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TOUR 121 - Tourism Information Management

Case Study:
Tourism Tracer
Submitted To:
Ms. Cherrie B. Mangilog

Submitted By:

BSTM 3 - 5
Group 5
ASTURIANO, Myriellou Jela A.
BAUTISTA, Carmela A.
DOMINGO, Mary Ann Len A.
NARTEA, Tom Lawrence B.
TACAL, May Anne Marie S.
VILLEJO, Fiona Sophia Mae C.
1. The use of Tourism Tracer to track visitors raises a range of privacy concerns and

ethical issues. How can destinations and technology companies balance the valuable

market insights gathered from these technologies against the basic human right to


Human beings value their privacy and the protection of their sphere of life. They value

some control over who knows what about them. They certainly don’t want their personal

information to be accessible to just anyone at any time. The advance of information technology

threatens privacy and has reduced the amount of control over personal data and opens up the

possibility of negative consequences as a result of access to personal data or information. Now,

how can destinations and technology companies balance the valuable market insights gathered

from technologies like Tourism Tracker against the basic human rights to privacy?

Being able to gather data to be able to improve services or products means wanting the

best for the customers and the company as well. But collecting data from your customers has

limitations. There are rules, guidelines, or best practices that can be used for designing privacy-

preserving systems such as the range from ethically informed design methodologies in using

encryption to protect personal information from unauthorized use. Specifically, methods from the

field of information security will play a key role in protecting information against unauthorized


2. Visit the Tourism Tracer website and analyze the various features of the online

dashboard. Based on this analysis, identify three new ways the insights provided by the

dashboard could be used by tourism businesses or destinations.

The Tourism Tracer team uses cutting edge GPS technology and world leading computer

programming to understand the travel behaviour of tourists, that is why they developed ways

provided by the dashboard that could be used by tourism businesses or destinations is the

Integrated GPS. This dashboard is committed to high impact, user friendly access to academic

research via data dashboards. This technology is being utilised by numerous tourist destinations

worldwide, and allows the tourism industry to access information on tourist behaviour in

unprecedented detail. Using GPS in smartphones can benefit both the economy and tourists. To

the economy, the tourists tend to save more or no need to employ the services of a tour guide,

basically GPS attracts tourists due to the affordability and publicity it gives and the more the

revenue for the country. While to the tourist, using GPS provides them with important travel

information like for example accommodation. GPS is also a good tool that offers alternative routes

and tour recommendations to the tourists. With the help of an online dashboard in smartphones,

the information has been more portable and friendly user not unlike guide books, which made

every travel convenient.

3. Based on the information included in this case study and in other online sources,

conduct a SWOT analysis of the Tourism Tracer Project.

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique used to help a person or organization

identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to business competition or

project planning. It helps you to build on what you do well, to address what you're lacking, to

minimize risks, and to take the greatest possible advantage of chances for success. The primary

objective of a SWOT analysis is to help organizations develop a full awareness of all the factors

involved in making a business decision. These are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and

threats or the SWOT analysis that we conducted for the Tourism Tracer project.

● Great range of options available to track and assess tourist’s movement and gather

detailed demographic data.

● Allowed delivery of entry and exit surveys, as well as a pop-up survey triggered by

entering a specific geographic area

● The ability to provide internet data via the smartphone and not having to rely on Wi-Fi


● •Shareable PDFmap

● Having only one platform for app development and being reasonably cost-efficient

offering all features needed in one device

● Provide highly detailed visitor information at tourist attractions, shows precise itineraries

and travel speed


● Ethical concerns on tracking

● The additional burden to the participant to have to carry around and charge another


● Possibility that many phones may not be returned

● Technical issue for tracking: battery life

● Tourism tracer app tracks path to success with licensing agreements

● Assess the visitor use and safety provision of key touring routes

● Improve marketing and infrastructure investment decisions

● Identify emerging market trends

● Ability to record the journey on a personal digital map

● Getting real-time update


● Issues with the privacy of the users

● UTas had failed to develop a long-term business model for the project.

● Lack of demonstration to the industry or government of the model for its long-term,

sustainable continuation in Tasmania, and its expansion in Tasmania.

● Commercial negotiations underway

● Absence of support from other agencies, That the university, has committed to

maintaining the capacity to collect such data in Tasmania in the future.

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