Instructions Manual Te808gold

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Instruction Manual- Introduction

TE808 Gold (release.V2)


Thanking you for preference, TECNOELETTRA SRL hopes that the use of this equipment could be a
reason of satisfaction.
This manual is designed to assist you to install the equipment correctly and programme the controller
for different installation.
In order to ensure efficient operation and durability, it is recommended that strict observance of rules
written on this manual.
Thanks in advance for the suggestions that we will be given to possible further improvements of the
For any questions consult TECNOELETTRA Customer Service Office.


The manufacturer reserves the right to modify equipment for any manufacturing or commercial need,
without the obligation to promptly update this installation and using manual.

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 1 25/08/2014


Section 1 – General requirements and installation

1- 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
1- 1.1 General rules ............................................................................................................................................. 5
1- 2 General norm of security ................................................................................................................................. 6
1- 2.1 User responsability.................................................................................................................................... 6
1- 2.2 Safety first of all ......................................................................................................................................... 6
1- 2.3 Importance of the manual.......................................................................................................................... 6
1- 2.4 Note legend ............................................................................................................................................... 7
1- 2.5 Electrical system protections..................................................................................................................... 7
1- 2.6 Controls ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
1- 2.7 Staff training .............................................................................................................................................. 7
1- 2.8 Cleaning .................................................................................................................................................... 7
1- 2.9 Operators................................................................................................................................................... 7
1- 2.10 Residual risks .......................................................................................................................................... 7
1- 3 Homologation/certifications ............................................................................................................................ 8
1- 4 Use destination ................................................................................................................................................. 8
1- 5 Waste and residual management .................................................................................................................... 8
1- 6 Disposal/Scrapping .......................................................................................................................................... 9
1- 6.1 Equipment disposal ................................................................................................................................... 9
1- 6.2 Materials that make the equipment ........................................................................................................... 9
1- 6.3 Consumer products ................................................................................................................................... 9
1- 6.4 Separate collection and start recovery...................................................................................................... 9
1- 6.5 How about dismantling the equipment ...................................................................................................... 9
1- 7 Rating plate ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
1- 7.1 Equipment Identification .......................................................................................................................... 10
1- 8 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................................... 11
1- 8.1 Internal battery replacement.................................................................................................................... 11
1- 8.2 Clean ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
1- 9 Technical specifications ................................................................................................................................ 12
1- 10 Storage........................................................................................................................................................... 13
1- 11 Unpacking...................................................................................................................................................... 13
1- 12 Installation ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
1- 13 Spare parts .................................................................................................................................................... 14
1- 14 USB Description............................................................................................................................................ 14
1- 15 Electrical terminals connection................................................................................................................... 15
1- 16 Warranty ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
1- 17 Electrical installation .................................................................................................................................... 16
1- 17.1 Wiring connection.................................................................................................................................. 16
1- 18 Operation mode ............................................................................................................................................ 17
1- 18.1 Automatic............................................................................................................................................... 17
1- 18.2 Manual................................................................................................................................................... 17
1- 18.3 Test........................................................................................................................................................ 17
1- 18.4 Reset ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
1- 18.5 Alarms ................................................................................................................................................... 17
1- 18.6 First installation ..................................................................................................................................... 17
1- 19 Transfer switch management ...................................................................................................................... 18
1- 20 Equipment Overview .................................................................................................................................... 19
1-20.1 Display information page .................................................................................................................20
1-20.2 General information page ................................................................................................................21
1-20.3 Alarm information page ...................................................................................................................21
1-20.4 Mains measurements page .............................................................................................................22
1-20.5 Generators measurements page ....................................................................................................23
1-20.6 Engine information page .................................................................................................................24
1-20.7 Events information page ..................................................................................................................25
1-20.8 Buttons information page .................................................................................................................25
1-20.9 Controllers information page ...........................................................................................................26
1-20.10 Technical information page ...........................................................................................................26
1- 21 Special Functions ......................................................................................................................................... 27
1- 22 Accessories................................................................................................................................................... .28

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Section 2 – Before starting
2- 1 Fast setup ........................................................................................................................................................ 30
2- 2 Fast setup parameters.................................................................................................................................... 31
2- 3 Test setting ...................................................................................................................................................... 32
2- 3.1 Test setup parameters..............................................................................................................................33

Section 3 – Navigation
3- 1 Control and management screens description ........................................................................................... 35
3- 1.1 Symbols used by the TE808: description................................................................................................ 35
3- 2 Navigation Organization chart....................................................................................................................... 37
3- 3 Navigation instructions .................................................................................................................................. 38
3- 4 General setup description ............................................................................................................................. 39
3- 4.1 LOGIN: enter in the list of all the alarms ............................................................................................ 47
3- 4.2 Alarms table setup................................................................................................................................... 48
3- 4.3 Alarms description table .......................................................................................................................... 50
3- 5 Engine setup description ............................................................................................................................... 59
3- 6 Alternator setup description.......................................................................................................................... 77
3- 7 Mains setup description................................................................................................................................. 79

Section 4 – Telecontrol
4- 1 Getting Started link......................................................................................................................................... 82
4- 2 Remote control................................................................................................................................................ 86

Section 5 – Download
5- 1 Firmware installation and remote project .................................................................................................... 93
5- 1.1 Firmware Update ..................................................................................................................................... 93
5- 1.2 Upgrade Project ...................................................................................................................................... 95

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Section 1 – General requirements and

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 4 25/08/2014

1- 1 Introduction 1- 1.1 General rules
- TECNOELETTRA SRL thanks you for your confidence
and remind you that this unit is the result of continuous The equipment can not be used for other
research on improving the product that our engineers purposes without the express authorization or
are constantly pursuing, thanks to the proven expertise any changes made by TECNOELETTRA SRL.
and huge experience in this area. For best results, TECNOELETTRA SRL recommends that
- The purpose of this manual is to aid the proper all operations carried out at regular cleaning to keep the
installation and right use of the device. switchgear at its best.

- Reading this publication and understanding the Responsability

commands and programming the parameters before
operations start-up and use. • TECNOELETTRA SRL disclaims any liability for
damage or injury resulting from use not covered in this
- TECNOELETTRA SRL can not guarantee that the manual, improper use of equipment, as well as the use
translations are fully in accordance with the direction of of unqualified personnel or the use of non-original spare
the Italian text, so for any inconsistency prevail manual parts.
written in Italian.
• User
- In order to provide a more accurate and appropriate User is responsible for damage to people or property
support, users are invited to notify the Customer resulting from:
Service Office of TECNOELETTRA any suggestions,
- imporper or different use from those indicated in this
note or comment on this manual.
- The Customer Service is available to help resolve - compliance with the requirements of safe use and safety
concerns or situations whose solution is not clear in norms;
this publication. - modifications to the equipment;
- use of non-original of unfit spare parts.
- This publication is part of the equipment and must be
kept in an easily accessible location away from agents • Manufacturer
that may deteriorate the state, in a perfect state of The manufacturer is the company that physically performs
maintenance and disposal of those who expressly the assembly, testing directly or by his authorized
requests it, provided that the applicant is in some way representative of the equipment and is ultimately
related to the operation of the equipment. responsible.
In case some parts of it were no longer legible, if you The manufacturer is responsible for the efficiency of the
need a new copy of our documentation please contact equipment.
our Customer Service Office. In particolar the manufacture is responsible for :
- parts used for assembly;
The controller TE808 was designed for easy - compliance with legislation in the country of use of
installation and use by the installer and the operator of equipment, if the buyer had informed the manufacturer
the generator, thus avoiding the recourse of a of the equipment on the laws in force.
continous and tedious consultation of the operating
manual . In many situations, such as setting
parameters set-up, data display, alarm conditions,
etc.., an indication in the Help display indicates to
press the HELP button for a help message. This
manual thus contains only the information necessary to
introduce the operator at the use of TE808 controller.

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 5 25/08/2014

1- 2 General norm of security • TECNOELETTRA wrote this book with the greatest
care, trying to make it as complete and clear as
WARNING! possible. However, if some point proves to be
Do not install or operate your TECNOELETTRA incomplete or unclear, contact us without hesitation.
equipment, until you have read these safety • Importance of the manual
This instruction manual was born to help you in the correct
installation, starting-up, use and cleaning of your
1- 2.1 User responsability equipment.
The basic safety rules established in this chapter is a guide This manual is integral part of equipment in order to obtain
for the installation and safe operation of TECNOELETTRA the best performance and it should be kept for the
equipment. duration of the product.
These general safety rules, with other chapters on Therefore, please do not remove, tear, or write to parts of
installation, operation and cleaning up constitue the the manual, taking care to integrate with any updates
complete instruction manual. provided by TECNOELETTRA.
All staff involved with this equipment for any reason, must Please keep this manual in a place protected from
be familiar with this information before you start. moisture and heat, accessible and known to all operators
It is responsability of the Buyer be sure that the procedures (photocopy any parts of interest to the consultation of the
are followed, and if required any change in use, appropriate various operators).
procedures should be set to continue with the activities of In case of sale or transfer of the machine (on which the
security equipment. equipment is installed) to another user, these instructions
It is strongly advised to contact TECNOELETTRA to be sure must be delivered to the new user.
that the equipment can be converted to new use and to
continue to operate safely. • This manual is to explain:
If the equipment is not purchased directly from - the use of equipment, as required by the project
Tecnoelettrica or its representatives, is Buyer's hypotesis;
responsability to ensure that equipment conforms to current - technical features;
safety standards.Buyer is strongly advised to contact - compostition of the different parts;
TECNOELETTRA to ensure that the equipment operates - operations for installation and assembly;
safely. - operations of starting-up, adjustment, starting, shutdown,
stopping-up, etc..;
1- 2.2 Safety first of all - the risks related to hazardous waste, measures to
eliminate it and instructions to operate safely;
TECNOELETTRA equipment is designed and produced with
due consideration and attention to safety rules. - cleaning;
In any case, the presence of security systems does not - what are the spare parts recommended to keep in stock.
exempt operators from acting with caution: the non-
compliance can lead to accidents and damage the Any person appointed by the developer to
components of equipment. For your protection and carry out installation, start-up and repair of
protection of others, learn and always follow safety rules set this equipment must be aware of the contents
forth in this chapter. of this Manual, with particular reference to
safety standards. If the involved person does
Develop safe work habits by reading the rules and stick to not understand the language of the manual
them. Keep this paper handy and look through from time to reads, the client must properly educated him.
time to refresh your understanding of the norms. This manual provides guidance and instructions on
equipment that are added, but still not intend to replace,
supplement or modify any general or specific NORM,
RULE, DECRETE or LAW, in the place where the
1- 2.3 Importance of the manual installation takes place and concerning the safety and use
• Information about the manual of electrical equipment.
TECNOELETTRA, unless otherwise specified in the order,
We hope that the information contained in this manual will
set to provide a copy of this manual equipment in the
be of help.
They will give an explanation of the correct and secure use original language of the country of use.
of your equipment and are based on data and our current The copy included in the packaging, should be used for all
and best knowledge. transactions related to the installation, assembly,
Carefully read the manual, including recommendations and calibration, setup, startup, etc. ..
suggestions, and the conditions of sale and warranty.

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 6 25/08/2014

After installing this copy must be retained for all future 1- 2.6 Controls
TECNOELETTRA is pleased to provide duplicates of the • Before start-up
manuals supplied with the equipment to any customer - Ensure that all security systems and protections are
request. installed and operative.
Requests must be submitted to our Technical Department
• During the functioning
together with the data characteristic of the equipment
involved, derived from the CE label applied to the same - Do not turn this equipment until you have read or
equipment. understood the operating instructions and have not
The manual, technical documentation and drawings got used to the equipment and its controls.
delivered together with the tools are proprietary of - Be careful and observe lights and warning signs
TECNOELETTRA, who reserves all rights, they can not be displayed on the equipment.
made available to third party. - Do not operate damaged or defective equipment.
TECNOELETTRA will be glad to consider and possibly
• After the power off
accept suggestions for improvement of this Manual.
Suggestions should be submitted to our Technical - Make sure the power sources are off.
Upon handover to the equipment to other, the user also 1- 2.7 Staff training
agrees to deliver copies of the manual in his possession and
at the same time to report the fact to TECNOELETTRA. All staff using the equipment must have
undergone some training that includes:
1- 2.4 Note legend - reading and comprhension of this Instructions Manaual
The text should draw attention, will be highlighted along
- a practical instruction by TECNOELETTRA staff
these graphics settings: which made the start-up of the equipment.
In addition, TECNOELETTRA runs, upon request, a
sufficient period of training to educate staff on the
Follow text describing the danger 1- 2.8 Cleaning
NOTE! • Procedure manual cleaning
Follow text describing note for the reader. - Do not use toxic solvents and / or flammable to clean the
- Turn off the electricity (close) before cleaning the
Follow text describing the notice.
WARNING! - Keep closed electrical panel protections when you
Text follows the need to pay attention. are cleaning the equipment.
- Always clean the seals around the equipment as
soon as possible.
- Never attempt to clean the equipment while it is
These simple graphical forms are used to signal the running.
operator situations, actions, information, special operations
that may cause damage to people and to equipment, or 1- 2.9 Operators
suggest a correct operating procedure. The machine described here requires only one
operator to start and control the functioning.For
1- 2.5 Electrical system protections
special settings and use may be also required the
The electrical system of the equipment was designed and intervention of a second operator.
constructed to protect operators from electrical shock and
possible overheating or other abnormal dangerous 1- 2.10 Residual risks
conditions . All electrical devices which are in contact with
operators, are waterproof to penetration of liquids or vapors • Risks linked to electrical energy
that could cause short circuits or deterioration of insulation. All electric units are supplied with electricity and are
Then there are overcurrent protection to prevent therefore dangerous. All panels and electrical panels
overheating or malfunctions may cause hazardous
and junction boxes must be properly closed. Cables
must not be damaged or left hanging, but must be
properly trimmed and theses. Operations on the
electrical system should only be performed by
qualified personnel, with power disconnected. To
avoid unwanted connections, the main switch must
be disconnected and properly locked.

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1- 3 Homologation/certifications 1) Waste separation by homogeneous types.
The equipment described in this manual complies The waste must be collected and stored for
with homologations / certifications below: "homogenous types", since this is the only system
through which you can:
• EMC: 2004/108/CE - avoid any risk of incompatibility in terms of
• EN61000-6-3 (2007) chemical and physical characteristics of waste
• EN61000-6-2 (2005) products.
- ensure final proper treatment turning into a more
Halt test Accelerated Reliability Test Centers useful and less dangerous, allowing their eventual
1- 4 Use destination It is therefore important not to mix different types of
Silver TE808 controller is used to control manually wastes.
and automatically generators. Engine, alternator, 2) Use appropriate containers for handling and
power and transfer switch are identified and storage.
controlled by TE808 SILVER, ensuring the best Vessels designed to contain wastes must have
performance of the generator when there is a power adequate strength requirements in relation to
failure or when there is an alarm in the chemical and physical properties and
engine,alternator or mains . characteristics of the hazardous waste contained.
The TE808 also provides all the necessary 3) Vessels label
information to service and maintenance of the In order to disclose, during storage in the company,
battery. the nature and hazardous of the waste, the
355 events are stored. This allows us to identify over containers must be appropriately marked with labels
time any event has occurred. or lables affixed on the containers themselves or
Through the two RS232 ports and powerful remote placed in storage areas. In particular it is important
control software it is possible to control and use the that waste containers are identified with a
generator remotely via GSM, Ethernet, etc.. For this description of the type of waste and hazardous to
function you need to buy relative accessories of humans and the environment.
transmission. 4) Waste handling in the company.
During handling, ensure that containers are closed
1- 5 Waste and residual management properly.Avoid locations where there are wells of
General information on how to manage waste. water stored to avoid accidental spills into public
Identify and classify wastes according to sewer and white water .
specifications provided by law in the country of 5) Storage of solid waste heaps.
use.Do not leave or collect waste in an uncontrolled - In order to avoid possible pollution of soil, if
way. Do not enter into surface water or groundwater. storage takes place in piles, they should not be
Do not mix different types of waste. made on open ground but on strong bases (such
Deliver the waste to authorized people by the land paved)
competent authorities in the country for collecting, - The waste stored in piles must be protected from
transporting and processing of waste. the rain water where their runoff could lead to
Prepare documentation required by administrative pollution of the water itself.
regulations in force in the country of use (production
register, storage and disposal, docuemnts of
Administrative duties (record keeping, preparation of
documents etc...)

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1- 6 Disposal/Scrapping About disposal of the equipment, follow this procedure:
1) disconnect the equipment from the mains;
1- 6.1 Machine disposal 2) disassemble the apparatus collecting separately the
Dismantling operations must be performed by different components in relation to their nature as
qualified personnel and in compliance with all indicated in the paragrapgh "Separate collection and
applicable laws. start recovery";;
At the end of real life, the user company should proceed to 3) proceed to the storage and disposal of waste and
the alienation equipment in accordance with the in force materials for reuse as indicated in this paragraph and the
regulations by providing the first general cleaning of regulatory requirements set out in the country of use.
various elements and after the separation of the parts
making up the equipment.After removing the equipment is
necessary to separate the various materials in accordance
with the law requires the country where the equipment
should be discarded. The device contains no hazardous
substances or requiring special removal procedures.

1- 6.2 Materials that make the equipment

Regarding the elimination should be noted that the
materials used on the equipment are not of hazardous
nature, and are essentially:
- polyethylene plastic;
- electric cables with relative sheaths;
- monitoring and implementing electronic devices.
During the disposal process will need to comply to the
regulations in the country of use.

1- 6.3 Consumer products

Regarding the disposal of consumer products, observe the
following rules:
• Batteries
The battery of the equipment must be replaced by a
maintenance electrician.
Used batteries should not be disposed as common waste,
but it shall be delivered to designated disposal sites.

1- 6.4 Separate collection and start recovery

The unit consists of material that can easily be recycled
and used as raw material for other production
processes.Through proper recycling can recover a wide
range of waste with ecological and economic advantages.
• Plastic materials
Plastic parts can be retrieved for the production of new
resources both by recycling in the origin area and the heat
and energy production through their incineration, thus
avoiding, at the end of the life cycle, they become a
burden on the environment under form of waste to be
disposed of in landfills.To make a better recovery of such
material is necessary to collect differentiating types.

1- 6.5 How about dismantling the equipment

Before starting the decommissioning of the equipment,
verify the current legislation in force specially:
- registration requirements and / or communication to
control organisms;
- arrangements for environmental protection;
- requirements for the scrapping;
- requirements about health and safety safeguard of

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1- 7 Product Label and Rating plate

1- 7.1 Equipment Identification

General identifications of each unit are traced on the plate below and placed on the controller.

0000 000 0000

TE808 Gold Sn-serial number


Inform the maufacturer the general identification data reported on the label,
before asking for technical specifications or information about the equipment.

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1- 8 Maintenance
1- 8.1 Internal battery replacement
1) Remove the screws (item 1);
2) Separate the back cover from the front panel
(Item 2);
3) Remove lower board from its slot (pos. 3);
4) Remove and replace internal battery (pos. 4) with an
equal one.

Tipo batteria Tensione

CR2032 3V

1- 8.2 Clean
If necessary, clean with soft cloth.
Do not use any cleaner

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1- 9 Technical specifications
SUPPLY VOLTAGE In parenthesis values at 24V
Battery rated voltage 12Vdc or 24Vdc
Voltage range from 7Vdc to 33Vdc
Fixed consumption 150 mA (75 mA)
Relay consumption 210 mA (95 mA)
Backlight consumption 100 mA (50 mA)
Pre-excitation consumption 130 mA (170 mA)
Heater consumption -
Digital input closed to negative consumption 40 mA (20 mA)
Maximum consumption 630 mA (410 mA)
-40 °C + 70 °C (electronic)
-20 °C + 70 °C (display)
-30 °C + 70 °C (with heater)
-40 °C + 80 °C (stocking)
DISPLAY LGC-2107TE808D LCD monocromatic 5,7" , 320x240 pixel, transflective, white LEDs backlight
USB PORT "Device" type, full-speed for upload firmware and projects, connector "A" female
Input type Active at low level with pull-up
Input current < 10 mA
Low voltage level < 3.5 V
High voltage level > 8,0 V
Input latency interruption < 30 ms
Input type In AC, frequency and voltage measures
Range of voltage From 6 to 100 Vpp (precision 10%)
Range of frequency From 40 Hz to 2000 Hz (precision 2%)
Input type Voltage measure + pre-excitation current generation
Range of voltage From 0 to 40 Vdc
Input current < 15 mA
Pre-excitation current 130 mA a 24 V - 170 mA a 12 V
Type of contact N.O. contacts with one common pole
Rated current 5 A / 30 VDC - 5 A / 250 VAC
Input type 3 inputs for resistance measures referred to the board negative
Range of measure
- fuel level from 0 to 850 ohm
- engine temperature from 0 to 1300 ohm
- oil pressure from 0 to 400 ohm
Measure current
- fuel level < 10 mA
- engine temperature < 6 mA
- oil pressure < 20 mA
Precision <5%
Type Serial RS -232 wihtout handshake signals
Cable lenght <3m
Speed Up to 115200 bps
Type of contact 1 N.O. contact for GENERATOR 1 N.C. contact for MAINS
Rated current 8 A / 250 VAC
Range of measure
Maximum overcurrent 30 A
Type of measure RMS calculated value at 2 KHz and a 12 bit converter
Precision < 0.5 % end of scale.
Type of input Voltmetric transformers
Rated voltage 230 Vac (L-N) - 400 Vac (L-L)
Range of measure from 0 to 350 Vac (L-N) - from 0 to 600 Vac (L-L)
Range of frequency from 25 Hz to 80 Hz
Dissipation current < 0.5 mA
Type of measure RMS calculated value at 2 KHz and a 12 bit converter

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1- 10 Storage / storage 1- 11 Unpacking
In the case of prolonged storage leave your device The equipment comes contained in a cardboard
away from rain and wind and possibly dry. It is not box.
advisable to cover the equipment with waterproof film Check the package contents to be submitted:
that will prevent the evaporation of any moisture. The - TE808;
moisture can cause corrosion on the metal parts and
- CD - ROM;
damage the electronic components.
The characteristics of storage, storage must be - Instruction Manual;
within the limits prescribed below: - Terminals;
Temperature -40 to 80 ° C - Gasket;
Relative Humidity 30-95% without condensation - Warranty;
Atmospheric pressure 860 - 1060 hPa (mbar) If even one of the objects described above are
missing, please contact Tecnoelettra Srl
After unpacking, check that the equipment and
1- 12 Installation check that there are no damaged parts. If in
Drill a hole for the rectangular box TE808 and doubt, do not install the equipment and contact
No. 6 holes Ø3 mm on the mounting surface, as immediately Tecnoelettra Srl
indicated on the template (A). Use the screws Packaging materials (plastic bags, cardboard,
(1) supplied. If needed buy only screws with the etc. ...) should be kept away or send to disposal
same characteristics. area to be eliminated, see. par.1.6
Make sure the gasket (2) is mounted correctly
and perfectly fits the perimeter of the box TE808

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1- 13 Spare parts



1) Back box - code 226TE808R; 5) Circuit display - 2107TE808D code;

2) Circuit basic - code 2107TE808B; 6) Seal - 215TE808FR code;
3) Circuit measures - code 2107TE808GE; 7) Front box - code 226TE808F;
4) Circuit CanBus/RS485 - code 2107TE808CB; 8) USB Rubber protection 226TE808USB..

1- 14 USB Connections
Via PC connection is possible:
- Transferring the new firmware or software updated to the controller;
- Download data from the controller to analyze them in charts and/or tables or print them directly.
The USB cable (1) used is of type double AA male: Cable code 1571807F.


1. USB cable (type “A-male / A-male”);

2. Closure and rubber protection, IP65;
3. Mounting hole to close the rubber cap using a screw;
4. USB port: normally closed to prevent the weather can be enabled from the keyboard;

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1- 15 Electrical connection

J6 J7 J8 J9 J10


J1 RS232 J2 J3 J4

J1-Vdc supply J5-not used J9-Generator voltage inputs

1-battery positive 1-Neutral;
2-battery negative 2-Phase L3 ;
J6-remote start / stop 3-Phase L2 ;
1-remote start (by negative) 4- Phase L1
J2-Analog inputs
2-remote stop (by negative)
1-D+ batterycharger alternator
3-not used
2-Tachometric signal (W;Pickup)
4-not used
3-not used J10-Mains voltage inputs
5-not used
4-engine temperature instrument 1- Neutral;
6-not used
5-fuel instrument 2- Phase L3;
6-oil pressure instrument J7-contactors and global alarm 3- Phase L2;
1-mains contactor command 4- Phase L1
J3-Digital inputs 2-mains contactor command
1-external earth protection 3-generator contactor command
2-external user alarm 4-generator contactor command
3-external generator protection 5-global alarm NO contact RS232-communication ports
4-low radiator liquid 6-global alarm common RS232a- default setting for PC
5-emergency stop button 7-global alarm NC contact RS232b- default setting for GSM
6-engine temperature alarm
7-fuel level alarm J8-Current transformers inputs
8-oil pressure alarm 1-Phase L3, S1 terminal
2-Phase L3, S2 terminal
3-Phase L2, S1 terminal
J4-Relay output 5A 4-Phase L2, S2 terminal
1-Stop electrovalve (Fuel valve) 5-Phase L1, S1 terminal
2-Stop electrosolenoid 6-Phase L1, S2 terminal
4-Glow plugs / Refueling
5-Acoustic alarm
6-Battery (+) common for relay

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1- 16 Warranty
• For more information and technical support, please • 2 years warranty from date of installation,
e-mail to : automatically recorded by the controller before

1- 17 Electrical Installations
1- 17.1 Wiring connections Warning! before inserting the plugs make sure that the connections
strictly comply with the wiring diagram bellow


TE808 Gold

J2-Analog inputs J3-Digital inputs J4-Ouputs relay 5A

Not used

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1- 18 Functioning mode

1- 18.1 Automatic
AUT mode - the engine automatically starts in case of
mains failure (out of limits) and stops in the presence
of the same.
During the starting phase is possible to stop the engine
with STOP button.At the end of this phase the button is
Use Reset to stop engine.

1- 18.2 Manual
MAN mode- The engine can be started and stopped
manually by pressing start and stop key buttons; load
switching on mains and generator is managed using
buttons KG and KR.

1- 18.3 Test
TEST Mode- The engine starts immediately to test the
genset for a programmable time. If activated during
AUT mode, in absence of mains TE808 switches the
load on the generator
If activated during MAN mode, the switching can be
controlled only by KG and KR buttons, also if the
mains is faulty. Disabling the test (or after the test
time), the controller returns to the current mode.

1- 18.4 Reset
RESET Mode-The engine can not work. If the mains is
available it is connected to the load. If you select Reset
mode, the alarms are reset and the engine stops
immediately if it is working. If the cause of the alarm
remains, it is not possible reset the alarm.

1- 18.5 Alarms
In case of alarm, the display shows its description. If
more different alarms are detected, they appear
individually in sequence. For each alarm it is available
a message that can help to identify the source of the
problem. The alarm reset can be made by pressing
the OFF/ RESET button; by this, the alarm is deleted
and the TE808 goes in Reset mode, preventing
accidental generator starting attempts.
If the alarm, after reset, still remains on the display, the
cause of the alarm is not removed.

1- 18.6 First installation

First connection
At power on, the TE808 goes automatically to MAN.
The TE808 can be powered either be 12 or 24Vdc, but
it needs proper setting of maximum and minimum
battery voltage in the “battery setup” menu; if it is not
properly set, you will have a warning about the battery
voltage. You must set or verify menu parameters about
ALTERNATOR (CT ratio, type of connection, rated
voltage and frequency) and the Starting Menu inside
“Engine setup”, according to the type of engine used.

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1- 19 Transfer switch management
2 3

1. In MAN mode you can use the buttons KG and KR to manually close the generator or mains
2. KG allows you to manually close the generator contactor.
3. KR allows you to manually close the mains contactor.

Description of the switching animation



A. Normal power supply status by mains C. Unpowered load: missing mains and generator
- Mains detected is not started or it is not working
- Mains contactor closed - Mains not detected
- Generator not detected - Mains contactor opened
- Generator contactor opened - Generator not detected
- Generator contactor opened

B. Status of working generator D. After a blackout, the generator starts up but

- Network not detected has not yet completed the stabilization phase.
- Mains contactor opened - Mains not detected
- Generator detected - Mains contactor opened
- Generator contactor closed - Generator detected
- Generator contactor opened

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1- 20 Equipment Overview
Below are descripted the main functions of the controller:






A USB plug To upgrade firmware and project data via PC
Backlit display shows all functions, measures and alarms about the
B Display generator and the mains. Automatically backlight turns off, and it turns on
again when you press a button
To see the events and alarms page. Some pages have an “help” icon in
C Help
them, in this case help button will show a brief description of the page.
Key control for generator contactor. Active only in manual mode if GEN is
E KR Key control for mains contactor. Active only in manual mode.
To stop the generator. Active only in manual mode, the stop procedure is
G START To start the generator. Active only in manual mode.
To activate reset/OFF mode. In this operative mode the engine is stopped
H Reset / Off without cooling and alarms are deleted. If the cause of the alarm persists, it’s
not possible to delete it in reset/OFF mode.
I Page forward Next screen button
L Page backward Previous screen button
M Up Arrow To move the selection cursor backward
To move the selction cursor forward; in edit mode increase the value of a
N Right Arrow
To select an element on the screen or edit a parameter and confirm the new
O i button
P Down Arrow To move the selection cursor forward
To move the selction cursor backward; in edit mode decrease the value of a
Q Left Arrow
To enter the programmation menu. Use this button and page back button to
R Menu
return quickly to the main page.
S AUT Operative mode automatic
T MAN Operative mode manual
U Test Button for TEST mode of operation

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A Hour meter Indicates the working hours of generator

B Service Hours Indicates how many hours remain before the expiry of the service
C Fuel Indicates the amount of fuel on the tank
D Autonomy Indicates the estimated generator working autonomy
E Battery Indicates the battery voltage
F Clock / test Indicates that you have activated the automatic test function
G Date Indicates the date (day-month-year)
H Time Indicates the clock time (hours-minutes-seconds)
I Thermostat Indicates the ambient temperature (°C/ °F)
J Operation mode selected Indicates the selected operation mode programmed
K F (Hz) Indicates the frequency
L S (kVA) Indicates the apparent power consumption by the load
M P (kW) Indicates the active power consuption by the load
N I (A) Indicates the current consumed by load
O Vn (V) Indicates the voltage between phases and neutral
P V∆ (V) Indicates the voltage between phases
Q L1-L2 / L2-L3/L3-L1 Indicates the phases that are measured
N.3 different reference can appear:
MAINS: to indicate that the measures are referred to the mains
R Reference GENERATOR: to indicate that the measures are referred to the generator
ALARM: to indicate that an allarm is stored. In this case, the description of the
alarm is available in the “ACTIVE EVENTS" page
S Switching status Shows the status of the transfer switch
T Genset running icon If black, indicates generator running detected

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Symbol appears to indicate whether the measurements refer to the mains, or to
A generator or if an alarm is stored. In this case, the description of the alarm is
available in the “ACTIVE EVENTS" page
B TEST Symbol that indicates that the test generator is happening
Indicates mains side. If barred, and mains line (C) is thin, indicates that the mains is
not detected. If barred or is not expired yet the mains stabilization time. If barred,
C Mains Symbol
and mains line (C) is thick, indicates that the mains is detected but is not expired yet
the mains stabilization time


Unlock emergency button


A Code and message Shows a code and a message to identify the alarm occurred
An icon appears to identify whether the active message is a warning or generic
B Event icon
C Help Any help message, which identifies the cause of the problem
D Symbol A symbol is showed to identify graphically the type of alarm

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A MAINS Indicates that the page displays the mains measures

B L1-L2 Indicates the measure on phase L1
C L2-L3 Indicates the measure on phase L2
D L3-L1 Indicates the measure on phase L3
E Tot. Is the total over the three phases (when available)
May see two symbols:
Danger: to indicate that there is an active alarm (as in the display)
F Icona Mains: indicates that these measures relate to the mains
G V∆ (V) Indicates the voltage between phases
H Vn(V) Indicates the voltage between phases and neutral
I I(A) Indicates the currents on the three phases
L P(kW) Indicates the active power
M S(kVA) Indicates the apparent power
N PF Indicates the power factor (PF)
O F(Hz) Indicates the frequency

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A GENERATOR Indicates that the page displays the generator measures

B L1-L2 Indicates the measure on phase L1
C L2-L3 Indicates the measure on phase L2
D L3-L1 Indicates the measure on phase L3
E Tot. Is the total over the three phases (when available)
May see two symbols:
Danger: to indicate that there is an active alarm (as in the display)
F Icona Generator: indicates that these measures relate to the mains
G V∆ (V) Indicates the voltage between phases
H Vn(V) Indicates the voltage between phases and neutral
I I(A) Indicates the currents of the three phases L1-L2-L3
L P(kW) Indicates the active power consumption of load
M S(kVA) Indicates the apparent power consumption of load
N PF Indicates the power factor (PF) of load
O F(Hz) Indicates the frequency

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Black box shows ON status (only for H-I-L-M-N-O)


A Engine Tools Indicates that this page is about all measures related to engine
B Rpm Engine tachometer, instrument with analog and digital RPM values
C Oil pressure instrument Indicates engine oil pressure value
D Temperature Instrument Indicates the engine temperature value
E Alternator battery charger Indicates the voltage of the batterycharger alternator
F Hours Warranty Indicates hours left to generator warranty expiration
G Rental Hours Indicates hours left to generator rental expiration
H Start Indicates if start/crank output is active
I Preheating Indicates if glow plugs output is active
L Stop fuel valve Indicates if fuel electrovalve output is active
M Stop electromagnet Indicates if stop electrosolenoid/magnet output is active
Indicates that input on terminal J6-2 is active. Check the special functions
N J6-2
menu to see its function mode
Indicates that input on terminal J6-1 is active. Check the special functions
O J6-1
menu to see its function mode
Indicates that an alarm has been detected in the engine. For more
P Warning icon information about the type of alarm, you need to consult the " Active Events "
Q h/K1on Shows the generator working hours with contactor closed
R Engine animation If the engine is detected running, the drawing mimics the rotation

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Indicates that the page refers to the list of events stored.
Event list Can be maintained in memory up to 118 events, which remain regardless of
power supply to controller. When this number is exceeded, the older event is
automatically deleted and it is incorporates the new event
B Date and Time Shows the date and time that the event was registered
C Description Shows the code and event description
Symbol that identifies an event as a priority (eg alarm) or secondary (eg
D Icon
E Up Arrow Drive Indicates to press the up arrow on the drive to scroll up
F Number of pages Indicates the actual number of the page
G Down Arrow Drive Indicates to press the down arrow on the drive to scroll down
H Icon Symbol that identifies a notice



A Controls: TE808 It is an help page to remember the keys function available on the controller

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A General Information Provides general information about the controller and Tecnoelettrica srl.



A Technical Information Provides information about the limits of operation of the controller

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1-21 Special Functions SCR Function (only in AUT mode)
It permits to start the generator by a remote signal on
In the TE808 standard, special functions are available, terminal J6-1, and when a programmable delay time is
which can be programmed for terminals J6-1 and J6-2. elapsed, TE808 switches the changeover switch on
generator side, even if the mains is detected.
You can also set, in case of generator alarm, the
changeover switch to remains on generator side or if it
must change on mains side. The changeover switch
command on generator side can be controlled also by
J6-1 J6-2 a remote signal on terminal J6-2. When it is closed to
negative and when a programmable delay time is
elapsed, the TE808 command the switching on
generator side.
Operation description:
J6-1 closed to negative: when “Start by SCR delay
time” is elapsed, the generator starts

J6-2 if set to ON, you must close it to negative, and

when "Switching delay for SCR contactor” is elapsed,
the generator contactor is closed even if the mains is
J6-2 if set to OFF, is not necessary to close this
terminal to negative to force the switching. When the
engine is detected running, after the "switching delay
for SCR contactor” automatically the generator
contactor is closed even if the mains is detected

-“Mains disabled” option permits to inhibit, in case of

generator alarm, the changeover switch on mains side.

Maximum Load KW Start

Function that allows the generator’s automatic start and
stop, according to the maximum and minimum
thresholds programmable on mains consumption.
If the load consumption from the mains supplies
exceeds the START KW threshold for a period of time
longer then the start delay time programmed, TE808
starts the generator and switch the load for the
When the value of load’s consumption is less than the
STOP threshold at least for the stop delay time
programmed, the load is commutated to the mains (if
available) and the generator is stopped. If the mains is
missing, the load remains on the generator until the
mains voltage is detected.

If special functions are not activated, the default Generator locked

functions of terminals J6-1 and J6-2 are respectively This function permits to lock the generator when a set
remote start and remote stop, as follows: period is expired.
► Terminal J6-1: if closed to negative, TE808 starts To unlock the generator, you must enter “generetor
the generator (only in AUT mode) locked menù” and you must select “actual value”
► Terminal J6-2: if closed to negative, TE808 stops function and push “ I “ to reset the time counter.
the generator (only in AUT mode)
If both terminals are closed to negative, the priority one
is terminal J6-2, then TE808 stops the generator.

To decide about remote stop with or without cooling

time, see the paragraph about alarms list and their

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1- 22 Accessories optionals

c. GSM modem for remote control via PC with

1) Cable code 1571807F; modem or via SMS messages to / from mobile
2) n.2 RS232 ports allow direct connection to phones. Accessory code 1571806B.
multiple devices; d. Converter wired TCP / IP for remote control
a. Others Cable for direct PC connection to from PC via LAN / Ethernet. Code 1571806G
upload and download data and info. Cable accessory.
code 1571807. e. Connection between No.2 TE808, for
b. Analog modem connection for remote control communication between generators. Used, for
via PC dial telephone. Optional code 1571806. example, in systems with generator master and
slave. Cable code 1571807E.

a d

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Section 2 - before starting
At first installation is important to follow these guidelines:
► Ensure that electrical connections comply with the wiring diagram see par. 1.17.1
► Make sure the connectors are properly inserted into the plugs, see par. 1.15
► Enter in the “Fast Setup” menu to verify that the most important settings are in
conformity to your system.

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 29 25/08/2014

2- 1 Fast Setup
“Fast setup” permits to check and modify the most important parameters of Generator and Mains without the necessity
to enter the Programme Menu, all new parameters are automatically memorized on each Programme menu.

You must use buttons 1 and 2 to scroll the screens and reach the last page called “Fast Setup”, composed by 3 pages.




6 5

1-scrolls pages back

2-scrolls pages forward
3-scrolls parameters
4-change parameters
5-confirm parameters
6-scroll parameters
7-change parameters
8-Menù selection

Use buttons 3-4-5-6-7 of the drive to scroll,

change and confirm parameters

When you have change the parameters, select

“Confirmation” and confirm it by pressing the “i” button of
the drive (5) to save.

You will be able to enter fast setup every time you need,
but you can also disable it in “display setup” pag.2 with
“enable fast setup on/off “: TE808 not allows the access
to this “fast menu”; all the parameters remain available
on the Program menu. For more informations, see
“Section 3 - Navigation”.

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 30 25/08/2014

2- 2 Fast Setup Parameters

You select the language in which you must operate the
controller. On board are available the following Italian English
Language languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish, French Spanish
Portuguese. And it is possible to request, install any Portuguese
language with any type of character.
Used to set a thermostat correction coefficient, about the
Offset temperature -127 a 128 0
ambient temperature value showed on the display
Year To set the year 0-99
Month To set the month 0-12
Day To set the day 0-31
Day To set the day of the week, from Monday to Sunday Mon...Sun
Hours To set the current hours 0-23
Minutes To set the current minute 0-59
It sets the minimum battery voltage; if the battery value
Low battery level measured is less than this value, the “low battery alarm” 0-500 10,5
is showed
It sets the maximum battery voltage; if the battery value
High battery level measured is higher than this value, the “High battery 0-500 20
alarm” is showed
To set the capacity of the tank. Necessary for the
Tank capacity 0-2000 100
management of the 'autonomy'
To set the average hourly consumption of the engine
Consumption declared by the manufacturer. It is necessary for the 0,1-1000 8.0
management of the 'autonomy'
Generator nominal voltage To set the rated voltage of the generator 0-600 400
Generator nominal frequency To set the rated frequency of the generator 50-60 50
Nominal current To the nominal operating current of the generator 0-9999 100
It sets the ratio of Current Transformers to read the
current consumption of the load
CT ratio regulation 0-10000 20
(sample: for CT 100/5A, you must set it at 20, because
100 : 5 = 20)
single-phase or
Generator system Type To set the type of system three-phase
Mains nominal voltage To set the rated voltage of the generator 0-600 400
Mains nominal frequency To set the rated frequency 50-60 50
single-phase or
Mains system type To set the type of system three-phase

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 31 25/08/2014


The periodic test has a major role since it allows to verify the proper functioning of the generator,
batteries and the whole system.In TE808 there are several settings that can largely cover all the
various needs.

It is possible to set two different tests simultaneously, “TEST setup # 1” and “TEST setup # 2”, each
one with its own setting.

The default values are those given in the final pages of this manual and are generally good enough to
ensure good control of the generator plant, but they can be varied according to the procedure
indicated below:

1- Press the “menu” button (1);

2- Press the arrow of the drive (3), and select "General Setup";
3- Press the "i" (2) to confirm;
4- Press the arrow of the drive (3), and select "Setup Test";
5- Press the "i" (2) to confirm;
6- Press the buttons of the drive to select, change and confirm the parameters

1 - Access the menu;
2 - Confirm your selection;
4 3 - Change the parameters;
4 - Change the parameters;
5 - Scroll through the options;
6 - Scroll through the options.
6 2

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 32 25/08/2014

TEST function description

1 The meaning of the parameters are the same for

the Test setup # 1 and # 2, but they can be
2 programmed differently for two levels of testing.
For example you can set the test # 1 as repeated
weekly and test # 2 as repeated monthly.
3 WARNING: TEST function is executed only if
the board is in AUT mode

1- to enable or disable TEST (# 1 or # 2)

2- to set the test type: daily, weekly, or monthly.
3- to set the day of the week (Monday through
6 Sunday) if you choose Weekly Test.
4- to set the day of the month (1 to 31) if you chose
monthly test.
1 5- to set the hour to begin the testing procedure.
6- to set the minutes to begin the testing
2 procedure.

7- test duration is the length of the test (check
engine and/or alternator manufacturers
recommended one)
8- to have a test with or without load.
5 If during the periodic test (selected both with or
without load) the mains is lacking, however, the
6 generator assumes the load. At the end of the test,
if the generator was under load (for both power
failure occurred, and for selection of test load), the
load returns to the net only if it is detected. If the
7 mains is missing at the end of the test, the
generator continues to supply power to users until
8 the return of normal mains conditions.
9- to perform a periodic test also if the gerator is
under remote stop signal. If programmed OFF, the
test is performed only if the remote signal is not
detected at the scheduled time for the test. If
10 programmed to ON, the test is performed anyway,
even if the remote stop signal is detected at the
scheduled time for the test.
10- If ON, you enable the "POT" test option. If
OFF, the test stops after the minutes set at (7).
12 11- To set the hour to end POT test.
12- To set the minutes to end POT test.

13 13- If the test type is daily you can select in which

days the test is allowed.

Description of "POT" function (Programmable Operative Test)

If you enable this option, the test will not finish after the time of the test lenght (7) but occours at a specific time, specified
at points 11 and 12. In this test mode the engine stop won’t end the test procedure nor the reset/off mode, the procedure
ends only at the programmed time or manually with “test” button.
If POT test is enabled, an icon will appear on main page of mains and generator.

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Section 3 : Navigation

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3- 1 Control and management screens description

3- 1.1 Symbols used by the TE808: description






















Symbols permits immediate detection of all the various sections

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A TE808 Gold Indicates the type of TE808 controller
B General Setup Indicates access to the General Setup menu
C Firmware Indicates the firmware version
D Setup Engine Indicates access to the Engine Setup menu
Indicates to use the drive arrows (blackened) to scroll through menus and
E Drive
press “i”to confirm
F Calendar Current date and time
G Alternator Setup Indicates access to the Alternator Setup menu
Indicates the website Tecnoelettrica srl, from which you can download
H Website Tecnoelettra

I Mains Setup Indicates the access to the Mains Setup menu

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3- 2 Navigation Organization chart




Composed by these Composed by these Direct Parameters Direct Parameters

submenu submenu setting setting

Display setup Starting setup

Clock setup Stop setup

Test setup Preheat Setup

Special functions Battery Setup

Alarms setup Fuel Setup

Setup GSM Oil setup


Security setup Temperature Setup

IO monitor Warranty

Connectivity Service

Help page Rental setup

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 37 25/08/2014

3- 3 Navigation instructions
Each time you press the “menu” button (1), you enter in the following browser screen:

Using one of the directional arrows (2, 3, 4 or 5) you can select cyclically the submenu (A, B, C or D) shown in
the screen above; highlighted the preferred one, press the central drive "i" button to confirm (6) the access
and the navigation inside it.
From the various screens inside the submenu, you can select the parameter values moving vertically pressing
up and down drive keys (4 or 5), confirmation to the selection is always by "i" button (6), then changing the
value using the left and right drive keys ( 2 or 3). Then, to confirm the changed value, press again "i" key (6).
The scroll keys (7 and 8), are respectively used to navigate between the previous and the next page of the
currently one showed on the screen.

1 - Access to menu;
4 2 - Change the parameters;
8 3 - Change the parameters;
4 - Scroll through the options;
2 5 - Scroll through the options;
6 - Confirm selection
7 7 - Back to the previous screen;
1 8 - Go to the next screen;

5 6

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 38 25/08/2014

3- 4 General setup Menu description







Submenu that contains all the parameters settings of the screen: language
A Display Setup
type, contrast, offset thermostat, etc.
B Clock Setup Submenu for setting the Time and Date
C Test Setup Submenu for setting the test operation mode
D Special Functions Submenu to activate and set some special functions of operation
Submenu to change the status of operation and intervention of various
E Alarms setup
alarms available
F Arrows drive Indicates to use the arrows on the drive to scroll through submenu
Indicates to press the corresponding button to go to the next page (in this
G Page forward
case should go to page 2 of 2)
H Icon menu Symbol indicates that we are inside the "General Setup" menu
Indicates the current page number and the total pages available in the menu
I Indication pages (in this case we are at page 1 of 2 pages available in the "General
Indicates to press the corresponding button to return to the previous page (in
L Page backward
this case should come back to the main menu)


A Setup GSM messages GSM submenu where you select messages that can be transmitted via GSM
B Security Setup Submenu to setting passwords for various menus.
Submenu where you can check the operating status of all inputs and all
C Monitoring IO
Submenu that allows the setting of communication parameters of the RS232
D Connectivity
ports available
Submenu where you can scroll through all the help pages available in the
E Help Pages

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 39 25/08/2014

3.4.1 Display Setup Menu GENERAL SETUP

You select the language in which you must Italian
operate the controller. On board are available the English
A Language following languages: English, Italian, French, French
Spanish, Portuguese. And 'possible to request, Spanish
install any language with any type of character. Portuguese
To set the display contrast preferred, which is
B Contrast then be controlled and manteined automatically 20-240 110
by the TE808
If no operations are done, after this time the
C Duration lighting display backlight turns off. It returns on 0-255 250
automatically when an events occours.
D Keyboard sound To set a beep sound when pressing the keys Off-On Off
Used to set a thermostat correction coefficient,
E Offset temperature about the ambient temperature value showed on -127 a 128 0
the display
It is the time after which the controller
F Return to standby automatically returns to the standby page set in 0-255 0
parameter "G"
To set the page number you want to set as
G Number of main page 0-255 0

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3-4.2 Display Cleaning GENERAL SETUP


A Clean screen See instructions for proper cleaning of the TE808 screen

3-4.3 Clock Setup Menu


A Year To set the year 0-99
B Month To set the month 0-12
C Day To set the day 0-31
To set the day of the week, from Monday to
D Day Mon...Sun
E Hours To set the current hours 0-23
F Minutes To set the current minute 0-59
Used to confirm the adjusted date/clock, it
updates the current time. To do it, you must
G Update clock
select the area using the drive arrows and then
confirm by the “i” drive button
H Current setting Shows current date and clock set

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 41 25/08/2014

3-4.4 Test Setup #1 Menu GENERAL SETUP

A Enable automatic test Used to enable or disable the automatic test On-Off Off
B Type tests To set the type of test Monthly

If the type of test is chosen weekly, permits to set Mond., Tuesd.,

C Weekly day of testing the day of the week in which the test should be Wed., Thur., Thur.
done Frid., Sat, Sund.
If the type of test is chosen monthly, permits to
D Monthly test day set the day of the month in which the test should 1-31 1
be done
E Hour of test starting You set the hours of starting the test 0-23 9
F Minutes of test starting You set the minutes of starting the test 0-59 30

3-4.5 Test Setup#2 Menu

A Enable automatic test Used to enable or disable the automatic test On-Off Off
B Type tests To set the type of test Monthly

If the type of test is chosen weekly, permits to set Mond., Tuesd.,

C Weekly day of testing the day of the week in which the test should be Wed., Thur., Thur.
done Frid., Sat, Sund.
If the type of test is chosen monthly, permits to
D Monthly test day set the day of the month in which the test should 1-31 1
be done
E Hour of test starting You set the hours of starting the test 0-23 9
F Minutes of test starting You set the minutes of starting the test 0-59 30

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 42 25/08/2014



A Test lenght You set the period of time for the test
If you set it to ON, during the test should be made switching between Mains
B Test with load
and Genset
Set if the test must be done (set to ON) or not (set to OFF) if the remote stop
C Test with remote stop
signal is active when the test should be performed
Enable “Programmable Operative Test” option, to finish the test at a specific
D Test POT enable end time (see programming time points E and F), ignoring “Test length”
parameter set on point "A”
E POT test end hours Hours of end time about POT test
F POT test end minutes Minutes of end time about POT test

If the type of test is chosen Daily, permits to set the days in which the test should be done


A Sunday If “Yes”, it enable daily test at Sunday. If “No”, on this day the test is not executed
B Monday If “Yes”, it enable daily test at Monday. If “No”, on this day the test is not executed
C Tuesday If “Yes”, it enable daily test at Tuesday. If “No”, on this day the test is not executed
D Wednesday If “Yes”, it enable daily test at Wednesday. If “No”, on this day the test is not executed
E Thursday If “Yes”, it enable daily test at Thursday. If “No”, on this day the test is not executed
F Friday If “Yes”, it enable daily test at Friday. If “No”, on this day the test is not executed
G Saturday If “Yes”, it enable daily test at Saturday. If “No”, on this day the test is not executed

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3-4.6 Special Functions Menu


Black circle it means that the function is active


Use arrows to scroll the special function that you want set. Confirm and enter
A Arrows
inside settings by “i” button.
B SCR It selects SCR function
C Start by mains kW It selects “Start by mains kW” function
D Generator locked It selects “Generator locked” function

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3-4.6.1 SCR Function GENERAL SETUP

If ON the function is enabled,
A Enable On/Off Off
if OFF the function is disabled
Is the delay time that elapses when you close the
B Start by SCR delay terminal J6-1 to negative and the generator 0-59 1
Is the delay time that elapses when you close
C Switching delay for SCR the terminal J6-2 to negative and the switching 0-59 1
on generator contactor, also if mains is detected
If ON, when SCR mode is active (J6-1 on), the
mains contactor opens and it’s not possible to
D Mains enable close it also if the generator is stopped by an On/Off Off
If ON, it enables the changeover switch control
by terminal J6-2 closed to negative; when closed
and after the delay time at point C, the load
switches to generator .
E SCR J6-2 input If OFF, the input J6-2 is disabled and is not used On/Off On
to control the changeover switch: changeover
switch is automatically closed on generator side
when the engine is started by J6-1 , after the
delay time at point C

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3-4.6.2 Start by Mains kW

If ON the function is enabled, if OFF the function
A Enable On/Off Off
is disabled
Load supplied by the mains: if the power
consumption exceeds this value (at least for the
B Start threshold (kW) 0-100.000 100
“time for start" at point B), the generator starts
and the power switching moves on the generator.
It is the delay time for which must the load
consumption remains above the threshold value
C Time for start 0-59 30
on the mains (point A); after this time the
generator starts
Load is supplied by the generator:
if the power consumption returns to be less than
D Stop Threshold the threshold value set (at least for the “time for 0-100.000 80
stop at point D),The load switches to the Mains
and the generator is stopped.
It is the delay time for which the load
consumption must remains bellow the threshold
E Time for stop 0-59 30
value; after this time the load returns to the Mains
and the generator is stopped.
3-4.6.3 Generator Block Menu

If ON the function is enabled,
A Enable On/Off Off
If OFF the function is disabled
B Type of counting To set the count type for locking Generator. Days/Months Months
Time limit of “Locking” function. It must be set in
C Counting limit 0-10.000 12
accordance to the unit of time on parameter B
It shows you the time left to the expiration. In
accordance to the unit of time on parameter B. If
D Corrent value (reset) 0-10.000 0
you select and confirm by the drive this box, the
counter restarts from set values at point B and C
TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 46 25/08/2014
3- 4.7 LOGIN:
Allows to change the settings of the various alarms.

1) Enter the Login to access the list of all the

alarms and their settings.
To set the Login, press the STOP button 6 times.

2) Using the arrows of the drive select "ALARM

LIST" and press "i" to enter;
The informations about “user code LV” are
2 located in Security Setup Menu.

3) Using the arrows of the drive, select the alarm

that you want to change. Press "i" to enter;

4) List of properties that can be modified

5) If “sms” parameter is ON, everytime the alarm

occurs an sms message will be send to the
programmed call numbers.

Alarm relay activation Type of stop value
Enabled when running

Only indication signal

Stop with cooling
Always enables
Global alarm 1

Global alarm 2

Global alarm 3

1= contact NO
0= contact NC

Stop engine



IMPORTANT: to confirm and save the new configuration of the alarm, use arrow keys to return on “ALARMS LIST” and
push “ I ” button. Otherwise the configuration for the alarm will not be saved.

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 47 25/08/2014

3- 4.8 Alarms table setup

Alarm Type of
activation value
relay stop

Alarm description

Enabled when running

Only indication signal

Alarm code

Stop with cooling


Always enables
Global alarm 1
Global alarm 2
Global alarm 3

1= contact NO
0= contact NC
Stop engine




1 20001 Switching to mains 0

2 20002 Switching to genset 1

3 20003 Starting 0

4 20006 Alarm: emergency stop 1

5 20007 Remote stop active 1

6 20008 Remote start active 1

7 20011 Warranty expired 5

8 20012 Service 5

9 20013 Rental hours expired 0

10 20015 Battery maintenance 10

11 20017 Charger alternator failure 10

12 20019 Faulty mains 1

13 20020 Low coolant level 1

14 20021 Engine protection alarm 1

15 20022 Ground protection alarm 1

16 20023 User alarm 1

17 20004 Stop engine failure 0

18 20005 Generator locked 5

19 20010 Low environmental temperature 10

20 20009 High environmental temperature 10

21 20014 First Service 0

22 20016 Internal battery failure 5

23 20018 Faulty oil pressure digital 30

24 20024 Chance of fuel lackage 0

25 20025 Generator anomaly 5

26 20026 Test active 0

27 1001 Start attempts 0

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 48 25/08/2014

Alarm Type of
activation value
relay stop

Alarm description

Enabled when running

Only indication signal

Alarm code

Stop with cooling


Always enables
Global alarm 1
Global alarm 2
Global alarm 3

1= contact NO
0= contact NC
Stop engine




28 1003 Mechanical fault 10

29 1101 Temperature prealarm (Analog) 2

30 1102 High engine temperature (Analog) 2

31 1103 High engine temperature (Digital) 2

32 1104 Fuel prealarm (Analog) 10

33 1105 Low fuel level (Analog) 10

34 1106 Low fuel level (Digital) 10

35 1107 Oil pressure prealarm (Analog) 2

36 1108 Low oil pressure (Analog) 2

37 1109 Low oil pressure (Digital) 2

38 1110 High battery voltage 15

39 1111 Low battery voltage 15

40 1112 RPM alarm (too fast) 2

41 1113 RPM alarm (too slow) 5

42 1114 Autonomy low 10

43 1201 Generator low frequency 5

44 1202 Generator high frequency 2 

45 1203 Generator low voltage 5

46 1204 Generator high voltage 3

47 1205 Generator wrong phase sequence 2

48 1206 Generator short circuit 0

49 1207 Generator current overload 2

50 1208 Mains low frequency 5

51 1209 Mains high frequency 5

52 1210 Mains low voltage 5

53 1211 Mains high voltage 5

54 1212 Mains wrong phase sequence 5

55 1213 Circuit breaker active 0

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 49 25/08/2014

3- 4.9 Alarms description table

Alarm description
codice allarme


1 Switching to mains Indicates that the TE808 has closed the changeover switch on mains side

2 Switching to genset Indicates that the TE808 haseclosed the changeover switch on generator side

3 Starting Indicates that the TE808 has registered a starting attempt

4 Alarm: emergency stop Indicates that the emergency button is pressed

5 Remote stop active Indicates that the terminal J6-2 of remote stop is active

6 Remote start active Indicates that the terminal J6-1 of remote start is active
7 Warranty expired Indicates that the time of warranty is expired
8 Service Indicates that the service time is expired.
9 Rental hours expired Indicates that the time of rental is expired
10 Battery maintenance Indicates to check the battery fluid
11 Charger alternator failure Incicates that the D+ batterycharger signal is not detected
12 Faulty mains Indicates that the mains voltage is not detected or is not inside set limits
13 Low coolant level Indicates that the water coolant level in the radiator is too low.
14 Engine protection alarm Indicates the detection signal on terminal J3-x of an external generator alarm
Indicates the detection signal on terminal J3-x of the external earth protection
15 Ground protection alarm
16 User alarm Indicates the detection signal on terminal J3-x of an external user alarm
Indicates that after a stopping time set phase, the TE808 still detects active signals
17 Stop engine failure
on the engine running status.
18 Generator locked Indicates that the TE808 has put the generator in “locking” status
19 Low environmental temperature Indicates that the ambient temperature is lower than set values
20 High environmental temperature Indicates that the ambient temperature is higher than set values
21 First Service Indicates that the time for first service is expired
22 Internal battery failure Indicates that the internal battery is expiring and it has 60 days left of autonomy
23 Faulty oil pressure digital Indicates that, with engine in stop status, is not detectes the digital sensor signal
Indicates that the fuel level decrease when the engine is in stop, and probably a
24 Chance of fuel lackage
lackeage cause the problem
25 Generator anomaly Indicates that generator measurements are out of programmed limits

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Alarm description
Alarm code


26 Test active Indicates that the test is active

Indicates that the start attempts set are finished without the detection of engine
27 Start attempts
running conditions
Indicates that, with engine started, all the running signals are weakened
28 Mechanical fault
Indicates that the temperature measured by the analog sensor has reached the
29 Temperature prealarm (Analog)
prealarm value set
Indicates that the temperature measured by the analog sensor has reached the
30 High engine temperature (Analog)
alarm/shutdown value set

31 High engine temperature (Digital) Indicates that the digital sensor has detected the high temperature alarm

Indicates that the fuel level measured by the analog sensor has reached the
32 Fuel prealarm (Analog)
prealarm value set
Indicates that the fuel level measured by the analog sensor has reached the
33 Low fuel level (Analog)
alarm/shutdown value set

34 Low fuel level (Digital) Indicates that the digital sensor has detected the fuel reserve alarm

Indicates that the oil pressure measured by the analog sensor has reached the
35 Oil pressure prealarm (Analog)
prealarm value set
Indicates that the oil pressure measured by the analog sensor has reached the
36 Low oil pressure (Analog)
alarm/shutdown value set

37 Low oil pressure (Digital) Indicates that the digital sensor has detected the low oil pressure alarm

38 High battery voltage Indicates that the battery voltage measured is too high

39 Low battery voltage Indicates that the battery voltage measured is too low

40 RPM alarm (too fast) Indicates that the engine speed (RPM) measured is too fast

41 RPM alarm (too slow) Indicates that the engine speed (RPM) measured is too slow

Indicates that the generator working autonomy calculated by the TE808 is less than
42 Autonomy low
the set value

43 Generator low frequency Indicates that the generator frequency measured is less than the set value

44 Generator high frequency Indicates that the generator frequency measured is higher than the set value

45 Generator low voltage Indicates that the generator voltage measured is less than the set value

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Alarm description
Alarm code


46 Generator high voltage Indicates that the generator voltage measured is higher than the set value
47 Generator wrong phase sequence Indicates that the generator phase voltage sequence is reversed
48 Generator short circuit Indicates that the current measured by theTE808 pass the short circuit value set

49 Generator current overload Indicates that the current measured by theTE808 pass the overload value set

50 Mains low frequency Indicates that the mains frequency measured is lower than the set value
51 Mains high frequency Indicates that the mains frequency measured is higher than the set value
52 Mains low voltage Indicates that the mains voltage measured is lower than the set value
53 Mains high voltage Indicates that the mains voltage measured is higher than the set value
54 Mains wrong phase sequence Indicates that the mains phase voltage sequence is reversed
55 Circuit breaker active Indicates that the magnetothermic protection is tripped

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3-4.10 GSM Setup Menu


A Engine running If Ok, it sends a message when the engine is running No-Ok Ok
If Ok, it sends a message when the generator
B Contactor active group No-Ok No
contactor is closed
If Ok, it sends a message when the mains contactor is
C Mains contactor active No-Ok No
If Ok, it sends a message when the TE808 is not in
D Not automatic No-Ok No
automatic mode
If Ok, it sends a message when the mains is detected
E Mains ok No-Ok No
within the set limits
Shows the mobile phone numbers set (up to 5) that the
F Call Numbers
controller must send messages

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 53 25/08/2014

3-4.11 Security Setup Menu GENERAL SETUP

This menu permits to enable and disable the access to the main 4 area of browsing. In fact,varynig the number of
password,automatically,it is put into block state. In this way you can give access to the different are as only to whom has the


Provides access to the login security. Use arrows drive to

highlight the box, then the "i" button to access
Shows the menu locked by password.
When “General Setup” is locked, inside it is always available the
following sections:
- Alarm setup
- Security setup
- I/O Monitor
- Help
B Locked Sections For the other menu, when locked, the access is forbidden.
To lock/unlock the sections, the following password levels are
100 User Code LV1: to lock or unlock General Setup
200 User Code LV2: to lock or unlock Engine Setup
300 User Code LV3: to lock or unlock Alternator Setup
400 User Code LV4: to lock or unlock Mains Setup

Push 6 times the

“Stop button” A


Enter the Login to have access to the list of all the alarms and their various
A Login
settings. To set the Login, press the STOP button 6 times

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 54 25/08/2014


By the drive, you must B

select the User Code
Level preferred; then C
if by confirmation you
can enter inside D


A EXIT It permits to return to previous page in the Secirity Menu
B ALARMS LIST It permits the access to alarm list page
C USER CODE LV1 It permits the access to the password of “General Setup” menu. 100
D USER CODE LV2 It permits the access to the password of “Engine Setup” menu. 200
E USER CODE LV3 It permits the access to the password of “Alternator Setup” menu. 300
F USER CODE LV4 It permits the access to the password of “Mains Setup” menu. 400


A SECURITY Itp permits to return to Security previous page

By the drive, you can select and modify this parameter.
B USER CODE LEVEL 1 When the value set is equal to the password the menu is unlocked.
When the value set is different from the password, the menu is locked.

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3-4.12 I/O Monitor GENERAL SETUP

Status OFF

Status ON

POS. Function description in accordance to factory terminals setting

J2.1 It shows the value of D+ signal
J2.2 It shows the value of tachometer sensor signal (W, Pickup, Saprisa)
J2.4 It shows the value of engine temperature
J2.5 It shows the value of fuel level
J2.6 It shows the value of oil pressure
J6.1 It shows the status of remote start input
J6.2 It shows the status of remote stop input
J3.1 It shows the status of external earth protection input alarm
J3.2 It shows the status of external user alarm input alarm
J3.3 It shows the status of external generator protection input alarm
J3.4 It shows the status of low coolant water level input alarm
J3.5 It shows the status of emergency button input alarm
J3.6 It shows the status of engine temperature input alarm
J3.7 It shows the status of fuel level input alarm
J3.8 It shows the status of low oil pressure input alarm
J8.1/2 It shows the current value on phase L3
J8.3/4 It shows the current value on phase L2
J8.5/6 It shows the current value on phase L1
J9.2 It shows the generator voltage value on phase L3
J9.3 It shows the generator voltage value on phase L2
J9.4 It shows the generator voltage value on phase L1
J10.2 It shows the mains voltage value on phase L3
J10.3 It shows the mains voltage value on phase L2
J10.4 It shows the mains voltage value on phase L1
J4.1 It shows the status of electrovalve/stop output relay
J4.2 It shows the status of electrosolenoid/stop output relay
J4.3 It shows the status of starting/crank output relay
J4.4 It shows the status of glow plugs output relay
J4.5 It shows the status of acoustic alarm output relay
J7.1/2 It shows the status of mains contactor command output relay
J7.3/4 It shows the status of generator contactor command output relay
J7.5/6 It shows the status of global alarm output relay, Normally Open
J7.6/7 It shows the status of global alarm output relay, Normally Close

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 56 25/08/2014

3-4.13 Serial Communication port RS232 A Menu GENERAL SETUP

A Unit ID Unit Identification Number 0-255 1
Protocol type. Selectable:
No: Serial port disabled
Modbus Master: when two boards are connected, this
one is the priority
Modbus Master
B Protocol Modbus slave: when two boards are connected, this one Modbbus slave
Modbus Slave
is the secondary. TE808 must be setted as Slave also for
Gsm modem
connection between controller and PC.
GSM modem: connect this port to an analog modem or
GSM modem
Rate: for connections between boards or to your PC, you 9600-19200-
C Bits per second may select speed of 57600. For modem connections, it is 38400-57600- 115200
recommended speed of 9600 115200
D Equality Set always to "none" Even None
E Stop bit Set always to "one" One / two / none One
F Data bits Set always to "8" 6-7-8 8

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 57 25/08/2014

3-4.14 Serial Communication port RS232 B Menu GENERAL SETUP

Protocol type. Selectable:
None: Serial port disabled
Modbus Master: when two boards are
connected, this one is the priority None
Modbus slave: when two boards are Modbus Master Gsm
A Protocol
connected, this one is the secondary. Modbus Slave modem
TE808 must be setted as Slave also for Gsm modem
connection between controller and PC.
GSM modem: connect this port to an
analog modem or GSM modem
Communication Rate:
- For connections between boards or
to your PC, you may select speed 9600-19200-38400-
B Bits per second 9600
of 57600. 57600-115200
- For modem connections, it is
recommended speed of 9600
C Equality Set always to "none" Even None
D Stop bit Set always to "one" One / two / none One
E Data bits Set always to "8" 6-7-8 8

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 58 25/08/2014

3- 5 Engine setup description


It contains all the parameters about starter setting for the motor and the
A Starting Setup
engine running detection signals
B Stop Setup It contains all the parameters about the type of engine stop and its timers
C Preheat Setup It contains all the parameters about the engine glow plugs type and its timers
D Battery Setup It contains all the parameters about monitoring of battery and its limits values
It contains all the parameters about the fuel instrument type, related alarms
E Fuel Setup
limits and autonomy settings.


It contains all the parameters about the oil pressure instrument type and its
A Oil Setup
related alarms limits
It contains all the parameters about the engine temperature instrument type
B Temperature Setup
and its related alarms limits
C Warranty It contains parameters to set the warranty period of the generator
D Service Setup It contains parameters to set the intervals of service
E Rental Setup It contains parameters to set the rental period

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 59 25/08/2014

3-5.1 Starting Setup Menu ENGINE SETUP


Permits to detect engine running status by the
A Digital pressure signal On/Off Off
digital oil pressure sensor
Permits to detect engine running status by the
B Oil pressure threshold 0-9999 0
analog oil pressure value
Permits to set the voltage of D+ of a
C D+ threshold batterycharger alternator, over which the engine 0-9999 10
is considered started
You set the frequency value measured on a
W Threshold signal / permanent magnet alternator type Saprisa, or a
D 0-9999 0
pickup / Saprisa pickup or a”W” tachometric sensor, over which
the engine is considered started
You set the voltage value measured of the power
Generator voltage
E alternator, over which the engine is considered 0-100 20
You set the frequency value measured of the
Generator frequency
F power alternator, over which the engine is 0-100 20
considered started
It shows you the nominal voltage and frequency
values set in “Alternator menu”, used as V=400
G Nominal V and F
reference when you set parameters in points E F=50
and F above

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 60 25/08/2014


Engine ON detection
A Minimum length of the starting time 0-20 3
time (s)
You set the number of start attempts; when
B Number of attempts 1-10 5
expired, the “starting failure” alarm is activated
It is the maximum duration time of each starting
C Duration attempt (s) attempt. When the engine is detected running, 1-10 5
the crancking output is de-activated
It is the time between a failed starting attempt
D Retry Delay (s) 1-10 5
and the next one
It is the time delay from the engine running
detection to the enable of the alarms; this time
E Delay alarms engine(s) 0-1000 8
allows the generator to reach the nominal
operating conditions
It is the duration time of the acoustic advisor in
F Siren time (s) 0-1000 30
case of alarm

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 61 25/08/2014


It is the nominal speed of the engine, used also
A RPM Nominal 0-10000 1500
as reference to set the limits on points B and C
You set the minimum value beyond which the
B Rpm limit slow 0-10000 80
alarm for low engine rpm
You set the minimum value beyond which the
C Rpm limit fast 0-20000 120
alarm for low engine rpm

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 62 25/08/2014

3-5.2 Stop Setup Menu ENGINE SETUP

Electrovalve: type of stop called “energize to
run”, normally used with electric fuel valve
connection. (terminal J4.1) Electrovalve;
A Stop mode Electrovalve
Electromagnet: type of stop called “energize to Electromagnet
stop”, normally used with electrosolenoid
connection. (terminal J4.2)
You set the maximum time of the stop phase,
after which the engine must be completly
B Stop phase time (s) stopped. It also coincides with the maximum time 0-99 8
of supplying power to the stop electromagnet, to
avoid problems due to permanent power supply.
It sets the cooling time after which the engine is
stopped: after the generator contactor opening,
C Cooling time (s) 0-255 30
the engine continues to run for the set time, to
cool down without load

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 63 25/08/2014

3-5.3 Preheat Setup Menu

You set the maximum glow plugs time before
A Preheating time(s) 0-99 5
If ON, during preheating is also supplied the fuel
Preheating with
B electrovalve output. If OFF, during the preheating On-off Off
the fuel electrovalve output is not supplied.
You can set the value of the engine temperature
above which are not supplied the glow-plugs
C Skip preheating(°C) -999 a 999 70
before the starting, because the engine is
already considered "warm"
You can select the type of glow plogs:
Only Before start: the glow plug output is active
only before each starting attempt.
Only before start
Also during the start: the glow plugs output is Only before
D Preheat type Also during the start
active before and during each starting attempt. start
Also during attempts
Also during attempts: the glow plugs output is
active before starting, during the starting and
also during the pause between attempts.

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 64 25/08/2014

3-5.4 Battery Setup Menu

It sets the minimum battery voltage; if the battery
A Low battery level value measured is less than this value, the “low 0-500 10,5
battery alarm” is showed
It sets the maximum battery voltage; if the battery
B High battery level value measured is higher than this value, the 0-500 20
“High battery alarm” is showed
It permits to enable (if ON) or disable (if OFF) the
C Timer enable On/Off Off
counter about batteries service.
You set the hours at which the manufacturer
recommends checking the battery fluid. After
D Timer liquid replacement 0-65535 4320
expiration, the display will show a warning
message for checking
It shows you the hours left to battery
maintenance expiration. 0-65535 4320
E Current value(reset)
If you select and confirm by the drive this box, the
counter restarts from the value set at point D
It remember you some safety operations during
the batteries maintenance. This message
F Warning
appears also when the batteries service time is

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 65 25/08/2014

3-5.5 Fuel Setup Menu ENGINE SETUP

You select the brand of transmitter that are Vdo
A Analog tool type referred to the relevant tables which was included Veglia Vdo
on the operating curve Datcon
B Unit of measure You select the measure unit Litres-Gallons Litres
You set the capacity of the tank. Necessary for
C Tank capacity (litres) 0-2000 100
the management of the 'autonomy'
You can set the average hourly consumption of
D Consumption (litres/hour) the engine declared by the manufacturer. It is 0,1-1000 8.0
necessary for the management of the 'autonomy'
Value beyond which the display shows an alarm
E Fuel Limit (%) 0-100 10
message that normally shuts down the generator.
Value beyond which the display shows a warning
F Fuel Pre-alarm (%) message that normally does not stop the 0-100 20
Value beyond which the display shows an alarm
message about the low generator autonomy.
G Autonomy alarm limit (h) TE808 use the fuel level measured compared to 0-100 2
the “Tank capacity” (C) and to the “Consuption”
(D) to calculates it.

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 66 25/08/2014


This parameter allows you to activate (On) or
deactivate (Off) the output (J4-4) designed to
control a pump for the automatic refilling of fuel.
This automatic fuel reffilling works only if the
A Refueling enable On-Off Off
TE808 is in AUT mode.
If this function is active, the terminal J4-4 has
only fuel refilling function and the glow plugs
function is not available.
It sets the fuel level below which the automatic
B Start refueling level (%) 0-100.000 30
fuel refilling starts
It sets the fuel level that, when reached, the
C Stop refueling level (%) 0-100.000 100
automatic fuel refilling stops
It 's a time delay on the refilling starting detection
D Start refueling delay (s) (point B) to avoid false signals due to the 0-59 10
possible movement of fuel sensor in the tank
You set a time limit after which the filling pump
output is stopped, although the stop level (C) was
E Stop refueling timer (m) not reached. In this case an alarm (fuel leakage) 0-59 5
will be displayed and the refueling function is

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 67 25/08/2014

Technical specification table of the fuel level sensors used

Fuel level value (%) VDO-Ohm VEGLIA-Ohm DATCON-Ohm

0 10 304 240

5 20 279 223

10 31 254 206

15 42 229 190

20 52 205 173

25 61 181 159

30 70 159 146

35 79 137 135

40 88 116 124

45 97 97 114

50 105 80 105

55 113 65 97

60 121 51 89

65 129 40 82

70 137 30 75

75 144 22 69

80 152 15 62

85 159 10 55

90 167 7 49

95 174 4 38

100 181 2 27

105 188 0 15

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 68 25/08/2014

3-5.6 Oil Setup Menu

You select the brand of transmitter that are Vdo
A Analog tool type referred to the relevant tables which was included Veglia Vdo
on the operating curve Datcon
B Unit of measure You select the measure unit Bar-Psi Bar
Value beyond which the display shows an alarm
C Oil pressure limit (bar) 1-400 2.0
message that normally shuts down the generator.
Value beyond which the display shows a warning
Oil pressure prealarm
D message that normally does not stop the 1-400 3.0

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 69 25/08/2014

Technical specification table of the oil pressure sensors used

Oil pressure value VDO-ohm VEGLIA-ohm DATACON-ohm

0 10 305 240
0,100 18 285 227
1 27 264 213
1,200 35 243 199
1,799 47 214 180
2 51 204 174
2,200 55 196 168
2,799 66 166 152
3 70 157 146
3,200 73 148 141
3,799 84 122 127
4 87 114 123
4,199 91 107 119
4,800 101 87 107
5 105 81 103
5,199 108 75 100
5,800 119 58 91
6 122 53 88
6,199 126 48 85
6,800 135 35 77
7 138 31 75
7,199 141 28 72
7,800 150 16 64
8 153 12 62
8,199 156 12 60
8,800 164 12 52
6 122 53 88
6,199 126 48 85
6,800 135 35 77
7 138 31 75
7,199 141 28 72
7,800 150 16 64
8 153 12 62
8,199 156 12 60
8,800 164 12 52
9 167 12 50
9,199 170 12 47
9,800 178 12 40
10 181 12 37

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3-5.7 Temperature Setup Menu ENGINE SETUP

You select the brand of transmitter that are Vdo
A Analog tool type referred to the relevant tables which was included Veglia Vdo
on the operating curve Datcon
You select the measure unit
Warning! Putting the measurement unit in °F
B Unit of measure degrees, you must modify the alarm range “Low °C / °F °C
environmental temperature” and “High
environmental temperature” into Alarms List.
Engine temperature limit Value beyond which the display shows an alarm
C 40-999 100
(°C) message that normally shuts down the generator.
Value beyond which the display shows a warning
Temperature prealarm
D message that normally does not stop the 40-999 90

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Technical specification table of the temperature sensors used

Engine temperature value VDO-ohm VEGLIA-ohm DATACON-ohm

24 605 1050 650
28 530 1050 650
32 455 1050 650
36 380 1050 650
40 325 1050 650
44 277 935 586
48 237 815 520
52 200 695 455
56 170 585 398
60 145 495 345
64 123 425 300
68 104 365 262
72 90 320 229
76 75 280 200
80 65 245 172
84 57 210 147
88 50 185 126
92 44 160 109
96 38 140 93
100 35 125 80
104 31 110 70
108 28 100 63
112 26 93 58
116 24 87 54
120 22 80 49
124 20 73 45
128 18 67 41
132 17 60 38
136 16 55 34
140 15 50 30

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3-5.8 Warranty Menu

If ON, you enable the automatic counting of the
Warranty enable with warranty time only when the generator is running,
A On/Off Off
engine On and the limit time is set at point C
If Off, the warranty counter follows point B
If ON, you enable the automatic counting of the
Warranty enable with warranty, which starts after detecting at least 48
B On/Off Off
system Ok consecutive hours of active connections.
If Off, the warranty counter is not active
C Initial warranty Is the limit time about the warranty expiration 0-65535 8760
It shows you the hours left to warranty expiration.
D Current value (reset) If you select and confirm by the drive this box, the 0-65535 8760
counter restarts from the value set at point C

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3-5.9 Service Setup Menu

If ON, you enable the service counting timer.
A Timer enable On/Off Off
If Off, the service counting timer is not active.
You can set the hours of the first service of the
B Set service hours #1 generator. See suggested time by the 0-65535 200
engine/alternator manufacturers.
You can set the time between successive
C Set service hours #2 services of the generator. See suggested time by 0-65535 499
the engine/alternator manufacturers.
If you select and confirm by the drive this box, the
D Reset counter #2 Ok
counter restarts from set value at points C
If you confirm with "i" this option, the event list is
E Clear event log Ok

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Is the starting value of generator working hours.
Normally you can change this value when the
A Initial work hours 0-65535 0
controller is mounted on a generator that has
already worked.
By drive, you can confirm it to reset the working
B Reset work counter Ok
hours showed to the Initial value on point A
Is the starting value of generator working hours
C Initial work hours KG 0-65535 0
with its contactor closed.
By drive, you can confirm it to reset the working
D Reset work counter KG hours with contactor closed showed, to the Initial Ok
value on point C

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3-5.10 Rental Setup Menu ENGINE SETUP

If ON, you enable the rental counting timer.
A Countdown enable On-Off Off
If Off, the rental counting timer is not active.
B Set rental hours You can set the hours of the rental time. 0-23 1
C Set rental minutes You can set the minutes of the rental time. 0-59 30
By drive, you can confirm it to reset the rental
D Current value (reset) Ok
counter to the initial value by points B and C

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3- 6 Alternator setup description

Generator nominal Allows you to set the rated voltage of the
A 0-600 400
voltage (VAC) generator
You can set the low threshold voltage;
Generator low voltage if the voltage measured is less than this value,
B 0-100 85
limit (%) the generator is considered faulty and TE808
shows the “low generator voltage alarm”
You can set the high threshold voltage;
Generator high voltage if the voltage measured is higher than this value,
C 100-200 115
limit (%) the generator is considered faulty and TE808
shows the “high generator voltage alarm”
Generator nominal Allows you to set the rated frequency of the
D 50-60 50
frequency (Hz) generator
You can set the low threshold frequency;if the
Generator low frequency frequency measured is less than this value, the
E 0-100 90
limit (%) generator is considered faulty and TE808 shows
the “low generator frequency alarm”
You can set the high threshold frequency;if the
Generator high frequency frequency measured is higher than this value, the
F 100-200 110
limit (%) generator is considered faulty and TE808 shows
the “high generator frequency alarm”
You can set a delay time for closing the
Switch to generator delay generator contactor.This time starts from when
G 0-100 1
(s) the TE808 opens the mains contactor (software
interlock function)

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It is the delay time beyond which if the voltage is
Generator within limits within limits set in (BCEFparameters of previous
A 0-65535 20
delay (s) table), the generator is considered stable and its
contactor is closed
You set the nominal operating current of the
B Nominal current (A) 0-9999 100
You set the maximum overload admitted on the
Current overload value
C generator. If exceeded, an alarm message is 0-1000 200
You set the value that permits to consider a short
D Short circuit current (%) circuit on the generator. If exceeded, related 0-1000 300
alarm message is showed
It sets the ratio of Current Transformers to read
E CT ratio regulation the current valued (sample: for CT 100/5A, you 0-10000 20
must set it at 20, because 100 : 5 = 20)
You can set the type of system.
If you set it for 3-phase, the system can be with
F System Type or without neutral. 3-phase
If you set it for 1-phase, the alarm about “mains
phase sequence” is not active.
It permits to set the tripping curve of the OFF
magnetothermic protection, referred to the 1
G Circuit breaker curve nominal current set (point B). If is set to OFF, the 2 OFF
magnetothermic protection is disabled. Check the 3
following tripping curve properties. 4

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 78 25/08/2014

3- 7 Mains setup description

A Mains nominal voltage Allows you to set the rated voltage 0-600 400
You can set the low threshold voltage;if the
voltage measured is less than this value, the
B Mains low voltage limit 0-100 85
mains is considered faulty and TE808 starts the
You can set the high threshold voltage;if the
voltage measured is higher than this value, the
C Mains high voltage limit 100-200 115
mains is considered faulty and TE808 starts the
D Mains nominal frequency Allows you to set the rated frequency 50-60 50
You can set the low threshold frequency;if the
frequency measured is less than this value, the
E Mains low frequency limit 0-100 90
mains is considered faulty and TE808 starts the
You can set the high threshold frequency;if the
Mains high frequency frequency measured is higher than this value, the
F 100-200 110
limit mains is considered faulty and TE808 starts the
You can set a delay time for closing the mains
contactor.This time starts from when the TE808
G Switch to mains delay 0-100 1
opens the generator contactor (software interlock

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It is the delay time beyond which if the mains
return within the limits set in (BCEFparameters of
Mains within limits delay
A previous table) it is considered stable and mains 0-600 20
contactor is closed, then begins the stop phase of
the generator.
It is the delay time beyond which the mains is
considered faulty, compared with the limits
B Faulty mains delay (s) specified in (BCEFparameters of previous table). 0-600 5
This parameter is used to filter any temporary
instability of the mains
You can set the type of system.
If you set it for 3-phase, the system can be with
or without neutral. 1-phase
C System type 3-phase
If you set it for 1-phase, the alarm about 3-phase
“generator phase sequence” is not active.

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Section 4 – telecontrol

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4- 1 Getting Started link Connection port of RS232B TE808
The controller is equipped with a TE808 GSM
system easy to use c) Connect the RS232-B because the already scheduled
for the GSM communication
You can easily connect the GSM modem through
the serial cable included in the code 1571806.
This cable is marked with the initials 51C7 and
consists of two connectors
a) the connector on the GSM 3
b) TE808 side connector

a b

Connect the cable as shown in the pictures 1,2,3

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When the system is connected, you must insert the Antenna Connection
SIM card in GSM modem. Connect the antenna to the GSM modem as shown.
Before doing this, you should follow these steps When the antenna connector is fixed to the antenna
to make sure the SIM settings: and free from barriers to have a good signal quality.
- Insert the SIM card inside a mobile phone This antenna has a magnetic base that allows it to
- Turn on the phone and if asked the PIN code: be attached to metal supports without tools
- Enter parameters in the "security" of the phone,
then disable the option to request a PIN.
- Turn off your phone then turn on again, should not
require a PIN. Otherwise, go back into security menu
and try again. VERY IMPORTANT! The PIN code
request must be disabled.
- Try sending an SMS message to another phone,
and reply with the receiver to the message of the
- If not, check in the configuration of SMS if the
phone "SMS Service Number" is set correctly and
then try again.
- When the system works, remove the SIM card from
the phone and put it into the GSM modem.
Insert the card in GSM modem:
Use a pointed object (such as pencil, screwdriver,
etc.) to press the yellow button. Then remove the Power Connection
SIM slot and insert the SIM card inside (it can have (8-32Vdc power supply)
only one side). Reinsert SIM slot again. Use the included power cord
These are the terminals of the power cord

e) free wires for power

f) connector on the GSM.

d) To re-enter the slots in GSM, check that message

"SIM” is not reversed.

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Connecting to GSM Diagnosis LED
When you power up the GSM modem, the LED
flashes to show that it is running.
Also, after switching on:
- For a few seconds, blinks (every 1 second), normal
condition of pre-operation
- After a few seconds after supply, starts flashing
slowly (every 4-5 seconds) normal condition,
operation enabled
- If it continue to blink rapidly, something may be
wrong. Possible causes:
- SIM card not included
- PIN is not disabled
- GSM signal absent or very low, try to change the
place where the antenna is located

Power Connection
g) red and green wires connect together with the battery
positive (8 ÷ 32 Vdc);
h) White: Not connected;
i) Black wire: connect to the battery negative

g h i

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 84 25/08/2014

SMS command and control
Automatically when the GSM modem and the controller
TE 808 are connected together , TE808 set the modem
GSM SMS for all parameters.
You only need to set the parameters for automatic call (if
different from the preset from the factory) and mobile
phone numbers:
Text messages must be wrote exactly following uppercase
or lowercase characters (key sensitive) as for examples
Example of the phone display


l m

To set up mobile phone numbers to which the board Info= sample message:
must send the messages, the TE808 should receive a
message eg the first mobile phone number: Mode: 0
SET1: +393451234567 0: Man 1: Auto 2: Off
l) number of the first mobile phone enabled to receive VMains: 400, 400, 400, VGen: 400, 400, 400, FG: 50.0;
SMS messages from the controller TE808; KR: 1; KG: 0;
m) the number of SIM card in GSM modem. kW: 01000, 01000, 01000, Eng: 1, Vbat: 12.8, H: 01000;
For information about these settings, the TE808 fuel: 100%
answers the phone with the following message:
"SMS number +393451234567 set in place: 1" You can also send several commands in the same
If you wish, you can send (via your phone) messages message to the TE808 as:
to other GSM modem to set up additional numbers (up Man, Start; Info
to 5) for example
"SET2: 394441112223" This sets the second mobile In this case, the TE808 will go into manual mode, starts
phone number to which SMS will be sent the generator will then send a message like "Info" to read
If you have already established a mobile number as the measurement.
Set 2, and you want change, you can do so by
sending another message with the new number, eg The measures available in the message type "info"
"SET2: +1199999999; the former is automatically deleted are:
and replaced Mode: operating mode (automatic, manual, off)
If you want to permanently delete a phone number in Vmains: voltage phase
the heading of TE808, you can send a message with Vgen: three-phase voltage
an "empty number," for example "SET3". The TE808 FG: frequency generator
receives the message and sets the third mobile number as KR: mains contactor status (0 = off, 1 = on)
empty, ie delete it. KG: generator contactor status (0 = off, 1 = on)
SMS commands : kW three-phase load consumption
If you wish, you can also send commands to the TE808 Eng: state of the motor (0 = Stop, 1 = started)
which will then be automatically executed. This is the list Vbat: Battery voltage
of commands: h: hours worked
Man goes into the manual mode TE808 Fuel: amount of fuel in the tank
Either: the TE808 mode automatically switches
Test TE808 pass mode test
Off goes the TE808 OFF / RESET
Start TE808 start the generator in manual mode
Stop stops the TE808 the generator in manual mode
KR TE808 change the status of the mains contactor in
manual mode
KG TE808 change the status of the contactor generator in
manual mode
Info TE808 responds with an SMS with all the important
information and measures of system

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4- 2 Remote Control software
To install the TE808 remote control software (called “TE808 Monitor”), you must install the “TE808 Utilities” pack.
When installed, launch “Tecnoelettra - TE Utilities” software from your softwares list.
Then follow instructions by “TE808 Manager” tool that permits to access to the “TE808 monitor”.

1. The software ask you the type of project installed on the TE808; find that file
2. When selected, press “next” to go ahead.
For each type of TE808 controller, is available this file for the remote control (Silver, Gold, Titanium or special project)

Procedure for standard TE808 via serial cable connected to a PC

You must use cable code 51C2.
It is suggested the connection to port RS232a of the T808, because it is already setted by factory for PC connection

3. Select “Serial” as type of connection

4. Select the COM port number
5. Select the speed (by its setting in " Connectivity Setup "), factory set to 115200
6. Confirm "Next" to move forward

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 86 25/08/2014

Procedure for communication via Modem
It is suggested the modem connection to port RS232b, because it is already setted by factory for GSM connection



7. Select Modem as type of connection

8. Select the COM port number connected to the modem;
9. Select the speed (by its setting in " Connectivity Setup " on serial port RS232b), factory set to 9600
10. Digit the number you want to call (the phone number of the modem connected to the TE808);
11. Conferma "Next"

Procedure for TE808 connection via TCP/IP converter (communication networks LAN / Ethernet)
It is suggested the converter connection to port RS232a, because it is already setted by factory for PC connection





12. Select TCP/IP

13. TE808 identification number (usually "1");
14. IP address assigned to the network cable connected to the converter;
15 Enter serial port number of the serial port on converter (always "4000");

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When you are Online, you can use the Remote Control Software with the same procedure normally used when you are in
front of the controller TE808; you should use the mouse to act on the buttons. A red box will help you locate the button you
are selecting

16. When you have your mouse cursor on buttons active, these are highlighted by a red square.
Click the left mouse button to activate


TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 88 25/08/2014

17. When you change the mode to "Settings, you can check all the measurements, all the states of input / output settings
and the list log

18. When you select, for example, the "Basic Card" to verify the state of I / O, you can see all inputs and outputs of the
status of engine sensors and controls;
19. Virtual lamps show the status, red for input / output open, green for input / output closed;
20. Numbers are shown by the values of measurement;



TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 89 25/08/2014

21. When you select, for example, on "Basic Card" to check the "Settings", you can see all parameters that can be set.
In this case you can change the settings for serial communication and modem parameters;
22. When you change a parameter and confirm the change by the Enter key, the box turns green and activate the
feature to set the text in TE808 (see paragraph 23);
23. Press "Write in your device" to write and store the modified parameter in TE808;




24. It is also possible press "Load from device" to read parameters actually set in the T808 controller
25. If you press "Project Default values" all the parameters that differ from the default value become orange and return
to default: now you can upgrade the parameters on the controller as described on point 22/23

24 25

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26. If you select "Log Messages" you have access to events list stored on the card.
All events are stored with date and time, with the message of explanation and a symbol that identifies if the message is a
warning or an information;
27. Date and time;
28. Messages;
29. Warning symbol;
30. Info symbol;
31. Save all button: you can use this function to export all the parameters’ values into a .ters file.
32. Load all button: you can use this button to import the settings stored in .ters files into the controller. WARNING: use
this function only if .ters file was created with the same project version.
33. Parameters report button: you can use this function to create a printable list of all the parameters and alarms.

32 33






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Section 5 – Download

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5- 1 Firmware installation and remote project
5- 1.1 Firmware Update
Install DfuSeDemo following on-screen instructions (double click on “Setup.exe” icon located into
Dfuse folder. Read GettingStarted_DFU.pdf for further informations).

- When the installation is complete, start the program DfuSeDemo v1.0.

START -> Programs -> STmicroelectronics -> DfuSe Demonstration (default path)

Now you must enable the USB port to download the TE808.

• With TE808 off, hold the STOP button and energize the controller
(the firmware button is START for Silver, Firefight and Motorpump version, STOP for Gold and Platinum
version, PREV PAGE for Titanium version)
• A trill warns that your download firmware via USB is ok.
• Now you must connect the USB cable (type “A-male / A-male”) from the PC to TE808. If we need to
install the USB driver, this is located in the installation folder of the program DfuSe (the USB driver file is
If the connection is successful, the program will appear as in Figure 1.


TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 93 25/08/2014

Now you can start to install the firmware:
- Press the "Choose" and select the latest firmware from folder FW.
As can be seen in Figure 2, the file will have extension “dfu".


To upload the file, press the "Upgrade" button (point A) to start the download.
When the warning message appears (fig. 3a), confirm it .


The green bar below (point B) shows the progress of the download.

At the end of the process, to restart the card, un-supply J1 from battery the re-supply it again.

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 94 25/08/2014

5 - 1.2 Upgrade Project

TE Utilities Install the program by clicking on the Setup.exe icon and follows the screen instructions.

- Completed installation launch the TE Downloader:

• START -> Programs -> Tecnoelettrica -> Utilities TE -> TE Downloader

(Default path)

Now you must enable the project download the USB port of TE808.

• With TE808 off, hold the first button at the top left of the keyboard ( AUT for TE 808 Gold version).
• Apply power while continuing to hold the button for about 10 seconds.
• After this time appear on the display "User FLASH erase Force. Please wait ... ".
• At the end of the deletion show "UPGRADE PROJECT. The internal memory has been erased and the
USB port is enabled to receive a new project.
• Now you must connect the USB cable (A-male / A-male) from the PC to TE808.
If we need to install the USB driver, this is located in the installation folder of the program TE Utilities
(USB driver file is "te808.inf).
• Press "Next" and select the project for download from the folder Project. As you can see in Figure 4,
the file will have extension "te808.

fig. 4

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 95 25/08/2014

- To choose the correct USB communication port.
To find the port to use, follow these steps on Windows :

• START -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Device Manager
• Under "Ports COM & LPT" you can see the ports connected, located the serial com port “TE808
Communication Port “(see Figure 5).

fig. 5

- Press the button "Next" select all functions (Figure 6). Download the project will start after a few seconds.

fig. 6

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TECNOELETTRA SRL Authorized distributor
Via Dimo Vioni 5, S.Rocco di Guastalla
42016 RE - ITALY

Tel: +39 0522 832004

Fax: +39 0522 832012

TE808-GOLD-V2-UK1.doc rev.02 100 25/08/2014

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