Quiz # 3

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ED 214 – QUIZ # 3

Part A:
1. D 7.C
2. A 8. A
3. D 9.A
4. B 10.B
5. A 11.B
6. C 12.A

Part B.

PPST DOMAIN Competencies MOOCs related to MOOC Provider

that I want to the
improve (at least competency/ies
3, write it (include a short
opposite to the description)
PPST Domain
where it belongs)
1. Content 1.1.3 Model Recognizes the
Knowledge effective importance of Coursera
and applications of teachers’ mastery
Pedagogy content knowledge of content
within and across knowledge and its
curriculum teaching interconnectedness
areas. within and across
curriculum areas,
1.2.3 Collaborate coupled with a
with colleagues in sound and critical
the conduct and understanding of
application of the application of
research to enrich theories and
knowledge of principles of
content and teaching and
pedagogy. learning. They
1.3.3 Promote developmentally
effective strategies appropriate and
in the positive use meaningful
of ICT to facilitatepedagogy grounded
the teaching and on content
learning process. knowledge and
current research.
They display
proficiency in
Mother Tongue,
Filipino and English
to facilitate the
teaching and
learning process, as
well as exhibit the
needed skills in the
use of
strategies, teaching
strategies and
technologies to
promote high-
quality learning
2. The Learning 2.1.3 Exhibit Provide learning
Environment effective strategies environments that Coursera
that ensure safe are safe, secure,
and secure learning fair and supportive
environments to in order to promote
enhance learning learner
through the responsibility and
consistent achievement. They
implementation of create an
policies, guidelines environment that is
and procedures. learning- focused
and they efficiency
2.2.3 Exhibit manage learner
effective practices behavior in a
to foster learning physical and virtual
environments that space. They utilize
promote fairness, a range of
respect and care to resources and
encourage learning. provide
2.3.3 Work with challenging and
colleagues to model stimulating
and share effective activities to
techniques in the encourage
management of constructive
classroom structure classroom
to engage learners, interactions geared
individually or in towards the
groups, in attainment of high
meaningful standards of
exploration, learning.
discovery and
hands-on activities
within a range of
physical learning
3. Diversity of 3.1.3 Work with Emphasizes the
Learners colleagues to share central role of Coursera
differentiated, teachers in
developmentally establishing
appropriate learning
opportunities to environments that
address learners’ are responsive to
differences in learner diversity.
gender, needs, This Domain
strengths, interest underscores the
and experiences. importance of
3.2.3 Exhibit a knowledge and
learner- centered understanding of,
culture that as well as respect
promotes success for, learners’
by using effective diverse
teaching strategies characteristics and
that respond to experiences as
their linguistic, inputs to the
cultural, planning and
socioeconomic and design of learning
religious opportunities. It
backgrounds. encourages the
celebration of
3.3.3 Assist diversity in the
colleagues to classrooms and the
design, adapt and need for teaching
implement teaching practices that are
strategies that are differentiated to
responsive to encourage all
learners with learners to be
disabilities, successful citizens
giftedness and in a changing local
talents. and global
4. Curriculum 4.1.3 Develop and Addresses teachers’
and Planning apply effectively knowledge of and Coursera
strategies in the interaction with the
planning and national and local
management of curriculum
developmentally requirements. This
sequenced teaching Domain
and learning encompasses their
process to meet ability to translate
curriculum curriculum content
requirements and into learning
varied teaching activities that are
content. relevant to learners
and based on the
4.2.3 Model to principles of
colleagues the effective teaching
setting of and learning. It
achievable and expects teachers to
challenging learning apply their
outcomes that are professional
aligned with knowledge to plan
learning and design,
competencies to individually or in
cultivate a culture collaboration with
of excellence for all colleagues, well-
learners. structured and
sequenced lessons.
4.3.3 Work These lesson
collaboratively with sequences and
colleagues to associated learning
evaluate the design programs should be
of learning contextually
programs that relevant,
develop the responsive to
knowledge and learner’s needs and
skills of learners at incorporate a range
different ability of teaching and
levels. learning resources.
The Domain
expects teachers to
learning goals to
support learner
understanding and
5. Assessing 5.1.3 Work Relates to
and collaboratively with processes
Reporting colleagues to associated with a Coursera
review the design, variety of
selection, assessment tools
organization and and strategies used
use of a range of by teachers in
effective diagnostic, monitoring,
formative and evaluating,
summative documenting and
assessment reporting learners’
strategies needs, progress
consistent with and achievement.
curriculum This Domain
requirements. concerns the use of
assessment data in
5.2.3 Interpret a variety of ways to
collaboratively inform and enhance
monitoring and the teaching and
evaluation learning process
strategies of and programs. It
attainment data to concerns teachers
support learner providing learners
progress and with the necessary
achievement. feedback about
learning outcomes.
5.3.3 Use effective This feedback
strategies for informs the
providing timely, reporting cycle and
accurate and enables teachers to
constructive select, organize and
feedback to use sound
encourage learners assessment
to reflect on and processes.
improve their own
6. Community 6.1.3 Reflect on Affirms the role of
Linkages and and evaluate teachers in Coursera
Professional learning establishing school-
Engagement environments that community
are responsive to partnerships aimed
community to enriching the
contexts. learning
environment in the
6.2.3 Guide educative process.
colleagues to This Domain
strengthen expects teachers to
relationships with identify and
parents/ guardians respond to
and the wider opportunities that
school community link teaching and
to maximize their learning in the
involvement in the classroom to the
educative process. experiences,
interests and
6.3.3 Discuss with aspirations of the
colleagues teaching wider school
and learning community and
practices that apply other key
existing codes, laws stakeholders. It
and regulations concerns the
that apply to the importance of
teaching teachers’
profession, and the understanding and
responsibilities fulfilling their
specified in the obligations in
Code of Ethics for upholding
Professional professional ethics,
Teachers. accountability and
transparency to
professional and
relationships with
learners, parents,
schools and the
wider community.
7. Personal 7.1.3 Manifest a Focuses on
Growth and learner- centered teachers’ personal Coursera
Professional teaching philosophy growth and
Development in various aspects professional
of practice and development. It
support colleagues accentuates
in enhancing their teachers’ proper
own learner- and high personal
centered teaching regard for the
philosophy. profession by
7.2.3 Identify and qualities that
utilize personal uphold the dignity
professional of teaching such as
strengths to uphold caring attitude,
the dignity of respect and
teaching as a integrity. This
profession to help Domain values
build a positive personal and
teaching and professional
learning culture reflection and
within the school. learning to improve
practice. It
7.3.3 Contribute recognizes the
actively to importance of
professional teachers’’ assuming
networks within responsibility for
and between personal growth
schools to improve and professional
knowledge and to development for
enhance practice. lifelong learning.

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