Water
Immune to Kinetic Weapons

Dodge 9 Flamethrower

Attack 2
Damage 6 Fire

Sasquatch Motivation Survive
Monster Played By

Str 9 Dex 3 Con 6 Int 2 Per 4 Will 3

Muscle 24 Combat 15 Brains 9 Life Points 70 Lift 1050 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 2100
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Acute Senses Hearing&Smell, Low-Light Vision, Nerves of Paranoid
Steel Adversary (2)

Dodge 10 Punch

Attack 15
Damage 18 Bash


Horned Fire-Dillos Motivation Feed

Monster Played By

Str 2 Dex 5 Con 3 Int 1 Per 3 Will 1

Muscle 10 Combat 15 Brains 7 Life Points 30 Lift 100 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 200
Special Abilities Drawbacks
AV:10, Poison Str-6 1xPistol Range Increment, Burrow, Unattractive Appearance -4, Situational Awareness
Acute Sense Smell x2

Dodge 9 Claw

Attack 15
Damage 4 Slash/Stab

River Serpent Motivation Hunger
Monster Played By

Str 25 Dex 3 Con 11 Int 1 Per 5 Will 3

Muscle 56 Combat 16 Brains 9 Life Points 240 Lift 10 tons

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 20
Special Abilities Drawbacks
AV:15, Swim, Improved Life Points Unattractive Appearance -6, Animal

Dodge 10 Big Bite

Attack 16
Damage 100 Slash/Stab


Leaper (Coyote/Kangeroo Mouse Mix) Motivation Survival

Monster Played By

Str 1 Dex 7 Con 2 Int 1 Per 5 Will 1

Muscle 8 Combat 18 Brains 8 Life Points 22 Lift 50 lbs.

Drama Points 10 Max Lift 100
Special Abilities Drawbacks
Burrow, Acute Hearing x2, Acute Smell Coward 2

Dodge 13 Bite

Attack 18
Damage 3 Slash/Stab


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