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NidhomulHaq: Jurnal ManajemenPendidikan Islam E-ISSN: 2503-1481

TerakreditasiRistekdikti: 28/E/KPT/2019 Hal: 446-458



Windu Widagdo1), Isa Anshori2)
1 Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University
2 Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel University


Since the appearance of the positive cases COVID-19 for the first time in Indonesia in March 2020,
the number of confirmed positive cases and deaths has continued to increase to this day. The Covid-
19 pandemic has had a systemic impact on all aspects of life, especially in education sector. In the
event of a disaster emergency, education must continue with access and education services carried out
in accordance with the conditions and centered on the fulfillment of children's educational rights and
educational services carried out online. Based on this, the government has switched the learning and
teaching process, which was originally in school to be at home or Home Study (BDR). In
implementing this government policy, it is necessary to implement the school curriculum during the
COVID-19 pandemic. This research aims to find out the curriculum implementation during covid-19
pandemic in sociological perspective. The research method used is qualitative method, this was to find
information on curriculum implementation in the form of planning, implementation and assessment
of curriculum at Muhammadiyah 1 Sidoarjo Junior High School during the covid-19 pandemic. The
results obtained from this research, that is the implementation of the curriculum is very important in
regulating learning during the covid-19 pandemic that must continue to run despite the social
distancing implementation.
Keywords: Curriculum, Covid-19 Pandemic , Sociology

INTRODUCTION somewhere. One example of the affected

Since the appearance of the positive education unit is institutions. So that the
cases COVID-19 for the first time in institution is closed and the learners do the
Indonesia in March 2020, the number of learning process from home or learn from
confirmed positive cases and deaths has home (BDR).
continued to increase to this day. The In the event of a disaster emergency,
Covid-19 pandemic has had a systemic education must continue with access and
impact on all aspects of life, especially in educational services carried out in
education sector. To overcome the effects accordance with the conditions and centered
of COVID19, the Indonesian government on the fulfillment of children's educational
has taken a policy of Large-Scale Social rights. This refered to the Minister of
Restrictions (PSBB) , in which this policy Education and Culture Regulation
directly affects communal activities or (Permendikbud) No. 72 of 2013 about the
activities that require a large group of people Implementation of Special Service
Nidhomul Haq, Vol 5 No 3. Tahun 2020

Education and in accordance with Minister learning process so that directions and
of Education and Culture Regulation objectives can be achieved.
(Permendikbud) No. 33 of 2019 about the Sidoarjo is the largest area infected with
Implementation Program for Disaster Safe the COVID-2019 pandemic in East Java
Education Unit (SPAB), after Surabaya city. This is supported by the
In implementing this government policy, condition of Sidoarjo as a buffer city for the
it is necessary to implement the school activities and economy of surabaya area.
curriculum during the COVID-19 Sidoarjo local government also
pandemic. According to Law No. 20 of implemented a policy of limiting physical
2003 the Curriculum means "a set of plans contact. In Sidoarjo a task force was formed
and regulations about the aims, content and to provide quick response information
material of lessons and the method about COVID-19. All these activities are
employed as the guidelines for the carried out by local governments who must
implementation of learning activities to be quick and responsive because the rate of
achieve given education objectives" spread of sufferers is increasing every day.
In order for the purpose of education One of the Sidoarjo Government's
during the COVID-19 pandemic to be attention is to enforce all decisions of the
achieved, in the education unit must have a minister of education and culture. So, this
managed curriculum program, because the has an impact on all schools to transfer the
curriculum has a central position in the learning and teaching process that was
entire educational process in order to originally in the school to be in their
achieve the educational objectives that have respective homes, as well as education
been formulated. the curriculum must be services carried out online.
prepared immediately to produce an Muhamadiyah 1 Sidoarjo Junior high
efficient and effective education during the school as an educational institution affected
COVID-19 pandemic. Curriculum is a by the COVID-19 pandemic is also trying to
teaching program that includes the activities conduct activities to support Learning and
of planning, implementation and Teaching activities (KBM) from home.
assessment of the curriculum. Other than Muhammadiyah 1 Sidoarjo Junior High
that, in the learning process can not be School is trying its best to keep developing
separated from the role of a teacher. the school curriculum. This effort was part
Teachers play a role in managing the of the school curriculum development

Windu Widagdo, Isa Anshori

Nidhomul Haq, Vol 5 No 3. Tahun 2020

strategy. This development is carried out so Based on the statement according to

that students and parents can monitor the Rusman (2018:17), in general some activities
development of education during the related to curriculum management functions
Learning from Home (BDR) period. can be stated as follows:
This journal aims to find out the Managing Curriculum Planning
implementation of the covid-19 pandemic as a reference for curriculum
curriculum in sociology perspective at development at the school education unit
Muhammadiyah 1 Sidoarjo Junior High level, the central government needs to
School as the affected school formulate and establish a national
LITERATURE REVIEW standard curriculum (standards of
Curriculum competence and basic competencies).
Based on law no. 20 Year 2003, Managing Curriculum Implementation
curriculum is a guideline for the Curriculum implementation is a form
implementation of learning activities to of actualization of the curriculum that
achieve certain educational objectives that has been planned. Learning activities
include a set of plans, arrangements carried out by teachers and students, that
regarding the purpose of content and is to achieve the curriculum objectives
subject matter. The curriculum management that have been set is a form of
scope is an integral part of Education Unit curriculum implementation.
Level Curriculum (KTSP) and School Based Managing the Implementation of
Management (MIS) includes planning, Curriculum Evaluation
organizing the implementation and Evaluation of the curriculum formally
evaluation of the curriculum. At the contained in Article 57 of Law Number
Education Unit Level Curriculum activities 20 Year 2003 about the National
prefer to realize and relevanize between the Education System as the basis for the
national curriculum competency standards / implementation of curriculum evaluation.
basic competencies with the needs of the The contents of Article 57 paragraph (1),
district and the condition of the school evaluation is carried out in order to
concerned, so that curriculum is a control the quality of education
curriculum that integrates with learners and nationally as a form of accountability for
with the environment in which the school is the implementation of education to
located. interested parties", Then, paragraph (2)

Windu Widagdo, Isa Anshori

Nidhomul Haq, Vol 5 No 3. Tahun 2020

states "Evaluation is carried out on should not only be based on textbooks,

students, institutions, and educational but rather need to use and develop
programs in formal and non-formal various teaching materials through media
pathways for all levels, units, and types of and learning resources that are in
education. accordance with the topic of discussion.
Managing The Implementation Managing Extracurricular Development.
Arrangement of Graduation and Criteria Extracurricular activitie is educational
Determination . activities outside the subjects and
The implementation of the Education counseling services is to help the
Unit Level Curriculum requires the development of students in accordance
acquisition of complete learning with their potential, talents, needs, and
outcomes (mastery learning). The criteria interests) through activities specifically
for passing grade must be properly organized by educators and or education
understood by the headmaster and personnel who are capable and
teachers so that there is no mistake in authorized in schools.
making a wrong decision. This activity is Corona Pandemic / COVID 19
a continuation of curriculum evaluation Corona is a virus that causes acute
and learning activities that need to be pneumonia. Coronavirus first case was
done objectively, integrity, and reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
comprehensively. Because of that, to In December 2019, there were Acute
determine the passing grade criteria Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
needs to be done appropriately in patients. From December 2019 to January
accordance with the applicable 2020 the cases increased and spread widely
provisions. between countries.
Managing The Development of Learning Human Coronavirus is a group of
Media, Teaching Materials, and Learning disease-causing viruses that cause
Resources pandemics, such as MERS and SARS. In the
Community-based experiental learning past, this group has inflicted a loss as socio-
must be developed strategically in order economicly and psychologically. But recent
to produce students who are integrated research has led to mutations in viral genes.
with the environment. Therefore, the Researchers are trying to explore and study
teaching materials learned by students this group of viruses for better management.

Windu Widagdo, Isa Anshori

Nidhomul Haq, Vol 5 No 3. Tahun 2020

The initial strain, 2019 novel determination of Physical distancing. This

coroanvirus (2019-nCoV) became activity is appropriate and proven effective
Coronavirus Disease (COVID 19) caused by if supported by the authorized Government.
severe acute respiratory syndrome This pandemic can be suppressed by the
coronavirus-2 (SARS CoV-2). WHO awareness of physical distance. These
officially announced the disease on February consequences can decrease the exposure of
11, 2020. both active and carrier patients. Other than
The virus can be transmitted from that, there are several recommendations,
human to human and has been widespread such as delaying travel to reduce crowds,
in China and all parts of the world and other production programs of local medical
territories. WHO announced COVID 19 as equipments, restrictions on the movement
a Pandemic on March 12, 2020. Its of people . Programs to improve social
transmission is relatively fast, has a high togetherness that is – solidarity,
mortality rate and the absence of definitive responsibility, and cooperation – as a result
therapy causes a high risk in a country. of the practice of Physical distancing.
Recent developments with clinical trials still Prevention that has been done by some
have not found effective therapies for countries include the existence of social
treatment or prevention. The various distancing and staying at home. This
treatments provided have not had a program is carried out to minimize physical
significant effect to control the spread and contact between people. Other than that, a
cure of COVID 2019. Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS) is also
The spread of the disease has a serious forced to reduce the risk of exposure to this
impact on an infected country. The virus.
occurrence of crises in socio-economic and But some experts have stated that this is
health until death is one of the impacts. a natural phenomenon, which appears as a
COVID 19 is affecting some serious form of natural balance. But the human toll
economic setbacks. This case affects in this pandemic is not over. The wisdom
disruptions in the fields of economics, that can be taken by researchers is that the
politics, and education. planet "Earth" rests and heals itself from the
Some of the steps and programs that damage caused by humans.
have been done medically to reduce and Indonesia as one of the affected
slow the fall of more victims are the countries has made several decisions in the

Windu Widagdo, Isa Anshori

Nidhomul Haq, Vol 5 No 3. Tahun 2020

face of COVID 2019. The government the more detained new positive cases per
implemented the contents of Law No. 6 day.
year 2018 about Health Quarantine. Public Rules for The Home Quarantine,
health emergency is an extraordinary public Regional Quarantine, Hospital Quarantine.
health event characterized by the spread of Implementation of PSBB (Large-Scale
infectious diseases and /or events caused by Social Restrictions). This activity is a
nuclear radiation, biological pollution, limitation of certain activities of a resident in
chemical contamination, bioterrorism, and a region suspected of being infected or
food that poses health hazards and contaminated with the disease in such a way
potentially spread across regions or cross- as to prevent the possible spread of disease
country. This implementation carried out or contamination. The purpose of this
with consideration of the size of the threat, activity is to prevent the spread of public
epidemiological, support of effectiveness health emergency disease, in this case is
resources, operational technical, economic, COVID 19 disease. This activity consists of
cultural, social, and security considerations. restrictions on religious activities and
Consequently, Indonesia is restrictions on activities in public
implementing several programs that must be places/facilities, holidays of schools and
implemented in the community to deal with workplaces;. PSBB is proposed and
the COVID 2019 pandemic. Some steps implemented by the Governor / Regent /
include: Mayor through the Task Force for the
Social distancing/Physical distancing Acceleration of Handling COVID 19 and
program efforts are carried out to reduce the must be through the approval of the Central
rate of exposure and transmission of Government (President) based on
COVID 2019. Other than that, there is an epidemiological considerations, the amount
effort to predict the scenario of physical of threat, effectiveness, resource support,
distancing program. Government operational technical, political, economic,
intervention after closing entertainment social, cultural, defense and security
venues and the enactment of Work From considerations.
Home (WFH) suppressed the rate of human The Impact of the COVID 19 Pandemic
interaction. The faster the rate of on Education in Indonesia
suppression of interaction between people, As of March 13, 2020, UNESCO
recorded 61 countries declaring school

Windu Widagdo, Isa Anshori

Nidhomul Haq, Vol 5 No 3. Tahun 2020

closing activities and as many as 421,388,462 The impact on all campuses, schools
students affected by access to elementary to and student centers was closed to
higher education. But UNESCO is also reduce crowd levels. The Government
working with the country to ensure of Indonesia and related institutions
continuity of learning for all students. must provide an educational process
The impact of the 2019 COVID for their students during BDR (Home
Pandemic is also experienced by the Learning) activities. The Education
education sector in Indonesia. The and Culture Ministry has set up
government has issued a policy not to do several policies to support online
activities outside the home. All work is learning activities. Education and
carried out at home, including teaching and Culture Ministry developed a distance
learning activities (KBM). Quarantine learning application that was
policies are also issued to reduce human socialized with the "Learning House"
interaction to reduce the rate of COVID program. This portal can be accessed
2019 patients. Some other policies of the on this website
Minister of Education and Culture include: Some
1) cancellation of UN 2020, including features that can be accessed by
the 2020 Skills Competency test for students and teachers, that is learning
Vocational High School, resources, digital classes, virtual
2) Learning from Home (BDR) laboratories and problem banks.
process, Other than that, the Ministry has
3) Implementation for the School collaborated with 7 (seven) Android-
Examination, based learning platforms including
4) Passing Class Process that does not Smart Classes, Zenius, Your School,
consider PAS in the form of tests, Quipper, Google Indonesia and
assignments, online tests or remote Microsoft. The platform provides
assessment of portfolios and learning resources that can be
achievements that have been accessed with free of charge by
obtained. teachers and students to improve
5) New Learner Acceptance learning process. The Home Learning
mechanism (PPDB) in accordance Program was also launched as an
with health protocols. alternative if students and educators

Windu Widagdo, Isa Anshori

Nidhomul Haq, Vol 5 No 3. Tahun 2020

are not able to access the online develop interesting, innovative and fun
learning platform optimally. This learning methods. This innovative learning
collaboration was broadcast by uses online media as a learning medium.
Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI) This learning is not limited to time and
starting on Monday, April 13, 2020 at place. References obtained by students also
08.00 WIB. Merdeka Belajar program vary. On the other hand, teachers
launched by the Education Ministry experience the transformation of
and can be implemented with the conventional-traditional learning models
applicable health protocols. This into multimedia-based presentations. What's
program can run in the midst of more is the 2013 curriculum requires
pandemic conditions, self-quarantine teachers to conduct learning processes
needs, Physical and Social Distancing. based on Information and Communication
Some platforms are already invited to Technology. Global problems have forced
cross the existing barriers. teachers to transform rapidly.
Some educational institutions have to Teachers are required to be able to
build policies so that activities and learning master the information because it is basically
process can run despite the limitations. the teacher who provides information to
However, this will be a problem for students, of course with the hope this can
educational institutions that are unprepared transmit the expected character by
and do not have an online academic system. transmitting mindsets and attitudes that
What's more, Teacher Resources that do not show the value of maturity. Teachers must
yet understand the learning system with also be able to master the development of
online applications. The problem is coupled science and technology that develops in
with a bad internet connection both in range society.
and signal. But online learning and E- Traditional and routine learning that
learning are bringing new directions and gives rise to teacher and student interactions
innovations in Indonesia, as 75% of in the classroom and outside the classroom
students have done E-learning has shifted into distance learning. However,
simultaneously during the COVID 19 eventually this leads to learning with a lack
pandemic. of a touch of humanism. Education of
This phenomenon presents challenges Community Norms and Religious Norms as
and opportunities for teachers to creatively one of the touches of humanism that can

Windu Widagdo, Isa Anshori

Nidhomul Haq, Vol 5 No 3. Tahun 2020

not be replaced by tools, but can be filled the data of the research results, the author
with the existence of teachers. Based on the carried out the following steps: 1. Data
statement stated by Isa Anshori, online collection (display data) 2. Data reduction 3.
learning has many disadvantages, that is Data presentation 4. Verify the data.
preparation in infrastructure and facilities RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
used in learning and impacting students who Based on regulation letter number 15
are not ready for online learning because not year 2020 on guidelines for the
all students have facilities used for online implementation of learning from home in
learning. the emergency period of the spread of
RESEARCH METHODS corona virus disease (covid-19) and
This research used qualitative approach. Regulation Letter of the Education and
According to (Laxy, 2014) qualitative Culture Minister Number 4 Year 2020 on
approach is "the data collected is not in the the Implementation of Education Policy in
form of numbers but rather the data from the Emergency Period of the Spread of
interview manuscripts, field records of Corona Virus Disease (COVID 19) then
personal documentation, memo records and teaching and learning activities are carried
other official documents. Qualitative out from home.
research is more concerned with the Planning
process". The reason the author has chosen To prepare for learning with the concept
qualitative research is that the author wants of Learning from home (BDR)
to see how the planning, implementation Muhammadiyah 1 Sidoarjo Junior High
and evaluation of curriculum during the School : Develop effective weeks, semester
covid 19 pandemic. The research location programs, year programs and lesson
was Muhammadiyah 1 Sidoarjo Junior High schedules during the covid-19
School, which is planned from 2 to 4 pandemic.Preparation of infrastructure to
November 2020. The subjects in this implement BDR program, that is: website,
research were the principal, deputy head of e-elearning and other supporting facilities.
curriculum section, students and student's Training or workshop of teachers and
guardian. To obtain data in this research, the employees in learning online.
author used several data collection Other than that, the headmaster said that
techniques, such as: 1. Observation, 2. although learning during the covid-19
Interview, 3. Documentation. To process pandemic is not face-to-face / done online,

Windu Widagdo, Isa Anshori

Nidhomul Haq, Vol 5 No 3. Tahun 2020

learning does not always emphasize on c. self-study modules and worksheets;

theory / knowledge only, but aspects of d. printed teaching materials; And
attitudes and skills must also be conveyed e. instrument and learning media from
to learners and learning must remain objects and the surrounding
meaningful where learning must instill environment.
collaboration, communication, creativity 3. Combination of online and offline media
and critical thinking in learners. Based on a statement by vice
Implementation principal of the curriculum section, in the
Methods and Media implementation of implementation of PJJ, the education
Learning From Home (BDR) carried out unit can choose the approach (online or
with Distance Learning (PJJ) which is offline or a combination of both) in
divided into 2 (two) approaches: accordance with the availability and
1. online distance learning readiness of facilities and infrastructure.
Media and Learning Resources For For the implementation at
Online Distance Learning at home can Muhammadiyah 1 Sidoarjo Junior High
use: School, they used a combination of
a. Internet-connected laptops or PC online and offline.
b. Smart Phone connected to the Assessment
internet For assessment of learning in
c. Other social media such as WA, Muhammadiyah 1 Sidoarjo Junior High
Instalgram, Facebook and youtube School during the covid-19 pandemic in the
d. Website atau e-learning form of practice questions, tasks, daily
e. Google Classroom and Google replays, Midterm Assessment (PTS) and
Form Final Assessment (PAS), they used e-
f. Quizizz learning facilities, google classroom, google
2. Offline distance learning form, kahoot and quizizz.
Offline Learning Media and Learning To keep all students motivated during the
Resources. Offline home learning during covid-19 pandemic, the school held a virtual
BDR can be done with: online competition on each program and
a. Television, the example is Home rewarded the students who won the
Learning Program through TVRI; champion.
b. radio;

Windu Widagdo, Isa Anshori

Nidhomul Haq, Vol 5 No 3. Tahun 2020

Other than that, according to the survey According to sociological perspective,

results obtained in the field, student from the problems at above, there has been
guardians are quite enthusiastic in a social grouping, that is the curriculum
supporting online learning during the covid- during the covid-19 pandemic that can not
19 pandemic with the acquisition of actively run effectively due to the absence of
participating students as many as 84.2% of availability of supporting facilities owned by
students, 79.1% of student guardians students and the absence of parental
support in online learning. In its assistance / supervision. Social grouping can
implementation, online learning is running be based on various things, such as gender,
8.8% very well, 36.7% is well and 37.8% is age, education, economy, religion,
quite well. In total, 83.3% of parents said employment and others. Based on the
that the implementation of the covid-19 statement by max weber there are three
pandemic curriculum at Muhammadiyah 1 social factors whose inequality of ownership
Sidoarjo Junior High School was going well. causes social layering, that is wealth,
Sociological Perspectives in Covid-19 prestige, and power. People of different
Education levels of prosperity will also be different
According to the results of the survey patterns or lifestyles and ideals, as well as
obtained in the field, there has been a gap in expectations. This is similiar with people of
the implementation of the curriculum different levels of power and status. The
during the covid-19 pandemic at three components are not separated from
Muhammadiyah 1 Sidoarjo Junior High each other. The rich often have good status
School. This is because there are some and greater power. After all, there is a
parents who were not supporting the tendency that if one of the three
implementation of curriculum during the components is already owned, the other will
covid 19 pandemic. The reason they were soon follow.
not supporting is the absence of supporting CONCLUSION
tools such as smartphones, laptops, internet Based on the research, it was concluded
access and credits. Other than that, learning that the planning, implementation and
becomes ineffective because of the absence assessment of the curriculum during the
of parental assistance / supervision at home covid-19 pandemic is very needed. Good
due to both their parents' work. and effective curriculum planning,
implementation and assessment will have a

Windu Widagdo, Isa Anshori

Nidhomul Haq, Vol 5 No 3. Tahun 2020

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Windu Widagdo, Isa Anshori


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